Protrusion of cervical discs: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Protrusion of the cervical spine discs: symptoms and treatment
    • 1.1What is the neck protrusion?
    • 1.2What symptoms are accompanied by
    • 1.3Methods of diagnosis of diseases of the spine
    • 1.4How to treat protrusions of the cervical spine
    • 1.5Means for improvement of cerebral circulation
    • 1.6Pain relievers for pain relief
    • 1.7Treatment with physiotherapy
    • 1.8Massage for strengthening the muscles of the neck
    • 1.9Therapeutic exercises for the cervical spine
  • 2Protrusion of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Kinds
    • 2.3Degrees
    • 2.4Symptomatology
    • 2.5Diagnostics
    • 2.6Treatment of protrusion of discs
    • 2.7Prevention
  • 3Characteristic features of protrusion of the discs of the cervical spine
    • 3.1The causes of violation of the structure of intervertebral discs
    • 3.2The main manifestations of the disease and possible complications
  • 4Protrusion of cervical spine discs: causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 4.3Treatment
  • 5Symptoms and treatment of cervical disc protrusion
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1The essence of pathology
    • 5.2Etiology of the phenomenon
    • 5.3Symptomatic manifestations
    • 5.4Principles of treatment of pathology

Protrusion of the cervical spine discs: symptoms and treatment

People engaged in sedentary work often face pain in the neck area, consider them ordinary.

They think that it's worth resting, switching to other things and everything will pass. Unfortunately, everything is not so cloudless.

Problems with the spine, if not addressed, can lead to serious illness. The protrusion of disks is one of them.

What is the neck protrusion?

In the healthy state of the organism, a nucleus of a jelly-like shape is located inside the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine.

Its dense, elastic ring surrounds and retains fibrous tissue. All this helps to absorb the pressure and vibrations - the loads that affect the spinal column.

The core, fibrous ring is fed from nearby tissues.

The protrusion of the spine of the cervical spine is a disease that arises from a violation of the supply of nutrients to the intervertebral discs. In the absence of power necessary for proper operation, serious changes occur:

  • the structure of the nucleus changes: from jelly to dense;
  • the fibrous membrane begins to lose elasticity;
  • the nucleus does not remain in its former position;
  • the disk goes beyond the vertebrae;
  • depreciation is terminated.

Even if there is a protrusion of the disk beyond the vertebrae by only one millimeter - this can have serious consequences.

Perhaps squeezing the nerve roots, vertebral arteries, which leads to the occurrence of inflammation, pain, blood flow disturbance. Any segment of the cervical region can be affected.

If the doctor is not visited in time, it is possible to further protrude the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal - the formation of a hernia.

Provoke protrusions of the spine of the cervical spine numerous factors. Among them, the reasons associated with lifestyle. These include:

  1. long stay in a static position;
  2. sedentary lifestyle;
  3. sedentary work;
  4. smoking;
  5. weak development of the muscular corset;
  6. excessive load when lifting weights;
  7. sharp turns of the head;
  8. alcohol;
  9. supercooling;
  10. malnutrition;
  11. age changes;
  12. work with toxic drugs.

Diseases become no less serious causes of protrusion of the discs of the cervical spine. Among them are:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • diabetes;
  • curvature of the spine: kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis;
  • violation of posture;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • injuries;
  • bruises of the cervical region;
  • obesity.

What symptoms are accompanied by

The protrusion of intervertebral discs has manifestations, depending on the size of the protrusion of the disc, and on the degree to which the nerve roots are compressed. In this situation, the following occurs:

  1. limited mobility;
  2. pain in the neck region;
  3. spasms of the muscles of the shoulder, neck;
  4. tingling sensations;
  5. weakness of the muscles of the hands;
  6. numbness;
  7. pain in the trapezius muscles of the hands.

The situation is aggravated when the disc presses the vertebral artery when protruding. In this case, there may be:

  • dizziness;
  • impaired vision;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • headache in the occiput;
  • hearing impairment;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • movement coordination disorder;
  • increased fatigue;
  • tinnitus
  • irritability;
  • pain in the heart;
  • lack of air;
  • cardiopalmus.

The degenerative-dystrophic processes that occur with protrusion of the cervical disc spine can lead to serious problems.

If you start a disease that at the initial stages is well treated, there is a risk of disturbances in the activity of the vital organs of the body.

Lack of attention to the problem leads to the emergence of:

  1. intervertebral hernia;
  2. a progressive increase in blood pressure;
  3. arrhythmias;
  4. cervical radiculitis;
  5. cerebrovascular accident;
  6. compression of the spine - loss of flexibility of the spinal column;
  7. stroke.

Methods of diagnosis of diseases of the spine

Begin the study of the protrusion of the cervical spine from a survey, where the doctor finds out the patient's symptoms and the causes of the disease. Then happens:

  • visual inspection;
  • palpation;
  • the flexibility of the neck, range of motion;
  • study by magnetic resonance imaging: the precise location of the lesion is determined, which is offensive;
  • diagnosis of computed tomography with contrast agent: shows the slightest clamping of nerve fibers.

How to treat protrusions of the cervical spine

Elimination of the cause of the disease to prevent exacerbations and worsening of the condition are the main tasks that the treatment of protrusions of the cervical spine. To achieve the results you need:

  1. restoration of the spine;
  2. acceleration of metabolic processes;
  3. removal of painful syndromes;
  4. improvement of cerebral circulation;
  5. discharge of intervertebral discs;
  6. formation of a muscular corset;
  7. anti-inflammatory treatment;
  8. increased flexibility.

The protrusion of the spine of the cervical spine is treated conservatively. To improve the status are appointed:

  • Anti-inflammatory, pain relievers, eliminating painful symptoms;
  • massage, enhancing blood circulation;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • manual therapy;
  • surgical intervention - in special cases;
  • laser disk recovery.

Means for improvement of cerebral circulation

When protrusions of the vertebrae, which causes compression of the arteries of the spine, measures are needed to enhance cerebral circulation. Doctors prescribe drugs:

  1. expand the vessels: Tanakan, Cavinton;
  2. nootropic - improve metabolic processes: Piracetam, Fezam;
  3. venotoniki - contribute to the outflow of venous blood: Detraleks, Diosmin;
  4. diuretics - reduce swelling: Furosemide, Manitol;
  5. vitamins - improve metabolic processes: Cytoflavin, Milgamma;
  6. chondroprotectors - restore joint tissues: chondroitin, Arthron;
  7. antioxidants: Mexidol, vitamin E.

Pain relievers for pain relief

The very first stage of treatment of protrusion of cervical spine discs is the removal of pain syndrome. To do this, use a wide range of drugs:

  • Analgesics that stop pain: Analgin, Aspirin;
  • myospazmalitiki, relaxing muscles: Diclofenac, Midokalm;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - remove pain syndrome, reduce inflammation, swelling: Ketanov, Naise.

Treatment with physiotherapy

An excellent effect is the treatment of protrusion of cervical spine discs with the use of physiotherapy procedures. They help to remove inflammation, swelling, accelerate the process of recovery. To stimulate metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, relax muscles, procedures are appointed:

  1. paraffin treatment;
  2. acupuncture;
  3. electrophoresis;
  4. magnetotherapy;
  5. myostimulation;
  6. mud applications;
  7. hydromassage.

Massage for strengthening the muscles of the neck

Excellent protrusion of cervical vertebrae with the help of massage is treated. The procedure is not recommended for exacerbations. First remove the pain and inflammatory syndrome, and the next stage is prescribed massage. Thanks to this procedure occurs:

  • strengthening the muscles of the neck;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • restoration of metabolic processes;
  • improved nutrition;
  • activation of healing;
  • decreased protrusion;
  • return drive to the place.

Therapeutic exercises for the cervical spine

Doctors suggest performing exercises with protrusion of the cervical spine as restorative and preventive measures. Recommend them for daily use, excluding the period of exacerbation. Useful exercises for strengthening the muscles of the neck are performed in the sitting position:

  1. press on the open palm of the forehead;
  2. turn the head in both directions with the lowered chin;
  3. press on the back of the head with the back;
  4. tilting his head back, touch alternately with the ear of the shoulder;
  5. produce smooth turns of the head to the left, to the right;
  6. Applying the palm to the temple, they resist the head, straining the muscles of the neck.

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Protrusion of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment

Category: Neurology and psychiatry 23192

The protrusion of the cervical spine is a complex and severe pathology, for which the pathological protrusion of the intervertebral disc is characteristic. As a rule, the ailment progresses as a result of degenerative-dystrophic processes that occur in the spinal column.

Often protrusion is a consequence of osteochondrosis. If it is not timely treated, an intervertebral hernia may form.

Medical statistics are such that a protrusion of the cervical spine is observed in 60% of persons over 40 years old.

It is worth noting and the fact that representatives of the stronger sex are sick more often.

As a result of the progression of the protrusion, the jelly core of the intervertebral discs protrude beyond the bone structures of the vertebral column. In this case, the fibrous ring does not break.


One of the main reasons for the development of protrusion in the cervical region is osteochondrosis, which affects the cervical segment. Also the development of pathology can provoke and some ailments, which already sick the patient: osteoporosis, scoliosis and so on.

Factors that increase the risk of developing the disease:

  • overweight;
  • lifting weights with axial overload;
  • making sharp turns of the head (for example, when doing exercises);
  • age changes;
  • poorly developed muscular skeleton;
  • constant loads on the spinal column.
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Depending on the direction in which the disc is displaced, clinicians identify 4 types of protrusions:

  1. median;
  2. dorsal;
  3. paramedical;
  4. lateral.

Most often, a person develops dorsal or paramedic protrusion.

Both data forms are very dangerous, as their progression can lead to compression of the spinal cord, as well as nerve roots.

Lateral or central protrusions develop in rare cases and often occur without severe symptoms. Often a person does not even suspect that such a dangerous pathology is progressing.


  1. the disk is destroyed by 75%;
  2. protrusion formation. Its size does not exceed 3 mm;
  3. protrusion increases in size and reaches 5 mm. If you do not immediately begin to treat ailment, then there is a high risk of hernia formation.


Protrusion of the cervical spine

Symptoms of protrusion directly depend on the place in which the pathological bulging was localized, its size, and also whether compression of the nerve endings and spinal cord occurred. For the protrusion of cervical discs are characterized by such symptoms:

  • pain in the neck. It has the property of intensifying if a person starts to make sharp movements;
  • in the muscles of the hands, a person marks tingling, as well as their weakness;
  • muscles of the neck and shoulder pads are spasmodic;
  • neck mobility is limited.

If the protrusion of the discs squeezed the artery feeding the brain, the cerebral circulation is disturbed, and the following symptoms appear:

  1. coordination of movements is disrupted;
  2. Strong headache. It is localized mainly in the occiput;
  3. On the part of the auditory and visual apparatus, various violations also appear;
  4. dizziness;
  5. AD is unstable. It can first rise to high numbers, and then drop sharply.


How to properly treat the protrusion of cervical discs can be established only after it is a comprehensive survey was conducted and the causes that provoked the progress of this pathology. The most informative diagnostic methods to date are CT and MRI. They make it possible not only to establish the presence or absence of pathology, but also to determine the dimensions of protrusion. Depending on the degree of development of protrusion of the discs in the patient, whether it compresses the surrounding tissues and blood vessels, conservative or surgical methods of treatment are chosen.

Treatment of protrusion of discs

If the protrusion of the discs is small, it is often resorted to conservative therapy, which includes the use of medication and alternative therapies. Synthetic medications are prescribed to reduce the symptoms of protrusion of the discs - to eliminate inflammation, muscle spasm, pain syndrome.


  • muscle relaxants;
  • means, whose action is aimed at improving blood microcirculation in the brain;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • vitamins of group B.

Alternative methods of treatment, allowing to eliminate not only the symptoms of pathology, but also improve the condition of bone structures and muscles in the cervical spine:

  1. massage. Most often, water, spot, medical and vacuum are prescribed;
  2. reflexology;
  3. physiotherapy. With therapeutic purpose, laser therapy, UHF, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy are used;
  4. manual therapy;
  5. exercise to improve mobility of the cervical region. This method of treatment is very effective, since it allows to strengthen bone and muscle structures in this part of the spinal column. The composition of the exercises is strictly individual. The general condition of the patient, as well as the peculiarities of the course of his pathology, are taken into account. Usually, exercises are prescribed, in the course of which there is no axial load. It is shown to conduct exercises in the position of lying or reclining.

Surgical treatment is resorted to if the conservative therapy has not had the desired effect and the symptoms of the disease only increase. Also, the treatment of the protrusion of the cervical spine in this way is carried out when the protrusion too presses the spinal canal.

Now doctors resort to minimally invasive and atraumatic methods:

  • cold-plasma nucleoplasty;
  • bone block;
  • laser vaporization.


To prevent the development of such a dangerous disease as a protrusion, it is recommended to apply the following recommendations in practice:

  1. daily perform a set of exercises;
  2. form a correct posture;
  3. normalize the diet;
  4. reduce weight (if necessary);
  5. To exclude excessive physical activity (it is necessary to perform various exercises in moderation);
  6. Do not lift too heavy loads;
  7. if the work is sedentary, then you need to arrange yourself a little workout, which is recommended to perform simple exercises: turns and head inclinations, circular movements shoulders and so on.

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Characteristic features of protrusion of the discs of the cervical spine

When the protrusion of the cervical spine develops, the symptoms of this pathological condition significantly impair the quality of life.

According to statistics, the signs that appear due to disruption of the structure of disks located in the cervical region are considered The second most common cause of treatment of patients for medical help in connection with the problems of the musculoskeletal system.

Despite the fact that relatively recently protrusions of cervical spine discs have been observed mainly in elderly people, now it is rapidly growing younger.

Recently, cases of protrusion of disks, located in the cervical spine, in adolescents who previously had similar problems with the locomotor apparatus were rare.

It is impossible to ignore the manifestations of protrusion of the disc, since the progression of the disease leads to the formation of an intervertebral hernia.

The causes of violation of the structure of intervertebral discs

Intervertebral discs are endowed with a number of important functions. First, these cartilaginous elements provide mobility of the entire spine in which they are located. Secondly, the disks perform a cushioning function, preventing the damage to bone elements due to physical overload.

The intervertebral disc has a rather complex structure.

It does not consist entirely of cartilage, as this tissue could not cope with the loads that fall on the spine on a daily basis.

The outer shell of the element is formed from a fairly rigid fibrous tissue, and inside it is a pulpous core consisting of a gel-like substance.

This structure allows the intervertebral disk to perform an amortization function without damaging it. Despite the simplicity and reliability of the structure, many unfavorable factors can lead to its rapid destruction.

The main factors contributing to the development of protrusions of cervical spine discs include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • age changes;
  • curvature of the spine of any shape;
  • beriberi;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • obesity;
  • spine trauma;
  • supercooling;
  • congenital anomalies of the spine;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • physical overload of the spinal column;
  • incorrect posture when working at the computer.

The intervertebral disks located in the cervical region are more susceptible to destruction.

The vertebral column in this place is devoid of a powerful muscular skeleton.

In addition, the neck area is sufficiently mobile, which causes a large load on the vertebral discs and increases the risk of protrusion.

The main manifestations of the disease and possible complications

The development of protrusions in the cervical spine for a long time can be asymptomatic. However, with the defeat of intervertebral discs in the neck, everything is done differently.

In the process of development of a condition such as protrusion of intervertebral discs of the cervical region, fibrous The shell is flattened, which leads to the exit of the nucleus beyond its anatomical location location.

This is accompanied by a decrease in the height of the disc, so the vertebrae are closer to each other.

Similar processes in the cervical spine cause pinching of the spinal cord nerves, resulting inthe appearance of the following symptoms of protrusion of the cervical spine may occur:

  1. dull pain in the neck during the movement;
  2. headache;
  3. decreased visual acuity;
  4. increased irritability;
  5. blood pressure jumps;
  6. dizziness;
  7. cardiopalmus;
  8. noise in ears;
  9. weakening of muscle tone in the upper limbs and neck;
  10. periodic lumbago;
  11. sleep disorders;
  12. impaired mobility of the cervical region;
  13. numbness of the upper limbs;
  14. fast fatiguability;
  15. periodic sensation of lack of air;
  16. decrease in performance.

As a rule, when protrusion develops in the cervical spine, the symptoms grow gradually. The periods of remission can be replaced by exacerbations. Especially dangerous are the dorsal protrusions of the discs.

Considering that in the neck there are large blood vessels that feed the brain, as well as spinal roots, responding to the innervation of vital organs of the chest, complications of protrusion in the neck in this case is extremely are dangerous.

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Protrusion of cervical spine discs: causes, symptoms, treatment

Osteochondrosis is called the most common disease of the musculoskeletal system is not accidental: modern way of life and acquired habits have become no less influential factors in the destruction of cartilaginous tissues of intervertebral discs than diseases that affect strength vertebral column. The protrusion of cervical spine discs is the stage of development of osteochondrosis, which makes you think deeply about the influence of incorrect posture and hypodynamia on your own neck.

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Before talking about protrusions, we suggest learning information about the anatomy of the cervical spine. This will allow in the future to explain more qualitatively not only the essence of the disease, but also the impact on the human body, what protrusions can have in all periods of its development.

The cervical spine consists of 7 vertebrae. The first vertebra, "atlant is a ring of two bony arches. "Atlant" relies on the next vertebra, "axis with two articular pits.

The toothed spike on the top of the axis and the ring of the atlant form a connection with two degrees of freedom for turning the skull "right-left" and "up-down".

The following vertebrae, from the axis to the last in the department, the seventh, are separated by intervertebral discs.

Each vertebra is arranged according to the standard scheme:

  • body - a cylindrical capsule with thick walls, inside which is a cellular bone tissue. In between the thin plates contains red bone marrow, fatty tissue, capillaries and nerve endings;
  • Arc - an arch of monolithic bone, connected with the body by two jumpers. All the orifices of the vertebrae together constitute the spinal canal containing the spinal cord;
  • on the arc there are 7 processes: two pairs of upper and lower articular, one pair of transverse and spinous, extending from the center of the arc.

Articular processes (dr. facet ") form the facet joints that support the external side of the spinal column. The ligaments connecting the processes strengthen the common connections between the vertebrae.

The transverse processes are connected by short deep muscles supporting the spine in an upright position.

The spinous processes serve as the places of attachment of the external muscles of the back, mostly trapezoid.

The spinal cord is connected to the internal organs, muscles and external cover of the body through the spinal nerves. The cervical spinal cord controls the sense and balance organs, muscles and skin of the face, the upper humeral girdle and the muscles of the hands.

Nerves are brought to the brain through the foramins between the articular processes.

In addition, along the cervical vertebrae are two cervical arteries, oxygen-feeding part of the face, the inner ear, the intermediate brain (the "control center" of the heart and respiratory rhythms).

Intervertebral discs divide all the vertebrae from the second vertebra to the last lumbar region at the site of contact with the sacrum. The central part of the disk is a jelly-like "pulpous nucleus" (lenticular formation).

At 2% of the core of the disk consists of collagen and 98% of water (the mixture is called "chondrin"). The ability of a liquid to quench vibration and not shrink under vertical loads makes the "pulp core" an ideal shock absorber.

Surfaces of contact zones of vertebral bodies are covered with a strong cartilaginous tissue, which surrounds the pulpous nucleus on all sides. In fact, it is a capsule that does not allow the fluid to "leak" out of the connection. A dense cartilaginous tissue is called a "fibrous ring".

Multidirectional fibers do not allow the ring to separate under multiple shear loads. Cartilages of 20-25% consist of collagen, 70% of water.

In the remaining percentages, the most important role is played by proteoglycans (hyaluronic acid retains water molecules among the collagen fibers).

Feeding cartilage rings with water and "building materials" occurs through a thin hyaline layer that covers the outside of the fibrous capsule. And everything necessary is supplied not through blood, but directly from surrounding tissues, at the cellular level.

Mechanical stress and water balance disturbance are the two main causes of destruction of the cartilaginous tissues of the fibrous ring. Over time, the liquid content of the nucleus is dehydrated. The process of tissue degeneration is associated with the loss of proteoglycans.

When the neck is bent, the vertebrae are pressed against each other on the outer sides of the fibrous rings. With a correct posture, the load is even and the rapid return of the neck to a vertical position saves the intervertebral discs from overloads.

But the wrong posture (stoop, inclined head) increases the constant pressure on one side of the disc 4-5 times.

Microscopic fiber ruptures do not have time to recover, cartilaginous tissue begins to deteriorate. The ongoing process of destructuring is accompanied by age-related changes in the hyaline layer.

The level of proteoglycans is reduced, which causes dehydration and "drying out" of the fibrous ring and pulpous core.

Decreased in height, the fibrous ring is unable to retain the entire volume of the pulpous nucleus within the vertebrae.

The flexible structure "flattenes" under the action of vertical loads and spreads along the path of least resistance, that is, in the direction of the edges.

The fibrous ring under the internal pressure from the center protrudes in places where the cartilaginous tissues are thinned and damaged to a greater extent.

It is this protrusion in medicine called "protrusion" (translated "forward"). The appearance of disk protrusions is an indicator of the second degree of osteochondrosis (the height of the fibrous ring decreased by 60 -70%).

Symptoms and Diagnosis

All symptoms of protrusions are caused by localization: the bulge, located in the foraminal opening between articular processes of adjacent vertebrae, presses on the spinal nerves connected to the dorsal segment the brain. Partially blocked roots are unable to carry out nerve impulses qualitatively. Narrowed by the same protrusion, the vessels are unable to provide adequate nutrition to the vertebrae, while those passing along the lower part of the cervical the artery department does not deliver to the inner ear and occipital part of the head the amount of oxygen required for normal functioning. Hypoxia causes balance disorder, dizziness, irregular heartbeat and respiratory rhythm.

Protrusions are classified by location into 4 types:

  1. ventral - on the central outer side of the disc;
  2. lateral - from the lateral outer side, in the region of one of the joints;
  3. paramedial (posterolateral) - on the inner side;
  4. median - from the inner side in the center, in the direction of the spinal canal.

The latter type of protrusion is the greatest danger to life: it is capable of blocking the blood supply to the brain and causing a stroke if it is sufficiently large.

By the nature of protrusion protrusions are divided into diffuse (numerous nodular formations) and circular (uniform throughout the area). The latter may exert more pressure, but to create them, a uniformly distributed thinning of the disk is required.

The initial stage of protrusion of the discs of the cervical spine, regardless of localization, is characterized by increased fatigue and slight blunt pains in the occiput and neck.

The defined bulge creates more distinct symptoms associated with a certain segment: against the background of increasing painful sensations are manifested signs of blockade of certain roots - numbness of certain areas of the body, transient impairment of vision or hearing, dizziness and loss equilibrium. Blockades in the vertebra C4 cause neuralgic reactions of the facial nerves, ear and nose diseases, neurasthenia and headaches. Violations in the vertebra C5 cause difficulties in controlling swallowing and other functions of the oral apparatus. With the protrusions of the two lower discs (C6, C7), temporary paralysis of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper limbs, arthritis, bursitis are possible.

The last stage of development of protrusions is the shortest, since the destructured fibrous ring soon breaks through and the contents of the nucleus "flow forming a hernial sac.

Corresponding consequences - a complete blockade of the communication with the site of the spinal cord, resulting in permanent paralysis of a specific area of ​​the body or organ.

Diffuse protrusions are more likely to cause intervertebral hernias.

Diagnosis begins with visual examination, checking of motor and other functions of the body and palpation of the cervical spine. Large protrusions, protruding up to 5 mm beyond the vertebrae, are distinctly felt to the touch (with the exception of posterolateral and dorsal).

Magnetic resonance tomography is the most safe method for diagnosing disorders of soft tissues of the spine.

The shooting of the vertebral column in numerous projections gives the treating physicians a complete description of the protrusion, the size, localization and degree of degradation of the intervertebral disc.


Since protrusions are not formally considered diseases with an "extreme outcome" like intervertebral hernias, only conservative treatment is performed. Doctors-orthopedists recommend combining medicamentous effects with exercise therapy and massage.

A complex of drugs that relieve pain and inflammation in the area of ​​compression (blocked nerves and vessels), consists of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and muscle relaxants.

Non-steroid substances have a wide range of effects: they block inflammatory processes (exudation phase), reduce symptomatic pain, lower temperature.

The muscle relaxants relax the spasmodic deep muscles, which helps the delivery of NSAIDs to the vertebrae and improves the elasticity of the cervical spine.

The bioactive substances of chondroprotectors stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid, which attracts and retains water molecules in chondrin and cartilage tissues. Supporting immunomodulators and vitamins increase the body's resistance to inflammatory processes.

The most important role in treatment is played by correctly distributed physical activity.

Therapeutic exercise helps to improve the elasticity of the affected osteochondrosis discs and surrounding ligaments.

Stretching and concomitant physical activity reduce protrusion, returning the nucleus to the center of the vertebra.

Strengthening of the muscular corset and the development of a correct posture redistribute the load on the diseased discs, gradually regenerating under the action of medicines.

Massage of the cervical region also promotes the relaxation of the outer and deep muscles, improves circulation around the vertebrae.

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Treatment of protrusions of the cervical spine according to Dr. Bubnovsky's technique provides for rather extreme exercises that are performed "through pain."

This significant difference from classical exercise therapy gives good results in increasing the rate of regeneration.

To perform most of the exercises, you need strength training equipment, but some can be produced at home, with only a spring expander to help.

According to the method, together with exercise therapy "according to Bubnovsky" thermal procedures (contrasting) are recommended. Intermittent hot and cold showers stimulate the regeneration of the spinal tissues.

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Symptoms and treatment of cervical disc protrusion

The protrusion of cervical spine discs is considered quite an insidious disease that can lead to serious complications. This pathology can not be allowed to go by itself.

At its first signs it is necessary to address to the doctor which on the basis of results of diagnostic researches will appoint adequate treatment.

Prevention of protrusion of the cervical spine is assisted by preventive measures that a person must take all his life.

The essence of pathology

The protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine is extrusion beyond the vertebrae under the influence of degenerative-dystrophic processes.

This pathology is widely regarded as the initial stage of development of intervertebral hernia.

It is completely objectively considered by specialists as a potentially dangerous and rather serious disease requiring long-term, effective treatment.

As is known, physiologically cervical discs solve an important task of protecting the entire spine, damping the movement of the vertebrae and compensating for the arising loads.

In a normal state, the fibrous ring has sufficient elasticity, which provides the necessary damping capabilities.

Under the influence of a number of negative factors, the elasticity is lost, which leads to the gradual destruction of the cartilaginous tissue.

In the intervertebral discs there are no blood vessels, and their nutrition is provided by diffusion of the desired trace elements directly from the surrounding tissues. In the event that the blood supply of these tissues worsens, disruption of the nutrition of the discs also occurs.

At the initial stage, the disk core, losing fluid, begins to lose elasticity, and then the "hungry" fibrous ring becomes unable to hold the nucleus in its place. Under the action of loads, the ring is deformed and flattened.

A protrusion in the cervical region is the extrusion of a part of the disc body beyond the vertebrae without destroying the fibrous ring.

The ring undergoes significant structural changes, but it does not tear, which allows keeping all the gelatinous nucleus inside the spinal column.

This is the difference between protrusion and hernia, when the nucleus also protrudes outward. At the same time, the fabric can come out 2-5 mm outward, forming a protrusion.

What is dangerous protrusion? The most unpleasant protrusion of part of the fibrous ring is detected in the inner direction. The problem is that the spine in the neck area has an increased vulnerability.

The internal canal of the spinal column here is sufficiently narrow, and along it passes a large number of nerve fibers directed to the brain. It is for them to control the entire human body. As a result, even a small protrusion of the cartilage is a compression of the fibers.

The first thing that arises is a natural pain syndrome, and then a violation of the passage of signals.

Progression of pathology inevitably leads to deformation of the column and impaired mobility of the vertebrae.

Gradually degradation of the structure of the cartilaginous tissue leads to the destruction of the fibrous ring.

It ceases to perform the restraining functions, and the core of the disk is also squeezed and forced out, which implies the development of the hernia of the cervical spine.

Etiology of the phenomenon

Studies show that the protrusion of the cervical vertebrae is caused by degenerative processes.

The most typical is the mechanism of disorders for osteochondrosis, and therefore this disease is considered the most common cause of protrusion.

Analogously, other disorders in the cervical region also affect, among others. any types of curvature of the spinal column, in particular scoliosis.

The age factor plays a significant role in the etiologic mechanism. Natural dystrophic processes in tissues, hormonal restructuring in women are quite strongly reflected in the condition of cervical vertebrae.

There are other provocative reasons:

  • trauma in the neck;
  • infectious lesions in this zone;
  • diseases that cause disturbance of metabolic processes;
  • incorrect posture;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • undeveloped muscular frame;
  • weakened immunity;
  • malnutrition and malnutrition;
  • prolonged stay in uncomfortable position;
  • supercooling of the considered area;
  • passive way of life;
  • bad habits;
  • hereditary factor.

In the group of high risk are people whose work is associated with a long uncomfortable posture: the drivers, drivers, computer operators.

Symptomatic manifestations

In the development of protrusion of the cervical region, the following characteristic stages can be distinguished:

  1. The first stage: the beginning of the protrusion of the disc, when the pathology may manifest as a periodic pain syndrome. The structure of the cartilaginous tissue changes.
  2. The second stage: protrusion reaches 3 mm. Pain syndrome tends to radiate to the head, back, upper limbs.
  3. The third stage is pregrazing. There is a significant extrusion of the disc, and on the fibrous ring there are numerous cracks, which becomes a harbinger of its rupture. There is a numbness in the limbs. Static and dynamic disorders of the cervical region are recorded.

In general, we can distinguish such characteristic symptoms of the disease:

  • headache with the main localization in the occipital region;
  • chronic pain syndrome in the cervical region;
  • irradiation of pain in the upper limbs;
  • muscle weakness in the shoulder region and upper limbs;
  • numbness of fingers on hands, sensation of "running shivers
  • muscle twitching;
  • dizziness, until the darkening in the eyes;
  • cervical mobility limitation;
  • the appearance of insomnia;
  • neurological abnormalities;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure.

Is it possible to predict the consequences of protrusion in the cervical section? In this issue, one thing is clear: the lack of necessary treatment leads to serious complications.

So, in other parts of the spine protrusion of the disc even by 4-5 mm does not cause dangerous symptoms, tk. the channel is wide enough and the compression of nerve fibers is not so noticeable.

Another picture is observed in the cervical region, where the protrusion by 1 mm already responds to severe pain and impaired mobility of the neck.

With further growth of the protrusion, the risk of squeezing arises in relation to the artery along which the blood flow moves in the direction of the brain, and this is the probability of stroke and paralysis.

Principles of treatment of pathology

When protrusion of cervical spine discs, treatment is provided by complex methods.

In the early stages, it is possible to effectively treat with conservative methods, but in neglected form, it is often necessary to use surgical intervention.

The standard treatment for the protrusion of the cervical department includes the following scheme:

  1. drug therapy;
  2. physiotherapy;
  3. Exercise therapy;
  4. massotherapy;
  5. manual therapy with elements of acupuncture.

Treatment with medicamental methods is aimed at symptomatic therapy, normalization of metabolic processes and blood circulation, restoration of cartilaginous tissue. First of all, therapy involves the appointment of analgesics - analgesics.

To eliminate inflammatory reactions, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. These medicines are used in the form of tablets, injections or external preparations (ointments, solutions).

The most common are Renalgin, Orthofen, Diclofenac. An important role in the recovery of the body is played by immunostimulants, vitamin complexes, and products containing the necessary trace elements.

Physiotherapeutic technologies help to cure the protrusion of the cervical spine. For the normalization of blood circulation and metabolism, such methods are widely used:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis with medicinal products;
  • phonophoresis;
  • paraffin application.

In certain cases, specific methods are used:

  1. myostimulation;
  2. amplipulse.

Special therapeutic gymnastics is assigned a special role in the treatment of the cervical spine. Exercises exercise should be developed by a specialist taking into account the stage of the disease, the age and sex of the patient, the characteristics of the human body.

The complex includes fairly simple exercises, and the load builds up gradually, as systematic studies begin. One of the forms of exercise therapy is treatment by position.

During the training, sharp movements are not allowed, especially head rotation.

If conservative methods do not give a positive result and the disease continues to progress, then surgical treatment can be prescribed.

One of the technologies is based on laser evaporation of part of the gelatinous nucleus. As a result of the impact, it decreases in size, which allows the fibrous ring to return to its place.

Operative treatment is performed only in extreme cases, with a high probability of complications.

Neck protrusion of the spine is not in vain considered a dangerous pathology, tk. It is fraught with serious consequences. To exclude the impact on the mains connecting the brain, it is necessary to treat the disease in a timely and effective way, without leading it to the third stage.

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