Vegeto-vascular dystonia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


What is VSD?

Vegeto-vascular dystonia( abbreviated - VSD) - a whole complex of functional disorders. The basis of the ailment is a violation of the regulation of vascular tone by the autonomic nervous system.

The disorder manifests itself as a paroxysmal or persistent heartbeat, increased sweating, headache, tingling in the heart, redness or blanching of the face, chilliness, fainting.

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This condition is not dangerous, although it gives a lot of anxiety and nervous experiences. Can lead to the development of neuroses, persistent arterial hypertension, significantly worsen the quality of life.

VSD is a disease or not?

In modern medicine, vegetative-vascular dystonia is not regarded as an independent disease, because it is a combination of symptoms developing against the background of a course of an organic pathology.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia is often referred to as autonomic dysfunction, angioedema, psychovegetative neurosis, vasomotor dystonia, vegetative dystonia syndrome.

The term vegetative-vascular dystonia implies the violation of autonomic regulation of the internal homeostasis of the body( blood pressure, heart rate, heat transfer, pupil width, bronchi, digestive and excretory functions, synthesis of insulin and adrenaline), accompanied by changes in vascular tone and circulation in tissues and organs.

VSD is an extremely common disorder and is seen in 80% of the population, a third of these cases require therapeutic and neurological care.

When does it first occur?

The emergence of the first manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia refers, as a rule, to childhood or adolescence;pronounced violations have an effect by 20-40 years. Women are susceptible to developing vegetative dysfunction 3 times more than men.

Autonomic nervous system: morpho-functional characteristic

The functions performed by the autonomic nervous system( ANS) in the body are extremely important: it monitors and regulates the activity of the internal organs, ensuring the maintenance of homeostasis - a constant balance of the internal environment.

In its functioning, the ANS is autonomous, or not subject to conscious, willful control and other departments of the nervous system. The vegetative nervous system provides regulation of a variety of physiological and biochemical processes, maintaining:

  1. thermoregulation,
  2. optimal level of AD,
  3. metabolic processes, urination and digestion, endocrine, cardiovascular, immune reactions and much more.

VNS consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic departments, which have opposite effects on the regulation of various functions.

To sympathetic effects of the influence of the INS include dilatation of the pupil, enhancement of metabolic processes, increased blood pressure, decreased smooth muscle tone, increased heart rate, increased respiration.

To parasympathetic - narrowing of the pupil, lowering of the arterial pressure, increased smooth muscle tone, decreased heart rate, slowing of breathing, increased secretory function of the digestive glands, etc.

Normal activity of the ANS is ensured by the consistency of the functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic departments and their adequate response to changes in internal and external factors. Violation of the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic effects of VNC causes the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia: causes of development in children and adults

Development of vegetative-vascular dystonia in young children can be due to the pathology of the perinatal period( fetal fetal hypoxia), birth injuries, neonatal diseases.

These factors negatively affect the formation of the somatic and autonomic nervous system, the usefulness of the functions they perform. Vegetative dysfunction in such children is manifested by digestive disorders( frequent regurgitation, flatulence, unstable stool character, poor appetite), emotional imbalance( increased conflict, capriciousness), a tendency to colds.

During puberty, the development of internal organs and the growth of the organism as a whole outstrip the formation of neuroendocrine regulation, which leads to aggravation of autonomic dysfunction. At this age, vegetative-vascular dystonia is manifested by pain in the heart, irregularities and palpitations, lability of blood pressure, psychoneurological disorders( increased fatigue, memory and attention loss, short temper, high anxiety, irritability).

Vegeto-vascular dystonia occurs in 12-29% of children and adolescents.

In adults, the emergence of vegetative-vascular dystonia can be provoked and aggravated due to the influence of chronic diseases, depression, stress, neuroses, craniocerebral injuries and injuries of the cervical spine, endocrine diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, hormonal changes( pregnancy, menopause).At any age, the risk factor for developing vegetative-vascular dystonia is the constitutional heredity.

Classification VSD

To date, a single classification of vegetative-vascular dystonia is not developed. According to various authors, vegetative dysfunction differs according to a number of the following criteria:

Sympathetic or parasympathetic effects predominate :

  1. sympathicotonic type,
  2. parasympathicotonic( vagotonic) type,
  3. mixed( sympatho-parasympathetic) type of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In the prevalence of vegetative disorders :

  1. generalized( with the interest of several organ systems simultaneously),
  2. system( with the interest of one organ system),
  3. local( local) form of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The severity of :

  1. latent( latent),
  2. paroxysmal( paroxysmal),
  3. permanent variants of the course of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Due to the severity of :

  1. lung,
  2. is a moderate,
  3. is severe.

On the etiology of :

  1. primary( constitutionally conditioned);
  2. secondary( due to various pathological conditions) vegetative-vascular dystonia.

By the nature of attacks , complicating the course of vegetative-vascular dystonia, distinguish sipppathoadrenal, vagoinsular and mixed crises.

What are the crises:

  1. Light crises are characterized by monosymptomatic manifestations, proceed with pronounced vegetative shifts, last 10-15 minutes.
  2. Crises of moderate severity have polysymptomatic manifestations, pronounced vegetative shifts and a duration of 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. The severe course of crises is manifested by polysymptomatics, severe vegetative disorders, hyperkinesis, convulsions, the duration of an attack for more than one hour, and post-cirrus asthenia for several days.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia, symptoms of

The manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia are manifold, due to the multifaceted effect on the body of the VNS, which regulates the basic vegetative functions - breathing, blood supply, sweating, urination, digestion, etc.

Symptoms of autonomic dysfunction can be expressed continuously or show up in attacks, crises( panic attacks,syncope, other paroxysmal conditions).

Several groups of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are distinguished according to the predominant disturbances in the activity of various body systems. These disorders can manifest themselves in isolation or in combination with each other.

Cardiac manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia include pains in the heart area of ​​, tachycardia, a sense of interruption and fading in the heart.

In case of disturbances in the regulation of the respiratory system, vegetative-vascular dystonia is manifested by respiratory symptoms of : rapid breathing( tachypnea), inability to perform a deep inspiration and full exhalation, air shortness, heaviness, chest congestion, severe paroxysmal dyspnea resembling asthmatic attacks.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia may manifest as various dysdinamic disorders of : fluctuations in venous and arterial pressure, impaired circulation of blood and lymph in tissues.

Vegetative thermoregulatory disorders include body temperature lability ( rise to 37-38 degrees or decrease to 35), sensations of chilliness or a feeling of heat, sweating. The manifestation of thermoregulatory disorders can be short-term, long-term or permanent.

The disorder of autonomic regulation of the digestive function is expressed by with dyspeptic disorders of : pain and abdominal cramps, nausea, belching, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia can cause the appearance of various kinds of genitourinary disorders : anorgasmia with preserved sexual desire;painful, frequent urination in the absence of organic pathology of the urinary tract, etc.

Psycho-neurological manifestations of of vegetative-vascular dystonia include lethargy, weakness, fatigue with insignificant workload, reduced efficiency, increased irritability and tearfulness. Patients suffer from headaches, meteorological dependence, sleep disorder( insomnia, superficial and restless sleep).

Complications of VSD

The course of vegetative-vascular dystonia can be complicated by autonomic crises occurring in more than half of patients. Depending on the predominance of disorders in this or that part of the vegetative system, sympathoadrenal, vagoinsular and mixed crises are distinguished.

Panic Attack: Sympathoadrenal Crisis

The development of the sympathoadrenal crisis or "panic attack" occurs under the influence of a sudden release of adrenaline into the blood, occurring at the command of the vegetative system.

The course of a crisis begins with a sudden headache, rapid heartbeat, cardialgia, blushing or redness of the face. There is an arterial hypertension, a pulse quickens, there is a subfebrile condition, a shivering tremor, numbness of the extremities, a feeling of intense anxiety and fear.

The end of the crisis is as sudden as the beginning;after the termination or ending - an asthenia, a polyuria with allocation of urine of a low specific gravity.

Crysis vagoinsulyarny

Vagoinsulyarny crisis is manifested by symptoms, in many respects opposite sympathetic effects. Its development is accompanied by the release of insulin into the blood, a sharp decrease in the level of glucose, an increase in the activity of the digestive system.

The vagoinsular crisis is characterized by sensations of cardiac fading, dizziness, arrhythmias, difficulty breathing and a sense of lack of air. There is a decrease in the pulse and a decrease in blood pressure, sweating, skin flushing, weakness, darkening in the eyes.

During a crisis, the peristalsis of the intestine becomes worse, there is flatulence, rumbling, urging for an act of defecation, liquid stool is possible. At the end of the attack, there is a marked post-cirrus asthenia. More often there are mixed sympathetic-parasympathetic crises characterized by activation of both parts of the autonomic nervous system.

What is the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia?

Diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is difficult due to the variety of symptoms and lack of clear objective parameters. In the case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, we can rather speak of differential diagnosis and the elimination of organic pathology of a particular system. For this, patients undergo a consultation with a neurologist, an endocrinologist and a cardiologist.

When clarifying an anamnesis, it is necessary to establish a family burden on autonomic dysfunction. Patients with vagotonia in the family are more likely to have cases of stomach ulcer disease, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis;with sympathicotonia - hypertensive disease, ischemic heart disease, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus.

In children with vegeto-vascular dystonia, the anamnesis is often burdened by the unfavorable course of the perinatal period, recurring acute and chronic focal infections.

When diagnosing vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is necessary to evaluate the initial vegetative tone and the indices of vegetative reactivity. The initial state of the VNS is estimated at rest on the analysis of complaints, EEG of the brain and ECG.Vegetative reactions of the nervous system are determined with the help of various functional tests( orthostatic, pharmacological).

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia are treated under the supervision of a general practitioner, neurologist, endocrinologist or psychiatrist, depending on the predominant manifestations of the syndrome.

In vegetative-vascular dystonia, complex, long-term, individual therapy is conducted, taking into account the nature of autonomic dysfunction and its etiology.

Preference in the choice of treatment methods is given to the non-drug approach:

  1. normalization of work and rest,
  2. elimination of hypodynamia,
  3. dosed physical exertion,
  4. restriction of emotional impacts( stresses, computer games, watching TV),
  5. individual and family psychological correction,
  6. rational andregular meals.

Positive result in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is observed from therapeutic massage, reflexology, water procedures. The applied physiotherapeutic effect depends on the type of autonomic dysfunction: vagotonia shows electrophoresis with calcium, mezaton, caffeine;with sympathicotonia - with papaverine, euphyllin, bromine, magnesium).

In case of insufficient restorative and physiotherapeutic measures, individually selected medication therapy is prescribed.

To reduce the activity of vegetative reactions prescribe sedatives( valerian, motherwort, St. John's Wort, Melissa, etc.), antidepressants, tranquilizers, nootropic drugs.

A favorable therapeutic effect is often glycine, gopattenic acid, glutamic acid, complex vitamin and mineral preparations.

To reduce the manifestations of sympathicotonia, β-adrenoblockers( propranolol, anaprilin) ​​are used, vagotonic effects are plant stimulants( lemongrass, eleutherococcus, etc.).With vegeto-vascular dystonia, chronic foci of infection, concomitant endocrine, somatic or other pathology are treated.

Development of severe vegetative crises in some cases may require parenteral administration of neuroleptics, tranquilizers, β-blockers, atropine( depending on the shape of the crisis).

Patients with vegeto-vascular dystonia should undergo regular follow-up( once every 3-6 months), especially in the autumn-spring period, when a series of treatment measures is needed.

Prognosis and prevention

Timely detection and treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia and its sequential prevention in 80-90% of cases lead to the disappearance or a significant decrease in many manifestations and the restoration of adaptive capabilities of the organism.

The uncorrected course of vegetative-vascular dystonia contributes to the formation of various psychosomatic disorders, psychological and physical disadaptation of patients, adversely affects the quality of their life.

The complex of measures for prophylaxis of vegetative-vascular dystonia should be aimed at strengthening mechanisms of self-regulation of the nervous system and enhancing adaptive abilities of the organism. This is achieved through the improvement of lifestyle, optimization of rest, work and physical activity. Prevention of exacerbations of vegetative-vascular dystonia is carried out with the help of its rational therapy.

What treatment in Moscow is possible, prices for treatment

Let's look at the procedures and cost of treatment for the clinic in Moscow.

  1. Consultation of a neurologist - 1996 p. Acupressure and general massage - 1517 р.
  2. Neurosedative massage - 2677 r.
  3. Acupuncture( acupuncture) - 1783 r.
  4. Drug electrophoresis medicinal - 671 р.
  5. Consultation of the physiotherapist - 1797 р.
  6. Hirudotherapy - 1698 rubles.
  7. Consultation reflexologist - 1759 r.
  8. Phytomassage with dry herbs - 3424 р.
  9. Interference therapy - 738 р.
  10. Ayurvedic massage - 3897 rubles.
  11. Laser puncture - 1009 r.
  12. Electrosleep - 708 р.
  13. Consultation of a homeopath - 4047 р.
  14. General infrared therapy - 842 r.
  15. Pearl bath - 737 р.
  16. Aromatic bath - 1035 r.
  17. Acupressure( Shiatsu massage) - 1834 р.A turpentine bath - 518 r. Scottish shower - 655 r.
  18. Consultation of the neurologist-vegetologist - 3100 r.

The choice of the above methods for the treatment of physiotherapy and others is a personal matter and financial possibilities. Cheaper methods of treatment do not imply their inefficiency.

For example, turpentine baths are an excellent means of general treatment of the body and prolongation of life, and it is inexpensive - only 518 rubles. You can even make it yourself at home. How to do it?

Treatment with turpentine baths

At the very beginning we will make a reservation that turpentine baths are intended not only for cleaning the capillary network of our body. They are successfully used in the complex treatment of diseases such as:

  1. premature aging;
  2. polyarthritis, rheumatism;
  3. arthritis, arthrosis
  4. effects of stroke;
  5. consequences of myocardial infarction;
  6. angina;
  7. benign and malignant tumors
  8. the effects of various injuries;
  9. postoperative adhesions and scars;
  10. Multiple Sclerosis;
  11. cataract.

There are only three types of baths, which use different types of emulsions or turpentine mixtures:

  1. Yellow emulsion.
  2. White emulsion.
  3. Mixed type( yellow and white emulsion in various ratios).

Just think, more than 100 years have passed since the application of turpentine baths for treatment, and see how it is pleasant to us to use turpentine emulsions so far to get rid of many health problems and aesthetic problems:

Buy the ready mix in the drugstore , butit is quite possible to make it yourself, at home. At the end of the article, we will cite these recipes.

And now let's talk about the general scheme of the turpentine bath .

How to prepare a turpentine bath :

The bathtub should be absolutely clean. The water level is set so that it is about 10 centimeters below the level of the upper drainage hole. The temperature is 36 degrees. We measure the temperature accurately using a water thermometer, it must be located during the procedure in the bath itself, so that you can monitor the temperature of the water.

Then prepare the container and measure the desired amount of emulsion( from 20 ml.), Pour into a container. Add hot water there, at least 0.5 liters, mix the solution thoroughly, so that the whole emulsion is dispersed. Then pour the solution evenly over the entire surface of the bath.

How to take a turpentine bath :

  1. We immerse ourselves in the bath and look at the clock, marking the time of the beginning of the procedure, the duration of which should not exceed 10-20 minutes. You need to look at your condition. The indicator is the appearance of sweat on the forehead. So take a small mirror to the bathtub.
  2. Immediately open the faucet with hot and cold water, adjusting the temperature so that the bath temperature rises by 1 degree in 2 minutes. Bath with a white emulsion should reach a temperature of 39 degrees. Bath with a yellow emulsion should reach a temperature of 40.5-42 degrees.
  3. As soon as the procedure is time out, carefully climb and exit the bath. The walls of the bathtub can be very slippery. The skin is not wiped dry, it is best to put on a bathrobe.
  4. Rest is a very important stage in the procedure. We lay down in bed and cover ourselves with 2-3 blankets. We should sweat properly. Lying need at least 1.5 hours! It's good to have a glass of hot herbal tea with a linden or raspberry in your bed.
  5. After 1.5 hours of such rest and removal of slags through sweat, the procedure is considered to be over.

Turpentine emulsion for baths

As promised, now you will learn the recipe for emulsions for turpentine baths, which can be prepared at home.

Yellow turpentine emulsion

This emulsion is able to expand capillaries. There is a dissolution of stagnant deposits in the joints and tendons. The arterial pressure goes down, the breathing becomes deep. Yellow emulsion causes an increase in body temperature and at the same time, it stimulates sweating.

How to prepare a yellow turpentine emulsion at home :

  1. Take 200 ml.castor oil and put on a water bath.
  2. Then in rubber gloves we take a flask of thin glass, pour distilled water there and gradually pour the caustic soda, rotating the flask under a stream of cold water so that it does not burst from heating. In total it is necessary to dissolve 13.3 grams of caustic soda in granules in 133 ml of distilled water.
  3. Once the caustic soda has dissolved, put the flask in cold water for cooling.
  4. When the water in the water bath boils, turn off the fire and after 8 minutes after boiling pour the solution of caustic soda into castor oil. At the same time, stir it thoroughly with a glass rod.
  5. When the oil thickens, pour 150 ml.oleic acid, continuing to stir everything.
  6. When the mixture becomes liquid, remove it from the water bath.
  7. Then pour in 500 ml.turpentine and stir well.
  8. If everything is done correctly, the solution will resemble something sunflower oil in color.
  9. Store the solution at room temperature in a container of dark glass.

It takes a very long time to prepare this solution, so it's better to buy yellow turpentine emulsion in ready-made form.

White turpentine emulsion

This emulsion increases blood pressure. Also has an irritating effect on the skin. When taking a turpentine bath with a white emulsion, you will feel a burning sensation of various parts: legs, thighs. This is normal. But, if the burning is very strong, it is worth to reduce the amount of emulsion or shorten the bath time. White emulsion does not cause such a strong sweating, in contrast to yellow, and also does not affect the increase in body temperature.

How to prepare a white turpentine emulsion at home:

  1. We take 550 ml.distilled water,
  2. Then 30 grams of baby soap is pulverized.
  3. Put the enamelled saucepan on the fire, add the cooked water to it.
  4. And as soon as the water boils, pour in the child's soap.
  5. Add 3 grams of salicylic acid.
  6. Boil this mixture for 15 minutes on a very slow fire so that all soap has dissolved, stir only with a glass rod!
  7. Then turn off the fire and pour into a saucepan of 500 ml.turpentine( sold in a pharmacy).
  8. Stir the mixture and pour in 20 ml.camphor alcohol, as a result, we get a consistency of yogurt.
  9. The resulting mixture is poured into glassware( try to find a bottle of dark glass).
  10. Before pouring the solution into the bath, be sure to shake it.
  11. We store our white turpentine emulsion at room temperature in a dark place.

Turpentine baths have contraindications :

  1. ischemic heart disease,
  2. hypertension 2-3 stages,
  3. eczema,
  4. liver cirrhosis and others.

Therefore, first of all, before performing procedures for cleansing the body with turpentine baths for Dr. Zalmanov, you should consult your doctor! Sources of the article:

  1. http: // zabolevanija_cardiology / vegeto-vascular_dystonia # proc
  2. https: // ochicshenie-organizma / ochishhenie-kapillyarov / lechenie-skipidarnyimi-vannami