Can I get pneumonia?

Explain in simple human language, what is pneumonia? How can she get infected?



pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs when a microbe enters the lungs.
we are all the time breathing in the air with microorganisms, but the nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi have the ability to self-purge-the "kill" bacteria, and the cilia are pushing all the muck.
to pneumonia can lead to hypothermia, weakening of the body, high pathogenicity of the microorganism, not timely treatment of other infections.

elena lusuca

Pneumonia (from the Greek. pnéumon, Greek. Πνευμονία) (inflammation of the lungs) - inflammation of pulmonary tissue of infectious origin with the primary lesion of alveoli (development of inflammatory exudation in them) and interstitial lung tissue. The disease can be fatal.

The term "pneumonia" unites a large group of diseases, each of which has its own etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, radiologic signs, laboratory data and features of therapy. It can occur as an independent disease or as a complication of other diseases.

instagram viewer

Non-infectious inflammatory processes in the lung tissue, usually called pneumonitis or (in case of primary lesion of respiratory sections of the lungs) by alveolitis. Against a background of similar aseptic inflammatory processes, bacterial, viral-bacterial or fungal pneumonia often develops.

The main diagnostic method is X-ray examination of the lungs, the main method of treatment is antibacterial therapy. Later diagnosis and delay with the onset of antibiotic therapy (more than 8 hours) worsen the prognosis of the disease.
and simple tongue - inflammation of the lungs

Sergey Eliseenkov

Inflammation of the lungs is one of the most common human diseases. For some, especially in childhood, this is just punishment for some, for others - a rarity; third, such, to Unfortunately, not much, they themselves did not get pneumonia, but the relatives and friends who had been ill had enough quantity.

The respiratory system in general and the lungs in particular are very vulnerable to infectious diseases. With all the variety of methods of infection, the airborne transmission pathway is most common. It is not surprising that the upper respiratory tract is the advanced detachment of the fight against a multitude of viruses and bacteria. Under certain conditions - the weakness of immunity, high activity of the microbe, violation of the qualitative composition of the inhaled air, etc. - the infectious process is not localized only in the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, larynx, trachea), but spreads downward. Sometimes the process ends with inflammation of the bronchial mucosa - bronchitis, but, quite often, this is not limited to. There is inflammation of the lung tissue itself - this is pneumonia.

Virtually any microorganism can cause the development of pneumonia. Which specifically - depends on a number of factors. From the age of the patient, from the place where the inflammation of the lungs arises - at home or in the hospital, if in the hospital, in which department - in surgery, some microbes, in therapy others. An enormous role is played by the state of health of the body as a whole and the state of immunity in particular.

At the same time, the inflammation of the lungs is rarely the primary, that is, lived and was a healthy boy Vasya, suddenly, again, and fell ill with pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs, as a rule, is secondary and represent a complication of another disease.

All these "other diseases" can be divided into two groups: acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and everything else. In this case, pneumonia, as a complication of normal ARI (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis), is much more common than pneumonia in all other infections, injuries and surgeries. This is not at all surprising and is not due to any particular "fear" of respiratory viral infections, but to their widest prevalence - "pick up" SARS to the average person 1-2 times a year is possible for certain, and all the rest is from the case to the occasion.
Signs of pneumonia:

You should know some signs that allow you to suspect the development of pneumonia.
1. Cough became the main symptom of the disease.
2. Deterioration after improvement or any "catarrhal disease" lasting more than 7 days.
3. It is impossible to take a deep breath - such an attempt leads to a fit of coughing.
4. The expressed pallor of a skin on a background of other signs ORVI (temperature, a rhinitis, tussis).
5. Shortness of breath at a low body temperature.
6. At high temperature, paracetamol (panadol, epheralgan, tylenol) does not help at all.

I want to emphasize that the knowledge of the 6 mentioned characteristics is not necessary in order to make a diagnosis, but in order not to be drawn with seeking medical help.
The doctor has quite advanced methods of detecting pneumonia. In addition to listening and tapping, in doubtful cases, use a clinical blood test and X-ray examination - it almost always allows you to dot all the "i".

The choice of place of treatment - hospital or hospital - is determined by a number of factors - starting from the patient's age and ending with the qualification of the doctor and his desire to run to your house every day (although the salary from this is not will change). A very significant and most important moment is the real severity of pneumonia itself. Complicated forms of the disease that occur with respiratory or heart failure, with obstructive syndrome (obstruction - that just is a blockage of bronchi with dense phlegm), with pleurisy - are treated exclusively in hospital. Uncomplicated pneumonia can be treated at home.

The Count de Vall

Inflammation of the lungs due to hypothermia or viral infection.
In connection with the swine flu is an extremely dangerous thing - a new strain likes to be complicated in eerie pneumonia.
Treatment - in the hospital, Teraflu.


Like pneumonia, only worse. There can be complications if not treated in time.

marina redhead

Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs. Usually develops after acute respiratory disease, influenza. Characterized by high fever, cough, chest pain. The diagnosis can be confirmed only after pulmonary angiography.

Grigory Spichak

Pneumonia... but different in nature ...


Complication after catarrhal diseases, a very important organ must be treated ...

Detka Konfetka

For such a small Bactrim will be an excellent replacement for the antibiotic! At me when the little sister was, to her the doctor has written out, so in couple of days already on the amendment has gone!
Only the doctor first ask!
Even if the temperature does not exist, dry heating should be done! Nakrete "Barsuchkom" chest back of calves legs and forearm. Pound well, until redness, then wrap up the heat! It is possible for the night.
Storky will certainly not give (a little more), and Barsuchok gently warms up.
Socks made of dog wool, or downy.
Expectorant need to be taken completely! For example, broncholitin + alteika + thermopsis.
It's good to spread the lemon zest in the room. It contains essential oils that promote air disinfection! But you can air only if the child is not in the room! Cold air can not be!
Milk with honey, or butter, (well Borjomi with soda, but muck-drink will not be? )
Drinking very much!
With the urine, the temperature goes away, and the leucocytes are washed away, which means that intoxication goes away!
Pillow for the time of illness to strengthen so that the child was in a semi-sitting position!
So it's easier for him to breathe, and there's no way to choke (snuffles and vomit, which kids have at high temperatures!).
When it becomes easier, and he wants to play then make sure to do an exercise with him for the departure of sputum! (wheelbarrow with an easy tapping on the back, or even "fall, fall! "(you know how to play?)).
But the main thing is your confidence that everything will be fine!

Yes, I forgot! At high temperature, babies can have a cramp! To prevent it you can do this: Touch your hands, if you become cold, and your forehead hot, then urgently give Corvalol! Drop by the number of years! (in your case 2 drops! )
And as for a very high temperature, you do not need to warm a child!

Good luck and health to your baby!

Elena the Wise

Inflammation of the lungs is not contagious. I'm sitting with my husband

How is pneumonia transmitted?

Inflammation of the lungs is a rather dangerous disease. With improper treatment, it can occur with complications. Bacteria and viruses that cause pneumonia can be transmitted by airborne droplets. However, this disease can not be considered infectious.


  1. Inflammation of the lungs is viral and bacterial. In the first case, its causative agents are pathogenic viruses. Bacterial pneumonia is caused by pathogenic fungi, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, protozoan microorganisms. Inflammation of the lungs is not a contagious disease, but this does not mean that you do not need to be afraid of contacting patients.
  2. Transmission of viruses that cause pneumonia occurs by airborne droplets. In this case, pneumonia can develop only if a healthy person is weakened by immunity, he experiences stress, fatigue. Provoke pneumonia can and hypothermia. Thus, infection with viral pneumonia occurs against the background of a weakening of the body's defenses and the impact of disease-causing viruses on it.
  3. A person with stable immunity on contact with a sick pneumonia, as a rule, does not get sick, or suffers from an ordinary cold. In order to protect themselves, it should, whenever possible, avoid being in crowded places during the epidemic of colds. If one of the members of the family becomes ill, it is necessary to make sure that he uses individual cutlery.
  4. Bacterial form of pneumonia is not contagious, even indirectly. Infection occurs due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the lungs. They very quickly multiply, resulting in a foci of inflammation. Disease-causing microbes can enter the human body after communicating with their carriers, as well as after contact with infected surfaces.
  5. Just as in the case of viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia, a person can become infected only if his body is weakened and supercooled. After a long stay in the cold, all protective functions are weakened, the pathogenic bacteria existing everywhere, penetrate the respiratory tract and cause inflammation.
  6. The best prevention of pneumonia is proper nutrition, proper rest, timely treatment of colds, careful treatment of one's own health. In the cold season, in no case can you be supercooled, breathe through the mouth in the cold. If you find the first symptoms of the disease should immediately seek medical attention.

I wonder if the pneumonia is contagious or not

Pneumonia is contagious or not? This question can be safely answered "yes but the probability of infection with pneumonia directly depends on what caused the disease. Since it is the pathogen of pneumonia that determines the nature of the course, the severity of the disease and the degree of its danger to surrounding people.

Types of pneumonia

A universally recognized classification of pneumonia does not exist, but doctors distinguish the following types of disease, depending on the nature of the pathogen:

  • bacterial pneumonia;
  • viral-bacterial;
  • fungal.

It should be noted that recently in medical practice the term "pneumonia" or "pneumonia" is understood not as a chronic, namely acute inflammatory process in the lung tissue.

Thus, this disease is especially acute.

A few words about the causative agents of pneumonia

Most often, pneumonia occurs due to infection with bacteria of various kinds (gram-negative and gram-positive anaerobic bacteria), namely:
  • pneumococci (or streptococci pneumonia);
  • staphylococci;
  • a hemophilic rod;
  • klebsiella;
  • intestinal and pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • proteome;
  • legionella;
  • anaerobic microbes (bacteroids, clostridia, etc.);
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmas.

These pathogens are transmitted by both airborne and other routes, for example, through dust, household items, mucous membranes of the digestive tract, placenta, and the like.

It must be said that the disease with pneumonia can be caused by fungi and protozoan microorganisms, for example pneumocysts. The path of data transmission of pathogens of pneumonia is mainly airborne.

In addition to bacteria, fungi and protozoa, an important role in the disease of pneumonia is played by various viruses. These are viruses that cause such infectious diseases as influenza, parainfluenza and ARVI, as well as adenoviruses, reoviruses and herpes viruses. As a rule, they are transmitted from the sick person by the surrounding airborne pathway (pathogens ARVI), alimentary (through the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract - adenoviruses and reoviruses). These infectious agents are contagious and cause the disease pneumonia of the viral etiology. Inflammation of the lungs of a viral nature usually lasts 1-3 days, then a bacterial infection joins the virus infection, and pneumonia acquires a viral-bacterial character.

It is in the first 1-3 days that viral pneumonia is the most contagious, because the infectious agent that caused it is very aggressive, has a high contagiousness and, accordingly, is actively transmitted by airborne droplets from the patient to a healthy sensitive person.

In addition to the aforementioned bacteria, viruses and fungi, the cause of pneumonia can be caused by pathogens of such dangerous infectious diseases, Salmonella, sap, plague, leptospirosis, chicken pox, scarlet fever, measles, etc. As a rule, these diseases are caused by different bacteria. Infectious agents of this kind are transmitted, in addition to alimentary and airborne droplets, also transplacental (through the placenta - from mother to fetus). In addition, pneumonia can infect the body of a patient with several infectious agents, for example, the influenza virus and streptococcus pneumonia. Not infrequent are other combinations of pathogens.

Diagnosis of pneumonia

The most reliable method of diagnosing the disease is radiographic. In addition, a blood test and various bacterial cultures are required.

It is necessary to say that it is not enough to perform bacterial culture alone to diagnose pneumonia sputum, because it is necessary to identify a pathogenic microorganism on the basis of bacteriosomes of blood, lung tissue and pleural liquid. The data of these studies determine the choice of drugs and the scheme of treatment of the disease. As for bacterial culture of sputum, a whole series of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, any of which under certain conditions is capable of causing an inflammatory process in the pulmonary tissue. As for fungal pneumonia, the diagnosis of such diseases is the most complex and complex.

Danger of pneumonia of different etiology

So, is it possible to get pneumonia? Unfortunately, yes, but the probability of infection depends on the specific pathogen and the severity of the disease. As already noted, the most common and dangerous in terms of intensity and speed of infection is viral pneumonia that occurs on the background and due to catarrhal viral diseases etiology. And viral pneumonia is equally dangerous for anyone, regardless of the age and condition of the human immune system. Good immunity only speeds up recovery and helps to ensure that the disease is mild.

After 1-3 days, a bacterial infection is attached to the viral pneumonia, which, like the virus, is very dangerous to surrounding people, because infectious diseases of a bacterial nature are high contagiousness.

It must be said that both bacterial and fungal inflammation of the lungs is especially dangerous for young children and for people with weakened immunity, as well as for those who directly contact the sick person - medical staff, relatives and other In addition, bacterial pneumonia is easily spread in narrow "closed" collectives - among servicemen, watch brigades, etc. Special At-risk smokers are heavy smokers whose respiratory and cardiovascular systems experience increased stresses associated with exposure nicotine.

As for pneumonia due to some epidemiological infectious disease, we can say that pneumonia of this kind is not dangerous in and of itself, but due to the high likelihood of contamination surrounding a particular infectious disease, which was the cause of pneumonia, for example, measles, plague, anthrax and other


Is pneumonia a fungal etiology? Is pneumonia caused by fungal microorganisms transmitted? In the case of fungal inflammation of the lungs, as a rule, such diseases are most dangerous for people with reduced immunity, or for those who, in the nature of their professional activities, often come into contact with fungi of different kind.

Such professions include workers in certain sectors of the food, woodworking industry and agriculture, in particular, paper production, feather brewing, brewing, meat production and other It must be said that fungal pneumonia, or pneumomycosis, is difficult to treat. And an important role in this is played by the complexity of diagnosis and specific symptoms similar to those of a number of other diseases.

In general, it can be concluded that this disease is contagious, and inflammation of the lungs of any etiology is a dangerous infectious disease.


Therefore, to prevent infection when contacting a sick person is necessary follow the rules of personal hygiene and follow medical instructions governing the treatment of infectious patients.

Inflammation of the lungs is contagious?



Inflammation of the lungs can be caused by bacteria and viruses (herpes virus, atypical pneumonia). Infection with bacterial pneumonia is unlikely, but what about interstitial viral pneumonia... remember the epidemic atypical in China a few years ago.


no, this is not a viral disease



Zoryana Alyabyeva

Of course not




No, e is infectious! This is not a viral disease! It's sitting inside the human body, it's bad for him!

Plut 163

This disease is not transmitted by airborne droplets, but also by some other measure.

Artemiy Lipilin

Currently, this is a great rarity, but even at the end of the nineteenth century there were epidemics of pneumonia. So, you can get infected theoretically.


Pneumonia is an acute inflammatory disease of the lung tissue caused by microorganisms. By classification, they are divided into staphylococcal, streptococcal, fungal, viral (most severe), mycoplasmal (AIDS markers), etc. Therefore, they are considered infectious in an acute period.

Can I get pneumonia?


Linocka Alinocka

Pneumonia is different, but you imagined yourself, if it was an infectious patient, no one would be allowed to see him
The concept of pneumonia combines a whole group of diseases that are manifested by the inflammatory process in the lungs. This process is caused by microbes (pneumococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, legionella and others), viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviruses), fungi, protozoa. It is also possible to develop inflammation by inhaling vapors of toxic substances, gases and other dangerous chemical compounds.
Most often, the development of pneumonia is associated with a weakening of the defenses of the body. This may be due to hypothermia, viral disease, the use of medications that reduce immunity.
and you are sick laziness, -to open and find out what pneumonia is, you did not feel bad, I'm already sick of such lazy people

Igor Druzhinin


Robingon Toraf

It is better not to take chances

Boor Sa

Of course not.

Katya Klat

Stop. Do not inspire. Take a light pill and calm down. Wear a mask (medical) when meeting with him.
And your infection is vryatli possible

Andrey Gladchenko

Fuck with Faith, Hope and Love! Maybe it will carry))


can.. there is such a form of the disease. as nosocomial pneumonia

Ruslan Hadiyev





Good at the previous answer. Infection is not contagious.

Can I get pneumonia (pneumonia) through a kiss?



possible, but unlikely

Tatiana Egorova

No, the inflammation of the lungs is not transmitted at all.

Maria Afanasyeva

only if your immunity is no longer in order, only the infection will lie on fertile soil and develop inflammation (especially if a person does not pay attention to the first signs of a cold)


I think it is possible. The saliva of the patient contains a certain percentage of bacteria (pneumococci).


No! Pneumonia is a cold of the lungs! And through a kiss it is not transmitted!


can. but at first there will just be signs of a cold, a sore throat, snot, temperature. And if you run that infection will go inside and then first you will have bronchitis, and if you leave it that pneumonia.
And a patient with pneumonia is probably not kissing a kiss

My_EmO-BuSk ()

No, not transferring)))

@ Kotya @

It can not be unequivocal!

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