Why slobber from the mouth in children and adults: the reasons for salivation, possible treatment, what to do at home

We are adults, sometimes at ourselves, as well as in small children, for certain times we observed abundant salivation, independent of the feeling of hunger. It seems that the kid ate, plays, everything is fine, but his drool runs out of his mouth, beard and further, even bubble. Nothing terrible happens, it's physiological. There is nothing to worry about. The child grows up, becomes an adult.

And now we come to the dentist, sit in the arm-chair, the mouth has to keep open for a long time. Here then comes to us a revelation that we are extremely slobbering people. Uncomfortable, you can not swallow saliva with your mouth open. Why is drooling plentiful? What are the causes of hypersalivation? Is it normal or not? Let's figure out what to do at home, when you are troubled by excessive salivation in your mouth.


Is there a lot of saliva - a norm or a pathology?

Salivary glands of adults and children can give off both excess and too little saliva. This happens for various reasons, the main symptoms are several:

  1. In the mouth, there is always too much fluid. This happens if the release rate is exceeded at least twice.
  2. Because of unnaturally large amounts of secretion in the mouth, there is a constant reflex desire to swallow the accumulated saliva.
  3. Changing taste in the mouth, sensitivity to the taste of food can be either too strong or not enough.

Sometimes a sense of excess saliva in the mouth may be false, this happens when the oral cavity suffers from a suffered injury. In this case, the patient can complain about imaginary discomfort, although in fact secretion secretion occurs normally.

Why is there a lot of saliva in adults?

There are several reasons, the problem of excessive salivation can be associated not only with the disorder of the oral cavity, but also with other body dysfunctions.

  1. Digestive system disorders - increased acidity in the stomach, violations of the liver and pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, ulcers and the like - most often contributes to the appearance of hypersalivation.
  2. Thyroid pathologies - disorders of hormonal balance in the body.
  3. Pregnancy .In women, hypersalivation can occur during this period because of toxicosis. Nausea during pregnancy makes it difficult to swallow saliva, which contributes to its accumulation.
  4. Taking medication - both in men and women, the problem can be caused by the taking of certain medications. In this case, you need to make sure that the cause of the disease is precisely in taking the drug, and reduce its dosage.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity of - in cases of such diseases as angina or stomatitis( for example, aphthous), the secretion secretion will increase significantly, but will have the nature of a protective reaction of the body.
  6. Diseases of the nervous system - infantile cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, lateral sclerosis, trigeminal neuralgia and others;

During sleep, it can be caused by: mouth breathing;abnormal structure of the dentoalveolar system;violation of sleep. A person who suffers from hypersalivation in a dream usually does not experience its symptoms in the daytime.

Increased salivation is more a symptom of other, more serious illnesses than a single oral problem. It is because of this, if you find yourself in the appropriate symptoms, you need to see a doctor.

Causes of increased salivation in children

Children are more likely than adults to suffer from hypersalivation, mainly due to the developmental features of a person in childhood. The main reasons are:

  1. Reflex factor - in children in the first year of life, hypersalivation is not a pathology, it is caused by reflective features and must be perceived as inevitable. Teething in a child causes an increased separation of saliva, because the gum and the oral cavity as a whole are subject to severe stress.
  2. Glanders - it happens because of a child's habit of pulling dirty objects into his mouth, with helminths, increased salivation will be observed more often at night than in the day.
  3. Infection or gastrointestinal upset in infants - there may be a situation where secretion secretion is normal, but the baby's saliva is not swallowed due to disorders with swallowing function.
  4. Mental disorders - occurs in older children. In this case, you should immediately contact the pediatrician and a child psychiatrist who will determine the exact cause of the symptom and send for consultation to other specialists or prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

If an older child has persistent problems with excessive salivation, this can cause speech defects, because it is quite difficult for children to correctly and quickly pronounce words.

Hypersalivation during pregnancy

Because of failures in the hormonal balance of the woman's body caused by pregnancy, hypersalivation can occur, most often its symptoms appear in the first two to three months after conception.

Toxicosis early on leads to vomitive reflexes and a breakdown in swallowing functions. As a consequence, in women during pregnancy, not only hypersalivation can be observed, but salivation.

In this case, it is not necessary that the glands began to allocate more saliva, simply swallowing is less common, respectively, it lingers in the oral cavity.

Saliva flowing during sleep

Frequent salivation in the dark can be triggered by several factors:

  1. salivary glands "wake up" earlier than a person - during sleep their work is much slower, but sometimes they resume the work process long before the moment,when a person begins to stay awake;
  2. sleep with an open mouth - if a person, for some reason, sleeps with his mouth open, then in a dream he will be susceptible to hypersalivation. In this case, it is necessary to turn to the ENT, because the problem, most often, is in his competence, but it is necessary to consult with the dentist, since the mouth may not be closed due to the wrong structure of the dentoalveolar system;
  3. sleep disturbance - if a person sleeps too hard, then he actually does not control some processes in his body. The human brain is not able to control secretion secretion, as a result of which hypersalivation occurs.

If the facts of increased appearance of saliva in the mouth during sleep are not too frequent, and it does not stand out too much, then there is little cause for concern.

How to reduce salivation: treatment, what to do at home?

Increased salivation and the discomfort caused by it cause people a strong desire to get rid of this problem as quickly as possible. Treatment, in turn, directly depends on the reasons for its appearance.

The process of diagnosing a disease plays no less important role than the fact of treatment itself. First of all, you need to see a doctor: it can be a therapist. If the problem of hypersalivation is outside his competence, he can redirect the patient to an ENT or a dentist.

Treatment at doctors

If the appearance of a large amount of saliva is necessary to stop, doctors can prescribe drugs to suppress the active salivary gland robot( eg ribal ).But if the cause is not specifically in them, but in the diseases of other organs or systems, then this will not be the treatment of the disease, but the suppression of its symptoms. Completely get rid of this problem is possible only after the final elimination of its source.

If the source of the disease is the salivary glands themselves, doctors can remove them, but this only occurs in a pinch. Most often prescribed treatment, for example, cryotherapy, which stimulates the reflex swallowing. Some injections can be injected into the salivary glands, in order to slow the release of secretion.

Traditional medicine: the means of

There are also folk remedies that can be used at home. So, rinsing the mouth with a decoction of chamomile or nettle can temporarily reduce annoying symptoms. But such treatment has the form of ancillary, and with serious problems of the body the methods will be completely ineffective.

What can be done:

  1. we take berries of viburnum and grind them in a mortar;
  2. pour the mixture with water( approximate proportion: 2 tablespoons of watermelon for 200 ml of water) and let it sit for 4 hours;
  3. rinse your mouth 3-5 times a day.

Recommendations and advice

Angina and increased salivation of .With a cold or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, including angina, hypersalivation may actually appear, since during the infection an infection enters the mouth, which inflames the salivary glands. It is necessary to cure the underlying disease, after which the increased salivation will disappear, as one of its symptoms.

Before or during monthly .Quite a rare symptom, you can associate it with changes in the hormonal balance of a woman during this period. If the frequency and amount of saliva in the oral cavity causes discomfort, it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

Salivation of and nausea .Nausea can really be the source of this. During toxemia in pregnant women, for example, a swallowing reflex is disturbed - a person begins to swallow less often and an excess of saliva in the oral cavity is obtained.

After eating a lot of saliva in the mouth - what to do? Most likely, the gland reacts to too sharp or sour food. This is not a very threatening phenomenon, but if it gives you a lot of discomfort, then you should consult a doctor.

Why the baby is drooling and what to do with it

On the video channel "Baby's Health".

I understand that now your child is getting wet due to the saliva, a little irritation has gone over his face, he can start to get nervous and even cry about it. However, it's okay, all parents pass through it. Your child is completely healthy. Very rarely saliva runs as a consequence of a serious illness, in all the remaining 99 percent of cases it is quite natural phenomenon, it's just that some children run slightly more drool than others.

Increased salivation of the cause in women, in men, in adults: how to stop

On the video channel "New Video".Increased salivation of the cause in women, in men, in adults. How to stop salivation.

Source: the author's article by Pasishnyuk Lilia Nikolaevna, dentist from the site http: //infozuby.ru/ prichiny-povishennogo-slunootdeleniya.html

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