Methods of treatment of strabismus in adults

Strabismus is characterized by a deviation of the visual axis of one eye from the mutual fixation point. Visually, it looks as if the eyes are looking in different directions. Strabismus is a visual defect that can be determined without even resorting to the help of ophthalmologists.More often, the disorder occurs in children, but also in adults. According to statistics, 5% of the population identified this defect. What do adults do? How to treat strabismus? Let's understand together.


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms of strabismus
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Traditional methods of treatment
    • 5.2Traditional medicine in the treatment of strabismus
    • 5.3Exercises to eliminate strabismus
  • 6Complications
  • 7Prevention
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

What it is?

The eyeball moves with the participation of six muscles that attach to its outer surface. Simultaneous eye movements are regulated by a complex system of nerve endings located in the brain. This mechanism stabilizes the movement of the eyes, not allowing them to look in different directions.

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Strabismus (strabismus) is a violation of the same direction of both eyes. In people with this defect, the eyes can converge to the bridge of the nose, or one eye can be directed upwards, and the other down, etc. If it is found in adults, it is necessary to proceed as quickly as possible treatment.


The main cause of strabismus development is a disruption of the work of nerve endings, which are responsible for the coordinated work of the eye muscles.If the movement of the eyeballs is disturbed, the visual images projected by the right and left eye can not unite into one whole. The signal applied to the brain is completely ignored. As a result, people seem to be watching two images at once.The brain is only able to take one picture, as a result of which the vision on the affected eye visibly deteriorates.


The reason for the violation can be such factors as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • trauma and brain disease;
  • mental trauma (fright);
  • low vision or blindness of one eye;
  • farsightedness or nearsightedness;
  • infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever, influenza, etc.);
  • paralysis of the eye muscles;
  • stressful situation;
  • eye diseases (cataract, retinal detachment, etc.).

Symptoms of strabismus

Types of strabismus

The main manifestation of strabismus is the deviation of the eye towards the temple or towards the bridge of the nose. Other symptoms of the development of pathology are known:

  • bifurcation in the eyes;
  • narrowing of eyes;
  • constant turns or inclinations of the head.

The eyes seem to move apart from each other. This phenomenon is quite normal for children, and children can form a hidden strabismus. But in an adult such a state raises serious concerns. In children, due to the increased adaptation of the work of the brain to changes in physiology, strabismus can later pass through, butin adulthood, strabismus will only intensify over time.

With strabismus, a comprehensive examination with tests, biometric examinations, examination of eye structures, and refractive examination is necessary.

With strabismus, the ability to see normally is usually retained only by that eye, which is not susceptible to disruption. The eye, deviated to the side, sees with time is getting worse and worse, its visual functions are suppressed. Therefore, treatment should be started as soon as possible.


When collecting anamnesis, the oculist clarifies the timing of the appearance of strabismus and its relationship to the traumas and diseases that have been transferred.In the process of external examination, the doctor pays attention to the forced position of the head, assesses the symmetry of the face and eye slits, the position of the eyeballs.Then the ophthalmologist checks the visual acuity of the patient without correction and with trial lenses.

To determine the optimal correction, clinical refraction is investigated. The anterior parts of the eye, transparent media and the fundus are examined by biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy.

To test the binocular vision, a test is carried out with the covering of the eye (the mowing eye thus deviates to the side). With the help of a synoptore, the fusion ability (the ability to merge images) is estimated.The angle of strabismus is measured (the amount of deflection of the mowing eye), the study of convergence, the determination of the amount of accommodation.

In the detection of paralytic strabism, neurologic consultation and an additional neurologic examination are indicated:

  • electromyography;
  • electroneurography;
  • EEG and others.


When treating strabismus before the oculists, the following tasks are:

  • formation and restoration of binocular vision;
  • "Alignment" of visual acuity.

To implement these tasks, carefully selected complex treatment is necessary, and the choice of the method of treatment of strobism depends on many factors.

Traditional methods of treatment

Methods of treatment can be different:

  • occlusion (sealing);
  • wearing glasses;
  • hardware treatment;
  • operation.

Often, the listed methods are used in a complex.

The main task of hardware therapy is the restoration of binocular vision, that is, overcoming the developed skill of suppressing the work of one of the eyes.

Occlusion means the permanent closure of a healthy eye in patients for the duration of treatment, so that the effect achieved with the treatment of the device is not destroyed. Surgical intervention involves the use of different techniques:

  • recession;
  • resection;
  • TSP (tenoscleroplasty);
  • operation on muscles of vertical action, etc.

The operation, as a rule, is carried out with the purpose of cosmetic correction, since in itself it will not help to renew binocular vision, that is, to combine both images into one general picture.

An operation in adults is required in a situation where, for whatever reason, it has not been treated properly in childhood or acquired the disease after an injury.

B) In this case, to correct the strabismus allows a recession in every eye of the muscle, turning the eye outward.

Surgical intervention allows you to correct a cosmetic defect, which is a traumatic factor for patients of any age. But to restore visual functions after the operation, they require:

  • Pleoptic therapy (aimed at the treatment of amblyopia, accompanying strabismus);
  • Orthotodiploptic therapy (restoration of deep vision and binocular functions).

The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia.If successful, the patient in the same day is allowed to leave the hospital.

Rehabilitation takes about 1-2 weeks. During this period, the patient must perform a course of specially selected for him exercises that help to train the muscles of the eyes. Simultaneously, a course of hardware techniques and regular monitoring by a doctor are implemented.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of strabismus

It should immediately be noted that the correction of strabismus with recipes of traditional medicine will be effective only at the initial stage of its development. The procedure must be combined with strengthening the eye muscle.

We offer several recipes for phytoplasm:

  1. Prepare 10 g of powder from dill seeds (grind them in a coffee grinder), pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, pre-wrapped.Then strain the healing fluid and bury in both eyes 2 drops three times a day.
  2. The second version of phytocapel: mix fresh apple juice, quality honey and onion juice in the ratio 1.These drops are recommended to be instilled in the eyes before going to sleep until persistent vision improvement.
  3. 10 g of dry roots aira cook in a glass of boiling water for 1-2 minutes, cover, insist 1 hour.Then strain and use half a cup 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes before each meal.
  4. 100 g of pine needles protil in half a liter of boiling water in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Take the drug 100 g 4-5 times a day.

Exercises to eliminate strabismus

Corrective exercises - a great way to fight strabismus independently. A healthy eye should be covered with a hand, and a sick eye should be loaded. Here are a few simple exercises:

  1. Straighten your arm forward and fix your eyes on your index finger.
  2. Bring your finger a distance of 10 centimeters from the nose.
  3. Take the eye left and right in turn as far as possible.
  4. Raise your eye slowly upwards to the maximum and also lower it down.
  5. If the eye is squeezed inward, it is necessary to push forward the leg in the standing position, bend over to it, reach out to her fingers, raise the hand and watch her eye. The exercise is repeated 10-12 times. When the right eye is damaged, the left foot-arm acts and vice versa.


With strabismus on the mowing eye, there is a gradual decrease in visual acuity - amblyopia.

This complication is due to the fact that the visual system automatically blocks the transmission to the brain of the image of the object that the mowing eye perceives. This state leads to an even greater deviation of this eye from the norm, i.e. to increase strabismus.


Preventive measures include:

  • Regular consultations with an ophthalmologist.
  • Careful attitude to your eyes.
  • Protection of the body from infectious lesions and injuries.
  • Correct mode of operation in front of the computer.
  • Refusal to read while riding in public transport.



So, strabismus in adults is, as a rule, a congenital disorder that was not cured in childhood, or acquired as a result of a trauma disease. Be that as it may, with the first manifestations of strabism in adults, immediate examination and treatment is necessary in order not to lose sight.

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