Gymnastics for knee joints


  • 1Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint - what effect? Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint: technique of performing (video)
    • 1.1Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint: the most simple exercises
    • 1.2Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint: the most effective exercises
    • 1.3Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint: how to do it right. Tips and Tricks
  • 2Gymnastics for knee joints. Therapeutic exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky
    • 2.1Dysfunction of the joint
    • 2.2The tasks of gymnastics
    • 2.3Basic Rules of Occupation
    • 2.4Contraindications to the conduct of gymnastics
    • 2.5The best exercises for knee arthrosis
    • 2.6Static exercises for the knee joint
    • 2.7Gymnastics method C. Bubnovsky
    • 2.8Strength exercises Bubnovsky
    • 2.9What is harmful for the knee joint
  • 3Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint: approximate complexes
    • 3.1Therapeutic exercises with knee arthrosis
    • 3.2Appointment of exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint
    • 3.3Requirements for therapeutic exercises
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.4Examples of static knee exercises
    • 3.5Dynamic gymnastics for joints
    • 3.6Examples of dynamic exercises in gonarthrosis
  • 4Lfk with arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2 nd degree - effective exercises at home and in the pool, technique of performance, video lessons of therapeutic gymnastics
    • 4.1What is the benefit of exercise therapy?
    • 4.2Complex of exercises
    • 4.3On the stomach
    • 4.4Standing
    • 4.5Sitting on a chair
    • 4.6Lfq in water
    • 4.7Contraindications
    • 4.8lessons of therapeutic gymnastics
    • 4.9How to relieve pain in the knee joints - Muslim Jamaldinov
    • 4.10Exercises of Sergei Bubnovsky
    • 4.11Healing gymnastics of Dr. Evdokimenko
    • 4.12Feedback on results
  • 5Gymnastics for patients with joints
    • 5.1Gymnastics for patients with joints - basic exercises
    • 5.2Therapeutic exercises for joint diseases necessarily include the following exercises:
    • 5.3Physiotherapy for joint disease, what to look for

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint - what effect? Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint: technique of performing (video)

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of articular inflammatory structures, leading to a loss of functional knee activity.

For such a lengthy definition, there is a real problem: often arthrosis of the knee joint leads to disability of the patient.

If you believe the statistics, every fourth person on the planet suffers from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the described disease accounts for about 25% of cases. You can treat arthrosis in many ways.

Not the least role is played by specialized therapeutic exercise. Thanks to it, you can significantly improve the nutrition of the joint and strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the knee.

But what exercises are most effective and how to do them correctly? We will try to find answers to these questions.

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint: the most simple exercises

The complexes described below are suitable for people of all ages.The exercises are aimed at solving three tasks:

• Improved blood supply to the affected joint.

• Suspension of the degenerative process.

• Strengthening muscles and ligaments.

They can be performed both at home and in small groups of 3-6 people. It is best to do these complexes under the supervision of an experienced physician.

Complex 1

1) Take a sitting position on the bed. Rest your legs and relax as much as possible. Start slow movements of the limbs in turn. The feet should touch the floor and slide freely on it. Run 7-12 times.

2) Again take the position on the bed, loosen all the muscles. On exhalation pull the knee to the chest, pull the leg with maximum effort.

If necessary, you can help with your hands. Do the same with the opposite limb.

How correctly to carry out similar gymnastics at an arthrosis of a knee joint it is visible on a photo:

3) The original position is identical. On account of "one" straighten both legs, pull the socks to yourself. On account of "two" to return the limbs in the original pose. The exercise is repeated several times.


4) Stand up. Legs at the shoulder level count "one" to bend to the left knee, strongly to press and hold it for 5-10 seconds, count "two" to exhale and return to the original position. Repeat the same with the opposite limb.


5) Again, sit on the bed or on a chair. Legs are divorced to the sides to the level of the shoulders, hands are on their knees. On account of "one" get out of bed (chair), taking a breath and spreading his hands in opposite directions. On the account of "two" go back to the sitting position. Repeat several times.

6) The initial posture - lying down. You can lie on the bed or on the floor. Hands to lower legs to straighten, all limbs are relaxed. On the account of "one" strongly strain the muscles of the thighs.

Stay in this position for several tens of seconds (20-40), then abruptly relax.

This exercise helps to remove the hypertonic muscles of the legs, and this, in turn, helps remove the pain syndrome.

Complex 2

1) Take a recumbent position. Hands on his knees, legs straightened, relaxed. Strongly push on the knee, trying to overcome the resistance of the hand. Then relax and repeat the same with the opposite foot.

2) Lie down. The legs are bent at the knees. Slow motion should spread legs in the hips in different directions. It is important not to "bend the stick" with the depth of movement.

3) Lying on the bed or on the floor you have to bend your knees. On account of "one" pull up the limbs to the stomach, stay in this position for a few seconds. Then return to the original position.


4) Lie down. Legs are relaxed, straightened. Raise your right leg, tearing it off a few inches from the ground. Start to make leisurely circular motions with a limb.


5) Lie on your back. Hands lay behind the head, forming a lock. On inhaling pull your legs to your chest, pulling your socks to yourself as much as possible. On exhalation return to the starting position.

6) Repeat the same exercise, only this time pull your legs to the chest alternately.

7) The starting position is the same. Slowly bend the legs in the knees, press the feet firmly to the floor. On inhalation, raise one leg vertically upwards. The second must remain in place, then make the identical movement with the other foot.

8) Take an identical position. The legs are straight. With one foot, make a move to the right (or to the left, respectively), trying as far as possible to remove the limb in the thigh. Repeat the same thing with the other leg.

9) Lying on the floor to raise arms and legs at the same moment up, stay in this position, taking a deep breath. On exhalation it is necessary to take the initial lying position.

10) Carry out the exercise "bike scrolling with your feet invisible pedals.

11) Carefully lie on your stomach. Put your hands under your head (under your chin). Raise one leg, then the other. The limbs must be straight.

12) Stand up. Lean on the back of the chair. Take the right leg in the hip to the maximum amplitude to the right. Then do the identical exercise on the other leg.


13) Hold on to the back of a chair. Standing - standing. With one hand, lean back on the chair, legs straightened, free. Start to perform light sweeping movements back and forth. It is important that the foot that performs the flies is as relaxed as possible.


Complex 3

1) Standing position. Within five minutes walk in place, lifting your knees as high as possible. This exercise improves the nutrition of the knee joint due to the influx of blood to it.

2) Stand on your toes, stand for a few seconds, then roll on your heels with a rolling motion, keeping your balance.

3) Flap foot movements, alternately changing limbs.

All three complexes are ideally suited for performing, both in the phase of remission, and in the phase of exacerbation. These are the simplest exercises of gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint. However, simplicity does not make them worse.

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint: the most effective exercises

The exercises described below are suitable only for people who have arthrosis in remission.

Complex 1

1) Lie on the floor. Hands along the trunk, legs straight. Raise the left foot from the ground a few centimeters. Hold in this position for a few seconds, then lower your leg. A good indication is a feeling of fatigue in the calf muscle.

2) Lie on your stomach. One leg bend at the knee and lift over the floor. Hold for 25-40 seconds, then return to the starting position. Do the same with the other leg.

3) Lie on your stomach. Bend both legs in the knees. Then lift them over the floor and spread them apart.

Now you need to slowly reduce your legs and return to their original position.

Exercise is difficult to accomplish, therefore, to fulfill it or not, everyone decides for himself, proceeding from the possibilities of his organism.

4) Lie on your side. One leg to bend, the second to straighten. Perform vertical movements with a straight leg.

Complex 2

1) Sit on a chair. Alternately raise the left, then the right leg, alternating movements.


2) Stand up. Lean on the back of the chair. On account of "one" go up one leg to the toe. The second remains pressed to the floor. Then roll onto the other leg and do the same.


3) Sitting on a chair to perform a light massage of the knees, rotational movements.

Exercises of these two complexes should preferably be performed at the same time. So the effect of gymnastics will be maximum.

Another effective complex of gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint is presented on video:

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint: how to do it right. Tips and Tricks

On the Internet there is a description of many gymnastics complexes for arthrosis of the knee joint. But it is not always clear how to carry them out.There are a number of recommendations:

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1) Pain sensations should be excluded. If pain occurs during the performance of an exercise, it is a direct excuse to refuse further exercise. So the complex does not fit.

2) Do not bother yourself, without first consulting with a doctor.

3) Cramps after exercise - this is normal.

4) Each exercise is performed 7-15 times. It is recommended to begin with 2-4 times, gradually increasing the amplitude.

5) It is not recommended to start accelerating at a fast pace. It's fraught.

LFK can be an excellent assistant in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint. It is important to properly approach such a responsible business.

A source:

Gymnastics for knee joints. Therapeutic exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky

The knee joint is one of the most complex and mobile in the human body. It withstands a heavy load and performs important functions during running, jumping, walking and other movements.

The knee joint is arranged quite difficult, therefore any disturbances in metabolism or blood circulation are reflected in the state of its tissues.

The functioning of the knee is also affected by various injuries, increased stress and degenerative processes occurring in the body with age. All this causes various diseases.

One of the most effective methods of their treatment is gymnastics for knee joints. It is very important that special exercises prescribed by the doctor are performed.

Dysfunction of the joint

The structure of the knee is very complicated. Special articulation of bones, a large number of muscles and ligaments provides movement in the joint in different directions.

In this joint there are special elastic cartilages - menisci, which provide it with damping properties and protect the bones from destruction. Movement in the knee is possible due to the musculoskeletal apparatus.

In addition, in this place there is a large number of nerves and blood vessels. All this makes the knee joint very vulnerable to physical stress, trauma and other effects.

In this place most often develop pathologies such as arthritis, arthrosis, synovitis, bursitis, tendonitis, sprain and others. Restoring the functions of the knee is a long and complex process. Therefore, the treatment of such pathologies should be comprehensive.

After the examination and determine the cause of mobility and pain, the doctor prescribes various therapies. The treatment of knee joints with gymnastics is considered the most effective.

After all, to restore the work of muscles and ligaments, to restore the elasticity of cartilage and stop the destruction of bone tissue is best through special exercises.

The tasks of gymnastics

A special complex of exercise therapy significantly improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

It is prescribed by a doctor, all exercises are selected individually, depending on the type of pathology, the age of the patient and his general state of health.

Gymnastics for knee joints performs the following functions:

  • strengthens muscles;
  • increases elasticity of ligaments;
  • improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues;
  • increases the mobility of the joint;
  • relieves pain in the knee.

Basic Rules of Occupation

Gymnastics for knee joints should be prescribed by a doctor. After all, depending on the type of pathology exercises should be different.

Especially it is necessary to be cautious with loads on the knees after injuries, with arthrosis, acute inflammatory process. But choosing the right set of exercises is not all, it's very important to do it right.

There are several rules, compliance with which will make exercise therapy for the knee joint useful:

  • classes should be regular, at least 30 minutes a day, it is often recommended to practice 2-3 times for 10-15 minutes;
  • the course of such treatment should last no less than a month, and in some cases gymnastics must be done constantly;
  • exercises are performed smoothly, without sudden movements and heavy loads on the joint;
  • the load at the beginning of classes should be low, the exercises are performed with a low intensity, and it should be increased gradually;
  • first the number of repetitions of exercises should be 3-5 times, gradually they need to be brought up to 10-15;
  • It is impossible to tolerate the appearance of pain during exercise;
  • at the end of the workout, you need to rest your knees - lie down, straighten your legs, then do a light self-massage and take a contrast shower.

Contraindications to the conduct of gymnastics

LFK for the knee joint is the main method of treatment, appointed for various pathologies. But not always the physical load is allowed to the patient. Sometimes you have to look for other ways to restore the joint. Gymnastics is contraindicated in such cases:

  • with hypertension;
  • with increased intracranial pressure;
  • in the presence of a hernia;
  • patients with blood diseases;
  • with a severe form of cardiovascular failure;
  • when the temperature rises;
  • during infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • in the first month after operations;
  • with acute disease of the joint;
  • with purulent inflammation;
  • in the presence of ankylosis.

The best exercises for knee arthrosis

This disease is characterized by a violation of the amount and composition of synovial fluid, the destruction of cartilaginous tissue and the restriction of joint mobility.

At the initial stage of arthrosis, it is the gymnastics that helps improve blood circulation and restore the functions of the knee. Special exercises strengthen the muscles, relieve their spasms and stop the progression of the disease.

You can even engage in an acute period of the disease, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Gymnastics for the knee joint for arthrosis can include such exercises:

  • lying on the back, rotate the feet, turn them, stretch the heels forward, stretching the gastrocnemius muscle;
  • from the same position to lift alternately straight legs;
  • then pull up the knee bent at the knee to the stomach;
  • during the period of remission, the exercise "bicycle" is useful;
  • sitting on a chair, shake his foot, bending and unbending her in the knee.

Static exercises for the knee joint

In the case of destruction of bone and cartilage tissues, a large number of dynamic loads can be harmful. To strengthen the ligaments and muscles without stress on the joint itself, you can use static exercises.

And the delay in the extreme position should be 40-60 seconds. It should not cause much stress and malfunction in the breath.

Static gymnastics for the knee joint for arthrosis can include such exercises:

  • lying on his stomach raise his leg 15 cm from the floor, bending it while in the knee;
  • sitting on a chair, straighten one by one, then the other leg, lifting them from the floor and holding them in this position;
  • standing and holding hands for support, to rise on socks, then on the heels, lingering so for a while.

Gymnastics method C. Bubnovsky

A well-known physician practicing the method of kinesiotherapy believes that it is possible to restore the functions of the knees only with the help of physical education, without the use of medications.

Dr. Bubnovsky created a special complex that helps restore health to knee joints in any pathology. Its main difference from the traditional exercise LFK is that the exercises are performed on special simulators.

But you can study at home, using a rubber elastic band.

The complex, created by Sergei Bubnovsky, contributes to the restoration of joints due to improved blood supply and nutrition of tissues and removal of muscle spasm. It includes special exercises that can only be performed under the supervision of a specialist:

  • Wrap the knees with a compress of crushed ice. In this condition, drop on them and gently walk a few steps, leaning on a chair.
  • From the position of kneeling, it is necessary to sit on the heels carefully, holding hands by the support. First, it is better to put a roller or rolled mat under your knees, gradually reducing its thickness. It is desirable to achieve that the residence time in this position is 5-6 minutes.
  • Sitting on the floor with your legs straight, you need to bend over, grab onto your feet and pull your fingers to yourself. In doing so, you need to feel how the calf muscles are stretched.
  • Lying on his stomach, bend his legs. Helping yourself with your hands, try to press your heels to your buttocks.

Strength exercises Bubnovsky

This type of load is shown during the period of remission at the initial stages of development of diseases of the knee joint.

Performing exercises with the help of effort helps to strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation and nutrition of tissues.


They can be performed only after consulting a doctor, because in some cases, such loads can be harmful.


To perform strength exercises, Dr. Bubnovsky recommends using a rubber shock absorber in the form of an elastic band. One end of it is attached to the ankle joint, the other end to the fixed support or it is held by the hand. You can perform such exercises:

  • lying on his stomach, bend his leg in the knee joint, overcoming the resistance of the shock absorber;
  • fixing the tape on the other side, so that the leg is bent at the knee, you need to unbend it;
  • lie on your back and bend your leg, fixed by a shock absorber;
  • sitting on the floor sideways to the support, for which the shock absorber is fixed, lead and retract the leg, overcoming its resistance;
  • standing, bending the leg, trying to touch the heel of the buttocks.

What is harmful for the knee joint

At various pathologies in this place are not shown any loads. There are exercises that can harm and further destroy articular cartilage.

Gymnastics for knee joints should not include jumping, running, or exercising on a stationary bike.

Very inconvenient for them, inclination with a turn, deep squats, lunges and other loads associated with a strong bending of the knees.

Special exercises performed correctly will help restore mobility, relieve pain and inflammation. Gymnastics is the best way to stop the progression of the disease and restore the health of the knees.

A source: http://.ru/article/275497/gimnastika-dlya-kolennyih-sustavov-lechebnaya-gimnastika-doktora-bubnovskogo

Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint: approximate complexes

Therapeutic exercises with arthrosis is designed to improve the mobility of the joint through its unlocking.

If you perform it daily, the degenerative process can be preserved for a long time or even lead to its retreat.

Today's topic is exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint.

Therapeutic exercises with knee arthrosis

To understand what a joint block is, let's recall that arthrosis is not for nothing called deforming:

  • The destruction of the hyaline cartilage is accompanied by a simultaneous thickening of the subchondral bone
  • In the late stages on the destroyed cartilaginous surface appear hard calcium outgrowths - osteophytes
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Osteophytes of the joints play a protective role: if they were not formed, the head of the bone would finally collapse.

The negative role of osteophytes is precisely in the blocking of the joint, which ceases to move freely and rotate.

Appointment of exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint

However, what should be the curative gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint?

Many patients make a serious mistake, trying to load the sick knee as much as possible, crouching up to a hundred times a day.

Imagine that you are a car with a worn running gear suddenly begin to drive over long distances. What can happen? That's right - the machine is likely to break.

But this would not have happened if you had made a replacement for individual parts, which would improve the performance characteristics.

In our case, the role of such repair will be played by a properly selected gym.

We do not plan to replace certain parts of our SLM, but we can strengthen them in our power.

Strengthening the periarticular muscles and ligaments will strengthen the bone joints and "running that is, the motor functions of our musculoskeletal system.

LFK with arthrosis of the knee joint is thus designed not for the joint itself, but for the femoral and tibial muscles.

In passing, the muscles of the back, pelvic, gluteal, extensor muscles of the toes, etc. will be involved.

: Gymnastics for arthrosis

Requirements for therapeutic exercises

Gymnastics can not be done:

  • with increased arterial or intracranial pressure
  • on critical days
  • at elevated temperature
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • immediately after surgery
  • with serious cardiovascular diseases

If the knees are badly hurt, then you need to start the exercises with static exercises.

Examples of static knee exercises

You can perform them standing, sitting, lying down. Only squats are excluded.

  • Rises of a straight leg:Exercise can be performed sitting on a chair (on the floor), lying on your back, on your stomach, on your side. It is important to use all these provisions to develop a joint in all directions.
    • Alternately raise one or the other leg:
      • The leg should be straightened at the knee
      • The height of the leg can be as large as 20 cm - it's like
    • The essence of the exercise is to hold your foot for a while in an elevated position:
      start with 10-15 seconds, then gradually increase the time of lifting the leg to 30 or more seconds
    • In the muscles of the thighs and lower leg should be felt tension
    • Lowering the foot slowly, we relax it for a few seconds
    • In total we produce ten such lifts
    • Rhythmicity of movements must coincide with breathing:
      • on the rise we breathe in
      • on the restraint of the foot - breath holding
      • lowering down, exhaling
    • You can apply a more dynamic version of the exercises:
      • The delay of the leg at the point of recovery is one-two seconds
      • To lower a leg or foot it is necessary all the same slowly and smoothly
  • Rises of the bent leg:Such lifts are also carried out in any position.
    • The leg is bent at 90 degrees in the knee
    • Raise the hip without changing the angle of the bent leg
    • We hold the foot in the same way as described in the first exercise
    • Omitting the leg, relaxing
    • Repeat 10 times
    • In a dynamic version, we reduce the time of restraint
  • Spinning the feet
    • In the sitting or lying position, we place the feet a distance of the length of the foot
    • We unfold the feet outwards and hold them by the tension of the muscles
    • Level your feet and relax
    • Now turn the feet inward until the thumbs come in contact
    • We also linger in this position, and then return back
    • Exercise can be performed with both straightened and knees bent at the knees
  • Focus on the toe or heel:Exercise is usually performed standing, but for the elderly and weak patients, you can recommend the option of sitting.
    • We rise on tiptoe, holding on to the back of a chair
    • We hold on until one minute
    • Slowly sink to the heels
    • Now the emphasis is transferred to the heels, and the toes of the feet are lifted and pulled by them
    • Slowly sink to your socks
    • We make rifts:
      • One leg with an emphasis on the toe, the other on the heel
      • Then change the position of the legs
      • The legs in the knees at the same time try not to bend

At the end of the gym it is desirable to massage the anterior and lateral surfaces of the hips, starting the movement from the knee to the groin.

Dynamic gymnastics for joints

When the pain is gone, you can start more active gymnastics. This does not mean that you just need to run, jump or crouch: start with simple exercises, combining them with a knee massage.

Examples of dynamic exercises in gonarthrosis

  • Sitting or lying down slowly bend and straighten alternately the right and left leg, without taking your feet off the floor. At the same time, you can knead your knee with your hands
  • We bend and straighten with detachment of feet from the floor. It is possible to hold the knee with your hands
  • Pull the bent knee with your hands upOpen the leg, straighten it
  • Sitting on a chair, leaning on the back
    • Legs are straightened, with an emphasis on the heels, hands clinging to the seat
    • We bend the trunk to the knees, simultaneously bending the legs in the knees and lowering the feet to the floor
  • We walk back and forth in the sitting position:
    two or three steps forward and as much back
  • We make the rolls from the socks to the heel, the knee joint moves and flexes freely
  • Lying on his back, bent legs perform the movement "bicycle"

Improve the effect of medical gymnastics warming ointments for arthrosis.

They can be rubbed into the surface of the knee right during charging, combining them with a massage.

For the prevention of gonarthrosis, as well as during remission, you can use the complex LFK, shown in the video below.

: Exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint

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A source:

Lfk with arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2 nd degree - effective exercises at home and in the pool, technique of performance, video lessons of therapeutic gymnastics

The main objectives of therapeutic physical training (LFK) are to reduce pain and eliminate symptoms of arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree.

Gymnastic complex improves the general condition of a person, strengthens bones and cardiovascular system.

The main criterion for performing gymnastics with knee arthrosis is the coordination of the complex of exercises with an experienced instructor or a treating rheumatologist.

What is the benefit of exercise therapy?

The intensity of recovery for arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree depends on the correctly chosen exercises and the patient's purposefulness.

The knee will quickly return to normal if the exercise therapy is combined with a course of physiotherapy, electrophoresis, mud therapy or hirudotherapy.

Physical training is an indispensable assistant, which has the following effects on the affected area:

  • reduces pain;
  • enlarges the joint space;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • helps in strengthening the muscles;
  • corrects spine disorders;
  • improves the functions of the respiratory system.

Therapeutic exercises with arthrosis benefit, if it is done regularly. In this case, the functions of the knee joint are quickly restored even with a disease of the 2nd degree.

Without a trace, the disease will not pass, but it will not progress.

The patient will not only avoid surgery or disability, but will also fully return to the habitual life rhythm.

Carrying out exercise therapy for arthrosis of 2 degrees (gonarthrosis), you must adhere to the rules that will make for you exercise therapy a pleasant, effective, safe procedure:

  1. Observe a balance between intense joint loads and resting time. To regenerate the cartilage was successful, you need to give rest to the knee every 5-6 hours.
  2. Effective gymnastics will be if you do the exercises 30-40 minutes a day, but not in a row, and dividing the time into periods of 10 minutes.
  3. Move at the beginning of the exercises slowly, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  4. Exercise from 3 times a day for 4-6 repetitions for each exercise.
  5. Performing exercise therapy, do not allow strong pressure on the knee, do not ignore the pain, make soft movements.
  6. After completing the 10-minute gymnastics complex, relax, stretch your legs, lie on your back for a couple of minutes.

Complex of exercises

LFK prevents the development of complications of arthrosis and helps to restore joint activity, preventing further deformation of bones.

The curative gymnastics program includes a whole range of activities.

These are gymnastic tasks that are solved in different positions of the body, training on special simulators and in water, rehabilitation courses.

With gonarthrosis, an exercise bike, hatha yoga, pilates, and micro-motion exercises are useful. Only loads should be minimal, under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

Develop degenerating knee muscles easily with the help of steppers, which are installed in orthopedic centers.

The principle of their work is an imitation of walking, in which, if necessary, additional load is applied.

  1. Pull your legs out, bend the right knee, raise the right foot, hold your foot for 5-7 seconds, lower it to its original position. Repeat with the same left foot.
  2. Bend one leg in the knee, pull it to the stomach as much as possible, hold it for 5-7 seconds, and then lower the foot first, and then - the knee (sliding movements). Repeat the same movements with the other foot.
  3. Very effective leg movements, imitating cycling while alternating the active phase with a rest period of several seconds.
  4. To relax the knee joint, bend both legs, trying to touch the buttocks with your heels. Fix for a short time in this position, then take the original pose, relax.
  5. Straighten both legs, lift upwards by 15 degrees, make movements simulating scissors, when the legs alternately rise up and fall down.

On the stomach

  1. Raise one knee straight from the floor by 30 degrees, hold it for a few seconds, making sure that the gluteal muscles are clamped. The leg muscles are as tight as possible, the body is pressed to the floor. Try to breathe evenly.

    Slowly lower the leg, then do the same with the second leg.

  2. Exercise number 1 at a fast pace, holding your foot 1-2 seconds. This will allow for grade 2 arthrosis to improve blood circulation in the diseased knee.
  3. Raise your arms and legs straight above the floor. Hold them for 30 seconds, and then very slowly return to the starting position. To strengthen the muscles of the knee, complicate the task. Slowly move and push apart your arms and legs.
  4. Bend one leg at a right angle, lift above the floor and fix for 30 seconds. The back should not sag, and the stomach tightly pressed to the floor. Slowly lower your leg, rest and do the same with your second leg.
  5. Exercise 4 at a fast pace, but the movements should be smooth, and breaks between repetitions - not less than 2 seconds.


  1. Grasp the back of the chair, climb the toes, stand for 1 minute. After several repetitions and rest again, perform the exercise in a more dynamic version. Knee joints should be strained and kept even.
  2. Standing near the back of the chair, lean on the heels, fix for 1 minute. Repeat the exercise in a more dynamic version.
  3. Perform smooth transitions from the toe to the heel, standing near the back of the chair.

    With arthrosis of the 2nd degree, this exercise activates the blood circulation.

  4. Grasp the back of the chair with both hands. Take aside the straight legs in turn. Movements should be as slow as possible so that the knee muscles are strengthened.
  5. Turn sideways to the back of the chair, grasp it with one hand. Perform alternately swings back and forth with even feet.

Sitting on a chair

  1. Perform exercise therapy, sitting on a chair with a straight back. Put your hands on your knees and lock yourself. Stretch and relax the muscles of the thigh, and the knee joints must remain immobile.
  2. The initial position is the same. Hold your hands by the seat of the chair. Raise your straightened legs, spread them in different directions, then bring them back together and lower them to the initial position.
  3. In a sitting position, straighten both legs, try to touch the floor with your hands, without bending the knee joints.
  4. In turn, bend and unbend the knee joints of each leg, fixing the straightened leg at the top for a few seconds.
  5. In the same position, in turn, pull one leg to the abdomen first, then the other, bending at the knee.
  6. Place both feet on the floor, then spread them apart to the width of the foot, stand up from the chair, spread your arms. After 2-3 seconds, return to the initial position.

Lfq in water

Lfk in water is a full-fledged replacement of therapeutic gymnastics.

When using this unique development, the specifics of the impact of the aquatic environment on human body, because hydrostatic pressure accelerates the flow of blood to the joints, improving the exchange substances. Classes in the pool are shown to those people who experience pain, doing exercise therapy under normal conditions. Here are some exercises:

  1. Slowly walk on the bottom of the pool, bending and knee-flexing 3-5 minutes.
  2. Alternately, bending your legs back, try to touch your buttocks with your heels.
  3. Slowly passing the pool, do partial squats (up to 30 times), so that the face remains above the surface of the water.
  4. Swim in any style and use your legs as much as possible.


LFK with arthrosis of the knee should be performed strictly during the period of remission. If the patient exacerbates the disease, then from any load on the knee should be discarded. Therapeutic gymnastics also has contraindications:

  • acute chronic diseases;
  • serious injuries;
  • disturbance of cerebral and coronary circulation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bleeding;
  • swelling of the knee joint;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • postoperative period;
  • any hernia.

In addition to contraindications, any movement that causes severe pain is prohibited, therefore, with knee arthrosis it is forbidden to crouch down heavily, walk a lot, perform jerking exercises and apply large efforts. If at ЛФК at the patient any chronic disease has become aggravated, from carrying out of gymnastics it is necessary to refuse even for a week.

lessons of therapeutic gymnastics

LFK helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment of the disease.

But what about those who do not have access to swimming pools, rehabilitation centers, work with a personal trainer? Take advantage of the selection of several video lessons below, which you can download to your computer, and then professionally engage with them at home. Just be sure to monitor the physical condition of the knee, at the slightest pain during the exercise, discard it immediately.

How to relieve pain in the knee joints - Muslim Jamaldinov

Osteoarthritis of the knee occurs with prolonged heavy physical exertion, from overweight or after serious knee injuries.

To remove pain, you need to completely change your lifestyle: adhere to a salt-free diet, to part with excess kilograms, to give up heavy physical labor, gymnastics.

Look at the video in which the head of the department of sports rehabilitation Dzhamaldinov M. R. shows the course of exercises that relieve pain:

Exercises of Sergei Bubnovsky

Among the leading Russian specialists who successfully treat arthrosis of the 2nd degree knee, Dr. Bubnovsky Sergey Mikhailovich stands out. "The highlight" of his therapeutic gymnastics is walking on his knees, which may seem painful to the sick.

But with such therapy, there is also protection - a self-made knee, for the manufacture of which in the dense tissue should be poured crushed ice. The doctor has other unique methods.

Watch a video that shows Bubnovsky's gymnastics:

Healing gymnastics of Dr. Evdokimenko

Well-known rheumatologist Pavel Valeryevich Evdokimenko knows everything about the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint.

He wrote more than 10 books on this common disease, and their circulation has already passed for half a million.

The doctor offers everyone who wants to own a complex of gymnastics, which he created as a result of successful long-term practice. Look at the video where gymnastics is shown for arthrosis of the knee joint according to Evdokimenko:

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Gymnastics for patients with joints

Gymnastics for joints - one of the important conditions for relief of the condition with arthrosis.

Complex exercises for joints should be performed daily, for fifteen to thirty minutes.

Then in a fairly short time, a month and a half, the mobility of the joints will improve, arthrosis will begin to recede.

Therapeutic exercises for joints are different from the usual sports activities. Its peculiarity is that the exercises provided in the complex are not aimed at increasing the load on the muscles, but on improving the mobility of the joints. Therefore, they are simple enough to perform them easily.

Assess the condition of your joints and choose exercises you can and yourself. Small tests will show how mobile those or other parts of the spine and extremities are.

  1. Tilt your head down, touching the sternum with your chin;
  2. Tilt your head to the left and to the right, trying to touch the shoulder with your ear;
  3. Take your shoulders back, connecting your shoulder blades;
  4. Put your hands in the "lock" behind, at the level of the shoulder blades;
  5. Sit down five or six times without the help of hands;
  6. Lean forward without bending your legs. Try to touch the forehead with your knees;
  7. Put your feet to the width of your shoulders, reach out to the floor with your hands;
  8. Stand back so that you can see the object lying on the floor behind.

If all the exercises were carried out easily, therapeutic gymnastics for the joints is not too necessary for you. However, one should not forget about the active healthy way of life and, with a hereditary predisposition to arthrosis, it is necessary to do exercises to strengthen the joints two or three times a week.

Gymnastics for patients with joints - basic exercises

Gymnastics for joints consists of a set of simple exercises. Physiotherapy with joint diseases is a great way to improve their mobility, relieve pain and inflammation.

Exercises for joints are divided into several groups, they can be performed alternately, or immediately by complex. Everything depends on the state of the body, on how ready it is for the loads.

Therapeutic exercises for joint diseases necessarily include the following exercises:

  1. For the development of the joints of the cervical region - head inclinations to the left and to the right. They need to be done very carefully, cervical vertebrae - a rather weak place of the body. Do not strain, doing exercises for the joints, try to relax the neck and the humerus.
  2. As the training of the shoulder girdle, perform the swings and rotations with your hands, different in amplitude.
  3. Therapeutic exercises for the joints of elbows and wrists - flexion and extension of hands, push-ups from the table.
  4. Effective LPC in patients with joints of the fingers - to squeeze and unclench your hand into a fist, and also to spread your fingers to the sides as wide as possible.
  5. Gymnastics for patients knee joints - squats. If you make them difficult - lean on a chair or table.
  6. Good training for the hip joints - swings the legs back and forth, as well as stretching - twine longitudinal and transverse. Remember that gymnastics for the sick joints is not done through strength, you need to sit on the string gradually, every day a little more stretching muscles and ligaments.

    In no case do not perform IFR in patients with joints, trying to achieve the maximum results in one day. This will only exacerbate the course of the disease.

Physiotherapy for joint disease, what to look for

With polyarthrosis, and also if the movement of the joints causes severe discomfort and pain, a set of exercises should be made by a doctor.

LFK in patients with joints in this case should be under the supervision of specialists.

Then, when the condition improves, gymnastics for joints can be performed at home.

Gymnastics for patients with knee joints will be much more comfortable if you previously stretch the joints by massage with the help of Collagen Ultra cream.

Gymnastics for joints will be more effective if you use special ointments before and after training. These are preparations with hydrolyzed collagen and glucosamine, which relieve inflammation and improve the production of a compound lubricant.


For example, gymnastics for patients with knee joints, which brings the patient quite unpleasant sensations, will much more comfortable, if you previously stretch the joints, after a massage with the help of Collagen cream Ultra.


The cream stimulates the production of articular lubrication, speeds up the circulation of blood. Thanks to this, the joints become more mobile, the exercises do not cause pain.

It is necessary in the treatment of joint diseases not only the external impact, but also the recharge of useful substances from the inside.

Bioactive additives containing collagen hydrolyzate provide the body with this material necessary for the restoration of the joint tissue.

The course of reception of Collagen Ultra is calculated for 3 months, and the effect can be seen as early as a month after the beginning of use.


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