Orthopedic seat for a chair: cushion for the spine


  • 1Orthopedic cushion for sitting on a chair: advice on choice and producer feedback
    • 1.1Who needs a seat cushion?
    • 1.2Is it a very sedentary lifestyle?
    • 1.3A simple and effective remedy
    • 1.4What are the cushions for sitting?
    • 1.5How to make the right choice?
    • 1.6Does such an accessory need a child?
    • 1.7How does the pillow work?
    • 1.8Care
    • 1.9Can I make a pillow with my own hands?
  • 2Features of the use of an orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair
    • 2.1Appointment of orthopedic pillow for sitting
    • 2.2Types of Orthopedic Seats
    • 2.3Properties of an orthopedic pillow
    • 2.4Who is recommended Orthopod
    • 2.5Features of orthopedic pillows
    • 2.6Features of choosing and purchasing orthopedic pillows
  • 3We choose a pillow on a chair for posture
  • 4Orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair
    • 4.1Why do I need an orthopedic pillow to sit on a chair?
    • 4.2Types of orthopedic pillows on the chair seat
    • 4.3Wedge-shaped orthopedic pillows on the chair seat, photo
    • 4.4Pillows for active sitting
    • 4.5Pillows for lumbar support
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.6Pillow-ring for people suffering from hemorrhoids
    • 4.7Kulik system of two pillows
  • 5Orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair

Orthopedic cushion for sitting on a chair: advice on choice and producer feedback

People are used to choosing for their comfort all the best. Most often, the greatest attention is paid to the quality of the sleeping place, but it is equally important to equip the working class, especially if the whole working day passes in a sitting position.

To minimize the load, specialists have developed an orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair or in a chair.

Who needs a seat cushion?

At first glance, it may seem that few people are sedentary.

But who among us does not sit a few hours a day at a computer or on a couch watching TV? Every minute of the unnatural position of the spine, which he takes in this position, affects his condition, and not in the best way.

Therefore, we can conclude that the orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair does not hurt in every house.

At work, it will come in handy, if the service duties assume a long hours at the computer. It's not just office employees and white collars.

Also, drivers often experience discomfort. People with this profession have to stay behind the wheel from morning till night.

There are also special cases when an orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair is required for real medical indications. This may be a postoperative period, when without this accessory the patient experiences pain and discomfort.

A non-excessive pillow will be for people with disabilities. She will be appreciated by her mothers who are not recommended to sit for the first time because of the seams. Orthopedic pillow will help to take a comfortable pose without negative consequences.

Is it a very sedentary lifestyle?

The anatomical shape of the pillow makes it possible to minimize several factors that adversely affect the human body when it sits. First of all, it is a relaxation of tension on the pelvis. Stagnation, poor circulation in the lower pelvis are fraught with hemorrhoids and constipation.

In addition, doctors state the fact that a multi-hour sitting provokes diabetes, cardiovascular problems and, of course, serious disorders of the spine.

Displacement and deformation of the vertebrae become the cause of their destruction. Subsequently, it threatens with severe back pain, jamming of the nerve endings, because of which people feel headaches, vision impairment.


The development of scoliosis means that the work of the lungs and heart is disrupted. All this slowly but surely kills a person and significantly shortens the duration of life.


Orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair does not become a panacea, but it can really help in a complex with adequate physical loads.

A simple and effective remedy

As folk wisdom says: the problem is better prevented than solved. Correction of serious health disorders is a troublesome and expensive business. Treatment of the spine or chronic diseases has a long way to go. Better to take preventive measures ahead of time.

One of them is an orthopedic pillow for sitting. On a chair, working or car seat, a home sofa to put it is not difficult.

The cost of this product is quite large, but it is better to buy one such product once for 2-3 thousand rubles than to go to pharmacies for years.

The impact that the orthopedic pillow has on the chair, for the spine, is not curative. It can not align it or fix the disks.

But reduce the load during operation, give a more natural position to the body, relieve tension, to restore the normal flow of blood - these are the goals that the producers have sought, and they are quite managed.

What are the cushions for sitting?

Manufacturers offer different models of pillows. Conditionally they can be divided into products with a cutout and solid. The first are issued in the form of an oval or a circle with a void in the center.

Such an orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair is created precisely for those cases when it is necessary to reduce the level of load on the perineum or pelvis.

Sitting on it, the patient does not experience discomfort and painful sensations in the problem area if he has postoperative scars.

Some manufacturers offer an improved model. It consists of two interconnected rounded parts with holes in the center.

This shape is most comfortable for sitting, it is designed in such a way as to balance the load on both the lower part of the pelvis and the spine.

Solid pillows are more versatile. This option - an excellent solution for home, office, car. The product is easy, you can easily take it with you on a trip. Such adaptations are square and rectangular.


Full description, conditions of use, as well as clarifying why an orthopedic pillow is needed for sitting on a chair, a photo with its image, the dimensions indicated on the original packaging will help to make right choice.


A variety of models allows you to choose the option that is most suitable for each specific case.

How to make the right choice?

Orthopedic pillows for a chair have practically no contraindications, and this is their strong point. The choice, first of all, depends on the purpose for which the patient acquires it. Depending on the health problems, one or another species is selected.

Orthopedists and pharmacists, when advised to use a similar accessory, give clear recommendations that say that you need to carefully approach the choice of the pillow shape.

It is best to test it "in action" to understand how comfortable it is. To do this, just sit on it and determine the stiffness.

So you will understand how convenient the hole is, whether the diameter is right.

An important condition for many users is the ability to fix the pillow on the seat.

And if for home such a feature (lack of fixing) is not critical, then for the car it's best to choose a model with straps or an anti-slip surface.

Buyers recommend paying attention to products from Trelax Medica.

Domestic producers ("Trivers "Special Textiles etc.) also deserve attention. According to buyers, the price of their products is very affordable, the products are durable and serve faithfully for a long time.

The company Coccyx Deluxe has a significant difference among competitors. She developed types of pillows, which depend on the weight of the buyer, creating products of varying degrees of rigidity.

Does such an accessory need a child?

Definitely needed! The child organism, due to its constant growth and intense changes, is most often at risk from constant sitting.

It is during adolescence that there is an accelerated development of problems with the back.

Many hours of sitting at the school desk, then at home detrimental to the health of the child.


It can hardly be assumed that the child will take with him to the class such an object as an orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair.


For the schoolboy it will be painful and awkward, but for home use the product is completely suitable, and then there will be no resistance, because sitting on the pillow is really convenient and pleasant.

How does the pillow work?

At the heart of orthopedic products is a special material that repeats the contours of the body. For these purposes, latex or foam filler is used. Both variants - hypoallergenic, exclude the development of various microorganisms in them, are durable and can be cleansed.

These qualities will not only help protect yourself and your environment, but also make yourself comfortable during work or leisure. Need for this is just an orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair.

The feedback of those who bought it for personal use confirm that the additional advantage of latex pillows is that they are able to "remember" the shape of their owner's body.

This makes them as comfortable and safe as possible.

The outer surface of the product is a removable cover made of resistant material. It can be dense cloth, velor or cotton cloth. The main thing is that the pillowcase can be removed and, if necessary, cleaned of contaminants.


It should be noted that special care for pillows from latex is not required. This material does not allow the penetration and accumulation of dust.

However, in case of contamination, the pillow should be cleaned dry.

To entrust such a procedure is best for professionals, because they have enough experience in removing stains from various surfaces, including so tender.

It is impossible to use various chemical and other aggressive agents. This can destroy the structure of the latex. It is also forbidden to dry and place the pillow in the immediate vicinity of the heating elements (batteries, convectors, ovens) or allow direct sunlight to penetrate it.

Another warning, reported by manufacturers, is the protection of products from latex from various mechanical damages (squeezing or stretching).

Can I make a pillow with my own hands?

Orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair with your own hands is a reality. It should be understood that this will not be the product sold in pharmacy chains.

Latex pillows have unique properties, but, alas, they can not be made independently.

Nevertheless, the orthopedic ring is easy to make.

Materials for this need easy and simple to use. For an outer covering it is necessary to use a dense fabric (coarse calico, satin), and silicone is suitable as a filler. It can be purchased at stores selling sewing materials, or using silicone from a regular pillow.


The pattern is very simple and involves cutting out two identical round shapes. The desired size is selected depending on the seat, the diameter of the cutout along the center should be approximately 15 cm. Do not forget to consider allowances for seams! This is 1 cm from the outer and inner sides.


When the material is cut and sewn, a filler is placed inside. It is not worth it to regret it, so that the pillow will be quite rigid.

A source: http://.ru/article/224426/ortopedicheskaya-podushka-dlya-sideniya-na-stul-sovetyi-po-vyiboru-i-otzyivyi-o-proizvoditelyah

Features of the use of an orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair

People who are engaged in "sedentary work often complain of pain in the lower back, cervical spine. They develop hemorrhoids over time.

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Men suffer from prostatitis. The orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair is designed to solve these problems. It must be used constantly.

This pillow has a lot of significant advantages.

Appointment of orthopedic pillow for sitting

This device is required for all office workers, who spend most of their time sitting. It is difficult for them to keep track of the correct posture all the time.

Because of prolonged stay in one position, blood stagnation occurs in the pelvis, not only the musculoskeletal system suffers, but also internal organs. Incorrect seating position leads to jamming of nerve endings.

Over time, such people need urgent medical help. They develop complex diseases, the treatment of which takes a lot of time, money.

The advantage of an orthopedic pillow for sitting is that sitting on it, a person takes a physiologically correct position.

The pelvic muscles remain relaxed, you become less tired. Thanks to the orthopedic seat, a person can not bend over the desk. His back is flat, his posture is correct.

Problems with the spine bypass the office employee side.

Similar advantages are given to intellectual workers who are forced to sit at the desk all day. To use a pillow for preventive purposes is recommended to all. It is also indispensable in the treatment of various ailments, after surgery.

Types of Orthopedic Seats

Manufacturers produce a variety of products. Pillows for sitting on a chair are in great demand.

Sometimes it is advisable to use them together with special orthopedic backs. The shape of the product is selected individually.

The following options are on sale:

  • rectangular pillows;
  • round products;
  • cushions in the form of a ring;
  • Double with a depression in the middle.

Regardless of the shape of the pillow, their design is similar to the fact that there is a small notch in the middle of the product.

Due to this, the pelvis occupies the right position during sitting.

The pillows are in great demand in the form of a ring, but to make the final choice, it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors:

  • the size of a working chair or chair;
  • recommendations of the attending physician;
  • features of the figure;
  • the price of the product.

Properties of an orthopedic pillow

A qualitative orthopedic pillow on the chair has a positive effect on all organs and systems with constant use. It relaxes muscles, relieves strong pain, ensures normal circulation of blood throughout the body.

Such adaptations are necessary in the postoperative period. After surgical interventions on the spine, patients are forbidden to sit for a while. Returning to normal high-grade life, it is advisable to use a pillow on the chair seat.

With it, the recovery process is accelerated.

Women who have recently become mothers, have experienced an episiotomy or natural perineal ruptures, want to quickly get in shape, get rid of the pain.

For them, too, is designed orthopedic pillow on the chair. It can be used during baby feedings.

All breaks and incisions will not bother you if the healing takes place under acceptable conditions.

Who is recommended Orthopod

People with disabilities often also use orthopedic pillows to avoid the occurrence of pressure sores. They are offered special varieties of products. To make the final choice, it is worth consulting with an orthopedist, a neurosurgeon or a vertebrologist.

These devices are struggling not only with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you know how difficult it is to sit in the workplace when the problem worsens.

Orthopedic pillow relieves pain, promotes early healing and prevents the development of relapses with constant use.

Features of orthopedic pillows

Seat cushions are produced from hypoallergenic quality materials. There are usually several inner layers. Foamed polyurethane is used as the basis.

To add extra softness, use felt, foam rubber, other materials. The outer layer is soft and pleasant to the touch. Such a surface does not slip.


Due to the constant circulation of air, the skin does not sweat, touching the pillow on the chair. Many such products are sold with removable covers that can be periodically washed.


This is convenient, because when there is dirt on the surface, there is no need to take the pillow to dry cleaning.

Special grooves for the buttocks support the pelvic bones and muscles in the right position. Even after a long working day, held in a sitting position, you will not feel tired and frustrated.

It is important!

With all its positive qualities and variety of ways of using, orthopedic pillows remain a medical device.

They should be bought in specialized pharmacies or in official shops of manufacturers.

At purchase it is necessary to study certificates of quality and an origin of the goods.

Features of choosing and purchasing orthopedic pillows

The mass of low-grade goods today is issued for orthopedic products, but in reality such adaptations do not give any result from the use and even exacerbate the state of health. It is necessary to consult with the doctor regarding the purchase of a pillow on the seat, so that he prompted which producer to give preference to.

If you plan to use a pillow while driving a car, it is advisable to choose a model with special lashing straps. Then the seat will not change its position, and you can relax even while driving.

Modern medicine offers a lot of methods to combat serious ailments, problems of the spine.

You should use them to avoid further serious treatment.


To assess the effectiveness of the orthopedic pillow can be immediately after the start of use. You will notice how much you feel better.


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A source: https://spinous.ru/for-spine/products/ortopedicheskaya-podushka-dlya-sideniya-na-stul.html

We choose a pillow on a chair for posture

Modern man leads a sedentary lifestyle - this fact has long been disputed.

Everyone knows that we need to move more, but what if the work involves a long stay at the computer, and the house has enough power only to watch TV and go to sleep.

Everyone who spends most of the day in a sitting position will be helped by a pillow on a chair for posture. What are her models on sale? What features are ready to perform this orthopedic accessory? And are there any special recommendations to use the pillow correctly?

Statistics are inexorable - 70% of Russians have to work sitting, while more than half and from work leave for a personal car.

If you spend more than 9 hours in a sitting position, then orthopedists strongly recommend using a pillow for posture on a chair.

It will help to "level" the spine, relieve tension from the muscles of the cervical region and the shoulder girdle, improve blood flow.

When the orthopedic accessory is applied to the spine, it occupies the correct anatomical position, which reduces the risk of postural disorders.

Special support during the sitting is useful to all lovers of high heels, as well as those who during the day engaged in heavy physical work or spent the whole evening in the gym.

The cushion for the back will help straighten the shoulders, reduce the lumbar pain, relax the tense parts of the body.

The unfolded shoulders will help to breathe properly, which will have a beneficial effect on overall well-being.

The classic orthopedic pillow for the posture of the back has a rectangular shape and side skirts. It is attached with straps. Other models differ from the standard by bending lines and parameters. Let's list the most popular brands on the Russian market and the models they produce.

The Danish manufacturer Fosta offers a variety of products.

For example,model «F5011» is made of polyester - mesh material, which is perfectly ventilated, allowing to spend in an armchair the maximum amount of time.

The lining on the chair ensures the correct position of the spine with prolonged exertion, improves muscle tone, is an excellent preventive against osteochondrosis. The size of the product is 39x42 cm, while adjustable straps allow it to be used on almost any seat in the home, office or car.

A more solid design is the model "F5002". It is sewn from a combined material and has a synthetic cover and a padding made of medical foam. Effectively supports the thoracic and lumbar spine, improves blood circulation and performs a light micromassage.


Mounted on the back of the chair with a thick tape of medical elastic material.


It is used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of osteochondrosis and various disorders of posture, as well as during the rehabilitation period after surgery or trauma. The size of the pillow is 36x37x13 cm.

Another Danish brand.Pillow "Lumbar Support" perfectly repeats the right bend of the spineand well supports the lower back during prolonged work in the office or at home.

It is made of a patented thermosensitive material, which under the influence of pressure and body temperature takes its shape.

Although the material and restores shape after a person rises from the chair, but this process lasts longer than, for example, in materials that are used in mattresses.

The pillow is fastened by means of belts to any place in the back of a chair or armchair, so itseasy to customize to individual user settings. The size is 36x36x7.

The well-known Russian manufacturer of orthopedic pillows Trelax also produces pillows under the back, which are very popular.

One of the models -"P12 Autobag" - can be fixed on the back in two positions with the help of wide belts.

Inside, it has elastic and elastic polyurethane foam.

https://www.youtube.com/watc? = Ixb1r2louqA

The cover is made of 3d-fabric with high indicators of wear resistance and hygroscopicity. The accessory not only enhances the comfort of the seats in the car and armchairs at home or in the office, but also supports the lower chest and lumbar spine in the right position.

Eliminates muscle imbalance in scoliosis. Pillow is effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis, as well as for the prevention of various diseases. Dimensions - 25x296 cm, weight - total, kg.

A similar model - "P04 Spectra but it only has one strap for fastening. Inside is also polyurethane foam, and the cover is made of "auto velor" fabric, which is characterized by super strength and durability.

The pillow can be used from 14 years to unload the back and eliminate muscle tension.


Can be recommended by a doctor for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, scoliosis of the lumbar region, intervertebral hernias.


To buy a pillow for sitting at work or at home is needed not only after correlating its parameters with the dimensions of the chair, but also taking into account your own preferences and physiology.

Be sure to sit on a chair with a pillow to assess the degree of comfort. And never choose models that:

  • lateral clamps excessively squeeze your sides;
  • do not match your height, weight and build;
  • do not match the bending line with the anatomy of your back;
  • excessively large or, on the contrary, very small;
  • cause discomfort and pain;
  • made of synthetic materials, causing allergies;
  • badly fixed on the back, slip, fit tightly.

In most cases, it is not possible to select a universal option that would ideally fit both for a home chair and for a car seat.

If your work is associated with a long stay behind the wheel, it is better to purchase a special model for the car seat, otherwise you need to look towards the pillows in the chair for the tailbone.

If you buy a pillow for prevention, then you can rely on your own choice. Those who have health problems, including those with a spinal column, need to be consulted by the attending physician.

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Use a pillow on the chair for posture can be constantly, if there are no other doctor's recommendations.

You can buy one model and put it on as needed for office, home or car chairs, and you can acquire several models that are designed specifically for drivers or office employees.

A pillow under the back will help to maintain health and perfect posture.

It is noted thatThose who use it, work more fruitfully, and by the evening less tired.

There are pillows from a few hundred to several thousand rubles, so anyone can choose the option to your liking and wallet.

A source: https://2orto.ru/ortopedicheskie-podushki/vybiraem-podushku-na-stul-dlya-osanki

Orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair

A person who, during the day, uses comfortable seating arrangements, feels better both physically and psychologically.

Orthopedic pillows are a very useful invention, which greatly improves comfort during work, rest or travel, which, in turn, significantly affects the well-being, mood and ability to work.

Proposed by manufacturers of modern orthopedic pillows are made of special materials that perfectly adapt to body posture and provide an optimal position in the state of rest.

With this adaptation a person can not only have a better rest, but also reduce the risk of any problems associated with poor posture during sitting or traveling.

In addition to products designed to support the neck and head, used mainly during rest, there are also orthopedic pillows for a chair seat.

Some of them are made of elastic foam, which remembers the shape and position of the body, and others - from foam and other materials. Most pillows have pillowcases made from natural materials such as bamboo and cotton.

Before you buy an orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair, it is worthwhile to find out how useful these products are and what are the differences between the models.

Why do I need an orthopedic pillow to sit on a chair?

In addition to the standard head pillows, orthopedic manufacturers also offer seat cushion options that are suitable for sedentary work or long trips. They are ideal for people who are constantly on the road, and who need something that will relieve muscle tension during a long sitting.

Long sitting leads to excessive stress on the spine and pelvic organs.

With the unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, associated primarily with the nature of the work or the need for constant travel, help to cope with specially designed orthopedic pillows for seats.

Most of them are well suited for use on classic or office chairs. They allow you to maintain the correct position of the body while providing comfort. Such products also help support the back in the treatment of injuries or in post-operative rehabilitation.

Types of orthopedic pillows on the chair seat

Among the orthopedic pillows on the chair, you can find different types.

  • Pillows sensorimotor- they perfectly exercise the muscles of the back of the sitting person, and also force him to support the spine in the correct position.
  • Wedge-shaped- these models allow to unload the spine, provide it with the correct position and optimal slope, stimulating the person to keep the correct posture when sitting.
  • For active seating- can be oval or round, designed to relieve the coccyx and the lower part of the spine, ring models help to relieve pressure on sensitive areas, reducing discomfort from sitting after childbirth or when hemorrhoids.
  • Supporting the lower back- very popular models. They provide ideal support for the lumbar spine and lumbar muscles, for example, while driving a car.

Let us consider them in more detail.

Wedge-shaped orthopedic pillows on the chair seat, photo

It can be a lining on a chair in the form of triangular wedges, usually made of strong foam. Her profile will smoothly move the pelvis forward, stimulating the spine to adopt a vertical anatomical position.

Such pillows prevent the curvature of the spine and help relax the muscles, vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

This device can greatly help in reducing the negative impact of prolonged sitting. They are made of a soft viscoelastic foam, which during use provides extra comfort for the tailbone.

High-quality polyurethane foam and visco-elastic foam help distribute pressure.


  • in the prevention of diseases of the lumbar spine (men and women);
  • at the initial stage of prostate disease (cooling, ventilation);
  • in the prevention of blood stasis in the vessels;
  • with pathologies of the anal sphincter and bladder (male and female).

Can be used for office chairs, chairs and car seats.

The orthopedic orthopedic pillow for a chair can be not only fabric with foam or polyurethane filling, but also an inflatable, made of PVC.

The special surface of such a pillow activates the muscular system to maintain a correct posture of the spine. The wedge-shaped model can be used as a support for the back. It has one smooth side, and the other is covered with sensory projections.

The pillow is made of PVC, which allows it to be washed with soap and water. Inflate it can be a special pump.

Pillows for active sitting

Some other properties have active seat cushions, which not only ensure the observance of the optimal position of the spine, but also ensure the continuous operation of the muscles of the trunk (especially the back), and thereby strengthen their.

Some models allow you to adjust the hardness of the cushion according to your individual needs by changing the amount of air with a hand pump.

Some manufacturers offer a pneumatic cushion for sitting and performing exercises, made of PVC.


It has one side smooth, and the other is covered with spines, which can be used for exercises and foot massage, stimulating receptors.


This version of PVC can be washed with soap and water.

Sensory motor cushion is ideal for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and care for health and for all those who want to expand their mobility. An active seat is a good way to maintain a healthy back without heavy exercise.

The main characteristics of the cushion for active seating:

  • active and dynamic seating;
  • It relieves the load from the upper part of the body and develops the muscles of the back;
  • ensures the correct position of the body;
  • also can be useful for exercises of the back and the lower part of the pelvis.

Due to the design that causes a dynamic sitting, the muscles along the entire length of the spine receive a load and naturally train. At the same time, the pressure on the intervertebral zones decreases, which promotes better circulation of blood and improvement of well-being.

Pillows for lumbar support

In addition to orthopedic pillows used on the chair seat, cushions for correction of the lumbar region come to the aid of maintaining a healthy spine and good posture.

Mounted on the backs of the seats, they support the back and reduce tension in the lower part of the spine, that is, in the lumbar region.

Such products bring relief to the tired back and help reduce pain.

It can be a model with the possibility of use in cars for installation on the seats. Lumbar cushion provides:

  • good support of the lumbar spine;
  • reduces and prevents diseases associated with overload and lumbar injuries;
  • allows to ensure the presence of the spine in the optimal position, reducing the pain of the lumbar spine arising from prolonged sitting;
  • can be used in the car, at work and at home;
  • thanks to its properties and shape, this model fills perfectly the space between the seat and the body.

The product ensures constant air circulation through the use of the 3D Aero grid. There are models designed for people in wheelchairs and for cars.

The back cushion can be with adjustable thickness in the lumbar region of the spine. The thickness can be adjusted by pumping. This allows you to perfectly customize support according to your personal needs in the range of 3 to 8 cm.

This option is an excellent support for the spine, both during driving while sitting on a chair, couch or chair. Due to its rigid design it can be used anywhere.

Pillow-ring for people suffering from hemorrhoids

There are models created especially for people who feel discomfort and pain in the lower body in a sitting position. They are used for prevention and post-operative treatment.

Specially selected form and filling makes them ideal for people who have problems with hemorrhoids or postoperative discomfort.

Advantages of such a design will be appreciated not only by people with diseases, but also healthy, caring about comfort.

Orthopedic pillows in the form of a ring provide maximum comfort. They are non-flammable, safe, harmless to people with allergies.

The model is designed specifically for people with discomfort and pain when sitting because of such diseases as hemorrhoids, discomfort in the postoperative period and in the postpartum period.

Kulik system of two pillows

Most chairs can not be tailored to the individual needs of a particular user.

Only a small number of expensive seats have the correct (anatomical) form and allow further adjustments to be made to adopt the correct sitting position.

Unfortunately, both hard chair and office chair badly affect the spine of a person sitting in an upright position, especially the third intervertebral disc is pressed by centrifugal force. This is a huge problem for the back muscles.


When a person bends over a table, it is difficult for him to keep his head tilted back. The hunched silhouette and relaxed back muscles are no longer able to neutralize pressure, which can lead to intervertebral disc injuries and degenerative changes in the spine.


Using the "Kulik" system allows to form the correct position for the sitting person on each chair. A set of pillows provides a comfortable sitting position.

The seated person as a result intuitively keeps the correct position, not focusing on this his attention.

The spine is loaded correctly (anatomically), and many hours spent in sitting position will not cause stress and fatigue of the muscles of the back. The condition is the correct placement on the chair.

This kit is for any sedentary person. However, the system of Overlay Kulik is primarily addressed to people suffering from diseases: prostate, hemorrhoids, lumbago, sciatica, intercostal neuralgia and inflammation of the intercostal nerves, radiculitis, kyphosis.

A source: http://rem-stroitelstvo.ru/ortopedicheskaya-podushka-na-stul

Orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair

The human body, whose work is associated with a long sitting on a chair or armchair requires special attention and care. On how comfortable the seat is, his health depends.

Of course, after a hard day you can visit the gym and stretch your frozen muscles.

However, not everyone has such an opportunity, so the best solution in this situation will be an orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair.

Orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair is a litter of different shapes, having a special filler to give the seat an optimal stiffness and the correct position of the spine. It is suitable for any chair, whether it is office, computer, the most common wooden or car seat.

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This product can save an externally healthy person doing work sitting at a table, from painful sensations in the pelvic or lumbar region associated with the constant tension of the spine.

In itself, such a product is not a medical pill, but it is recognized as effective prophylaxis, relieving the body of blood stagnation in the small pelvis, normalizing the work of the musculoskeletal system. Due to the orthopedic cushion for sitting, the possibility of jamming the nerve endings is excluded.

Such a pillow is able to give a poor-quality and uncomfortable chair (chair) more or less comfortable conditions, necessary throughout the day.

Unlike uncomfortable furniture, it has the correct distribution of pressure on the coccyx, sciatic nerve and hip joints.

Landing on such a pillow helps relieve muscle tension, unloads the genitals and gives the correct posture.

The sitting position is not natural to the body.

In this posture, the spine is subjected to the maximum unregulated load, and the internal organs of the small pelvis receive less blood supply in the required volume, which leads to general discomfort. Orthopedic pillow is the "right" addition to the chair (chair), in contrast to the usual foam rubber analog.

A useful orthopedic pillow is shown in different categories of users.

However, you can not buy it simply because you want: the consultation of a neurologist is necessary initially.

Basically, the use of such a product is associated with the specifics of the work or disease, because of which a person can not move in the right amount.

The number of users who need such a thing include:

  • pupils;
  • students;
  • office workers;
  • secretaries;
  • programmers;
  • pilots of aircraft;
  • bus drivers, truckers.

On medical indicators such a thing is indispensable:

  • at the last stages of pregnancy and in the first two to three months after delivery;
  • people with coccyx trauma (relevant after operations on pelvic organs);
  • those who have a violation of posture (helps to straighten the shoulders);
  • buyers with systematic pain in the lower abdomen;
  • users with prostatitis, osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids;
  • wheelchair users.

Such a thing is really useful for the spine.

Due to the load sharing mechanism, the user's body weight will not press just one point: it will be distributed to the entire surface of the cushion.

One of the advantages of this product is the prevention of the formation of pressure sores in immobilized people. A useful pillow allows you to get the most possible comfort in the chair.

The group of orthopedic pillows for sitting does not include inflatable models: they do not have an orthopedic effect.

In addition, rubber is harmful to health.


Even if we take into account that such models can be of any size, equipped with a textile cover made of cotton and expensive, it does not make them useful for health.


Orthopedic pillow for sitting on a chair is a unique functional thing. It can be simple or with an anatomical type of surface. At simplicity of a design it has a lot of advantages:

  • can be of different shapes- circular in the form of a ring with a central hole, a square, an oval, a rectangle, a letter "P a triangle with two sidewalls-delimiters, with a thickening or a relief surface, wedge-shaped, which allows to choose an option for a particular or a universal chair or chair;
  • depending on the model is of different sizes,so you can buy a compact mobile version for work;
  • can be used alone or paired with an overhead stool,relieving pressure on the spine and controlling posture;
  • quietly placed in the car,correcting the correctness of the seat, while having a nice design;
  • is made of a hypoallergenic material with a "breathing" structure,resistant to moisture and dust repellent coating, so suitable for all users without exception, including allergies;
  • normalizes blood flow,being an excellent help in the rehabilitation period in the healing of wounds (injuries);
  • due to the lack of large internal cavities does not accumulate dust,which excludes the appearance of dust mites that provoke allergies and skin itching;
  • has a pleasant texture of the material, a long service life,being a strictly functional addition to the chair, adapting to any type of surface (can be used at home and at work);
  • saves a person from the slightest overload and fatigue in the postoperative period,reducing the load on the intervertebral discs and is able to prevent many diseases of the musculoskeletal system (curvature, violation of posture, scoliosis, );
  • has a unique modern padding of the inside,due to which the support of the spine is correct, it is convenient and comfortable;
  • relieves the user from the need to purchase expensive drugs of analgesic,often negatively affecting the health of the stomach and, unlike drugs, has no side effect;
  • contributes to less fatigue of the user,which is beneficial for the work of all internal organs and the body as a whole;
  • regardless of the type of filler, always assumes the original shape without pressure for 5-10 years(the service life of each pack is individual).

Prices for orthopedic pillows for chair (chair) are different.

The main types of orthopedic pillow filler are materials developed using the latest technology.

Some of them are successfully used in the manufacture of orthopedic mattresses, have excellent elasticity, elasticity, surface stiffness and orthopedic effect.

Conditionally, the pillows can be divided into two types: adjusting to the human body and those to which you have to adjust yourself.

Most often in the manufacture of orthopedic pillows, companies use:

  • natural latex- layer of elastic filler from the production of woody juice of the tropical tree of Hevea, which has a fine-mesh structure with holes of different depth and diameter for different-level support of the spine;
  • artificial latex- fine-pored polyurethane foam type HR with latex impregnation, analogue of natural latex without cells;
  • viscoelastic foam- a unique material with a memory effect, able to remember a comfortable posture of the user when heated and returning its original form when cooling.

In addition, polyester is used in production.

Even with increased use in such products, there will be no environment for the appearance of fungus or mold.

Such orthopedic pillows are durable, they provide different weight load (maximum up to 120 kg) and depending on the type of filler can differ in height and degree of rigidity.

Orthopedic pillow is not able to cure a person from existing diseases. It is perfectly located on the chair and is a supportive support for the buttocks. Such a product does not buy spontaneously: you need a doctor's recommendation in accordance with medical indicators.

Unfortunately, in the market for such products, there are models that do not meet the requirements for such pillows. Not every item offered for purchase has a properly designed form, so it is difficult for a user to choose an option for his weight.

Products with ordinary foam rubber of the "T" class are not orthopedic,since the sponge-like formation has no orthopedic effect. All he can do is to soften the hard base of the chair.

The main part of the rulers are models without a removable cover.This makes it difficult to care for the pillow and requires more careful operation.

Such products are not provided for pets.

Washing such a pillow is difficult: they can not be twisted, dried on a rope, use heating appliances to accelerate drying.

To sit on the orthopedic pillow was correct, you need to consider the size (should not be more chairs), the shape of the model, the rules of use, otherwise you can do harm to health, exacerbating problem.

An important nuance is the degree of rigidity of the surface on which the pillow is purchased.

If it is soft, the cushion will be of little use: it is suitable for rough and moderately hard surface types.

If the chair or chair is soft, a pillow of small thickness may bend, which will not relieve the veins of the pelvic area from squashing.


In models with anatomy everything is clear: their relief indicates the correct location of the body. Do not experiment, changing the position of the back and front: this will not give the desired effect.


If you want a full back support, it is worth additionally getting a lumbar pillow-lining, laying it under your back on an office chair or chair.

The use of two pillows at the same time is more effective: this will allow to observe the orthopedic posture.

On the pillow sit so that the pressure on the crotch is not felt.You can not move on your side.

In models with sidewalls and a hole in the center, the back part is turned to the back, the sides in this case should be at the same level (symmetrically with respect to the back): so the body will be located smooth.

Another nuance is the degree of convenience: if the landing is inconvenient, this is a sure sign that the user is sitting wrong.

Those who for the first time want to buy an orthopedic pillow, but are afraid that they will not be able to learn to sit properly, one can get an anatomical version of a rectangular shape made of latex.

This is the best option from the line of orthopedic pillows.

In order not to run into a counterfeit, it is worthwhile to study the information about the properties of the material, the approximate cost, to choose the practical color of the product and the quality packing that does not change the properties with time.

It is worth taking note of a few tips:

  • The purchase is carried out exclusively in a reputable store with a good reputation,ideally - from the manufacturer or his official supplier;
  • the presence of a certificate of quality and compliance with hygiene standards are mandatory;
  • it is not necessary to consider that all the goods have the same characteristics of the service life.Better latex and polyurethane foam packing is not present - they do not smell, do not cake, are silent even at the strengthened pressure, optimally rigid and elastic;
  • weight control- an obligatory condition, after all, when the pressure is overloaded, the pillow can shorten the service life, creating an unpleasant dent in the center;
  • foam with anatomy is good for those who have no problems with posture;
  • a pillow model can identify a doctor,but not the seller who wants to sell the goods.

To have a more detailed view of these useful pillows, you can pay attention to the products of trusted companies that have positive customer feedback:

  • Trelax- pillows from the world leader, designed for different needs and functions, suitable for chairs of any type, including wheelchairs. The firm represents a wide range of models with a variety of colors and shapes, having a cover made of Bielastic water-repellent material;
  • "Trives"- products of the domestic brand with the memory effect, convenient and mobile on the road, performed in an unusual form (in the form of a bagel);
  • LaBona- orthopedic cushions for sitting in the form of a rectangle and a roller with good performance characteristics, relatively low in comparison with other analogues cost;
  • Ormatek- Anatomical and classic accessories for pregnant women and users, whose work is associated with a long stay in the uncomfortable chair, made in the form of a bagel, boomerang, wedge, removing the slightest tension in the spine, allowing you to keep back straight.

A source: https://dekoriko.ru/podushki/ortopedicheskie-dlya-sideniya-na-stule/