Gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine


  • 1Physiotherapy with intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region
    • 1.1Symptoms and treatment of vertebral hernia
    • 1.2Exercises from back pain
    • 1.3Exercises for stretching the spine
    • 1.4Features of physical training
  • 2Lfk with a hernia of the lumbar spine: video exercises Bubnovsky
    • 2.1What is the benefit of exercise therapy?
    • 2.2Complex of exercises with a hernia of the spine of the lumbar region
    • 2.3Contraindications
    • 2.4lessons of therapeutic gymnastics
    • 2.5Therapeutic exercises for the back with hernias of the spine
    • 2.6Gymnastics with intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region
  • 3Hernia of the lumbosacral spine - medical gymnastics
    • 3.1Causes of the appearance of hernias
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Treatment
    • 3.4Features of exercise therapy
    • 3.5Contraindications
  • 4Treatment and gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine
    • 4.1The opinion of doctors about gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbosacral department
    • 4.2The impact of gymnastics on the body
    • 4.3When is the gymnastics contraindicated?
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Gymnastics Bubnovsky with hernia
    • 4.5Complex LFK
    • 4.6Gymnastics in the acute stage of a hernia
    • 4.7Exercises for spiral gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine
    • 4.8Conclusion
  • 5Therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbar spine
    • 5.1Goals of gymnastics
    • 5.2Rules of implementation
    • 5.3Contra-indications and limitations
    • 5.4Complexes of exercises with intervertebral hernia
    • 5.5Fundamental gymnastic exercises
    • 5.6What exercises can be used for remission?
    • 5.7LFK after removal of the intervertebral hernia (after surgery)

Physiotherapy with intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region

Article tags: gymnastics, treatment, prevention, exercises

Hernia in the lumbosacral region occurs in most patients with diseases of the spine. The protrusion of the intervertebral disc occurs primarily or secondary.

When a primary lesion on the spine affects a high load, a person makes a sharp move or raises a heavy load, with which even healthy disks can not cope.

Secondary hernia occurs in people with pre-existing diseases of the spine: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, chronic trauma. Effective and atraumatic way of getting rid of a hernia of the lumbosacral department is therapeutic exercise (LFK).

Correctly executed and regular exercise therapy supports all parts of the spine in a tone, distributing a uniform load, improving the trophic and preventing the progression of the disease.

In adults, the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar or lumbosacral fetters movement, provokes pain, constant discomfort when walking and sitting, because the most difficult to cope with this disease people with sedentary work, diseases that do not allow you to actively spend time, and maintain the body in good form. These factors not only interfere with treatment, but also often cause the bulging of the lumbar spine.

Symptoms and treatment of vertebral hernia

Treatment of the intervertebral hernia by physical training and other conservative methods is to remove the symptomatic complex, and for this it is necessary to know exactly what the long struggle is with.

Hernia of the spine is manifested by the following symptoms requiring treatment:

  1. Limitation of movement in the lumbosacral section: manifested by the destruction of the disc and the cessation of its normal function;
  2. Pain syndrome: occurs against the background of squeezing the nerve roots at high pressure in the disk. This symptom removes minimally invasive surgical treatment, but daily gymnastics for a few minutes relaxes the muscles of the affected spine and for a time relieves soreness;
  3. Neurological disorders, numbness of limbs, muscle atrophy: this manifestation requires physical exertion to prevent progressive atrophy of muscle tissue.

Exercises for the back should be an integral part of the treatment of the lumbosacral spine, even in the case of a surgical procedure.

The advantage of including in exercise therapy is safety for patients in case of contraindications to surgery or spine disease at an early stage of pathological process formation.

Exercises from back pain

A symptom of pain constantly accompanies a patient with an intervertebral hernia. This segment has the greatest burden, because the hernia fetters the patient and prevents him from performing the usual actions.

Care for the back is needed not only at the time of the exercise, but throughout the day. The patient should keep his back flat, sleep on the orthopedic mattress and walk more, making walks between sitting work.

To get rid of the pain with a hernia, you can perform the following exercises for the back:

  1. I.P. lying on his back. The left leg should be bent, the right should be lifted, it should be wrapped around the arm and pulled in the direction of the head. In this position, stay for 10 seconds, relax. Repeat throughout the day up to 5 times;
  2. I.P. lying on his back. Bend your legs in your knees, grasp your knee with one hand and press your foot against your stomach. Hold in this position for 15 seconds, relax;
  3. I.P. kneeling. Standing on one knee, pull the leg back, palms resting on the knee of the other leg;
  4. I.P. standing. At arm's length to the table, bend over and touch with the arms of the support, then maximally tilt the head down, stretching the spine.

Exercises for stretching the spine

Correct posture is an integral part of the treatment of pathology of the lumbosacral department. The diseased part of the spine gives its load to other segments, which leads to a curvature in the thoracic or cervical region, therefore the entire back must be influenced by the gymnastics.

Therapeutic exercises for proper posture include the following exercises:

  1. I.P. lying on his stomach. Leaning on his hands, raise his torso, without lifting his legs. Stay in this position until discomfort, relax;
  2. I.P. lying on his stomach. Hands stretched above the head, legs straight. The head and legs come off the ground and ascend as much as possible. Repeat up to 5 times, relax;
  3. I.P. On knees. The back bends down and is held in this position for up to 10 seconds, then straighten the back and repeat the exercise.

Features of physical training

Patients with a hernia can combine exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles, relaxing, stretching with yoga.

Yoga is especially useful for patients with a marked symptom of pain, when even simple gymnastics is performed with difficulty and intensifies soreness.

Increase the effectiveness of treatment can swimming in the pool, walking and meditation practice.

Rules of exercise therapy for spine pathologies:

  1. At any stage of the disease, a minimal trauma can provoke a complication of the hernia, so the first rule of the exercise is that the exercises are performed on a soft mat, the back is protected by clothing;
  2. Excluding sudden movements and turns: if the exercise involves twisting without preliminary preparation, this is dangerous and must be removed;
  3. The selected complex should be divided into several approaches, which are performed with an interval of several hours;
  4. It is recommended to learn the right breathing during gymnastics, which increases the effectiveness of training.

ЛФК it is useful and renders therapeutic action, but approaches not all, therefore preliminary it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Even with proper performance there is no guarantee of recovery, therefore, one must always be ready for the appointment of a radical treatment for the hernia of the lumbosacral department.


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Lfk with a hernia of the lumbar spine: video exercises Bubnovsky

Modern life with stress, hypodynamia, overweight leads to a feeling of fatigue in the evening, pain in the legs, back. All these symptoms speak of serious diseases.

Pain in the lower back, sacrum, radiculitis signal about the possibility of a herniated spine. Consult your doctor at the first sign of a malaise. If the disease is diagnosed on time, even exercise therapy with a hernia of the lumbar spine will give excellent results.

Professor Sergei Bubnovsky believes that the implementation of a set of exercises will avoid the operation.

What is the benefit of exercise therapy?

How to cure an intervertebral hernia? People with symptoms of this disease are asked this question. Do not self-medicate.

Only the doctor, after doing a complete examination, will prescribe a comprehensive method of healing. An important role in it is played by exercise therapy.

It significantly improves the condition of patients who have been diagnosed with Schmorl's hernia, spinal disc protrusion. What is the use of exercise therapy? With her help:

  • strengthens the muscular corset;
  • relax muscles that create spasm;
  • pains decrease;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • the inflammation is removed.

It is better to perform the complex with an instructor, but it is allowed to do it at home. In order to therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbar spine has brought benefits, it is necessary to observe the rules of implementation:

  • Load gradually.
  • When performing the complex, do not allow acute pain.
  • Eliminate twisting exercises, jogging, jumping.
  • Do not allow sudden movements.
  • Complex to break apart and alternate their implementation.
  • Make several approaches a day.
  • Do not wait for immediate results.

Complex of exercises with a hernia of the spine of the lumbar region

We recommend useful exercises that will make your muscles work, improve blood circulation. Their stretching will reduce pain in the hernia of the spine, displacement of the discs, motor functions will be restored.

Strengthening the muscle corset will make the lumbosacral section movable. There are exercises that should be done lying when there is no load on the spine.

Some people sit on a chair, dropping on their heels or standing up.

There are many specialists who promote the healing of spinal diseases with the help of movements. Gymnastics Bubnovsky for beginners - an excellent technique that helps in the treatment of diseases, their prevention. Exercises that are performed in a supine position on the back:

  1. Pull your hands behind your head. Bending his legs, push his knees apart. Breathe - come off the floor, exhale - go back. Complete 20 approaches.
  2. The starting position is similar. Exhalation - raise the pelvis, move the knees. Exhalation - in the starting position. Make 20 approaches.

Exercises in other positions:

  1. Sit down on your heels relaxed. Inhale - rise, making circular movements with your hands. Exhalation - to come to the starting position.
  2. Sit on his heels, pressing his hands to his stomach. At exhalation through tightly clamped lips to make out a sound "pf". Repeat at least 20 times.
  3. Lying on his side, lean on the floor with his hand, which is from below. Group, pulling your knees to your chest. Make 20 approaches for each side.

There are tasks that are recommended in exercise therapy, lying on the stomach:

  1. Lean your forehead against your closed arms. The legs extend slightly wider than the shoulders, they touch the floor with the back surface. Raising his right leg up, the toe is pulled to him. Pull the pelvis to the floor. Perform 5 seconds. Smoothly lower it. Repeat for the left foot. Do everything, without holding your breath, 8 times.
  2. Hands stretch forward, palms down on the floor. Raise the right hand simultaneously with the left foot: 5 seconds up and 10 relax. Run 8 times, changing the position for the arms and legs. See the photo.
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There are exercises that perform sitting on a chair:

  1. The palms are on the back. Legs should be spread apart to the width of the shoulders. Lean, straining the muscles of the back and thoracic region, in different directions.
  2. Hands on the back of the head. Bend the trunk back, touching the back of the chair, to make a smooth tilt forward. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Sit on the edge of the chair. Repeat the previous exercise.
  4. Legs are elongated and divorced widely to the sides. Perform alternately tilting. At least 15 times to each leg.

In the acute stage of the disease to reduce spasm in the muscles of the back will help to practice on fitball - a ball of large diameter. It is recommended to lean on it with your back, smoothly rolling forward and back several times.

If the ball is spiked, the blood circulation in the sore spot will additionally improve. Stretch the muscles and then, when you hang on the bar. However, it is better to do this on the prescription of the doctor and under the supervision of the instructor.

When choosing a complex of exercise therapy for hernias in the lumbar spine, only the doctor will determine which exercises will suit the patient. It is important to take into account everything - the nature of the course of the disease, the symptoms.


Someone is advisable to do exercises while lying down, while others will do them sitting on their heels, standing or kneeling on all fours.


In any case, the main thing for achieving an excellent effect is their regular execution.


Well, if the doctor has appointed you a physician, considering all the characteristics of your body, because the treatment of a spinal hernia at home has a number of contraindications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • stroke;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • pre-infarction;
  • diseases with elevated temperature;
  • exacerbation of the intervertebral hernia;
  • a short time after surgery.

lessons of therapeutic gymnastics

If you understand that you need exercise therapy for hernia in the lumbar spine, it's time to take the exercises seriously.

We recommend to watch the video tutorials to dispel doubts about the correctness of their implementation Professional instructors will show how to correctly perform exercises for the lumbar region the spine of the house.

Make a bookmark on your computer and do not be lazy to perform the complex regularly.

Professor Sergei Bubnovsky believes that it is not worth doing surgery for hernia spinal cord. It is better to restore the movement, remove the pain, forcing the muscles of the back, the press. Doing exercises on Bubnovsky, you will deal with their stretching.

Muscles are pumped up with blood and become softer. Watch the video and you will find out why the hernia of the discs in the vertebral-sacral department is not a verdict. Gymnastics for strengthening the muscles of the back and spine will give an excellent effect.

It will allow you to return to life without pain.

Therapeutic exercises for the back with hernias of the spine

Well, if therapeutic exercises for the spine are prescribed by a doctor and you do it with an instructor in a hospital. When you start doing exercises at home, you want to do them correctly, observing exactly the sequence. Watch the video tutorial.

It presents a set of simple physical exercises. They help with cervical, sacral osteochondrosis, relieve pain arising from hernias. Do them at home with the video instructor. The main thing is regularity, and you will get a great effect from the treatment.

Gymnastics with intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region

ЛФК gives excellent results at a hernia of a lumbar department of a backbone.

Regular gymnastics will return you to a normal life, where you move easily, without painful sensations. Watch the video.

You will learn not only to accurately perform all the exercises, but do it in the right sequence. Doing them systematically, you will get a great effect.

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Hernia of the lumbosacral spine - medical gymnastics

In patients with pathologies of the spine, a very common disease is the intervertebral hernia, which is often localized in the lumbosacral spine.

Gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbar spine helps patients maintain all the departments of the spinal column in tone, contributing to a uniform distribution of the load, improving the trophism of tissues and preventing the progression of the available disease.

The protrusion of the intervertebral disc, which is a hernia, can be formed by primary or secondary mechanisms.

  • When a primary lesion is affected, the spine is affected by a high load, the patient makes a sharp the movement either raises an excessively heavy load that even perfectly healthy can not cope with disks.

Hernia of the lumbar spine is one of the most common pathologies of the spine

  • Secondary pathology is formed in patients with already existing diseases of the spinal column: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, chronic posttraumatic condition.

An effective and non-traumatic method of getting rid of a vertebral hernia is the physiotherapy prescribed by the physician (or, more simply, exercise therapy).

Properly performed and regular exercise therapy under the guidance of a specialist is able to restore the physiological state of the disk to early terms of the formation of pathology, as well as relieve the pain syndrome and stop the exacerbation in the next stage disease.

Causes of the appearance of hernias

In adults, the intervertebral hernial protrusion of the lumbar, as well as the lumbosacral section, quite often fetters the movements, provokes the appearance of sharp pain sensations.

The patient feels constant discomfort during walking and sitting, and for this reason the most difficult is given the fight against this disease for those people whose activities are associated with a permanent stay in the sitting room position.

People with a sedentary lifestyle are treated most heavily by intervertebral hernia treatment

It is also not easy to overcome the ailment and patients suffering from diseases that do not allow them to actively spend time, supporting the body in good physical shape. These factors not only hamper therapy, but also often become in themselves the root cause of the emergence of a disc protrusion.


  • Hernia occurs in the patient on the one hand, which is also responsible for the manifestation of unilateral pain syndrome - in one arm and neck, or in one leg and lower back.

The photo shows how the intervertebral hernia looks

  • The pain includes protective mechanisms, forcing the patient to immobilize the damaged area: the patient is forced to take an appropriate position to relieve the condition, the back muscles in tone, strained. For this reason, venous congestion and edema of the lesion develop. This place should be anesthetized, reduce muscle tension and eliminate puffiness.
  • Pain syndrome can even cause the development of S-shaped scoliosis - reflex lateral curvature of the spinal column. The spine is bent outward to the sore side, it is not possible to make a slope towards this bend due to extreme soreness. The rectifying muscle of the back is strained on the side of the lesion, and on the side of the concavity, the divided muscle is affected.
  • With a back hernia in the lumbar spine, the smoothness of the physiological lordosis is formed.
  • A characteristic symptom is the appearance of an antalgic posture in the patient, which looks like the inclination of the body forward.

One of the symptoms of the intervertebral hernia is the patient's antalgic posture, which tilts him forward

  • If the patient sits on a chair, then he settles, clinging to the chair with his entire back, sometimes sits only on the edge of the seat with a healthy side, while his aching leg hangs. Also, the injured lower limb is bent at the knee joint. The patient, when sitting, leans on a straight arm, transferring the center of gravity to it, which helps to unload the spine - in this position he "hangs relaxes and stretches.
  • In a posture lying on his stomach, the patient tries to put a pillow under his stomach, bend a sore leg, and press the knee to the stomach.
  • When walking, his gait acquires a limping character on the side of defeat, the steps are shallow.
  • With a sharply expressed acute pain syndrome, the patient can move only in the knee-and-wrist position, crawling, while moving only at a slow pace.
  • Characteristic and a violation of sensitivity, and sometimes - and excessive sensitivity to tactile irritants (pain occurs when the slightest touch to the body, this phenomenon is called "Hyperesthesia"). In a number of cases, sensitivity is reduced ("hypesthesia"). There are also complaints about sensations of crawling along the body, crawling, tingling, numbness, burning - in the absence of external stimuli (so-called "paresthesia").

If the hernia is left untreated, then gradually the patient will lead to disability:

  1. the muscle tone of the limb will decrease, they will be flabby,
  2. the volume of movements in joints will increase (there will be their "looseness"),
  3. the spinal reflexes will disappear (the neurologist will not see a reaction with a hammer),
  4. there will be fibrillar muscle twitching (as a consequence of the inhibition of the nerves of the spinal cord),
  5. will develop muscle atrophy.

Herniated protrusion of the vertebral disc creates a lot of problems for the patient:

  1. pain syndrome,
  2. provoked by compression of the substance of the spinal cord and roots of neurological disorders,
  3. and if the pain sensations torture the patient for a long time, the patient develops depression - because of CNS depression.

Physiotherapy is an important part of intervertebral hernia therapy

In addition, you should know that the pain syndrome has an additional mechanism (for example, phantom pain, thalamic pain, causalgia).

When a patient suffers from a pain syndrome for a long time with irritation with a hernial protrusion of the nerve roots, he phantom pains are formed - they are dangerous in that they can continue even after a competent, and most importantly - effective treatment.


Therapeutic exercise, prescribed for a herniated disc of the spinal column - is an important part of complex therapy This disease - both in conservative therapy, and if necessary, operational interference.

LFK patients undergo only after relief of the exacerbation of the disease

The goal of LFK is not only to strengthen the muscular apparatus of the back, and other muscles, but also to teach the patient the right daily movements in everyday life: in order to be healthy, you need to sleep properly, follow the gait, properly lift items and perform other movement.

Specialists in gymnastics exercises and exercise therapy unanimously affirm: the final result of therapy in this case by 90% will depend on the patient's own efforts.

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If the patient follows the recommendations of specialists, then he is guaranteed to achieve a steady improvement in his condition and, accordingly, to improve the quality of life.

Exercises to reduce pain:

  • You should lie on your back, bend your left leg in the knee.

Raise your right leg, wrapping it around your arm, and pull it towards your head. To be in this position for about 10 seconds, relax. On the day, the exercise is performed 5 times.

  • This exercise is also performed from the supine position. Legs bend at the knees, clasp one leg with one hand and press it to the stomach. In this position, they linger for 15 seconds, then relax.
  • The patient kneels, then raises one leg and, leaning on the knee of the other leg with the palms, pulls it backwards. The execution time is the same.

These simple exercises will help patients with a hernia of the lumbar spine to achieve muscle relaxation, elimination of stiffness, relief of pain. They must be repeated several times a day, alternating with light and more complex exercises.

Correct posture is an integral part of the treatment of pathology of the lumbosacral department. The diseased part of the spine gives its load to other segments, which leads to a curvature in the thoracic or cervical region, therefore the entire back must be influenced by the gymnastics.

Exercises for stretching the spine:

  • The patient stands, being away from the table at arm's length. Leans to the surface of the table, touches the support with his hands, and overturns his head downwards as much as possible, so as to achieve the extension of the spinal column.
  • The patient lies on his stomach. He lifts his torso, leaning on his hands, but without lifting his legs. He waits until the feeling of discomfort, relaxes.
  • From the prone position on the abdomen, the following actions begin: the patient stretches his arms over his head, his legs remain straight. It should be raised with a detachment from the surface of the legs and head. Do 5 repetitions, relax.

Exercises to reduce pain are prescribed by a specialist

  • The patient is on all fours. Bending his back down, he tries to hold up to 10 seconds in this position, then straightens his back and makes a repeat.

Features of exercise therapy

Patients with vertebral hernias can perform combinations of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscular framework, relaxing, stretching with elements of yoga.

Yoga is very useful in cases of severe pain, because even the simplest exercises are performed with difficulty and can intensify soreness.

It is shown to such patients and swimming in the pool, as well as walking on the fresh air.

But the procedures of exercise therapy also need to be approached with intelligence - and here there are their own rules:

  • Classes must be conducted every day.
  • It is necessary to exclude sudden movements, excessive physical exertion, jumps.
  • Increase the amplitude of movements and the duration of training should be gradual.
  • Having completed the daily complex, the patient should feel a slight fatigue - with this intensity of the load the optimal result is achieved.
  • If discomfort in the lower limbs (numbness, crawl) or painfulness increases, you need to stop the session and consult a doctor.
  • Exercise should be carried out in clothes and on a soft dense mat. You can use the tourist "foam".
  • At the initial stages of the LCA, exercises with twisting are categorically excluded.
  • The complex of exercises chosen by the expert is divided into several approaches. The patient should perform them intermittently in a few hours.
  • The effectiveness of the exercises will increase if the patient watches the correctness of breathing during their execution.


Exercise is not performed in those periods when:

  1. The disease is in the acute phase;
  2. The patient has a fever;
  3. There is a decompensated pathology of the internal organs (a contraindication is effective if the gymnastics can adversely affect the patient's condition);
  4. The patient has tumor metastases to the spine.

Strict implementation of the doctor's recommendations in exercise therapy significantly increases the patient's chances to cure the disease or to achieve a stable remission without surgery.

»Diseases» Hernia of the lumbosacral spine - medical gymnastics

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Treatment and gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine

The intervertebral hernia is most often affected by the lumbosacral section. Since the main load falls on this part of the back and sharp slopes, turns, weight rises and other causes can easily lead you to a problem such as an intervertebral hernia.

It is manifested mainly in the form of strong pain in the region of the hip posterior surface, the lateral and anterior surface of the shin and foot.

The opinion of doctors about gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbosacral department

Hernia between vertebrae can have very dangerous consequences. Therefore, if you sometimes have numbness of the limbs, pain in the legs, hands, it will always be an occasion to call a doctor.

If a specialist diagnoses a protrusion or a hernia, then the treatment of the lumbar spine will be prescribed depending on the stage of development. And therapeutic gymnastics is included in the course of recovery in any case and at any stage.

Everything depends only on when it can be performed.

If there are acute pains and no surgical intervention is required, then anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed first and, at the same time, special gymnastics.

Well, if an operation was required, during the recovery period after it, special exercises for the muscular corset of the back will be simply necessary.

The impact of gymnastics on the body

The whole complex of exercises, which is prescribed with the intervertebral hernia, is always performed only when the painful sensations have either passed completely, or subsided and allow you to move. Here you will find a similar article on the topic "Complex exercises for the muscles of the back for the gym."

The action of gymnastics on the body:

  • strengthens the muscular corset.Due to this the load on the spine decreases and the distance between the vertebrae starts to increase gradually;
  • with nerve endings along the spine, stress is relievedand their vertebrae are no longer squeezed as before;
  • protrusion or hernia does not progressfarther;
  • the patient begins to actively movewithout fear of feeling pain in the leg, arm or back.

Recommendations and rules for the application of gymnastics in the hernia of the spine of the lumbosacral department:

  • all the exercises that are included in the mandatory course of treatment are best performed in the evening in a calm environment;
  • gymnastics must be done regularly;
  • the level of loading and the amplitude of all movements is recommended to increase gradually;
  • Before you start the exercises try to relax, a little to stretch;
  • During gymnastics, there should be no crunching in the joints;
  • An excellent substitute for therapeutic gymnastics can be swimming.

If a spinal hernia is found, this usually means that the metabolism has been disturbed for a long time, the loads were too strong. Well, age is also one of the causes of violations of the intervertebral cartilage.

There are several rules that need to be adhered to during the performance of medical gymnastics:

  1. Proceed to the gym, when you are not disturbed by pain;
  2. Do the exercises slowly.During each try to listen to yourself, feel in the back. You should be comfortable, do not hurt, nothing should crackle or click. If one of these signs manifests itself, then go on to the next exercise, and to the previous one try to return after 10-14 days;
  3. The complex of gymnastics should not include twisting exercises.If in any other case twisting strengthens the muscles of the back, then with a hernia they are contraindicated;
  4. Do not make sudden movements,sharp jerks and slopes;
  5. To achieve maximum effect and as soon as possible, it is best to perform gymnastics at least 5 times a day.

Read more about the exercises SM. Bubnovsky at home here.

When is the gymnastics contraindicated?

Despite the fact that doctors in virtually every case with an intervertebral hernia prescribed therapeutic gymnastics, she has several contraindications:

  • the patient has irregularities in heartbeat;
  • when there are strong painful sensations;
  • if there is a tendency in the patient to frequent bleeding;
  • if there are other chronic diseases, during their exacerbation;
  • at infectious diseases, during their exacerbation.

Gymnastics Bubnovsky with hernia

One of the most popular and effective gymnastics in the treatment of intervertebral hernia is gymnastics by the method of Dr. Bubnovsky.

It is also called "adaptive gymnastics" or "kinesitherapy."

It is aimed at the development of mobility, the lack of which very often leads to the appearance of a hernia.

Adaptive gymnastics of Dr. Bubnovsky includes a lot of exercises. Let's consider some variants of their performance.

Exercises on all fours:

  • Try to relax as much as possible.Take a deep breath and slowly bow your back. Exhale and bend your back, too, not hurrying. In total, you need to perform 20 such repetitions for breathing in and out. If you feel pain in your back or other limbs, try not to bend your back so much. If this does not help, go to the next exercise;
  • The starting position is on all fours.Make a tilt forward. Elbows at the same time do not need to bend. Do it the way you do it. Return to the starting position. All movements are slow. Repeat 20-30 times;
  • The starting position is the same as before.Slowly sit on the left leg, while the right leg should be pulled back. Raise your left hand. The same thing should be done on the other leg.

Exercises on the back:

  • In the supine position, hands along the body.Take a deep breath, raise the pelvis on the exhale. Do it as much as you can. Exhale and return to the starting position. If you feel unpleasant sensations and pain, try to reduce the amplitude of motion. Repeat the exercise 20 times;
  • Laying on the back, hands behind the head.Raise your elbows up, and bend your legs. The chin is pressed to the breast as much as possible. Slowly start tearing the case off the floor. Ideally, you should touch the elbows of your knees. Then, too, slowly return to the starting position. Do not make sudden movements. Exercise should be repeated until I feel a strong muscle fatigue.
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Complex LFK

In addition to effective gymnastics developed by Dr. Bubnovsky there are other equally effective exercises.

Their action is directly aimed at strengthening the muscular corset of the lumbar spine:

  1. The starting position is on all fours.Slowly pull out the right leg and simultaneously the left arm. Lock this position for 5 seconds. Return to the position on all fours and repeat the same on the left leg and right arm;
  2. The starting position is lying on the back, hands along the body.Bend your legs at right angles, feet on the floor. Pull the pelvis up. There must be feet and shoulders in tension. Lock the position for 5 seconds. Slowly return to the supine position;
  3. The starting position is lying on the stomach.Place your hands under your chin. Do not hurry up your head, arms, shoulders and chest. Try to bend backwards. Return to the starting position;
  4. The starting position is lying on the stomach, hands along the body.Take a breath and try to pull your head and shoulders to your feet. Exhale and return to the supine position;
  5. The starting position is lying on the back, hands along the body.Socks pull on yourself, pull your chin toward your chest. Return to the starting position.

Read more about the simulator-expander Bubnovsky here.

Gymnastics in the acute stage of a hernia

Any conservative or surgical treatment should be prescribed and conducted only by a competent specialist. Therefore, only your PCP diagnoses the stage of the disease.

In the acute stage of the intervertebral hernia of the spine of the lumbosacral spine, the following exercises are recommended:

  1. Take a chair, best if it is without a backrest.On top of the chair, place a small soft pillow or sponge. Now lie down on your stomach. In this position, the spine will have its natural curves, the tension will decrease and the pressure on the nerve endings will decrease. Breathe slowly and deeply. The muscles of the back are stretched at the same time, and well, but without strain, the muscles of the lumbar spine are trained;
  2. Take the fitball and lie on it with your back.Smoothly move forward and backward. If the ball has thorns, then you will still get a good massage effect;
  3. For this exercise, you need to take a bench for sports, which can be installed at a 90-degree angle.If it is not, then you can take an ordinary wide board. I need to install it on the wall and fix it on the floor. At the top of the bench or board you need to fix the straps, during which the hands will be poked during the exercise. We lay down on the bench with our belly, hands in hinges and hang. At the same time, the spine is perfectly stretched and the rest of the body rests.

Exercises for spiral gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine

Spiral gymnastics or torsion exercises give a very strong healing effect, and the patient is on the mend very quickly:

  1. The starting position is lying on the back.Hands to the side. We straighten the right leg and place it on the other side. Head to the right. Repeat for the other side.
  2. The starting position is lying on the back.Legs bend at the knees and dissolve. Hands to the side. Now you need to turn the body to the left, and head to the right. Repeat the same for the other side;
  3. IP is on the back.Hands to the side. It is necessary to put a foot of the right foot on the knee left, the body also turn left, and head to the right. Return to and. P. and repeat for the other side;
  4. I.P. - on the back.Hands to the side. The heel of the right foot should press on the fingers of the left. The body is turned to the left, and the head to the right. Repeat for the other side;

On the varieties of corsets for the lumbosacral spine, read here.


Despite the fact that each of the complexes seems to be quite simple, and therefore less effective, therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia is necessary. Regular exercises can have a powerful healing effect, improve blood circulation and strengthen your muscles.

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Therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbar spine

Hernia of the lumbosacral spine is a ruptured disc with an uneven distribution of pressure on the vertebrae. Therefore, physical exercises with this disease should be carefully selected.Sharp movements, jerks and heavy loads are contraindicated.

Goals of gymnastics

Specially selected exercises are aimed atstrengthening of the muscular corsetspine, increased elasticity and relaxation of muscles and joints. Most of the treatment is traffic, because pills and injections remove only the pain syndrome and symptoms.

Rules of implementation

  1. Not allowedtraining for severe pain. We must wait for remission.
  2. Classes should be conducted daily: in the morning as a charge and several times a day.
  3. It is not recommended to use weighting and jerky actions.
  4. You can not jump!Jumping too heavily loaded the spine.
  5. Amplitudes of movements begin with the smallest and gradually increase.
  6. The duration of each complex and the number of repetitionsincrease by 5 piecesevery week or 10 days.
  7. Avoid overwork and loss of strength. Only light fatigue is possible.

    Only with this condition muscles begin to grow and strengthen.

  8. When there is pain, stop all actions. It is necessary to listen to your body and the waist area.
  9. After a month of training, you can try those exercises that were not given at the beginning of the course or caused discomfort.
  10. To twist proceed after 14-30 days of training.

Before starting the classes it is better to consult with specialists. Wrong performance, heavy load and the presence of sudden movements and jerks can provoke complications.

Contra-indications and limitations

  1. Periods of acute pain syndrome, exacerbation of the lumbar hernia.
  2. Diseases with severe fever, nausea and vomiting.
  3. Diseases of vital internal organs, such as the heart, lungs and kidneys. Physical exercises can provoke a worsening of the general condition.
  4. Oncological diseases at the stage of treatment.

    The presence of metastases (especially in the spine).

Complexes of exercises with intervertebral hernia

Useful exercises aimed at relaxation. Assistant for such gymnastics will befitball (fitness ball)or an ordinary pillow.

The patient lays his stomach on the ball or pillow on a stool and relaxes as much as possible. Another option: lie on your back, put a roller under your feet, a rolled towel or a blanket.

The main condition - the feet above the lower back.

Running, jabs and jumps are not recommendedin the treatment of vertebral hernia with the help of physiotherapy exercises. They can aggravate the condition of the patient.
Complexes are repeated as often as possible throughout the day. You can combine different workouts for the back, having previously discussed possible options with the attending physician.

Fundamental gymnastic exercises

  1. The patient lies on his back (on a hard surface), the brushes stacked on each other and on the stomach. You need to get up, straining the muscles of the press.
  2. Bend both legs in the knees and stretch your arms along the body.

    Do not lean on the hands! Lift the pelvis up and down.

  3. Right hand on the left knee cap. The leg should be bent at the knee (with little effort), simultaneously it can be braked by hand.

    When performing this exercise, it is worthwhile to monitor your well-being and not overdo it. The feeling of fatigue should be quite easy.

Recovering passesmuch faster, the recovery period becomes shorter if LPF is used.

What exercises can be used for remission?

  1. A cat and a camel. Position on all fours. Back bends and bends. Very smoothly.
  2. Lie on your back on the floor. Bending their legs, lay them on the floor first with one groan, then the other.
  3. Put the brush under the bent knees. At the same time pull them to the chest.
  4. Prorolling of the upper press (the upper part of the body rises up to the shoulder blades).
  5. Foot on foot. The lying position. Hand under the knee.

    Pull your legs to chest.

LFK after removal of the intervertebral hernia (after surgery)

The rehabilitation period includes three stages:elimination of pain and neurological consequences (medication), postoperative adaptation and recoveryby means of various measures (medicines, physiotherapy, massage and LPC).

Physical exercises aimed at the rehabilitation period are more sparing. Training increases the elasticity of muscles, restores the mobility of joints, improves blood circulation and accelerates the withdrawal of toxins. Start active sessions should not be earlier than one month after the operation.

The simplest actions:

  • Brushes of hands and feet rotate in a circle in different directions.
  • At the same time, arms and legs are bent / unbent.
  • Alternating lifting of the legs to the abdomen.

After a month of rehabilitation:

  1. Position - lying on its side. The free leg is pulled to the chest. Then you need to repeat the same thing on the other side.
  2. Lie on the floor and bend your legs. The pelvis rises, moves to the right and to the left, descends.
  3. Standing next to the support, alternating flowing legs are performed alternately.
  4. Sit on bent legs, brushes rest on the floor. The back bends and a transition is made to the cobra posture.

Complexes of exercises in video format

Exercises from the centers of VI. Dikul

After completing such a complex, the patient returns toregular training. Exercises must be performedthe rest of his life. This will ensure the prevention of the onset of pain syndrome.

How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

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