Attack of a cough at night in a child how to help

What can I do to relieve a child of dry cough?

How to remove an attack of dry cough in a child? This question is asked by every parent when a child wakes up in the middle of the night and can not stop coughing. There are many effective ways to relieve an attack, but for this you need to know, against what background the cough developed.

Reflex response of the body, aimed at the release of the respiratory tract, at the beginning of the disease is accompanied by attacks of dry cough, causing burning and not bringing relief.

Causes of dry cough

The innocuous cause of coughing in a child can be reduced air humidity, the presence of dust in the room or the sharp smells of smoke, aromatic oils, paint and other substances.Consequences in this case can be as a single seizure, and allergic reaction of the body.

In such a situation, wet cleaning and airing the room in combination with blocking the source of unpleasant odor can eliminate the problem.

When foreign bodies get into the upper respiratory tract, a dry cough occurs suddenly, accompanied by a gasp of asthma. It is impossible to eliminate this without the intervention of a doctor.

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The most common cause of dry cough becomes irritation of the receptors of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract due to a reduced secretion or increased viscosity.

The defeat of the mucous membrane can be a consequence of a number of diseases:

  1. Bronchial asthma is characterized by a prolonged dry cough, manifested mainly during sleep. The duration of the reflex reaction does not exceed half an hour and ends with expectoration of a viscous clot of transparent mucus. During a cough, you can observe muscle spasms around the diaphragm, pain in the chest, a violation of the rhythm of breathing.
  2. Pertussis is a baby infection, accompanied by a dry convulsive cough. A characteristic symptom is a cough during the night sleep, accompanied by vomiting and difficulty breathing. The disease is diagnosed with prolonged (before, months) incessant cough, which can not be cured by standard means.
  3. ARVI is manifested as a result of various viral infections penetrating the cells of the epithelium, causing their inflammation and death. The larynx is affected by pneumonia; nasal cavity, trachea - with tracheitis and pharynx - with pharyngitis.

Bacterial infections:

  • tuberculosis is accompanied by a prolonged inflammatory process, taking place in the lungs and lymph nodes, causing a reflex cough;
  • diphtheria - swelling of the larynx and throat, leading to compression of the trachea and causing coughing.

Gastroesophageal reflux is characterized by the onset of coughing attacks after eating, especially in the horizontal position and in sleep. The cause is inhalation of vapors of gastric acid, which flows into the oral cavity when the child lies.

Bronchitis, pneumonia or pleurisy are characterized by strong, frequent attacks of dry cough, a complication of infections. Prolonged cough accompanied by pain in the chest and abdominal cavity.

Non-traditional cough relief products

As a non-drug treatment of dry cough attacks, the child can use:

  1. Inhalation of potato vapors, decoctions of herbs (licorice, Ledum) or essential oils (sage, cedar). For children under 3 years of inhalation, wet steam is not recommended.
  2. Dilution of sugar syrup obtained by boiling sugar solution to viscous state - for children under 3 years old or hard caramel for older children.
  3. Reception of broths of medicinal herbs, such as thyme, peppermint, thermopsis, chamomile.
  4. Prepare a decoction of milk with sage, defend, drain. Use before bedtime.
  5. Dissolution of buckwheat honey (1 h. l.) in the absence of an allergy or a piece of butter.
  6. Prepare the broth from a small bulb in a glass of milk, over low heat followed by percolation. Drink in small sips.
  7. Carry out a compress of 40% alcohol solution or the same product with badger fat. Compress is applied using a rag moistened in the product, on the back and chest of the child, and then fixed with food film and bandage. Leaves for the whole night. 3 applications are sufficient for the treatment of cough.
  8. Prepare the medicine: to a glass of milk, brought to a boil, you need to add 30 g of honey, 30 g of butter, 1 egg yolk, 1 g of soda.
  9. Healing broth is prepared from a glass of milk and 1 hour. l. pine buds, which are placed in boiling milk, after which the drug is settled for 1 hour, used 2 sips during the day.
  10. Decoction of viburnum - a vitamin drink, prepared from berries of Kalina with the addition of 3 hours. l. honey on 1 liter of broth. You can use it as an antitussive agent and as a prophylaxis for catarrhal and viral diseases.
  11. Use a high pillow to ensure the flow of mucus from the nasopharynx further into the stomach.

Drug treatment for dry cough

The most effective means for coughing are inhalations with the help of special inhalers, which ensure the production of dry steam. As an active substance, physiological saline is used.

Duration of inhalation for children under 3 years is 3 minutes, for older children - 5 minutes. Longer inhalation is not recommended.

  1. An alternative to physiological saline solution is mineral water.

    Treatment of cough in the home at the child should be performed with the help of various syrups, the effect of which is individual for each patient:

  2. "Linkas" - a brown liquid consisting of extracts of herbs, has an expectorant and antitussive effect, accompanied by bactericidal action. It is used for the treatment of infectious-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough with hard-to-separate sputum. Applicable for the treatment of cough in children from 6 months, recommended a one-week course of treatment.
  3. "Libexin" is available in the form of tablets, is a cough remedy for peripheral action, based on the suppression of the sensitivity of the nerve fibers of the respiratory tract.
  4. "Libexin muko" is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, is shown to children over 2 years old.
  5. "Broncholitin" is well tolerated by the body, is shown with combined treatment with antibacterial, antipyretic means, vitamins, is applicable for children older than 3 years, characterized by a number of contraindications and side effects effects.
  6. "Bithiodine" is used to calm cough in the upper and lower respiratory tract, has an antitussive effect that affects the receptors of the mucous membrane.
  7. "Stoptopsin" is available in the form of tablets, characterized by a good mucolytic effect, is indicated for use since 12 years.
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Sanitation rules for coughing

In addition to treating the disease, a number of measures should be taken to alleviate the symptoms, namely:

  • to soften the airways, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room by placing containers with hot water or by hanging a wet towel on the battery;
  • the temperature in the room should not be less than 20 ° C and more than 22 ° C;
  • identify and eliminate sources of unpleasant and strong odors that can cause irritation of the mucosa or allergic reaction;
  • provide a plentiful drink, which can serve as milk, still mineral water, herbal decoctions with mucolytic effect;
  • diet should be dietary, meals - easily digestible stomach, for example, mashed potatoes on milk.
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With prolonged incessant cough, if traditional medicine and syrups do not help stop the disease, you need to seek medical help.

How to relieve a coughing fit in a child?

Often paroxysmal cough is characteristic for small children, it appears because the larynx of a child with vocal cords is different from that of adults. If the cough is acute at once, it speaks of laryngitis, because of it the mucous membrane swells. Most often seizures disturb the child at night, during this period the disease can worsen. Please note that paroxysmal cough is most common in allergic children, so it is important to identify the allergen in time and make sure that the child does not come into contact with it.

Causes of coughing attacks in a child

1. Cough accompanied by influenza, viral infection.

2. Because of laryngitis.

3. Serious allergic reaction.

4. Attacks occur with the bronchial system.

5. When dust enters the respiratory tract, inhale pollen.

A paroxysmal cough may appear due to the fact that a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract of the child. The cough is sharp, breathing becomes difficult, the face turns blue. In cases where a child has swallowed a small foreign body, he can easily cough it out without problems. When the object makes breathing difficult, the child suffocates, it is necessary to take the child, put his head on the knees down, gently knock between the shoulder blades, so the foreign body will come out. When this procedure does not help, you need to urgently consult your doctor, because the child may suffocate.

Methods for relieving coughing attacks in a child

May be inhalation, mineral alkaline water, butter, syrup, which help to get rid of the child from cough.

When an attack disturbs a child at night, you must raise the child, help him cough, give a warm drink - milk, mineral water "Borjomi" with the addition of a small amount of soda, chamomile broth. With the help of medicines, one can not only improve the condition of the mucous membrane, but also get rid of severe perspiration, coughing. If all the above methods do not help, the child needs to get up and move.

To remove an attack of cough in a child can be with a mixture of butter and honey, it must be rinsed like a candy. If the child has an allergic reaction to beekeeping products, in no case can the child be given honey, so it will only get worse.

Inhalation from coughing attacks

When a child is very ill, he begins to suffocate, do inhalation with medications, it is best to use a nebulizer. In cases when you see that the child suffocation, which is often characteristic of laryngitis, you need to take it to the bathroom, open the water, it must be hot, the child should breathe in pairs. Thus, you increase the humidity, it has a favorable effect on the respiratory system, a fit of coughing passes.

It is recommended to use cedar oil for inhalation, hot water is taken, a small amount of oil is added, the child should breathe in pairs.

Syrups from an attack of cough

Often doctors attribute cough syrups to a child, they contain a large number of essential oils and other substances that alleviate the condition of the patient. This is an effective way to cure cough. Pay attention, if in addition to coughing, strongly pershit in the throat, it is necessary to additionally examine the child, maybe he has tonsillitis, tonsillitis, then antibacterial drugs are needed.

Remember with coughing attacks you can not joke, they can be dangerous for the life of the child, it is best to call emergency care and hospitalize. In some children, laryngitis passes into pneumonia, in others it narrows the laryngeal lumen, because of this the disease becomes even more acute, the child can suffocate, it is not saved. In the hospital they can help, cope with this symptom, for this the intravenous hormone is prednisolone, with the help of it one can get rid of a strong edema. In stationary conditions, the child will undergo a full course of treatment, which includes - medical therapy, respiratory gymnastics, physiotherapy procedures. The main thing is that your child is under the supervision of a doctor.

To syrups should be treated with extreme caution, especially if the child is allergic, has diabetes.

The best syrup is the one containing the licorice root. With the help of it you can not only get rid of phlegm, and withdraw it from the pulmonary system, but heal ulcers, irritations, which are the consequence of a strong cough.

Dilute the syrup must be boiled and warm water. It is forbidden to dilute syrups with tea, sweet water, milk. When using a licorice syrup, you need to give the child as much water as possible, because of this plant, the mucus becomes thick and heavily goes out, can interfere with the baby, breathe fully.

If the disease is not serious, a viral infection is accompanied, it is necessary that the cough from the unproductive become wet, for this use mucolytics, with which you can dilute sputum. After the child needs to give drugs, with the help of which you can soon withdraw phlegm from the bronchi, lungs. Thus it is necessary constantly that the child drank, to do to him special massage, if there is no temperature, it is necessary, that he as much as possible moved.

Treatment of coughing attacks in a child with folk remedies

1. Decoction based on sage, it requires 250 ml of milk, a tablespoon of sage, all insist 30 minutes, then strain. It is recommended to drink a child of 150 ml at night, so it will be easier for a child to fall asleep.

2. From coughing attacks, rubbing helps to get rid of, for it you will need to squeeze juice from a black radish.

3. Tea helps with chamomile.

4. When coughing attacks, help the child, for this you need to knock easily at the top of the back and chest. Then give a drink something warm.

Thus, the treatment will depend on the cause of the disease, if the attack is caused by an allergy it is necessary to give an antihistamine drug when the cough appears due to dry air, it is necessary to ventilate the room, if other diseases are attributed to the appropriate medication for cough treatment.

Methods for removing a strong cough in a child at night

Attacks of night coughing disrupt the sleep of the child, do not rush to give antibacterial drugs, can only worsen the situation. It is important to find out the reason in time, only then to begin the necessary course of therapy. If at night the child is disturbed by a cough that can result in vomiting, the main thing is not to panic. Cough is a defense, it appears in the inflammatory process in the bronchial system, the upper respiratory tract. During the cough, the body is cleared of a large number of bacteria in the disease.

Causes of coughing at night

When a child sleeps, a lot of mucus begins to accumulate in the area of ​​the nasopharynx, it does not resolve, it can stagnate. When a large amount of mucus accumulates, it begins to overlap the area of ​​the nasopharynx, because of this cough is reflex.

This happens to the lungs, when a person lies, mucus and sputum may not resolve at all, because of this, blood circulation in the lungs area may be disturbed. Most often the disease appears in late autumn.

Provokes a paroxysmal cough at night cold, overdried air. Because of it, the mucous membrane is strongly irritated in the larynx, so a strong cough appears.

It is important to treat the cough under the supervision of the therapist, because often, especially in young children, a strong cough at night can cause choking. It must be urgently treated.

Diseases that cause a violent cough at night

1. If a cough is provoked by a viral infection at night, it is accompanied by a strong cold.

2. Cough can appear due to chronic rhinitis, sinusitis.

3. If the cough is accompanied by tingling, perspiration, this indicates pharyngitis of a chronic nature.

4. When a coughing wheezing, it speaks of bronchial asthma. If the child has a mild form other than a cough at night, there are no other symptoms. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to immediately consult a therapist.

5. If the cough lasts a long time at night, while it is dry, it indicates a disease - whooping cough. The disease is easy to distinguish from others, seizures are repeated at the same time, can be aggravated at night. When a child coughs, his face becomes very red, tears appear, lead breath, may be accompanied by severe vomiting.

6. When a child is often troubled by heartburn, a cough at night can be a symptom of reflux.

7. Because of adenoiditis, when the mucus enters the laryngeal region, the child breathes in the air with air, begins to dry out the mucous membrane, a violent cough begins.

8. Care must be taken to the symptom, which is accompanied by high fever, deterioration of the child's condition, it can speak of a serious illness.

Ways of getting rid of a child from a night cough

1. How often can I give a baby at night? With the help of it you can get rid of a dry cough. It is best to prefer warm milk with the addition of Borjomi mineral water, honey, butter, as well as herbal tea based on chamomile, dog rose, linden. When a child does not breathe a nose, he makes it with his mouth. With abundant drinking, you can moisturize your throat, so get rid of a strong cough. If the child has six months, you need to give a decoction on the herbs with a spoon, no more than three times a day, under one teaspoon. If the child is an adult, you can give a decoction on the herbs on a tablespoon.

2. Pay attention to the air in the room, do not allow dry air, constantly ventilate room, especially when the room is heated, because of it respiratory organs begin to irritate system.

3. Often a cough can be triggered by an allergic reaction, this requires the child to give an antihistamine.

4. If the child has not yet reached the age of six months, in no case should antihistamines, rub off the breast, use steam inhalation.

5. Force the child to roll over, so the sputum will not have time to accumulate.

In cases where a cough after a course of treatment has not been taken for a long time, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician, to pass blood tests, to undergo an x-ray, additionally it will be necessary bronchoscopy.

Remember that coughing always indicates that the body is actively fighting the disease, so It is not necessary to aggravate the focus on cough treatment, we need to get rid of the main reason that it has caused. Most often at night, an allergic cough worries, so pay attention to which pillow the child is sleeping on, maybe his the body does not perceive stuffing from sheepskin, feathers, poor-quality sofa padding, pajamas, on powders that wash away bed. If the cough has appeared abruptly, notice that you have a new one at home, often allergies are aggravated by red eyes, a problem with the skin, dermatitis, itching, redness in the face or body.

That the child was easier to clear his throat, the child's therapist can prescribe medications that will help to get out sputum faster and cough will become productive

If the child's cough is dry at night and it is difficult for him to clear his throat - the doctor can prescribe expectorant medications.

At night, advise to use a pack of potatoes, for this you need to boil it first, cool a little, fold, mash in a mash and attach to the back of the baby, first lay down the diaper, then just compress to not burn the skin child. On top put on something warm, so that the respiratory organs get warm well. After cooling, the compress is removed.

Thus, cough at night is a symptom of many diseases, do not immediately begin to stuff the child with different medicinal chemical preparations, if he has an allergy and you start giving antibiotics, the situation is only more aggravated. The main thing is to monitor the air in the room, give the child plenty of drink and provide him with peace of mind, often in children a strong cough at night can be a consequence of severe stress, nervous strains.

Dry cough in the baby at night

The appearance of a cough in a child at night indicates that in this way the children's organism is protected from foreign pathogens, microorganisms, mucus. A strong dry cough in a child's sleep helps to clear his throat, trachea and bronchi. Do not worry for a long time about the fact that the child coughs at night - it is necessary to establish precisely the cause of what is happening.

Causes of dry cough at night in a child

Not necessarily the reason for a dry cough in a child at night can be covered in colds or SARS. Its occurrence can be caused by various diseases of the cardiovascular system, parasites, gastrointestinal diseases, allergies or asthma. All these conditions can cause a child to have a dry cough that does not go away for a very long time. A normal condition is fifteen coughs throughout the day. In the event that attacks of a night dry cough are repeated more often, it is necessary to address for the help to the doctor.

There is a situation where a dry cough with snoring is observed in a child at night, and during the day, such symptoms are absent. The thing is that the mucus accumulated in the respiratory system during the day resolves itself and independently there is its removal, while at night the plugs of mucus clog a significant part of the space of the nasopharynx, irritating at the same time receptors. In such a situation, cough is a kind of reflex, arising as a way of cleaning the space of the nasopharynx. Similar processes occur in the lungs. The situation is complicated by the presence in the child's room of dry air, therefore, in order to facilitate air humidifiers should be used to prevent the appearance of dry night cough in child.

Also, a night cough in a child can be triggered by gastro-food reflux - a disease that is caused by throwing into the esophagus the contents of the stomach. It also happens that the child coughs at night until vomiting, in the event that undigested food enters the oral cavity. Possible occurrence of vomiting as a result of the consequences of the child's disease with whooping cough. In this case, even for several months, the appearance of dry cough as an echo of the transferred disease.

Dry cough in a child at night, how to calm?

All parents who have small children should know how to calm a dry cough at night with their babies. Recommendations on this issue are fairly simple and easy to assimilate.

Often, a dry cough occurs as a result of being in a room with dry air, a consequence which is the defeat of the microorganisms of the mucosa, as a result of which the dry cough. It is quite often difficult to calm down such attacks. To prevent the occurrence of this kind of cough, you should hang wet towels around the perimeter of the room. The result of this hanging is the evaporation of moisture and, consequently, the moistening of respiratory organs and systems. The humidifiers of air, which have long and successfully proved their effectiveness in solving this issue, are of great help in this matter.

Means for calming cough at night in a child

A good remedy for calming a dry night cough in a child is a hot tea with the addition of honey. A glass of tea is enough to dilute with two teaspoons of honey and drink in small sips. After a while, a dry cough will weaken its effect and the baby will feel better. If he does not want to drink tea, you can simply dissolve honey, this method is also very effective and effective.

Good cough alleviates through the use of mineral alkaline water, which helps to soften the pharynx. Before drinking this water the child should get rid of the gases, before going to bed one should drink one glass. If a dry cough is repeated even during the day, in order to calm it, you should drink mineral water throughout the whole period of the disease in small doses. In order for a dry cough to turn to wet, you should drink about three or four liters of water per day.

In order to calm the dry cough, a recipe is recommended that combines milk and soda and is characterized by a specific, not quite pleasant aftertaste. For its preparation, a glass of milk is taken, heated and some soda is added to it. When heating it should be ensured that the soda is not extinguished as a result of overheating of the milk, since in this case the effectiveness of this product will significantly decrease. It is recommended to drink milk and soda several times a day. This makes it possible to calm a dry cough in the child and soon completely get rid of it.

Dry cough in the baby at night, what to do?

If a child continues to dry for a long time, he should be shown to the doctor. In case of suspicion he had any serious illness, whether it be whooping cough or asthmatic bronchitis, The examination should be more thorough, in order that a more accurate diagnosis. If the cause of cough, according to the doctor, is ARVI, parents can help their child by themselves.

Actions for a dry night cough in a child

When a dry cough occurs, the child is recommended to parents:

- Ventilate the child's room before going to bed, it is more often to make a wet cleaning in it;

- to carry out additional moistening of the baby's room or with the help of special devices that moisturize the air, if there is no such device, you can use wet towels, putting them on batteries;

- During the day should give the child more drinking. Well suited broths of rose hips, tea, vitaminized mors;

- shortly before going to bed should be flushing the nasal cavity of the baby with a weak and warm solution of salts;

- in no case should we forget that we should not treat dry night cough in a child with antibiotics and antihistamines. If a child has a dry cough, the following medicinal products may be prescribed by the doctor:

- anti-cough drugs of non-narcotic effect - Glaucine (glavent), Butamirate (Sinekod), Pentoxeverin (Sedotussin), Levropropizin (Levoprint).

- Means against cough of general, mixed action. It can be Stopoutsin, Bronholitin, Tussin plus.

Expectorants for children's night cough

In the event that a night cough occurs against a background of sputum (this is possible in the case bronchitis or pneumonia), doctors recommend the use of the following expectorants preparations:

- Alcoholic syrup;

- elixir of broncholitin;

- glycyram;

- solutan;

- Pectusin;

- Tarmopsis;

- tussine;

- terpinhydrate.

Of course, the health of the child should not be risked. In order to establish the exact cause of the cough and properly appoint and conduct treatment should consult a doctor.

Dry cough at night, in a child, than cure?

With a dry night cough, the child is recommended to give him a lot of fluids. Water helps to liquefy mucus. It is also useful to take measures to moisten the air in the children's room. In the event that the appropriate appliance is not available, you can hang a wet towel in the baby cot. You should not take responsibility for independent decision-making on the question of drugs of the medicinal type, which must be taken to the baby. Appoint them - the prerogative of a doctor. Dry cough requires its own, special approach to treatment, different from the approach to treating a wet cough. Sometimes cough should be stimulated, sometimes muffled.

If the child is not yet six months old, do not grate his breast with ointments for heating purposes. This provokes active sputum liquefaction, which can cause suffocation, because the child is too small to know how to fully expectorate it. Approximately a similar effect has steam inhalation. In addition, thanks to a couple, the infection can penetrate even further along the respiratory tract.

The minimum that needs to be done to make it easier for a child to have a dry night cough is to put it in a different position in a dream. The best position for sleeping a child is the position on his side. It is worth to lower the temperature in the child's room a little - about a couple of degrees. Discomfort this baby does not deliver, but his breathing will be greatly facilitated.

Approximately at the age of five the child already understands that the attack of a cough is not dangerous and will soon pass. To children of younger age at approach of attacks of tussis sometimes becomes simply terrible. Therefore, parents should reassure the baby by picking him up. In this case, parents themselves should be calm, because their condition is transmitted to the child very quickly.

Before you send your child to bed, you should rinse his nose with a weak saline solution. In no case should the child be given antibiotics or antihistamines for the treatment of cough, drugs of this type are contraindicated to him.

If the child is already older than six months, inhalations should be given to treat dry night cough. For children younger than the specified age threshold, these methods are contraindicated for the reason indicated above.

What to do if a strong cough at night: first aid with laryngitis

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx associated with overstrain of the vocal cords, as well as with cold or infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. Knowing some of the first-aid methods will help cope with the sudden emergence of a strong cough.

Varieties and signs of laryngitis

Distinguish between acute and chronic laryngitis. The inflammatory process can spread to the entire mucous larynx - this form of laryngitis is called diffuse, or on the area of ​​vocal folds, epiglottis, the walls of the podogolovoy cavity (isolated laryngitis).

With an acute diffuse laryngitis, the larynx looks very reddened, in the area of ​​the folds of the vestibule, a swelling of the mucous membrane is observed. The isolated form of acute laryngitis is characterized by a sharp reddening only in the epiglottis. Often the inflammatory process affects not only the larynx, but also the trachea (laryngotracheitis). With laryngitis there is a strong cough, at the beginning of the disease dry, and then with the release of phlegm.

The main signs of acute laryngitis, in addition to cough, are: an increase in temperature, an increase in the number of leukocytes in blood, pain when swallowing, hoarseness of voice, dryness and sore throat, headache, weakness, difficulty respiration.

Coughing coughing with laryngitis

Treatment of any form of laryngitis should definitely be done under the supervision of a doctor. If an attack of a dry cough appeared at night, do not panic. To cope with it you will be helped by such means as a warm abundant drink - "Borjomi a glass of milk with honey and soda, as well as a hot foot bath for 7-10 minutes, setting mustard plasters on the larynx and thoracic cells. Can help and moisturizing the air, steam inhalation with anti-inflammatory herbs and soda.

If a barking barking attack occurs in a child, it can be a serious form of acute laryngitis, called a false croup. At the same time the child suddenly wakes up, often all in sweat, his breathing becomes noisy and difficult, he suffers from a barking cough, his lips turn blue. All these symptoms are associated not only with the edema of the larynx, but also with spasm of the glottis.

If you observe an attack of a false croup in a child, immediately call for an ambulance. Before her arrival an attack can be weakened in the ways described above. Be sure to lift the child, seat and calm him, ensure the flow of moist air.

If the mustard, foot bath and inhalation do not have the proper effect, and the doctor is delayed, give the child is one of the antispasmodics, for example, "Papaverin" or "No-shpu" at the appropriate age dosage. In the case when the disease is associated with allergies, it is also necessary to give the baby any of the antihistamines, for example, "Zirtek "Tavegil" or "Suprastin". Usually, such seizures are as sudden as they begin, after 15-20 minutes.

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