Causes, symptoms and treatment of AVR in adults

From this article you will learn: what is vegeto-vascular dystonia, how it develops, what are the causes of its appearance. Methods of diagnostics of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults, symptoms and treatment of complications of pathology, prognosis for recovery.

The content of the article:

  • The development and the course of the VSD
  • The causes of the pathology
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment methods
  • Forecast for recovery

Vegeto-vascular dystonia is a combination of functional disorders caused by disturbances in the regulation of the vascular tone( their tension and relaxation) by the autonomic nervous system.

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The well-coordinated work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system provides autonomic( independent of the central nervous system) tension and vascular relaxation. The process is influenced by changes in external and internal factors( ejection of adrenaline, heat, cold, emotional stress).

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In the VSD for various reasons( chronic diseases, birth trauma, nervous stress, inefficient nutrition), the work of the departments is not coordinated, failures provoke a pathological reaction of the vascular system and a violation of the blood supply of the departments. The result is increased heart rate, headache, dizziness, fainting and other symptoms caused by hypertension or relaxation of blood vessels at the wrong time.

In case of pathology, the disturbances depend on the localization of the process, therefore, the symptoms of VSD appear isolated( if only one system or organ is involved in the process, for example, the gastrointestinal tract or intestine) or in combination( when several organs and systems are involved).

In children, the VSD is characterized by a sharp deterioration in the state during puberty( against hormonal adjustment and nervous stress, associated with the stresses and increased demands from the parents), in adults it progresses over time and is associated with concomitant diseases, which causes complications of vascular pathologies. In fact, in children and adults, pathology proceeds equally and is treated.

In 90% of cases, the disease is not dangerous, timely treatment can completely eliminate or reduce the severity of symptoms and manifestations of VSD. In 10% - pathology can be complicated before the vegetative-vascular crisis, contributes to the development of serious disorders( neuroses, arrhythmias, etc.), and when a combination of a complex of symptoms worsens the quality of life and negatively affects the ability to work.

The appointment with the VSD is done by a therapist. If pathology is accompanied by severe symptoms of cardiovascular, neurological, endocrine disorders, refer to the appropriate specialist( to the endocrinologist, neuropathologist, cardiologist, etc.).

How the VSD develops and proceeds

With VSD numerous disorders can develop in three types, depending on which part of the autonomic nervous system provokes the malfunction more:

  1. The parasympathetic department is responsible for narrowing the pupils, lowering the blood pressure, slowing the breathing, increasing the tone of the smooth muscle muscles,slows heart rate. Changes in the body are due to its increased activity and cause the development of the VSD according to the parasympathicotonic( vagotonic) type( hypotension, headaches, vascular spasm, asphyxiation).
  2. The sympathetic department is responsible for relaxing the pupils, raising the blood pressure and increasing the heart rate, relaxing the rectum and bladder, reducing the tone of the smooth muscle musculature. Its increased activity provokes the development of VSD in sympathicotonic type with the corresponding symptoms( headaches, hypertension, sudden urge to urinate or defecate).
  3. Approximately equal pathological activity of the autonomic nervous system provides for the development of VSD in a mixed type, without the predominance of symptoms of one type or another.

Several organs and systems of the body can be involved in the process simultaneously( respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive), in this case numerous symptoms accompany the pathology, which worsen the quality of life and temporarily reduce the ability to work( for a time of attack of a headache or a pressure jump).

Causes of pathology

Vegetosovascular dystonia may occur immediately after birth( due to developmental pathologies or birth trauma) or during life( due to a combination of negative factors).

Main causes of Main risk factors
Hereditary predisposition Easily excitable psyche
Intrauterine fetal hypoxia( oxygen starvation)

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Nervous, strenuous work
Craniocerebral trauma( including those obtained during labor) Age rangefrom 20 to 40 years
CNS diseases( congenital and acquired) Sexual accessory( in men, vegetative-vascular dystonia develops 3 times less often than in women)
Oral disruption or body restructuring( puberty, pregnancy, climacteric period)
Chronic diseases( gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous, infectious, allergic, connective tissue diseases)
Cervical osteochondrosis

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Constitutional anomaliesbody structure)
Psychoemotional stress and nervous stress
Harmful habits( alcohol intake and smoking)
Unbalanced, monotonous nutrition
Hypovitaminosis, micronutrient deficiency
Toxic effect( including medicines)
Climate change
Reasons for the


AVR in adults can flow easily, without distinct signs and symptoms, without affecting the quality of life.

However, in most cases( 50%) the pathology progresses against the background of other disorders, the symptoms in adults become more pronounced, their combination worsens the quality of life and temporarily reduces the ability to work( during attacks of headache and palpitations).

With VSD, several characteristic symptom complexes are distinguished, depending on which organs and systems are involved in the process. They can appear separately or in combination with each other.

Complex of symptoms Characteristic manifestations of
Cardiac Stitching and chest pain in the heart

Cardiac arrhythmias( rapid or slow heartbeat)

Heart beat sensation

Pressure drop

Respiratory Attacks of dyspnea

Rapid breathing

Sensation of shortness of breathinhale and exhale)


Severity, congestion in the chest

Neurotic Headaches

Noise in the ears



fatigue at the slightest physical or mental stress

of disability

blurred vision, memory

sleep disorder



sensitive to the change in the weather and atmospheric pressure



panic attacks

Disdinamichesky( differential pressures, violationsblood supply) Blood pressure jumps


Noise in the ears







Cold peripheral portion of the body( hands and fingers stop)

thermoregulatory Impaired thermoregulation( expressed in sudden changes in temperature from 35 to 38 ° C)


excessive sweating

Frost Fever

Poor tolerance of stuffiness, heat, cold

Dyspeptic Sudden abrupt colic and abdominal pain

Severity, indigestion







Diarrhea or constipation Urogenital type Frequent urination without cause

Fluid retention and swelling

Anorgasmia( absence of orgasm)

Disorders of potency

Dysmenorrhea( impaired cycle)

Symptoms of an AVD.Click on the photo to enlarge

As the pathology of

progresses. In half of the patients, pathology is complicated by sudden attacks - vegetative crises, in this case, it is necessary to prescribe medication for AVR in adults.

Vegetative crisis With characteristic symptoms
Vagoinsular develops as a result of the release of insulin into the blood( pancreatic hormone) and is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the level of glucose Arrhythmia


Rare pulse

With difficulty of inspiration and exhalation


Pale skin

Decreaseof the

"Presonal" states



"Darkening" in the eyes of

Reinforced intestinal work( urges to def

Sympatoadrenal crisis or "panic attack", develops as a result of a sudden release of adrenaline( adrenal cortex hormone) into the blood Sudden attacks of headache

Pain in the heart

Amplified heartbeat

Rapid breathing

Increased pressure and body temperatureto low-grade( 37 ° C)


Numbness and numbness of the limbs

Redness or pallor of the skin

Attack accompanied by severe anxiety and fear

Mixed toRis( develops more often than isolated, 80%) Combines the main symptoms of sympathoadrenal and vagoinsular crises
The work of the adrenal cortex

Vegetovascular crises develop as rapidly as they stop, their appearance indicates the severity of the disease. Urgent hospitalization of the patient is not necessary( there is no such need), but at the first opportunity it is better to consult a physician-therapist.


It is difficult to diagnose the AVR because of a combination of numerous symptoms reminiscent of other pathologies. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, organic diseases( gastritis, glomerulonephritis, mental disorders, infective endocarditis, bronchial asthma) are gradually eliminated, consulting with the relevant specialists.

Establish a diagnosis help:

  • analysis of symptoms and complaints of the patient;
  • ECG of the heart;
  • Holter monitoring( daily ECG);
  • electroencephalography of the brain;
  • functional tests( orthostatic, pharmacological), with their help evaluate the reactions of the autonomic nervous system.

Treatment methods

With a timely treatment of 90%, it is possible to completely cure or significantly improve the patient's condition, reducing the main disturbing symptoms to a minimum.

In adults, VSD treatment is carried out with the help of a complex of physiotherapy methods, a healthy and active lifestyle. Only 1/3 of patients need a drug prescription.

Drug medication VSD

Drugs are prescribed for severe IVD, severe symptoms of violations, the appearance of vegetative-vascular crises.

Group preparations name drug Why appoint
blockers Anaprilin Eliminate the symptoms of heaviness and pain in the heart, normalize rhythm
ACE inhibitors Captopril Normalize hypertension
Stimulating herbal Hawthorn tincture, Siberian Ginseng, Schisandra Normalize low bloodpressure
Vasodilators Cinnarizine, vinpocetine Improve blood supply to the brain
Neurometabolic stimulants Nootropil Improves metabolism in nerve cells
Sedative preparations Phytosed Gently calms the nervous system, normalizes the general condition, eliminates feelings of depression and anxiety
Antidepressants and tranquilizers Phenazepam, elenium, seduxen, hydazepam Improve mood, remove all expressedneurologic symptoms in adults with VSD( lethargy, apathy, anxiety, anxiety, irritability, melancholy, etc.)
Neuroleptics Gallopyeridol Intended for the treatment of severe mental disorders
Multivitamin complexes Supadin Violation of the balance of vitamins and minerals is one of the reasons for the development of the

VSD with marked symptoms to be treated for a long time, regularly repeating the course( twice a year, in spring and autumn, during seasonal exacerbation).

Physiotherapeutic methods

Physiotherapeutic methods are effective for the treatment of medium and light forms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In severe VSD, they are combined with a medical course:

  • water procedures( carbon dioxide, sulfuric, coniferous baths, Charcot's shower, swimming in the pool);
  • electrophoresis( the introduction of drugs through the surface of the skin under the influence of a constant electric current);
  • galvanization( the effect of constant-current electric currents);
  • massage of the collar zone( neck and shoulder) and general( whole body);
  • reflexotherapy( stimulation of biologically active points);
  • phototherapy( treatment with bright light);
  • exercises physical therapy.


In the early stages of the VSD, doctors are urged to change their lifestyle, in most cases it helps to stop or completely eliminate the manifestations of the disease.

What you need to get rid of the pathology:

  1. Balanced nutrition, rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids useful for the work of nerve cells( plant and animal protein).
  2. Regular exercise( yoga, swimming, walking in the fresh air);
  3. Refusal from alcohol and smoking.
  4. The regime of the day, excluding work, brainstorming, sleepless nights at work or reading books.
  5. Climate change, positive emotions and lack of stress.

When expressed neurological symptoms of VSD( apathy, anxiety, suspiciousness, tearfulness), you can go through several psycho-correction sessions with a psychologist or get a consultation from a psychiatrist, this will help cope with stress and depression.

The prognosis for the recovery of

AVR in adults is a complex, multicomponent pathology. In stages, when the majority of organs and systems are involved, the disease can be treated for years. Patients with a predilection for vegetative-vascular crises are on dispensary records, should be examined and repeat the course of prevention 1-2 times a year.

In the early stages of 90% of the disease can be cured completely, although more often because of the difficulties of diagnosis to patients treated with severe symptoms and complications of pathology( vegetative-vascular crises).

Vegeto-vascular dystonia affects 80% of the population, in women it is diagnosed 3 times more often than men. The first obvious symptoms of VSD in adults appear in the range of 20 to 40 years, in the risk group - people with unstable psyche, subject to constant nervous stress.

The prognosis is completely dependent on the patient's desire to improve his own condition with the help of physical exercise, a balanced diet and avoiding bad habits. Uncontrolled IRR over time greatly worsens the quality of life and affects the mental and physical ability to work.