Cough with heart failure: symptoms and treatment

From this article you will learn: why cough occurs in heart failure. What additional signs accompanied by a cardiac cough, the methods of its treatment.

Causes of cardiac cough

  • Symptoms of
  • Diagnosis methods
  • Treatment - how to get rid of heart cough
  • Cough appears in heart diseases due to blood stagnation in the small( pulmonary) circulatory system.

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    This symptom indicates the 2 stages of chronic heart failure and requires urgent treatment. Heart failure is a common name for a condition when the heart is not able to fully exercise its function;it can be caused by various pathologies.

    You can get rid of heart cough by eliminating the cause of heart failure. Often this can be done only with the help of an operation.

    Cardiac cough symptoms have certain, you will find them in this article. If you find these in yourself, immediately go to the cardiologist. If you do not pay attention to this symptom and do not start treatment or change its tactics, you will have cardiac asthma.

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    Causes of cardiac cough

    It is caused by heart failure, which in turn appears against the background of congenital or acquired heart defects.

    The presence of this symptom is characterized by such pathologies:

    • hypertrophy of the left ventricle;
    • stenosis of one or more heart valves;
    • failure of one or more heart valves;
    • cardiomyopathy;
    • myocarditis;
    • coronary atherosclerosis or thrombosis( provokes insufficient supply of oxygen to the myocardium);
    • chronic arterial hypertension;
    • amyloidosis of the heart( metabolic disorder, in which proteins are deposited in the heart tissues, this is a rare enough disease, characterized by high mortality, it is impossible to completely cure it);
    • defect of interventricular septum.

    Also, dry cough can be a side effect of ACE inhibitors for lowering blood pressure. In this case, if the symptom significantly worsens the patient's quality of life( for example, prevents sleep at night), the doctor will replace the medicine with another - which the patient's body will tolerate better.

    ACE inhibitor preparations

    Symptoms of

    Cardiac cough is always dry. Only at the last stage of heart failure can it be accompanied by the release of blood.

    It is supplemented by other signs of chronic heart failure:

    • dyspnea( in stage 2A - with little physical exertion, at stage 2B - even at rest);
    • feeling of lack of air, intolerance of stuffy rooms;
    • dizziness, sometimes - fainting;
    • edema;
    • attacks of pain in the heart;
    • rhythm disturbances.
    Symptoms of cardiac cough in heart failure

    Cardiac coughs from colds

    Cardiac Cold
    Usually dry From dry quickly passes into wet
    Always occurs in conjunction with the symptoms of heart failure described above It is accompanied by high fever, sore throat, runny nose andother signs of respiratory diseases
    Increases at night, in lying position and during physical activity, becomes less intense whenAulnay sitting manifests itself evenly throughout the day, regardless of the position of the body
    Chronic, untreated heart disease does not pass takes 2-3 weeks

    Diagnosis Diagnosis is necessary in order to determine the tactics of treatment. It is carried out in several stages:

    1. X-ray of the lungs - allows to detect stagnant phenomena.
    2. ECG - for the detection of cardiac arrhythmias.
    3. Echocardiography( ultrasound of the heart) - using this method, you can examine the structure of the heart and determine the cause of heart failure.
    4. Transesophageal echocardiography - helps to more accurately assess the structure of the heart than conventional echocardiography, as well as to identify intracardiac thrombi( a frequent occurrence in chronic heart failure).
    5. Coronary angiography - is used for suspected atherosclerosis of coronary vessels.
    X-ray of the chest, source

    In addition to instrumental, biochemical methods of the patient's body are used:

    • Blood tests( total, for serum creatinine, for thyroid hormones).
    • Urinalysis - allows you to diagnose hypertension caused by kidney disease.

    How to get rid of a heart cough

    Treatment is to eliminate the underlying disease that caused heart failure.

    Heart cough itself as a symptom sometimes requires taking antitussive drugs with anesthetic effect. They are used in the event that this sign is expressed very strongly and is not relieved by the main treatment.

    Kodelak - antitussive with anesthetic effect

    Drug therapy

    For heart failure, doctors can recommend taking drugs from the following groups:

    • vasodilators;
    • ACE inhibitors or beta-blockers;
    • glycosides;
    • diuretics;
    • antiarrhythmic;
    • anticoagulants.

    Their action is aimed at vasodilatation, elimination of hypertension, improvement of metabolic processes in the myocardium, reduction of edema, normalization of heart rhythm and prevention of thrombus formation.

    If a cardiac cough appeared on the background of coronary atherosclerosis, the cardiologist will prescribe lipid-lowering medications that prevent further deposition of fats on the walls of the vessels.

    Atorvastatin-lipid-lowering drug

    Surgical interventions

    They eliminate the underlying cause of heart failure, therefore, are more effective than conservative treatments. But at the same time, the operation can lead to dangerous complications, especially in the elderly. Before deciding on a surgical intervention, the cardiologist weighs all the pros and cons.

    Operations for various heart diseases:

    Pathology Solution
    stenosis or insufficiency of valve( s) Prosthesis mechanical or biological prosthetic valve
    atherosclerosis or thrombosis coronary Coronary artery bypass surgery, balloon angioplasty, rotational ablation, stents, etc.
    Cardiomyopathies .Heart transplant


    Patients with heart failure are contraindicated sedentary lifestyle.

    They are recommended breathing exercises and aerobic exercise( special physical exercises, walking or easy running, depending on the condition, etc.)

    When appointing exercise therapy, the physician takes into account such indicators:

    1. Absence of dyspnea at rest.
    2. Respiratory rate not more than 30 per minute.
    3. Exercise fatigue is small.


    If you do not adjust your diet, treatment will be much less effective.

    Without fail salt. Do not drink more than 1.5 liters of water a day. Do not eat fatty and fried. If you are overweight, use only low-calorie food.

    Include in the diet more vegetable oils, fruits, vegetables, greens.

    Take vitamins and minerals necessary for normal heart function( consult a doctor beforehand).

    Folk remedies

    Treatment can be supplemented with alternative medicine methods. Before using any of these, consult a cardiologist.


    Ingredients Method of preparation Dosage
    Devicil( roots) - 15 g Pour 0.2 liters of water, boil and keep on the fire for another half hour. Strain. 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day. Before use, heat until warm, but not hot.
    Cowberry( leaves) - 15 g Pour a glass of cold water, bring to a boil, hold on the stove for another 10 minutes. Remove from the plate and leave for 60 minutes. Strain. 1/2 cup 2 times a day.
    Blue cornflower( inflorescence) - 1 tsp. Pour 0.25 l of water, after boiling, keep on the fire for another 4-5 minutes. Insist an hour. Strain. 2 tbsp.l.3 times a day.