Prophylaxis of scoliosis, treatment in children


  • 1Scoliosis in children: signs, prevention and treatment
    • 1.1Prevention of early scoliosis in children
    • 1.2Juvenile scoliosis in children and its prevention
    • 1.3Symptoms of scoliosis in children
    • 1.4Treatment of scoliosis in children
  • 2Scoliosis in children: causes, prevention, treatment
  • 3Scoliosis in children, treatment of curvature of the spine: LUTS, massage, prevention
    • 3.1Types of disease
    • 3.2Symptomatology of the disease
    • 3.3Children's scoliosis and methods of its diagnosis
    • 3.4Treatment of scoliosis in children
    • 3.5LFK in scoliosis in children
    • 3.6Massage with scoliosis in children
    • 3.7Prophylaxis of scoliosis in children
  • 4Scoliosis in children: etiology, classification, therapy and prevention
    • 4.1Etiology
    • 4.2Types of curvature of the spine in children
    • 4.3Degrees of scoliosis
    • 4.4Diagnosis of scoliosis
    • 4.5Therapy of scoliosis
    • 4.6Physiotherapy
    • 4.7Massage
    • 4.8Manual therapy
    • 4.9Preventive measures for scoliosis
  • 5Prophylaxis of scoliosis
    • 5.1How can scoliosis form?
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2The main measures in the prevention of scoliosis
    • 5.3How is prophylaxis of scoliosis in adults
  • 6Scoliosis in children: causes, prevention, treatment. Scoliosis for children
    • 6.1The causes of scoliosis in children and adolescents
    • 6.2Scoliosis 1 degree in children
    • 6.3Scoliosis of the 2nd degree in children
    • 6.4Scoliosis of the 3rd degree in children
    • 6.5Scoliosis of the 4th degree in children
    • 6.6Thoracic scoliosis in children
    • 6.7How to treat scoliosis in children at home?
    • 6.8Corset from scoliosis for children
    • 6.9Prophylaxis of scoliosis in children
    • 6.10Scoliosis in children: advice and feedback

Scoliosis in children: signs, prevention and treatment

Scoliosis (curvature of the spine)at the age of up to three years the boys most often suffer.

Suchearly (infantile) scoliosisusually associated with hypertonia and muscular dystonia, it passes by itself, it is enough only to fulfill the elementary conditions from the parents.

Prevention of early scoliosis in children

The natural bends of the spine are formed in stages, and thereforeprevention of scoliosis in childrenshould also be phased.

Since the first is to form a cervical bend (lordosis), to avoid problems with the cervical spine to use a pillow for a baby to a year is not recommended.

The mattress in the baby cot should be dense and elastic, for example, based on coconut shavings.

The child begins to sit down alone at about the age of 6 months, sometimes a little later. If the child is seated before this time, especially on a soft surface, there is a possibility of a violation of posture in the thoracic and lumbar region (the so-called "round back").

When a child at the age of 2-3 months develops coups on his side, it is necessary to monitor that he does this in one and the other direction.

The preferred posture for sleeping in crumbs during this period is on the back, as a strong spinal strain occurs on the side. In general, any load on the back for a child up to a year is contraindicated, so do not put your baby on the feet beforehand, or buy him a walker.

Children up to a year, even without problems with muscle tone, are shown a session of a wellness massage (if necessary, after three months, the course can be repeated).

Juvenile scoliosis in children and its prevention

From 3 to 10 yearsdiagnosechildren's (juvenile) scoliosis, to which girls are more exposed. The period of 6-7 years is characterized by rapid growth of the child and it is at this time, most often there are curvatures of the spine.

During this period, in order not to miss or run scoliosis, it is necessary to visit the doctor at least once every 2-3 months, because the earlier will be diagnosed and treatment begun, the more hope that the problem will be solved and the curvature will not be progress.

Symptoms of scoliosis in children

Scoliosis in a child may be suspected by the school doctor during the medical examination, but for an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to visit the orthopedist and make an x-ray. butsigns of scoliosiscan be learned at home.

For this, the child should be stripped and stand evenly, heels together, hands along the body, back to you.

Now look at the line of the children's spine from the occiput to the tailbone - normally it should be straight, the left and right ear, and the shoulder blades should be on the same level.

The lumens between the lowered arms and the left and right thigh should not differ from each other. If the child falls on the stomach and the curvature of the back becomes invisible, then, perhaps, this is only a violation of posture, and not scoliosis. However, an accurate diagnosis should be made by a doctor.

Treatment of scoliosis in children

Treatment of scoliosis in childrenis carried out by well-known conservative methods. itPhysical therapy, physiotherapy and massage course.

But which physical exercises and massage methods will be used, the doctor decides on the basis of an individual approach and the degree of severity of scoliosis in a particular child.

At a scoliosis of the first degree the child is engaged in special exercises of the house (with parents or the special instructor) and can attend physical education lessons at school.

If the child has scoliosis of the second degree, then he is released from school physical education and is only engaged in a therapeutic complex of exercises.

The most effective method of correcting children's scoliosis is wearingCorrective corset, which is made of plastics on the basis of a plaster cast from the patient's body and is replaced with a new one as the child grows up. But manual therapy is not a suitable treatment for scoliosis, and even on the contrary, it can aggravate the situation.

Correct posture, which should be watched from an early age of the child - a pledge of strong back muscles that will keep the spine in the correct position.

In order to prevent violations of posture and scoliosis(although one is not the cause of the other), a child should not sleep on a too soft mattress, orthopedic is best. The pillow too should not be too magnificent.

Parents should not forget that the height of the table and chair should match the growth of the child, and the school should walk with a knapsack on two straps, preferably with an orthopedic back so that the weight of the burden is evenly distributed evenly.

Scoliosis is not recommended for traumatic sports, as well as those associated with a large load on the spine, or its hyper mobility (hockey, tennis, art and sports gymnastics). But they will bring good benefits of swimming, especially the style of breaststroke. In the water, the spine "rests the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are trained, all muscles develop harmoniously.

If parents have such an opportunity, then the child with scoliosis is useful for the time being sent to a specialized sanatorium - all conditions for improving children with pathology of the spine have been created there and training has been organized for the school program.

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Scoliosis in children: causes, prevention, treatment

In the age of technical progress, children spend more time at home, behind electronic gadgets. Because of a lack of motor activity, the muscles of the back weaken, as a result, scoliosis can occur in childhood.

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine.

Distinguished acquired and congenital form.

Acquired scoliosis falls on the active phase of child growth.

Approximate matched development of scoliosis in children's age:

- In 1-3 years - infantile idiopathic;

- in 4-9 years - idiopathic;

- at 10-14 years - adolescent (adolescent) idiopathic.

According to statistics, in 80 percent of cases the true cause of scoliosis can not be established, but there isfactors that contribute to the development of this disease:

- defeat of the vertebrae (for example, tuberculosis), rickets;

- disturbed metabolism of phosphorus and calcium;

- asymmetric limbs (flat feet, improperly fused bones, etc.).

Provokes scoliosis in childrenas a sedentary lifestyle, and excessive stress on the spine:

- heavy school backpack;

- the habit of "loading" one and the same shoulder;

- incorrect posture when sitting or walking.

Forms of curvature of the spine in scoliosis

- One arc of curvature (C-shaped);

- two arcs of curvature (S-shaped);

- three arcs of curvature (Z-shaped).

Correctly to diagnose and appoint the necessary procedures should the doctor. Self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences, including aggravate the disease.

According to Chaklin's classification of the angle of curvature, scoliosis has several degrees of development.

The first degree is the angle 1 ° - 10 °

This is the easiest degree of curvature of the spine in scoliosis. Her treatment does not change the child's habitual way of life. To the usual activities of physical culture is added a special set of gymnastic exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back.

Also the doctor can appoint:

- treatment with manual massage;

- diet;

- Sleep on a special mattress and pillow.

The second degree of scoliosis in children - angle 11 ° - 25 °

In this case, more intensive treatment is required. As a rule, the child is exempt from general physical education.

Courses of massage and therapeutic gymnastics are more lengthy. It is possible to wear a medical corset.

If the development of scoliosis is suspended, it is advisable to visit sports sections, classes in which the back muscles train:

- swimming;

- skiing;

- Volleyball and so on.

The third degree (angle 26 ° - 50 °) and the fourth degree (angle from 50 °)

Such forms of scoliosis are neglected and require prompt intervention. The situation is aggravated by the psychological state of the child.

Because of the specific changes in posture caused by severe curvature of the spine, the patient is closed, irritable, there may be problems in communicating with peers.

With the third or fourth degree of scoliosis, it is possible:

- formation of two arcs by the spine (S-shaped type);

- deformation of the vertebral part in the form of three bends (Z-shaped type);

- Torsion - twisting of the spine around its axis;

- hump formation;

- deformation of bones;

- a distorted position of the internal organs, as a consequence - dyspnea, pressure changes, intestinal colic, frequent colds.

Conservative treatment can only stop the development of pathology, strengthen muscles and alleviate the pains that have arisen. To get rid of scoliosis 3-4 degrees, surgery will be required.

Prophylaxis of scoliosis in children

While the body is growing, there is a risk of development of curvature of the spine. Therefore, parents should remember from the earliest childhood the need to prevent scoliosis:

- do not need to load the spine of the child before the time - do not plant until the baby himself sits alone;

- a correct and balanced diet will provide the body with the necessary nutrients and minerals;

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- Ultraviolet helps to synthesize vitamin D in the body, therefore walks are obligatory in any weather;

- it is important to monitor the formation of the correct bearing of the child when sitting and walking;

- Care must be taken to select a school satchel, the weight should be distributed evenly, for this reason the bag over the shoulder is excluded;

The correct organization of the workplace is obligatory:

  • distance from table to eyes should be from 30 cm;
  • furniture, matched by age;
  • sufficient lighting and location of the light source on the left;
  • A stool without wheels is desirable, this will fix the correct position of the body when sitting;

- the mattress for sleeping a child must be rigid, and a pillow of medium or small size;

- During sitting it is desirable to minimize the load on the bones of the spine: hands on the armrests, place the knees at a right angle, change the position of the body more often;

- an active lifestyle is welcomed, including sports, hardening;

- development of self-discipline in the child;

- the passage of a systematic examination with a doctor.

The implementation of these simple rules will positively affect the health of the child and will prevent the development of scoliosis.

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Scoliosis in children, treatment of curvature of the spine: LUTS, massage, prevention

Scoliosis - a disease of the musculoskeletal system, expressed in the curvature of the spine on its side, deformation of the vertebrae. The curvature has the form of a three-plane deflection.

The first term implies distortion of the spine to the side in the frontal plane, it may be fixed and non-fixed, of different types and severity.

Scoliotic disease is characterized by the process of progressive deformation of the vertebrae, affects people in the child age (in the range from 6 to 15 years), in a percentage of the girls suffer 3-6 times more than boys.

In the modern world, the problem of scoliosis in children is not the first place. The child most of his time can occupy the wrong positions of the body: during classes, playing, sitting at the computer.

And the parents of the onset of the disease is difficult to diagnose with a visual examination of the child's body. The immature body of the child is largely susceptible to growth.

Jumps in growth (for example, pubertal), which lead to scoliosis of the spine, fall to the age of 6-7 years.

Types of disease

Medical practice in the world subdivides scoliosis in children according to the time of the onset of the disease, its localization, the nature of the causes of the formation. There are four types of appearance time:

  • Infantile species originates during the 1-2 years of life.
  • Juvenile appearance - in the period of 4-6 years.
  • Adolescent species - from 10 to 14 years.

The causes of scoliosis formation can be congenital and acquired. The congenital form arises from the asymmetry in the location of the pelvis and legs, is formed in the womb with the wrong development of the spine and ribs, the vertebra and bone tissue has an anomaly of the structures.

The acquired form of pathology occurs with the weakness of the muscular apparatus, after severe diseases (rickets, tuberculosis), with a congenital difference in the length of the limbs, after injuries to the joints of the hip and spine, if available flatfoot.

The location of the deflection is divided into four types:

  1. Curvature of the thoracic region (thoracic type).
  2. Curvature of the lumbar spine (lumbar type).
  3. One curvature in the transition zone (the torakolumbal type).
  4. Combined - double S-shaped bending.

Arc bending can take a C S Z-shaped position.

The degree of severity of the disease is determined by the angle of distortion of the spine:

  • The minimum curvature is between 1 and 10 degrees - 1 degree.
  • The angle from 11 to 25 degrees is 2 degrees.
  • The deviation is 26-50 degrees - 3 degrees.
  • More than 50 degrees - 4 degrees.

Symptomatology of the disease

Early stage and 1 degree do not cause pain and discomfort, which allows to progress and adversely affects in the future. Symptoms are not pronounced. For the onset of the disease is characterized by:

  • The shoulders are at different levels;
  • different level of blades;
  • curvature of the spine in a standing position;
  • skewing of the pelvis on one side;
  • unequal triangles of waist;
  • a different distance from the hand, pressed to the body, to the waist.

Children's scoliosis and methods of its diagnosis

The method of diagnosing "in slope" is widespread. The patient from the "standing" position carries the body forward with an inclination with freely lowered arms.

Inspecting the patient looks at the spine from behind, focusing on asymmetry, the elevation of the rib or shoulder blade on one side, the curved bend of the spine, the deformation of the vertebral bodies.

An x-ray gives data on the magnitude of the deflection angle. American orthopedic J. Cobb has established a scheme for decoding the X-ray image of the spine. For what the angle of curvature was called "corner by Cobb."

The angle of scoliosis in the image is the point of two lines that are drawn on the anteroposterior radiograph. These lines are parallel to the end plates of neutral vertebrae. In cases of suspicion of other diseases, magnetic resonance imaging is used.

Accompanying measures for diagnosis:

  1. Measurement of growth in the "sitting" and "standing" position.
  2. Weighing.
  3. Measurement of lung volume.

Treatment of scoliosis in children

Serious attitude to treatment, full adherence to the recommendations of an orthopedic doctor is the success of the child's recovery. Treatment of curvature of the spine in children should be carried out in a complex. The main methods used in the fight to correct children's scoliosis:

  • therapeutic physical training (LFK);
  • massage;
  • tonic procedures;
  • wearing a fixing corset;
  • gymnastics;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgery.

LFK in scoliosis in children

Children with scoliosis should perform physical exertion. Therapeutic exercises increase the strength and tone of muscles, improves the correct formation of posture.

There are specialized groups for exercise therapy, where qualified specialists will help.

Exercises of physiotherapy exercises can be performed at home.

Exercise exercise at home:

  1. On a level surface in the "standing" position, one after the other, raise your legs, holding them for a few seconds in the raised state and keeping your back straight.
  2. From the "standing" position, go up on your toes, raise your hands up and swing from side to side for a minute.
  3. In the "lying on the belly" position: stretch your arms out to the sides and lift your torso up. Make several approaches.
  4. Get on your knees, put your hands on the floor in front of you. Imitate walking with your hands, pulling your legs one by one.
  5. Lie on the floor, hands to arrange along the body and pull up, then relax.

There are a number of exercises with a chair and with a spar, in a "lying" and "standing" position. Exercises for scoliosis in children are effective in conjunction with a visit to the pool, aqua aerobics classes.

Massage with scoliosis in children

The osteopathic physician performs a massage procedure to correct the scoliosis of the spine. The procedure depends on the severity of the disease. The main activities of the massage:

  • in a fixed position "lying
  • the expert studies all the zones of the back, first massaging the muscles of the concave side of the back, then - convex;
  • use stroking, shaking, kneading and squeezing.

The duration of the procedures and the strength of the pressure increase with each session. Children's massage in scoliosis is performed in 25 procedures. For the last degrees of scoliosis, pediatric massage without an additional therapeutic complex does not give a full recovery.

Physiotherapy procedures give a positive result:

  1. Thermotherapy is prescribed by a doctor at 1 degree of scoliosis in order to activate the circulation of lymph / blood. Perform ozokerite (paraffin) applications, hot packs.
  2. Electrostimulation of muscles is carried out in 10-15-25 sessions every 3-4 months, combining with physical education. Then the complex of massage is recommended.
  3. Electrophoresis is used to treat childhood scoliosis. Especially applicable if the spinal deformity is 3 degrees. The course in 10 sessions is carried out once a year.
  4. Ultrasound is prescribed when there is a pain syndrome and the onset of osteochondrosis. Do 8-9 procedures.

In the form of hydrotherapy, sodium chloride baths are used, mud treatment in conjunction with sea baths.

Corsetting is used at 2 and 3 degrees of severity of the disease. At occurrence of the big attritions the corset is smeared with vaseline, ointments do not use.

Prophylaxis of scoliosis in children

  • Sleep the child to observe on the orthopedic mattress of medium hardness.
  • It is allowed to lie on the pillow after the first year of life.
  • Keep the back of the newborn when you pick it up.
  • The baby is shifted in the "lying" position from the left to the right side.
  • Contraindicated passive sitting baby. It is necessary that the child learns to keep his back without support.
  • Any creative activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué, assembly of the designer) is carried out at the table.
  • Perform morning exercises.
  • Pay attention that in the "sitting" position: the nape is laid back and slightly raised, and the chin is slightly lowered. This posture improves blood flow.

Every adult member of the family, and not just parents, must take responsibility for the health of children. Prevention of childhood scoliosis, timely treatment to the doctor will preserve the health of the spine. Deformation and violation of posture is not only an unattractive type of human posture, but also the health of the organism as a whole.

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Scoliosis in children: etiology, classification, therapy and prevention

Scoliosis in children is a common pathology, the etiologic factor of which most often is rapid growth.

At this age, the disease can be treated with a 100% result, since the process of spine formation in the child has not yet been completed.

There are many methods of treating scoliosis both in hospital and at home.

What will be their therapeutic effect depends on the age at which the pathology is diagnosed and Therapy, which includes gymnastics and special exercises from scoliosis for children, massage and other measures. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis.

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of a specific area of ​​the spine. Especially dangerous is the disease for preschool children.

Often parents neglect the prevention of the disease, which is based on curative gymnastics for the back and spine, due to This is missed by the moment of its onset, therefore it is necessary to treat an already neglected disease, which includes symptoms up to flatfoot.


I must say that the causes of the appearance of this pathology are manifold.

  1. Incorrect posture when conducting training sessions. Because of it the load on the muscular apparatus of the back is distributed unevenly, and this negatively affects both the muscles and the spine.
  2. Cervical scoliosis develops as a result of pathologies of development, acquired injuries, various diseases (rheumatism, rickets).
  3. Thoracic scoliosis is formed as a result of uneven development, and weakness of the muscular corset. In addition, its causes - congenital malformations, cerebral palsy, spinal atrophy, tumors, muscular dystrophy, rickets. Can cause flat feet
  4. Lumbar scoliosis develops as a result of congenital pathologies, acquired traumatic injuries, uneven development of the muscles of the back and extremities, malnutrition, inflammatory processes (pleurisy, radiculitis). Its consequence may be flatfoot symptoms.
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Types of curvature of the spine in children

There are two options for the development of this pathology. Despite their differences, the etiological factors are similar, and the pathology itself requires immediate correction of the symptoms. In the absence of treatment, symptoms of flat feet may appear.

The most common option. The vertex of curvature is localized on the lumbar vertebrae and most often has a left-sided character.

At the same time, visual signs are characteristic: a noticeable arch in the lumbar spine; the muscles of the back are most heavily loaded in the left side of the waist, which forms their hypertrophy.

S-shaped. The bend of the spine in this case resembles the letter S. In this type, the curvature is localized immediately in two parts of the spine. Characteristic of rapid development.

Degrees of scoliosis

Scoliosis in children of both school and preschool age can have different degrees of severity.

The first degree. For this degree is characterized by a complex of symptoms: oblique pelvis, reduced shoulders, stoop, angle of curvature of the back to ten degrees. It should be treated with the help of physical exercises.

The second degree.

It is characterized by a visually noticeable rotation of the vertebrae along the vertical axis, oblique pelvis, visible curvature, angle of curvature in the range of 11-25 degrees.

Is amenable to correction in the performance of exercises, which provides therapeutic exercise. Quickly progresses and is able to move to the third in a short time.

Third degree. At a given degree, there are: a large costal hump, rib sagging, loosening of the abdominal muscles, strong pelvic crenulation, a back angle of 26-50 degrees. This pathology is difficult to treat.

Fourth degree. There is an increase in symptoms of pathology of the third degree, the muscles in the curvature zone are substantially stretched. The angle of curvature is more than 50 degrees. A strong deformation of the spine is noticeable. The pathology is extremely difficult and almost impossible to correct.

Started scoliosis in children is a serious danger to the health and quality of life of the patient.

If the diagnosis is late, and the treatment measures are not met, child scoliosis leads to irreversible consequences: spine deformities, pelvic asymmetry, flatfoot development, developmental disorders and internal functioning bodies.

Diagnosis of scoliosis

There are signs of a disease in which it is possible to detect the development of a child's pathology. They include a complex of symptoms:

  • The location of one shoulder is higher than the other.
  • Buckling of the blade angle.
  • Visually noticeable curvature of the vertebral column when tilted forward.
  • Symptoms of flat-footedness of the initial degree.

In children under one year, parents themselves are unlikely to be able to determine the presence of pathology. Therefore it is necessary to be observed at the local pediatrician, because only a doctor can detect the disease and the diagnosis will be correct.

Therapy of scoliosis

Treatment of scoliosis in children should be comprehensive and include all measures that the doctor prescribes. Typically, the tactics of therapy consists of the following items:

In severe cases or if medical recommendations are not observed, surgical intervention may be required to correct the pathology, which is performed by a doctor of the relevant specialization.

Therapeutic physical culture (LFC) is a complex of physical exercises used for the prevention and therapy of scoliosis. Classes in groups are often assigned, which improves the socialization of small patients.

At the same time, a doctor from the LPT carries out a course of treatment that corrects the pathology.

It should be noted that gymnastics and any exercises provided for by the course of IFC and conducted by a specialist bring significant health improvements and are mandatory for execution.

Complexes of exercises can be performed at home. There are various exercises for scoliosis in children.

For example, when charging is done in the morning, standing should be performed walking on the spot with the most equal posture.

Also, gymnastics provides for the benefit of lifting to the socks with arms outstretched, and then slowly adopting the starting position.

The complex of exercises can be advised in detail by the doctor LPT. However, and at home, such techniques are appropriate. In difficult cases, special exercises and gymnastics are prescribed to correct flat feet.


It is a complex of natural and artificial ways of therapeutic influence on the patient.

These include mud baths, heat therapy, paraffin applications, as well as the use of electricity, magnetic radiation and ultrasound for medicinal purposes.

In this case, children's scoliosis is more quickly cured.


Proper massage with scoliosis in children is a mandatory item in the prescribed course of therapy.

With its help, scoliosis should be treated with any degree of severity. Its relevance is unchanged.

Conduct a set of massage techniques, which appointed a doctor, you can at home in the presence of an appropriate specialist.

Manual therapy

It consists of techniques that relax the back muscles and direct the joints into their natural position. Sessions of manual therapy should not be appointed more than once every seven days. In this case, a set of methods of therapy is appropriate for correcting scoliosis of the first and second degree.

Preventive measures for scoliosis

To prevent the appearance of signs of the disease, scoliosis prevention in children at home, including:

  1. Correct position of the body during training sessions.
  2. Correctly matched mattress and pillow.
  3. A correct diet, including vitamins and minerals.
  4. Morning exercise at home and exercises from the complex of children's CFL.

All these measures, observed at home and at school, can prevent the development of pathology, make the posture correct and beautiful. The correct mode, correct loading, daily charging and massage are the guarantee of health and good mood of the child.

However, if there are signs of illness, starting with flat feet, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis and competent treatment will prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences.

At the same time, what will be the result depends only on the timely taking of the necessary measures.

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Prophylaxis of scoliosis

We all perfectly understand what the spine is. This is a kind of foundation of our body, on which all its components rest.

Inside the spine is the spinal cord, which is the control center for practical all functions of the body.

That is why, problems with spinal health adversely affect the health status.

One of the most common problems of the spine, which people have to face is scoliosis.This concept implies a problem in which the spine is twisted and in the wrong position.

In the pathological curvature of the spine, not only disturbances associated with the appearance of the back occur, but this also causes problems with the normal functioning of internal organs, which are prone to displacement and squeezing during this process. In this way,Scoliosis is a problem that seriously affects the health status, and in some cases leads to disability.

Consequently, the prevention of scoliosis is of primary importance, as for a child who is prone to to him from birth, and for his parents, who should spend it from the first days of the baby's life.

How can you maintain the correctness of the child's bearing and what should be paid attention to?This article considers the answers to these questions, gives recommendations on how to eliminate all factors that negatively affect the correct formation of posture.

How can scoliosis form?

As a rule, in children the formation of scoliosis is most often due to the relative softness of bone tissue.

At a time when the infant is not able to turn over himself and spends a lot of time lying in his a bed, it is necessary to control the position of its head, which should not be located on only one side.

A little later, when the child does not attempt to sit alone, many of the parents make a gross mistake when they help him sit down. This can not be done, because the child's spine is not always ready for such a kind of loads and this can have a detrimental effect on it.

Most of all, with the problem of habit, that is, the habitual and uniform position of the body, and even more so, the children of school age face.

This is preceded by classes at the school sitting at a desk, and then at home at the desk, which create all the conditions for the spine to be in an unusual and twisted position.

In this regard, scoliosis among children of school age acquired the scope of the disease.

If scoliosis in children of preschool age is not tracked so often, then among young schoolchildren, about 40% of cases with signs of this disease are detected.

And speaking about high school students, here its distribution reaches the most serious scales and exceeds the previous index almost twice.

Nevertheless, the prevention of scoliosis, in any of the cases presented, is not just a procedure that is desirable to be performed, but also a vital principle.

The main measures in the prevention of scoliosis

All the measures that must be followed in the prevention of scoliosis in children, can be reduced to two provisions:

  1. Provision of the most correct physiological position of the spine under static loads (sessions at the table, sleep, etc.);
  2. Providing physical activity for the child. In this case, it is advised to prevent curvature through the use of various sports and exercises that give the spine the necessary motor activity.

If we talk in more detail about all the available measures to ensure the prevention of scoliosis, they look like this:

  • A place to sleep.A third of the time is spent in a dream, so pay attention to what the child is sleeping on. It is desirable, it should be a bed with an orthopedic mattress and with a pillow of medium size;
  • A place for classes and the right sitting behind this place.The place for doing homework has a number of requirements that apply to both the desktop, the chair, and to developing the habit of properly sitting behind it. Both the selection of the right furniture and the observance of the rules of work for it ensures the correct positioning of the spine during study;
  • The correct knapsack.To study at school it is necessary to have a knapsack with two straps, since the bag that is used over the shoulder is the way to scoliosis;
  • Motor activity and exercise.Morning exercises, classes in various sports, running, swimming - all this improves the general tone of the muscles of the back, chest, press and the body as a whole, increase the functioning of various systems;
  • Development of correct posture.From an early age, make the child properly hold the head, shoulders, shoulder blades and back in general, when walking, position while watching TV, etc.
  • Correct nutrition.This is a very important point in the formation of the bone and muscle structure of the body. Proper and balanced nutrition is the guarantee of a child's health. In the diet should be a sufficient number of animal proteins, calcium and phosphorus. The latter in turn must come into the body from natural products. Dairy products, fish, fruits and vegetables are all very useful in sufficient quantities.
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How is prophylaxis of scoliosis in adults

In an adult, the pathological curvature of the spine is also quite likely. Therefore, adults, just like children, need to adhere to some rules that will help in the prevention of scoliosis:

  1. Watch your body while sitting. A constant hunched condition can also lead to a curved spine. It is very important to equip your workplace correctly so that the location of the back, arms, legs and head corresponds to the structure of your body;
  2. Constant work in standing or sitting position requires periodic change of positions, as well as finding time for a short break and performing the available exercises. Avoid prolonged exposure in an uncomfortable position;
  3. When carrying heavy items, distribute the load evenly on both sides;
  4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, and pay attention to physical stress. It is very important to find time for performing various exercises on a horizontal bar, swimming, just an active rest. All this helps the muscles to stay toned and maintain a correct posture;
  5. Pay attention to proper nutrition, which is rich in useful substances.

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Scoliosis in children: causes, prevention, treatment. Scoliosis for children

Scoliosis in children: anxiety signals, methods of treatment and prevention. What kind of support can be provided at home to treat scoliosis in a child.

One of the most often voiced diagnoses of schoolchildren is scoliosis. Because of this, a false impression can be created that the cause of scoliosis in school desks and long-term occupations. But as we have already noted, this theory is false. After all, half the children who received scoliosis, bought it before school.

The question then arises, at what age should prevention be started to avoid this diagnosis? The answer is obvious - at a time when mom and dad decided to plan a pregnancy.

The causes of scoliosis in children and adolescents

Let's start in order, from the appearance of the baby and to his school life:

  • When planning a pregnancy, you should consult a doctor and take all the necessary tests. Also get better, drink a complex of vitamins and minerals. After all, bone tissue begins to form from the very beginning of pregnancy, and because of the lack of any substance in body, there may be various consequences that lead to scoliosis (for example, hip dysplasia joint)
  • Birth trauma, the consequences of childhood diseases. To this category is also worth attributing a torticollis, congenital muscular hypotension or dystrophy. As soon as the baby was born, it should be carefully examined and immediately after detection of any diagnoses, begin treatment. But even in spite of the rapid diagnosis and qualitative treatment, in the future it is necessary to carefully monitor the spine of the child, accustom it to daily preventive gymnastics
  • Also, the development of scoliosis can be caused by congenital anomalies of skeletal development
  • Lead to scoliosis can be injuries of the spine, hip joint and even fracture of the leg

Scoliosis 1 degree in children

Most often found pediatrician on a routine examination. But it's not difficult to detect it yourself:

  1. The head of the child is most often lowered forward, raises it only in case of emergency
  2. The shoulders are pulled forward, the clothes in front are slightly wrinkled
  3. When looking at the child from the back, the pelvis looks slightly skewed. Most often at the first stages, it is written off as untidiness, but if you look closely you can understand that the problem is not in clothes
  4. A little later there is a regular stoop and asymmetry of the shoulders and pelvis;
  5. With a thorough examination of the spine, parents can independently see an unnatural turn of the spine, which disappears if the baby leans forward
  6. If any signs of scoliosis are detected, the orthopedist should be contacted immediately for detailed diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis. After all, this is not just a cosmetic defect, but a violation of the child's skeleton, which subsequently leads to a mass of diseases.

Scoliosis of the 2nd degree in children

  • is considered in the case when the inclination of the child forward curvature no longer disappears, and the vertebrae go further and further away from their normal position. The child is unable to bind his hands on his back to the "lock" position

Scoliosis of the 3rd degree in children

  • A very progressive stage of the disease, requiring only medical intervention. Identify it simply with an unaided eye - the presence of a small but constant hump, the apparent curvature and asymmetry of the spine, even when the child is wearing clothes. When examining the ribs of a child, you can see that the lower bulge is outward

Scoliosis of the 4th degree in children

  • At this stage, a complete cure is no longer possible. But with proper and long-term treatment there is the opportunity to alleviate the pain and improve the condition of the child

Thoracic scoliosis in children

  • Scoliosis of the thoracic region most often occurs in the first years of the child's life due to the unevenness and general weakness of the muscular framework. And also because of injuries received in the process of giving birth. With timely diagnosis and surgical treatment with gymnastics, massages and fiz. full recovery is guaranteed. If a scoliosis is found in a child in 1 year and at an older age, and the problem has arisen even at birth, treatment will be long, and later throughout life requires close monitoring and prevention

How to treat scoliosis in children at home?

The effectiveness of scoliosis treatment depends on many factors: the speed of diagnosis, the age of the child, the degree of scoliosis, the causes of the onset and many others. At once we will notice, that in house conditions prophylaxis and support of treatment is possible, but it is necessary to finish the basic procedures to doctors and experts.

What can parents do themselves: warming massages, salt baths, gymnastics that strengthens the child's muscles.

Such a massage should be carried out in conjunction with a bath with sea salt 10 days a month. But nevertheless from massage it is more advantage if it is performed by the masseur.


In a small container, pour 500 g of sea salt (calculation for an adult bath) and pour it with hot water. Dissolve. Meanwhile, fill the bath with water and pour in the solution. In such a bath, the baby should be about 15 minutes, with the head and shoulders above the water level.


Physical exercises should be performed in the morning, if possible with a physician. If the opportunity to see a specialist is not available, then you can perform exercises with the child, but carefully monitor the correctness of the exercises.

Corset from scoliosis for children

At the word of the corset most parents have an aching feeling in the chest, it seems that these are terrible extreme measures that will bring a lot of discomfort and pain to the child. On the contrary, children, when wearing a corset feel relief, no longer worry about the back, headaches and weakness disappear.

It is important, when assigning, purchasing and fitting the corset to be optimistic, create a cheerful mood and show that wearing a corset is no different from wearing a T-shirt, sweatshirts and other clothes. Some mothers acquire a pair of corsets (for themselves and for the child) thus showing an example to the baby, and improving their posture.

Prophylaxis of scoliosis in children

The best treatment for the disease is its prevention. Since backbone diseases are the most common in school-age children, we strongly recommend prevention.

  • Regular check-up with a doctor
  • Physical strengthening of the body by gymnastics, massage, swimming
  • Mandatory morning exercises, evening yoga for children
  • Arrange a place for classes according to orthopedic requirements
  • Sport sections. Sport perfectly strengthens muscles, stimulates to keep the back straight, gives the necessary physical load

Scoliosis in children: advice and feedback

Anna (mother of a 6-year-old girl): the birth was quick and good, I thought all the difficulties had passed us. But when examining the doctor was put a frightening diagnosis - dysplasia tazaberdennogo joint.

But the doctor encouraged us that the treatment will be all right. For three years we practically lived in a polyclinic (massages, lfk, warming up) and now the orthopedist reports that the joints are healthy, but you need to carefully monitor your back.

And really, by the age of 5, my daughter's embarrassment had embarrassed me, and I again went to the already familiar doctor. Now we are again "friends" with massages, we go for morning exercises in the clinic, we wear a corset.

But at the same time I can safely say - scoliosis is slowly but surely leaving us!

Galina (mother of twins, children 10 years old): giving birth at once to two children means to forget about yourself, about life and give yourself up completely to education.

Happy childhood ended in the guys when my father left the family, and I was forced to go to work. Changes in the family, whole days at work, admission to school and I missed how my boys began to stoop.

At first, she wrote off the stoop for stress because of her father, and instead of asking the doctor, she began to let the boys sit more at the computer, which was the last straw.

When I heard that my son would go to bed early, because his back hurt, I decided that it was time to visit the doctor. The diagnosis is scoliosis of the 2nd degree.

In our village there is neither a district nor the possibility of carrying out those procedures that can be obtained in the cities.

Therefore, we went to a specialized sanatorium in which I spent a month mastering the proper performance of LPC, massage, the imposition of paraffin masks and much more. Since then, 3 years have passed. In the summer, I always send my sons to a sanatorium, and for the rest of the time I'm flying myself. Result on the face - with us removed the diagnosis! But this does not mean that you can relax, because scoliosis is cunning and is washing again.

And in conclusion we add: in the treatment of scoliosis the most important is regularity and a healthy lifestyle. And for any diagnosis it is important not to give up, but actively to restore the health of the baby.

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