Lfk for children with a violation of posture


  • 1Therapeutic gymnastics in case of violation of posture in children
    • 1.1How is physical education and human posture connected?
    • 1.2Complex of exercises for preschool children
    • 1.3Preventive activities
    • 1.4Complex LFK for younger schoolchildren
    • 1.5Conclusion
  • 2Lfk for children with a violation of posture
    • 2.1What includes physical rehabilitation in case of violations of posture
    • 2.2Indications for lfk with a violation of posture
    • 2.3Treatment of flat feet
    • 2.4Treatment at different ages
  • 3Physiotherapy exercises in violation of posture: does it help?
    • 3.1Where to begin?
    • 3.2Why is the posture disturbed?
    • 3.3How to deal with violation of posture?
  • 4What kind of complex is needed for children with impaired posture?
  • 5Lfk for children with a violation of posture and the rules for doing exercises
    • 5.1Basic moments
    • 5.2Warming up and its features
    • 5.3Main part
    • 5.4Additional measures
  • 6Posture disorder: causes, prevention, treatment
    • 6.1Types of curvature of the spine
    • 6.2Round Back
    • instagram viewer
    • 6.3Rounded back
    • 6.4Flat Back
    • 6.5Flat back concave
    • 6.6Scoliosis
    • 6.7Correction of incorrect posture
    • 6.8Application of exercise therapy in correcting the posture
    • 6.9Fitball exercises
    • 6.10Massage in the therapy of curvature of posture
    • 6.11Massotherapy
    • 6.12Acupressure
    • 6.13Segmental massage

Therapeutic gymnastics in case of violation of posture in children

Exercises exercise therapy for children with a violation of posture are the most effective method of prevention and correction of curvature of the spine.

Modern preschoolers and junior schoolchildren spend too much time on TV screens, at school and at home assignments.

But from the general physical development depends not only the beauty and harmony of the figure, but also the health of many internal organs.

How is physical education and human posture connected?

With the accelerated growth of the skeleton (at the age of about 7 years), the muscle mass increases insignificantly. Children at this age are stretched, seem taller and slimmer.

But inadequate muscle development leads to the fact that the spine, which does not have muscular support, becomes vulnerable to the formation of bends that are not typical for normal physiology.

It is customary to single out 2 types of violations:

  • curvature of the spine in the sagittal region (natural curves are enlarged or reduced, stoop, flat, round back, etc.);
  • changes in the frontal plane - scoliosis.

As a result, the child decreases the volume of respiratory movements, disrupts the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, often develops myopia.

To the defects of posture did not arise, the spine needs a powerful muscular corset.

So called the surrounding spinal column muscles: they support the flexible bone organ in the vertical position, return the vertebrae to the physiological state after work (slopes, lifting weights and m.

), while moving, jumping, running, and playing a shock-absorbing role. With undeveloped back muscles, an adult develops a variety of diseases associated with displacement of the vertebrae.

To create strong muscles that will hold the spine in the correct position, exercises for posture are developed: they are available to children at the age of 5-7 years.

Complex of exercises for preschool children

Pre-schoolers are not available for purposeful training. The child may simply not understand why you need to do this or that movement, when you just want to run and play. Therefore, children's gymnastics is held in a playful form.

Exercises that can be performed for a child aged 6-7:

  1. The lesson begins with walking, which also serves as preparation and warm-up. The first 10-15 seconds of normal walking, but the parent or instructor should monitor the correct posture of the child. The next 10-15 seconds perform walking on the toes (hands to put on the belt). To warm up the muscles, walking with a high knee lift is used for the next 10-15 seconds.
  2. Exercise, which stretches the spine, is performed from the initial position with legs on the width of the shoulders. Upon inhaling, the child gradually lifts his hands and stretches upwards. On exhalation, slowly lower your hands. Perform 5-6 times. Ensure that the child does not bend at the waist when lifting hands.
  3. To accept и.п. lying on his back. Hands freely stretch along the body. The child must simultaneously raise his left hand and pull his right foot to his stomach. Repeat with the other hand and foot, and then perform the exercise, lifting both hands and feet. Repeat 6-9 times (alternate 2-3 times each position).
  4. I.p. also. On exhalation, raise the straight leg to the vertical position, hold it for 1-2 seconds, lower it. Repeat 2-3 times with each limb. The parent ensures that the leg does not bend at the knee.
  5. From the i.p. on the stomach you can do the exercise "Boxer". When performing, raise the humeral girdle and simulate strokes with hands (3-4 movements each).
  6. I.p. the same, hands along the body. Slowly straining, the child gradually lifts his chest, arms and legs. Slightly bent, the position should be fixed for 3-4 seconds, relax, returning to the ip. The number of approaches is 4-5 times.
  7. Get down on your knees, lower your arms, shanks together. Spread the straight arms outstretched, straighten the leg and sidewise. Return to i.p. and repeat with the other leg. Do the exercise 4-6 times. The parent monitors the child's bearing.

Preventive activities

A complex of exercise exercises for exercise in violation of posture can be performed with the child and for preventive purposes, while scoliosis is not formed. They are simple and accessible at home. You can supplement them with movements with a gymnastic stick:

  1. Take the stick so that the hands were in front and down. Raising his arms, pull back his leg. Return to the ip, repeat with the other leg. Perform 6-8 movements. The parent watches the child bend in the lower back.
  2. Take the stick so that it was behind. Hands at the bottom, legs together. Rising to the toes, hands to take back as far as possible. Return to i.p. and repeat 4-6 times. The parent ensures that the child does not bend his elbows and does not bend forward.
  3. Stick ahead, below. Raise your arms, lower them to your chest, return to the ip. Do the exercise 4-5 times. Ensure that the child has a posture.

Complex LFK for younger schoolchildren

In first-graders, most often violations are first determined during a physical examination at school.

They are the result of insufficient attention to the development of the child before school. But the posture can still be adjusted by conducting daily lessons at home.

Daily morning exercises can also contain the elements of exercise therapy.

Children are already available to take and maintain a control posture: go to the wall and lean on it with heels, shins, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head. Do not raise the shoulders. During warm-up (walking, as indicated above), it is important to monitor the observance of the control posture.

After warm-up, a first-grader can perform simple exercises of physical fitness with a ball, gymnastic stick or without a projectile.

It is impossible to independently follow the correct performance and posture, therefore, the presence of a senior member of the family who can monitor the person in charge and correct his mistakes is required.

Physiotherapy for correcting posture can include such exercises:

  1. From the i.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, raise the ball (or stick). When lifting hands, look at the object. Drop it on the chest, go back to the ip. Make 5-6 repetitions.
  2. The ball is in 1 arm. Take him behind his back, shift to another hand, return to the i.p. Monitor compliance with the control posture. Perform 5-6 movements.
  3. Raise your hands with the ball or stick over your head. Raise your elbows to the sides, connecting the shoulder blades. Make 4-6 slopes left and right.
  4. To accept и.п. lying on his back. Lifting your legs, perform a dilution of them to the sides, and then cross. Perform 7-8 movements, return to the i.p.
  5. Exercise "Bike" well trains the abdominal wall. Legs raise and bend at the knees. Simulate the movements of the cyclist for 20-30 seconds.
  6. Use the movements of the exercises "Boxer" and "Swallow". Options may be breast lifts with feet pressed to the floor or just feet. You can use a stick that should be kept at shoulder level behind the neck. The movements should be repeated 4-6 times.

In addition to exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the back, younger schoolchildren should perform squats not less than 10-15 times per 1 session.

They can be produced without a projectile, stretching their arms forward while flexing their legs. In the presence of a stick, it is either held in front, or wound behind the back at shoulder level.

The latter option helps to control the posture on the part of the child himself.


In addition to performing exercise therapy complexes, it is necessary to provide the child with a maximum of motor activity. This can be walking or biking, skiing and skating, outdoor games.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/osanka/lfk-dlya-detej-s-narusheniem.html

Lfk for children with a violation of posture

Everyone dreams of having a beautiful posture and a tight figure.

Exercises with the ball for children with a violation of posture
Although unaesthetic appearance - another half of the problem, but the violation of posture - this is serious. Therefore, it is necessary to take responsibility for one's health from the very childhood.

If you notice that your child is stooping, start beating the alarm, because this can lead to the development of a variety of diseases. Today, many methods have been developed to deal with this problem, but the most effective and simple is LPC in case of violation of posture in children.

When prescribing it, it is important to have a massage if you have a bad posture.

Of course, a certain set of exercises will not help to cope with this problem yourself, so massage for violations of posture or therapeutic gymnastics must be accompanied by therapeutic procedures for the intended purpose doctor. Physical rehabilitation for violations of posture - this is a good tool, but it takes a lot of time and effort.

What includes physical rehabilitation in case of violations of posture

Physical rehabilitation for violations of posture is a treatment of the violation of posture in children and flat feet, which must be treated immediately.

Similar problems begin to appear usually in children of primary school age, but today children spend a lot of time at the computer, so posture can be disturbed even at preschool age.

Such children can not be called sick, but, nevertheless, they are at risk for the development of flat feet and pathologies of the spine.

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For the most effective treatment complex, parents must provide the child with additional conditions:
  1. A hard and even bed.
  2. The correct organization of the workplace of the child and good lighting of the table on the left side (if it is left-handed, then with the right one).
  3. Correctly balanced nutrition for the formation of the muscular and bone system.

At home, you can learn to form a correct posture, performing a set of simple exercises:

We develop flexibility to strengthen the muscular corset of the back

  1. Stand on all fours on the floor. The surface should be flat and stable, the sofa does not fit.

    At the inhalation, bend over the back, tilting your head back as far as possible, try to look at the ceiling. Fix in this position for 10 seconds, return to the starting position.

  2. Stand up straight, slowly bend forward, slightly shake your lowered hands, after 10 seconds return to the starting position.
  3. Lie on your back, relax, legs and arms spread in different directions, the muscles should be in complete peace, breathe not deeply and as slowly as possible.
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All these exercises are recommended to be repeated six times a day.

Indications for lfk with a violation of posture

Such activities as physical education and therapeutic gymnastics, including a complex of simple exercises, are mostly suitable for all children suffering from a violation of posture and the presence of flat feet.

Particular attention is required for the following diseases, in which therapeutic physical-respiratory activity is necessary:

  • Scoliosis or curvature of the spine;
  • Frequent bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • Gastritis, acidity disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Leg deformities, flat feet;
  • Disturbances of mobility of the hip joints, dysplasia;
  • Rickets.

At the beginning, it is not recommended to use mobile exercises such as running, jumping on a hard surface, jumping. All procedures are under strict supervision of a specialist.

Treatment of flat feet

Begin the process of treating flatfoot better with simple exercises. In the first months, children need to fight the weakness of the ligaments of the feet and lower leg. This can be done with massage or physiotherapy.

A child before a massage should lie down comfortably, relax. Massage begins with a thumb, smoothly moving to the inner edge of the foot. A good addition to the procedure is a warm or contrast bath.

To massage brought as much effect as possible, perform it preferably at least twice a day.

Important is lfk and in the presence of flat feet in children. Therapeutic gymnastics can be held even in the process of playing with the child, for example, you can ask him to walk around the rolling pin, get objects with the feet or climb the Swedish wall.

Massage should be done from 2 months to prevent flat feet

Treatment at different ages

When the child turns about a year old or he reaches the age when he learns to walk, you need to increase the load.

At preschool age, if a child has a flat foot, treatment should be performed by a doctor. He will appoint a number of procedures, send for consultation to related specialists. The task of parents is no less significant.
At home the following exercises are performed:

  • Walking on socks, heels;
  • Variable movements on the inner and outer parts of the foot;
  • Skating on the floor of the ball foot;
  • Raising small objects from the floor with your toes.

Children under the age of five are not allowed to wear felt boots and shoes with an open heel. Girls are not recommended to wear shoes with a pointed toe and high heels. Very good effect gives swimming in the water, working as much as possible with legs.

If the child is experiencing pain while walking, it is necessary to choose shoes with insteps that help to fix the leg in the correct position.

Shoes relieve the load on the muscles, the pain is reduced.

However, it is better not to buy such shoes for young preschool children, because the foot is not yet fully formed, and fixation can lead to weakening of the calf muscles.


If the child is found flat-footed, exercise therapy and gymnastics in this case is appointed by the doctor, taking into account the level of physical preparation of the patient, age, degree and duration of the disease.


In all age groups, the treatment course includes procedures for flat feet in children, which provide a fixative action on the body and special exercises that help to remove the pain syndrome associated with the load on the muscle the cloth.

Exercise exercise and a set of therapeutic exercises in the identification of flat feet in children is recommended to be done twice a day: an hour after breakfast and about two hours before bedtime.

Exercises and gymnastics in the presence of flat feet are conducted barefoot. The process of doing exercises for the treatment of flat feet should be observed by parents or a physician.

Gymnastics should not cause the child unpleasant sensations, bad emotions or dislike. Therefore, it is recommended to replace boring procedures with a game.

  • Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?
  • You can not boast of a royal carriage and try to hide your stoop under the clothes?
  • It seems to you that this will soon pass by itself, but the pains are only intensifying ...
  • Many methods are tried, but nothing helps ...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited well-being!

A source: http://lechuspinu.ru/other/lfk-dlya-detej-s-narusheniem-osanki.html

Physiotherapy exercises in violation of posture: does it help?

Back and joint health »Treatment

Is not it nice to look at a smart, slender man who has the right posture: his head is high and his shoulders are straightened, and his gait is light and casual. And quite another impression is formed at the sight of a stooped passer-by with sharply projecting back shoulder blades and a bulging "beer" tummy.

However, an obscene appearance is just half the trouble. Violation of posture carries much more serious problems.

People who are faced with this problem, to some extent, are displaced all internal organs, which leads to a violation of their normal functioning and the development of numerous diseases.

Such shifts in the body's work become especially noticeable at a later age, when it is already problematic to change the situation.

That is why you should begin to monitor your health from childhood. And you should start with your posture. There is a huge number of ways to deal with this problem, but, of course, therapeutic gymnastics in violation of posture is one of the most effective methods.

Of course, performing some exercises is not enough, and therefore exercise should be accompanied by a complex therapy, which can be prescribed only by a doctor.

Where to begin?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what constitutes the natural and correct position of the body.

You can do this as follows: turn your back to the wall, then press against it with heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head, keep your head straight. Keeping this position, move away from the wall and try to memorize it.


Do this procedure several times a day, so you will accustom your body to maintaining proper posture.


Do not forget about your back and when working in a sitting position. However, in this situation everything depends not only on the person, but also on the furniture that surrounds him. Below are just some of the recommendations for choosing furniture for sitting work:

  • The depth of the seat must be at least 36 cm;
  • Observe the proportions: a person whose growth is 170-180 cm. need a table height of at least 80cm, and a chair 50cm .;
  • The chair should be placed in such a way that its seat is placed about 4 cm under the edge of the working surface of the table.

When working in a sitting position, it is necessary to perform gymnastics every hour for posture, which will be discussed below.

In addition, you need to be able to properly sit at the table: Keep your body straight, your head is slightly tilted, lean back on the chair lumbosacral spine, legs necessarily bent at right angles in the hip and knee joints, the forearms lie on the table.

Why is the posture disturbed?

The most common reason for the violation of posture is the wearing of weight in one hand (for example, a full bag with products).

This causes damage to the intervertebral discs, which ultimately leads to asymmetry of the pelvic and shoulder girdles. In order to prevent this problem, children are recommended to wear a knapsack, and adults - a backpack.

In a desperate situation, when one has to carry a weight in one hand, it is necessary to periodically change the side, which has the greatest load.

However, even if you follow all the above recommendations, you will not be able to avoid problems with posture.

This requires strong muscles of the neck and trunk, able to maintain the human body for a long time in an upright position.

Otherwise, the muscles will simply get tired and the person will again begin to stoop and lower his head.

How to deal with violation of posture?

In addition to forming the habit of maintaining a correct posture, it is necessary to train and develop muscle strength, do exercises for the muscles of the back, neck and abdomen.

To exercise exercise therapy should be at least 4-5 times a week, if you want to keep the correct posture and daily, if you want to adjust it.

In addition, you can do one of the following sports: skiing, walking, slow running or swimming.

The latter is considered the most effective and useful, since when the human body is in water, the load on the the spine appreciably decreases, it straightens, and the intervertebral discs restore their normal shape.

Gymnastics in violation of posture includes the following set of exercises:

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  • The starting position is standing, feet shoulder level, inhalation and the beginning of the movement. On "one-two" - bends forward and touching the floor with your fingers, then exhale; for "three-four" you need to straighten up and take a breath;
  • The initial position is the same, but the hands lie on the back of the head, the head and elbows are set back, the chest is slightly bent. On "one-two" - circular movements of the body. When it is withdrawn back, inhale, forward - a slow exhalation.
  • Exercises should be performed at least 7 times in turn in both directions;
  • The initial position is the same, but hands to the sides, inhale and start moving. On "one-two" - turn the body in one direction and move both hands back with a slight deflection in the chest, then exhale; On the "three-four" - return to and. n., inhalation;
  • The initial position is the same. Rotations head from left to right and from right to left, breath is arbitrary;
  • The initial position is the same; On the "one-two" - the slope to the left as deep as possible, go back to the n. etc., to breathe; On the "three-four" - the slope to the right, return to the n. etc., to exhale;
  • The initial position is standing, legs are shoulder-width apart, hands holding a gymnastic stick behind the back (at the level of the shoulder blades). On "one-two" - tilt forward, whenever possible below, return to point n. etc., to breathe; On the "three-four" - the deviation back and return to the n. etc., to exhale;
  • The initial position is on his knees, leaning his hands on the floor. At "one-two" - bend over in the chest, raise your head and look at the ceiling, inhale; On "three-four" - lower your head, bend your back "around exhale;
  • The initial position is lying on the abdomen, the feet are fixed, in arms outstretched, a cargo weighing about 2.5 kg (a bag of sand, a stuffed ball, dumbbells), a breath and the beginning of the movement. On "one-two" - a slight deflection with a subsequent lifting of the load, then exhalation; On the "three-four" - to return to p. etc., to exhale;
  • The initial position is sitting on the floor, leaning hands on the back, inhaling before - the beginning of the movement. At "one-two" - simultaneously raise your arms to the sides, legs up at an angle of 45 degrees, holding your breath; On the "three-four" to return to p. etc., to exhale;
  • The initial position is standing, the expander in the hands behind the back of the head. On "one-two" to spread hands in the sides, to bend in the chest, to breathe; On the "three-four" - return to pp. and exhale.
  • All exercises are performed 6-10 times;
  • The initial position is the palms of the forehead. Lower your head, overcoming the resistance of your hands and holding your breath. Back to the n. etc., inhale and exhale. Exercises to perform 4 times, the duration of muscle tension about 4 seconds, rest break no more than 10 seconds;
  • The initial position is standing, legs at shoulder level, slowly bend forward. Shake your hands down, relaxed. Breathing is arbitrary, the exercise should be repeated at least 7 times;
  • The initial position is standing, palms on the back of the head. Take your head back, overcoming the resistance of your hands and holding your breath. Slowly lower your hands, then inhale - exhale;
  • The initial position is to lie on your back, then spread your legs and hands to the sides, completely relax your muscles. Breathing is deep and smooth. The duration of the exercise is at least 15 seconds.
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This complex of exercises is recommended to be performed either in the morning (you first need to drink a glass of juice or tea), or in the evening (not earlier than 1.5-2 hours. after meals and for 1-1.5 before sleep).

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/lechebnaya-gimnastika-pri-narushenii-osanki-pomogaet-li-ona

What kind of complex is needed for children with impaired posture?

LFK for children with a violation of posture is the main type of therapy of pathology. Its goal is to strengthen the muscles of the back and the press, which are involved in the implementation of active activities, thereby reducing the burden on the spine in the spasmodic period of its growth.

Physical training is prescribed only by a doctor's decision on the basis of diagnostic examination data.

Only an expert can determine the optimal therapeutic complex, which helps to strengthen muscles and feeding intervertebral discs necessary for normal growth and the formation of a healthy child the spine.

Choosing this or that method of physical culture, the doctor takes into account the degree of violation of posture, the physical capabilities of the patient, the location of training.


To correct irregularities, symmetrical, asymmetrical (if correction of a particular area is required), twisting movements are assigned.


For stretching the spinal column, increasing its stability in the complex of exercises add training for general development with the use of dumbbells of small weight, the Swedish wall, balls.

The implementation of special physical exercises is aimed at the solution of the following tasks:

  • strengthening of muscle tissue;
  • rectification and extension of the spine;
  • normalization of the work of internal organs suffering from a violation of posture.

The nature of the therapeutic and recreational load depends on the degree of violation of posture.

The initial stages of pathology assume the implementation of symmetrical exercises aimed at the proportional development of muscles and the fixation of a straight posture.

Severe health impairment requires the active use of asymmetric muscle loads, which are necessary for straightening the most deformed areas.

The mode of the child is supplemented with sports games. Do not choose the training associated with the load on intervertebral disks: running, tennis, any team games. Optimal for the formation of a strong and even spine are gymnastics, swimming.

To achieve a visible effect, regular exercise should be done at least 25 minutes 2 times a day. The performance of the lessons is monitored by the attending physician, who, as necessary, adds or removes individual exercises.

The first signs of curvature of the spinal column can be observed in children of 5 years of age. Ignoring the developing disorder can lead to the development of a full scoliosis by the age of 10 years. To maintain the correct beautiful posture, a special gymnastics complex is required.

For the first task you need to stand up, leveling your back and placing your feet on the width of your shoulders. Alternately, breathing in, straighten the hands folded at the waist back to the contact of the scapula, then on exhalation return to the starting position. Perform 5 campaigns.

2 nd exercise - the same starting position, but the arms are located along the shoulders. It is necessary to execute turns in the parties, not knocking down breaths. Make 10 approaches.


Being in the same condition, but with hands pressed to the shoulders, you need to bend down on the inspiration, on exhalation - to return to the original point. Run 5 times.


For the third exercise, use a gymnastic stick. It is necessary to extend the arms holding the inventory, forward and do squats, without knocking down your breath and not bending your back. Run 5 times.

To perform the 4th exercise, you need to lie on your back, legs to lay along the trunk. You need to turn up your legs six times in succession, without taking your waist from the floor. Repeat 3-4 times.

The performance of only one curative physical culture for the formation of a strong spinal column does not give the desired effect. To correct the violation of posture, it is necessary to include movements in the athlete's regime of the patient to strengthen the muscles of the back and the press.

Therapeutic training does not aim to make the maximum number of approaches. It is important to carry out each movement correctly. It is necessary to start with a minimum time for each load, gradually increasing it to 3 minutes.

For the first exercise, you should lie on your back, raise your hips, so that a right angle is formed between the back surface and the floor.

It is necessary to perform the medical movement "bicycle then go to the "scissors".

Actions are carried out by the child in accordance with his physical abilities, but gradually it is necessary to increase the time of the load.

2-nd exercise - lying on your back, place your hands on the floor along the body, legs - lift, but do not press against the stomach.


It is necessary to lift the body, trying as much as possible to tear the loin from the floor. Hold in this state for 5 seconds, return to the starting point.


After resting a bit, being in the same position, you need to touch the legs of the area behind the head with your fingers.

For the third exercise, the child must squat and, embracing his knees with his hands, perform rolling movements on his back. For this task, you need to use a rug, so as not to injure the spine on the hard floor.

To perform the 4th exercise, you need to lie on your stomach, slightly spread your legs and arms, then lift your limbs above the floor. Hold in this position for 5 seconds, return to the starting point.

Another variant of the movement - lifting, it is necessary to clasp your ankles with your hands. After this task, you need to lean your hands and feet on the floor, step-by-step perform the deflection and lifting the back - the action "cat".

For the 5th exercise you need the help of an adult. To do this, the coach holds the ankles of the child, who, leaning with his hands on the floor, performs walking on the forelimbs.

The use of special equipment allows you to strengthen the main muscle groups by vibrating the tissue.

Gymnastics with a fitball are held in the early stages of the violation of posture. It is shown and as a preventive measure.

To conduct training you need to pick up the ball for the growth of the child:

  • for children up to 1 m in height, an inventory of 45 cm in diameter is used;
  • for children up to, 5 m - 55 cm.

Before training with the ball for 5 minutes, the developing physical load is used to prepare the muscles for work, including alternate turns of the neck, arms, body, and hip lifts.

After this, they begin direct gymnastics on the fitball, starting with simple manipulations and gradually moving to more complex movements.

The culture of health-improving training includes carrying out fixing exercises for the traction of the muscles and spine.

To perform the 1 st exercise, the child sits on the ball, spreads his hands to the sides with the back side upwards and gradually closes them overhead by 3 counts, returning to the starting point. Complete 5 approaches.

2 nd exercise - the starting position is the same, but one hand with the divorced fingers goes up, the other - down.

You need to rotate the brushes forward 8 times and back as many as 8 accounts. This occupation requires skill.


It is necessary to follow the child's movements so that he does not get lost and do not put his hands on the same level.


The third exercise - lying belly on fitbole, to rest your feet and palms on support.

You need to raise your hands at the shoulder level by 3 counts, keeping an even line of the head, neck and back, then return to the starting position. Run 6 times.

Another variant of the movement is lying in the same position, rolling on the ball 4 times forwards and backwards. Repeat 3 times.

4 th exercise - lying on the fitball with his back, resting his straight legs on the support, holding his inventory with his hands. On 3 accounts roll down, sit down and return to the original position in 3 accounts. Repeat 6 times.

After that, being in the starting position, the legs are placed closer to the ball, and the hands - behind the head with an emphasis on the floor, forming a bridge. On the 3 accounts you need to get up, tearing your back off the surface, then return to the starting point.

Complete 6 approaches.

The action of physical culture is aimed at the formation of a strong muscular corset supporting the spinal column during its intensive growth.

Occupation by specially selected therapeutic exercises contribute to feeding the pillar with nutrients necessary for its proper functioning and development.

A source: http://spina-health.ru/lfk-dlya-detej-s-narusheniem-osanki/

Lfk for children with a violation of posture and the rules for doing exercises

Violation of posture

Posture is an indicator of the health of the back - the muscles and spine. It lies in the harmonious structure of the body, it should be characterized by a symmetrical arrangement of the clavicles, blades.

The back is smooth, does not have pathological bends.

But very often the wrong position of the body at the computer or desk, a sedentary lifestyle, weakness of the dorsal muscles cause a variety of deformations.

Predominantly suffer from them children, especially - school age, because exactly in this period the spine and muscles are at the stage of active growth, easily exposed to negative factors. In such cases, you should think about exercise therapy for children with a violation of posture.

Therapeutic physical training is highly effective, it allows you to correct the situation in a short period of time.

The main thing is that it should be conducted by a qualified specialist, and the classes should be held systematically.

There are exercises that the child can perform at home under the control of the parents. They will help to speed up the alignment of posture.

Basic moments

Basic exercises for posture

Initially, you should study the tasks that should be solved with the help of special physical exercises:

  • strengthening the muscles of the back;
  • a uniform distribution of the load on the dorsal muscles;
  • reduced load on the spine;
  • alignment of the spine in the presence of a slight curvature;
  • general strengthening of the child's body.

It is equally important to know about the rules of exercise therapy. Their observance will help to make exercise therapy as safe and effective as possible. There are several recommendations in total:

  • strictly follow the instructions when performing the exercises;
  • start with small loads, gradually increasing the intensity;
  • exercise slowly, do not make sudden movements;
  • Do not work on wear and tear, getting to severe fatigue;
  • When there is pain in the back, stop the exercises, go to the doctor.

Compliance with these simple rules will make exercise therapy in the case of violation of posture extremely useful for the child's body, avoid traumatization and other negative consequences.

Warming up and its features

Before the session, it is necessary to conduct a warm-up. It takes a little time, lasts about 7 minutes.

It includes simple exercises, with which you can warm up muscles and develop joints, facilitating further training, increasing its effectiveness.

A standard warm-up complex includes such tasks.

  1. Put your hands on your belt. Lean in the sides, after - forward / backward. The number of repetitions is 5 in each direction.
  2. Keeping the PI from the previous task, make the slopes sideways, while pulling the hand opposite to the side of the slope.
  3. Raise your hands up, walk on your toes, trying to reach as high as you can.
  4. Rotate your shoulders, drawing a circle. Do 8-10 repetitions in each direction.
  5. Lift shoulders. First in turn, then - together.
  6. Crouch with a flat back. Dropping down, stretching his arms forward, inhaling. Rising, exhale smoothly.
  7. Walk in place, lifting your knees high. Socks should extend downwards.
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Such a program will be an excellent version of the warm-up for the child. Then you can move on to more complex exercises from the exercise complex used for the violation of posture.

Main part

Here it is required to use exercises, selected by a specialist for the child individually. Below we will consider the generally strengthening basic complex, which is fully or partially part of the applied programs.

  1. Take the IP standing. Place the legs on the width of the shoulders. Do the mahi by hand, drawing a circle. Run 7-8 repetitions in each direction.
  2. Make a castle, having closed behind the back of the palm. Do the inclines forward, as high as possible raising the lock.
  3. Become near the wall. Lean against her to touch the surface with heels, calf muscles and buttocks. To fix an even posture. Take a few steps forward, keeping your back in position.
  4. Do an exercise swallow - standing on one leg, tilt the body parallel to the floor, spreading your arms to the sides, and the other leg straightening and stretching the sock. Stand in this position, as long as possible, after becoming on the other leg, repeat the exercise.
  5. Lying on your back, raise your legs 35-40 cm, make a "scissors". Movements are performed in a horizontal and vertical plane in turn.
  6. Lying on his back, pull up his knees bent at the knees to his chest, make them clap their hands.
  7. Lie on your stomach, lock your hands behind your head. Raise both legs and head at the same time, trying to stay in this position for at least a couple of seconds.
  8. Lying on his stomach, leaning on his elbows, alternately raise his legs, pulling his toe. At the same time you need to bend your back slightly.
  9. Lie on one side, lean on the arm bent at the elbow. Raise the upper leg without falling over. Do 10-12 repetitions with each leg.

Important! When the main part is completed, you need to move on to the last stage of exercise therapy in case of a violation of posture. Here, rolls are performed on the back with bent legs, pressed to the chest and arms clasped. Walking on his heels is useful. In the position on all fours, the deflections of the back are made up and down.

To better understand how to do the exercises correctly, you can watch a video of exercise therapy for children with a violation of posture. It will help to properly perform tasks, achieving the desired result.

Additional measures

Recommendations for correct posture

It should be noted that, in addition to gymnastics, it is necessary to comply with some recommendations of specialists who will help to restore the health of the child's back. There are no special difficulties here. In addition to physiotherapy exercises in violation of posture, children need:

  • Ensure the ergonomics of the place where the child does the lessons;
  • follow the correct position of the child at the desk;
  • To buy a children's chair with support for the back;
  • pick up shoes with orthopedic insoles;
  • use an orthopedic pillow and the same mattress for sleeping;
  • To watch, that the knapsack of the child was not too heavy, it was worn on both shoulders.

These measures are spoken by numerous specialists in the video about LFK in violation of posture. It is very important to instill in the child healthy habits that will help maintain the correct position of the back at any time of the day.

A source: http://ortopedinfo.com/skolioz/lfk-dlya-detej-s-narusheniem-osanki-pravila-primery-uprazhnenij.html

Posture disorder: causes, prevention, treatment

Violation of posture is one of the most urgent problems of the child's health. The cause of this pathology is most often an irrational motor regimen, which subsequently becomes a cause of disruption in the functioning of various organ systems.

Deviations from the usual physiological posture are designated as its violations in those cases, if according to the data of studies there was no pathology of any parts of the spine.

Disturbance of posture occupies the middle position between the norm and pathology and is considered a condition of pre-illness.

On the one hand, it is not considered a disease, because they are accompanied by only changes in function, on the other, they have every chance of becoming the first symptom of serious diseases.

There are several conditions that characterize the wrong position of the spine in space. These states can be described as:

  1. Negative background - the period of the presence of bad conditions that contribute to the formation of a violation of posture. At this stage, there are still no static and dynamic differences from the physiological norm.
  2. Preexisting disease is the period of non-fixed defects in the musculoskeletal system. The first signs of changes in posture, inhibition of physical development are revealed. At this stage, violations are reversible when performing gymnastics, using kinesitherapy and normalizing the physical education, without which the creation of the correct position of the spine in children of school age is not possible.
  3. Disease is a stage of static deformations of posture that correspond to changes that are difficult to correct.

It is very important to determine the severity of the violations, since further tactics of correction and treatment depend on this. There are the following types of violation of posture:

  • functional - the changes are amenable to conscious correction (the child, if desired, can "straighten" his back);
  • fixed - deformation is stable, and conscious acceptance of the physiological position of the spine is impossible.

At school age, changes in posture lead to disruption of the child's body. The most crucial period in the formation of posture is preschool age. At this time, the younger students are laid the foundations of coordination of movements, new exercises are being mastered.

At school age, due to the start of studies, it is necessary to dose the load during physical education.

Types of curvature of the spine

In children, changes can occur in 2 planes: frontal (parallel to the shoulders and chest) or sagittal (in the direction going from chest to back). Deformations with increasing or decreasing bends of the spine predominate in the sagittal plane.

Round Back

The most common deformation of posture, which is characterized by kyphosis in the thoracic region, extending to the waist region.

This reduces lordosis in the lumbar region.

The thorax is flat, the shoulder girdle is lowered, the stomach bulges, the head is tilted forward, the gluteal region is flattened, the knees are slightly bent.

This deformation should be distinguished from a severe Sheyermann-Mau disease. With this pathology, there is a sharp pain and decreased mobility of the spine in the chest and lower back.

Rounded back

Thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis are prominent, buttocks are bulging, the thorax is flat, the waist is shortened, the abdomen is protruding forward. Underdevelopment of the muscular skeleton of the abdominal wall is noted.

This violation of posture in children should be distinguished from spondylolisthesis, in which soreness and restriction of movements in the lumbar region are noted. Spondylolisthesis means slipping of vertebral bodies.

Flat Back

For this disturbance, the smoothness of the bends of the spine is characteristic. The thorax is displaced and flattened, the lower part of the abdominal wall is protruding forward, the shoulder blades are pterygo-shaped.

Flat back concave

This type of pathology is revealed infrequently. Children have a relatively flat back, but the buttocks are protruded back, the pelvis is excessively pushed forward, kyphosis in the thoracic and lordosis in the cervical divisions are smoothed.

Flat and flattened spin is also characterized by a decrease in the damping properties of the spine.


This deformation refers to changes in the relative location of the vertebral bodies in the frontal plane. The disease is severe and progressive. Scoliosis is classified according to the place where the arc of curvature is defined:

  1. Cervico-thoracic. The maximum deformation is revealed in 5-6 thoracic vertebrae. Pathology is combined with destruction of the thoracic region and deformation of the facial bones.
  2. Thoracic. The maximum of curvature is noted in the region of 8-9 vertebrae of the thoracic region. This type of lateral curvature of the spine is accompanied by the formation of a rib hump, impaired blood circulation and breathing functions.
  3. Combined. Has 2 arcs of curvature. One is located at the level of 8-9 of the thoracic vertebra, and the second in the area of ​​1-2 lumbar. This pathology is characterized by impaired functioning of respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as pain syndrome in the sacro-lumbar region.

Correction of incorrect posture

Conservative and surgical methods of treatment are distinguished.

Surgical methods are a very difficult test for the child's body and are used in the late stages of the development of pathology, when other measures are already ineffective.

One of the best ways to prevent and treat curvature of the spine has become a therapeutic physical culture.

Application of exercise therapy in correcting the posture

LFK is used at all stages of treatment of postural pathology, and also as prevention. Exercise therapy for violations of posture in children of school and preschool age should perform the following tasks:

  • create optimal conditions for improving the degree of mobility of the vertebrae;
  • provide physiological mutual arrangement of parts of the trunk;
  • to correct existing posture changes;
  • form the habit of "keeping your back properly".

Gymnastics should be held in front of the mirror, as this contributes to a better formation muscular-articular feeling, on the basis of which the habit of physiological position of the spine is formed space.

Useful training with the control of the correctness of the gym. Often to increase the intensity of the exercises use additional weights.

To engage in exercise therapy in case of violation of posture is desirable under the supervision of the coach, who will be able to monitor the correctness of the exercise.


There is an opinion that socio-economic conditions play a direct role in the formation of posture.


This means involving children of school age in sports and physical exercises.

The formation of a positive attitude towards physical education in children is carried out under the influence of parents, friends, the state, the school and the society in which they develop.

The level of motor activity at school age is determined not so much by the need for it, as by the organization of education in relation to physical culture in a general educational institution.

Fitball exercises

A promising direction in exercise therapy was fitbol-gymnastics, which is performed with the help of special balls. Fitballs have a beneficial vibratory effect on organs and systems.

The diameter of the balls depends on age and height. For example, at the age of 3-5 years the diameter of the ball should be 45 centimeters, 6-10 years - 55 centimeters.

Such gymnastics is most useful for preschool children.

Massage in the therapy of curvature of posture

Massage in the violation of posture should be performed in conjunction with therapeutic gymnastics.

It should be done immediately before the start of exercise. This helps to prepare the muscles for the load.

In the treatment and prevention of curvature of the back apply 3 main types of massage.


This effect is an integral part of the treatment of scoliotic disorders of the spine: it helps to form a muscular corset and improve the functioning of internal organs.

Thus, in the place of formation of the lateral bend, muscle tone rises. The duration should be at least 25 minutes. To achieve an effective result, the course should consist of 20 or 25 sessions.


It is based on the effect in the field of active points of the body without using acupuncture needles. Such a massage relieves the tension of muscles and ligaments, improves blood circulation in various segments of the body, favorably affects the respiratory system, as well as the circulatory system.

Segmental massage

Its main purpose is to stop the reflex syndromes that arise in the pathological focus. Segmental massage well removes spasms of strained muscles, improves blood circulation, lymph drainage, strengthens the respiratory muscles, it has a beneficial effect on the body.

A source: http://MedOtvet.com/scoliosis/narushenie-osanki-prichiny-profilaktika-lechenie.html

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