Heavy damp cough

Treatment of a damp cough in an adult: how and how to treat a wet cough

A strong wet cough is a protective mechanism that arises from the damage to the bronchial mucosa, trachea and larynx. The main task of this reflex is the resumption of airway patency.

Wet cough is accompanied by sputum discharge. In medicine, it is called "productive."

It is worth noting that the wet type of cough in an adult is not a disease, but one of its manifestations. To cure this symptom it is important to understand the causes of its occurrence, which will eliminate the causative agent of the disease.

Factors of occurrence

In an adult, cough syndrome with sputum production may appear for the following reasons:

  1. bronchial asthma;
  2. after SARS, colds, parainfluenza and influenza;
  3. neoplasms in the lungs;
  4. complication of airway inflammation;
  5. infection is chronic (syphilis, tuberculosis).
causes of wet coughIt is worth noting that if a strong wet cough arose from a cold, but it does not stop for 14 days, then urgent medical attention is needed.
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Chronic disease can be present for a long time in the body in a "dormant" regime and manifest only when favorable conditions occur.

Therefore, a strong wet cough may indicate that a period of exacerbation has come.


Thanks to the survey, you can find out the reasons for the non-productive cough. Diagnosis consists of such activities as:

  • X-ray or fluorography;
  • examination of the patient with listening to the chest;
  • sometimes percussion is done;
  • general analysis of urine and blood.

In addition, you may need additional diagnosis - a smear from the larynx, bacterial sputum culture and so on.

Treatment of a damp cough is carried out only after the formation of a clinical picture and description of the disease.

Medication Therapy

With a damp cough in an adult, antitussive drugs that suppress the protective reflex of the respiratory tract can not be used. In this case, the sputum released will accumulate in the lungs, thereby forming favorable conditions for the inflammatory process and the progression of the infection.

Propane.To get rid of a wet cough that has a viral or bacterial nature, use drugs that expectorate and dilute sputum. So, a moist cough can be cured if you take syrups.

However, it is best to purchase such medications after a medical consultation, when the cause of this unpleasant symptom will be revealed.

It is desirable that the composition of the drug contain substances that dilute sputum and stimulate immune processes:

  1. polysaccharides;
  2. glycosides;
  3. saponins;
  4. tannins;
  5. organic acids and so on.

In addition, tablets and other preparations from wet cough based on plant substances (seneg, thyme, plantain, primrose) deserve special attention. Many positive reviews have such drugs as Bromgeksin, Pectoral, Herbion, Prospan.

Such funds are intended for the treatment of all types of cough. Therefore, when buying them, you should clarify that you need a syrup that helps cure the wet cough.

In addition, a wet cough can be cured by dissolving expectorants and mucolytic (dilute and excrete sputum) tablets. Mucolytic cough medicines with sputum are:

  • Flumitsil (solution for inhalations and injections);
  • ATSTS (tablets);
  • Mucosol (tablets);
  • Mukobene (tablets);
  • Ambrolan (tablets);
  • Ambrobe (syrup);
  • Lazolvan (syrup).

Expectorants are:

  1. Sodium bicarbonate (powder, solution);
  2. Amtersol (syrup);
  3. Stoptussin (syrup, tablets);
  4. Mucaltin (tablets);
  5. Doctor MOM (syrup, ointment);
  6. Bronchicum (syrup);
  7. Travisil (tablets).

Moreover, adults with a damp cough can use homeopathic ointments. Such a drug quickly penetrates the body through the skin. This is the best medicine for warming the airways.

Even at home, you can do various inhalations when coughing. Thus, the inhalation of a therapeutic vapor contributes to the release and subsequent dilution of sputum and stimulation of expectoration.

To get rid of wet cough at home, you can make a mixture of saline and mineral water, and to enhance the effect there should also add 2-3 drops of coniferous aroma oil.

Today, you can quickly cure a wet cough at home using a nebulizer. This device is the best tool for inhalation treatment. It allows you to direct the vapor flow into the respiratory tract. The duration of the procedure can be unlimited, that is, the patient must regulate it at his own discretion.

Nebulizers are:

  • Compressor. These devices are universal, which allows the use of various medications.
  • Steam. It is possible to apply only aromamasla.
  • Ultrasound. Apply if you need to cure bronchitis. You can use salt solutions and herbal solutions.

How to treat a moist cough with folk remedies

How to treat a moist cough with folk remediesTreatment of wet cough at home can be quite effective if you use medicinal herbs and other useful products. So, to cure a wet cough in an adult person, you can prepare an infusion of flax seeds.

To this end, 2 hours. l. flaxseed poured 250 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. The resulting broth is drunk warm with honey throughout the day.

In addition, antitussive drugs can be replaced with the following folk remedy, prepared at home: 1 tbsp. l. Dry sage pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist 25 minutes.

The resulting infusion is filtered and mixed with milk. The medicine is taken warm at least 4 times a day.

In addition, a strong and moist cough can be eliminated with the help of ordinary garlic and onions. To this end, you need to cut the vegetable in half, and then inhale the healing couples.

Moreover, with productive cough, the best remedy is that which is made on the basis of medicinal herbs. So, a glass of lime blossom should be mixed with 0.5 cups of birch buds. Next, you should pour 250 ml of water and cook for 5 minutes.

The medicine is filtered and cooled. It must be drunk within 4 days. Before use in the remedy you need to add a little honey and 0.5 h. l. juice of aloe.

Even at home, you can prepare a remedy for a wet cough and temperature based on black radish. To do this, the root crop must be cleaned, chopped, put on a plate and pour with honey. Through time from the radish will be allocated juice, which should be drunk for 1 hour. l. at a time.

Moreover, an effective natural remedy replacing immunostimulating drugs is regular ginger tea, which can be easily prepared at home. So, a glass of water should be added no more than 1 hour. l. crushed root.

Another effective remedy to cure a wet cough is milk with garlic. To do this, five garlic cloves pour 250 ml of boiled milk and insist 25 minutes. The medicine is drunk warm 2-3 times a day, and details about the treatment can be found in the video in this article.


Wet cough: causes and symptoms

Coughing is the first symptom of the onset of an airway disease. That's what most people think. However, in reality this reflex act is a symptom of a greater number of ailments, for example, cystic fibrosis, allergies, and it also appears in the presence of tumors in the throat. A constant moist cough may indicate pulmonary tuberculosis. Therefore, when a reflex act of this type appears, one should not engage in self-medication and drink drugs uncontrolled. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination in order to establish the exact cause of the development of trembling reflex action.

Wet cough: causes of development

Causes of wet coughThe emergence of a reflex act can be triggered by hypothermia, infectious and viral diseases of the respiratory tract. In a normal state, the mucus secreted by the bronchi is simply swallowed. And absolutely imperceptibly for the person. A wet cough appears in those cases when the secreted secret becomes significantly more. Depending on the consistency of the sputum, the nature of the trembling action can vary. For example, if it has a highly viscous consistency, the reflex acts resemble seizures, at the end of which a sensation of strangulation or the urge to vomit may appear.

The cause of a wet cough in the morning can be the presence of bad habits. We are talking about involuntary acts that are observed in smokers and people who used to drink alcohol in large quantities on the eve. Also, a protracted moist cough can bother in the morning people suffering from bronchial asthma. Sputum, accumulated overnight, blocks the airways, resulting in a reflex action and it continues until the passages are cleared.

In some cases, there is a wet cough that does not go away for a long time. There are a large number of reasons provoking this type of act:

  • Wet cough for allergiesSeasonal allergic cough is very often confused with a common cold. In this case, the sputum is removed during involuntary trembling action. It is worth noting that the use of conventional drugs, which are prescribed for ARVI, does not help, but only aggravates the situation.
  • Subcooling. Here we are talking not only about the situation when a person froze outside. The cause of the appearance of a strong moist cough can be ordinary ice cream, which many can eat in unlimited quantities.
  • Work on harmful industries. Despite the fact that, according to safety technology, employees of such enterprises are provided with funds of individual protection, they still have a protracted moist cough through a short amount of time.
  • Wet cough causesEcological situation. Living in a metropolis not only gives you the opportunity to use many different benefits. At the same time, in such cities, the ecological stop is not in the best condition (vehicle emissions, emissions from plants, etc.). If inhaled, a significant portion of the negative components remain in the lungs. That is why many people can observe a long and frequent involuntary act. As a rule, such an effect is observed in adults.
  • Cardiovascular diseases provoke the appearance of a reflex act at night or in the evening after a meal. A distinctive feature of this action is that in the morning and during the day it is completely absent. However, the night cough is also observed in those people who during the day were in an environmentally unfavorable environment.
  • Moist coughThe presence of bad habits. If a person is an avid smoker or consumes alcoholic drinks, then he will be guaranteed to have a wet cough. It appears in the morning or immediately after the awakening of an adult. The attack can last a few minutes, but during the day a strong cough will not bother anymore.

It turns out that a wet cough does not always indicate the onset of a cold. The reasons for its appearance may be entirely different factors. That's why you can not self-medicate. A specialist is needed: a therapist's doctor, a pediatrician.

The productive involuntary reflex action can appear due to the effect of various causes. In cases where such a symptom is accompanied by a decline in strength, headaches and high fever, one can talk about the presence of a cold or allergy. As a rule, an inseparable companion of colds and allergies is snot. They can have a different consistency and color, which, of course, characterizes the stage of the disease. Here you need to follow not only the peculiarity of wet cough and the amount of snot withdrawal, but also behind other attendant factors. For example, if a strong cough is long in adults, frequent and does not expectorate, you need to think about the presence of serious complications (chronic stage of the disease).

Wet cough: symptoms

A long reflex act, which can take several minutes and end with attacks of suffocation or urges to vomiting, or vice versa, mild expectoration of sputum - all these symptoms are in a wet cough. Experts divide them into species according to the following features:

  • Published sounds, for example, barking - it reminds the dog's yammering. This symptom appears in the case when the larynx is swelling and because of this the vocal cords are compressed. There is also sonorous, deaf, bitonal, etc.
  • The time when the peak of the frequency of involuntary action occurs: evening, night, morning, day.
  • By the simplicity of sputum discharge, for example, prolonged cough is moist, but does not expectorate or a copious sputum discharge.
  • By type of pathogen: infectious, allergic, tubercular, viral, industrial, etc.
Wet cough sputumSeparation of sputum - this symptom combines all varieties of wet cough. It should be understood that mucus does not always have a liquid consistency. Because of this, it is possible to meet situations when the reflex act, characterized as wet, passes without the allocation of sputum. That is, it is, but does not expectorate. The fact is that such a situation is not uncommon, since sputum, located in the bronchi and lungs, has very viscous consistency and the body can not cope with its deduction without additional help. It is necessary to drink mucolytics that dilute mucus. In this case, after a few hours after taking the medication, the cough will again become wet.

Wet cough in adults and children

Physicians have identified a fairly clear boundary of the causes of the emergence of involuntary reflex action, depending on the age of the individual. Children under 10 years of age are most often ill with colds, viral infections. Also at this age, the act can begin because the baby has become overcooled in the street, drenched his feet or inhaled the icy air. Adult people very rarely catch cold for these reasons, as they are more responsible for their own health. However, they are affected by other factors that you will not find in children - work in harmful production.

Professional diseases are a scourge of modern society. It is very difficult to fight against them, because often people themselves refuse to use personal protective equipment because of their inconvenience. In some situations, a massive simultaneous action of different components is carried out on the respiratory organs. For example, a baker uses flour, which is a very powerful allergen. In addition, standing next to the oven, a person is exposed to high temperatures. Together, this gives almost complete guarantee that a constant strong moist cough will appear after a few weeks of work.


We learn: than to treat a strong dry and wet cough

Than to treat a strong cough? This issue often occurs during the epidemic of seasonal colds and infections. Cough is a symptom of various diseases of the respiratory system. Depending on the type of cough and clinical picture, there are different ways of treating it.

The problem of a strong cough

Symptomatology by types of cough

Specialists distinguish the following types of cough:

  1. dry;
  2. wet.

For dry (unproductive), there is no sputum. Such coughing is barking (accompanied, as a rule, by painful sensations or a sore throat, hoarseness of voice) or paroxysmal, in which there are painful sensations in the chest area and shortness of breath.

Benefits of honey in the treatment of dry coughFor wet is characterized by the departure of phlegm - expectoration. Such an ailment, as a rule, accompanies wheezing, pain in the chest, and causes - viral infections, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Depending on the duration of the cough:

  1. acute;
  2. chronic.

Duration of acute cough from 10 to 20 days (however such figures are common, and everything is strictly individual). The main causes of such ailment are infectious diseases, inhalation of toxic substances (typical for representatives of professions related to with work in harmful industries (chemical enterprises), in laboratories of physical and chemical, microbiological analysis, etc.).

Chronic cough lasts more than 20 days, and causes: bronchial or pulmonary diseases, congestion of mucus in the nasopharynx, non-pulmonary pathology (for example, cardiac pathology), psychological and mental disorders, etc.

Treatment: general recommendations

Treatment of an ailment in each specific case is chosen depending on the type and cause that caused it.Regardless of the above factors, a positive and beneficial effect is exerted by:

Taking medication with a damp cough
  1. Humidification of air at home and at work, as dry air (and this is often the case in modern houses, because of heating systems) overdry the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and causes stagnation of mucus. Also on dried mucous membranes it is easier to develop bacteria. Humid air, on the contrary, helps to ease the patient's condition, to accelerate the transition of cough to productive (if it was initially dry), thereby improving the withdrawal of phlegm.
  2. Consumption of a large amount of water (namely water, and not others, for example, sweet drinks), which dilutes mucus, facilitates the process of expectoration.
  3. Refusal of such a bad habit, like smoking.

Treat dry cough

This type of ailment is unproductive, as there is no rejection of sputum. How can he be cured?

Causes of severe dry cough: pathogens of infections of various origins (bacterial, viral, fungal).

To determine the causative agent of the infection and its sensitivity to drugs (antibiotics), microbiological examination of sputum is carried out. However, as practice shows, for various reasons such research is not carried out in all cases.

A dry, painful cough is characteristic of pharyngitis; "Barking" a strong dry cough - for laryngitis; dry cough accompanied by burning and painful sensations behind the breastbone - for tracheitis, and with pneumonia and bronchitis there is a deaf and dry cough.

Consultation of a doctor in the treatment of coughWith a small dry cough, a disease such as pulmonary tuberculosis sometimes begins.

With a strong dry cough, you should always consult a doctor, and not self-medicate, because you can not know, what disease of the respiratory tract causes an ailment, and accordingly you can not assess how dangerous this type of cough is. The specialist will be able to determine the cause of the disease, the symptoms, the general clinical picture, as well as conducting auscultation (listening, listening).

Dry cough should be alleviated, removing the irritant and softening the mucous membrane. As local agents, lozenges are used for resorption (which do not allow the mucous membrane to dry out). It is also important to rinse the throat with solutions of herbs, salt solution or mineral water.

To a great extent, drugs that remove irritation, have antiseptic effect are more effective. It can be the same tablets or lozenges for absorption, which in this case have in their composition an active substance with bacteriostatic and antiseptic action. For example, these are preparations containing lysozyme or dichlorobenzyl alcohol, or cetylpyridinium chloride, etc.

Only according to the doctor's prescription, in the presence of dry nausea cough, drugs are used that suppress the special cough center responsible for coughing. For example, these are such drugs as "Libexin", "Glaucin", "Sinekod", etc. Once again we repeat that only the therapist after the auscultation decides on the appointment of such drugs. Independently to begin their reception in any case it is impossible, as not knowing the reason of cough, it is possible to provoke development of serious complications.

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Treat wet cough

What should I do to get rid of a damp cough? Let's try to answer this question.

In order to facilitate the condition of a patient suffering from a severe cough, it is recommended to take liquefy difficult-to-depart sputum, promote its withdrawal and have an antimicrobial effect.

Consultation of a physician-therapist in urgent order is obligatory in cases when:

  1. treatment of long-lasting cough does not give noticeable results, and it lasts more than 10 days;
  2. breathing is difficult;
  3. increase in temperature, which is observed more than 2-4 days, depending on the general condition of the patient (if the temperature immediately exceeds 38, then you need to consult a specialist in the first days of the disease);
  4. there is dizziness, weakness, lethargy;
  5. in the sputum, blood is found.

http://www.youtube.com/watc? =Hmtm6ulq4DQ

In the treatment of this type of ailment, specialists prescribe diluting drugs that contribute to the expectoration process. These drugs are called mucolytics, for example, "Bromgeksin", "Khaliksol", "Mukaltin."

They also use drugs: "Lazolvan", "Ambroxol", "Acetylcysteine", which help in getting rid of cough, while also have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve the general condition of the bronchi.


Wet cough in a child: causes and ways of treatment

Wet cough in the babyWith such a symptom as cough is encountered by every person. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period of time, because cough most often indicates an infection of the respiratory tract in ARI and ARVI. It is a protective function of the respiratory system, which helps to cleanse the respiratory tract from foreign bodies, mucus, phlegm, microbes. Depending on the productivity of cough, they distinguish:
  • dry cough (without sputum);
  • wet cough (with phlegm).

The treatment of these two types of cough should be approached seriously, taking into account individual characteristics, as this there may be symptoms of various diseases, SARS, allergies, tuberculosis, oncological neoplasms. Successful and rapid recovery directly depends on a thorough diagnosis and timely appropriate treatment. We will stop our attention on the methods of diagnosis and treatment of such a disease as a wet cough in a child.

Causes of wet cough

The most common cause of a wet cough in a child can be:

  • acute respiratory-viral infections of the respiratory system (laryngitis, tracheitis, obstructive bronchitis);
  • an allergic reaction that is characterized by a lack of temperature (bronchial asthma);
  • pneumonia;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nasal passages, accompanied by abundant release of mucus;
  • as a complication of gastro-esophageal reflux;
  • congenital pathology (cystic fibrosis, Kartagener's syndrome).
Wet cough in babies

In infants, a wet cough is often caused by an inadequate musculature development

In infants and children of the first year of life, a wet cough may be associated with insufficient development of the muscles of the esophagus and stomach, and also with the eruption of the first teeth. In these cases, do not panic and go to extremes, all these problems will disappear with the child's growing up. By itself, a wet cough in a child does not carry danger, but the parents should be alert to the symptoms of coughing:

  • long and sudden;
  • high temperature, which lasts longer than 3 days;
  • the presence of wheezing;
  • pain in the chest;
  • lack of appetite in the baby;
  • an admixture of pus and blood in the sputum.

Mechanism of wet cough

The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is lined with glandular cells that are capable of producing mucus. By its structure, mucus can be serous, purulent, bloody. In inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, the amount of mucus released increases many times, it acts as an irritant, triggering a response from the body in the form of a cough.

Treatment of cough with phlegm

Drug treatment is the use of pharmaceuticals

  1. Promoting the withdrawal and excretion of sputum in a child (mucolytics and expectorants) of synthetic and plant origin:
  • syrups "Doctor Mom", "Alteika", "Prospan", "Pectusin", "Bronchicum" - herbal preparations
  • Mukaltin, "Ambroxol", "Lazolvan" - synthetic preparations
  1. Thinning phlegm:
  • carbocysteine
  • acetylcysteine
  • preparations containing soda, dry cough syrup
  1. Relieving spasm, enlarging the lumen of the bronchi:
  • salbutamol
  • bronchocin
  • papaverine

Physiotherapeutic treatment

  • Inhalation of infantsInhalations. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, it is very useful to make steam inhalations with essential oil of eucalyptus or pine. A good remedy for cough control are finely dispersed inhalations that can be taken at home with an inhaler, such as a nebulizer. As a medicine for inhalation, you can use alkaline mineral water such as "Borjomi", herbal decoctions, ATSTS solution;
  • Paraffin or ozocerite applications on the chest area, improve blood circulation in this area, relieve inflammation. If the child's body temperature does not exceed 370, then it is appropriate to do homemade applications with a mustard or potato Cakes that have the same effect as paraffin and help to cure cough with sputum faster;
  • Ultrasound and UHF act on the deep parts of the respiratory system;
  • Respiratory exercises for coughingMassage vibration and respiratory gymnastics. If there is no possibility to go to a massage session to a professional or a child negatively transfers them, then the mother will be able to cope with this task at home. As breathing exercises you can offer the child a fun game, who more than air balloons will cheat or how to make a storm in a glass of water using a cocktail tube. To make a vibrating massage for a child, it is enough to play with him in the well-known game "Rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers", in addition to having fun, you will make a number of useful procedures for the child.

Folk remedies

  • A plentiful warm drink in the form of compotes, teas, wild rose hips, fruit drinks;
  • Warm alkaline drink (mineral water such as "Borjomi" or "Polyana Kvasova");
  • The use of warm milk diluted with alkaline mineral water in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • Drink instead of tea broths of medicinal herbs (mother-and-stepmother, elderberry and linden, sage, chamomile);
  • Home cough syrup: 1 white onion cut finely, mix with 2 tablespoons honey, 1 tsp. lemon juice, let it brew overnight and drink the juice formed over the next day;
  • No less effective means, curing cough, will be a syrup, prepared from berries of viburnum with sugar. Such a tasty and varied treatment will satisfy any child.

It is forbidden to give children antitussive drugs, in the presence of bronchial and light wet rales with phlegm. Because instead of good, you can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby. The fact is that with the long retention of mucus in the respiratory tract, it becomes a breeding ground for many bacteria and can have complications in the form of pneumonia, lung abscess, respiratory failure.

To cough with phlegm did not annoy you and your child, you need to follow certain preventive measures:

  • Correctly organized mode of the day;
  • Walking in the fresh air in any weather;
  • Hardening;
  • Personal hygiene of the child;
  • In the season of colds, enhanced personal hygiene, washing of the nasal passages with water and sea salt;
  • Use of vitamin therapy and antiviral drugs as needed;
  • Organize in the room daily wet cleaning with ventilation.

If the child has a cough, dry or with phlegm, it is necessary to see the doctor, take blood and urine tests, if necessary planting with phlegm on bacteria and sensitivity to antibiotics to get adequate treatment.

Remember! Rapid recovery depends on proper diagnosis and on time of treatment.


How to treat a severe cough in a child?

Than to treat a strong cough in a childAll parents love when their children are cheerful, cheerful and healthy, but what to do if a child gets sick and is persecuted by a violent cough? First you need to understand why this is happening and, accordingly, choose the right therapy, because every disease - their own treatment.

How to treat a severe dry cough in a child?

The treatment involves the transfer of a cough from dry to wet, so that sputum begins to flow away. This can be achieved with the help of alkaline inhalations (a solution of soda, mineral water "Borjomi", "Essentuki"), as well as a number of drugs that dilute the mucus:

  • Sinecod;
  • Stopusin Fito;
  • Herbion;
  • Linkas;
  • Broncholitin;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Kodelak Fito.

How to treat a strong wet cough in a child?

If the dry cough has passed into the wet stage, you can take mucolytics (expectorants). On the appointment of a doctor and in the absence of temperature, a specialist appoints warming procedures, such as electrophoresis, inhalations, mustard, massage helps very well. Such drugs are used:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Bronchophyte;
  • ATSTS;
  • Pektolvan S.

When a child has a strong expectorant cough, the choice to treat it is still with the doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous, especially in children under the age of two, because of the overabundance of mucus, there are big problems with breathing. In addition to medicinal therapy, in babies sputum departs better with a mild rubbing of the back and chest massaging gentle movements. If the child is older, then the output of sputum may be facilitated by mobile games, but if there is no temperature.

How to treat a strong barking cough in a child?

With laryngospasm, when there is a barking (mainly at night) cough, should be inhaled with mineral water, take antihistamines preparations, antipyretic, distracting procedures, expectorants, and it is also necessary to often offer the child a warm drink.

Severe dry cough in a child than treatedIt is important to ensure the influx of fresh moist air to stop the attack. In serious cases, a prednisolone or dexamethasone injection is required.

Than to cure a strong cough in a child at night?

At night, the cough is different. This may be an allergic reaction, a viral disease, whooping cough or bronchial asthma. It is necessary to do a wet cleaning in the room, spend airing before going to bed, give plenty to drink to the baby during the day.

If the baby is coughing at night, it is better not to treat it yourself, as this will worsen the condition. In this case, you should see a doctor for an appointment survey.


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