What will help the dry cough adult

Antitussive, expectorant for dry cough

Coughing is a protective, reflex reaction of the body, which removes the pathological altered bronchial secretion from the respiratory tract. Sometimes it occurs when there are foreign substances in the trachea or bronchi.

Coughing is not a disease, it is a symptom, therefore it should be treated as a manifestation of the underlying disease. The choice of medications that affect cough, depends on the individual characteristics of the person, the type and clinical manifestations of the disease.

The effectiveness of the basic treatment of any disease accompanied by a cough, significantly increases with the rational use of antitussive, mucolytic and expectorants. We will consider the causes of dry cough and drugs used to soften it and transfer it into productive, into humid.

What is the best medicine for dry cough?

The choice of medication depends primarily on the nature of the cough and must be agreed with the physician:

  • Cough is dry, painful, painful, unproductive, frequent, leading to a loss of appetite and sleep, choice -
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    antitussives or combination drugs.
  • A productive cough, but with a hard to separate, thick, viscous sputum, a choice -mucolytic drugs.
  • The cough is productive, with phlegm, and it is not viscous, and not thick - the choice of expectorating cough medicines.
  • Mucolytic agents can not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs.

Dry cough - causes:

Most often, dry cough occurs at the onset of a cold, flu, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as inhaling various substances that irritate the mucous membrane. In the case of a severe attack of dry cough, inspiration is accompanied by a wheezing noise between coughing jerks. This is due to the narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, larynx or trachea and leads to shortness of breath. Before the attack of dry cough can feel pain with a deep breath.

Causes of dry cough:

Read also on the topic:
  • Dry cough without fever in adults-causes
  • Barking cough in a child - treatment
  • Chest Cough - Instruction
  • Treatment of dry cough in children and adults
  • Why dry cough does not go away, causes of dry cough
  • Herbion from dry and wet cough - instruction
  • Sinecode - instructions for use
  • Causes of dry cough without fever
  • Inhalation with bronchitis and laryngitis
  • Allergic cough - symptoms
  • Antibiotics for bronchitis
  • Laryngitis in a child - treatment
  • Viral, infectious diseases - ARVI, influenza, parainfluenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.
  • Allergy-allergic rhinitis, allergy to dust, chemicals, may be the initial sign of asthma.
  • Bronchospasm - spasm in the bronchial tubes
  • Medicines that reduce high blood pressure - enalapril maleate, caproptil, lisinopril.
  • Reflex response to smoke, cold air, sharp odor

Strong dry cough - what to treat?

The better to cure a dry cough? The use of antitussives is considered advisable only at conditions when the cough is strong and often dry (exhausting) and only as prescribed by the doctor.

If the cough is dry, unproductive, it should first be transferred to the moist one, and then use mucolytic or expectorant drugs. And also with an unproductive cough, combined drugs that have both antitussive and expectorant effect are effective:


Sinekod - instructions for use

Dosage Form: Tablets for children in syrup and in drops for oral administration.

Expectorants for dry cough
Pharmacological action: Sinekod - antitussive drug, has a direct effect on the cough center. Has an expectorant property, has a moderate anti-inflammatory, bronchodilating effect, improves spirometry. It is indicated for acute dry cough of various origin.
Contraindications: Do not use in pregnant and lactating women. Children under 2 months are contraindicated, children under 3 years can not use syrup, only drops, tablets are contraindicated for children under 12 years.
Side effects: Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, allergic reactions.
Price: syrup 220 rubles, a drop of 320 rubles. AnalogOmnitussyrup 150 rubles, tab. 190 rubles.


Herbion - plantain syrup

Dosage form: syrup

Herbionum with dry cough
Pharmacological action: Herbion - a combined medicine of plant origin, has antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. In the composition extracts of flowers mallow and grass plantain lanceolate. The drug softens and relieves dry cough.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to herbal preparations, intolerance to fructose. Take precautions with diabetes.
Side effects: Allergic reactions.
Price: the average price for pharmacies is 220 rubles.

Kodelak PhytoKodelak fito with dry cough

Dosage form: elixir, syrup
Pharmacological properties: Kodelak Phyto-combined antitussive. Contains codeine and extracts of thermopsis, thyme and licorice. Has an expectorant effect.
Contraindications: bronchial asthma, children under 2years old, pregnant and lactating women, with respiratory failure and hypersensitivity to plant components preparation.
Side effects: allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, headache, drowsiness, constipation. With prolonged use, drug dependence develops to codeine.
Price: 130-140 rub.


Dosage form: tablets, drops for internal administration

Stopotin phyto with a dry cough
Pharmacological action: Stopoutsin - combined antitussive and secretolitic action. The composition includes butamirate citrate, which has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator and antitussive action, and Guaifenesin reduces the viscosity of sputum, improving its departure. Effective with dry cough in children and adults.
Contraindications: Children under 1 year of age and pregnancy during 1 trimester should not be used.
Side effects: Allergic reactions, rarely - vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache.
Price: drops 70-80 rubles., Tablets 130-140 rubles.


Dosage form: syrup, elixir, lozenges

Bronchicum with dry cough
Pharmacological action: Combined drug with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator effect. The syrup and tablets contain the extract of thyme herb, and the elixir also contains the root extract of the primrose. Bronchicum is universal, it is an effective expectorant for dry cough and damp. At the stage of the disease, when a dry cough Bronchicum helps to cope with severe attacks, transferring a dry cough to wet. Then, with a damp cough, he facilitates expectoration of the sputum, contributing to its excretion from the lungs.
Contraindications: Syrup is contraindicated for children under 6 months, and children under 6 years of age should not take troches, patients with significant violations of liver and kidney function, with individual intolerance, during pregnancy and feeding the chest.
Side effects: irritation of the gastric mucosa, allergic reactions.
Price: 270 rubles.


Dosage form: syrup

Broncholitin with dry cough
Pharmacological action: Broncholitin is a combined preparation of antitussive, bronchodilating and bronchoseptic action. The composition includes Glaucina hydrobromide, which has a depressing effect on the cough center, a mild anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Basil oil has a minor sedative, antimicrobial, antispasmodic property. Ephedrine stimulates breathing, dilates the bronchi, has a vasoconstrictive effect, thereby eliminating the edema of the bronchial mucosa.
Contraindications: heart failure, children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women should not be used.
Side effects: tachycardia, tremor, insomnia, drowsiness, visual impairment, nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, rash, increased sweating.

Price: 60 rubles.


Dosage form: tablets

Libexin with a dry cough
Pharmacological action: Libexin is an antitussive remedy of peripheral action. It has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator effect, its antitussive effect is approximately comparable to codeine. Unlike codeine, Libexin does not cause dependence, does not affect the central nervous system. With chronic bronchitis has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Contraindications: diseases, with the release of abundant bronchial secretion, with caution used in childhood, in pregnancy is not recommended.
Side effects: dry mouth, temporary numbness in the oral mucosa, mild sedative effect, skin rash.
Price: 260-280 rub.


When the cough is not so dry, you can use this herbal preparation.

Dosage form: Brown syrup, the composition includes extracts of 10 medicinal plants - flowers of althaea, onmsma, hyssop, violet, alpinia, fruits of pepper, licorice root, leaves adhatodes and others.
Pharmacological action: Linkas - a combined preparation of plant origin, reduces intensity of cough, increases its productivity, has mucolytic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory effect.
Contraindications: Children under 6 months of use is not recommended, with hypersensitivity to herbal remedies, use with caution in diabetes mellitus.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Price: 130-140 rub.

To prescribe and determine the duration of administration of the listed medicinal, expectorant drugs with a dry cough should be the attending physician. There are cases when, with a painful, debilitating, non-productive cough, medications do not help, and simple methods of traditional medicine, such as mustard, cans, steam inhalations, warming ointments and creams bring significant relief and quickly transfer dry cough to wet.


The best remedy for dry cough. All about the treatment of dry cough

luchee sredstvo ot suxogo kawliaDry cough refers to the unproductive type of cough, which is very exhausting, it leads to insomnia, psychological and physical disorders in the body. It is important to choose effective methods of treatment in time, which will help not only to remove superficial symptoms, but completely rid of dry cough.

Non-drug treatment of dry cough

If this symptom is the result of an acute respiratory viral infection, the patient should drink warm milk, you can add a small amount of soda to her. So you can turn a dry cough into a wet one. Effectively helps the broth, which includes rosemary, mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, black radish with honey, plantain, thyme, anise.

Such treatment has its drawbacks because it helps, for a short time and you need to constantly take these funds in large quantities, and they can lead to nausea, vomiting.

Inhalation is often used to treat dry cough, it uses baking soda, alkaline mineral water. Especially good for children who are long disturbed by a dry cough. It is forbidden to carry out inhalation in childhood, over boiling water, this can lead to bronchospasm. The optimum temperature is 40 degrees.

A modern medical inhaler that perfectly helps cure dry cough, is a nebulizer, it includes medicinal microparticles. It can be used for both small children and adults.

Note that often a dry cough can be disturbing because of the over-dry air in the room, especially in the winter. In the respiratory tract, mucus accumulates in large numbers, thickens, a person can not expectorate it. In this situation, you need to humidify the air, if there is no special humidifier, you can put something wet on the battery, only without the powder.

Children from dry cough will get rid of the massage, you need to gently pat and tap on the chest. It is advised to perform those who have an allergic reaction to different medications.

Drugs for dry cough

Sometimes, in difficult situations, a doctor can prescribe medications that can suppress a cough in the medulla oblongata, they act on all the think tanks - Codeine, Morphine, they have a narcotic Effect. They are used only in malignant tumors, if nothing else helps, they can not be acquired by themselves, they are treated under stationary conditions. Also, drugs are used before bronchoscopy, bronchography, and operations on the respiratory system.

To cure a dry cough, often calming, anesthetizing drugs are prescribed, which have a slight spasmolytic effect on the body.

It is possible to use such effective mucolytic agent as Fljuditik, it not only positively affects the production of sputum, but also fights against viruses, removes inflammation. You can heal pertussis with a flu. Most often, the drug is produced as a syrup, it can be used by both children and adults.

Often appointed Sinecod, it can be purchased in tablets or syrup, it will help quickly get rid of dry cough, it affects the center cough, so a person has sputum, also removes inflammation, positively affects the bronchi, spirometry after its reception in the norm. Can be used for different types of dry cough. Contraindicated Sinecode during pregnancy, a woman in the lactation period, small children. Syrup can be consumed after 3 years, tablets can be drunk only after 12 years. You can not abuse the drug, it leads to allergies, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea.

Herbion is an effective remedy, its composition includes plantain, mallow, it not only softens the cough, gets rid of dry cough. Do not use for hypersensitivity to different plant components, fructose.

Recommend the drug Kodelak, with the help of it you can quickly get rid of a cough, it includes licorice, thermopsis, thyme. It has an expectorant effect. It can not be used for bronchial asthma, in childhood, when feeding.

A combined drug that reduces the amount of viscous sputum, so it moves faster and easier, is Stoptusin.

A safe medicine for dry cough is Bronchicum - this is the best anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and expectorant. The medicinal product includes thyme, the root of the primrose. He fights with a dry and wet cough. They do not need to get carried away, it can strongly irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach.

Linkas is used for a painful dry cough, it is released as a brown syrup, the composition contains the root of the althea, hyssop, violet, licorice, and long pepper. With the help of drugs you can get rid of puffiness, inflammation. This is one of the best mucolytic drugs. Do not use infants, also people with an allergic reaction, people who suffer from diabetes.

Remember, despite the high efficiency of all of the above drugs, you can not use them yourself, you also need to consider your sensitivity to different types of medications. Perhaps you will be better suited for people's methods of treatment - inhalation, cream, ointment, mustard, with the help of them you can quickly get rid of dry cough.

Thus, there are a lot of ways, get rid of a dry cough, but each person comes up with his own. To Someone it is easier after reception of pharmaceutical syrups, tablets from tussis, and at someone from them symptoms is further exacerbated, so it is important to consider your susceptibility to different medicines. You can combine, first with a strong dry cough use medicines, then replace them with folk remedies. Especially cautiously dry cough should be treated a child, you can not experiment, you need to immediately consult a therapist.


What to take with a dry cough. Dry cough: what medications will help

It is difficult to argue with the fact that cough is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of a cold. He interferes in the daytime to perform their work duties, and at night - to fully sleep. In addition, a cough can exacerbate physically or cause psychological discomfort. After all, who will enjoy the attack during the lecture or workshop? An unpleasant symptom should be eliminated when it first appears. And before you start treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of the ailment.

Why does cough appear

Coughing is not a disease, but only a symptom. The reflex response occurs when a foreign body or sputum enters the respiratory tract. Inflammation due to the action of bacteria and viruses can also cause coughing. The danger is that such a symptom accompanies not only acute respiratory disease, but also complex diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, complicated bronchitis, and so on. Therefore, when you have a cough, you should first contact a specialist. Self-medication, the patient runs the risk of serious complications.

what to take with a dry coughWith each disease, cough has its own characteristics. It can be dry, wet or barking. Caution patient may be impurity blood in the sputum or pain in the chest. Fighting a dry cough is much more difficult. In some cases, you have to use antibiotics.

Causes of dry cough

Before choosing an effective remedy for dry cough, you need to identify the cause of its appearance. It is worth noting that any catarrhal disease can begin with a dry cough. Bed rest and generous drinking contribute to the transformation of dry cough into a productive cough. The term of treatment does not exceed seven days.

dry cough remedyIf the symptom does not resolve within a few weeks, a serious cause for concern arises. The patient can decide on his own what to take with a dry cough to temporarily remove an unpleasant symptom, but only a qualified therapist should deal with full-fledged treatment. After a preliminary examination, the doctor can prescribe tests, which are fundamental for the selection of medications.

The main diseases that can trigger the appearance of dry cough include various viral infections, laryngitis, diphtheria, tuberculosis, heart failure, influenza, ARI, etc. Dry cough can also be normal for a smoker. At the same time, it is difficult to answer the question what quickly helps with dry cough. A person should just get rid of a bad habit - and an unpleasant symptom will go away.

Why it is important to start treatment faster

Dry cough is debilitating and unpleasant. Irritant effect leads to the appearance of complications. So, ordinary bronchitis with untimely seeking medical help can provoke pneumonia. Pneumonia requires in-patient treatment with the use of expensive drugs. What to take with a dry cough at the beginning of the disease, everyone should know.

what drugs should be taken with a dry coughIt is very important, when a symptom appears, to reveal that it does not belong to such serious diseases as tuberculosis and malignant tumor. In any case, the faster the patient turns to the therapist, the greater the chance of a positive outcome.

Drinking plenty will relieve dry cough

Many know that ordinary water during colds is just as important as medicines. At the same time, some people forget to drink plenty of fluids. Meanwhile, warm teas and tinctures of herbs contribute to the rapid dilution of phlegm. Dry cough quickly turns into productive.

You can drink not only mineral water, but also various vitaminized drinks. It can be non-cold fruit drinks, compotes from dried fruits, teas from raspberries and medicinal herbs. The main thing is that the drink was not hot and not cold. The ideal temperature is 37 degrees. Effective expectorants with a dry cough may contain honey. You can make an ordinary tea with lemon and honey. The warm milk with honey and butter also has a positive effect.


Effectively soften dry cough assisted by inhalation. Such treatment is perfect for both adults and kids. Children older than five years can successfully breathe over the steam. But inhalation for small children is not recommended. It can be dangerous.

preparations for dry cough for children and adults which medications will helpInhalations can be carried out at home. In pharmacies special devices are offered - nebulizers. They are just the same and are intended for the treatment of various respiratory diseases. The main thing is to choose the right solution for inhalation. An excellent remedy for dry cough is the infusion of chamomile. Its preparation does not take much time. Dry herbs, purchased at the pharmacy, pour boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. For inhalation, you can use sage, dog rose, St. John's wort, calendula, and raspberry leaves.

It does not matter if you purchased a nebulizer failed. At home, you can use the old grandfather method - pour a warm solution for inhalation in a saucepan and breathe over it. On the effectiveness of this method is no different. But, unfortunately, it is less convenient.

During the inhalation can also be used drugs from dry cough to children and adults. What medicines will help in a particular case, the doctor will tell. Such syrups as "Lazolvan "ACTS "Ambrobe "Fluimucil etc., have an excellent effect. A few teaspoons of syrup are added to the solution for inhalation.

Massage with dry cough

Helps to get rid of unpleasant coughing attacks massage. It promotes the dilution of sputum and the improvement of blood circulation. But the impact should be correct. In addition, with certain diseases, massage is generally contraindicated. You can not do it also if the patient has a fever.

Massage with a dry cough should be done correctly. The technology is quite simple. First of all, a little special ointment or essential oil is applied to the hands. What to take when a dry cough tells the therapist. Therapeutic balms, such as "Doctor Mom" ​​or "Eucabal have an excellent effect. Ointment should also be applied to the area of ​​scapula and thorax. These places must be influenced first. In addition, it is necessary to massage the neck and lower back. After a massage, you can not go outside for half an hour. It's good if the procedure is carried out at home.

Compresses for dry cough

Any warming procedure can be helpful in eliminating an unpleasant irritating symptom. Compresses also apply to them. It is not necessary to do them only at an elevated body temperature. Compresses improve blood circulation. As a result, the immune system begins to work better, and the sputum dilutes and easily emerges from the lungs.

what to take with a dry cough what medicinesFor compresses, various solutions can be used. Popular methods are popular. To get rid of a cough, simple boiled potatoes help. After heat treatment, the vegetable is slightly cooled, rubbed and placed on the chest of the patient. It is very important to avoid the heart area. This compress can be put on at night. Just a few procedures will be enough to make the dry cough transformed into wet.

Effective is also a solution of vegetable oil, vodka and honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and heated in a water bath. In the resulting solution, a bandage, folded several times, is wetted. It should be put on the area between the shoulder blades. So that the solution does not evaporate too quickly, a cellophane bag is placed on top of the compress.

Plants to help

There are plants that help cough as fast as possible. Women used them to treat their relatives from ancient times. The pharmacies offer ready-made breastfeeds. They are used not only for inhalations, but also for oral administration. Plants such as sage, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, oregano, plantain, are able to quickly eliminate dry cough. What to take in a specific case, the doctor will tell.

Even medicinal herbs should be included in the treatment only on the advice of a specialist. Some plants can have the opposite effect. As a result, there will be a dry cough of an allergic nature. Quite often such a symptom is difficult to eliminate.

Dry cough of an allergic nature

Despite the fact that cough for allergies is not a symptom of the disease, it causes a lot of trouble. It can be difficult to calm down. And if you do not give a cough to the value, not far up to bronchial asthma.

Identify an allergic cough is simple. He is intrusive. Cough does not abate due to the reception of classical drugs. It is possible to get rid of the problem only after removing the object that causes allergies.

Before taking pills for the treatment of dry cough, it is worth to find out what exactly is caused by an allergic reaction. A fairly common symptom is spring, when nature comes to life. Pollen of plants and dust can provoke the appearance of all cold symptoms. This can be not only a cough, but also an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Problems are solved in a few weeks. And to temporarily eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you have to use antihistamines.

What to take with a dry cough

If cough is not allergic, it can easily be eliminated with medications. But self-medication is not worth it. What medications should be taken with a dry cough, only the therapist will tell. The appointment is made based on the form of cough, as well as the concomitant symptoms of the disease. Sometimes simple antitussive pills are not enough. In advanced cases, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

which quickly helps with dry coughTreatment can give good results if it is complex. Dilution agents are used together with antiviral drugs. In addition, you can use folk remedies. But all actions should be carried out in agreement with the expert.

In pharmacies are offered combined preparations that are both expectorant and antitussive. These include Sinekod, Bronholitin, and Libexin. These drugs are effective only if they are properly taken. Non-compliance with dosage leads to sputum stagnation. In the results, the cough does not cure, but only progresses.

Drugs of central influence

Drugs of central influence are effective in the treatment of dry cough. These are medicines that affect not the phlegm, but the cough center of the brain. Such drugs can be narcotic and non-narcotic. Both these groups perfectly eliminate the dry cough. What medicines to take, the expert will tell.

Narcotic drugs are used only in the most neglected cases. The main drawback is the possibility of addiction. Non-narcotic drugs, although they do not start to act so quickly, have fewer drawbacks. Just a few days later, the use of coughing becomes much less.

Peripheral antitussives

In contrast to drugs of central impact, peripheral drugs reduce the cough reflex due to the effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Such drugs are less effective, but they do not have any shortcomings. Therefore, often there is no question of what to take with a dry cough. What medicines will help, knows everyone who once faced an unpleasant symptom. Medicines can be produced in the form of tablets or as a syrup.

Effective expectorants for dry coughPeripheral antitussive drugs can be prescribed not only to children, but also to adults. Particular attention is paid to dosage. Regardless of what preparations should be taken with a dry cough, the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Usually, peripheral drugs are taken for at least five days.

A wide range of medicines can catch a patient by surprise. It can be difficult to decide what to take with a dry cough to avoid side effects. Timely appeal to the therapist will speed up the recovery process and avoid complications.


Use of folk remedies against dry cough

Folk remedies for dry cough are known for their miraculous properties. They help to ease not only the attack, but also contribute to the dilution of sputum, which means rapid release of the bronchi from mucus and speedy recovery.

Folk remedies for cough

What is a dry cough?

Dry cough is not in itself a disease, it is a symptom of many diseases. In most cases, dry cough is the first stage. After a few days, he goes into the wet with sputum. But, depending on the diseases that caused it, the cough can be protracted - up to 3 months, and chronic - more than 3 months.

The problem of dry coughMany are helped by medicines used together with folk remedies. In children, the main causes of cough are colds, in adults they can be different. Therefore, before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to determine the nature of the disease, after consulting with a doctor.

Traditional methods of treatment help the body, create favorable conditions for the appearance of sputum.

The list of folk remedies and methods of treatment is quite impressive. Those who prefer traditional medicine traditional, are prepared in advance for the fact that the body can fail, and are stocked with herbal preparations for future use. Benefit and relief bring products that are in every home.

Decoctions and other folk remedies for oral administration

To accelerate the departure of phlegm, you need to drink more liquid. It can be infusions of herbs, warmed mineral water, and also milk. Heated milk with honey is a very popular remedy for dry cough.

Use of milk with dry coughTake a glass of milk and bring it to a boil. Then add half a teaspoon of honey, a little butter and a small amount of soda (at the tip of a teaspoon). Such a remedy is the first aid for relieving the attack of dry cough and has enveloping properties.

Stimulate the expectoration of breastfeeds from dry leaves of plantain, camomile flowers, lime and dried hips of wild rose. The rosehip is crushed before brewing. The broth is boiled for ten minutes and added with sugar. It can be replaced with honey, but on condition that it is added to the cooled vzvar. Rosehip is taken in moderate doses, since it lowers blood pressure.

Pour a tablespoon of sugar on a dry frying pan and warm it. After the sugar begins to melt, add half a glass of hot water and stir until the sugar dissolves completely. Pour into a glass and pour in equal parts for 1 hour. spoons of tincture of lilac flowers or half a tablespoon of vodka, add honey and butter. If you drink the drug before going to bed in a warm state for a week, you will no longer be bothered by a night cough.

The use of aloe in dry coughAloe - a healing plant known for its miraculous properties. There is one secret that increases its medicinal qualities: the plant is abundantly watered, and after not watering for three weeks. Leaves, from which they receive a useful juice, are stored in the refrigerator for 10 days before use.

Connect, art. spoons of aloe juice and the same amount of honey, hold in the mouth for several minutes and then swallow.

Will help and beer with sugar. A tablespoon of sugar is added to the glass of beer and brought to a boil. They drink hot.

Carrot juice can be mixed with sugar syrup in equal proportions. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day, before it heated.

To facilitate spasms, it is recommended to include in the diet mashed potatoes with lots of milk.

Expectorant properties are possessed by decoction of needles and spruce young cones on milk. He not only fights with a dry cough, but also lowers the temperature.

The use of hawthorn with a dry coughFruits of hawthorn (1 tbsp. spoon) steamed for 1-2 hours with one glass of boiling water in a thermos. Then add honey and take up to 3 times a day before meals.

Crushed leaves of mother-and-stepmother (1 tbsp. spoon) pour a glass of boiling water and insist 30-40 minutes. The broth should be filtered and drunk 5-6 times a day for 1-2 st. spoons.

At home, when fighting dry cough, a bow helps well. The onion is ground (300 g), 40 g of honey, 200 g of sugar and 1 liter of water are added and brewed for about an hour. Take 1 tbsp. spoon up to 4 times a day after meals.

Grate finely chopped onions with honey and eat on a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Will help in the fight against dry cough and licorice. 1/3 h. a spoonful of ground licorice powder must be absorbed into tastelessness 2 times a day.

For the transition of dry cough to wet it is also necessary to brew 1 tbsp. spoon of leaves of plantain and chamomile in a glass of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon every hour during the day.

Benefits of honey with a dry coughIn a three-liter jar, place 5 eggs, art. a spoonful of honey and pour the milk serum. Put in a dark place for 3 days and stir occasionally. Drink 1/3 cup for 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

Radish with honey is also a good tool. In a whole radish carved cavity, which is filled with honey. For a day the radish will give juice. Use it for 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

In addition to the above, a good effect with a dry cough is burnt sugar. Sugar sand should be placed in a frying pan and warmed so that it turns into dark pieces, which should be resorbed.

Cough Inhalation

Steam inhalations based on decoctions of chamomile herbs, calendula, coltsfoot, eucalyptus accelerate the excretion of mucus from the lungs. Natural antibiotics such as onions and garlic are used. They have a strong antimicrobial property. Sage and pine essential oils are often used for inhalations for 15 to 20 minutes. Such procedures cause a strong attack of cough, which is normal.

The benefits of inhalation with a dry coughSputum separation and output is facilitated by inhalation on a soda solution. In 200 g of boiling water is diluted 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda. To cure an old dry cough potatoes cooked in a uniform will help if you breathe over his steam for 10-15 minutes, putting a terry towel on your head so that the steam does not dissipate.

Collected early spring, thin branches of birch (new shoots) with tarry buds are ignited on a saucer (duration 10-15 minutes). Aromatic smoke cures cough and relieves the cold. To achieve a positive effect, 2-3 procedures are sufficient.

A small onion to clean and gnaw. Take a few minutes to inhale through your nose and exhale with your mouth.

Massage, rubbing and compresses

Helps with a dry cough massage and rubbing the back, chest and heels with melted honey. For rubbing, the internal fat of animals (badger, goat, melted beef fat) is still used. When rubbing, blood flows to the skin.

After such procedures it is important to keep warm and properly wrapped. It is important to know that rubbing can not be done in the heart area and at elevated temperature.

The benefits of compresses with a dry coughUsed for grinders and camphor oil. To rub it it is necessary till the moment when there will be an insignificant burning sensation. Then on the back put mustard plaster. It is important to avoid burns. Mustards keep no more than 20 minutes.

To facilitate coughing helps the grinding of vodka mixed with honey and a drop of iodine.

Compresses are also a good remedy for treatment. For their production in equal proportions (1 tbsp. spoons) mixed flour, dry mustard, vegetable oil, honey and added, Art. spoons of vodka. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath. By its consistency, the substance becomes like a dough sticking to the hands. It is placed on gauze, folded in several layers, and is applied to the place on the chest where the pain is felt. It is also necessary to wrap it up warmly. This procedure takes several days in a row.

Compress from honey is very simple and at the same time effective. Honey is rubbed on the chest, a piece of cloth is placed on top, soaked in vodka, covered with cellophane and wrapped.

As an aid in the fight against the first signs of dry cough well rinsed throat. Rinse is done with herbal decoctions, saline solutions or water with dilute soda. Gargle should be after eating and several times a day.

Applying treatment with folk remedies, it should be remembered that many plants and foods can cause allergic reactions.


This is especially true for the treatment of cough in pregnant women and young children. Folk remedies are excellent at the first sign of coughing. Quickly started treatment will help to avoid complications, in which there is a need to go to a medical institution.


Diagnosis of medication and tablets from dry cough to adults

To prescribe tablets from dry cough to adults is necessary at occurrence and development of a symptom. Often, viral infections and colds are combined with a cough both wet and dry. Cough clears the respiratory passages from manifestations of the disease in the form of sputum, and the occurrence of a dry cough provokes an irritant that is in the respiratory system. In general, this reaction of the body is protective and develops as a symptom of another disease. Most often, throat diseases or diseases associated with difficulty breathing, entail a cough.

The problem of dry cough in humans

The absence of phlegm when coughing means its unproductive flow. Slime is not excreted from the pulmonary system. There is a source of dry form of cough on the mucous membrane of the throat. The inflammatory process is due to irritating mucous substances of a chemical or physical nature. The complexity of the disease is caused by a protracted and painful nature. Attacks for a long time do not pass, contribute to the development of complications. Tablets and drugs, which are assigned to adults, are aimed at transforming the unproductive flow into a moist form. Means, in which mucotin is present, affect the enlarging of the lumen in the bronchi, contribute to the improvement of the pulmonary system as a whole.

X-ray of lungs with coughDry cough in adults requires special attention, it is impossible in this case to engage in self-medication. Consultation with a doctor is mandatory, because there may be an acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, bronchitis in a patient. Setting the specifics of the disease will help to choose the right treatment. An extensive selection of medicines in the pharmacy and consultation of the pharmacist can not be sufficient, there is a great chance to make a mistake with the choice of the drug.It is worth remembering that a pharmacy employee is not allowed to prescribe a treatment to a patient, only a medic in a hospital or a polyclinic can formulate correct treatment.

Diagnosis and types of dry cough

Determining the type of cough will help to establish its cause. Barking cough has a kind of abrupt whistling. The patient develops shortness of breath, wheezing. Breathing in this case worsens. Paroxysmal cough is characterized by prolonged and severe attacks. The chronic form usually does not give in to treatment by medicines and arises, basically, at smokers.

Bronchicum with dry coughAn important role is played by the diagnosis of cough. Self-treatment with well-known methods can only harm the patient. Diagnosis consists of conducting examinations: chest X-ray, laboratory blood tests, urine tests, immunity examination, bronchoscopy. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will determine the cause of the cough and prescribe medication.

The presence of a variety of cough drugs is due in large part to the fact that the types of cough and the reasons for its development are also large. The established reason for the appearance of a symptom in the form of a cough helps to correctly select a preparation that effectively eliminates coughing, either facilitating its manifestation.

Do not confuse the medication with a dry and wet cough, because they differ from each other in the action. Tablets against the unproductive course of the disease suppress the reflex. If applied to a moist form, the bronchi will be affected and filled with mucus, and this entails serious complications.

The development of dry cough occurs with colds, flu, bronchitis and pneumonia. Acute and prolonged seizures entail a complication of breathing, a wheezing sound between attacks. Pain before and during breath can mean the approach of a new attack.

ATSs for coughingWith bronchitis acute or chronic, attacks of dry cough have a long duration, up to several days, accompanied by pain in the chest. Treatment can be delayed for several months under compulsory medical supervision. Sputum is present in small amounts, but it is possible that it is completely absent, the mucosa is inflamed and swollen. For elderly people, in such cases, drugs for cough are prescribed. As the cough goes from dry to wet, funds are used to help the sputum go. Here, among the prescriptions of the doctor are pills ATSTS, syrup and Lazolvan preparations, Bromhexine.

With pneumonia, the lesion reaches the deep layers of the bronchi. Expectoration is sputum with bloody impregnations. Diagnosis should lead to the exclusion of tuberculosis. Treatment for each patient physician selects individually, it is appropriate to use antibiotics.

Asthma can only be manifested as a symptom of a long-lasting cough, often nocturnal. Spasms in the bronchi, asthma can be removed only by antispasmodics.

Medications for coughing for adults

Libexin against dry coughWith a strong non-productive cough use a combination of drugs that help transform it into a wet cough, have an antitussive effect. Such medicines for adults include:
  1. Libexin - a pill from a dry cough to adults, which cause flu, colds. It is prescribed for elderly people and in the presence of cardiovascular diseases. The drug is available, by pharmacological properties is not inferior to expensive analogues. Libexin helps to reduce the number of seizures, the area of ​​inflammation, is able to slightly widen the lumen of the bronchi. The disadvantages include a relatively short-term effect of the drug - about four hours;
  2. Bronchicum is a drug in the form of a syrup, combining anti-inflammatory action and eliminating sputum. Bronchicum is made on the basis of thyme herb. The versatility of the product makes it possible to apply it even with a damp cough. It will reduce the frequency and duration of seizures, relieve complications in expectoration of sputum. However, allergic reactions of the body to the drug are possible;
  3. Broncholitin is a syrup based on basil oil. Removes inflammation, fights microbes, removes spasms. After intake, the breathing becomes freer, the bronchi expand, and the mucosal edema decreases significantly. It is not recommended for use in cardiovascular diseases;
  4. Stoptussin - often used remedy, combining antitussive effect and mucolytic effect. Use no more than six times a day. Has a significant list of contraindications, among which reception in pregnancy, lactation.
Stoptosin with a dry coughLocal medications reduce the reflex, which provokes a cough. Anesthesia of the mucosa is carried out, which reduces its irritation. Bronchi under the influence of such drugs come to a relaxed state, sputum becomes less viscous. Such means include the above-described libexin.

These drugs are also available in the form of inhalant complexes. For inpatient treatment, inhalation complexes are prescribed for patients suffering from cough. Used extracts with eucalyptus, acacia or cherry in combination with Benzocaine or Cyklain.

It is very important to observe the dosage of the prescribed drug, to be guided by the instructions attached to the drug. Incorrect intake of tablets and syrups not only may not have the desired pharmacological effect, but also cause allergies and other side effects.

Dry cough will help cure and traditional medicine, if these methods will be agreed and approved by a doctor. The safest option will be treatment from a dry cough that is not provoked by a severe chronic illness. Honey mixtures, onion broths, milk, medicinal herbs will help ease the painful seizures and improve the overall condition of the patient.


A small conclusion

It should be remembered that the most effective and reliable means is treatment, which is appointed by a specialist.

Tablets, syrups and candy from coughs in combination with inhalations and folk remedies give a result only with the correct course of treatment and the prescribed dosage.


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