The backbone hurts: the reasons and treatment what to do or make?

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  • 1Back pain in the middle of the spine: causes and methods of treatment
    • 1.1The most common causes of back pain
    • 1.2The back hurts. To what doctor to address?
    • 1.3Back pain during sleep
    • 1.4This is a terrible word for osteochondrosis
    • 1.5Getting treatment
    • 1.6Folk methods
  • 2The back aches at the bottom of the spine: possible causes and methods of diagnosis
    • 2.1Causes of pain in the spine and symptoms of diseases causing it
    • 2.2Diagnostic Methods
    • 2.3What should be the treatment
    • 2.4Medication Therapy
    • 2.5Physiotherapy
    • 2.6Physiotherapy
    • 2.7Folk remedies
  • 3What to do with back pain in the middle of the spine: the causes of pain and how to treat it?
    • 3.1Causes of back pain
    • 3.2Mechanical damage
    • 3.3Non-mechanical
    • 3.4Stress and emotional turmoil
    • 3.5Can this be avoided?
    • 3.6Diseases of internal organs
    • 3.7Diagnosis
    • 3.8Treatment
    • 3.9Traditional medicine to help
    • 3.10Prevention
  • 4What to do if the back hurts
    • 4.1Common causes of pain
    • 4.2Degenerative diseases of the spine
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.3Inflammatory diseases
    • 4.4Ankylosing spondylosis
    • 4.5Disease of Kümmel-Verneuil
    • 4.6Spondylitis
    • 4.7Myofascial pain
    • 4.8Internal illnesses
    • 4.9Physiological pains
    • 4.10Other reasons
    • 4.11Neoplasms
    • 4.12Osteomyelitis of the spine
    • 4.13Paget's disease
    • 4.14Diagnostics
    • 4.15Tactics of treatment

Back pain in the middle of the spine: causes and methods of treatment

The phrase that the back hurts in the middle of the spine can be heard even from young people leading an active lifestyle.

What is the cause of these unpleasant sensations? Doctors say that without conducting a specific diagnosis, it is almost impossible to find out this question.

Since to be to those people who have encountered pain between the shoulder blades or just above the waist, we will try to find this out in the article.

The most common causes of back pain

Back pain occurs in every second person who has reached the age of 30. The problem has become so widespread and popular because of the way of life that people lead. After all, a lot of time a person spends on a computer.

What should I do for those who have a backache in the middle of the spine? The doctors answer is obvious - do not delay with treatment and find out the reason. And there can actually be a huge number of them:

  1. Mechanical damage caused by a huge load. This problem is most often encountered in young mothers, who are forced to carry a child for a long time in their arms and for athletes lifting heavy shells.
  2. Stress. It would seem, how a person's mental state can be associated with pain in the spine? Neuropathologists say that during stressful situations, nerve endings give impulses to the vertebral column, resulting in pinching and characteristic pain.
  3. Osteochondrosis is the most common cause. If you do not resort to treatment, there will be growths on the vertebral discs.
  4. Diseases of internal organs: heart, kidney.
  5. Scoliosis. An incorrect position of the body can lead to a similar disease and curvature of the spine.

Remember, the pain is unnatural for a healthy person. If they arise, you need to visit a doctor and find out their cause.

The back hurts. To what doctor to address?

Many people ask: if the back hurts in the middle of the spine, what should I do? First of all, you need to see a doctor. But to what, we will find out further.

To begin with, you need to undergo a test with a therapist. To hand over necessary analyzes (the general analysis of a blood and urine). Thanks to them, the doctor will find out whether there is an inflammatory process in the body.

After this, a trip to the surgeon is mandatory. With the help of a visual examination, the doctor will find out whether the spine is curved, whether there are intercostal hernias, or whether disks are shifted. Do not be lazy to undergo an X-ray and MRI of the lower spine.

If the cause could not be determined, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist. It often turns out that the cause lies in heart disease (microinfarction, stroke). To make sure that these diseases are absent, it is necessary to pass an electrocardiogram.

The last doctor to be visited is a gastroenterologist. Because kidney problems can also give characteristic pain in the back area.

Back pain during sleep

If the back hurts in the middle of the spine during sleep, chances are, you have osteochondrosis. The disease is quite popular and common. In this case, no MRI and massage can not do.

Also, the reasons can be more trivial:

  • wrong position of the body during sleep;
  • inconvenient pillow;
  • too soft mattress;
  • muscle spasm due to sedentary lifestyle;
  • lack of calcium in the body.

If you notice that the back hurts in the middle of the spine after sleep, and during the day discomfort passes, try to buy an orthopedic pillow for sleeping and a comfortable mattress.

This is a terrible word for osteochondrosis

Often the back hurts in the middle of the spine because of the beginning osteochondrosis. And this disease occurs in both young and old people. There is this for a number of reasons, the main of which are a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, scoliosis.

Follow the posture from the early age of the child, monitor that he does not hunch, sit straight, pick up a school backpack, lead to swimming, gymnastics, dancing.

Getting rid of osteochondrosis is not so easy. Should be a comprehensive treatment: massage, diet, stretching the spine, manual therapy, acupuncture.

Getting treatment

If the doctor has found out that the back hurts in the middle of a backbone because of mechanical damages, a stretching or physical exertion of muscles, treatment should consist in the appointment of massage or manual therapy.

It is good to take a hot bath with essential relaxing oils. Do not forget about the contrasting soul. He not only relieves pain, but also strengthens immunity.


If back pain occurs daily due to sedentary work, you can purchase a special massage pillow. Its cost is about 10 000 rubles. But the result is amazing, the patients relax, the pain passes.


If the cause is for something else, it is necessary that the doctor recommends the proper treatment.

Folk methods

Many people prefer to treat back pain with folk methods. For example, with the help of bee stings. The procedure is not pleasant. In special points on the back, they plant a drones, who, biting a person, inject a bee venom into the blood.

There are many contraindications, therefore, to decide on such a procedure, you need to consult a doctor.

Bites of leeches are also popular. They suck the bad blood, thereby increasing the flow of lymph. As in the first case, this procedure should be carried out only in a medical center under the strict supervision of doctors.

Many people ask: if the back hurts in the middle of the spine, how to treat? This question can be answered only by a doctor who found out the reason and conducted a comprehensive examination of the patient. Do not self-medicate.

A source: http://.ru/article/218883/bolit-spina-poseredine-pozvonochnika-prichinyi-i-metodyi-lecheniya

The back aches at the bottom of the spine: possible causes and methods of diagnosis

Disability is often due to lower back pain

The possible causes of pain in the lower spine are discussed in the article. Descriptions of diseases, methods of diagnosis and treatment are described.

The problem of painful manifestations in the spine is most relevant for the elderly. But also doctors often listen to complaints about what hurts the back under the spine, from younger people.

Pain is a signal about any malfunctions in the body. It is not a separate disease, more often than not, it is a manifestation of one or another pathology. Various lesions of the axial skeleton are the most common causes of pain in the lumbosacral region.

Causes of pain in the spine and symptoms of diseases causing it

Pain in the back of the spine may be the cause of various back problems. Affected may be any structure of the spine - joints, vertebral disks, muscles, ligaments, tendons.

The provoking factors of pathology development are:

"Are joints aching? Does the spine "crunch"? "

Pain - a harbinger of terrible pathologies, which for a year or two can seat in a stroller and make you disabled. Bubnovsky: completely restore the joints and spine simply, most importantly ...


  • injuries;
  • age changes;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • systemic diseases;
  • excessive stress on the spine;
  • overweight;
  • some infections.

There are a number of diseases in which pain at the lower back is most pronounced, which disrupts a person's habitual way of life.

Table №1. Diseases of the spine and their manifestations:

Diseases Symptoms
Bechterew's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the spine. Most often develops in the joints of the lumbosacral spine. The disease develops gradually. Symptoms manifest themselves depending on the stage. At an early stage the disease is almost asymptomatic. In the mornings it hurts under the spine, there is a slight restriction of mobility. These symptoms pass after physical exertion. As the disease develops, the symptomatology intensifies. At a late stage, typical deformities of the spine develop - the pose of the petitioner.
Hernia of the lumbar spine - protrusion of the pulpous nucleus of the disc beyond the interval between the two vertebrae. The main symptom is severe pain at the bottom of the spine. It appears because of the infringement of the nerve roots. Pain can be given to the buttock and leg. There is a decrease in the amplitude of movements, it becomes difficult to crouch, climb the stairs. There is a violation of the sensitivity of the skin in the affected area - the feeling of cold or hot deteriorates.
Lumbosacral osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spine and intervertebral discs. The pathology is manifested by pain in the buttocks and a decrease in the calf muscle tone. This is the reason for limiting motor activity. Patients complain of rapid fatigue, a breakdown. The pain of the spine at the bottom does not allow you to choose a comfortable position for sleep, so the body can not fully rest. Increases the sensitivity of the legs, they cause spasms. The skin of the limbs is dry, scaly.
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In addition to the above diseases, pain in the lower spine can provoke diseases of the internal organs. Therefore, when pain symptoms appear, you should contact a medical institution for diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

"Pose petitioner" - a characteristic symptom of Bekhterev's disease at a late stage

Diagnostic Methods

Before appointing treatment, the doctor must find out the causes that caused the pain. Given the complexity of establishing a diagnosis, all possible methods of research are used.

Preliminary diagnosis is made during the survey and examination of the patient. To confirm it, it is necessary to conduct laboratory and instrumental studies.

  1. Analysis of blood, urine, puncture of bone tissue. These analyzes can show the presence of an inflammatory process, a rheumatoid factor, various infections, an increase in the level of uric acid.
  2. X-ray. Radiography shows the state of the bones of the spine, the presence of osteophytes, the height of the joint gap. Also on radiographs you can see the presence of intervertebral hernias.
  3. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Procedures allow you to study in detail the spine and pelvic bones, layer-by-layer examination of nearby soft tissues, to determine the presence of tumor neoplasms.

Timely diagnosis helps prevent complications and improve the effectiveness of treatment.

What should be the treatment

Treatment of pain in the lumbosacral spine depends on its cause, is aimed at its elimination. Therapy is selected individually.

But in any case it should be comprehensive:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • ethnoscience.

When the backbone hurts below, it is necessary to reduce the load on it. For this, the patient is assigned bed rest and wearing orthopedic adaptations - corsets, bandages, lumbar orthoses and belts.

People who are overweight are offered a low-calorie diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty, fried dishes, smoked products, canned foods, pastries and confectionery.

Diseases in the initial stages are amenable to conservative therapy. With neglected pathologies, surgical intervention will be required. Increasingly, minimally invasive operations are performed, which are the least traumatic, which shortens the rehabilitation period.

Medication Therapy

Treatment with medicines takes an important place in correcting the pathologies of the axial skeleton, and leads to an improvement in the patient's condition with the proper selection of medications. Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the causes and symptoms of the disease, restoring the functions of the spine.

The price of medicines may be quite high, but without them it is impossible to achieve positive results.

Table number 2:

Medication Therapeutic effect How to use
NPVS - Diclofenac, Movalis. Drugs eliminate not only pain, but also inflammation in the spine. They are used for any diseases accompanied by pain syndrome. Due to the variety of dosage forms, the drugs can be taken orally or locally, as well as in the form of intramuscular injections.
Analgesics - Novocaine. Causes anesthetic effect for several hours. It is used for blockade in osteochondrosis. Assign a course of 5-10 procedures.
Multivitamins - Kombilipen (Milgama). B vitamins improve microcirculation and conduction of a nerve impulse. It improves the nutrition of the tissues and helps to relieve pain. Take in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections.
Muscle relaxants - Tolperisone. Helps eliminate muscle spasm. Take in the form of tablets.


Almost all medical institutions involved in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, offer patients to alleviate the condition through a variety of physiotherapy procedures.

Physiological treatment is considered an effective method, since after its application pain and inflammatory processes, improve blood circulation and nutrition of the joint tissues, accelerate the restoration of the entire body in whole.

  1. Electrophoresis. With the help of galvanic current, drugs are introduced into the spinal tissue. In this case, the dose of the drug is reduced, but this does not reduce its effectiveness.
  2. Laser therapy. The amplified light beam acts on the nerve roots and eliminates neurological symptoms. Stimulates the restoration of damaged tissues.
  3. Magnetotherapy. This is the most effective method of treating low back osteochondrosis. The low frequency electromagnetic field improves blood flow and restores mobility in the lumbar region.
  4. Ultrasound. Ultrasonic waves effectively eliminate pain and inflammation. Have a strengthening effect on the affected area.

The treatment can be continued in the sanatoriums, where patients are offered all kinds of medical baths, showers, mud treatment.

When the back hurts at the bottom of the spine - modern physiotherapy helps to get rid of this problem


LFK for diseases of the lumbosacral spine is prescribed after a comprehensive examination of the patient for exclusion of concomitant pathologies and complicated forms of the disease, which can provoke worsening of the patient's condition (cm. Life without pain: improving the spine and joints - gymnastics for Bubnovsky, video).

The patient is given detailed instructions for doing the exercises:

  • training should be regular;
  • the pace of exercise - slow, with a constant control of health;
  • exercises are carried out smoothly, without sudden movements;
  • You can not independently change the intensity and sequence of exercises;
  • occupations stop when there is pain in the lower back;
  • during pauses it is useful to hang on the bar during one minute.

With an approximate set of exercises you can see by watching the video in this article.

Folk remedies

The person feels a huge discomfort when the backbone hurts below. Therefore, in the course are any ways to eliminate this pain. Along with traditional treatment, folk medicine is also used.

There are many, proven by centuries of funds, helping to combat the unpleasant manifestations of diseases of the spine:

  1. Compress of black radish. Grate root, squeeze and mix with sour cream. At the waist, put this mass, cover with a film and wrap it with a woolen cloth. Keep half an hour, avoiding severe burning.
  2. Honey grindings. The loin is intensively ground with honey to normalize blood circulation. The procedure is performed before bedtime.
  3. Warming with dry heat. Sew a duffle from a dense tissue and fill it with buckwheat groats, salt or cherry pits. Preheat in the oven or microwave and attach to the waist.
  4. Infusion of the saber. Dry root of a medium-sized saber to grind and pour half a liter of vodka. Insist a month. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

The effectiveness of traditional recipes has long been recognized as official medicine. But before using them, consult your doctor.

Folk remedies for the treatment of back pain are prepared from natural ingredients

The condition, when a person has a strong backache, at the bottom of the spine feels discomfort, requires an immediate request to the doctor. Timely medical care reduces the risk of complications.

A source:

What to do with back pain in the middle of the spine: the causes of pain and how to treat it?

Almost every person periodically experiences unpleasant feelings of discomfort in the back area.

This may be due to a variety of factors:

  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Untimely visit to the doctor;
  • Earlier gravity, as a result of which an intervertebral disk disruption occurred;
  • Spinal hernia;
  • Disease of any internal organs;
  • Subcooling;
  • Freezing.

In addition to these factors, there are many more that can cause pain in the back area.

Back pain can be different and cardinally for various reasons. What kind of pain can be and with what they are connected?

Pain in the lower back.This can be a manifestation of a variety of diseases and mechanical damage. The loin suffers during strong drafts, lifting weights, sedentary work, kidney and vascular diseases. In order to establish an accurate diagnosis of the manifestation of pain, you need to see a doctor for a comprehensive medical examination. Read more about what kind of doctor to apply for pain in the back.
Pain in the central part of the back.This may indicate an osteochondrosis, a lack of physical exertion, as well as a disease of the internal organs in the area of ​​discomfort. To treat such pains and their causes, it is necessary as quickly as possible, without delaying the process of recovery in the long box.
Pain in the lower back.Such a manifestation may indicate that a person has problems with neurology. Also, girdle pain indicates that it is possible to tear the intervertebral discs.
Pain in the side of the back.This kind of pain can talk about a lot, maybe a person has problems with neurology, maybe an osteochondrosis or a violation of the hormonal balance in the body. In any case, do not self-diagnose yourself, you should undergo a comprehensive examination to identify the causes of malaise.
Pain in the thoracic part of the backcan also indicate serious problems such as pinching of nerve endings or internal disease.
Painful sensations in the ribs during breathing.By inexperience and the desire for self-treatment, people often decide that these are problems with the heart or lungs. Of course, it is possible and such, but more often it is associated with a violation of the neurological system in this area of ​​the spine. In this case, it is absolutely necessary to contact a specialized specialist who will direct them to the necessary studies.
Between the shoulder blades painmay indicate a violation of neurology. Also, such pain can indicate that a person has a sedentary lifestyle and has salt deposits in this area. In any case, it is necessary to bypass doctors to accurately establish the diagnosis and begin the process of recovery from ailment.
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Causes of back pain

Each individual person can have many reasons for feeling discomfort and pain in the back.

These pains are divided into:

  • Mechanical;
  • Non-technical.

The definitions speak for themselves. Accordingly, mechanical pains occur as a result of falling, impact, stretching, incorrect movement.

A nonmechanical appears with any disease chronic or acquired.

Here you can read more about the cause of back pain in the area of ​​the scapula and their treatment.

Mechanical damage

The word speaks for itself, it is damage to the spinal or vertebral bones due to external influences.

Such injuries can be called:

  • Fractures;
  • Stretching;
  • Contusions;
  • Blows;
  • Accidents resulting in chronic pain in the source of damage;
  • Lifting of heavy loads in connection with which there was an explosion of stained tissues.

Each of these injuries alone can lead to further discomfort or pain in the area of ​​fracture or other trauma.

That is, mechanical injuries entail a number of diseases that can later permanently remind you of a healed trauma.


This is damage that occurs due to the fact that some disease was not detected in time and developed into a chronic one.

Causes of non-mechanical spine injuries can include:

Chronic pain due to non-mechanical damage accumulates over the years and then it is difficult to restore and heal.

Therefore, it is better to contact doctors immediately if you feel at least the slightest pain in the back area so that it does not lead to problems and serious consequences.

Stress and emotional turmoil

Perhaps it may seem strange to somebody, but the state of the spinal department depends directly on the emotions and emotions received by the person.

Such emotions as:

  • Feeling of fear;
  • Nervous failures;
  • Constant experiences;
  • Chronic bad mood;
  • Depressed;
  • Depression;
  • Unrest;
  • Immersion in yourself;
  • Dissatisfaction with one's own life.

All these manifestations are very detrimental to the general condition of the body and the spine, among other things.

Having spent a thread through the consequences of these emotions and stressful situations, you can accurately make sure that the connection is direct.

What happens to a person when he experiences negative moods?

Feeling of fear.In a person exposed to this emotional stress, the head is always tilted down, the backbone in the neck is strained, and the posture is uneven. Naturally, with such loads, the cervical vertebrae and the ridge as a whole receive an environment that is not suitable for normal functioning.
Nervous failures.With constant feelings about relationships, work, lack of funds, a person accumulates negative emotions. Due to the constant and unchangeable state of stress, people suffer from a hormonal system. As you know, hormones are responsible for the normal functioning of all systems in the human body, so spine, loin and neck part of the ridge give a malfunction, if you do not take yourself out of it state.
Experiences, bad mood, depression.A person who is constantly worried about something, often walks with a bent back, a bowed head, in a drooping state. This dramatically changes the course of the spine. Do not forget that it is thanks to the spine that we move, walk, live.
Depression.Of course, all living organisms periodically fall into the state of the astral, this may be associated with seasonal mood swings, with problems in the family or at work. It's one thing if this state appears at the peak of stress and passes without a trace. But, unfortunately, there are people for whom depressive mood and condition is the norm. Constant negative emotions, apathy towards what is happening around, suppressed perception of the surrounding, lead to serious diseases of the spine and interosseous tissues.
Unrest, self-absorbed, dissatisfaction with what is happening.These emotions also lower the head and back down, which leads to various neurological and surgical problems with the spine.

Can this be avoided?

More often than not, people themselves get into a state of depression, wrongly and distortedly perceiving what is happening. After that, problems of different angles begin to arise: psychological, neurological, surgical and many others.

Those for whom it is familiar, think again and look at life from the other side:

  • The sun is shining;
  • The morning turns into a night;
  • Outdoors, fresh air;
  • Nature is always pleased with new and new decorations;
  • Native people are near;
  • Healthy children.

Factors, which can be rejoiced very much. The most important thing for yourself is to determine what you have good. Many psychologists say that problems and troubles are ignored by those who enjoy life and smile, no matter what.

A person in good spirits has an even back, a look is directed forward, and this contributes to the correct position of the spine.

Diseases of internal organs

Various diseases of internal organs also affect the condition of the spine.

Depending on the degree and severity of the disease, different departments of the human spinal system may be sick, because the body works like a clock and if even in one of the internal organs there is a disease, system.

Heart diseases
With any pain, you need to urgently consult a doctor to prevent chronic or deadly ailments. It often happens that the heart pain manifests itself in the dorsal part. This pain is very similar to the one that occurs with osteochondrosis. But if the back hurts in the heart, then it can be coronary heart disease, which can cause a heart attack, and heart failure and other diseases associated with the heart. Therefore, even if you are diagnosed with osteochondrosis, consult a doctor with pain in the back area from the heart to exclude serious diseases of a vital organ.
Diseases of the gallbladder
Very often there are situations when the patient addresses the neurologist or surgeon with complaints about pain in the middle of the back. They are prescribed treatment, massages, but the pain remains in their life. In this case, check the gallbladder. He often hurts in a way that seems like it's back pain. Stones, sand or clogging of the gallbladder causes discomfort in the middle part of the back.
Genitourinary system
Often back pain is perceived as fatigue or tension on the spine, but often this opinion is wrong. With diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women, the pain is felt, as if the loin hurts. In fact, you should check with a urologist or gynecologist. Such pain can talk about cystitis, chlamydia, ureoplasmosis and many other diseases.
Spinal cord vessels
If the vessels work incorrectly and with impairments, the blood circulation on the human body worsens, which can cause pain in the cervical region. Therefore, with such pains it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.


To qualitatively check the source and cause of pain in the back, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

For the correct and accurate decision of the diagnosis, it is necessary to pass the following important and determining examinations first and foremost:

  • Visit to the neurologist;
  • To hand over the general analysis of a blood;
  • To hand over the analysis of a blood developed on biochemistry;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Stool analysis;
  • Make an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • An ECG should also be done.

These studies will help the attending physician find deviations in the testimony and send you to the right specialists.

Never make a diagnosis yourself, and always ask the doctor for the tests listed above for your own peace of mind.


Depending on the diagnosis, you can get the doctor a list of drugs that will cure or help get rid of bouts of pain.

Treatment can be different:

  • Medicamentous;
  • Non-medicamentous.

If the disease is not subject to self-healing, the attending physician will prescribe pills, injections, antibiotics that will help you feel better.

In the case when the disease is not started, they can recommend eating foods that have the right effect on one or another human organ.

Also can recommend a set of physical exercises, if the pain is caused by a sedentary lifestyle.


Which doctor will help with back pain in the middle of the spine? In order to accurately determine which specialist to consult, you must first visit a therapist and a neurologist.


After a full survey can send more to such specialists as a gastroenterologist, urologist, gynecologist, surgeon, cardiologist, this will help to appoint the most correct and complete treatment of your back.

Traditional medicine to help

There are many herbal ingredients that can cure the source of back pain. There are following recipes of folk medicine:

Mix the aloe and blue clay juice in three glasses of warm water.Soak the cotton pad in this solution and apply it to the sore spot. Top with food wrap and warm belt. This will help get rid of the pain with osteochondrosis.
The green and blue clay are mixed in equal parts with apple cider vinegar.Warm the mass to 60 degrees and apply to the place where the radiculitis was picked up. Cover the top with a swab and wrap it with a warm cloth.
A mixture of mustard powder and edible salt is added to the mixture, purified keroseneto the consistency of gruel. Apply the mixture to a sore spot and wrap around a warm blanket or handkerchief. This recipe will help with sciatica.
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To avoid the manifestation of pain in the back, follow these rules:

  • Lead an active life;
  • Do daily light physical exertion for the spine, especially with sedentary work;
  • Periodically cleanse the body (stomach, bile, kidneys) from harmful toxins, slags and other blockages;
  • Be in a good mood;
  • Try to keep your back straight.

Be healthy and let your back does not interfere with the usual way of life and does not hurt!

A source:

What to do if the back hurts

The back refers to the part of the body that is located between the lower back and the lower part of the neck. Back pain is accompanied by many diseases. And so often that the number of visits to medical institutions are second only to ARI.

Common causes of pain

What to do when the back hurts? Of course, consult a doctor. Neuropathologists, orthopedists, general practitioners, manual doctors are engaged in treatment of a back. They will find out the true cause of the disease, prescribe a course of treatment. The cause of pain can be:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • spondyloarthritis ankylosing (Bechterew's disease);
  • lumbago;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • pregnancy;
  • congenital and acquired curvatures of the spine - scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis;
  • professional factors;
  • long physical exertion with a strain of the muscles of the back;
  • tumors, metastases in the spine;
  • pain gives in the back with some diseases of the internal organs.

The most common lesions of the spine

The main diseases that cause back pain can be combined into several groups: degenerative-dystrophic, inflammatory, myofascial, rare diseases. Particularly considered pregnancy, as the physiological state of the body.

Degenerative diseases of the spine

Osteochondrosis and spondylarthrosis are frequent diseases accompanied by pain in the back. The reason lies in the pathological changes in various structures of the spine. Differences and similarities between the two diseases are as follows:

Name of the disease Pain causes Causes
Osteochondrosis The defeat of cartilage, intervertebral discs, starting with a gelatinous nucleus. Suffer the bodies of adjacent vertebrae with the formation of osteophytes, hernias. Injuries, falls, physical and static loads, age.
Spondylarthrosis or facet arthropathy Violation of the function of small (facet) vertebrae with the formation of bone growths. Rebirth of the fibrous ring of intervertebral discs, pathology of ligaments. Osteochondrosis, trauma, physical exertion, posture disorders and foot functions.

Radiculitis, lumbago, intercostal neuralgia, radicular syndrome are synonyms of one disease. It is a consequence of osteochondrosis, complicated by hernia formations.

Hernias irritate, squeeze the nerve roots, causing tension and spasm of the intercostal muscles. As a consequence, there are severe pains at the bottom of the back, which can give to the legs.

An untreated disease leads to paresis. The patient feels "crawling, numbness, decreased sensitivity of the limb. The leg is difficult to lift and straighten.

Eerie pains appear when sitting, trying to lift or straighten a sore leg.

Inflammatory diseases

Ankylosing spondylosis

He is Bekhterev's disease, a chronic heavy damage to the joints of the spine. Has a genetic predisposition. More often affects young working men in their prime. Sooner or later the disease leads to disability.

Spondylosis begins with changes in the discs. As the disease progresses, it passes to the vertebrae, which are firmly connected with each other by a connective tissue into a fixed structure (bamboo stick). The spine is completely immobilized.

Stepwise change of the spine with ankylosing spondylosis

If in the morning there is stiffness, dull back pain, flexibility of the spine is lost, immediately consult a doctor. The development of the disease can still be suspended and prolong the time of physical activity.

Disease of Kümmel-Verneuil

As Bekhterev's disease, belongs to the group of nonspecific spondylosis. Occurs only after an injury. The tragedy of the disease lies in the fact that traumatic pains soon pass.

The disease "pauses" indefinitely. The injured person considers himself absolutely healthy.

The disease is suddenly manifested by necrotic changes in the vertebrae, fractures, frequent relapses, terrible pain.


Specific and nonspecific inflammation of the spine, caused by different causes. Specific spondylitis is caused by:

  • tuberculosis of the vertebrae (Pott's disease);
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • brucellosis;
  • intestinal, typhoid bacillus.

Diseases are accompanied by the destruction of vertebral bodies with very strong persistent back pains, deformation of the spine.

Myofascial pain

The name suggests that the disease affects the muscles and fascia of the back.

When excessive muscle tension, injuries, violations of posture, with osteochondrosis in the fasciae and muscles, trigger points are formed.

These are dense painful formations in the form of lumps or cords. When pressing on the points and massaging there are severe pains.

Trigger painful back points

Trigger zones are active and passive. Active zones are places of increased sensitivity and excitability of muscles, fascia. They react sharply to the slightest movement of muscles. In passive areas, the pain appears only after pressing.

Internal illnesses

Pneumonia, pleurisy cause aching back pain. With heart disease, pain can be given under the scapula.

Kidney diseases are accompanied by prolonged pains in the lower back, waist. But for somatic diseases, except pain, the first place is the other symptoms.

For example, with pneumonia, pleurisy appears cough, fever, dyspnea, etc.

Physiological pains

Pregnancy is the physiological condition of a woman, fraught with frequent back pain.

During the period of gestation, the woman's organism is subject to radical hormonal restructuring.

Increases the load on all organs, systems, not excluding the spine. The psychoemotional state of a pregnant woman changes.

Back pain during pregnancy is a common phenomenon

Lumbar pains in early pregnancy occur when a threat of miscarriage occurs. They are pulling, aching, sometimes cramping.


The pain in later terms is associated with increased strain on the muscles of the back and spine.


The woman's posture changes, lumbar lordosis increases - another reason for the pregnant woman's painful sensations.

Other reasons


Benign and malignant, metastases in the spine with prostate adenoma, myeloma are the cause of intolerable terrible pain of the spine and back.

Osteomyelitis of the spine

Read the article:Why does severe back pain occur?

A rare disease caused by infection and inflammation of the vertebrae by pyogenic microbes: staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus. It affects different parts of the spine. It often develops in men after 40-50 years. The disease occurs with acute pain of the affected department, high fever, intoxication.

Paget's disease

Or osteodystrophy, occurs when the synthesis is violated and the restoration of bone tissue. Appears against the background of autoimmune diseases, with ankylosing spondylosis, after fractures. It is characterized by brittleness and increased brittleness of the bones of the spine.


If the back hurts, it is necessary to be comprehensively surveyed. First, the doctor carefully examines the patient. Further diagnosis is based on clinical and instrumental indicators.

Scintigraphy is one way of scanning the spine of the spine

The examination reveals the nature of the pain, localization, time of appearance - at night, with a change in the position of the body, with physical exertion, at rest, etc.

Consider the presence of concomitant diseases that can provoke back pain - pneumonia, pleurisy, neoplasms, mental illness, back injuries.

Then, other studies are carried out:

  • biochemical and general blood analysis;
  • X-ray in two or more projections;
  • CT of the spine - computed tomography;
  • MRI of the spine - magnetic resonance imaging;
  • bone scintigraphy - obtaining a 2-dimensional image after the introduction of radioactive isotopes and other types of examination.

Tactics of treatment

Depending on the type of disease and severity, the necessary method of treatment is chosen - conservative or surgical.

Patients with acute pain and severe illness are treated in a hospital, the rest are outpatient. Operations on the spine are extremely rare.

Preference is given to conservative treatment, affecting the underlying disease. Pain shows:

  • nonsteroidal drugs;
  • synthetic adrenal hormones;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • synovial dentures.

Synvisc - synovial prosthesis in ampoules restores cartilage

The best of NSAIDs is diclofenac and its analogues.

The drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, are well anesthetized, compared with other NSAIDs, have fewer contraindications, do not affect metabolic processes in the spine. In inflammatory diseases, medication is supplemented with antibiotics.

Acute pains are removed with novocain blockades, injections of hydrocortisone, analgesics.

Outside the exacerbation are shown ointments, massage, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, manual and reflexotherapy. Good results are obtained by staying in a sanatorium.

To temporarily relieve the sick spine, wear special fixing corsets.

Pain is not only a source of unpleasant sensations. In the initial period of the disease acts as a protective reaction, it suggests that the body is going wrong, and you need to take action.

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