Nutrition for chronic gastritis

  • Basics
  • Diet without exacerbation
  • Food during an exacerbation
  • Diet at atrophic form
  • Table No. 5
  • Recommendations for children
  • Related videos

A diet for chronic gastritis is an integral part of the treatment of pathology. If the principles of therapeutic nutrition are not observed, the effectiveness of the drug therapy is reduced many times, and the patient is often concerned about frequent exacerbations.

Basic principles of

Basic principles of nutrition in the chronic form of gastritis:

  • consumption of fast-digestible food in small portions up to 6 times a day;
  • cook dishes allowed for a couple, boil, bake or simmer - frying is completely banned;
  • food should be warm and serve in a shredded form;
  • from the menu it is necessary to completely exclude sharp / fatty / rough dishes and products, salinity and smoking, alcohol, fizzy drinks.

The diet should contain products that provide the patient with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

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Diet without exacerbation

The diet for chronic gastritis, accompanied by normal / high acidity outside the exacerbation period, is based on the treatment table number 1. When diagnosing low acidity, table 2 is taken as the basis of dietary nutrition.

Basic principles:

  • restriction of gastric secretionjuice - saturated broths, food with a sharp taste, all seasonings without exception, fresh vegetables;
  • rejection of difficult to digest dishes / products;
  • food is served in boiled, wiped form - an exception: fish;
  • food should be comfortable warm - cold / hot meals are prohibited;
  • salt restriction;
  • 5-6 meals a day in small portions - before going to bed a glass of warm milk is required.

Duration of compliance with the diet number one - two to three months. After this - when you achieve a stable remission - the patient is transferred to a common table. But many of the recommendations for restriction must continue to be adhered to. This concerns the refusal of spicy dishes / dressings / sauces. With an increased level of acidity it is forbidden to eat a lot of easily assimilated carbohydrates. These include any sweets. This helps reduce the secretory activity of the gastric receptors.

Allowed and Prohibited Products

The list of allowed products is quite large, which provides a variety of patient menus. With erosive gastritis, which occurs with an elevated / normal gastric acidity index, the patient is assigned compliance with Pevzner's No. 1 diet.

The first table for Pevzner permits:

  • Vegetable soups. For cooking potato, vegetable broths are used. For thickening, you can take the purerized vegetables, carefully boiled rice, mango, hercules and buckwheat. Dairy soups with pasta.
  • Mashed soups with chicken or other dietary meat. All meals are allowed to add butter.
  • Steamed / boiled meat dishes. With chronic gastritis, without aggravation, beef, lamb, pork without fat, poultry, liver, and tongue will be allowed. It can be used for cooking any dishes.
  • Fish of low-fat varieties with skin removed. Before serving, the product is cooked or steamed.
  • Yesterday's wheat bread or homemade croutons made of fresh. Biscuits, baked goods without baking( no more than once a week).Garnish - manga, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pasta.
  • Porridge on milk / water. The groats should be carefully boiled( when served it must be viscous) or wipe( mandatory rule for buckwheat).Steam souffle and puddings from cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables - potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, peas, beets. Must boil. Before feeding, they are wiped. Used for garnishing. Pieces are allowed to serve boiled pumpkin, zucchini, ripe sweet tomatoes.
  • Dairy products - milk, cream, curdled milk, cottage cheese and yogurt( both non-acidic), cheese curds, sour cream.
Diet allows you to include in the menu cheeses with mild flavors, boiled soft boiled eggs( 2 pieces per week) or omelet.

From snacks allowed are salads from boiled vegetables and meat, liver pate, doctor's / boiled sausage, fish jellied. Desserts should have a sweet taste without sourness, for example, you can serve grated berries with a manga, pre-cooked in a double boiler. Berries and fruits must be baked in the oven or boiled. Of them, mashed potatoes, compotes, jelly, jelly.

From drinks to the table you can serve sweet fruit juices, broth from the hips, tea with the addition of milk / cream, not strong coffee with milk. From the menu it is necessary to completely exclude or significantly restrict the following foods / dishes:

Diet for ulcers and gastritis
  • vegetables with high fiber content;
  • fatty meat - pork, lamb, goose / duck;
  • smoked meat;
  • fatty broth;
  • soup, okroshka, borsch;
  • sorrel, dill, parsley, onion - can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa;
  • mushrooms;
  • pickled vegetables, marinades - strengthen secretion;
  • cereals - wheat, pearl barley, corn, yak;
  • fresh bread, baked pastry;
  • ice cream, chocolate;
  • sour to taste fruit / berries;
  • sour cream( limited).

Compliance with the diet helps to minimize the risk of recurrence of the pathology. Antral chronic gastritis during the exacerbation is treated with diet No. 1 A. After the symptoms subsided, the patient is transferred to the treatment table No. 1.

Nutrition during the exacerbation of

In case of exacerbation of chronic gastritis - for several days - the patient is recommended to follow the diet No. 1A and No.1B.Nutrition minimizes the negative fusion of food in the inflamed mucous stomach. The treatment table number 1A is physiologically inferior and is characterized by a low calorie: a person receives no more than 2000 Kcal per day. The volume of table salt is 8 grams.

The menu completely excludes foods / dishes that can strengthen the secretory function of the stomach and irritate its surface. Served food should be moderately warm, but in no case hot or cold. Dishes should have a liquid consistency, which facilitates the process of digestion. To eat it is necessary fractional - up to 6 times a day - in small portions in order not to overload the stomach.

During an exacerbation it is impossible to eat:

  • bread;
  • sour cream;
  • cheese products;
  • fatty meat;
  • sour milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fresh vegetables / fruits;
  • seasonings / spices;
  • firmly brewed teas;
  • carbonated drinks.

In case of exacerbation of gastritis, the patient is assigned a diet number 1A

. On the therapeutic diet No. 1B, the patient is transferred on the fourth to fifth days after the onset of the disease - when the pathological symptomatology subsides. Daily calorie - up to 2500 Kcal. Food is characterized by a reduced content of carbohydrates, but the protein content meets physiological needs.

What can be included in the diet? The menu is expanded by the introduction of new products. These are homemade croutons, slimy cereal soups, boiled, wiped dietary meat, dairy products, boiled soft boiled eggs, white fish, boiled vegetables, sweet juices, previously diluted with water. Duration of diet № 1B is three to five days. Then the patient is transferred to table 1.

Diet at the atrophic form

Atrophic gastritis is accompanied by significant changes in the gastric mucosa. For the pathology typical reduced acidity of gastric juice. Nutrition with this form of inflammation is based on the healing table number 2 according to Pevzner. Its main task is to stimulate the secretory function of the stomach and normalize the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The basic principles of diet number 2:

  • presence in the diet of broths that promote secretion;
  • food is not served in a puree state, but cut into small pieces;
  • refusal from the use of difficult to digest products;
  • allowed frying;
  • moderate salt restriction;
  • five meals a day, including an evening glass of kefir.
Important! During the day, you must drink at least 7 glasses of clean water, but during meals you can not drink.

Authorized and Prohibited Products

This variant of the medical diet fully meets the physiological needs of the body, it has a moderate gastric sparing.

The patient can be:

  • Soups. They are prepared on a loose broth. As a filler, you can use finely chopped vegetables, carefully boiled cereals, vermicelli, meatballs. Allow soup and borscht if the stomach responds well to them. In rassolniki instead of cucumbers add brine.
  • Dietary meats. When frying, you can not use breadcrumbs from biscuits. Boiled meat is allowed to fill pancakes.
  • Low-fat fish. You can include in the menu a soaked salted herring, feeding it to the table in the form of forshmak or mixing with butter.
  • Cereals. Used in soups and for a headset. Exception - pearl barley and millet. Baked cakes from vermicelli, cottage cheese.
  • Bread. It is allowed to serve yesterday's or domestic croutons, biscuits, dry biscuit, unfermented baking( twice a week).
  • Dairy products - yogurt, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese. Milk / cream can be put in ready-made dishes in the form of refueling.
  • Vegetables - carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, beets, fresh fully-ripened tomatoes. They are boiled, baked, stewed and fried a little. A tomato salad with vegetable oil is allowed.
  • Fully mature berries and fruits. If they are harsh, they need to be wiped. Apples are served in the liver form.
  • Desserts - marmalade, marshmallow, pastille, honey, jam.
  • Drinks - rose hips, fruit juices, tea with lemon.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • vegetables, which contain a lot of fiber - beans, white cabbage, peas, turnips;
  • milk soups;
  • lamb, ducklings, gooseberry;
  • sweet pepper, cucumber, spinach, sorrel, onion;
  • marinades;
  • oily fish and canned food;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • fats of animal origin;
  • seasonings with a sharp taste;
  • dried fruits;berries with grains and coarse shell;
  • juice from grapes;
  • chocolate;
  • ice cream;
  • kvass and carbonated drinks;
  • millet, corn, corn, barley and pearl barley.

Milk and cream are allowed to be added to ready meals - porridge, tea and coffee. Surface chronic gastritis is usually accompanied by normal or high acidity, therefore, in case of severe symptomatology of the patient's exacerbation, table 1A must be observed, after 10 days it is transferred to table No. 1 B. In the future, it is transferred to diet number 1.

Table № 5

Nutrition for chronic gastritis, not accompanied by pronounced changes in the gastric mucosa, can be carried out in accordance with the treatment table number 5. Proper nutrition is represented by the following foods and dishes:

  • Soups. For cooking, you can take only vegetable broths, boiled with cereals, vegetables or noodles. Allowed soup, borsch, fruit / milk dishes. Vegetable dressing can not be fried.
  • Bread from white flour. With good tolerance, black( rye) is allowed. You can eat a dry biscuit, biscuits, buns.
  • Meat of dietary varieties.
  • Fish of low-fat varieties - hake, cod, carp, blue whiting and others. It is baked, boiled, cooked in a double boiler.
  • Eggs in the form of an omelette or cooked soft-boiled. The product is banned in the presence of LCD.
  • Low-fat dairy products - kefir, yogurt. Milk is recommended to be added to the ready-made dish. From cottage cheese casseroles are prepared. Sour cream and butter. Add to ready meals.
  • Cereals( any).They cook porridges and add them to soups.
  • Vegetables. They are baked, boiled, stewed. You can prepare salads and vinaigrettes.
  • Sauces - vegetable, dairy, on sour cream. Sweet berries and fruits. Served fresh, used to make jelly and compotes.
  • Sweets - marmalade, caramel, jam, honey.
  • Drinks - non-carbonated water, slightly brewed tea, a drink from hips, a decoction of bran.

From the menu it is necessary to exclude:

  • baking, fresh bread;
  • sorrel, spinach - contain oxalic acid, therefore can worsen overall well-being;
  • onion, garlic, radish, radish;
  • meat, fish of fatty varieties, including salted;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meat;
  • strong broth;
  • okroshka, cabbage soup with cabbage soup;
  • by-products - liver, brains, kidneys;
  • vegetables are high in fiber;
  • ducklings, goose;
  • fried eggs and hard-boiled eggs;
  • fats of animal origin;
  • fatty milk, cream;Seasonings with spicy taste;
  • cocoa, chocolate, black coffee.
See also:
Diet for gastritis of stomach with high acidity
Diet with reduced acidity of stomach

Recommendations for children

What diet is prescribed for chronic gastritis in children? In childhood, the same treatment tables are used as patients of the adult age category. The basic principles of the children's dietary table are as follows. For cooking, only fresh, natural products should be used.

The following types of cooking are allowed: boiling, quenching, steaming. If necessary, the food is served in a grated form. Important variety of diet. Use the minimum amount of salt and sugar in the cooking process. Served dishes must meet the age standards.

In the presence of a chronic form of gastritis for the diet of the child, it is necessary to carefully monitor

. During the period of exacerbation of the pathology, it is recommended that the child follow the treatment table No. 1A.Food should be puree or liquid consistency. The menu completely excludes bakery products and vegetables. The duration of compliance is 3-4 days.

During this period, the baby's diet may include:

  • Mucous soups from mango, rice or oatmeal. You can add a beaten egg.
  • Meat. It is boiled, crushed in a meat grinder, fed to the table with diluted boiled water to the state of gruel.
  • Milk. Cottage cheese in the form of a steam souffle.
  • Omelette for steam, soft-boiled eggs.
  • Milk porridge - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Be sure to wipe through a sieve and bring to a liquid state. You can add a little butter or cream to the dish.
  • Kissels made of berries with sweet taste, jelly.
  • Juices - apple, pumpkin, carrot - diluted with water, slightly brewed tea, herbal decoctions / infusions.

After the abatement of the symptoms of an exacerbation the child is transferred to the diet No. 1B.The diet is expanded by the introduction of mashed soups, vegetable and fruit purees. It is allowed to serve steam cutlets / knots. Duration of therapeutic nutrition - not less than a calendar month.

The child is transferred to a regular table when a stable remission is achieved. But even in this case it is necessary to completely eliminate pork meat, lamb, smoked meat, any canned food, mushrooms, sweets containing preservatives and colorants from the menu. Treatment of chronic gastritis with proper nutrition is the main method of rehabilitation of the patient. Compliance with diet prolongs the period of remission and excludes exacerbation of pathology.

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