Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine


  • 1Degenerative and dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine
    • 1.1What is degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the thoracic spine
    • 1.2Causes
    • 1.3Clinical manifestations
    • 1.4Complications
    • 1.5Diagnostics
    • 1.6Treatment
    • 1.7Prevention
  • 2Dystrophic degenerative changes in the spine: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
    • 2.1What is spinal degeneration?
    • 2.2Causes of development
    • 2.3Degenerative changes in the spine: Species
    • 2.4Problems with the cervical department
    • 2.5Pathological condition of the thoracic department
    • 2.6Lumbar and Sacral Department
    • 2.7Diagnostics
    • 2.8Treatment
    • 2.9Prevention
  • 3Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine - what is it, the symptoms and treatment
    • 3.1Structure of the thoracic spine
    • 3.2Reasons for the change
    • 3.3Development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the thoracic department
    • 3.4Symptoms of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the thoracic department
    • 3.5Diagnosis and treatment of degenerative-dystrophic changes
  • 4Degenerative and dystrophic changes in the cervical spine
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1The main stages
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3Diagnostics
    • 4.4Treatment
    • 4.5Treatment with drugs
    • 4.6Supplementary Therapy
  • 5Degenerative dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine
    • 5.1What is the thoracic spine?
    • 5.2How do degenerative-dystrophic changes develop in the thoracic department?
    • 5.3How are these processes manifested in the thoracic department?
    • 5.4Methods of treatment
    • 5.5Conservative treatment

Degenerative and dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine

Degenerative diseases of the spine are a common pathology affecting patients of different age groups. The basis is a violation of nutrition of bone and cartilage tissues, their earlier wear.

Degenerative and dystrophic diseases of the thoracic spine are not as common as the defeat of other segments and not have such vivid symptoms as, for example, osteochondrosis of the cervical region or intervertebral hernia localized in the lumbar department.

As a consequence, such diseases are often diagnosed in the already advanced stage of the current.

What is degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the thoracic spine

Of 12 vertebrae, ribs and sternum, a strong frame is formed - the thorax. Due to the small height of the discs and the long length of the spinous processes of the vertebrae, this department has limited mobility - to maintain the integrity of vital organs, a rigid structure.

The characteristic shape of the vertebrae of the thoracic region, a natural bend back creates conditions in which the intervertebral discs are less often injured and they have less load. Consequently, DDFs in this department develop less frequently and more slowly.

Degenerative and dystrophic diseases of the thoracic spine are a group of pathologies of bone and cartilaginous tissue, manifested by loss of elasticity and premature wear of its structures.

Types of DDS in the thoracic region:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • osteoarthritis.


Degenerative and dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine are formed with age in all tissues and organs. Sometimes such changes are detected in young patients. Early development of DDF in the thoracic spine is facilitated by:

  • congenital disorders of the spine (kyphosis and scoliosis);
  • forced working posture;
  • incorrect posture;
  • hereditary disorders of cartilage nutrition;
  • the presence of injuries in the anamnesis;
  • physical overload;
  • osteoporosis;
  • a deficiency of trace elements, especially calcium and magnesium, leads to a disruption in the structure of bone tissue and nerve dysfunction;
  • metabolic disorder and endocrine system diseases;
  • disorders of the hormonal background: the intake of hormonal drugs, the period of menopause in women.

The following conditions are among the risk factors contributing to the development of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • hypodynamia;
  • high growth;
  • overweight;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • genetic predisposition.

In the first place, the elements of intervertebral disks, consisting of connective tissue, suffer. There is a convergence of vertebrae. In connection with the increased load, outgrowths are formed - thanks to them the load distribution is more evenly distributed.

However, in response to the formation of build-ups, muscle spasm is formed. Tense muscle tissue impedes the flow of arterial blood to the organs and spine. With the course of the disease, movement in the affected vertebral column is difficult.

Clinical manifestations

As a rule, degenerative changes in the thoracic spine are manifested late, when the disease has already developed. The severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the inflammation of the cartilage and the pinching of the spinal cord and its roots.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine develops as a result of changes in the tissues of the intervertebral disk: the core dries and loses its properties, the fibrous ring becomes thinner, it appears cracks.

The spinal roots are pinched, the inflammatory process begins, this leads to pain. With progression, osteochondrosis affects not only the intervertebral discs, but also the ligamentous-articular apparatus of the spine.

Unlike the cervical and lumbar, thoracic osteochondrosis has a latent course, there are the following symptoms of the disease:

  • dorsago - a sharp pain that occurs after a long time in one position, breathing becomes difficult during an attack;
  • dorsalgia - undeveloped pain localized in the lesion focus, intensified during deep breathing and inclinations;
  • pain between the ribs while walking;
  • feeling of pressure around the chest;
  • paresthesia - change in sensitivity;
  • itching, burning;
  • skin peeling;
  • pain in the throat.

Early symptomatology is characteristic of the thoracic spondylarthrosis:

  • the pain of a pulling character localized in the pathological focus, it is characteristic of its amplification during movement, in the case of pinching of the root, the pain irradiates along the intercostal nerve;
  • stiffness;
  • paresthesia: tingling, numbness;
  • dysfunction of the chest;
  • formation of superficial, frequent breathing;
  • with the development of spondylarthrosis, the curvature of the spine is possible.

Osteoarthrosis of the thoracic spine is formed due to changes in bone tissue and intervertebral discs.

Individual elements of the vertebrae become thicker, ligaments lose elasticity.

In the early stages of the disease, it is difficult to diagnose osteoarthritis due to the absence of specific symptoms. At a late stage, the following symptoms appear:

  • periodic pains in the back and chest do not cause acute discomfort, build up smoothly, for several months, intensify during inclines, physical work, at the height of inspiration.
  • "Thoracic chamber" - acute, sharp pain, patients who have suffered such a symptom of osteoarthritis, compare it with a knife between blades; Pain is exacerbated by extension after prolonged sitting, difficulty breathing, muscles strained;
  • rarely develop radicular syndrome.

The feeling of weak pain in the spine does not mean that the disease is at an early stage of development. On the contrary, it is a signal that osteoarthritis has already developed. In the absence of therapy, this disease leads to complications, one of them is the intervertebral hernia.

The intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region is most often formed in the lower vertebrae, next to the lower back. With its proliferation squeezes the spinal roots.

This is what triggers the development of violations. In the initial stage, the patient feels burning, discomfort and limited mobility.

As the disease progresses, the following symptoms are added:

  • soreness between scapulae;
  • pain in the region of the stomach and heart of varying intensity: from aching to acute; respiratory depression;
  • weakness of muscles;
  • impaired sensitivity of the upper limbs;
  • paresis of hands;
  • with severe course and extensive lesion, paralysis may develop; crook posture.

Painful sensations arise when performing any movements: when raising hands, even when walking. The disease is more neglected, the more pronounced the manifestations, and the more the hernia presses on the roots and the spinal cord, the more diverse the manifestations.


Without proper treatment, DDDs lead to the appearance of pathology in nearby tissues, dysfunction of the chest. As a result of compression of the nerves and blood vessels, a vegeto-vascular dystonia is formed, manifested by dizziness, headache, in severe cases, fainting.

Against the background of fatigue develop panic attacks - sudden uncontrolled attacks of fear, accompanied by frequent palpitations and lack of air.

Due to the replacement of the roots of the spinal cord of the thoracic region, intercostal neuralgia is formed, which has similar signs with other diseases: defeats of the heart and respiratory organs.


To diagnose DDS, radiography, myelography, computer and magnetic resonance imaging are used.

First of all, the radiography is carried out. This method of investigation is to obtain images of individual areas of the spine. For more information, a targeted radiography is carried out.

Signs of DDD, determined by this method: a decrease in the height of the discs, deformation of the processes, subluxation of the vertebrae, the presence of osteophytes.

In the event that the radiography has not brought the required results, other types of examination are carried out.

Myelography allows you to examine the spinal cord by injecting a contrast agent under the spinal cord. Thus, areas of constriction are detected. Myelography is a complex invasive procedure, so it can only be performed if there is a suspicion of stenosis.

Computer and magnetic resonance imaging, in comparison with other methods, give more information.

The following MR degenerative-dystrophic changes are found: in connection with a decrease in the amount of fluid, the affected discs look darker than the healthy ones, the cartilaginous plate of the body is erased, tears, protrusions, hernial protrusion.


The tasks facing the doctor and the patient in the treatment of dystrophic changes in the spine: relief of pain syndrome, reduction the speed of the processes of destruction, the restoration of the structure of the cartilaginous and bone tissues, the return of mobility to the vertebral the table. Therapy should be comprehensive, it includes the following components:

  • diet;
  • drug therapy;
  • use of orthopedic corset;
  • manual therapy and massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgery.

If a similar disease is found, diet must be observed: the products must be rich in vitamins, minerals, including calcium. In acute period, treatment begins with the appointment of bed rest.

It lasts usually 4-6 days. If necessary, short-term immobilization is applied-wearing of supporting devices, helps to reduce the load.


By the end of the symptomatology, the usual motor activity should return gradually.


The drug method of treatment of DZPP involves the appointment of the following types of drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce puffiness, inflammation, eliminate pain (ketans, diclofenac);
  • analgesics, including blockade;
  • muscle relaxants to relieve muscle spasm (midolgram, sirdalud);
  • vitamin therapy and intake of mineral complexes;
  • sedatives (celecoxib, movalis);
  • chondroprotectors (terflex, chondroitin);
  • cardiovascular preparations (trental).

Analgesics are used cautiously, as they do not eliminate the causes of pathology, but only allow you to treat the symptoms of the disease.

After the active symptomatology subsides, therapy is performed with the help of massage and manual therapy. These techniques can relieve tension in the back, reduce pain syndrome.

It is recommended to perform similar procedures only with professional masseurs.

Exercises of physiotherapy exercises are conducted under the supervision of a specialist, and after the symptoms subsided and the patient's condition is alleviated, it is possible to continue studies at home.

Special exercises allow you to eliminate stiffness of the spine and strengthen the muscular component of the back. LFK helps to reduce the rate of the pathological process and improves metabolism.

Returns the correct posture, increases the mobility of the vertebrae and the elasticity of all components of the ligaments and joints of the spine.

Among physiotherapy there are a large number of techniques that allow you to relieve pain and relax your muscles. The most common electrophoresis, inductothermy and ultrasound therapy.

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Ultrasonic therapy removes inflammation and pain, improves microcirculation in tissues. During electrophoresis, the patient's body undergoes an electric current with simultaneous administration of drugs.

With inductothermy, the tissues warm up by affecting the magnetic field, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain.

Laser therapy increases the supply of intervertebral discs, frees the nerve roots from compression.

Surgical treatment is carried out in severe, neglected cases.


The principle of surgical intervention is the release of roots from squeezing: the removal of a hernia or joint.


If necessary, fixes the spine with metal constructions or the installation of special grafts.

Indication for surgical intervention:

  • severe neglect of the disease;
  • swift current;
  • pronounced neurologic manifestations;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • the lack of the necessary effect of conservative methods of treatment.


Save the health of the spine allows compliance with simple rules:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • strengthen the muscular corset;
  • Do not be long in one position;
  • to observe proper nutrition;
  • wear comfortable clothes;
  • control weight;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • In the morning, get up at once on two legs for a uniform load on the spine;
  • keep your back straight;
  • sleep on a firm mattress.

Dystrophic diseases of the thoracic spine develop gradually, often hidden, but a small degree of symptoms does not indicate an easy course of the disease.

In addition to the inconvenience during the day-to-day operations, complicated DZPP can cause loss of mobility and lead to the development of disability.

In case of signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor - early diagnosis allows you to reduce the duration of treatment and increase the likelihood of complete recovery of the spine.

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Dystrophic degenerative changes in the spine: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are currently among the most common problems among the adult population. Most often, degenerative changes in the spine are diagnosed, which with age can lead to loss of ability to work or even to disability.

What is spinal degeneration?

Many people are familiar with the pain in the back, which is habitually associated with fatigue, salt deposition and other all sorts of reasons. In fact, the cause should be sought in the deterioration of the properties and characteristics of the vertebrae.

Degenerative-dystrophic changes represent irreversible metabolic disorders of the bone tissue of the vertebrae, loss of their elasticity and premature aging. In neglected cases, degeneration can lead to serious abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs.

Pathological changes affect different parts of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral.

Experts argue that this is a kind of payoff for the ability of a person to move directly.

With the correct distribution of the load and regular exercise, a significant extension of the "shelf life" of the spine is possible.

Causes of development

The majority of physicians tend to one main cause, causing irreversible changes in the spinal column.

Its essence lies in the wrong distribution of the load, which can be associated with both professional activities and with the usual way of life.

Weakening of the back muscles is directly related to limited mobility during the day and lack of exercise.

Degenerative changes can be caused by inflammatory processes occurring in the ligaments of nerve endings and muscles.

Similar problems with health arise after a viral, bacterial pathology.

For non-inflammatory reasons, the intervertebral hernia, scoliosis.

The following factors can provoke the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes:

  • Aging of the body (vertebrae).
  • Pathology of blood vessels.
  • Violations of the hormonal background.
  • Bruises, trauma.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Genetic predisposition.

Degenerative changes in the spine: Species

Pathology is manifested by various diseases, among which the main is considered osteochondrosis. The disease is a dystrophic process, during which the height of the intervertebral disc decreases.

In the absence of adequate therapy, degenerative changes eventually lead to the development of another spine disease - spondyloarthrosis. For the disease it is characteristic to affect all the components of the spine: cartilage, ligaments, vertebral surfaces.

In the process of development of pathology, the cartilage tissue gradually dies. Inflammation occurs against the background of ingress of fragments of cartilage into the synovial fluid.


Most often, the disease occurs in elderly patients, but there are cases when young people face typical symptoms.


Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine (any cervical, thoracic lumbosacral) can be expressed as an intervertebral hernia, slipping of the vertebrae, narrowing of the canal.

Problems with the cervical department

The increased stress is constantly experienced by the cervical spine.

The development of dystrophy is caused by the structure of the vertebrae itself and the high concentration of veins, arteries and nerve plexuses.

Even the slightest violation leads to a squeezing of the spinal cord and vertebral artery, which can lead to cerebral ischemia.

For a long time, the symptoms of a pathological condition may be absent. Over time, the patient will begin to experience the following symptoms:

- Pain syndrome, giving to the upper back.

- Discomfort.

- Increased fatigue.

- Muscle tension.

Overload of vertebral segments (two vertebrae and a disc separating them) leads to blockade of metabolic processes, which subsequently causes more severe consequences - intervertebral hernia or protrusion. Degenerative changes in the cervical spine in the form of a hernia are considered the most serious complication. In the advanced stage, the formation puts pressure on the nerve roots and the spinal cord.

Pathological condition of the thoracic department

Due to limited movements of the vertebrae of the thoracic department, dystrophy is rarely observed here.

Most cases occur in osteochondrosis.

The peculiarity of the location of the nerve roots contributes to the fact that the symptoms characteristic of the ailment can be expressed weakly or completely absent.

For reasons that are capable of provoking degenerative changes in this department, first of all, the curvature of the spine (congenital or acquired) and trauma. Also affects the presence of hereditary pathologies associated with a violation of the supply of cartilaginous tissue, a decrease in the volume of blood flow.

When inflammation of the cartilaginous tissue develops such symptoms as aching pain, worse during movement, impaired sensation (numbness, tingling), disruption of the internal organs.

Lumbar and Sacral Department

In medical practice, cases of degenerative lesions of the lumbosacral spine are most often diagnosed.

On the lower back is the greatest burden, which provokes the development of premature aging of bone and cartilaginous tissue of the vertebrae, slowing down metabolic processes.

The disposable factor that allows the development of ailment is a sedentary lifestyle (sedentary work, lack of regular physical activity).


Degenerative changes of the lumbosacral segment occur in young patients 20-25 years old.


Wearing the fibrous ring leads to the onset of the inflammatory process and irritation of the nerve roots.

Determine the presence of a pathological condition can be with the appearance of pain, which can give to the gluteal muscle, causing tension.

Pain can be either constant or periodic. The main place of localization is the lower back.

There is also numbness of the toes, and in neglected cases, a violation of the functionality of the internal organs located in the small pelvis is possible.

Similar symptoms are characteristic of the intervertebral hernia.

The degenerative-dystrophic changes in the lumbar region are irreversible. Therapy usually consists of arresting the pain syndrome, removing inflammation and preventing deterioration of the condition.


Having discovered the symptoms of the pathology of the spinal column, the patient must first of all seek the help of a neurologist.

The specialist will conduct an examination, collect anamnesis and appoint an additional examination.

The most accurate methods of diagnosis, allowing to determine the slightest violation, is considered computer and magnetic resonance imaging.

CT and MRI refer to modern methods of medical examination. Irreversible changes in the spine can be detected at the earliest stage. Radiography can diagnose the disease only at a late stage.


It is impossible to completely cure the degenerative changes occurring in the spine.

Available medical methods make it possible only to suspend the development of pathology and eliminate painful symptoms.

Drug therapy involves the taking of analgesic drugs from a group of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, topical preparations in the form of ointments and gels can be used.


Reduction of degenerative and dystrophic processes is promoted by chondroprotectors, in whose strengths to strengthen the collapsing vertebra and cartilaginous tissue.


Muscle tension will help to remove medications from a group of muscle relaxants.

It is mandatory to use the vitamins of group B (first in the form of injections, and then in tablet form).

A good result and relief of symptoms brings therapeutic exercise. Exercises for each patient are selected by a specialist-rehabilitation specialist, taking into account the localization of the affected area. Also, do not forget about dietary nutrition, enriched with products that have gelatin in the composition.

Surgical intervention is indicated only in severe cases. After the operation, the patient is in for a long and difficult rehabilitation.


The main method of prevention is the formation and strengthening of the muscular corset. For this you need to exercise regularly. Excess weight is an unnecessary burden on the spine, which should be sure to get rid of.

A source: http://.ru/article/223218/distroficheskie-degenerativnyie-izmeneniya-pozvonochnika-prichinyi-simptomyi-diagnostika-i-lechenie

Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine - what is it, the symptoms and treatment

The able-bodied population most often appeals to doctors for two reasons.

And one of them is connected with the fact that in the modern realities, dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine, neck and lumbar region develop very early.

With the progression of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the thoracic, cervical or lumbar spine, there is a lack of function, which is manifested by the inability to perform previous movements in full.

Structure of the thoracic spine

The vertebral column is a single system that performs the supporting and motor function. It includes the vertebrae, which are articulated with the help of intervertebral discs consisting of cartilaginous tissue.

It is this structure in the thoracic region, as well as in the cervical or lumbar, that is subjected to degeneration in the first place.

And it is these cartilaginous layers that perform the damping function, protecting the vertebrae from excessive load and wear.

There is also a ligamentous device for an even stronger connection of the vertebrae, ribs and sternum into a single system called the thorax. This anatomical and functional formation concludes the organs of respiration, circulation, digestion, and a number of mediastinal structures.

The vertebra is subject to degeneration and dystrophy already in the late stages. This reduces its height and density. A condition such as osteoporosis may develop.

The thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae. The pole itself has 4 bends, which promote uniform distribution of the load on the axial skeleton.

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The thoracic spine is facing back and forms a kyphosis. It can become even more pronounced with degeneration or with Bekhterev's disease. Sometimes the bend opposite, is smoothed.

Reasons for the change

The etiology of osteochondrosis includes many different situations and conditions. It should be recalled that degenerative changes develop normally with age.

Not only vertebral structures are subject to them, but also vessels, nerves, heart and all internal organs.

In other words, the appearance of osteochondrosis in the elderly is regarded as a variant of the norm.

But more and more often dystrophic changes of the spine can be detected in young able-bodied individuals. What factors can contribute to an earlier appearance of degeneration of the spine in the thoracic region? It can be:

  • Detrennirovannost, especially in conjunction with situational physical exertion on the axial skeleton.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • The lack of calcium, magnesium and other trace elements, necessary for the construction of bone tissue and the normal functioning of nerve fibers.
  • Use of hormonal drugs for the treatment of systemic diseases. For example, with hormone-dependent bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus.
  • The period of menopause or so-called post-stroke syndrome in women with a deleted uterus and appendages. These situations create an unfavorable hormonal background for the development of degeneration of the bony structures of the spine.

The frequency of hypothermia affects the development of osteochondrosis, especially exacerbations.

Development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the thoracic department

Prior to degeneration, connective tissue elements of the intervertebral discs are susceptible. This decreases their height. Vertebrae approach. The load on them is greater than they can withstand. Outgrowth on the vertebrae.

These formations contribute to the fact that the load on the pillar is distributed more evenly. But they cause a muscle spasm. It, in turn, reduces the influx of arterial blood to the organs of the thorax and vertebrae, as well as to other elements of the spinal column.

When the disease progresses, the mobility of the affected segment of the spine is lost.

Symptoms of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the thoracic department

Clinical manifestations of pathology during the period of remission are imperceptible, especially at the very beginning of the pathological process. But exacerbation of osteochondrosis, which is the most common degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spine, proceeds quite brightly.

The pain syndrome comes to the fore. It is localized in the interscapular space and spreads along the course of intercostal spaces. Acute pain is called thoracalgia. If the back region hurts more, then this is dorsalgia.

Remission occurs with limited mobility of the chest. This affects the excursion of the edge of the lungs, which affects the state of the respiratory system. The patient experiences hypoxia.

Diagnosis and treatment of degenerative-dystrophic changes

To confirm the diagnosis, a radiograph of the thoracic spine should be performed, preferably in several projections. If there are changes, it is better to supplement it with a tomography - MRI or CT.

It is necessary to exclude the pathology of the heart. For this, electrocardiography and echocardiography are removed. It is possible that this kind of pain is caused by heart disease.

The diagnostic standard includes conducting fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy.

This method excludes the presence of ulcers or erosions in the stomach, esophagus or duodenum, which may be the cause of the described clinical manifestations.

Surgical intervention in the spine, even today, carries a certain risk, although there are many effective techniques.

For treatment use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Meloxicam). In the priority of nonselective derivatives, as they have a great analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

But in the presence of ulcer history, preference is given to selective representatives (Celecoxib, Movalis).

To reduce muscle spasm, muscle relaxants are prescribed (Midokalm, Sirdalud). Prognosis of the disease can improve chondroprotectors and B vitamins.

The first group of agents include derivatives of glucosamine and chondroitin. This is Dona, Hondrolon, Arthra, Structum.

Vitamins of group B are used in the composition of Neurodiclavitis.

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Degenerative and dystrophic changes in the cervical spine

The processes of degenerative-dystrophic nature in the spine are one of the most serious factors affecting the reduction of labor ability up to the development of disability.

As a rule, a ligamentous apparatus, vertebrae and intervertebral discs are involved in a pathological disorder. The most common form of the degenerative process is osteochondrosis.

According to statistics, every seventh person on the planet suffers from this disease.

The main stages

The cervical spine includes seven vertebrae. This is the most mobile part of the ridge. Cervical vertebrae are the smallest, in comparison with the vertebrae of other parts - thoracic, lumbar and sacral.

There are a lot of blood vessels and nerve plexuses.

Through the cervical spine passes the vertebral artery, the compression of which often causes a violation of the supply of blood to the brain, which provokes, in the first place, headaches.

Osteochondrosis leads to degeneration and disruption of the anatomical structure of the intervertebral disc. In all cases, this forms a deformation in the adjacent vertebrae and ligamentous apparatus, which favors the formation of osteophytes in them (growth of the bone edges).

Stages of intervertebral disc damage

Table. Stages of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical spine.

Stage Short description
The first stage (degeneration of the disk) As a rule, this stage proceeds asymptomatically. The internal structure of the disc loses its softness, becomes more fragile and sags slightly. In this case, a disturbance in the recovery function of the fibrous ring is observed: cell division is inhibited, nutrients are absorbed more slowly, and metabolic products are released. Sclerization of the end plates leads to a deterioration of the blood supply to the disc.
The second stage (disk prolapse) The spine continues to sag. At this stage, a protrusion is formed - the borderline state preceding the hernia. Reducing the height of the disc brings the adjacent vertebrae closer together, as a result of which the cartilage tissue of the articular processes is erased. This provokes the formation of osteophytes. These changes also involve muscle tissue - it causes spasms, which cause a person soreness.
The third stage (disk extrusion) Violation in the spine continues and eventually leads to the release of a fragment of the nucleus beyond the disk. It formed a hernia. It can squeeze whole groups of nerve roots, from which severe pains arise.
The fourth stage (sequestered hernia) There is a complete destruction of intervertebral discs: they lose their elasticity and do not perform a damping function. If at this stage not to perform the appointment of a doctor and do not provide complete peace of the spine, then this is fraught with the development of disability.


With degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical region, characteristic symptoms appear:

  1. Syndrome of the vertebral artery. Compression of the vessel causes dizziness (especially in the morning hours), headache (unilateral or bilateral) in the nape of the neck, temples, ringing in the ears, nausea, deterioration in the clarity of the visual perception.
  2. Pain. Compression of the nerve roots worsens blood circulation and leads to muscle spasms. This, in turn, causes drawing (sometimes burning) sensations in the region of the heart, chest, shoulder and interscapular space. In this case, the patient develops sudden tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), chills, a sense of fear, panic attacks.
  3. Myofascinalny syndrome. Muscle spasm provokes the development of seals, in medicine referred to as trigger points. Pressing on them causes burning pain.
  4. Paresthesia. Disturbance of sensitivity can occur in one or two arms. Patients complain of an unreasonable coldness of the limb and cyanosis (especially on the palms, fingers or nails). In some cases, there are complaints of numbness and a feeling of crawling.
  5. Violation of motor ability. It is difficult for the patient to turn his head sideways, and also tilt forward and backward. When you try to make circular movements, you hear a crunch. It is also difficult for a patient to keep his hands up for a long time.

Weak muscle and ligamentous apparatus leads to instability of the cervical spine, which in turn provokes abnormal curvatures - lordosis and kyphosis. This complicates the prognosis for rapid recovery and recovery.


Diagnosis of degenerative-dystrophic changes begins with the collection of anamnesis. The doctor, having listened to the patient's complaints and examined him, can assume the presence of a pathology of the spine.

At the same time, it is necessary to exclude a number of diseases, such as gastritis, angina pectoris, stomach ulcer and even breast cancer, which can mimic dystrophic disorders in the ridge.

Osteochondrosis is diagnosed with the help of X-ray and magnetic-nuclear research methods:

  1. X-ray of the cervical spine. This is the most simple and fast method for diagnosing dystrophic disorders. In many cases, only the cervical section is examined, but if the physician suspected violations in other parts, then the entire spine is X-rayed. With osteochondrosis, the picture shows a decrease in the distance between two vertebrae due to the subsidence of the disc. Also, roentgenologic examination can reveal the presence of osteophytes, the destruction of bone tissue of the constituent elements of the ridge and the presence of pathological curvature.
  2. Computer or magnetic resonance imaging. These are modern and highly accurate methods of diagnosis. Often, the study is carried out in parallel with myelography (introduction of a contrast medium into the spine). The procedure is assigned to exclude the oncological process. After the distribution of the pharmacological agent through the tissues and the spinal canal, a number of pictures are taken, along which it is possible to detect the presence of tumor sites or to exclude them altogether.

The essence of myelography is as follows. The space of the spinal canal is filled with a special liquid - liquor, which protects gray and white matter from mechanical damage.

Tracking with X-ray images or MRI allows you to study the spread of contrast along the longitudinal canal. In pathological areas the drug passes worse or does not pass at all.


Unfortunately, modern medicine can not completely eliminate the pathological process that arises with degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical spine (like any other parts). All treatment methods are aimed at stopping the development of degenerative disorders and eliminating associated negative syndromes.

Treatment with drugs

The patient is prescribed a number of drugs that allow not only to reduce pain sensitivity, but also to repair damaged bone-cartilage elements.

Table. Treatment of osteochondrosis with drugs

Pharmacological group, name of the drug Expected effect
Proteolytic plant enzyme (Papain, Karipaim). Medications help to reduce hernial protrusion, make cartilaginous tissue more elastic and elastic, give the spine good flexibility and mobility, also improve the cushioning properties of the intervertebral disks.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen). The main task is to stop the pain syndrome and to remove puffiness. The drugs are prescribed for external use (ointments, gels), in the form of tablets and intramuscular injections.
Chondroprotectors (Alflutop, Rumalon, Hondrolon, Honsurid). Medicines nourish the bone tissue, which helps to restore lost substances. Also, medicines remove the inflammatory process and inhibit the development of the disease.
Muscular relaxants of central action (Baclofen, Tizanidine, Toplerizon). Preparations relax muscles, inhibit spinal reflexes, which helps to reduce soreness. Against the background of treatment, the effect of massage, manual therapy and physiotherapy procedures improves.
Spasmolytics (Mildocalm, Drotaverin, No-shpa) Treatment with antispasmodics is necessary to relieve muscle spasm. Often, drugs are given in the form of injections (administration route - intramuscular, intravenous, subcutaneous). The goal of the treatment is to relieve muscle pain and improve blood circulation.
Vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, C). Vitamins improve the blood supply and nourishment of nerve fibers, give elasticity to cartilaginous tissue, strengthen muscles, eliminate inflammation, regulate protein, carbohydrate and mineral exchange.
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With acute and unbearable pain, the doctor prescribes a novocaine blockade. The therapeutic effect develops due to the blocking of sodium channels of nerve endings. Pain relief is instantaneous.

Paravertebral blockade is carried out near the spine - the site of the injection can be muscle or subcutaneous tissue.

Sometimes the injection is made directly into the spinal ganglion, the nerve root or the anterior branch of the spinal nerve.

Supplementary Therapy

The patient is also given additional methods of conservative treatment:

  1. Manual therapy. The doctor works on the muscles, cartilage and bone tissue. The main goal of the treatment is to restore mobility and flexibility of the spinal column.
  2. Massage. The procedure improves blood circulation, relieves muscle spasm, which helps to eliminate pain. The recommended course of treatment is 10-14 sessions every 3-4 months.
  3. Physiotherapy. Exercises must be done daily. This allows you to remove stagnation in the vessels, eliminate chronic pain, restore the sensitivity of soft tissues.
  4. Physiotherapy. Procedures improve the state of muscle tissue, normalize metabolic processes, improve blood microcirculation on the affected area, relieve pain, eliminate puffiness and inflammation, normalize the immune protection.

In severe cases, when conservative treatment methods do not bring the expected effect, surgical intervention is prescribed.

The operation is carried out in two stages - the pathological disturbance is eliminated at the first, and at the second stage the immobility of the bony vertebrae is created by setting up special transplants.

Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical spine are dangerous by their "silence" at first and a painful course in later stages.


To achieve a stable remission, you should fully listen to the advice of a doctor and follow all the recommendations.


Daily exercise and fighting hypodynamia is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis.

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Degenerative dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine

The thoracic spine of the person is disturbed seldom enough. But not because there never is a problem.

Degenerative and dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine are not so rare, they are often quite "silent and do not claim too much about themselves.

What is the thoracic spine?

Thoracic spine

There are 12 vertebrae, which connect with the joints with the ribs.

The ribs, in turn, are joined in front, creating a sufficiently strong frame, in which the internal organs of the chest are hidden.

It is clear that this skeleton should be quite rigid from all sides. That is why this department of the spine is very limited in mobility.

This limitation is imposed by two factors:

  • relatively small height intervertebral discs;
  • the specificity of the spinous processes of the vertebrae, which are somewhat longer than in the remaining sections, and are formed by "tiles".

Due to the almost complete lack of mobility in this department, intervertebral discs are almost never Do not experience excessive loads, which regularly occur in the lumbar and cervical departments.

How do degenerative-dystrophic changes develop in the thoracic department?

Due to the fact that the mobility of this department is small, the intervertebral discs in this department receive less load and are less likely to be injured.

Accordingly, degenerative-dystrophic processes here develop much more slowly.

In addition, the natural curvature of the back of the thoracic spine divides the load in such a way that it mainly falls on the lateral and anterior parts of the vertebrae.

On the one hand, this is a plus, since the load is removed from the intervertebral discs, and hence the risk of protrusions and intervertebral hernias decreases.

But osteochondrosis can "turn" in full force - in those places that have minimal mobility and experience maximum loads, osteophytes begin to form.

In particular, most often osteophytes form in the lateral and anterior parts of the vertebrae. On the back of the vertebrae, osteophytes develop much less frequently.

How are these processes manifested in the thoracic department?

It is also interesting that the development in the thoracic spine of osteochondrosis, for example, often occurs without manifestation of severe symptoms.

This is because in the region of the lateral and anterior parts of the vertebrae there are no membranes of the spinal cord and nerve roots.

Thus, osteochondrosis can affect almost the entire thoracic region, "soldering" it into a single immobile formation, and the pain does not appear.


The same can be said about such a rare phenomenon in the thoracic spine, as the intervertebral hernia.


As we have already said, disks here suffer from excessive loads not so often, therefore, and hernias appear very rarely.

And the intervertebral hernia itself in most cases does not lead to compression of the nerve roots, and therefore it proceeds almost asymptomatically.

Degenerative dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine

But in some cases people with pain in this department still have to face. Most often, such pains indicate that the degenerative-dystrophic process has reached the intervertebral joints.

It is also possible to develop spondyloarthrosis, as well as osteoarthrosis in the transverse-rib joints and rib-vertebral joints. Such problems lead to a narrowing of the intervertebral foramen.

It is in this case that the compression of both the nerve roots and sympathetic nerve fibers can occur.

If there is compression of the nerve roots, the pain syndrome develops in the "action" zone of the affected nerve.

But with the compression of sympathetic nerve fibers, the situation is somewhat more complicated.

Since they control the operation of some internal organs, their compression can lead to disruption of these organs.


In addition, irritation of such nerve fibers can occur without serious pain, so there is a risk that an incorrect diagnosis, and therefore the treatment will be chosen wrong, but simply symptomatic, which simply can not give a stable positive effect.


In any case, most often patients complain of pain in the interblade area, or pain that spreads along the thoracic spine. Characteristic is the fact that these pains increase dramatically with breathing and movement.

In addition, in cases where compression of the nerve root occurs, intercostal neuralgia may develop. In this case, the pain takes a surrounding nature, it develops along the course of the affected intercostal nerve.

Also, there are disturbances of sensitivity in the affected area.

In particular, there may appear sensations of crawling, numbness or increased sensitivity, a burning sensation.

Disorders of internal organs are not uncommon.

For example, there may be abnormalities in the liver, gastrointestinal tract, in some cases, even the function of the bladder.

Especially unpleasant are pains, which are virtually indistinguishable from pain in angina pectoris. At the same time, "similarity" is so great that incorrect diagnoses are often placed, which then are not confirmed by laboratory tests. As a result, the diagnostic process is very delayed.

Methods of treatment

Usually, preference is given to conservative methods of treatment.

Surgical intervention is extremely rare, it is used only in cases where the above changes begin to seriously affect the work of the internal organs of man.

But in this case, the initial attempt to get rid of the problem with the help of conservative methods of treatment is preferable.

Conservative treatment

In this case, preference is given to all possible methods of treatment, which make it possible to avoid surgery.

Since still most often have to deal with the treatment of osteochondrosis, we will consider the method of conservative treatment of this disease.

It is also worth noting that most of the diseases of the spine and joints are treated with approximately the same methods, the differences are usually manifested in the presence of certain specific drugs.


For example, with joint diseases, various chondroprotectors are actively used, and with constant muscle spasms, muscle relaxants.


Treatment usually begins with several days of bed rest. In this case, this mode is not immediately canceled, the motor activity of a person should be restored gradually, in accordance with the improvement of the general condition of the patient.

The main drug that is used in this situation are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

They provide an opportunity to relieve inflammation and swelling, thereby reducing the compression of the nerve end, and accordingly - weakens or completely recedes pain.

These drugs are quite effective, but the doctor should clearly measure the expected benefit from them with the duration of use and the doses of the drug, because they have very unpleasant side effects, which affect, usually, primarily on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

If necessary, analgesics and other analgesics can be used.

But in this case, the patient should understand that the absence of a pain syndrome is not at all a sign of a complete recovery - it's just a temporary effect of the drugs.

They are needed primarily in order to improve the overall condition of the patient. Overly active movements in such a situation will cause additional harm.


After the pain of removal has been eliminated, or seriously reduced, and the inflammation and edema have passed, the next stage of treatment begins.


In this case, to restore the normal operation of the muscular corset and ligament apparatus, and also to eliminate residual pain sensations are used by various physiotherapy methods, as well as massage and therapeutic gymnastics.

It should be noted that only the last two methods have long and fully proved their effectiveness. But in doing so, it must be remembered thatmassage should be performed by a qualified specialist, and exercise exercises should be selected by a physician for your individual case.

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