Muscles of the back: anatomy and work


  • 1Anatomy of the back muscles. Rocking right
    • 1.1Anatomy of the back muscles. What, why and why?
    • 1.2Afterword
  • 2Structure of the back muscles and their diseases
    • 2.1Anatomical back areas
    • 2.2Superficial muscles of the back
    • 2.3The widest
    • 2.4Trapezoidal
    • 2.5Large diamond-shaped
    • 2.6Small diamond-shaped
    • 2.7Raising Shoulder
    • 2.8Rear upper dentate
    • 2.9Rear lower rack
    • 2.10Deep back muscles
    • 2.11Straight back muscles
    • 2.12Transverse-awning
    • 2.13Interstitial
    • 2.14Interdisciplinary
    • 2.15Possible diseases
    • 2.16Myalgia
    • 2.17Myositis
    • 2.18Fibromyalgia
    • 2.19Myotonia
    • 2.20Myodystrophy
    • 2.21Stretching
    • 2.22Tumors
  • 3Anatomy of the back muscles and exercises for training
    • 3.1Muscular anatomy
    • 3.2The widest muscles
    • 3.3Rhomboid muscles
    • 3.4And what about the lower back?
    • 3.5Anatomy of the skeleton
    • 3.6Thoracic spine
    • 3.7Shoulder joint
    • 3.8Functions of the muscles of the back
    • 3.9The widest muscles
    • 3.10Trapezius muscles
    • 3.11Rhomboid muscles
    • 3.12Basic exercises for the muscles of the back
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.13Exercise # 1 Pulling
    • 3.14Exercise # 2 Thrust dumbbell in slope
    • 3.15Exercise # 3 Pullover with a dumbbell
    • 3.16Exercise # 4 Thrust block to face
    • 3.17The best result with a scientific approach
  • 4Anatomy and structure of the back muscles
    • 4.1Back Zones
    • 4.2Superficial muscles
    • 4.3Trapezoidal
    • 4.4The widest
    • 4.5Large and small diamond-shaped
    • 4.6Rear upper and lower gear
    • 4.7Deep muscles
    • 4.8Straight Muscles
    • 4.9Belly muscles of head and neck
    • 4.10Interstitial
    • 4.11Interdisciplinary
    • 4.12Transverse-awning

Anatomy of the back muscles. Rocking right

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen!

On this Sunday morning, as usual, Nudnyakova's anatomical article awaits us, and she will be dedicated to the anatomy of the back muscles. Upon reading, you will find out what it is, what muscles perform what functions and how to effectively pump the entire back with the whole.

So, I ask everyone to take their seats, I do not promise to be interesting, but still.

Anatomy of the back muscles. What, why and why?

The basic concept of pumping is: "work the target muscle and feel it."

But sometimes it's really only in theory, in practice, who's into that much - external muscles are connected, the load smeared and does not become concentrated and leads to this ignorance of the issues of anatomy and clumsy technique implementation.

Therefore it is extremely important to know how the muscle works and what are the ways of its qualitative load. All this helps in the independent preparation of the training program and allows the athlete to meaningfully approach the choice of certain exercises.

In other words, if a person sees that his back muscles are lagging behind, he, knowing them anatomical function, includes in its arsenal the most effective (from the point of view of biomechanics) exercises. In the end, the volumetric development of such an athlete is much better than those who do not know the anatomy of the brethren in iron.

Also I want to say that reading (and even more so writing) of this kind of articles is always effort and work above themselves, and all because they lack humor, many specific terms and boring anatomical audacity. Well, I was horrified :), now you can start.

Strong back muscles: advantages

Often in the gyms you can face a situation where people only pump demonstrative muscles, guys - biceps / pectorals, girls - buttocks, and all... The logic here is clear, why swing your back if you put on a sweater and no one sees what your back. The buttocks are quite another matter, they are always in sight and the boys are pecking at them. However, such an approach is fundamentally not true, because the back muscles are your core and the skeleton, it is necessary to work on it at least for the following reasons:

  • the back muscles are one of the largest muscle structures that can add a serious weight to the athlete;
  • developed back muscles - the foundation on which most multi-joint exercises are performed, so a weak back means no progress in the volumes and working scales;
  • from the health of the back / spine depends sporting longevity;
  • strong and strong back - this minimizes various injuries and prevents back pain;
  • a narrow waist and a V-shaped back for a man - this is a beautiful and aesthetic figure that girls like;
  • for ladies in moderately pinned back is the ability to wear dresses with a back cut and look in them an order of magnitude better than their colleagues in the shop;
  • developed back muscles - this is a straight posture and confident gait. With a straight back, your body will consume an increased amount of oxygen and such oxygen saturation will help reduce fatigue throughout the day. Poor posture means less loading of blood from the brain and muscle and as a result, fatigue;
  • improving overall quality of life and daily activities;
  • removal of clamps and improvement of flexibility / mobility;
  • if you do not want to become a ruffian40years, then necessarily train your back.

In my opinion, an impressive list of "for worthy to shine a whole training for this muscle group. Actually, now go directly to ...

Anatomical atlas of the back muscles

Muscles of the back have a large surface and extend from the pelvis to the uppermost part of the neck and shoulder blades. The fundamental rod and the main unit on which man stands is the vertebral column.


In total, there are32bones broken into5departments that form the spine.


The ligaments surrounding the spine connect individual vertebrae and support the entire structure.

As for the muscles themselves, it is customary to distinguish:

  1. deep muscles of the back;
  2. superficial muscles of the lower back.

Consider each separately.

№1. Deep back muscles

The deepest and most important muscles when it comes to the stability of the spine are known as transversely-awned muscles (transversospinalis).

This group consists of three layers: muscle-rotators (the deepest ones); multifidus and semi-oval muscles, the most superficial.

These muscles provide precise movements of each vertebra and help in the stability of the back.

The second group of muscles, which are attached only to the spine, are known as the extensor muscles of the spine (erector spinae). They consist of three muscle groups: iliac-rib, longest and awned. All of them are responsible for the movement of the spine in the forward-backward direction.

In the upper region of the back are trapezoidal, rhomboid and muscle lifting the shoulder blade.

When these muscles contract, they lift the shoulder girdle (like shaking) and move the medial spines and back towards the center of the back (like in rowing).

The trapezius muscle also participates in the movement of the head and allows the neck to be held together with the head in an upright position.


№2. Superficial muscles of the lower back


There are a lot of them, so I will not load you with unnecessary information, we will only consider those that everyone has heard:

  • the latissimus dorsi is the largest muscle in the lower back, which is responsible for pulling the arm down and back when the arm is above the head;
  • a square muscle of the waist. This muscle is responsible for lateral bending, and also helps to expand the lumbar spine.

These muscles adjust the position of the body to maintain balance - provide posture and stability of the body, keeping the spinal column straight.

The combined muscle atlas of the back is as follows.

Now let's take a more detailed look at the main muscles of the back and their anatomical functions.

№1. The widest back muscles

In the common people are known as wings due to the fact that they are responsible for the V-cone of the body, speaking from behind in the underarm area. This is the most trained back muscles in the room, which allow you to create a man athletic figure. The largest cover a large area, forming a cone.

The widest perform the following functions and provide:

  • movement of the shoulder with pulling the arm back to the vertebral axis with rotation inside (pronation);
  • the possibility of pulling the trunk to the hand (with its fastening).

Powerful latitude gives a person the ability to move with the help of hands (hello primates :)).

№2. Trapezium

Trapezium is a complex muscle complex. They control the shoulder blades, which, in turn, play an important role in the movement of the neck, supporting the head, and so on.

The most visible part (the top of the trapezium) is between the shoulder and neck and is most noticeable in the frontal projection.

In the trapeziums, it is customary to distinguish three regions: top, middle and bottom.

Trapezium performs the following functions, provide:

  • raising hands up;
  • movement of the blades - lifting / lowering, approaching;
  • the slopes of the head to the sides.

Most visitors to the gym do not pay enough attention to trapezoids, especially their middle and lower parts. Good and proportionally developed trapezius muscles allow you to perfectly complete the physique and avoid various cervico-brachial problems.

No. 3. Extensor muscles of the spine

Extensors of the back or the muscles that straighten the spine are the line of the spine from the lower to the upper back. They support and protect the spine, which means that stronger back extensors lead to improved posture and basic stabilization.

Back extensors perform the following functions and provide:

  • vertical position of the body;
  • allow to bend / unbend the back in any given direction and carry out inclinations;
  • turns of the head.

Training and development of the extensors of the back will ensure the development of total body strength, in addition to improving the thickness and density of the back.

№4. Diamond-shaped

The muscle is located in the upper back immediately under the trapezoid and is attached to the medial edge of the scapula. It has the form of a rhombus and is activated when a person squeezes the scapula or pulls them back together.

The following functions are performed by the diamond-shaped ones:

  • attraction of the scapula to the spine and upwards;
  • fixing the medial edge of the scapula to the sternum.

№5. Large round

Big and round can be not only "wife" :), but also the back muscle. It is located under the lat, has a flat elongated shape and is often called small wings. A large round works in conjunction with the latissimus, but also works when the rotator cuff of the shoulder is activated.

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Performs the following functions, provides:

  • pulling the arm down and back;
  • pronation - rotation inward;
  • Adduction - bringing the arm to the body.

As such, a large round does not need to be insulated; participates in many movements (exercises on the back).

Now let's talk about the Achilles heel of the back, namely its weak spot.

You can pump the entire muscular backbone, but forgetting about two places - the lumbar triangle and quadrilateral, all the same "shlopotat" lumbar hernia.

The thing is that the outer and inner oblique muscles of the abdomen are involved in the formation of these two weak areas of the back muscle.

The lumbar triangle is confined to the back of the latissimus dorsi, in front - the external oblique muscle with the iliac crest forming the base of the triangle. Quadrilateral is a similar structure, only limited with4sides.

These places are the most vulnerable in the back muscles, and their weakness can contribute to the development of lumbar hernias and lower back injuries. To avoid this, it is necessary to strengthen them by performing press exercises in which the oblique abdominal muscles are involved.

How to properly train your back? You should know it.

The main movements involving the muscles of the back are traction, both as the attraction of the projectile to itself (rod pull in the slope), and the attraction to the projectile (pull-up). Let's look at a list of the most "strong" exercises for each department of the back muscles and begin with ...

The best exercises for the widest

To such it is possible to carry:

  • pull-ups;
  • pulling dumbbells in a tilt with one hand;
  • pull the upper block with a wide handle.

The best exercises on the trapezoid (all departments)

To such it is possible to carry:

  • shrags;
  • Cable rope of the block from above to the face;
  • The thrust of the lower block is a triangle.

The best exercises on extensors of the back

To such it is possible to carry:

  • deadlift;
  • hyperextension / inverse hyperextension;
  • "Good morning" with the barbell.

The best exercises for diamond-shaped

To such it is possible to carry:

  • thrust of the T-neck;
  • pulling back grip;

The best exercises for a large round

To such it is possible to carry:

  • pull down on the block cable simulator;
  • pullover lying on the bench.

Well, perhaps, and all that I would like to report, let's sum up and make a friend-friend a pen.


Today we analyzed the anatomy of the back muscles. Now you know that there is your back, and what exercises it needs to be trained. It remains to work for a small - to test the theory in practice, so blow in the hall and wedge!

On this all, until new meetings.


A source:

Structure of the back muscles and their diseases

Muscles of a back at the person have reached the maximum development in the evolutionary plan. In the first place, this is due to the vertical position of the body in space and the upright.

To maintain the spine in a vertical position, to protect it from damage, you need a strong muscular corset, which form the superficial and deep muscles of the back.

Thanks to this frame, we get not only the ability to walk straight, but also excellent protection for the internal organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavity, bones and joints.

Let us consider in more detail the features of the structure of the muscles of the back, their functions and possible diseases.

Anatomical back areas

Anatomical back areas

The anatomy of the back muscles allows us to distinguish individual areas that are formed by the contours of the superficial muscles of the back. The posterior surface of the trunk can be divided into such areas:

  1. Vertebral. It is unpaired and corresponds to the projection of the spine.
  2. Shoulder. Corresponds to the contours of the scapula, the paired.
  3. The subscapular. The paired zone is located below the scapula on either side of the vertebral column.
  4. Lumbar. The paired, stretches down from the level of the seventh rib to the crest of the ilium.
  5. Sacral. Unpaired, is in the area of ​​the projection of the sacrum.

Knowledge of these anatomical areas allows you to quickly describe the doctor the localization of pain, education, trigger points and other symptoms, which will allow the specialist to more accurately deliver the correct diagnosis.

All the dorsal muscles lie in several layers, in connection with which they distinguish:

  • superficial;
  • deep, or the muscles of the spine.

Superficial muscles of the back

To the superficial muscles are the following.

Superficial muscles of the back

The widest

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It is a large muscle that is localized in the lower back.

It extends from the spinous vertebral processes of the lower thoracic vertebrae, all lumbar and sacral bone, as well as from the iliac crest and 4 pairs of lower ribs.

Next, the muscle fibers are sent to the sides and up, where they attach the tendon to the small tubercle of the humerus.

In addition to the protective function, it also performs such as bringing the shoulder to the trunk, it provides an opportunity to draw a hand behind the back to the median line, takes part in moving the lower pairs of ribs upwards, thus participating in the act of breathing (acts as an additional respiratory muscle), with the fixation of the hand it makes it possible to tighten torso to it.


It is a large and wide muscle that is localized superficially in the region of the posterior part of the cervical spine and upper back.

Each muscle has a triangular shape, and 2 together they look like a trapezoid, hence the name. This triangle begins with its base from the occipital bone, from the spinous processes of all cervical and thoracic vertebrae.

All muscle fibers converge in one direction and are attached to the acromial process of the scapula.


The main function is to bring the scapula to the spine. With the reduction of individual bundles, it is possible to raise and lower the blade.


Also, in the case when the shoulder blades are fixed, contracting, both muscles pull their heads back.

If only one is involved, the head tilts to the appropriate side.

Superficial muscles form a relief of the back, which is particularly clearly visible in athletes and bodybuilders

Large diamond-shaped

These muscles form the second layer of the muscular corset of the back. They occupy the space between the scapula under the trapezius muscles, they have a rhomboid appearance.

The muscle fibers begin from the spinous processes of the upper four thoracic vertebrae, attach to the inner edge of the scapula.

Function - lifts the scapula and brings its lower edge to the middle of the back.

Small diamond-shaped

It stretches from the two lower vertebrae of the neck and is attached to the inner edge of the scapula. She leads the scapula toward the vertebral column.

Raising Shoulder

It is an elongated muscle of the second muscle level of the back. It extends from the transverse processes of the four upper vertebrae of the neck, is directed downwards and to the side, attached to the upper part of the inner edge of the scapula. When cutting, pulls the scapula upwards.

Rear upper dentate

This is a thin muscle that is under the diamond and is part of the third layer of the surface.

It starts with separate fibers from the 2 lower cervical and 2 upper thoracic vertebrae, has an oblique direction and is attached to the posterior surface of the 2nd - 5th rib.

Function - Raises the ribs, providing respiratory movements.

Rear lower rack

This is a thin muscle fiber, which is located under the latissimus muscle.

It starts from the fascia in the area of ​​the 2 lower thoracic and 2 upper lumbar vertebrae.

It is directed upwards and sideways, fastened to the back surface of the 4 lower ribs. Function - lowers the ribs, providing breathing movements.

A perfect exercise for strengthening the muscles of the back, in particular for the muscle that extends the spine

Deep back muscles

The deep muscles of the back (or the muscles of the spine) include the following.

Straight back muscles

They are also called a muscle that straightens the vertebral column, which indicates the function to be performed.

This is the longest and most powerful spinal muscle that stretches along the entire back from both sides of the spine. It is superficially and distinctly constructed on both sides of the spinal column.

The muscle extends from the iliac crest, the surface of the sacrum, and the spinous lumbar processes.

This muscle is a very powerful extensor spine, allows you to keep it upright and provides posture to a person.

If only one muscle is contracted, the spine is tilted to the side.

If this muscle is weak, the person is broken or not a healthy posture is formed, but with the help of special exercises, the straight muscle can be strengthened and a correct posture can be obtained.

The muscle that straightens the spine, the most powerful and longest, provides the person with an upright posture and posture


This muscle fiber is located directly under the muscle, straightening the spine, and fills the free space between the spinous and transverse processes of all the vertebrae. The muscle consists of short fibers that have an oblique direction and connect the underlying transverse processes of the vertebrae with the overlying awning.

Function: unbends the spine, rotates it to the right and left side, pulls the head back and keeps it in its thrown back position, strengthens the spinal column.


These are paired and short muscle fibers, which are stretched between the spinous processes of the adjacent vertebrae. They are located along the entire spine, except for the sacral section. Cutting, they unbend the spine and help keep it in a vertical position.


These short back muscles, which are stretched between the transverse processes of the adjacent vertebrae, have an oblique direction. They help keep the spine in a vertical position and tilt the spinal column to the side.

Deep back muscles

Possible diseases

All muscular diseases are grouped under the name of myopathy. They are innate and acquired. Obtained myopathies, as a rule, have an inflammatory character and are called myositis, and traumatic muscle lesions also occur.

Congenital muscle diseases are most often associated with a genetic defect (myodystrophy) or with the pathology of the endocrine system. They are detected immediately after the birth of the child or during the first years of life.


This is not a disease, but the name of a painful muscle syndrome. Myalgia can be one of the symptoms of the underlying ailment, but it also occurs as an independent pathology.

Patients who, due to elevated cholesterol, should regularly take statins, are at risk of developing myalgia and myositis

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More details about the causes of muscle pain (myalgia) in the back area can be read here.

In the first case, muscle pain can accompany muscle overstrain, traumatic injuries, inflammatory changes in rheumatic, viral, autoimmune, infectious, endocrine, neurological pathologies.

As a separately encountered pathology, myalgia can be observed with the administration of certain medications, for example, statins for cholesterol reduction in the blood, after vaccination, poisoning with some harmful substances, the use of psychoactive and narcotic drugs substances.

about rheumatic polymyalgia as one of the common causes of pain in the muscles of the back:


Myositis is an inflammatory lesion of the muscle tissue of the back. Depending on the nature of the course of the disease, acute and chronic myositis is isolated.

More details about the myositis of the muscles of the back can be read on this page.

The cause of acute inflammatory process in muscle tissue is most often an infection (viral, bacterial, parasitic lesions), allergic reactions, toxic effects on the body (medicines, toxic substances, narcotic facilities). For example, acute viral myositis often accompanies catarrhal diseases of the body. In such cases it is said that the person has chilled his back. What can I do if I bled my back, you can learn from this article.

There is another very serious form of the disease - ossifying myositis. It is characterized by the deposition of calcium salts in muscle tissue.


As a rule, an inflammatory reaction followed by ossification takes place at the site of injury. Due to such changes, the muscle region loses its function, which is accompanied by a patient's disability.


There is an innate form of this disease, which is associated with a genetic defect.

Patient with congenital form of ossifying myositis


Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease with an etiology unknown to date. It is quite common and occurs in 4% of the world's population.

Characterized by diffuse symmetric chronic musculoskeletal pain. It is difficult to treat fibromyalgia, since the cause of its development is unknown.

Pain relief is temporarily possible with analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition to myalgia, patients with this ailment often suffer from depressive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, insomnia, hypertension, or spasm of back muscles, stiffness of movements, increased sensitivity to temperature changes and restless syndrome feet.

Painful points that help in diagnosing fibromyalgia


This is a rare hereditary disease, including a symptom such as a frequent spasm of the muscles of the back, which does not allow some time to relax strained muscles that contract involuntarily. The defect is localized in the area of ​​neuromuscular transmission of impulses.


This is a progressive muscle atrophy, which is hereditary in nature and is associated with genetic defects.

There are several forms of myodystrophy, which are characterized by different types of inheritance, and therefore are considered as separate diseases.

The most common are:

  • shoulder-lobular-facial myodystrophy of the Landusi-Dezherina,
  • juvenile myodystrophy of Erba-Rota,
  • Duchenne's myodystrophy,
  • Becker's myocardial infarction.

As a rule, the first signs of the disease appear in early childhood and are characterized by progressive muscular weakness and atrophy of skeletal muscles. Because of such pathological changes, posture is disturbed, scoliosis and other curvatures of the spine appear.

Picture of the patient (14 years old) with Duchenne's myodystrophy

As a rule, by 12-20 years such patients are chained to a wheelchair.

If the respiratory muscles become involved in the pathological process, then progressive respiratory failure develops, which often becomes the cause of death.

The prognosis is unfavorable, as a rule, rarely who survive to 30-40 years.


If the pain in the back area appears after physical exertion or some kind of injury, then you need to think about the possible stretching of the fibers of the muscular framework of the spinal column.

Among the characteristic signs we can note intense aching pain in the damaged area, tenderness when feeling stretched muscles, performing active and passive movements, stiffness and small swelling.

Treatment conservative with the use of cold, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs for external and internal reception. Supplement the therapeutic program can be physiotherapy procedures.

More details about the traumatic sprain of the muscles of the back and spine can be read in this article.


Among diseases that can affect the muscles of the back, it is important to remember about malignant and benign tumors.

They can have both a muscle origin and grow from other types of tissues (with fibrous, fatty, synovial, from the components of the vessels and nerve fibers that pass inside the muscle fibers).

Most often, when a new growth is detected in the thickness of the dorsal muscles, these types of tumors are diagnosed:


Making the conclusion, we can confidently say that healthy and well developed back muscles create excellent support and protection for the spine, ensure a correct posture and vertical position of the body in space, protect the internal organs from damage, but in case of their defeat (congenital or acquired) can cause severe disability and even lethal outcome. Therefore, with the development of myalgia or the detection of atypical formations in the muscle mass, it is mandatory to seek medical help from a specialist.


A source:

Anatomy of the back muscles and exercises for training

To more effectively train your back, find out which muscles, bones and joints work during the exercise. Train your back with a scientific approach!

Often, people who are just beginning workouts, first of all, swing the large and spectacular looking muscles of the front of the body.

The muscles of the hands, breasts and the press look great in the mirror, so many beginning athletes neglect work on the muscles of the back.

However, the back is as important as the front of the body when it comes to aesthetics, strength and productivity.

People who are serious about building their physique know that the wide back will be beneficial to distinguish them from other athletes.

Understanding the anatomy and system of movements of your body will make training more effective.

I want to tell you everything you need to know to build a magnificent back.

Muscular anatomy

The back is made up of a multitude of muscles. We can not talk about each individually, so I want to focus on those of them that play the most important role in the training process. Here's what you need to know to build a stunning back.

The widest muscles

Biomechanics of the latissimus muscle of the back. Full FAQ. Exercises, misconceptions, myths

The widest muscles of the back are, perhaps, the main muscles over which most people start working, if they want to pump their back.

These muscles originate from the humerus (the bone of the upper arm) and go to the scapula, the lower part of the thoracic department of the spine and lumbosacral fascia, which is a membrane that covers the deep muscles back.

Since the broadest muscles occupy most of the upper back, they play an extremely important role in building a massive and broad musculature.

Trapezius muscles are much larger in size than you probably think. Trapeziums are divided into 3 parts.

The upper part begins at the base of the skull, goes down and attaches to the collarbone. The middle originates in the upper part of the spine and is attached to the scapula.

The lower one begins in the middle part of the spine and is also attached to the scapula.

Rhomboid muscles

The rhomboid muscles are the deep muscles that are under the trapezium.

They are located at an angle and go from the thoracic spine to the shoulder blades.

Despite the fact that these muscles are not on the surface, you have to work on them, as this will positively affect the proportions of your body.

And what about the lower back?

In this article we will talk about the muscles of the upper back. We talk about many muscles of the lower back in the video, dedicated to training the press and bark.

Anatomy of the skeleton

The spine plays an important role in almost any movement of the body, but when training your back, you should also understand other bones and joints.

Thoracic spine

The thoracic region is the upper part of the spine. It consists of 12 bones, and runs from the base of the neck to the lower back. A well developed upper back area is extremely necessary for safe and effective training.

Blades are triangular bones that connect the humerus and collarbone. They participate in traction horizontal movements.

Shoulder joint

The shoulder joint plays an important role in traction. This is a kind of hinge that allows the hand to be mobile. Due to the fact that it allows the hand to move and rotate so actively, this joint is fragile enough. Remember this, and be careful while training.

Functions of the muscles of the back

As soon as you learn more about muscles, bones and joints, you will understand how they form movements.

And movements, as you all understand, are the basis of training.

Knowing how these movements occur, we can build a strong upper back, and also maintain the health of the shoulder joints.

The widest muscles

The widest muscles are responsible for the movement of the shoulder joints. Thanks to them you can move your shoulders back and forth, and also rotate them. Strong latissimus muscles are especially important when pulling, deadlift and other heavy traction exercises are performed.

Trapezius muscles

Trapeziums are also involved in the movement of the shoulders.

When you stretch your arms forward, the upper and lower parts of the trapezoids, as well as the jagged muscles, work together to raise the shoulder blades.

Trapezius muscles also participate in the reduction of the scapula together and lowering them down. You also use them when you shrug your shoulders.

Rhomboid muscles

The rhomboid muscles are responsible for retracting the blades, as well as for their rotation.

"Understanding how these movements are formed, we will be able to build a strong upper back, and also to maintain the health of the shoulder joints."

Basic exercises for the muscles of the back

Do not train your back, performing jerky movements that cause it to bend or rotate.

You must use muscles, bones and joints to perform smooth, but effective movements.

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These exercises will give a load to all the muscles of the back, providing them with maximum development.

It is also important to know how your body works with various movements. Each of these exercises will develop the muscles in different ways, which will ensure a proportional physique and increase the overall level of physical fitness.

Exercise # 1 Pulling

Pulling up works the latissimus muscles of the back. This seemingly simple exercise can take time to learn the correct technique. Once you can do a large number of repetitions with your own weight, complicate the exercise by adding burdening.

When performing pull-ups, make sure that you move in the full amplitude of the movements.

Increase the time spent in the lower phase to stretch the muscles, and in the upper phase, try to pull the chest to the crossbar.

This technique will help to pump the lower part of the trapezium and the middle of the back better.

Exercise # 2 Thrust dumbbell in slope

This horizontal draft is an amazing exercise for working on rhomboid muscles, the middle part of the trapezoidal muscles, and also for the proportional development of the muscles of the hands. This is a fairly simple exercise, but its effectiveness is easily reduced to zero if you do not follow the technique and work with too much weight.

To do the draft of the dumbbell in a slant, take any convenient position and fix the upper back. Pull the dumbbell, bending the arm at the elbow and pressing the shoulder blade to the back. Do not do too many repetitions and do not use the inertia of the movements.

Exercise # 3 Pullover with a dumbbell

This is an excellent exercise for isolating the widest muscles. It will also help you develop the strength of the muscles of the cortex and the mobility of the shoulders.

To get the most out of this exercise, lie on your back and take a deep breath. Hold the muscles of the press in tension to better stretch the latissimus muscles.

Since you will move the dumbbells behind your head, you will have to work hard to maintain the correct position of the body. If you bend your back too much, you will not be able to stretch the latissimus muscles.

So do not forget to keep the muscles of the bark in suspense.

Exercise # 4 Thrust block to face

This exercise will take you out of the usual directions of movements, and also will make some variety in training. The thrust of the block to the face is an excellent way of building the muscles of the upper and middle parts of the back.

While doing the exercise, hold the rope so that the thumbs are on top of the handles. This grip is more comfortable for the movement of the shoulders.

If you take a normal grip, the rotator cuff of the shoulder will not move actively enough. Lock the position of the upper back, watch the movements of the elbows and pull the blades together.

Stop in the positive phase of the exercise, when the elbows are on the same line with the body.

The best result with a scientific approach

Muscles of the back work as a single well-coordinated system. To effectively train your back, you must have a strong spine, strong shoulder blades and healthy shoulder joints.

Before you go into the gym and start training, watch the training videos. Remember that you must combine the work of the muscles with the work of the mind in order to build a beautiful body.

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Anatomy and structure of the back muscles

In connection with the development of uprightness, one of the most developed group of muscles of a man are the muscles of the back. In addition to support for the spine, their anatomy and structure implies reliable protection of all important organs of the human body from damage.

Back Zones

In accordance with a specific arrangement of muscle fibers, five main areas of the back are distinguished, namely the superficial muscles and determine their contours. The back surface of the case is divided into:

  1. Department of the spine.
  2. Shovel department.
  3. The subscapular zone.
  4. Waist zone.
  5. Sacral department.

Since all muscles of the back have a multilayer structure, then two types of fibers are distinguished:

  • located on the surface;
  • lying in deep layers.

The following table clearly demonstrates the separation of all the muscles into types.

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Table 1. Types of back muscles.

Superficial muscles

Attachment of this type of muscle fibers occurs to the shoulders. So, let's consider in more detail every muscle of the human body.


It is one of the largest dorsal muscles, the anatomy of which has unique features.

"Trapezium occupying a large area of ​​the back, namely its upper part and the back surface of the neck, extends to the nape and has the shape of a triangle.

Because a man has two such muscles, then in aggregate they form a kind of trapezoid, which is why the name went - trapezoid. the function of these muscle fibers is to provide mobility of the blades.

Some bunches are lowered, others are raised. When fixing the blades, "trapezium" ensures the inclination of the head back. Often with the help of massage you can work out exactly the trapezius muscles of the back.

Trapezius muscle of back

The widest

The widest muscle is located below the trapezius, concealing its lower edge. It is a flat and wide triangle, occupying the lower zone of the back.

It can be easily found, for example, during a massage.

The function of the latissimus muscle of the back is to take the arm back, turning it inward, and most importantly - accompanied by a respiratory act.

Large and small diamond-shaped

Often, they fuse together, thus forming a single muscular layer. Their functions are based on the movement of the shoulder blades, namely, their lifting and pulling to the vertebrae of the chest.

Rear upper and lower gear

The upper denticle is located directly under the diamond-shaped muscle. its role is to raise the ribs during the inspiration. In addition, thanks to the upper jagged muscle, the spinal column tilts sideways.

The lower jagged is attached to the ribs, from the ninth to the twelfth. It also assumes a role in the respiratory act, but at the same time contributes to lowering the ribs down and exhaling the air.

Deep muscles

In addition to superficial muscles, human anatomy has another important group of fibers - deep muscles, or beams of the spine. Their list contains the table above. Find them by touch during a massage is much more difficult than the superficial muscles.

Table 2 carries information on the location of deep muscles of the dorsal side of the human body.

Table 2. Muscles of the back located in deep layers.



Place of attachment

Belly muscle of head

The seventh vertebra of the neck and the third, fourth thoracic vertebrae. The upper part of the temporal bone.

Neck strap muscle

Appendages of the third or fifth vertebra of the breast.

Scions of the second and third vertebrae of the upper part of the neck.

Straight Muscles The dorsal side of the sacrum, the processes of the vertebrae of the lumbar region and the lower part of the thoracic region.

Ribs, processes of cervical vertebrae (sixth and seventh).


Transverse processes of vertebrae.

Spines of the vertebrae lying above those from which the muscle bundles originate.

Interstitial The spinous processes of the vertebrae.

Spines of overlying vertebrae


Transverse processes of vertebrae.

Vertebral appendages located above.

Straight Muscles

Direct beams are considered the most powerful muscle of the human body, which is distinguished by its longest length.

Since they perform one of the most important roles - rectification of the body through extension of the spine and maintaining his position in space, it is highly recommended to take massage courses to relax and maintain their health.

Belly muscles of head and neck

Belly muscles of head and neck

The belt muscle of the head originates slightly below the sixth vertebra of the neck, and then can be attached to the skull (occipital and temporal bones).

This muscle performs an important function, which consists in straightening the neck and raising the head. Also, thanks to her, there is a rollover of the head and a simultaneous turn of the neck and head.


Very often one can observe the hypertonicity of a given muscle, which subsequently leads to a number of disorders. The massage course will help relax and restore muscle functioning.


The belt of the muscular tufts of the neck begin on the third, fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae, and then rise to the overlying areas and there are attached to the second and third vertebrae of the neck. Its important role is to make turns and inclinations of the neck. With a two-way action, it contributes to the complete straightening of the neck.


The mezhostistye deep muscles of the back are presented in the form of a pair of beams with a small length.

As it was said in the above table, fastening of the beams occurs to the vertebrae, namely to their spinous processes.

Fibers extend along the entire length of the spinal column to the level of the sacrum. It is with their help that the spine is straightened and fixed in a straight position.


By their nature they are bundles consisting of fibers of small length, which reliably attach to the transverse processes of the spine.

Like other muscles lying at depth, the inter-transverse bundles act as locks of the direct position of the entire body and spine, in particular, and also for making the slopes of the body sideways.


Representing an anatomical layer, this muscle is located directly under the vertebrae that secures the vertebrae.

The function of the transverse-awned muscle is to straighten and straighten the spine, turn the body, and tilt the head back and hold it in this position.

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