What is uveitis and what therapies exist

Inflammation of the eyes is not the most pleasant disease, and aesthetic delight does not cause. A common cause of inflammation is uveitis and is a combination of diseases in which uveal pathways are affected. Due to the choroid of the eye, the eye organs receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. So correctly treatment of uivita guarantees eye health.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Uveitis is the generalized inflammatory disease of the vessels of the organs of vision. Each of these diseases affects the vessels of different parts of the eyes, due to which the division goes into several diseases.

The very name of the disease comes from ancient Greece.Due to the fact that the picture of the structure of the vessels of the eye resembles a bunch of grapes (uvea), this is the name of the disease and was fixed.

In medicine, there are such types of uveitis:

  • Cyclitis, in which the inflammation affects only the ciliary body.
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  • Irit, in which inflammation occurs on the iris of the eye.
  • Iridocyclitis. In this case, the iris and the ciliary body become inflamed.
  • Peripheral uveitis, in which inflammation occurs in the flat part of the ciliary body.
  • Choroiditisis manifested by inflammation of the choroid of the posterior part of the eyeball (choroid).
  • Chorioretinitisis diagnosed with choroid inflammation together with inflammation of the retina.
  • Panuveitisis revealed in the inflammation of the vascular membrane as a whole.

According to clinical signs, uveitis is divided into chronic and acute.

If you do not do timely treatment, you can completely lose your sight! Do not delay a visit to the doctor!


The vascular network of eyes is very branched, and the blood flow is very slow.This contributes to the spread of most of the uveites. Because of the low circulation speed, microorganisms accumulating in the choroid of the eye cause inflammation.Another complication arises from the fact that the ciliary body and the iris have a separate circulation from the back part.Despite the fact that the anterior and posterior sections are not interconnected by the blood supply, infection of the whole eye is quite often quite often.

Scheme of uveitis

The inflammatory process in the eyes is most often due to infection. Pathogens can be fungi, herpes virus and other viruses, microbacteria tuberculosis, syphilis, cytomegalovirus, streptococcus, tonsillitis, sepsis, sinusitis, dental caries and other diseases.

The main reason - the entry of such a pathogen in the system of blood circulation of the eye.

Another cause may be an allergic reaction. Now many people suffer from allergies. Especially in the period of flowering plants, and this can cause the onset of inflammatory processes. At this time the body is already weakened, and the mucous eye is irritated. So getting particles of pollen or dust can give an unpleasant impact for the development of uveitis. The same reaction can be on the drug and food allergies.If an inflammatory process is seen, it is best to contact a doctor immediately who will prescribe the correct treatment. Self-medication only aggravates the situation.

Acute, chronic and sluggish uveitis

If you suffer from chronic diseases, then they can cause uveitis.Many dermatitis and autoimmune diseases can cause inflammation of the eyes. The causes may also be multiple sclerosis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, ulcerative colitis.In case of any violations of the body, do not forget to undergo medical examinations on time to not start your health.

One of the methods for diagnosing the eye is a skyscopy, read here.

Any trauma and damage to the eyes can cause inflammation and development of uveitis.They can also include strong hypothermia.

When burns, foreign bodies get into the eyeball, they immediately seek medical help!

Disturbance of metabolism and dysfunction with hormone can affect the organs of vision and provoke uveitis.Particular attention should be paid to those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, blood circulation disorders and problems with the organs of vision.

Statistics of diseases of different types of uveitis


Anterior uveitis

At the very beginning of development of uveitis, the symptoms can be very different, but it is for them and there is the possibility to determine which part of the eye is inflamed.The degree and speed of the spread of inflammation depends on the human immunity and its susceptibility to infections. With inflammation of the anterior parts of the eye, the first symptoms are mild misting in front of the infected eye, and redness may begin. There is a feeling of heaviness in the eye due to increased intraocular pressure. Anterior uveitis is accompanied by increased tearing, reduced visual acuity, photosensitivity, pain in the eyes, narrowed pupil.

With the advanced stage of uveitis, you can forever lose sight!

The symptomatology of the development of posterior uveitis in the early stages can not be seen at all. Its manifestation is rather weak and develops sluggishly. In contrast to inflammation of the anterior parts of the eye, in this case there may not be redness at all, there will be no acute pain, and vision will gradually fall.The main symptom may be a number of characteristic spots in front of the eyes and the appearance of "shrouds".

The most dangerous is acute uveitis.Inflammation arises spontaneously and develops very rapidly. The danger is that if you do not start treatment on time, the consequences can not be corrected. So the treatment should be properly selected and at the earliest possible date.

If you experience any unpleasant sensations in the eyes, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist! The organs of sight do not tolerate self-treatment!

Acute and chronic inflammation (uveitis) of the anterior vascular segment of the eye


A great influence on the diagnosis of any inflammation is the patient's medical history and its current state of immunity.

At the general or common survey the ophthalmologist defines or determines a localization of an inflammation, whether there are damages in an eyeball and a vascular grid. After this, it is necessary to pass tests on various bacteria, viruses and allergens.

Samples are taken from the skin, and the direction will depend on whether there are inflammatory foci on the body or inflammation occurs only in the organs of vision.Suppose, if the inflammation is provoked by microbacteria of tuberculosis, then on the body there will be characteristic eruptions - crypts.

Example of survey results

For a detailed analysis of the infection, it is necessary to pass blood serum.This analysis will reveal what exactly caused the infection and correctly prescribe the treatment.

Only a comprehensive and comprehensive examination makes it possible to see the whole picture of the causes of inflammation. And the necessary tests will be determined only by a specialist.


Antibiotic eye drops

How effective the treatment will be depends entirely on the accuracy of the diagnosis, the causes and experience of the doctor identified.The future of your vision depends on this, so you can not neglect the doctor's instructions and do self-medication. Treatment will be selected, taking into account the characteristics of the body and what kind of violations occur in it.

Most often in the treatment of a complex of drugs come up: antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiviral and something supporting immunity.

Drugs can be in the form of drops, ointments, tablets and injections. Physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed.In some cases, it is necessary to use hormonal agents that dilate the vessels.With an acute form of uveitis at the beginning of treatment, the pupil dilates. A special need for this is in the treatment of uveitis of the forequarters. But it should be assigned only by an experienced specialist. Many specialists connect traditional medicine with medicines. The most famous method is rubbing the eyes with chamomile infusion. It relieves itching and inflammation.

If the disease increases intraocular pressure, then without antiglaucoma drugs can not do.In case of acute necessity, even surgical intervention is possible.

Treatment should be under strict supervision of the attending physician in the dispensary. After complete recovery, the observation can last a few more days.


The launched form of uveitis can provoke the development of primary glaucoma, detachment or even retinal dystrophy, what is this you will learn in this article.Improper treatment increases the risk of damage to the optic nerve, the appearance of corneal opacity, cataracts, scar tissue in the eyeball. All this can lead to blindness.


To prevent primary or repeated infection, you must adhere to the rules of hygiene.Do not forget that this disease is provoked by external factors and, in most cases, contagious.Do not overcool and let yourself rest and your eyes. Take care of your body in the period of exacerbations of allergies, which is already weakened.

Take care that the disease does not develop into a chronic form! This form of uveitis does not lend itself to complete cure.



Pros and cons of laser vision correction.

How to correct strabismus in adults and children read here.

What is a violation of accommodation: http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/astigmatizm/rasfokusirovka-zreniya-trevozhnyj-simptom.html



Each form of uveitis has its own symptoms and methods of treatment. If you notice any symptoms you do not need to panic and immediately go to the hospital.You should never choose your own medication and endanger such a valuable sight.In this matter it is better to completely trust a specialist who will always be happy to help. Be always beautiful and healthy!

Redness around the eyes can be a sign of an allergy, and may indicate a serious systemic disease. Be cautious and timely treated.