Treatment and prevention of secondary cataracts after lens replacement

Secondary cataract is a serious ophthalmic disease.At its core, this ailment is a surgical complication after replacing the decayed lens with a special lens.The specific causes of the onset and development of this disease are still not fully understood.Secondary cataracts are called excessive overgrowth of epithelial tissue on the walls of the capsule of the lens.The described disease is treated, usually with the help of a surgical operation or laser correction.


  • 1What is secondary cataract
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptomatology
  • 4Complications
  • 5Methods of treatment and further prevention
  • 6Treatment and prevention of cataract: video
  • 7Conclusion

What is secondary cataract

A secondary cataract is understood as a complication arising after replacement of a damaged primary lens cataract.In this case, the capsule of the lens is preserved and instead of the damaged organ, an intraocular lens is implanted into it.

This disease is caused by an overgrowth of the epithelium on the back wall of the lens capsule.

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The latter reduces its transparency and visibly impairs vision.Similar complications after this kind of operation occur in 20% of patients.

The growth of the epithelium on the wall of the capsule of the lens is one of the most common complications in the treatment of primary disease.


The specific reasons for the appearance of secondary cataract are still not fully understood.This phenomenon is caused by natural processes in the body and most often manifests itself with age.The described illness arises from excessive overgrowth of the epithelium on the walls of the lens bag, but it is impossible to consider this phenomenon as a medical negligence.The occurrence of this disease due to an incorrectly performed operation on the lens happens in rather rare cases.In addition, this ailment can be congenital.

Factors contributing to the development of secondary cataract include:

  • Age changes.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Internal inflammation.
  • Mechanical damage.
  • Incorrect metabolism.
  • Eye diseases.
  • UV and microwave irradiation.
  • Long stay in the sun without goggles.
  • High radiation background.
  • Toxic poisoning.
  • The presence of bad habits.


The development of secondary cataract is a fairly long process.The first noticeable symptoms may appear months later, and sometimes years after lens replacement with a lens.If, after surgery, visual acuity begins to fall and the susceptibility of the eyes to the color disappears, then this is an obvious sign to ask the oculist.

Most often, these symptoms occur in the elderly or in children.

Also, the appearance of secondary cataracts after lens replacement largely depends on the type of lens installed - acrylic implants cause the described disease much less often than their silicone analogues.If after the operation the patient sharply improves vision, and then worsens again, this is also a considerable cause for concern.At this stage, any significant changes can be detected even with the usual ophthalmologic examination.

At the initial stage of cataract development, visual acuity is practically unchanged.Depending on the characteristics of the body, the formation of epithelial growths can take from 1 to 15 years. In the course of the development of the disease, symptoms such as:

  • Spots before the eyes.
  • Doubling in the eyes.
  • Visible yellowness of objects.
  • Vague letters when reading.


Removal of secondary cataract is a rather complicated procedure. It is performed surgically or with the help of a laser. In any case, interference can not be avoided.

The described manipulations can be accompanied by the following complications:

  • Injury of the implanted lens.Such an outcome is possible if the laser equipment is poorly calibrated or the laser beam is not focused correctly.
  • Edema of the molecular retina.This complication often happens if the operation passes earlier than 6 months after the replacement of the lens. Similar consequences appear because of an excessive load on the retina of the eye.
  • Retinal disinsertion.This is a rather rare complication. It can be caused by surgery or restrictive laser coagulation.
  • Displacement of the implanted lens.Most often, it occurs because of surgical intervention. In the case of using a laser, the probability of implant dislocation is extremely small.
  • Increased intraocular pressure.The cause of this can be a clogged drainage of the eyeball. With this complication, special drops are usually prescribed, which help to normalize the pressure. In rare cases, anterior chamber flushing or puncture may be prescribed.

Methods of treatment and further prevention

Indications for the treatment of the described disease are:

  • Stable decrease in visual acuity.
  • Characteristic blurring of vision.
  • Presence of light flares.

The essence of the treatment of this ailment consists in the removal of the epithelial film formed on the walls of the capsule of the lens. Most often, such an intervention is carried out with the help of a laser (capsulotomy). The use of laser technology can minimize damage and reduce the required cut to 2 mm.

If the secondary cataract is at an early stage of development, then it can be eliminated by ultrasonic crushing of the nucleus. This is one of the most effective ways to combat the described disease.Such manipulation does not require surgical intervention and is painless.

In the case of secondary cataracts, the main indication of any intervention is not the stage of formation or rate of disease progression, but the quality of vision.If the cataract progresses slowly, and the visual acuity noticeably drops, then this is the obvious reason to perform the operation. If the secondary cataract has begun to develop only on one eye, then it is better to postpone surgical intervention.This will make it impossible to further correct vision and use glasses.

After surgical treatment, it is necessary to restore the metabolism in the lens. For these purposes, droplets with a content of potassium, magnesium, iodine and other substances are prescribed. In the early stages of treatment, vitamin-containing drugs and hormones can also be used.


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Treatment and prevention of cataract: video


By secondary cataract it is customary to understand the excessive growth of the epithelium on the walls of the capsule of the lens.The described disease can cause a significant reduction in visual acuity and vagueness of objects.Secondary cataract is treated with surgical or laser intervention and requires further long-term recovery.