Lachrymation from one eye: causes and treatment

Lachrymation is a symptom that can talk about the banal fatigue of a person or be a sign of quite serious illnesses. Tears stand out on the surface layer of the cornea in order to remove irritation.For what reasons can tears flow from one eye only? We will answer this question in this article.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of a symptom

Lachrymation is an increased secretion of fluid by the lacrimal glands or insufficient drainage.Symptom manifests itself as a result of abnormalities and diseases, but with a short-term course may be a sign of normal fatigue.

In some cases, tears flow involuntarily from only one eye. Most likely, this phenomenon will be accompanied by other symptoms: redness, itching, pain. To stop lacrimation, you need to accurately diagnose the cause of this symptom.


Lachrymation from one eye often occurs as a result of clogging of the tear duct. This happens for the following reasons:

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  • Viral infections that provoke the development of conjunctivitis;
  • Bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis (in this case, first one eye peels off, then after a while the symptom appears already on both visual organs);
  • Pathological processes of the nasal cavity mucosa;
  • Chronic form of blepharitis.

Untimely detection of the above inflammations and later treatment can lead to narrowing of the tear duct. Due to narrowing, the risk of secondary infection increases, which provokes a phlegmon of the lacrimal sac and a purulent form of dacryocystitis.

Enhanced lacrimation from one eye can occur due to lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body.At the same time, the visual acuity changes, the patient develops short-sightedness or farsightedness.

The causes of lacrimation from one eye are not always associated with diseases, they often lie in household factors and external injuries.

External causes of lacrimation from one eye:

  • Mechanical injuries;
  • Foreign body entry;
  • Hypersensitivity to adverse environmental factors;
  • The initial stage of the "dry eye" syndrome;
  • Excessive eye strain.

If lacrimation occurs from one eye, you need to see a doctor, do not self-medicate until you know the cause of the disease. After examining and obtaining the results of diagnosis, the ophthalmologist will determine the cause of this symptom and prescribe adequate treatment.

Possible diseases

Lacrimation provoke the following diseases:

  • Inflammatory processes in the organs of vision (conjunctivitis, keratitis);
  • Colds (ARI);
  • Pathologies of the eyelid or eyeball;
  • Dystrophic changes in the conjunctiva of the eyeball;
  • Functional weakness (atony) of the muscles of the tear ducts.

In the elderly, tearing from one eye is a sign of such violations as:

  • Change the position of eyelashes.Due to the slight loss of the eyeball and flabbiness of the skin, the lower eyelid is slightly wrapped. Eyelashes begin to constantly irritate the cornea and conjunctiva, so the eye constantly reflexively produces tears. Sometimes a change in the position of the eyelashes can occur due to micro-trauma, barley and other similar problems.
  • Change in the position of the ophthalmic papilla.The pathology, which usually unfolds due to the dystrophy of the skin, as well as the mucosa from the inside of the eye. The lacrimal papilla lengthens or thickens and therefore does not participate in the suction of tear fluid, which leads to the fact that it begins to stand out more actively.
  • Change the position of the teardrop.When the tonus of the muscle lifting the upper eyelid decreases with age, it falls, leading to senile blepharoptosis. Along with this, the tone of the circular muscle weakens slightly, as a result of which the eyelid turns somewhat, and the lower tear point changes its position. This causes intermittent lacrimation. Gradually a person, wiping again and again tears, further traumatizes the skin of the eyelid, pulls it downwards, strengthens lacrimation, so it becomes permanent.

Diagnostic Methods

The first thing the doctor does is to question the patient carefully, paying attention to all the alarming symptoms.After the questioning, the oculist examines the eye area, using a slit lamp carefully examines the skin tone of the eyelids, the growth of eyelashes, etc.Through the analysis of a color sample, the patency of the tear ducts can be checked. You can check their passive patency by ordinary washing.

If the cause of lacrimation from the eye is not detected, the doctor usually prescribes an X-ray. If, however, in this case the cause is not identified, then ordinary fatigue can be diagnosed.

Lachrymation is just one of the symptoms, so you need to pay close attention to other manifestations that accompany the problem. This will help to identify the cause of what exactly provoked it.For example, pain in the nasal area will allow to determine the problems of ENT-character. Pain directly in the eye indicates the presence in it of a foreign body. Itching may also be present, which indicates irritation, for example, when the eyelash is shifted.The sensation of sand in the eyes indicates problems with correction of presbyopia, etc. The more accurate and detailed the symptoms will be described to the doctor, the easier it will be to identify the cause of the problem.

For the correct diagnosis, the patient must visit not only an ophthalmologist, but also an allergist and otolaryngologist, since among the causes of lacrimation from one eye may be allergic factors, changes in the mucosa shell of the nose.


Treatment is appointed by the doctor depending on the identified problem of lacrimation from one eye. There is no common universal approach to solving this problem.The doctor can prescribe drops or ointments, sometimes the question of surgical intervention is solved, for example, with the purpose of correcting the position of the century.Surgical intervention in old age, as a rule, is more often conservative.

If one eye is watered due to an allergic reaction, an ophthalmologist and an allergist will be assigned to the patient stabilizing eye drops from lacrimation, for example, Opatanol, and tablets such as Diazolinum, Alleron.

Blepharitis is eliminated with drugs of local action, for example, quite often patients are prescribed Theagel.Together with the use of ointments it is recommended to take a massage course 1 time per month for prevention.

In order to treat narrowing of tear ducts, patients are prescribed sensing and eyewash with special solutions. In general, an antibacterial preparation for washing is prescribed - Furacilin.

Treatment of dry eye syndrome consists in moistening the mucosa of the visual organ.For these purposes, ophthalmologists prescribe moisturizers that cause artificial tears.

The occlusion of the eye canals is corrected surgically by correcting the eye canal.


Eye drops Riboflavin

Antiviral drops for the eyes are described here.

Anti-allergic eye drops


Inflammatory processes are treated with medication, antibiotics and special eye drops.

Some inflammatory processes of the eyes, including such a symptom as watery eyes on the street, are effectively eliminated by lotion from a strong infusion of tea leaves. Also, regular washing of the eyes with a decoction prepared from the petals of a red rose, chamomile or millet is also helpful.


To avoid the problem of lacrimation, it is necessary:

  • Avoid mechanical damage to the eyes and eyelids;
  • Do not subject them to sudden temperature changes;
  • Eat properly by taking food with lots of vitamins B2 and A;
  • Women should not use overdue or poor-quality cosmetics, which can cause a negative reaction.You also need to give your eyes more time to rest.
  • To replenish the lack of vitamin A, which is found in meat of animals and poultry, in fish(fillets, caviar and fish oil), in dairy products, egg yolks, in soy flour, apricots, mandarins, carrots, green onions, spinach, sorrel, tomatoes, peppers, green peas, salad, parsley and rose hips.

In order to prevent eye diseases, eat grated carrots with sour cream or vegetable oil, then vitamin A will be better absorbed.



Lachrymation from one eye is a very common problem, especially in the elderly. This symptom can provoke many factors. Do not ignore such a problem, because eye diseases are very dangerous, they need to be treated in a timely manner. In case of severe and persistent lacrimation, consult a healthcare professional.

Also, read about the causes of redness of the eyes, and whether it is possible to heat barley on the eye.