Types of arthritis, symptoms, diagnosis


  • 1What are the types of arthritis: the classification of varieties
    • 1.1Classification of arthritis
    • 1.2Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 1.3Septic arthritis
    • 1.4Reactive (autoimmune) arthritis
    • 1.5Gouty Arthritis
    • 1.6Psoriatic arthritis
  • 2Classification of arthritis
    • 2.1Arthritis is a concept and essence
    • 2.2The division of arthritis into percolation phases
    • 2.3Classification by flow pattern
    • 2.4Tuberculosis arthritis and its specificity
    • 2.5Arthritis idiopathic is a childhood disease
    • 2.6Arthritis associated with bowel diseases
    • 2.7Specific arthritis
  • 3Types of arthritis
    • 3.1Structure of the joint
    • 3.2Types of arthritis by the nature of the disease
    • 3.3Acute arthritis
    • 3.4Chronic arthritis
    • 3.5Types of arthritis by the nature of the disease and their symptoms
    • 3.6Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 3.7Septic arthritis
    • 3.8Reactive arthritis
    • 3.9Gouty Arthritis
    • 3.10Psoriatic arthritis
  • 4Types of arthritis and their classification
    • 4.1Arthritis: a general concept, symptoms
    • 4.2Non-pharmacological methods of treatment
    • 4.3Medication Therapy
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Types of joint arthritis
    • 5.1Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of joint arthritis
    • 5.2Infectious arthritis is a type of joint arthritis
    • 5.3Fibromyalgia is a type of joint arthritis
    • 5.4Scleroderma - a type of joint arthritis

What are the types of arthritis: the classification of varieties

It has long been no secret that people with different age are affected by the problems of the musculoskeletal system, although it was previously thought that such ailments are characteristic of elderly patients. The most frequent of them can safely be called arthritis.

In fact, arthritis is a composite concept.

It covers many diseases that occur with the defeat of one (monoarthritis) or at once several joints (polyarthritis).

There is soreness not only during exacerbation, but also in pathological processes, changes in functionality and appearance of the joints.

For the same arthritis, there are metabolic disruptions in the bursa (articular bags), thinning of the intraarticular cartilaginous tissue, swelling and inflammation. There is a violation of the natural mobility of the joint, as well as its deformation.

Classification of arthritis

The human's joint consists of the cartilage surface of the bone, the capsule, the joint cavity, filled with lubricant (synovial fluid). All inflammatory processes occur in the inner part of the joint bag under the influence of many factors.

Similar pathological conditions over time can spread to other parts of the joint, causing a secondary inflammation of the periarticular tissue.

Depending on the nature of the course of arthritis, it is customary to isolate the phases:

  1. sharp. Such arthritis is provoked by a single inflammation in the joint. Associate it with the presence of a major infectious disease. Treatment of acute arthritis lends itself relatively easily and does not provide for repeated medical care. The most common symptoms are an increase in the body's overall temperature, a powerful pain syndrome in an arthritic area;
  2. chronic. It develops gradually, and the chronicle can cause an acute stage of the disease, if its therapy has not been given due attention. And chronic arthritis can manifest itself with constant pain and occasionally with exacerbations. This phase is discussed if the pain does not go away for 3 or more months in a row. The main signs will be: pain during movement of the joint, subluxation, dislocation, edema of the periarticular tissues, which is easily detected by palpation.

When chronic arthritis is long-term, the complications will be a complete loss of joint mobility, its natural elasticity. The result will be unaesthetic deformation of the diseased limb, disability, which can occur even at a young age.

Treatment of this form of inflammation in the joints can take many months. Relapses are not excluded.

The manifestation of arthritis is usually observed with changes in weather conditions and in the off-season. The reasons that cause the manifestation of this disease, there are many.

Among the main factors should be called inadequate functioning of the human immune system, recently transferred infectious diseases, hereditary predisposition and systematic nervous shocks.

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According to the nature of the physicians distinguish such arthritis:

  • rheumatoid;
  • septic;
  • reactive;
  • gouty;
  • psoriatic.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This disease affects small joints. The reason for the development of the rheumatoid form in the infection, although doctors can not unequivocally answer this question.

The problem is based on dystrophic and pathological changes in the joint connective tissue.

Often such arthritis affects several joints and is polyarthritis.

His symptoms are:

  1. excessive fatigue;
  2. increased appetite;
  3. symmetrical inflammation;
  4. stiffness in the morning or complete immobility of the limb;
  5. pain and swelling of the affected area of ​​the body;
  6. an increase in the temperature of the covers near the inflammation.

Rheumatoid arthritis differs in variable course and has stages of exacerbation and remission.

Septic arthritis

This type of arthritis is also called infectious. It arises as a result of penetration into the tissues of the joint of pathogens.

Signs of septic arthritis will be: increased body temperature, frequent migraines, pain in the muscles around the patient joint, active build-up of puffiness, increased pain during movement and subsequent limitation of motor activity, position extremities.


Also, a change in the local temperature of the integuments (near the diseased joint) is often observed.


Because of the infectious nature of septic arthritis, it can also disturb children. In this category of patients, the symptoms are much brighter than in adults. Typically, infectious arthritis affects those joints that are more prone to severe stress than others:

  • knees;
  • shoulder;
  • hip;
  • small of the back.

There are many cases where a septic type disease causes polyarthritis. This form provides the fastest possible recourse for a doctor.

Reactive (autoimmune) arthritis

Under reactive arthritis should be understood as non-inflammatory inflammation in the joint bag. Often the cause of this disease is the recent transfer of ailments of the digestive and urogenital organs.

Quite often such defeats overtake men of young age. Pathology can develop in different ways: gradually, with the increase in symptoms, and dramatically.

If the patient is diagnosed with an autoimmune type of arthritis, then most likely, his knees, hip joints, toes and hands are inflamed. Also to the symptoms of the disease should be listed:

  1. fast fatigue and weakness even after a night's sleep or rest;
  2. headaches and a slight increase in body temperature (not more than 38 degrees);
  3. inflammatory process in the urinary tract;
  4. asymmetrical inflammation of the joints (pain is felt only to the left or right);
  5. digestive disorders;
  6. constant aching pains in the joints (rarely intense, acute);
  7. eye redness, impaired vision.

The first signs of reactive arthritis last about 2 months. After this comes the stage of remission. A characteristic feature of this inflammation will be pain syndrome, even during sleep or a state of complete rest.

If no adequate treatment is undertaken, such arthritis becomes the beginning of the development of cataracts in the eyes. During the diagnosis, the doctor will necessarily send the patient to the delivery of tests that detect diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse.

Gouty Arthritis

The root cause of gout is a violation of the normal metabolism in the body. There is an increase in the concentration of urate salts and the accumulation of their crystals in tissues and joints. More often than not, this arthritis affects the fingers, hands, ankle joint.

Pathology affects people who have crossed the age limit of 40 years, because now there is a decrease in physical activity and the body is undergoing changes.

A few years ago it was believed that gouty arthritis was a purely masculine disease, but medical statistics said that more women were becoming ill with gout. The risk group includes those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are overweight.

Also, often gouty arthritis is diagnosed in people suffering from diabetes, hypertension, obesity of varying degrees. The development of the disease can provoke an abundance in the diet of alcoholic beverages, protein and fatty foods.

A bright symptom of the initial stages of the disease will be the defeat of only one joint. Other signs should be mentioned:

  • a sharp painful attack that manifests itself at night or evening;
  • complete disappearance of pain during exacerbation (even without the use of drugs);
  • change in the color of the covers around the diseased joint;
  • asymmetry of inflamed joints;
  • general rise in temperature or local.

In addition, the patient may notice that the symptoms of gouty arthritis develop after eating meat and other foods rich in purines.

If such an arthritis is not treated, then there is often the appearance of compaction in the joints. This is caused by an active accumulation of salts near them.

With complete disregard for the prescription of the doctor, attacks of the disease occur more often.


It should be understood that the defeat of gouty arthritis occurs not only in the initially sick joint, but also in the nearby.


During treatment, the patient should pay attention to what medications the doctor appoints him. So, it is recommended to use funds that remove inflammation in the articular bag, aimed at evacuation of urate salts and improvement of metabolic processes.

Psoriatic arthritis

Considering the types of arthritis, it is impossible not to mention the psoriatic. It occurs due to skin lesions and diseases of the nail plates. Approximately 10% of patients with psoriasis develop this arthritis.

The causes lie in chronic stress, long treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs drugs, the use of certain medicines against hypertension and hormonal background.

Symptoms of the problem will be:

  1. aching tenderness in calcaneus;
  2. direct manifestation of psoriasis;
  3. asymmetric course of inflammation;
  4. saturated red-blue color of the skin in the affected area.

When arthritis is psoriatic, fingers, feet and hands are usually affected. Painfulness makes itself felt by the swelling of the tissue. The development of the problem is characterized by a rapid change in exacerbation and remission.

If there is no proper treatment, then such a disease will cause deformation of the affected joint, loss of its motor activity. This is explained by the conjugation of violations on the part of the joint itself and the skin around it. It will be possible to get rid of the disease only surgically.

Despite the multiple inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system, provided timely diagnosis and adequate treatment will be able to fully retain the habitual locomotor activity to an advanced age, a decent level life.

Modern methods of treatment make it possible to approach the solution of the problem in a complex. Courses of medicines, physiotherapeutic procedures, competent dietary meals are provided.

About what the nature of arthritis is, and what you can do with this diagnosis, in the video in this article.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/arthritis/vidy-artritov.html

Classification of arthritis

Types of arthritis - is the separation of one disease in its various manifestations into categories according to a number of characteristics. A complex classification of arthritis is based on the fact that the concept is rather a composite, combining the entire variety of manifestations of inflammatory processes occurring in the joints.

Arthritis is a concept and essence

And yet, despite the diversity of concepts associated with arthritis, the disease is one, because it is based on a single process - the destruction of the joint.

With the long course of this disease and poor treatment in the joint, cartilage tissue is destroyed, the capsule transforms, the synovial membrane changes. The destructive process ends with the dystrophic state of ligament and bone tissues.

Arthritis is a lot of different. If you perform a comprehensive analysis of all the characteristics of arthritis, the classification can be carried out based on the nature of the course of the disease, genesis, consequences and, of course, stages of development.

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The division of arthritis into percolation phases

In this classification approach, there are only 2 taxa - the acute and chronic stages of the development of the pathological process.

The acute stage of the disease is the first arisen arthritis, the diagnosis of which usually does not cause difficulties, since the first minutes it is accompanied by pain, redness, hyperthermia in the localization zone, and sometimes in all body.

Usually there is such a disease on the basis of the transferred infection.

Most often the inflammation of the joints occurs after the transferred angina, influenza, bronchitis, etc.


Modern medicine has accumulated a large arsenal of medical products, so if you start to get treated on time, you can overcome acute arthritis completely.


Chronic affection of the joints develops gradually, manifested by constant pain and periodic exacerbations. The formation of the chronic phase of the disease is usually associated with poor treatment of acute arthritis.

Classification by flow pattern

The division of arthritis into species according to this feature gave rise to the most extensive classification. It includes the following taxa.

  1. Rheumatological (or, as it is commonly called, rheumatoid) arthritis is the most common form of this disease. A characteristic feature is a symmetrical lesion of the joints. First they become edematous, then there is pain, which intensifies at night.
    First, arthritis affects small joints, then it goes to large joints, after which dense nodules begin to form. This disease is characterized by general malaise, weakness and depressed state, in the acute stage - a rise in temperature. In particularly severe cases, there are symptoms such as pain in the eyes, dyspnea and inflammation of the salivary glands.
  2. Erosive arthritis is one of the options for the development of rheumatoid arthritis, which is characterized by erosive formations on the cartilage. This disease begins during the onset of rheumatoid exacerbation. After the seemingly cured acute rheumatoid arthritis symptoms of an acute period disappear, but the joint continues to collapse. The specificity of the erosive form is that during rheumatoid exacerbation, leukocytes are rapidly multiplying, which helps to cope with the ailment. This abundance of fighters with foreign bodies in the absence of enemies begins to fight those who are close, that is, with healthy cells of the body. As a result, there are areas of articular tissue, destroyed by the Allies. This process develops as follows: in the joint with inflammation the synovial membrane increases and thickens; too much increase in fluid and forms erosion.
  3. Flying acute (or subacute) arthritis is often combined with lupus erythematosus, in fact being its clinical manifestation. On a number of signs this disease resembles rheumatic joint damage. The name of this form of manifestation of the disease was due to the rapid spread of inflammatory processes in various large and small joints. Usually, such a disease does not have a progressive character and is not accompanied by deformities.
  4. Obliterating endarteritis is actually a vascular disease that occurs mainly in different places of the lower extremities. Vessels gradually and irreversibly narrow, sometimes until they completely overlap. At a certain stage of the development of this pathology arthritis develops, mainly in the area of ​​the knees and feet. Obliterating arthritis is typical for men aged 40 to 60 years. It is called male. The reasons for such gender selectivity are not entirely clear.

    There is another feature in this disease - it develops almost always in the region of the lower extremities. Cases of its appearance and development in the upper limbs or other parts of the body are extremely rare.

  5. Arthritic arthritis is a systemic lesion of the joints. On symptoms, this species is slightly different from, for example, rheumatoid arthritis. However, the reason for his appearance is different, which requires other methods of treatment. For the best identification of this type of disease, special laboratory tests are carried out, allowing to reveal all the parameters of systemic damage.
  6. Nonspecific arthritis is a disease in which a cartilaginous tissue that covers the ends of bones in the place of their entry into the joint is destroyed. This disease is considered to be an age-related disease, since they are mainly affected by people over 45 years old. In addition, this disease is also considered female, because this type of arthritis affects for some reason more women. In the risk group are also people with high weight, hereditary predisposition, staying for a long time in static poses. Most often this type of arthritis affects the joints of the lower extremities, especially the hip and knee.

Tuberculosis arthritis and its specificity

Tuberculosis arthritis is a disease that develops as a result of damage to bones and joints by the causative agent of tuberculosis.

Usually, first, any other organ is affected, for example, the lungs, and then the tubercle bacillus passes through the lymphatic canals and blood vessels to places of other localization.

Tuberculosis arthritis is considered the most common form of extrapulmonary localization.

Of all types of arthritis, this disease is particularly difficult. The problem is that the pathogens of tuberculosis, hitting the joint, actively multiply, producing many toxins. As a result, the joint can completely lose its functions.

Usually, tuberculosis arthritis is located in large joints, which does not exclude the defeat of small joints. This type of arthritis has many forms and locations of localization. For a number of forms, the prognosis of development is unfavorable and depends on the period of detection of the disease.

When a doctor suspects a patient of tuberculous arthritis, external symptoms for a full diagnosis are considered insufficient.

First of all, you need to find out if a person is infected with tuberculosis. And we should take into account not only the infection at the moment, but also in the history.

Contacts of a person with potential foci of infection, belonging to risk groups, etc., are found out.

Mandatory specific medical examinations are performed to determine the degree of joint damage. To identify the primary source of infection:

  • chest X-ray is performed;
  • the bacteriological composition of sputum is determined;
  • a biopsy of the synovial membrane of the affected joint is performed.

In special cases, an ultrasound examination is used to clarify the diagnosis, as well as a bacteriological analysis of purulent fistula contents.

Arthritis idiopathic is a childhood disease

Idiopathic arthritis is an inflammatory process of unknown origin. In medicine, this arthritis is referred to childhood diseases and is classified as juvenile arthritis, unspecified.

This disease most often occurs in children of the age interval from the youngest age to the senior adolescence. Idiopathic arthritis can occur even at the age of two.

The inflammatory process in this disease especially severely damages the synovial membrane of the joints. In the early stage, idiopathic arthritis leads to the appearance of nonspecific inflammatory reactions in the joints to different stimuli.


With genetic location to this disease in the joint, pathological changes are formed in the synovial cells.


Idiopathic arthritis, as it develops, contributes to the intensification of the inflammatory process and the activation of special immune cells, forming a special lymphoid organ, in which antibodies to the transformed synovial cells begin to be synthesized actively. So idiopathic arthritis promotes the formation of a response autoimmune reaction of the body.

Arthritis associated with bowel diseases

This is a special group of arthritis, in the development of which the connection between the state of the digestive system and joints is clearly traced.

Enteropathic arthritis, or enteropathic arthropathy, is a group of heterogeneous arthropathies, the appearance and development of which is associated with persistent inflammation of the large intestine. Enteropathic arthritis is divided into:

  • reactive arthritis, which occurs mainly in intestinal infections;
  • Spondyloarthritis, developing in connection with inflammation of the colon against the background of Crohn's disease, etc.

There is another type of articular disease, closely related to the digestive system, is peripheral arthritis. Its origin is not entirely clear, but it is attributed to one of the variants of complications based on nonspecific ulcerative colitis and granulomatous ileitis.

Peripheric arthritis is usually chronic, occurring at a fairly young age, usually 30-40 years.

During the exacerbation of the underlying disease, there is an exacerbation of peripheral arthritis.

Usually, large joints begin to hurt in the area of ​​the lower extremities, sometimes some of the joints of the hands are also involved in the inflammatory process. In this case, as a rule, several joints are affected at once.

Specific arthritis

Degenerative arthritis leads to the loss of articular cartilage of proteoglycans. This, in turn, creates conditions for the fibrillation of the surface of the affected joint.

This kind of arthritis is usually divided into two parts: endocrinopathy and osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic joint disease. He has one more name - deforming osteoarthritis.

In this disease, the cartilage tissue is first affected, which covers the periarticular surface of the bone. Usually, such processes are a consequence of a metabolic disorder in the cartilage.

At the same time, the cartilage acquires a roughness, loses its elasticity and starts to break down.

Endocrinopathic arthritis develops predominantly in women during menopause. In the risk group there are also people suffering from obesity or thyroid pathology

Ankylosing arthritis is an inflammation localized in the intervertebral joints. Otherwise, this disease is called Bekhterev's pathology.

The consequence of this pathology is the transformation of the spine as a system of joints into a single rigid bone tissue. In addition, this disease entails the development of ankylosis, that is, the fusion of vertebral articulations.


As a result, instead of a flexible spine, a single vertebral bone appears, which entails a significant decrease in the mobility of the body.


Serous arthritis is an inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint. As a result of this process, serous exudate accumulates in the joint cavity. As this process develops, joint articulation is formed. If the exudate leaves fibrin, the joint becomes inactive.

With purulent development, inflammation can go to the area of ​​the joint capsule and adjacent soft tissues. So the most dangerous complication of inflammatory processes in the joints - phlegmon is formed.

Microcrystalline arthritis is a disease of the joints, caused by deposits of very small crystals of sodium urate, hydroxyapatite of calcium and oxalates in them. A vivid example of such a disease is all known gout, which causes people a lot of trouble.

Thus, the variety of forms of manifestation of inflammatory processes in the joints gave rise to a complex classification. It allows you to better understand such a multifaceted phenomenon as arthritis.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/artrit/klassifikatsiya.html

Types of arthritis

In modern times, the lesions of the musculoskeletal system are experienced not only by people of advanced age. Often, this affects the younger population of working age.

Arthritis itself is characterized by a metabolic disorder in the articular bag and thinning of the intraarticular cartilage, followed by swelling and inflammation. In this case, the mobility of the joint is disrupted, and a deformity often occurs after this.

Structure of the joint

The joint consists of an articular capsule, a cartilaginous surface of bones and an articular cavity filled with a liquid.

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Inflammatory processes, usually, take place in the inner part of the joint bag, under the influence of many factors.

Inflammatory processes that occur inside the joint, with time, can spread to the rest of its parts, provoking secondary inflammations of the periarticular tissues.

Types of arthritis by the nature of the disease

According to the nature of the disease,

  1. The acute stage.
  2. Chronic stage.

Acute arthritis

Acute arthritis is caused by a single inflammation of the joint and is associated, usually, with the presence of an infectious disease. This type of arthritis can be easily treated and does not usually require repeated medical treatment. Common symptoms of acute arthritis are:

  • presence of high temperature;
  • strong pain in the joint.

Chronic arthritis

Chronic arthritis develops gradually, often the development of a chronic form can provoke an acute stage of the disease, if its treatment has not been given enough attention.

In this case, chronic arthritis can manifest itself as a manifestation of persistent pains, and periodically arising exacerbations of the disease.

The chronic form is spoken of when the pain senses trouble the patient for 3 months or more. The main symptoms of chronic arthritis are

  • pain arising from movement in the joint;
  • dislocations and subluxations of the joint;
  • edema of the periarticular tissues, the presence of which can be detected by palpation.

With prolonged course of chronic arthritis, its consequences can be a complete loss of elasticity and mobility joint, with subsequent disability, as well as unaesthetic deformity of the limbs, which does not allow to maintain the previous image life. Treatment of chronic arthritis can take more than one month, while recurrence is not excluded.

Types of arthritis by the nature of the disease and their symptoms

Arthritis is a disease that affects not only the elderly. Today even children can suffer from painful joint diseases. Often manifestations of arthritis are observed in the off-season and with a sharp change in weather conditions.

The causes that caused the manifestations of this disease, there may be a number of factors, among them disorders of the immune system system, complications of the transferred infectious diseases, frequent psychological stresses and genetic predisposition.By the nature of the disease, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • septic arthritis;
  • reactive arthritis;
  • gouty arthritis;
  • psoriatic arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis, as a rule, affects small joints.

The cause of the appearance of the rheumatoid form of the disease is called infectious nature, although there is no unambiguous answer to the question about the true causes of this form of the disease.

The manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis are pathological and dystrophic changes in connective tissue of the joint. As a rule, this form has a multiple nature of the lesion, called polyarthritis. In the symptomatology of disease distinguish:

  • increased fatigue and weakness;
  • a decrease in appetite;
  • morning stiffness or immobility of limbs;
  • Symmetry of inflammation of similar joints;
  • soreness and swelling of the affected area of ​​the body;
  • increase in the temperature of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation.

Rheumatoid arthritis has a variable course of the disease, characterized by stages of exacerbation and remission. The progressive nature of the disease leads to irreversible deformations of the joints, a degenerative change in the cartilaginous tissue and increased strain on the tendon, leading to their extension.

Septic arthritis

Septic or infectious arthritis occurs due to the presence of infection in the patient's body, with the subsequent penetration of pathogens into the joint tissue. Symptoms of septic arthritis include:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • pain in the muscle tissue around the inflamed joint;
  • migraine;
  • progressive swelling of the joint;
  • intensification of painful sensations during movement with subsequent restrictions of movements and the position of the limb;
  • change in skin temperature in the affected area.

In view of the infectious origin of the septic form, manifestations can affect children. In children, symptoms are more pronounced than in adults.

As a rule, septic arthritis affects those joints that are subjected to increased stress: knees, shoulders, hips and lower back. Infection-type lesions often cause polyarthritis.

This form of inflammation requires an immediate request for medical help to prevent the progression of the disease and pathological irreversible changes in the structure and function of the joints.

Reactive arthritis

Reactive arthritis carries the inflammatory nature of the inflammation of the joint bag. Most often, the causes of reactive type of inflammation are the patient's previous diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.

Often this type of defeat is overtaken by the young male population, which is most susceptible to the stomach ulcer. The disease can develop either gradually or can be characterized by sharply begun symptoms.

Most often, the toes and hands are affected, as well as the shoulders, hip joints and knees. The symptoms of reactive arthritis include:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • slightly (up to 38 degrees) increased body temperature and headaches;
  • asymmetrical inflammation of the joints, manifested by painful sensations of either the right or left side of the body;
  • rarely intense, often aching joints;
  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • visual impairment and redness of the eyes;
  • sometimes indigestion.

The first manifestation of reactive arthritis continues, on average, about 2 months, followed by the onset of the remission phase. A characteristic feature of this type of inflammation is the aggravation of painful sensations in a state of rest or sleep.

In the absence of proper treatment, the reactive type can lead to the development of cataracts in the eyes. When examining the nature of the clinical picture, without fail, tests for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases are submitted.

Treatment of this disease consists in antibiotic therapy, the course of which is, on average, from 7 to 14 days.

Gouty Arthritis

Gouty arthritis has a primary cause of characteristic metabolic disorders in the body and increased salt content and the accumulation of uric acid.

This type of disease affects, mainly, hands, ankles and fingers.

The disease affects people older than 40 years due to age-related changes in the body and reduce physical activity.

Very often gout affects people with diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension.

The development of the disease provokes excessive maintenance of alcohol, fatty and protein foods in the patient's diet.

A characteristic feature in the initial stages is the defeat of only one of the joints. The main symptoms of gout include:

  • a sharp attack of pain, appearing, most often, in the evening and at night;
  • change in the color of the skin in the area of ​​the inflamed joint;
  • the onset of pain associated with eating meat;
  • a sharp disappearance of all symptoms of the disease, even in the absence of therapeutic treatment in the period of exacerbation of the disease;
  • sometimes there is an increase in body temperature or skin temperature in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • asymmetry of inflammatory processes.

If the gouty species is not treated at the first manifestation of the clinical picture, in the course of time joints in the joints associated with the deposition of salts begin to appear. In the absence of the necessary treatment, gout attacks appear more often.

In this case, the defeat of the gout covers not only the initially affected joint, but also the neighboring ones.

In the treatment of this type of inflammation of the joint bag, along with the use of medications directed at the conclusion uric acid and improving metabolism, mandatory mandatory strict diet with increased intake liquid.

Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis develops due to lesions of the skin and nail diseases. This type of arthritis occurs in 10% of cases of psoriasis.

Causes that provoke the disease psoriatic form, may be chronic stress, long reception nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, taking certain medicines for hypertension and violation hormonal background. The symptomatology of the disease is manifested in the following:

  • aching pains of heel bones;
  • asymmetric course of inflammatory processes;
  • intensive red-blue color of tissues in the area of ​​affected joints;
  • immediate manifestations of psoriasis.

In psoriatic cases, as a rule, fingers and toes, painful manifestations are characterized by swelling of the tissues. The development of the disease is characterized by a change in exacerbations and remissions.

In the absence of the necessary treatment, psoriatic arthritis can lead not only to deformation of the joint, but also to its loss or surgical intervention, due to the conjugation of the disease as a violation of the skin, and with the defeat of the the joint.

Despite the numerous inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system, their timely Diagnosis and treatment will help to keep the motor activity and quality of life to an advanced age decent level.


Modern methods of treatment offer a comprehensive approach to healing from the disease, including in self medications, physiotherapy procedures, special diets and treatment applications.


A source: http://pozvonochnikok.ru/bolezni/artrit/vidy-artrita/

Types of arthritis and their classification

There are different types of arthritis, they depend on the form (acute or chronic), the causes that caused the appearance and development of the disease, as well as other factors.

Arthritis: a general concept, symptoms

Arthritis is an ailment that is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in the joint. Typically, this term is used as a collective designation of various joint diseases. We will tell you what are the arthritis and what measures to take on their treatment.

With this disease, patients note the appearance of pain during movement or lifting weights. The joint loses mobility over time, a swelling of the joint appears, it gradually changes shape.

Symptoms of the disease include:

  • stiffness in the joints, especially it is expressed in the morning, after a night's sleep, because for a long time the joint did not move;
  • weakness caused by stiffness in joints, restriction of mobility and constant overcoming of pain;
  • redness of the skin at the joint site;
  • fever.

For a clinical picture, not only the pain sensations, but also the crunch in the joints, for example, when flexing or flexing the joint or the load, are characteristic. A person suffering from this disease often experiences difficulties in situations where it is necessary to use physical force.

Diagnosis of the disease, as a rule, consists of a number of necessary measures:

  1. Careful anamnesis, examination and a detailed interview of the patient.
  2. Identification of the relationship between the disease and allergic, infectious, diseases, possibly the presence of trauma.
  3. The presence of a clinical picture, which is typical for arthritis.
  4. Conducting a laboratory examination in the form of general and biochemical analyzes of blood, urine.
  5. Carrying out an X-ray.
  6. Conduction of CT or MRI.
  7. Investigation of synovial fluid.

So, let's consider what classification of the disease exists and what are the types of this disease.

Types of the disease:

  • inflammatory;
  • degenerative.

At the heart of inflammatory arthritis is the inflammation of the membrane, which lining the joint from the inside, so this species is classified into:

  • infectious (purulent) arthritis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • gout.

At the heart of the degenerative form of the disease is damage to the cartilage. Therefore, degenerative arthritis is divided into:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • traumatic arthritis.

Also, there are arthritis that accompany various diseases (for example, influenza, Lyme disease, etc.).

We note rheumatoid arthritis, which is a systemic disease. The reasons for it are still not completely known. As a rule, experts point out that the main reason lies in streptococci, viruses. Consider the presence of a genetic factor.

Arthritis after the flu is considered one of the complications. In 10-15 days after the onset of the flu, there is a possibility of arthritis. This form of the disease, as a rule, is allergic in nature and can often become chronic.

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Lyme disease, a complication after which can be arthritis, appears after a tick bite.

Non-pharmacological methods of treatment

The disease requires treatment. Let's consider its various methods.

Non-pharmacological methods of treatment of this disease provide for a reduction in the load on the joints.

This method is expressed in the form of a reduction in excess weight (if available), since excess weight exerts an additional load on the joints.

This pharmacological method includes the selection of special orthopedic shoes and, if necessary, the use of walking sticks.

It is also necessary to use physical exercises in the form of exercise therapy, gymnastics. It is carried out in different positions, for example, in a sitting, lying.

It is important to exclude exercise from exercise.

Experts recommend swimming, because it does not have static loads, which is very important for this disease.

Physiotherapy in the form of the following procedures: magnet, laser, acupuncture, therapeutic massage - also often used in treatment. Physiotherapy is performed in the absence of contraindications.

Doctors strongly recommend to give up smoking and other bad habits.

Medication Therapy

The above methods include the following:

  1. Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of a cream, ointment, gel.
  2. With the aim of removing the pain syndrome, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, but only in the form of injections (they achieve faster pain relief) or tablets.
  3. Use of modern means, such as chondroprotectors. These are the drugs that prevent further destruction of the cartilage.
  4. Surgical intervention in the form of arthroplasty.

Note surgical intervention.

This is a modern method of surgical treatment, which is used only in situations where conservative treatment does not have any effect, and the symptoms of the disease constantly torment a person. It is important to note that this method is expensive. Replacement of the joint does not mean that you will never need a second operation.

To prevent another surgical intervention, it is necessary at the initial signs of this ailment To address to the doctor-surgeon or the doctor-rheumatologist, instead of to be engaged in a selftreatment (it is dangerous to health patient).

It must be remembered that this disease can not pass by itself.

In the absence of necessary treatment, only its progression occurs, and accordingly, the patient begins to experience even stronger pains, there is a restriction in movement the joint.


The doctor, after examination and some of the examinations performed, will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment and alleviate the suffering of the patient with arthritis, and the quality of human life can noticeably improve.


A source: http://legsgo.ru/arthritis/vidy-artritov.html

Types of joint arthritis

Systemic lupus erythematosus is an inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects joints, kidneys and tissues. Symptoms of lupus include fever, rashes on the skin, anemia and joint disease.

Typically, the disease overtakes women in the period between puberty and menopause.

In addition, this type of joint arthritis is associated with a violation of the metabolism of estrogen, progesterone and androgens, as well as a deficit of immunomodulators such as complement.

Signs of the risk of developing lupus erythematosus are some genetic markers - HLA-B8, HLA-DR2, HLA-DR3, which can be detected by blood and tissue tests on DNA.

Lupus erythematosus is most commonly found in people with blood type B and in those of other blood groups whose bodies do not produce enough antibodies in response to stimulation with B antigen.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of joint arthritis

Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of chronic inflammatory disease from the group of arthritis, affecting mainly the spine.

It used to be considered a form of rheumatoid arthritis, but it has now been established that ankylosing spondylitis, although associated with rheumatoid arthritis, but is an independent disease that affects men three to four times more often than women.

Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis

The most typical symptom of this type of joint arthritis is back pain. At first, this dull and aching pain is very similar to the one that is felt in rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, many people experience pain in the legs, shoulders, pelvis and under the knees. Can become painfully sensitive ankles.

Often a concomitant disease with ankylosing spondylitis becomes iritis, or inflammation of the iris of the eye.

Prevalence of the disease

Ankylosing spondylitis is transmitted by inheritance. The predisposition to this type of joint arthritis is determined by the presence of the genetic marker HLA-B27.

As a rule, the acute phase of ankylosing spondylitis lasts about ten years, after which the patient's condition stabilizes.


This kind of joint arthritis can lead to irreversible lesions of the spine, hip or knee joints.


Those who have ankylosing spondylitis appear at adolescence, are more prone to other forms than others arthritis and more often need a hip replacement than those who were affected by the disease after thirty.

Apparently, there is some connection between people who are not able to secrete the antigen of their blood group, and an increased risk of ankylosing spondylitis.

Infectious arthritis is a type of joint arthritis

In some cases, the cause of arthritis is a bacterial or viral infection. If a bacterial infection is involved, weaken the symptoms of arthritis and cure the disease will help early diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics.

Symptoms of Infectious Arthritis

One form of infectious arthritis - reactive arthritis - can develop as a result of an infectious infection of the lower part of the urinary tract, intestinal tract or other organs.

Typical complications of infectious arthritis are problems with vision, the appearance of rashes on the skin and sores in the mouth. Varieties of infectious arthritis are parvoviral arthritis and gonorrhea arthritis.

In addition, the symptoms of this type of joint arthritis can be observed with Lyme disease, which is caused by a bacterial infection after a bite by a deer tick.

These studies suggest that the owners of blood group B, in contrast to representatives of other blood groups, protect against the development of reactive arthritis genetic characteristics. At the same time, non-secretaries are more prone to this disease than secretors.

Fibromyalgia is a type of joint arthritis

Fibromyalgic syndrome is a chronic condition that causes a feeling of pain and fatigue right away in many parts of the body.

The word "fibromyalgia" consists of three roots: fibro (fibrous tissues, such as tendons and ligaments), tu (muscles) and algia (pain).

Unlike arthritis, fibromyalgia does not cause pain in the joints themselves and does not lead to their swelling; this disease is characterized by pain in the surrounding joints of soft tissues, in the skin and other organs.

Symptoms of fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgic pain is usually described as diffuse or burning from head to toe. It is often accompanied by muscle spasms.


Its sharpness and location of the epicenter can change daily and concentrate in those parts of the body that are subjected to the greatest burden (for example, in the neck, shoulders or feet).

In some cases, the pain with this kind of joint arthritis can be so strong that people will not being able to perform their duties at work and at home, in others it causes minimal inconvenience.

As for fatigue, then its degree in different people is different - from easy fatigue to severe exhaustion, similar to that felt by people with the flu.

Causes and Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is difficult to diagnose. The standard method uses the palpation of eighteen characteristic sensitive points.

The point is a dosage pressure of about 4 kg, and if the patient reports that it hurts, the reaction is considered positive.

To establish a clinical diagnosis of painful points should be no less than eleven.

Despite the fact that the causes of this type of joint arthritis are still unknown, there is no doubt that this the disease is associated with some kind of disturbance in the work of the pain perception system, resulting in a patient's sensitivity sharply increases.


Recently, researchers have paid much attention to the neuroendocrine system and the abnormal status of such neurochemicals, as encoded by the calcitonin gene peptides, as well as norepinephrine, endorphins, dopamine, histamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid.


There is an opinion that in the case of fibromyalgia, the functions of the hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal glands are also violated. Sometimes the first manifestation of fibromyalgia is preceded by a trauma or some kind of disease, such as a back injury, flu or Lyme disease.

However, there is no reliable evidence that fibromyalgia causes illness or trauma.

Some scientists see the connection between fibromyalgia and depression. Depression can lead to changes in the chemical processes of the brain and the release of substances that increase sensitivity to pain and cause fibromyalgia.

Studies suggest that among the causative factors of this type of joint arthritis may include stress and poor the physical state of the body, because during periods of stress the symptoms are aggravated, and with decreasing stress loads, the pain is weakening. A number of published data in the medical literature indicates that the rejection of wheat products can improve the condition of patients with fibromyalgia. It is known that in the possession of some blood groups excessive wheat consumption causes immunological problems.

Scleroderma - a type of joint arthritis

In a literal translation, scleroderma means "hard skin". Known also as systemic sclerosis, this disease is a chronic autoimmune disease, which manifests itself mainly in women aged thirty to fifty years.

Symptoms of scleroderma

This kind of joint arthritis can spread to any part of the body, and since it often causes thickening and thickening of the skin, it is called "a disease that turns people into stone."

Skin condensation often occurs on the hands, deforming the joints of the fingers. The body of patients with scleroderma produces an excessive amount of collagen (fibrous protein) in the affected areas of the skin or internal organs.


Symptoms of this type of joint arthritis vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.


Despite the fact that the remedy for this disease has not yet been found, early diagnosis and active treatment can help minimize symptoms and prevent serious damage to organs and tissues.

Data from the studies indicate that in patients with scleroderma, the concentration of antibodies reacting to incompatible blood groups is increased.

For example, in patients with blood group A, the level of antibodies to B-antigen was increased.

It is believed that the production of these antibodies is provoked by a diet - in particular, the consumption of plant foods containing blood group antigens.

A source: http://www.medmoon.ru/bolezni/ankilozirujuwii_spondilit_1.html

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