What to take with ARVI

Review of antiviral drugs in cases of influenza and influenza

Any disease, especially ARVI and the Flu is easier, cheaper and safer not to treat, but not to prevent, to prevent its occurrence. Recently, especially worried about the "point" - it's safer. Should I take antiviral pills at all? In today's complex world, how to understand the issues:

  • Will the effect of using an expensive antiviral drug?
  • Which drug is better for adults to take flu, children?
  • Do not it cause harm to health?
  • Is there the best cure for flu?
  • Effective antiviral drugs - is it advertising, business, dummy or not?

Antiviral drugs for Orvy on the Russian pharmaceutical market are as follows:

Virtually all antiviral drugs for orvi and flu have no evidence base for their antiviral efficacy. Studies are very expensive, conducted by the manufacturers themselves and those interested in the positive conclusion of the parties. Today, most clinical trials of new drugs are regularly falsified in order to bring "miraculous" drugs to the market with a new price tag. Given the fabulous commercial benefits of selling expensive antiviral drugs during the epidemic, honesty and objectivity of research is not believed. As you know, pharmacological publications, even in medical journals today, are about 90 percent - these are custom-made articles of an advertising nature.

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Today in the pharmacy chains an abundance of various medicines, some of which in fact "Medicines" are not, because there are a lot of fakes, frank dummies and inefficient means. Advocates of patients' rights in Ukraine, for example, argue that in 4 drugs registered as antiviral - the active substance was not found. However, a wide advertising company allows producers to earn millions of hryvnias on them per year.

Antiviral drugs for Orvi are conventionally divided into:

  • Vaccines - stimulation of the production of antibodies before infection with the virus
  • Immunostimulants - drugs that temporarily enhance nonspecific immunity, which promote the production of interferons
  • Antiviral drugs are agents that affect neuraminidase (a viral enzyme) by suppressing the multiplication of the virus (Oseltamivir, Zanamivir) and blockers of M2-channels Amantadine, Remantadin - these drugs have proven clinical effectiveness, but as any means have a number of side effects effects.

Most antiviral drugs for orvi and influenza are developed and applied no more than 10-40 years. The drug should have a greater "trial period" in order to draw a conclusion about its effectiveness and side effects. As for immunostimulants, these funds can have delayed consequences (development risks autoimmune diseases, oncological diseases of the blood, etc.) and should be prescribed according to strict indications.

Immunity modulators and antiviral agents

The immunostimulants produced today show the activation of immune reactions at the biochemical level (what is called "In vitro"), but their real benefits and long-term consequences of use are rather complex, poorly understood region. Since information on many mechanisms of immunity has become known relatively recently, scientists are getting more and more information about its functioning every year. Therefore, there is no confidence in the safety and correctness of general stimulation of the "under-researched" immune system (see Fig. what is immunity and whether drugs are needed to improve it). Especially prudent should be the preventive use of immunostimulants and the treatment with antiviral medicines for children.

"Pharmacy immunostimulants can not only help the body, but also harm" - says Ph.D. Tatyana Tikhomirova, immunologist-allergist. Such a state as hyperactivation of the immune system, as well as immunodeficiency is extremely dangerous, the human body functions normally only with the balance of the immune system. And if a person each time stimulates ("to increase self-immunity"), then, in the presence of predisposing factors, this may result in pathological inflammation, launching of immune aggression on healthy tissues, hyperactivation of the immune system and theoretically (in extreme cases) to the development of autoimmune or oncological disease.

If the next of kin has any autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis, insulin-dependent sugar diabetes, Sjogren's syndrome, multiple sclerosis, etc.), then under no circumstances should a person use any immunostimulants. Even if a person is healthy, there is already a violation of the immune system, and one can live with them all his life, but if he is rude and persistently try to stimulate their immune system, it can end with the debut of an autoimmune disease.

Fortunately, for most healthy people, without the presence of any predisposing factors, it is difficult to "achieve" your immunity so as to seriously damage your health. Since most of the known immunostimulants either do not work at all, or almost do not work. One part of the drugs - an ordinary deception, another - ineffective means. But it should be remembered that any drug has side effects.

Drug Groups Act Names of drugs
Interferon preparations Blockade of viral mRNA translation, presentation of viral antigens Recombinant alpha / gamma interferons
Etiotropic means Neuraminidase inhibitors
  • Relenza
  • Tamiflu
  • Peramivir
Ion channel blockers Rimantadine (Remantadin, Orvirem)
Antiviral drugs with varying degrees of evidence of action Enabling synthesis
endogenous interferons
  • Kagocel
  • Cycloferon
  • Lavomax (Amiksin, Tyloron)
  • Cytovir 3
Specific HA chaperone
  • Arbidol
NP-Protein Inhibitors
  • Ingavirin

Alexander Khadzhidis, Chief Clinical Pharmacologist, St. Petersburg states the following: "Some doctors for some reason first appoint patients antipyretic drugs, and then immunomodulators, supposedly for the production of interferon - which is illogical and generally is absurd. That is, first, knocking down the temperature - "forbid" the body to fight the virus (at high temperature, antibodies are produced against the virus and infection), and then artificially "forced" do.

In developed countries, interferonogens (drugs that stimulate the production of interferon) are not at all. Interferons can work only with parenteral (intravenous) administration, and even then, their effectiveness is questionable. In Russia, these drugs are extremely popular, despite the fact that they are useless.

With regard to antipyretics with the virus - to knock down the temperature better with paracetamol and once with a rise in temperature, rather than 4 p / day - "just in case." Taking Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) in ARVI, especially in children under 12 years old, is contraindicated, it can become the cause of severe damage to the central nervous system and the liver, it is not recommended to apply it to those who suffered from peptic ulcer disease Gastrointestinal tract. "

Well-known in Russia doctor Alexander Myasnikov says that all immunomodulators widely advertised in our country are a waste of money. In the United States and Western Europe, it is already unequivocally recognized and proven that these remedies are ineffective, but most Russian doctors continue to believe in the power of immunomodulators in treating Orvi.

Cytovir 3

Pharmacological action: Integratedimmunostimulating, an antiviral drug,

has an interferonogenic effect. As part of the drug - Timogen sodium, ascorbic acid, bendazole. Timogen synthetically obtained dipeptide, it enhances the nonspecific resistance of the organism. Ascorbic acid normalizes the permeability of capillaries, reducing the activity of the inflammatory process. Bendazol stimulates the production of endogenous interferon in the body.

Side effects: in people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, causes a decrease in blood pressure.

Contraindications: in pregnancy, children under 1 year, thrombophlebitis, severe hypotension, diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcer, urolithiasis.

Issued: since 2001 in capsules, for children since 2006 in syrup, in powder for the preparation of solution
Research: There is no reliable information about clinical trials confirming its efficacy and safety. Often, doctors and pharmacists recommend this tool for children, but use it to treat children should be used with caution or not used at all.

References: Quite a lot of reviews in patients who use Citovir, about the effectiveness and absence of side effects. Improvement of well-being is observed on the second-third day, in single cases the drug did not help.
Price: Cytovir 3 - average240-580rub.


Pharmacological action: inducer of interferon synthesis, antiviral,immunomodulatingeffect. Composition: the sodium salt of the copolymer, which causes the formation of late interferon, which has high antiviral activity. The greatest effect occurs if you start treatment within the first 24 hours of the disease, but not later than the 4th day after the onset of an acute infection. With a view to prevention, it is possible to take it at any time, preferably immediately after contact with a sick Orvy or a flu.

Side effects: the emergence of allergic reactions.
It is issued: It is registered in 2003, since 2005 it is made in tablets, since 2011 it is resolved to use for children over 3 years old for the treatment of influenza, as an prevention for children can be used for children older than 6 years.

Research efficiency and safety: There is conflicting information. The active ingredient is the sodium salt of the gossypol copolymer with carboxymethyl cellulose.

And Gossipol itself is a natural polyphenol, it has been banned in the world since 1998 due to its toxicity. Gossypol for a long time and actively studied by some countries as a contraceptive, with its continued intake completely stops spermatogenesis. Chinese and Brazilian scientists say that host gossypol boys and men may suffer infertility in the future. However, Kagocel is not pure gossypol, it is the sodium salt of the copolymer, which has other properties that differ from the properties of the chemical itself.

The manufacturer actively advertises the drug and claims that the salt in Kagocel is negligible, 4 times lower than the concentration from the international standards allowed. Multiple stages of purification of the product ensure the absence of free Gossypol in the final drug, which is checked by monitoring the quality of each series of Kagocel tablets. The method used to check the availability of free gossypol is very accurate, it can reveal its content higher, 036%. In early 2013, data were published on tests performed on rats - no changes in reproductive function were detected in animals.

That is, research on primates was not done? It is known that gossypol for different animal species has its maximum dose of toxicity, according to the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) for rats the limiting toxic dose is 2200-3300 mg / kg.,for pigs 550, for guinea pigs up to 300 mg / kg. The research carried out by the manufacturer consisted in the administration of therapeutic doses to male rats, and doses 25 times higher than therapeutic doses250 mg / kg). Can you trust the rest of the statements and "studies"?

Neither in Western Europe nor in the United States Kagocel is not used, there are no WHO medicines on the list. The effectiveness of the drug is not proven according to the representatives of the Formulary Committee of the RAMS and SDMX. There were no statistical studies on the development of side effects as of autumn 2013.

The drug is actively recommended for use by adults and children, but evidence of the safety of this medicines for children 3-6 years old no, clinical studies for this age group are not was produced.

Reviews: Many help, some children and adults are allergic reactions in the form of rashes, swelling, itching.
Price: Kagocel - average180-280rub. In 2012, the volume of sales amounted to - 2.64 billion. rubles

Tyloron (Amiksin, Lavomax)

Pharmacological action: active ingredient Tiloron, possesses antiviral andimmunomodulatingaction, it is a synthetic inducer of interferon that stimulates the formation of interferons alpha, beta, gamma.

Side effects: short-term chills, allergic reactions, contraindicated in breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Issued: almost 40 years ago, children under 7 years of age are strictly prohibited.

Research: The benefits of the drug are unquestionable for both treatment and prevention of viral diseases, but this can overlap with potential harm to the body. In the 80's in the US, after tests on mice, the drug was banned, as it had a highly toxic effect,in experimental animals, retinal bundle, liver lipidosis and other side effects were observed. It does not apply in the US and the European Union. In our country, continue to produce antiviral Amiksin and doctors appoint it to patients.
A small study involved 14 patients who received tilorone in a dose of 152 and 189 g, in 2 the drug caused keratopathy and retinopathy (while the visual acuity did not decrease), these effects were reversible. The authors of the study concluded about the potential danger of the drug for health.
Reviews: The occurrence of allergic reactions, the high cost of medicine.
Price: Amiksin - on average500-560rub. Sales volume in 2012 amounted to 7 billion. rub.

Additionally! Medicines, the so-called immunomodulators - Lycopid, Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Proteflazide, Timogen, Panavir, Isoprinosine, Neovir, Groprinosin and others. - should not be used to treat children (for various diseases) without immunograms and serious indications as they do not have the proper clinical trials of efficacy and safety in the treatment children.

Antiviral drugs

Below are just some of the antiviral medications from Orvi, reviews about them, a brief description, comments on known studies of their effectiveness, the average price in pharmacies.


Pharmacological action: active substance imidazolylethanamide pentandioic acid. It is active against adenovirus infection, influenza A, B, respiratory syncytial infection, parainfluenza. It is an immunomodulator that affects the functional activity of the interferon system.

Side effects: allergic reactions

Contraindicated: children under 18 years.

Produced: as a drug for the treatment of influenza and orgi from 2008, before that, according to prof. Vlasova Vasilia Vitaglutam (imidazolylethanamide pentane diacid) was used in Russia before 2008 as a stimulant for hematopoiesis in cancer patients receiving an anticancer therapy.

Research: According to the manufacturers, the idea of ​​producing Ingavirin arose in the 1980s, but Only after many years of research into its safety and efficacy was the drug submitted for registration by 2008 year. When Vitaglutam was used in patients with oncological diseases, there was no convincing evidence of its effectiveness. And when in 2008 Ingavirin appeared on the pharmaceutical market without full-fledged studies, the "epidemic of swine flu" began in the country, therefore Ingavirin was actively sold. The drug was recommended by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, even despite the absence of placebo-controlled studies, reasonable evidence of its effectiveness.

One study conducted at 105!!! of patients with confirmed influenza showed the following results:

  • Receiving ingavirin reduced the duration of fever to 3 hours (if used in the first 1 days after the onset of the disease)
  • In the placebo group, this is 72 hours
  • In the group taking Arbidol - 48 hours

Analyzing the duration and intensity of flu symptoms - weakness, headache, dizziness in patients with ingavirin was confirmed to reduce the severity of the disease, side effects are not revealed.

In May 2009, Alexander Chuchalin, chief therapist of the Russian Federation, (he led a team of drug developers) gave an interview to the magazine Ogonek: "The new antiviral agent Ingavirin efficiency is much higher than that of the AmericanTamiflu. The Russian drug is quickly and easily integrated into the genome of the A / H1N1 virus, immediately destroying it. It is also effective with other dangerous viruses. "

Reviews: Most drug does not help, isolated cases confirm the reduction in the timing of the disease.

Price:380-460rub. From January to June 2010, the sales volume of Ingavirin was 220 million. rubles, 467 thousand packages were sold.


Pharmacological action: Antiviral, has the ability to suppress viruses of influenza A and B, SARS - severe acute respiratory syndrome, associated coronavirus. Arbidol is also used in the complex therapy of acute rotavirus intestinal infections.
Active substance: Methylphenylthiomethyl-dimethylaminomethyl-hydroxybromoindole carboxylic acid ethyl ester.

Side effects: use of children under 3 years is prohibited, individual

allergic reactions.
Produced: invented in 1974, in 1992, it began its industrial production.

Research: Until 2013 there was no convincing evidence in its effectiveness and safety. Studies conducted in the USSR have not been published. In Russia in 2008, a study of 300 people showed that Viferon was more effective than Arbidol. In 2004, in China, tests for 230 patients with symptoms of Orvi showed it was not effective, in contrast to Tamiflu and Ingaverin. In 2009, in the journal of the UK "Antiviral Research the authors of the research stated that strains resistant to Arbidol are formed less frequently than those of Remantadine and Amantadine.

The Office of Quality Control of US Medicines denied registration of Arbidol in the United States, and WHO has never considered this drug as an effective antiviral drug.

Update on the drug: At the end of 2013, the World Health Organization Arbidol (umifenovir) as an antiviral drug with a direct effect, assigning it an individual code J05AX13. Thus, Pharmstandard received a nominal permission for widespread use of the drug on the territory of the Russian Federation, where Arbidol is included in the standards of treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI in children and adults.

Nevertheless, the multicenter test of the effectiveness of Arbidol, which was planned to be completed in 2013, has not been completed to this day, and its terms have been postponed to 2015. The results of this test, which has serious sponsors and does not suffer from a shortage of patients, could put a dot over I in the arbidol epic, but for unknown reasons this is not occurs. I.eevidence of effectiveness is not present until now, it remains to wait ...

Reviews: The same number of positive reviews and opinions about the ineffectiveness of its use. There are isolated cases of allergic reactions in the form of dermatitis, angioedema, pain in the epigastric region.
Price: Arbidol - on average130-710rub. In 2012, the volume of sales - more than 5 billion. rub.

At the pharmaceutical market in Belarus, an analog of Arbidol, producer of JV "Lekpharm" appeared. It is a generic drug, in the Belarusian import-substituting packaging - Arpetol. The instructions to him indicate that the active substance is: arbidol hydrochloride? Once again, the commercialization of today's pharma market and the lack of proper control is proved!


Pharmacological action: an antiviral drug, which includes oseltamivir carboxylate (active metabolite), suppresses influenza A and B viruses. When Orvi is not effective.

Side effects: Nausea, insomnia, diarrhea, dizziness, lethargy, cough, headaches, with caution to pregnant women and lactation. Contraindicated for children under 1 year.

Produced: since 1996, the pharmaceutical company "F. Hoffmann-La Roche "registered the right to develop

preparations containing oseltamivir.

Research: Tamiflu has a disadvantage - it complicates the diagnosis, because side effects are similar to the symptoms of influenza. It is dangerous in the epidemic period with long-term admission. Optimum effective only short-term use - a few days at the beginning of the flu. Independent researchers demanded a standard report from the Swiss manufacturer of 4-5 research modules. To which the pharmaceutical company provided only the first modules, repeated requests for full information were never satisfied.

Since 2004, cases of neuropsychic disorders began to be registered, more often in children and adolescents, who took Tamiflu during influenza - hallucinations, nightmares, confusion, convulsions, anxiety, etc.

Japanese postmarketing studies of this drug in 2006 have indicated a risk of developing impaired consciousness in humans - psychosis, depression, suicidal tendencies, especially in children. And there were also 54 deaths after Tamiflu, 16 of which were in adolescents 10-19 years (15 killed suicide, 1 died, hitting a car), the rest died of kidney failure (it is possible that due to severe flu).

The latest information about this drug:Back in April 2014, the Cochrane Society (an independent health research network) represented by Tom Jefferson and the British Medical the journal published data from the Cochrane review of studies that did not confirm the efficacy of Tamiflu and Relenza in the treatment and prevention influenza. Also, the efficacy of reducing influenza complications with these drugs has also been questioned. The firm attempts of Roche firm to fight back with a firm promise to provide undeniable evidence in the form of results of randomized trials have so far not been successful. Evidence is expected to present.

April 10, 2014, the Cochrane Collaboration website published the results of these 26 clinical trials Relenza and 20 clinical trials of Tamiflu, in which 2, 00 people participated.

As a result of the research it was found that:

  • Oseltamivir as a preventive agent slightly reduces the risk of developing influenza in families, without reducing the ability of the influenza virus to be transmitted from person to person.
  • The duration of symptoms is reduced by 16 hours (from 7 to, days), in children this effect is absent altogether.
  • The drug has no effect on the risk of serious complications (sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis), that is, does not reduce the likelihood of complications.
  • The medicine is recognized as sufficiently toxic, increasing the risk of nausea, vomiting in both children and adults.
  • When used for preventive purposes, the drug was dangerous to health, because it leads to mental disorders, impaired renal function, in some cases found that it helps to reduce the production of their own antibodies to the virus.

Based on these studies, health officials of the world's leading countries should decide to stop mass procurement of antiviral drugs with the current substance Oseltamivir due to the high risk of side effects and low effectiveness as a medicine for the therapy and prevention of influenza virus in the period epidemic.

reference: only on the basis of the claims of the manufacturer Tamiflu that the drug significantly reduces the risk of serious complications and hospitalization of patients during the epidemic, countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States in 2009 in connection with the epidemic of swine flu, these drugs were purchased at 40 million doses (The USA, bln. dollars, Great Britain 424 million. f.St.).

Based on recent data on the low efficacy and non-safety of this antiviral agent, an international group experts in evidence-based medicine called on the governments of the world's leading countries to stop mass purchases of Tamiflu and Relenza.

Reviews: There are enough reviews about side effects in the form of vomiting, dizziness, psychosis, headache. The effectiveness of influenza is confirmed by many.

Price: Tamiflu-on average1200-1300rub.

Remantadine (Rimantadine)

Pharmacological action: antiviral drug, an adamantane derivative, suppresses various strains of the influenza A virus (swine flu including).

Side effects: contraindicated in pregnant women, children under 1 year. Reduces concentration of attention, causes dizziness, nervousness, headache, increased fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dryness in


Produced: information on the first uses of the drug are known since 1968.

Research: The tests were conducted from 1981 to 2006, mainly they showed a lower toxicity of Remantadine in comparison with Amantadine. One study showed the effectiveness of preventing Amantadine influenza infection by 61% in compared with the placebo group and in the event that a person fell ill, then for 1 day reduced febrile syndrome. In the same study, he was compared to Tamiflu, he gave an efficacy of 73% of the placebo group. Rimantadine (Remantadine) is currently considered a drug with proven clinical efficacy, but the possible resistance to it of some strains of the influenza virus.

Reviews: There are reviews that Remantadin causes side effects - dizziness, tachycardia, bitterness in the mouth. In general, the reviews are positive.
Price: Remantadine - average50-150rub.

It is during the flu (including swine) with the first symptoms of therapists and pediatricians recommend: adults - Remantadin, Tamiflu. Children over 1 year old are shown by Orvir (rimantadine syrup), Viferon. Children older than 8 years can - Remantadin (in the table), Tamiflu.

Interferon preparations

Interferons are informant proteins, which are excreted by cells infected with viruses. They seem to inform other cells about the infection and the required inactivation of the virus. Alpha interferons produce lymphocytes, beta - fibroblasts. In addition to Viferon, the alpha group includes Intron, Reaferon, Kipferon.


The creation of the drug was scientifically justified in the period 1990-1995. group of scientists of the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. N.F. Gamaleia under the guidance of prof. Malinovskaya V.V.
Since December 1996 on the basis of the same SRI, serial production of recombinant interferon alfa-2b in suppositories begins. Viferon - a candle with a different content of the active substance.


  • Viferon-1 (150000 IU) is designed for babies from birth to 7 years. It is used in ARVI, herpetic infection, as an additional remedy for prolonged pneumonia or sepsis, including in preterm infants with intrauterine infections. The drug is given a course for 5 days. Children under 7 years are recommended 1 candle 2 times a day. Preterm, born on a period of more than 34 weeks - as children under 7 years. With a shorter gestation period - 1 candle three times a day. If necessary, after a five-day break, the course can be repeated for another 5 days.
  • In children older than seven years, an adult drug in candles for 50, 00 IU is used twice a day for five days. Possible use of viferon in pregnant women.
  • Candles with viferon content of , 0, 00 and , 0, 00 IU are used in the treatment of viral hepatitis and herpetic infections.
  • The preparation in the form of ointment is intended for the therapy of herpes on the skin and mucous membranes in adults and children older than a year.

Side effects: the main side effect of drugs viferon may be an allergic reaction, which happens infrequently.

Research: As for the effectiveness of the drug, it is not included in list A of evidence-based pharmacology. I.e,wide randomized trials in humans consistent with international standards were not performed. However, a positive practical experience of treatment with viferon in pediatric practice is available. (By the way, nitroglycerin also does not have randomized studies that prove its effectiveness, which does not make it an ineffective first-line drug for stenocardia). Publications of these clinical trials of the drug are available only in Russian and were conducted only in domestic clinics. Value for money allows pediatricians to recommend a drug for ARVI treatment in children younger than seven years. For adults in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, the drug is of limited use because of rectal administration and the availability of alternative drugs.

The main arguments of the opponents of the drug:

  • high molecular weight of protein molecules that can not be absorbed in the gut
  • lack of clinical trials that meet international standards.


In candle light a little expensive for the treatment of common colds. Therefore, it is replaced by viferon. But, with severe forms of intestinal dysbiosis in children of the first two years of life, the drug shows good clinical results.

Studies: Randomized trials were not conducted, that is, the drugrefers to the list of drugs with unproven effects. The main claims:

  • High molecular weight, which prevents normal absorption
  • Adding to the drug components of the donor blood, which can cause fever and allergies.


Cycloferon was originally registered as a veterinary drug in 1993 for the treatment of animals with viral infections, in 1995 it was already honey. a drug.

The drug Cycloferon is approved for use in adults and children older than four years. Produced in solution for injection, tablets, liniment. Refers to immunomodulating drugs, is an inducer of interferon, enhancing its production and exhibiting antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties.

Application: on the territory of the Russian Federation is used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, viral hepatitis, herpes infection, human papillomaviruses and other urological and gynecological pathologies (eg, candidiasis, chlamydia).
Contraindications: The drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating. May cause an allergic reaction.
Research: Cycloferon is an immunostimulant that stimulates the immune system and the production of interferons. To date, allclinical trialsthis drug, published in the medical literature,were conducted only in the territory of the Russian Federation and do not meet international standards.

There are no serious clinical trials for cycloferon that would prove its effectiveness or refuted the absence of long-term adverse effects of this drug (development of autoimmune diseases). It is not superfluous to recall that all drugs that are on the pharma market for less than five years are still at the fifth level pharmacological tests and it is quite possible to identify previously unknown undesirable effects from drugs such series. In the presence of newly identified harmful effects, the drug will be withdrawn from the pharmacy networks and discontinued, and most of those who have been treated with this remedy and have earned some disruptions in health are unlikely to receive at least some compensation.


Ineffectiveness of antiviral agents due to the stability of strains of the virus

The lack of a positive effect with the use of certain antiviral drugs for influenza is possible, and because there are drug-resistant viruses and a specific influenza strain may already be resistant to a particular drug (eg, Remantadin).

Other treatments and placebo effect

It is also possible that patients whose reviews indicate the efficacy of such remedies were quickly recovered by other methods of symptomatic treatment, and the placebo effect is not excluded (cf. amazing facts about placebo).

Strong immunity

In a healthy organism, after 2-3 days, the immune system produces enough protective antibodies against the virus, it does not need additional medicines. It is enough to comply with all the known rules - bed rest, plentiful hot drink, vitaminized foods and drinks, clean air in the patient's room, gargling, etc.

Rapid recovery with antiviral drugs

In various life situations, reducing the duration of the disease even for one day can be very important, for example - wedding day, urgent business trip, important business deal, exam, interview and etc. It is in such cases that the use of antiviral drugs, which reduce the duration of the illness by 2-3 days, may make sense.

There are no adequate studies

Absence of benign studies on the study of effectiveness and side effects (on a large group of people, different ages, during long time), most antiviral agents from Orvi and influenza suggest the caution of their use or even the rejection of them.

Do not spend money on pacifiers

Spending money, in some cases, considerable, on drugs with unproved efficacy, side effects, questionable safety, perhaps, is not advisable. Any medicine, even useless or empty, can damage the body.

Video transmission: How the placebo effect works

  • sec: 4 min. - about what means are usually prescribed by doctors
  • with 2: 0 - about the effect of placebo on the work of the immune system
  • with 3: 7 - about the high effect of placebo in children
  • with 3: 5 - about preparations-pustachki, appointed or nominated at ORVI
  • with 3: 0 - about homeopathy and antiviral drugs in ARVI
  • with 4: 7 - on how modern research is conducted


How quickly to cure ARVI (cold) for three and without antibiotics?


Lena Orlova

without antibiotics, I think it will take longer. I'm already treated with antibiotics on the 4th ..)


no way


http://vashidoctora.ru/kak-bystro-vylechit-prostudu.html do not need antibiotics for ARVI read and do everything in a hurry


Drink ascorbic acid (but I'm afraid you can not meet the deadlines).


ARVI antibiotics are not treated, because only antibiotics are sensitive to antibiotics, and acute respiratory viral infections are VIRUS infection, viruses are not afraid of them!))) And the one who drinks them just so just poison themselves and accustom them slowly to them organism. PR and ARVI take antiviral drugs: arbidol, remantadine, etc. Also vitamin C, in the early days of the disease, interferon in the nose drip or anaferon in tablets, to strengthen immunity and mobilize your own natural body forces. In the pharmacy you can ask.

I'm happy

ARVI is an acute respiratory-viral infection, viruses do not cure antibiotics if cho)


SARS goes without medications, the main thing is not to stop the body from fighting (not to bring down the temperature below 3, to constantly enlighten the room, drink a lot, eat a little). For 3 days in any case, if not to interfere, the condition should be greatly facilitated.
Antibiotics for ARVI lead to not very good results.


tincture of propolis (pharmacy) 25 drops in the morning in the afternoon and at night, half a glass of water or juice, there is no difference in any way, with a beginning cold, two days maximum. I drink it myself, give the child, all the friends use this remedy. By the way there it is written "externally" do not pay attention. If there is no allergy to beekeeping products, try not regret it.

ewgeny gasnikov

Indian way of treatment of catarrhal diseases:
1. The presence of cold symptoms (fever, runny nose, cough, chills, but there is still no pain in the throat) ie, the disease has not yet penetrated into the body-
for 1 cup of hot milk:
by pinch
-black pepper,
-Red pepper,
- ginger (dry, ground),
cardamom (dry, ground)
1 teaspoonful:
-sahar (not honey)
To drink, 1 glass in a hot form for the night and a second glass, in the morning, as rose.
By 10-11 o'clock from the cold there will be no trace.
2.If to above listed symptoms was added also a pain in a throat,
that is, the disease penetrated deep into the body, all the ingredients are the same,
cardamom, which (in the same dose) is replaced with KURKUM (natural
antibiotic); but to drink should be 4-6 glasses, for 2 days.
The recipe is tested and tested by me personally and on relatives, it corresponds to the truth.

SARS without temperature

Most of us are used to associate infectious diseases with fever. Indeed, high temperatures (above 37 ° C) indicate that the body is fighting viruses and bacterial infection. Medical experts even advise not to take the pill from the temperature, if the indices do not exceed 38 ° C. However, why sometimes there are cases of acute respiratory infections without temperature? Is this normal, or is something wrong with the body?


We all know that the normal temperature should be 3, ° C. Sometimes fluctuations from 36 to 37 ° C are allowed, in view of the particular organism.

The flow of acute respiratory viral infection without temperature in most cases indicates a weakening of the immune system, the depletion of the body's internal reserves and a strong decrease in resistance to infection. Often, low rates indicate problems with the protective system, about moral or physical overload.

The lowering of the functions of immunity is often associated with a current infectious disease. For example, if a viral or other microbial infection alternates one after another, then the organism does not have time to recover, being weakened by the previous pathology. A sharp surge of a new disease can become an unbearable strain on the immune system, which affects the weak response from the thermoregulation apparatus.

In a smaller number of cases, normal temperatures for a viral infection can be triggered by hypothalamic dysfunction, which is often observed with severe intoxication of the body. The bottom line is that one of the functions of the hypothalamus is the control over the processes of thermoregulation in the body. And, as you know, the hypothalamus (the department of the intermediate brain, responsible for the constancy of the internal environment of the body) is very sensitive to the effects of toxic substances. During intoxication (an integral part of SARS), a temporary malfunction may occur in the hypothalamus, which affects the improper operation of the thermoregulatory system.


Symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection without temperature are not specific, therefore it is very difficult to determine the patient's normal parameters without using a thermometer.

With the standard course, the signs of the disease are unchanged, except for a rise in temperature:

  • soreness in the throat, swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • rhinitis, obstructed nasal breathing, mucous discharge from the nose;
  • sneezing;
  • dry cough, gradually turning into wet;
  • pain in the muscles, a feeling of aches all over the body.

Most acute respiratory viral infections begin with sore throat, mucous discharge from the nose, a feeling of malaise. Since the temperature values ​​are unchanged, or even underestimated, there may be strong weakness, apathy, the patient is constantly tending to sleep, irritability may appear.

If the normal temperature gradually turns into hypothermia (lowering t °), then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Cough with SARS without fever

First, we will understand why there is a cough in ARVI - they serve as a protective reaction of our body. With the help of a cough reflex, the airways try to get rid of the discharge (sputum), and also reduce the irritation of the respiratory organs from the products of the vital activity of viruses and bacteria.

If coughing with ARVI occurs without a temperature, then most patients continue in this state to go to work or to study. This situation is unacceptable, because the sick person is the source of a viral infection, and the disease itself can be complicated, for example, by bacterial pathology.

In the case when cough not only does not pass, but also intensifies, this may be a sign of the spread of the inflammatory process to the lower parts of the respiratory system. If the temperature in this case does not increase further, then this indicates serious problems with immunity. The body does not fight, and the patient's condition worsens - of course, this is not good. It is necessary to consult a specialist, because the disease can be complicated by bronchitis, pneumonia. In addition, the acute process can develop into chronic, chronic pharyngolaringitis or bronchitis.

Therefore, if the patient coughs, then you should consult a doctor, regardless of whether he has a fever, or not. It is much easier to prevent complications than to try to cure them later.

SARS in a child without fever

In early childhood (up to 3 years), an acute respiratory viral infection in a child without fever can often occur. Experts cause this situation not fully formed thermoregulatory apparatus, as well as not fully developed neural mechanisms (connections). But, even if the temperature values ​​are normal, and the baby has other symptoms of ARVI, then it is still necessary to take the child to the doctor.

Among other things, the child can develop cough against the background of ARVI, which is explained by the high vulnerability of the mucous tissues of the children's respiratory system. If the rest of the child feels well, and in the process of breathing does not cause any wheezing, then there is no special cause for concern. However, the doctor's prescriptions still need to be followed.

A kid with signs of ARVI, but without a fever, should be at home, do not attend pre-school and school facilities, if only because there is a potential danger of the transition of the infectious-inflammatory process from the acute form to chronic. At an early age, all inflammatory diseases tend to spread throughout the body. For this reason, the baby, even without temperature, should be shown to the pediatrician.

What can lead to an acute respiratory viral infection with normal temperature for a child is hard to say, since it directly depends on the state of its immune system.

SARS without fever during pregnancy

In pregnancy, women's immunity is weakened and depressed. This happens not only because of hormonal adjustment. Another reason for the weakness of the immune defense is that special conditions are created in the body, so that the synthesized antibodies are not so strong as to attack the unborn child as a foreign body. This is a very delicate and thoughtful course of nature. The body of a pregnant woman should be set up only for the maintenance of pregnancy, despite the fact that during this period it is weakened to the effects of viral and other infections.

Undoubtedly, ARVI during pregnancy is not uncommon, as well as colds, runny nose, etc. And in such situations the future mother should be especially attentive to her body.

If an infectious disease occurs without a rise in temperature, then this is no reason to ignore the symptoms from the point of view of "nothing terrible, it will pass by itself". Absence of temperature does not mean that there is no inflammatory process in the body. Moreover, often inadequate response of the thermoregulation system to the penetration of a viral infection can to say that the immune system of a woman is so weak that she simply can not "turn on" the rise temperature. And if the future mother continues during the illness to do ordinary things, go to work and travel to public transport, the risk of secondary infection and the development of complications increases in times.

Do not allow negative consequences: contact the doctor, he will write out the treatment and will necessarily issue a certificate of temporary incapacity for work.

Who to contact?

Pulmonologist General practitioner Family doctor


Of course, diagnosing an acute respiratory viral infection without a temperature is a bit more complicated than with a classic course of the disease. After all, elevated temperature values ​​are one of the symptoms of a viral disease. In this case, other signs of ARVI come to the rescue:

  • Assessment of the epidemiological situation in the community, in the family, at work or school;
  • the order of occurrence of symptoms of a viral infection;
  • characteristics of cough, sputum and mucous discharge from the nose.

With an accurate determination of the type of pathogen it is possible only with the help of laboratory tests that detect viral antigens. In this case, an immunofluorescence reaction or detection of antibodies to viruses is used.

To clarify the diagnosis in rare cases, serological reactions are used in paired sera, which are withdrawn at the initial stage of the disease and in the process of recovery.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections without temperature

As we said earlier, the lack of temperature in ARVI often tells us about weak immune defense. For this reason, the first thing to do is to take care of the support of immunity, that is, to provide the body with rest, to protect from stress and additional stress, to provide full sleep and nutrition.

With weakness of the body and other symptoms of SARS, it is recommended to conduct warming procedures. Suitable warm drink, hot foot baths, a warm blanket, woolen socks, a warmer to the feet. These treatments can be used alone, or combined together. Dress warmly enough, avoid drafts, but do not forget to ventilate the room.

In order to maintain and strengthen immunity, it is recommended to take adaptogenic drugs: tinctures of ginseng, echinacea, eleutherococcus, magnolia vine, etc. The use of such drugs can be carried out for one to two months in a row.

Also, for a full-fledged work of immune protection, it is important to supply the body with all vitamins and microelements. A balanced nutritional diet, an additional intake of multivitamin funds will be able to fill the lack of all the substances necessary for normal life of the organism.

Medicines for acute respiratory virus infections with normal temperature are prescribed as symptomatic treatment. Not later than on the second day after the onset of the disease, antiviral drugs are taken:

  • adamantane series (remantadine);
  • drugs-inhibitors of neuraminidase (tamiflu, relenza);
  • interferon inducers (cycloferon).

With a cold, vasoconstrictive nasal drops or sprays (naphthyzine, NOC spray) are used.

When coughing - mucolytic (expectorant) drugs (mukaltin, solvine, etc.).

In addition, the prescription of the doctor can take ascorbic acid and multivitamin funds.

How to get a sick leave?

Many people are interested in the question, is it possible to get a sick list in ARVI without a temperature? Indeed, a few years ago, the certificate issued, focusing mainly on temperature performance. However, this is fundamentally wrong, since many infectious diseases, including ARVI, often occur with normal temperature values.

Unambiguously, in case of viral infections the hospital should give out in all cases a referral to the doctor, since the patient may pose a threat to the health of others. Currently, the leaf is given, despite the absence of temperature, of course, if the remaining symptoms of the disease are present. And the more pronounced the remaining signs of the disease, the greater the likelihood that the hospital will be issued.

Pregnant women with viral diseases have a sick leave sheet in any case.

So feel free to contact your doctor, despite the fact that you have an acute respiratory viral infection without fever. Normal indicators - not a reason to endure the disease "on the feet."


SARS without temperature

As a rule, the very first typical symptom of a viral infection is hyperthermia. Only after some time begins to feel an ache in the joints and bones, weakness and headache. Therefore, ARVI without a temperature is considered atypical and extremely rare in medicine. The treatment of such viral infections is complicated by their late diagnosis due to implicit symptoms.

Whether there can be ORVI without temperature?

Absence of hyperthermia in ARVI is a rare variant of the course of this pathology, but sometimes it occurs. This type of disease is typical for 3 cases:

  1. Light form.Usually occurs in people who have previously vaccinated against the flu.
  2. Rhinovirus infection.This type of acute respiratory viral infection affects only the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, without generalized spreading. The thermometer column does not rise above the 3 mark.
  3. Weakened immunity.Increase in temperature does not occur, because the body does not have the resources to fight the virus.

Is it good or bad when there is no temperature?

Given that heat is an immune response to the penetration of pathogenic cells, the absence of temperature in this case is not a very positive phenomenon. If a patient has not been vaccinated and he does not have a rhinovirus infection, the body's defense system is likely to be severely weakened.

What to drink in ARVI without a fever?

The approach to treatment of the described form of the virus differs little from the therapy of classical cases of acute respiratory viral infection. Only in such situations, more attention is paid to immunostimulating drugs.

In the rest it is necessary to adhere to the traditional scheme of treatment:

  • abundant warm drink;
  • a balanced vitaminized diet with a reduced amount of fat;
  • bed rest;
  • thermal procedures;
  • inhalation;
  • symptomatic remedies for the common cold, cough.

What exactly should I take with ARVI without a temperature should the therapist advise. Recommended drugs to stimulate immunity:

  • Aflubin;
  • Interferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Remantadine.


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