Can I correct the posture with exercises

If you want to make your back straight and your posture beautiful, then you should prepare for the fact that this work will not be easy.

Certainly, different methods (massage, physiotherapy, wearing special insoles) will help, but without performing the exercises to straighten the posture of the desired result, it is almost impossible to achieve.

Gymnastics should be done daily in the first 8 weeks and every other day in the following months. Therapeutic sessions, conducted less often, will not be useful and will be useless.


  • 1What should include a set of exercises
  • 2How to straighten your posture by doing exercises at home
  • 3Tips and advice on performing therapeutic gymnastics
  • 4Medical contraindications for training

What should include a set of exercises

At different ages performing exercises to correct posture brings the expected effect for different periods of time:

  • in 18-20 years to straighten the back can be for 6 months year;
  • in 30 years on the alignment of posture will go from one year to three years;
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  • after 40 years to correct the posture is much more difficult, but with due persistence and systematic training is possible.

The earlier you apply for this difficult matter, the faster you will achieve what you desire.

For each lesson, a minimum of 40 minutes should be set aside, but it will be better if you increase the time to 60-90 minutes.

The correct set of therapeutic exercises should include the following 5 blocks:

  1. Strengthening of the muscles of the breast (such exercises should occupy about 70% of the session, since it is the muscles of the thoracic section that most affect the posture).
  2. Stretching of the muscles of the chest (promote straightening of the shoulders and should take 3-5% of training).
  3. Work with breathing (requires 10-12% of the entire session, aimed at increasing the capacity of the lungs and "stretching" of the chest).
  4. Relaxation of the muscles of the lumbar / cervical divisions (occupy also 3-5% of the time allocated for medical gymnastics).
  5. Strengthening the muscles of the buttocks (experts note that most people with impaired posture weakened the gluteal muscle, so if you strengthen them to take about 10% of training, maintain a correct posture will be much easier).
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The first results after such therapeutic gymnastics can be expected at least 8-12 weeks after the start of training, and to fix the effect requires 6 to 12 months of classes. Only after this time, the number of training sessions per week can be reduced to two or three and spend on them up to half an hour.

How to straighten your posture by doing exercises at home

For gymnastics to be effective, all muscles of the hips, shoulders, cervical region, abdomen and back should be evenly used during training. Therefore, the choice of such exercises should be approached very responsibly.

It is best to consult a doctor who will choose the appropriate set of exercises and tell you how to properly perform them.

Below are some effective exercises for straightening the posture at home.

Warm up for stretching the muscles (do 10 times):

  1. Sit on your knees and close your hands behind your back. Gently pry them, straining the muscles of the press, take a deep breath and wait 3-5 seconds. Exhaling, try to relax and tilt your head to your chest.
  2. Sitting "in Turkish put your hands in front of you and lift them with your palms upward as high as possible, as if stretching. Lower, exhaling.

To strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and relieve tension from the back (for 8-12 minutes):

  1. Bend your arms around the elbow to get a right angle. Keep your back straight. Alternately, move your hands up and down, changing direction.
  2. Sit on a stool and do alternate swings with your hands to the side, with each movement expanding their amplitude.

To train the back muscles (for 10-15 minutes):

  1. Lie on your back and put your elbows on the floor. Leaning on the head, legs and elbows, bend over and stay for 5-8 seconds.
  2. Lay down on your back, bend your knees slightly and lift the pelvis only, staying for 10 seconds.
  3. Sit down, put your hands behind you. Try to lift the pelvis, while pulling back his head.
  4. Repeat the first exercise, but this time rely only on the head and feet.
  5. Lie on your stomach and connect your hands behind you. Raise your shoulders and head, pulling your hands back, and hold for 5-8 seconds.
  6. Repeat the previous exercise, lifting with your head and legs (straight).
  7. Take a soft chair and lie on it with your stomach. Lower your legs, and in your hands take dumbbells (a maximum of 3 kilograms). Try to straighten up and take your hands to the sides. Hold for 6-8 seconds.
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Tips and advice on performing therapeutic gymnastics

If you missed a workout or want to improve the effectiveness of classes aimed at correcting posture at home, you need:

  • to put in order the weight (extra pounds only strengthen the load on the back and damage the posture);
  • always keep your head so that your eyes look at the horizon line, the spinal column was straight, and your shoulders were rejected;
  • try not to strain the dorsal muscles when you take the necessary posture for proper posture (this will only increase the burden on the spine and joints);
  • control that the chest is slightly exposed forward, and the abdominal muscles are slightly tense;
  • when walking or standing, make sure that the body weight is evenly distributed over the surface of the feet;
  • Do not put your foot on the leg during sitting; Keep an eye on the hips above the knees, and the feet rest on the floor.
Usually at the very beginning of measures to correct posture it is difficult to keep your back flat all the time.

When you are distracted, you can involuntarily accept the habitual wrong posture.

Remember all the time that you need to follow your posture, help:

  • Putting on a wrist bracelet or winding a finger with a thread (if the hands are constantly occupied);
  • holding in the hands of a certain object that holds attention;
  • while sitting or walking around the apartment wearing a book on your head (it will not fall down after a maximum of 7 days, and will also help improve coordination);
  • use of a posture corrector.

Gymnastics does not always help to straighten the back.There are several actions that are not recommended for violations of posture, namely:

  1. Refuse from the sports loads associated with making jumps. They are fraught with the formation of a hernia or flattening of individual vertebrae.
  2. Do not use dumbbells more than 5 kilograms for men and more than 3 kilograms for women. This is due to the fact that the load is mainly on the spine, because of what it can deform even more.
  3. Do not pump the muscles of the chest, especially if it is hollow or narrow. As a result, the shoulders move forward, the stoop increases, and the breasts visually become even more sunken.
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Medical contraindications for training

Exercises for leveling the posture at home are strictly forbidden, if you:

  • pregnancy (more than 12 weeks), time after childbirth (at least 12 weeks);
  • inguinal hernia;
  • high arterial / intracranial pressure, hypertension;
  • acute stages of internal diseases (especially cholecystitis, pancreatitis or appendicitis);
  • malignant formations (sarcoma, cancer);
  • ischemia, severe heart failure, post-stroke condition (first six months);
  • severe injuries of the skull and vertebral column;
  • tachycardia, certain heart defects, atrial fibrillation;
  • infectious lesions associated with joints (especially reactive / infectious arthritis), spinal cord / brain;
  • Postoperative period (wait at least 3 months);
  • blood diseases;
  • flu / cold, fever;
  • hernia of the spine, various vertebrae dislocations;
  • radicular syndrome;
  • critical days for women.