Chinese plaster joint pain


  • 1Chinese plaster for pain in joints: composition, features of application and reviews:
    • 1.1Transdermal method of treatment
    • 1.2Operating principle
    • 1.3Benefits
    • 1.4Features of treatment
    • 1.5The composition of
    • 1.6Indications for use
    • 1.7Who can not use the product?
    • 1.8How to use Chinese plaster for pain in joints
    • 1.9Additional recommendations
    • 1.10Chinese plaster joint pain. Reviews
  • 2Chinese plasters for joint pain
    • 2.1Operating principle
    • 2.2Composition of plasters
    • 2.3Instructions for use
    • 2.4Where to buy Chinese patch for joints?
    • 2.5Price, delivery, payment
    • 2.6Customer Reviews
  • 3Chinese plaster joint pain
    • 3.1Causes of back pain
    • 3.2Indications
    • 3.3Operating principle
    • 3.4Kinds
    • 3.6Mode of application
    • 3.7Contraindications
    • 3.8Price
    • 3.9Zhitong
    • 3.10Mode of application
    • 3.11Contraindications
    • 3.12Price
    • 3.13Nano Patch GS
    • 3.14Mode of application
    • 3.15Contraindications
    • 3.16Price
    • 3.17Gutong Tiegao
    • 3.18Mode of application
    • 3.19Contraindications
    • 3.20Price
    • 3.21Other varieties
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Chinese plaster for pain in joints: reviews
    • 4.1Use of natural remedies
    • 4.2Ease of use
    • 4.3Principle of treatment
    • 4.4Transdermal agents
    • 4.5From pain in joints
    • 4.6Using
    • 4.7Composition
    • 4.8Urological plaster
    • 4.9Patch from hemorrhoids
  • 5Anesthetic plaster for joints - a variety and application
    • 5.1Anesthetic plasters for joints with diseases and bruises
    • 5.2Chinese anesthetic plasters for joints with herbs
    • 5.3Species of Chinese plasters
    • 5.4Chinese plaster Kangunin
    • 5.5Lidocaine plate Versasitis from muscle pain
    • 5.6Contra-indication of the plaster Versasitis
    • 5.7Voltaren with diclofenac from joint pain
    • 5.8Anti-inflammatory plaster Nanoplast

Chinese plaster for pain in joints: composition, features of application and reviews:

Pain in the joints is a very unpleasant phenomenon, it can be confirmed by all who encountered it.

Acute or aching, they exhaust a person and encourage them to look for different ways and means that can bring relief. Not so long ago in our market appeared Chinese plaster joint pain.

The centuries-old traditions and experience of Oriental medicine show its high efficiency in the treatment of diseases of muscles, bones, cartilaginous tissue.

Transdermal method of treatment

Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of joint diseases is based on a method that presupposes a local effect of the drug on painful areas. Strictly speaking, this method is the basis of joint therapy with the help of ointments, gels and creams. Official medicine calls it transdermal.

Chinese patch for pain in joints is pasted to the appropriate site.

Under the influence of body temperature, medicinal substances, penetrating through the skin, begin to actively influence the problem causing pain.

The therapeutic effect lasts up to three days, while the negative effect of the drug on the internal organs of man is minimized.

Not with all diseases of the joints, ointments and pills help to effectively get rid of the pain and discomfort. Chinese medicine for treatment uses mostly natural components, the properties of which have been studied and used for several millennia.

Operating principle

The Chinese patch for pain in the joints takes as a basis a transdermal method of treatment.

Natural components, crushed to the smallest fraction contained in the composition of this product, are absorbed through the pores of the skin and begin to affect the inflamed part of the joint.

The combination of the latest medical technologies and the experience of Oriental medicine allows you to quickly get rid of pain of different origins after 1-5 hours.


Complex of substances that are part of the plaster, dosed and, most importantly, continuously enters the inflamed joints during the entire time, while the agent interacts with the skin. This is an undoubted advantage.


The use of an orthopedic patch does not irritate other human organs and systems, because the active substances are concentrated exclusively in the affected tissues.


Chinese plaster joint pain can be safely attributed to new, convenient, safe and no side effects.

They are becoming increasingly popular due to the high therapeutic effect and the absence of discomfort during use.

Orthopedic plasters are non-toxic, do not contain hormones or antibiotics, do not cause irritation or skin manifestations of allergies.

They are very simple to use, and at the same time they are effective in the treatment of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic plasters are referred to the category of health facilities after passing all the prescribed clinical trials.

Features of treatment

The effect of using the majority of Chinese patches comes in a fairly short time, but do not stop the therapy immediately. Joint diseases are often characterized by a chronic course with seasonal exacerbations.

And if the pain syndrome has become less pronounced, this does not mean that the inflammation is suppressed. Chronic diseases involve long-term treatment and prevention, so use the patch with courses up to 10-15 days.

The composition of

The Chinese patch for joint pain ZB PAIN RELIEF is one of the most popular products on the market for such products. Consider the principle of action and composition on its example (they will be almost the same as in other samples of similar products).

The natural substances that make up the plaster are actively absorbed through the skin and begin to immediately act on the painful areas.

The therapeutic effect is based on the therapeutic properties of cibotium, drinarii, milletia mesh, cystange saline solonchak, big-filbert tycoon, doubtful cribs, pinnatum guinea, safflower, camphor borne.


These components have long established themselves as effective agents in the treatment of joint diseases.


They help reduce pain syndrome, regenerate cartilage tissue, increase blood flow, reduce puffiness, activation of regenerative processes in tissues, restoration of motor functions joints.

In addition to the above properties, the medicinal substances of most Chinese patches have a general strengthening effect and beneficially affect the functions of the genitourinary and circulatory systems, activates the work of immunity and metabolic processes in organism.

Indications for use

The Chinese patch for joint pain, the use of which can be started, if you do not have concomitant diseases from the list of contraindications, helps with intervertebral hernia, arthritis, periarthritis, cervical, lumbar or thoracic osteochondrosis, sciatica, heel spurs, sprains, bruises, rheumatism, displacement of vertebral discs, neurologic pain character.

Who can not use the product?

Despite the fact that the Chinese patch for joint pain is made using exclusively natural components, its use is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children in age to 6 years.

Contraindicated treatment with this tool to people suffering from varicose veins. It is not recommended to use a patch for diseases of the circulatory system. It is necessary to stop treatment in case of detection of individual intolerance of the components of the drug.

Do not apply the patch on the areas with open wounds and skin lesions.

How to use Chinese plaster for pain in joints

According to the instructions for use, this tool is applied topically in areas with severe pain, depending on which of the affected joints needs treatment.

Before using the patch, it is necessary to remove stubborn dirt from the skin with soap and warm water. After thoroughly drying the surface, apply the product, after removing the protective film from the adhesive layer.

Well align the adhesive to avoid wrinkling and creasing.

The drug should be worn at least 3 days before the therapeutic effect is achieved. After this period has passed, you need to repeat the procedure. The course of treatment is an average of 15 days.

Manufacturers of a plaster for achievement of proof medical effect recommend to pass not less than 2-3 courses.

Thus, the Chinese plaster joint pain, the price of which fluctuates around 200-300 rubles per unit, in the general course of treatment will cost at least 1000-1500 rubles for the purchase of one packaging.

With severe pain, you can use two patches at the same time. For example, with discomfort in the elbow joint, one of them is applied directly in this place, and the second is applied to the shoulder joint.

Additional recommendations

Before you begin treatment, consult a therapist. When using a patch, it is recommended that you observe certain dietary restrictions.

You should give up fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods. Contraindicated taking alcohol and other psychoactive substances.

You can not apply a band-aid during the course of antibiotic therapy.

Chinese plaster joint pain. Reviews

People who used this remedy note that it helped to completely get rid of the disease or greatly facilitated its course. Particularly effective Chinese patch for joints showed with the elimination of aching and pulling pain in osteochondrosis.

Feedback from users suggests that significant relief was obtained with the treatment of the heel spur, exacerbation of sciatica, arthritis and sciatica. The intensity of pain decreases after a few hours after gluing the patch on the skin in the affected area.

In the treatment of chronic ailments (arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis) there is progress. You can achieve a significant reduction in the pain syndrome, but they are not completely cured.


Applying a band-aid note that the therapeutic effect rarely occurs in the first minutes after gluing. Sometimes it takes at least 12-24 hours.


The negative aspects include the difficulty of removing the remedy from the skin, especially from areas with gun hair and not the most pleasant smell of medicinal substances that make up the adhesive, which occurs only a few minutes after gluing on skin. Users note that orthopedic plasters are very convenient to use, unlike ointments, they do not spoil clothes and do not require repeated application.

Chinese patches for joint pain (types, prices are presented in the article) suit users, since conventional therapy with the help of official medicine does not cost much less.

And the absence of side effects from mandatory anti-inflammatory drugs, especially pain in stomach, heartburn, nausea, many users consider one of the main benefits of treatment with the described preparation.

The Chinese plaster joint pain, the composition, the price of which varies slightly between different manufacturers, has about the same effect as its analogues.

Users note that the medicinal properties of the drug often depend on the price, because cheap products may simply be a fake, from which there will be no benefit.

A source:

Chinese plasters for joint pain

China has a rich history of medicine, which includes traditional and alternative techniques. The recipes that have come down to us today are truly unique, because they contain the experience of millennia.

Chinese doctors have devoted a lot to the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, because this is the basis for good health and the guarantee of active life.

Chinese patches for joints are a simple but effective remedy in the fight against manifestations of arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and other associated diseases.

Operating principle

The action of the Chinese plaster is based on the gradual penetration of active components into the deeper layers of the skin.

This is ensured by a transdermal therapeutic system of action, when the drug under the film starts to act upon contact with the skin.

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Due to a certain temperature of the outer layer of the skin, the patch is heated, and useful substances begin to act on the inflammation, removing it and soothing the pain.

Indications for use:

  • with arthrosis of knee and hip joints;
  • with sciatica (sciatica nerve inflammation);
  • joint pain of different localization;
  • muscle clamps;
  • diseases of the joints of the feet;
  • lumbotherapy at different stages;
  • heel spurs and corns;
  • numbness of limbs;
  • pain caused by deformities of the musculoskeletal system;
  • intervertebral displacements, exacerbations of a hernia.

Treatment can occur alone or in combination with therapeutic interventions. As a preventive tool they are good for athletes who often get minor injuries (bruises, sprains, dislocations).

Composition of plasters

The main secret of therapeutic patches from China is enclosed in a special healing composition, which is hidden under the film. Their plastic mass is a mixture of plant extracts, the combination of which gives an excellent therapeutic effect.

  • The millennium is mesh.Improves blood circulation in the inflamed zone.
  • Camphor Bornean.Relieves spasm and reduces pain.
  • Saltwater cystange.Has anti-inflammatory effect; strengthens tendons and bones.
  • Ginura is pinnatifera.Activates blood circulation; restores cell activity.
  • Dugnick is large-serrate.Essential oils of the plant provide a pleasant aroma and have a warming effect.
  • The hawk is deceptive.Eliminates pain, helps quickly and gently to relieve inflammation.
  • Drinaria.Has a tonic effect on the inflamed area; promotes recovery.
  • Cibotium.Calms the pain; good for acute inflammatory processes.
  • Safflower.Strengthens the vessels from the outside and relieves edema; improves blood circulation.

The listed plants are exotic for Russia and Europe, but in Asia their properties are thoroughly studied, and extracts are widely used in pharmacology and alternative medicine.

Instructions for use

All patches are packaged in sealed bags that protect the product from external adverse factors (moisture, microbes, etc.). The use of Chinese plaster joint pain is very simple:

  1. My hand with soap and the area on which the adhesive will be stuck.
  2. We remove from the package and remove the protective film from the active side.
  3. We glue to a sore point. If the site of inflammation is great (for example, the whole spine or shoulder joint hurts), you can use 2 or more products.

Instruction - how to apply the patch.

Duration of wearing one patch: 3 days. During this time, it is not recommended to wet the product. After 72 hours, the patch is removed and discarded. The area to which it was glued is washed with soap and water. If she blushed a little - this is the norm. After 3-5 hours you can stick a new one.

The point of sticking the plaster for various pains

The preventive course is 3 weeks, i.е. it will require at least 10 patches. Treat acute inflammation should be until all symptoms are eliminated.

Patches for the treatment of joints have contraindications:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • presence of open wounds on the site of impact (including convex moles and birthmarks);
  • individual intolerance; allergy.

Keep the patches in a dry place out of the reach of children. It is not necessary to clean them in the refrigerator; room temperature does not affect the properties of the product.

During wearing, a person does not feel any discomfort, just a pleasant warmth. You can put on clothes on top of it - it will not get dirty.

Where to buy Chinese patch for joints?

In pharmacies there are patches of pain in the joints and muscles. But they give only a temporary anesthetic effect. Real Chinese nano patches are realized only through the Internet.

Zb Pain Relief orthopedic healing strips, which are ideal for the treatment of diseases of the spine, are sold in online stores.

Important:In order not to get caught on scammers who sell useless surrogates under the guise of Chinese medicinal patches, you should buy products from an official supplier.

Price, delivery, payment

You can order Chinese plasters by just a few clicks.

On the official website there is a form that must be filled in by entering your name and contact phone number. Managers contact the client in the near future.

This is convenient, because the buyer does not have to spend an extra long distance call.

Chinese plasters help reduce inflammation and bring healing closer. They are suitable for the treatment of back and knee joints, with sciatica and arthrosis, as an auxiliary orthopedic therapy.

Customer Reviews

"My fingers and toes began to ache in spring and autumn, when the weather is changing strongly. And my mother advised to try ZB Pain Relief. She said she herself has been gluing for a long time.

Now I'm using it, and I used to think that there are problems with joints only in the elderly))).

Even the gymnastics in the mornings began to do, but I again forget, when the joints do not bother. "

Maria, Moscow

"I gave birth to the second time, severe pains in the joints began. Most worried about the shoulder. I tried many pills and ointments, but no good. Only problems with the stomach were added. I learned about patches made in China, I applied 2 weeks. Now my shoulder does not hurt. "

SloNurik, Novosibirsk

"There was inflammation of the elbow joint. I do not even know why, there was bursitis. And plasters ZB Pain Relief greatly helped. But you need to glue for a long time and constantly - more than a fortnight.

Now everything is fine, but the hand is very shallow. It happens that again starts to hurt and swell.


The rheumatologist has told or said, what is it already for all life, simply joints it is necessary to protect, when hurts - glue a plaster.


Negoro87, St. Petersburg

→ View other opinions and opinions of the doctor

A source:

Chinese plaster joint pain

Such situations as pain in the back and joints cause many inconveniences to people. Most often, the pathology of the musculoskeletal system is faced by elderly people. Theirmovements are constrained, in the morning there is numbness.

Painful sensations are of short-term or long-lasting nature. For the treatment of pills, injections in ampoules, ointments, and physiotherapy are widely used. Rarely use surgical intervention.

One of the latest developments was the Chinese plaster joint pain.

The combination of highly effective components and the ancient Chinese experience show a good result.

Causes of back pain

Almost every person encountered discomfort in the spinal column. The most frequent circumstances will be:

  • physical exercise;
  • incorrect posture;
  • strains and bruises;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • Bechterew's disease;

With a strong performance, lifting weights, physical exercises, training, our back responds with pain, which has a dull, aching character.

Wrong sitting provokescurvature of the vertebrae, as a consequence of scoliosis. Students are especially vulnerable to it. Displacement of the vertebrae leads to a jamming of the nerve root, then to malaises.

May be aching chronic trauma, sprain, bruise. It can be a myalgia-a chronic inflammation of muscles, happens because of constant hypothermia.

Chronic ailments osteochondrosis, arthrosis, reactive and rheumatoid arthritis lead to deformation of bone tissue. As a result, soreness in the vertebrae is accompanied by painful sensations in the knees, hips.

Other factors include tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, syphilis and viral influenza, angina, acute respiratory infections.

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  • arthrosis;
  • sciatica;
  • pain in the joints and muscles;
  • Lumbago;
  • numbness of limbs;
  • muscle spasms;
  • calcaneal spur;

Additionallyhave a positive outcome in the case of rheumatism, rheumatism, displacement of the vertebrae, intervertebral hernia, various injuries, fractures. The therapeutic result occurs by finding on the body for more than 3 days.

Traditional medicine of China consists in healing by applying medicinal potions on the affected area. The method is called transdermal. Medicinal components are absorbed deeply into the skin layers, the risk of developing side effects with this technique is minimal.

Not every person is helped by certain medications, besides, often oral medications cause allergic reactions and side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, dizziness.

Operating principle

The effect of the application comes quickly enough. As a result, the Chinese plaster relieves pain in the bones, muscles, restores the ability to move normally, removes the morning stiffness.

A distinctive feature is the ability to impose just two pieces on the hearth. In this case, you can achieve the maximum therapeutic result in a short time, improve blood circulation.

Due to the latter, the medicinal particles pass better into the articular tissues, the cartilages.

Compoundly acting can reduce hyperemia, benefit prevents the improvement of tissue elasticity, removes the inflammatory response, prevents the re-development of pathology.



Transdermal agent.

Has a pronounced therapeutic property, when interacting with the affected area reduces inflammation, redness, edema, hearth temperature, promotes tissue regeneration.

It has bactericidal, wound-healing properties. Used to cure osteochondrosis, pinching of nerves, sciatica, arthritis, polyarthritis.

A good result is achieved in the treatment of knee, ankle, bronchitis, tracheitis, urinary infections. Contains 9 grasses in the complex: tropical fern, millet mesh anniversary, cibotium, cischanthe solonchak, great pine nail, safflower, Borneo camphor, pinnately incised gynur.

Mode of application

Release the preparation from the wrapper, glue it on a dry and clean place with a sticky surface. Make sure that it is strictly on the affected area.

Press, leave for 2-3 days, does not require removal at night. Avoid contact with water during treatment. After 3 days, rinse the area. Apply a new remedy after 5 days.


The length of the course depends on the severity of the indisposition. The standard scheme indicates 5-6 units, sometimes it is required to repeat the course 2 times.


Diseases of the musculoskeletal system include the use of 2 pieces at once. One for the lumbar region, the second for the cervical.

Both knee joints in a painful situation on the inner and outer sides require 4 patches on the patches.


It is not recommended for pregnant women, with individual intolerance to the components, with an open wound, varicose veins. It is not combined with alcoholic beverages, spicy food.


Available in paper boxes of 30 units, each unit is in an individual insert. Manufacturer Shaanxi Zhongbang Pharma-Tech, China. The cost of 2990 rubles.


A unique medicinemade according to the classical recipe under heaven. Penetrates into the focus is dosed, has the property of accumulating in damaged tissues.

Has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect due to the closed method. Treats arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, myalgia, bruises, sprains, dislocations.

Removes swelling, improves metabolism and blood circulation.

The composition includes the rhizome of the galang, pepper extract, the roots of the Daurian dudnik, camphor oil, chondroitin sulfate, mint oil, hydrogen chloride, menthol oil, borneol, hydrochloride diphenhydramine.

As auxiliary elements, lanolin is used.

Mode of application

Open the shell, paste for 10 hours, keep on the body should not more than this time. Then remove and rinse the area with water.

May cause redness, irritation due to active warming particles. If the skin itches shorten the intake time.

The duration of the course is 1 week, or 10 days.


Pregnancy, sensitivity to components, allergic reactions, skin infections, open wounds. With caution to the elderly and children, only after consulting a doctor.


Sold in a package, it includes 10 units of light brown color, size 1 copy 7 * 10 cm. Packing weight 28 grams. Manufacturer Guilin Tianhe Pharmaceutical Co., China. The price is about 1600 rubles. One-piece sale is possible.

Nano Patch GS

Recommendedin case of inflammatory processes of the spine, degeneration of the joint tissues. Contains medicinal ingredients that have a positive effect on the zone, are fully absorbed.

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The product incorporating a nanocomplex diffuses through the transdermal method even into the deep layers. Promotes the restoration of cartilage, reduces flushing, redness and inflammation. The nanopatch contains glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin, vitamin B1.

Three basic substances nourish cartilage, excluding dystrophy, and glucosamine triggers the process of bone content recovery.

Mode of application

Open the packaging, get the nanopatch, paste it on the diseased territory. Within 7 days one should use it every day, then after 1 day. The course of treatment is 2-3 months to achieve a lasting result.

Eliminates not only the symptoms, but also the cause that caused the illness.


Pregnancy, individual intolerance of ingredients, wounds on the body.


For sale in a pack of 18 plates. Manufacturer China. It costs from 2700 rubles.

Gutong Tiegao

Without affecting the digestive tract and liver, active elements enter the lymph and blood, triggering a therapeutic effect.

Strengthens blood circulation, has a resolving power. It works better than other forms of drugs.

Helps with arthritis degenerative, destruction of bone tissue, paralysis, syndrome caused by stagnation of blood in the extremities, cold infections.

In the structure of the stalk of ephedra, extract of chili, turmeric, camphor oil, zinc oxide, menthol oil, ginger root, laurel, ertsiba, mastic tree, pinnate-incised ginur, rosin, Chinese roots angelica.

Mode of application

It is necessary to cut off the desired piece of lining from the plate. Stick on clean, low-fat skin. Time of application is up to 12 hours. Then remove the product, rinse with water. The course will depend on the symptoms of the pathology, the usual 20 days.


Pregnancy, sensitivity to ingredients, exacerbation of skin infections.


For sale 2 plates in a pack, each 7 * 10 cm. Manufacturer of Tianhe, PRC. Price 320 rub. for packing.

Other varieties

In addition to China's products on the market there are means:

  • with NSAIDs;
  • magnetic;
  • "Japanese
  • patches of reflected heat;
  • pepper;
  • heating;
  • cooling;

Nonsteroid medicationHas an active layer with components that penetrate deeply through the cause of the disease, eliminating it. Similar to oral tablets, only without adversely affecting the gastrointestinal tract, side effects in the form of redness, overheating of the site.

Magneticcreate a magnetic radiation, extracts of herbs quickly affect the focus. Strengthens blood circulation, prevents the destruction of ossicles, relieves pain, stops inflammation. Do not use on the burn zone, skin lesions.

Japanese are similar in composition to Chinese ones. In fact, it's almost the same thing. The difference is only in the manufacturer. They contain a large number of substances, promote the regeneration of cartilaginous, articular tissue, relieve painful sensations, swelling.

Restore working capacity, activity of movements.

Productsreflected heatare shown to people with allergic reactions, skin diseases. = ibXtJjBfJ_o

Has no contraindications, t. does not contain ingredients that have a negative effect on the body. Uniformly operates, helps to cope with chronic pathologies.

Pepper Drugshave long been used for the treatment of sprains, bruises, myalgia. The effect is due to the burning products included in the composition.

When in contact with the skin begins to warm up the epidermis, but pepper preparations can cause irritation. In this case, you need to stop using them.

The heating medications are similar to pepper. When applied to a diseased area, heat is activated by skin irritation. Act in three directions reduce malaise, relieve the inflammatory process, eliminate puffiness.

Coolingfastened on the frontal part, neck.

They remove muscle spasms, which are usually part of lavender, mint, menthol, essential oils relax the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the processes in the human body.

Indications for this type are, muscle cramps, migraines, headaches, osteochondrosis, high fever. Do not have contraindications and side effects.

Chinese and other types of patches give an analgesic effect when treating many diseases.

When treating this method, it is required to adhere to certain indications not to consume alcohol. It can provoke anaphylactic shock. Limit consumption of spicy, salty foods. Compliance with simple rules will bring the proper effect when used.How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

A source:

Chinese plaster for pain in joints: reviews

The patch, which until recently was used only to protect wounds and abrasions from external influences, gained wider application. This allowed us to make scientific discoveries in medicine.

Not so long ago, patches appeared, which made it possible to eliminate pain. They are mainly produced in Korea, Japan and China. After all, eastern medicine does not seek to use the maximum amount of chemicals, which can not be said about the western.

Use of natural remedies

For more than five thousand years, Chinese doctors have studied and successfully used a variety of medicinal plants to eliminate many ailments.

The vast experience of folk medicine men was passed from generation to generation through the great medical treatises.


In these works, tried and tested prescriptions were collected, the healing properties of herbs were described, plant collections for the restoration of the organism were offered.


The experience accumulated over thousands of years is also used in modern Chinese medicine. In addition, the production of medical products uses the latest technology to maximize the benefits of extracts of medicinal plants.

Knowledge of the properties of herbs and the use of proven recipes for many years made it possible to create fundamentally new means of pain - Chinese plasters. The reviews of numerous consumers indicate their high effectiveness in the fight against many ailments.

Ease of use

Feedback from patients who used a plaster from Chinese pain, confirm the fact that this remedy does not bring any discomfort.

It is also important that exposure to the body is an active substance of natural origin. That is why medical plasters positively affect many organs.

At the same time, the entire body heals.

According to doctors, after applying these amazing tools, the patient begins to work more actively in recovery functions and increases immunity.

Principle of treatment

When using Chinese patches, the very cause of pathology is eliminated, and not its external manifestation. After all, we all know that the pills are not able to rid the disease completely.

After some remission, the pathology manifests itself again, acquiring a great deal of strength. In this case, the official medicine offers new medicines.

However, they are not able to completely eliminate the disease.

Sooner or later a new relapse occurs. When using Chinese therapeutic bandages, there is a different picture. These funds operate in a comprehensive manner. Their goal is to eliminate the cause of the disease and deep healing of the body.

Transdermal agents

When treating various diseases, we are more used to taking pills, injecting or putting drippers. After all, it is clear that in this way medications come into the body.

But medicine in China for over two thousand years uses a transdermal method of eliminating infirmities. It is concluded in the application of medical fees and compositions to the patient's covers.

It is through the layers of the skin that curative substances penetrate the blood, and then - and to all internal organs.

Chinese transdermal patch includes in its composition extracts of herbs that enter the body in a natural dosage. In this case, its effect lasts for three days. The main advantages of transdermal Chinese patches are the following:

- absence of negative influence on the digestive system;

- the consistency of the treatment process.

From pain in joints

It used to be that problems with the motor apparatus inevitably come with age. However, today everything has changed. The way of life that leads modern man, negatively affects his health.

Now the pain in the joints is increasingly complaining to those who are 30-40 years old. To tolerate a discomfortable condition is difficult, and tablets and ointments do not always help. In such cases, the Chinese plaster for joint pain will come to the rescue.

He will not only return the ease of movement, but also will eliminate a number of such ailments as:

- osteochondrosis;

- rheumatism;

- heel spur;

- sciatica of the lumbosacral section;

- Displacement of the spinal discs;

- Muscular tears;

- puffiness, arising on the feet;

- Arthrosis and arthritis of knee joints;

- spinal hernia;

- Numbness of the extremities.

Orthopedic plaster Chinese will allow a person to get rid of the above pathologies, and will also help with fractures, bone injuries, muscle sprains, limb diseases or chest pain cells.

About this miracle cure in Russia began talking recently. However, the orthopedic plaster Chinese has been successfully used in oriental medicine for the whole century.


Modern technologies have allowed to improve this tool, adding innovative mechanisms of influence on the body.


As a result, patients were given the opportunity to purchase a Chinese plaster from pain in the joints and spine, which will forever forget about the stiffness of movements.


When there is pain in the lower back, back or joints, there is no reason to hope that it will go away on its own. There will not be a miracle. Apply an orthopedic patch in the area where discomfort has occurred. The action of this tool you will feel almost instantly.

The Chinese plaster for joint pain will not only remove an unpleasant symptom. It will eliminate other problems.

With the use of this tool will leave discomfort during movements and the restoration of the joint itself will begin. It is most effective to apply two plasters at once.

For example, for the treatment of the elbow joint, they should preferably be placed on the elbow and shoulder. This will improve blood circulation and shorten the course time.

When the Chinese plaster joint pains in contact with the body, the substance deposited on its tissue base, begins to gradually melt. At the same time, it penetrates through the skin and closes the pain directly in the source of its appearance. In addition, the patch will provide the following:

- increase the elasticity of tissues;

- removes swelling;

- normalizes metabolism and circulation;

- eliminate foci of inflammation;

- will not allow the occurrence of complications and relapses.


Orthopedic plaster, designed to eliminate problems with the musculoskeletal system, is manufactured using the latest technology.

According to medical experts from different countries, this remedy is quite qualitative and effective. The composition of the plaster includes components taken from recipes of Tibetan monks.

These are such grasses:

- the crib is doubtful;

- Cibotium;

- cisanech solonchak;

- the gynur;

- Donnaria;

- millennium mesh;

- camphor barney;

- Great pine;

- safflower.

Urological plaster

Problems with the genitourinary system occur in many men. Diseases of this area are expressed by certain symptoms.

This feeling of heaviness in the crotch area, as well as difficulty or frequent urination.

Similar symptoms can appear from prostatitis, kidney pathology, endocrine disorders or from hemorrhoids.


The pathologies of the genitourinary system negatively affect the health of men and bring psychological discomfort. That is why the treatment of such diseases should be started immediately.


In addition, it is desirable that the drugs used have a basis of medicinal herbs. Currently, such funds are not inferior to traditional medicines, including antibiotics, in efficiency.

Among them is the Chinese urological plaster. It was used by the monks of Tibet, keeping a secret of the recipe for making.

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Today this remedy is greatly improved and deserves praise from doctors all over the world.

Chinese urological plaster includes in its composition extracts of medicinal herbs. That is why it is safe to use and does not have side effects.

About the effectiveness of this patch positively responds to millions of people around the world, because it allows you to fight not only with the symptoms of the disease, but also with its causes.

Fix the healing patch in the navel. It is in this zone is a large accumulation of vessels.

Penetrating blood components of the drug have a direct effect on the patient's internal organs.

Even after a one-time application of the remedy, many men report a reduction or complete elimination of pain, the establishment of kidney function. Apply urological adhesive in the fight against prostatitis.

When using a transdermal drug, a number of recommendations will be required. First of all, the Chinese plaster from prostatitis and other male diseases should be attached to a cleanly washed dry skin.

With a large accumulation of hairs in a given place, it is desirable to shave them. Further the Chinese plaster from a prostatitis and other urological illnesses is released from a protective film.

The agent is glued to the skin and worn until forty-eight hours.

Patch from hemorrhoids

A person suffering from this disease is not capable of normal emptying of the intestine, since this process is accompanied by severe pain. The Chinese plaster from hemorrhoids can become an exit from this situation. This tool will permanently eliminate a rather delicate problem.

The Chinese patch for hemorrhoids is based on such medicinal plants as a blood-groove and tan, berberine and Chinese galla, musk and boraine camphor.

These herbs will remove inflammation and swelling in the hemorrhoids, as well as relieve pain symptoms. As well as urological, the given plaster paste on a belly-button. Already with the first application of the pain subsides, and the emptying of the intestine will not be so painful.


According to the feedback of users, to get a stable result it is necessary to complete a full course of 8-10 sessions.


A source: http://.ru/article/176617/kitayskiy-plastyir-ot-boli-v-sustavah-otzyivyi

Anesthetic plaster for joints - a variety and application

Restricting the movement of any joint, violates the usual rhythm of active life. The resulting severe pain and swelling, completely deprive a person of normal life.

Among the medications, an anesthetic patch for the joints is in the lead. It sticks on for a long time, relieves pain, is not noticeable under clothes and does not interfere with movement.

In pharmacies can offer several varieties of an external drug without a prescription.

Anesthetic plasters for joints with diseases and bruises

Chinese orthopedic plaster on herbs

The medicinal composition of the plaster begins to act upon contact with the body. The components gradually penetrate the skin to the blood vessels and are carried along the inflamed tissues.

This method of treatment has several advantages:

  • The medicine comes to the sick joint by the shortest path.
  • The drug is prolonged - permanently determined doses.
  • The therapeutic composition does not destroy the stomach and kidneys by its action.
  • The person continues to do his own business without being distracted by the procedures in the hospital.

According to the curative effect, patches can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • Chinese on the grass.
  • Painkillers with medicines.
  • Heating - pepper, magnetic. Anesthetic plaster for back pain
  • Orthopedic - relieve pain, swelling, restore tissue.

Adhesive patches for different periods, which is indicated on the packaging of each species. The course depends on the purpose, the degree of exacerbation of the disease, the body's response to drugs.

General requirements are clean skin without damage, moles, irritations and rashes. The time during which the sticker can be worn without removing it is indicated on the package and can be different for each kind.

Basically it is 2 - 3 days for natural compounds, and within 12 hours for synthetic drugs.

Sell ​​plasters painkillers without a prescription. Buy them recommended by consulting with a doctor.

There may be different causes of pain, so plasters often enhance the effect of the treatment course with medications.

They facilitate the condition, without affecting the processes occurring inside the body.

Chinese anesthetic plasters for joints with herbs

Composition of Chinese plaster pain medication

The action of Chinese bandages is based on bamboo acid.

It heats up, in contact with the skin, and begins to penetrate inside, carrying with it the other components. Various resins and waxes are used as the solvent.

They bind together the components and provide long-term dosing to their arrival in a sore spot.

The whole composition of herbs manufacturers do not disclose. Usually indicate some of the most famous. Some of them grow in the taiga of the Far East. Most often, Chinese people use extracts and dry mixtures of herbs:

  • Ginseng.
  • Ginger.
  • Licorice.
  • Pepper.
  • Aconite.
  • Fighter.
  • Gentian.
  • Mint.
  • Schizonepta is monotonous.
  • Chinese cinnamon.

What is chondroitin?

In total, the composition includes about 30 herbs. Most often they are dried and ground to a powder. In this form, they mix with the substrate.

In the centuries-old tradition of China used bandages of skins or natural fabrics.

Mixed with fat, dried shredded plants, tied to a sore spot for several days.

In addition, camphor and chondroitin can be found in plasters for joints. The roots of ginseng and ginger are known for their ability to relieve fatigue and restore strength.


They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, restore damaged cells, promote blood saturation with oxygen.


As a result, the process of regeneration is accelerated, the damaged cells are replaced by new ones, young ones.

Species of Chinese plasters

Chinese plaster with the poison of black ants

In the series with tigers, pepper is used. It warms the sore spot, increases blood circulation.

As a result of its action, the components quickly enter the inflammatory focus, relieve pain, and remove toxins from the body. Only 30% of the slag passes through the liver. The rest are taken out through the urine.

The most famous series of Chinese outdoor medications from joints:

  • Black ants - with formic acid.
  • Two tigers.
  • Gugan.
  • Tianhe.
  • ZhongBang.
  • HaoGan.
  • Meitan.

Hyperosteogeny manufactures magnetic patches for joints. The effect of grasses is enhanced by the heat of infrared and magnetic radiation. A composition of herbs is applied to the non-woven base. In the center is a small circle of metal.

Radiation penetrates deep into tissues, warms and tunes to a positive biological frequency. For the manifestation of the action of the plaster for the joints Hyperosteogeny it is enough 8 - 12 hours.

Then a day break and a new plate is glued.

Chinese plaster Kangunin

Chinese plaster Kangunin

Chinese painkiller plaster Kangunin on the strength of action can be compared with non-steroidal drugs.

Thanks to chondroitin, after a few minutes after gluing it removes a lot of pain. Penetrating the skin, the components envelop the nerve endings, blocking their signals.

Then there is a saturation of cells with nutrients, a reduction in edema, tissue regeneration occurs.

Chinese patches for joints are distinguished by a strong effect. They quickly relieve pain, warm the damaged area, reduce swelling. After that, bone tissue and muscles are restored.

Lack of the drug in the presence of unusual for the body herbs. This contributes to the occurrence of allergies.

With severe burning and redness, the plate must be removed, the skin rinsed with warm water and soap, and greased with baby cream or petroleum jelly.

The effect of herbs on the body of pregnant and lactating women has not been studied. Therefore, experts recommend refraining from this method of treating joints.

The age limit applies to children and the elderly.

Do not use Chinese plasters for people suffering from heart disease, asthmatics, allergies.

Lidocaine plate Versasitis from muscle pain

Plaster Versasitis with lidocaine

Plate with lidocaine Versatis belongs to the group of painkillers with medicines. A patch for joints developed in Germany, manufactured in Japan. In pharmacies, you can find the packaging of both countries.

Their internal content is identical. It is released by prescription. Lidocaine is a German analog of novocain, quickly relieves pain, blocking the sensitivity of nerve endings.

When ingestion, may cause an exacerbation of stomach ulcers, irritation of mucous surfaces, provoke dysbiosis.


The use of lidocaine patch reduces the side effects of the drug, because less than a third of the formulation passes through the liver and kidneys.


The main part gets transdermally - through the skin, directly to the focus of the onset of pain. This allows you to achieve a much smaller amount of medication.

The medicinal composition of the plaster with lidocaine, includes additional substances:

  • Gelatin.
  • Sorbitol.
  • Glycerol.
  • Propylene glycol.
  • kaolin;.
  • Urea.
  • Wine acid.
  • Carmelose sodium.
  • water.

Contra-indication of the plaster Versasitis

The effect of the plaster Versasitis

They contribute to the removal of puffiness, nutrition and tissue repair.

Gradually, in place of superposition of the film, Versace decreases the tumor, blood circulation is activated. The patch has a non-woven cellulose base and a protective plastic film.

Sealed packaging guarantees safety for 2 years. Contraindications for use may include:

  • Intolerance to lidocaine.
  • Renal and hepatic insufficiency during an exacerbation.
  • Pregnancy.

Lidocaine penetrates the placenta and can harm the fetus. Therefore, patches are used in a minimal amount to relieve severe pain. The doctor appoints them in extreme cases.

The plate is applied to clean skin without wounds, irritations, pimples. Periodicity - once a day, a maximum of 12 hours.

If irritation and side effects occur, it is necessary to remove the film, cleanse the skin of the remnants of the drug and consult a doctor.

Voltaren with diclofenac from joint pain

Plaster Voltaren with joint pain

Anastasia plaster for joints Voltaren is an analogue of Versace. Designed and manufactured in Sweden. The main active ingredient is the anti-inflammatory non-steroid drug diclofenac. Additional:

  • Paraffin.
  • fatty acid.
  • Gum.
  • Levomenthol.
  • Copolymer isoprene.
  • Lemon acid.

The basis of a patch made of non-woven polyester. The main action is anti-inflammatory. The patch, when applied, removes swelling, reduces swelling, and relieves pain. A 100x140 mm film with rounded corners is applied for 24 hours.

Then a day or two take a break. You can not use Volteren when breastfeeding, in the last trimester of pregnancy, children under 15 years.

Contraindications are exacerbations of diseases of the stomach, kidney and liver, heart failure, asthma.

Anti-inflammatory plaster Nanoplast

Anesthetic plaster Nanoplast

In Russia, Nanoplast forte series are produced - anti-inflammatory, therapeutic, anesthetic patches.

A joint sticker is a flexible elastic plate in which a powder of rare earth materials is bonded with a polymer.

Finely dispersed nanopowder emits:

  • Magnetic radiation.
  • Infrared rays.

They penetrate deep, restore blood circulation, movement of lymph, saturation of tissues with oxygen, relieve inflammation from surrounding tissues and joint.

Allergic reactions from the patch are extremely rare, less than 2% of patients, mostly suffering from excessive sweating.

Manufacturing technology is unique and has no analogues.

In addition to inflammation of the joints, Nanoplast treats bruises, arthritis, and neurological pain. Do not apply plates to open wounds, burns, mucous membranes and apply during pregnancy.

A source:

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