Drops from tearing belong to the group of drugs "Medicines for eye diseases". Problems can be caused by diseases of the lacrimal apparatus, inflammatory processes in the cornea or conjunctiva.
Tear can be explained by natural causes. Such a state passes with elimination of the stimulus and does not cause discomfort. But like any disease, tearing requires treatment. A special approach requires the treatment of lachrymation in the elderly.
1Application area
2Features of preparations
4Recommendations for use
Application area
In those cases where constant lacrimation is caused by pathological processes, it requires the use of medications to eliminate it. The choice of medication depends on the specific cause of the problem. A patient's anxiety can be related to one of two types:
Hyper-secretory lacrimation causes the production of an excessively large amount of tear fluid.The reason for the retention process is a violation of the mechanism for removing from the eye the excess of tear moisture. Increased formation of tear fluid is associated with the following conditions:
Inflammatory processes in the conjunctiva or cornea of the eye (blepharitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis);
Consequences of mechanical trauma of the organs of vision, chemical burn of eye tissues, excessive exposure to light radiation;
Allergic reaction;
Enhanced production of tear fluid with dry eye syndrome;
Deficiency of vitamin B2 and K.
Lachrymation of the eyes, caused by a violation of the outflow of eye moisture, can be caused by narrowing of the ways of removing tears.There are cases of their partial or complete obstruction.The problem in this case arises in connection with the following ailments:
Chronic and acute or inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis);
Constriction (stenosis) or overgrowth of the nasolacrimal canal. Such a problem is congenital or acquired;
The presence of a hypertrophic lacrimal papilla, which does not allow the lacrimal point to participate in normal lachrymation. The lachrymal papilla can also become compacted, which prevents the tear point from performing a suction function;
Diseases of the nasal mucosa (sinusitis, rhinitis, polyps);
The twist of the eyelids.Chronic and acute or inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis)
Elevated tearing is common in people who wear contact lenses."Tearfulness" can be explained by the presence in the eye of a foreign body, diseases caused by infection, diseases of the liver and gall bladder, age-related changes in the organs of vision.
Treat "tearfulness" without an accurate diagnosis and eliminate the root cause of the problem can not be. Progressing pathology can become a serious danger, both for sight and for human life.
Features of preparations
Drops are not a universal remedy for eliminating eye lacrimation.For example, the narrowing of the tubules requires surgical intervention to restore the patency of the pathways. To decide which method of treatment is needed in a particular case, and which drops will help to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, the doctor will help after diagnosing.
Eye drops possess in the treatment of ophthalmic problems the advantage that their action is directed directly to the focus of pathology.There are drops directly from the lachrymation of the eyes. Some types of medications are prescribed to eliminate swelling of the surrounding tissues.In the first case, the drops contain antibiotics and antiseptics.Such remedies relieve inflammation, which is the cause of excessive tears. Drops that remove eye swelling have a vasoconstrictive effect.
Depending on the problem that causes "tearfulness they are appointed:
Preparations containing corticosteroids;
Antibacterial agents;
Vasodilator and antipyretic drops;
Antihistamines.Drops from tear
Corticosteroid drops are prescribed in case of development of severe inflammation or severe allergic reaction. They quickly eliminate swelling, itching and lachrymation.Such medicines have practically no contraindications and rarely cause undesirable phenomena. Drops containing a broad-spectrum antibiotic are necessary for the treatment of extensive inflammatory processes.Vasodilator and decongestants are used in cases of severe hypersecretion of lacrimal glands.
Drops eliminate the puffiness of the eyes, causing a narrowing of the blood vessels.
Antiallergic drops eliminate the sensation of itching, reduce redness and swelling, allergies provoked. In some cases, drops are prescribed, which contain components similar to the liquid that is washing the mucous membrane. Such drugs help with red eyes.It is important to know that the use of these drugs can cause a pathological condition called "dry eye". Therefore, they must be used with caution and only for the purpose of a specialist.
Eye drops are always packaged in vials of various sizes.Preparations against tearing in most cases are stored no more than 2-5 years. The specific period depends on the characteristics of the drug and its composition. An open bottle of droplets can not be stored for so long. Most often, the duration of storage of drops in the opened bottle is about a month.
Storage conditions assume room temperature (not more than 25 degrees), protection from bright light. It is also important to place the bottle in a place that is not accessible to children.
Drops, which contain a substance similar to the liquid that is washing the mucous membrane of the eyes:
Nafkon-A.Vision drops from eye tear
Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops:
Ofloxacin.Maxitrol anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops
Zinc sulphate;
Ophthalmic.Okomistin antiseptic
Hormonal drops from tear:
Diclofenac.Diclofelac hormone drops from tear
Antiallergic drugs:
Fluoretetolone.Lecrolin antiallergic drug
Vasoconstrictive and decongestants:
Taufon.Drops Taufon - vasoconstrictor and decongestant
Recommendations for use
Drops from eye tear should be used, observing the following rules:
In the case of the appointment of several types of drugs, the interval between the use of different drugs should be at least five minutes;
Treatment with an expired product is extremely dangerous;
Before instillation of a medicine it is important to thoroughly wash your hands and process the dropper, built into the vial with drops, using a disinfectant. Avoid touching the tip of the dropper to the eyelashes or skin;
The drug is injected into the inner corner of the eye. After that, you need to cover and open your eyes several times (blink);
If the opened vial of drops is to be stored in a refrigerator, then before using the medication it is warmed to room temperature. It is forbidden to use a microwave oven for these purposes, and also to place the preparation in boiling water;
It is important to carefully read the instructions for using the medicine and observe the dosage prescribed by the doctor;
It is forbidden to use a bottle that was used by another patient: this can lead to infection.
Use medicinal product can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist.
The causes of increased tearing may be different: from severe fatigue and overexertion of the organs of vision, to serious inflammatory processes and pathologies of the structure of the eyes. Despite the apparent harmlessness of the symptom, the effects of prolonged lacrimation may be dangerous. The patient is threatened with deterioration or loss of vision. In the case of accumulation in the eyes of pus caused by the pathological process, there is a danger of developing sepsis.
Treatment of "tearfulness" in itself is meaningless, it is important to establish the cause of this phenomenon. For this, it is necessary to have an examination with an ophthalmologist.
When an allergy occurs, it is important to detect and eliminate the allergen. In those cases when the increased isolation of tear fluid is caused by overwork of the eyes, a lifestyle change and correction of the workplace will be required. Self-medication from tearing of the eyes is unacceptable. It is important to strictly adhere to the appointment of a doctor. In some cases, prolonged use of drops causes serious visual disturbances. To use a number of drugs, there are contraindications