Herniated lumbar spine: symptoms and treatment

In the spine, the most common pathology is the lumbar hernia. This is due to a higher load on the lower back, various injuries, static load, lifting weights and other factors.

The disease occurs when the fibrous ring is broken in the intervertebral disc, as a result of which its jelly-like part comes out and presses the nerve endings of the spinal column. This explains the pain that restricts physical activity, and in special cases leading to disability.

If the diagnosis was able to be delivered on time, the disc can be fully restored and cured of the ailment. But often the disease is seen in the late stages, which leads to an acute pain syndrome, localized in the lower back and giving in the leg. Without treatment, this leads to a limitation of mobility. Disorders of urination and stool disorders, decreased libido and potency may occur. The rupture of the hernia often results in complete paralysis of one or both legs.


  • 1Causes of the disease
  • 2Symptoms
  • 3Medication
  • 4Surgical removal
  • 5Physiotherapy
  • 6Traditional medicine
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Causes of the disease

The main cause of intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral spine is considered osteochondrosis.Among the factors that provoke the disease, we can note injuries - a blow, a fall. And the mechanical factor occupies a primary role before trophic disorders.

The cause of intervertebral hernia of the waist may be scoliosis, secondary curvature, anomalies in the structure of the lower extremities and pelvis.Sometimes the disease manifests itself as a consequence of structural damage to the spine in tumors, syphilis, tuberculosis, with congenital anomalies in the structure of the vertebrae.


Symptoms of the disease due to the fact that under the pressure of the vertebrae jelly body initially shifts, and then ruptures the fibrous membrane of the disc, and then leaves the interstitial space.

The process has several stages:

  1. The prolapse of the disc is minimal. In the absence of external deformation, it again becomes in place.
  2. Protrusion. Subsequent displacement of the disc, which is shifted, but is still limited to the vertebral bodies.
  3. Extrusion and sequestration. The core is shifted outward and hanging between the vertebrae. After the capsule is torn and the contents flow out.

In nine out of ten cases, a lumbar hernia is found within the fourth and fifth vertebrae with the appearance of characteristic symptoms. It is aggravated with time pain in the areas around the waist, pain in the buttock and upper parts of the legs, hips and crotch.

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Symptoms are:

  • decreased reflexes near the ankle;
  • lameness, "spanking" gait, sometimes complete loss of movement;
  • numbness, and sometimes burning on soles of soles;
  • "Lumbago" in the lower back, muscles are pathologically strained;
  • increased sweating, often the effect of "marble skin
  • disruption of the functioning of the pelvic organs - incontinence of feces, urine, a decrease in potency.


You need to be treated with medication. They are used as symptomatic drugs that remove inflammation and pain, and those that take part in restorative processes or affect the mechanisms of the development of the disease.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).Suppress the activity of the enzyme formed in the focus of inflammation, which is responsible for the pain impulse. Reduce the nervous sensitivity and intensity of inflammation, increase the fluidity of the blood.

Quickly, the pain can be diklofenak, lornoxicam, ibuprofen, indomethacin. These include meloxicam, which is well tolerated by patients.

Means to improve the movement of blood and lymph.Must be applied. They reduce edema and improve blood flow in the affected area. They showed themselves wellactovegin, pentoxifyllineandberlition.

Medications that reduce the tone of spasmodic muscles, or muscle relaxants.ittetrazepam, diazepam, midocalm, sirdalud, tizanidine.

Chondroprotectors.Stimulate the recovery processes of cartilage tissue.Hondrolon, arthron complex.The course of treatment is from 7 days to a month or more.

Means of topical application: ointments, gels, compresses.They are used for severe pain, they containdimethoxideandnovocaine. When the segment is infringed, a novocaine blockade with corticosteroids is carried out.

Surgical removal

Operative treatment is an extreme measure. Used for exacerbation of pathology, if the disease affects the function of human life.

The operation is performed only when the patient's diagnosis reveals:

  1. Compression of the nerve roots in combination with a violation of the normal work of the genito-urinary organs and the paresis of the foot.
  2. Unrestrained pain syndrome with strong muscle weakness.
  3. Problems of the genitourinary sphere due to the clamping of the nerves in the spine.

There are several types of surgery.

Most oftendiscectomy, which is quite effective. Disadvantages of the method are large injuries and blood loss.

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Currently, more gentle methods have been developed:

  1. Endoscopic operation, in which manipulations are performed through a small incision. The method is less traumatic, postoperative rehabilitation is short-lived.
  2. Laser vaporization, in which the excess substance of the disk core is evaporated by a laser. The disadvantage of the method is a possible relapse of the disease.
  3. Microdiscectomy. Takes up to an hour of time, is carried out through a small incision without damaging the muscle.


Therapeutic exercise is used after the elimination of the symptoms of nerve compression and the absence of pain in the affected leg.Each patient instructor develops a strictly individual complex, in which there are slopes of the trunk, smooth turns and rotations.The goal of the exercises is to strengthen the spinal musculature, so that a tight muscular skeleton counteracts the dislocation of the disc.

Special exercises are carried out in the supine position on the abdomen, side or back, standing with an emphasis on the vertical surface. From these positions, the torso of the trunk, the rotation and the ascent, the retraction of the extremities are performed.

If the physical load is incorrectly applied, the disc can be further displaced, so the performance of the complexes is strictly controlled by the physician.

Some exercises produce an extension of the spine in the longitudinal axis. As a result, the intervals between the vertebrae become wider, and the disk tends to become in the initial position. The simplest type of hood is on the horizontal bar, but it is better if it is performed in a pool equipped with special appliances. The traction is also carried out actively, with the help of special devices.

Traditional medicine

Treatment with folk remedies provides for fortifying preparations based on fruits and herbs containing a set of necessary vitamins and microelements. All mixtures and infusions are consumed before meals. Active substances are transmitted to the problem zone and help the body to repair tissue structure disorders.

Decoction of the aspen bark

Prepares by boiling for an hour a tablespoon of small raw materials in a glass of water. The broth is drunk up to four times a day for 30 g.

Infusion of drupes

A tablespoon of leaves of stone drupes is filled with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 4 hours. After filtering and taken 3 times a day, dividing 250 g. for three sessions.

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Tincture of the saber

Diluted with water and taken three times a day before meals. It is prepared by mixing a liter of 40% alcohol and 100 grams of sabelnik.

For anesthesia apply rubbing in the skin, ointments and compresses.

Gum based ointment

It is applied after water procedures. It is prepared from 0.5 kg of dried roots of comfrey, 70 g. pine grease, 300 g. 40% alcohol and 350 g. pork fat. The root is crushed in a blender, comfrey is added to the melted fat, leave the mixture for half an hour on low heat. Further, melted gum is added, everything is stirred, without switching off the fire, and after 10 minutes. vodka is added. Stir everything for 10 minutes, after which the ointment is ready.

Compress based on horse fat

Fat in the form of fine shavings is wrapped in tissue and applied to a source of discomfort. The pain subsides after a couple of hours, but the remedy is not recommended to take two days off.

Honey with fir oil

The product is rubbed into a problem place, sometimes used inside. At treatment by rubbing on the basis of fir oil the pain can temporarily amplify that is connected with its irritating effect. Such remedies should be taken with caution for allergy sufferers.

Clay treatment

Red clay moistened with water, wrapped in gauze and heated to 40 degrees. Applying to the source of pain, fix a bandage. Remove the clay after drying. The method is recognized as one of the most effective (from folk methods).

The pain in the lumbar region may indicate the beginning of the intervertebral disc cover. If you do not immediately go to the clinic, you can aggravate the course of the disease, when the protrusion becomes sequestered lumbar hernia, the treatment of which is performed only by operative intervention. Timely delivered the correct diagnosis will help to choose the right treatment, after which you will save health and ability to work for many years.