What is a heart cough, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Recently, not only ordinary citizens, but also professors of medical sciences often mention a heart cough in conversations.

He was given a separate place, despite the fact that he is a sign of some heart diseases.

Most of them are invariably accompanied by shortness of breath, which provokes let not cough, but coughing, and this is also weighty. But cardiac asthma is a serious and traumatic disease of the patient - there is no coughing at all.

  • When it does not rest
  • Reasons for the appearance of
  • How to recognize the symptoms of
  • Types of pathology
  • Methods of treatment

When it does not rest

Those who have cardiac pathology often develop diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Threats are also susceptible to the lungs.

But sometimes a person does not notice that the disease develops, only complains of a cough, although, it is he who indicates the problem.

Loud excruciating dry cough( how to make a compress), which becomes stronger during exercise, running, not allowing to lie and taking away any peace, speaks of heart failure.

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In this case, you need a doctor's consultation, which will conduct a complete examination of the heart and begin treatment.

Cardiac failure may occur as a consequence:

  • myocarditis;
  • defect in the valve apparatus;
  • postinfarction cardiosclerosis.

The disease adversely affects blood circulation, provoking venous congestion.

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What kind of medicinal properties for men does the oak bark have on this page.

As a result, the blood in the lungs circulates badly, and this leads to spasms of the bronchi, along with which there are also spasms of the vessels. Hence - the strongest cough.

In addition to heart disease, cough is caused by aortic pathologies, such as:

  • aneurysm,
  • mesaortite,
  • mediastinal ailments.

Reasons for the emergence of

To understand the sources of the heart cough , not passing shortness of breath, to understand why the heart's asthma progresses and the pulmonary edema develops, one must look inside the respiratory inhibition process.

It goes through the following stages:

  1. In the left ventricle of the heart, pathological changes begin.
    They lead to the fact that the contractility of the ventricle falls - it stops feeding into the aorta the blood flowing through the veins of the lungs.
    Because of this, the pressure in the lungs increases.
  2. The speed of blood flow in the microcirculatory bed of the lungs decreases.
    The pressure in the veins, on the contrary, increases, and the tissues suffer from oxygen deficiency.
    There is hypoxia.
  3. Oxygen starvation affects the vessels negatively, and fibroblasts of collagen fibers form on their walls.
    They also affect interalveolar septa.
    Develops pneumosclerosis.
  4. In the smallest vessels, connective tissue grows, finally corking them.
    The blood flow in the lungs becomes weaker.
  5. As the vessels in the microcirculatory bed become smaller and smaller, the pulmonary artery suffers from growing pressure.
    This provokes hypertrophy, and after it dilates the right parts of the heart - their expansion.
    In a large circle, venous congestion is formed.
    Everything repeats again. ..

If pathological processes are aggravated by relapse of infarction, cardiac arrhythmia, ventricular fibrillation or asystole, the left ventricular function worsens.

Left ventricular failure occurs. The lungs are filled with blood: it is not excreted in the right volumes and stagnates.

In acute form of the disease, the risk of developing cardiac asthma increases, which leads to pulmonary edema.

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If, in addition to stagnation in the large circle of the blood circulation , there are no other negative processes, then there may not be pulmonary edema.

The disease will go into a chronic form: the patient will be hard in the evening and at night, cough will not allow you to stay in a horizontal position.

Patients with chronic cough with left ventricular failure usually sleep in a semi-stump position.

How to recognize the symptoms of

Cardiac cough is a strong exhalation with a closed glottis. In the cough comes sputum.

Because it is only a symptom of heart disease, it can be difficult to identify its symptoms.

The patient does not consider that dry cough can be associated with the following symptoms in one disease:

  • pain in the heart area;
  • edema of the body;
  • shortness of breath;
  • thickening of veins on the neck;
  • accelerated heart rhythm;
  • cyanosis( blue skin);
  • syncope;
  • output of phlegm, sometimes even with blood.
Because of ignorance of the true cause of of these manifestations, patients are wasting time, sitting out at home and not attending a doctor.

They think that the symptoms look like an allergy or bronchitis.

But only an experienced specialist, having studied the nature of the manifestations, will be able to find out where the pathological processes are taking place, in which, specifically, the point and by what circle - large or small.

Types of pathology

Cardiac cough can have different forms:

  1. Dry, in the form of attacks .
    It is difficult to breathe with such cough( as with mitral stenosis).
    Sometimes, along with a cough, blood comes out.
    The patient feels weakness in the whole body, sweats a lot( how to get rid of a strong sweating of the armpits), his temperature rises and holds for a long time.
  2. Cough worsens in the evenings , tortures a person.
    Do not allow to lie down, forcing to take only the vertical position.
    This cough is a symptom of left ventricular failure of a chronic form.
    Seizures occur at night: the patient wakes up feeling of lack of air, and he tries to clear his throat.
    When it clears up, it becomes easier.
  3. Dry cough, irritating throat .
    This symptom gives hope that stagnation has not yet begun in the great circle of blood circulation.
    If he still reached a large circle, then an orange-brown sputum, sometimes with black impurities, is attributed to the cough.
  4. Dry, fast and sharp cough.
    Accompanied by pain in the heart or even in the entire chest.
    Manifestations indicate rheumatism combined with pericarditis.
  5. If cough is accompanied by expectorant with blood, there may be a case of severe congestion in the lungs.
    And this is associated with thromboembolic syndrome, right heart failure, atrial fibrillation.

Doctors believe that if a heart cough is present during the day, then at night it will be necessary. This distinguishes him from other types of cough.

A cardiac cough also occurs in the child .

In this case, it develops because of high pressure in the pulmonary artery in the heart disease with which the child appears.

But such a symptom is rare, more often it worries adults and elderly people.

Methods of treatment

People suffering from a heart cough, ask:

  • can I get rid of it, or will I have to live with it all my life?

An unpleasant symptom can always be eliminated, but without the help of a doctor, it is indispensable here.

The first thing to do when a dry cough , - go to the hospital and undergo a check with a cardiologist. The doctor will indicate the true cause of the cough - this or that pathology of the heart.

After this, you can begin treatment of the disease. Coughing attacks will go away when the disease recedes.

The following groups of drugs benefit from cardiac cough:

  1. Diuretic group .
    Drugs with a diuretic effect relieve the body of excess fluid, relieve edema, weaken the load on the circulatory system.
    Among such drugs: "Veroshpiron", "Indapamide".
  2. Vasodilating group : Atakand, Lozartan.
  3. The antitussive group .
    Some of these drugs dilute sputum and help it to separate better, others have anesthetic properties.

If the spitting is with the blood, the patient is examined using the R-graphy procedure, sputum bacilli are taken.

These tests allow finding siderophages - cells of heart defects, if it is a cough associated with cardiac pathology. Patients are treated in the hospital, traditional medicine and self-treatment in this case are ineffective.

Even medicinal natural herbs:

  • coltsfoot( the cough healing properties are described here),
  • three-color violet,
  • thermopsis,
  • lime-colored,
  • elecampane( which treats the root read in this article) and others,
    - beneficially affectingon the body, can adversely affect the cardiovascular system and aggravate the case.

Treatment with folk remedies in the form:

  • infusions,
  • infusions,
  • broths - must be done very carefully.
    Preliminary, always consult with your doctor .
No one is immune from heart cough: no adult or child. If you get unclear symptoms, consult a doctor right away. Coughing attacks can be the cause of heart disease.

Watch the video of the program "Live healthy!", Dedicated to unusual types of cough, not associated with lung diseases.