Preparation and use of spirituous tincture of bog

For its universal medicinal properties, the bog saber has received a second name - Russian ginseng.

He selects wetlands of lowlands and near water bodies.

On its dense thickets can be found in any part of Russia, from the Black Sea coast to the Arctic Ocean.

From the family Pink
  • Useful properties
  • Alcohol tincture: what treats
  • Cooking recipes
  • How to take
  • Contraindications and harm
    • Outward use
    • Tea and decoction
    • Pharmacy tincture
  • Useful advice
  • From the family of Pink

    Perennial tolerates severe winters thanks toa strong curved rhizome with short fibers.

    The root is stretched to a length of three meters, the upper part - approximately, per meter.

    It is easy to recognize by:

    • dark green pinnate leaves,
    • dark red flowers with five pointed petals,
    • reddish dense stem.

    In late July - early August, as soon as the first flowers appear on the saber, the herbalists proceed to harvest it.

    Leaves and stems are collected in the new moon, when the active substances are concentrated in the ground part.

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    The collection of roots begins before flowering( in May) or in the fall, choosing the days when a full moon appears in the sky. At this time, all the useful elements of the plant are concentrated in the rhizome.

    Useful properties of

    There are many in the saber:

    • essential oils,
    • flavonoids,
    • tannins,
    • of vitamin C.

    The plant regulates metabolism, removing toxins and toxins, and simultaneously stimulates weakened immunity.

    And do you know how to drink Riga balsam while treating various diseases? The usefulness and harm of an alcohol-containing beverage is written in a useful article.

    How to improve vision at home is written on this page.

    For therapeutic purposes, rhizomes are often used, not forgetting other parts of the plant:

    • leaves,
    • flowers,
    • shoots.

    Broths from them are treated:

    • hypotension( causes),
    • tuberculosis,
    • jaundice,
    • cholecystitis( about cholagogue grasses written here),
    • thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities( signs),
    • rinse throat with sore throat.

    Sabelnik struggles with a lot of ailments - from colds to malignant tumors. It calms the toothache and tightens the purulent wounds.

    Spirituous tincture: what treats

    The most popular and effective drug on the basis of swamp saber is its alcoholic tincture.

    It helps get rid of a lot of sickle, including flu( folk remedies), colds and viral infections, arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

    Tincture removes painful sensations of with excess deposition of salts in joints( tincture of golden mustache on vodka will help) and spine. The agent not only calms the inflammatory-infectious process, but also restores the cartilaginous tissue.

    With the systematic use of tinctures, cartilages acquire their natural structure, becoming more elastic and elastic.

    Tincture is used for regular grindings and compresses to ease pain in the joints and muscles. It has found application in the therapy of malignant neoplasms( about treatment with tincture of wax moth is written here).This kind of treatment is carried out after consultation with the doctor .

    Cooking recipes

    There are several ways to infuse a saber in alcohol solutions.

    And do you know what diseases help to cure the field? Recipes of traditional medicine are published in a useful article.

    For the benefit and harm of cucumbers during pregnancy, read here.

    On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva /sustavy/ bishofit.html written about the benefits and contraindications bischofite.

    Recipe No.1

    1. Finely chop 2-3 tablespoons of rhizome, placing in a jar with a capacity of 2 liters.
    2. Add 0.5 liters of vodka.
    3. Keep in a cool, darkened room for 3 weeks.
    4. For 21 days, pour the infusion into the bottle, previously strained.

    Recipe No.2

    The crushed roots( 50 g) are lowered in half a liter of 70% alcohol.

    Insist in the dark and cold for three weeks, filter and store in the refrigerator.

    Accepted as needed.

    Recipe No.3

    Dried and shredded rhizomes( 100 g) are combined with 0.5 vodka.

    Insist at room temperature, protecting from light, for two weeks.

    After filtering, place in a refrigerator.

    Regardless of the way the is prepared, it is kept in a glass container.

    If the tool is made correctly, it will be painted red-brown. A different shade suggests that the raw materials were of poor quality.

    The tincture is suitable for ingesting, rubbing and compressing.

    How to take

    To prevent an exacerbation of the disease , alcohol medication is drunk in courses of 3 weeks( with a three-day break between them).Minimum - one, maximum - four courses.

    At the beginning of treatment, drink no more than a teaspoon, for three days bringing the dose to a tablespoon.

    In advanced cases, according to the doctor's advice, the portion can be doubled. Before use, alcohol( vodka) tincture is bred with water in equal parts.

    The result from the drug will become noticeable at the end of the course, with severe forms of the disease - after 3-4 courses.

    Contraindications and Harm

    They are:

    • Pregnancy.
    • Lactation period.
    • Age under 18 years old.
    • Allergy.

    Sometimes, when taking the tincture, you may experience diarrhea and nausea, there may be an increase in the pain syndrome that disappears with time without refusal of the elixir.

    With caution, the tincture is prescribed for those who suffer from alcoholism, epilepsy, serious liver diseases, as well as with injuries and head diseases.

    Tincture( with long use) slows down the psychomotor reactions, so everyone who manages transport and mechanisms should keep their condition under control.

    External use of

    Joint restoration will be more successful if the plant is used inside and out. At home the curative ointment is quickly prepared:

    1. Hand cream( tube) mixed with 5 g of tincture.
    2. Add 5 g of pepper tincture, vitamin E( 10 drops) and 2 tbsp to the resulting formulation.spoons of honey.

    With the help of a saber, the heel spur is also eliminated: the

    • herb cures inflammation,
    • treats the damaged area,
    • removes excess salt.

    A liter of boiling water is thrown 30 grams of raw materials: feet soar when the water cools down a little. Such baths are advised to be done twice a day.

    Saber leaves help heal the bruises, bruises, sharp wounds and dangerous injuries.

    The crushed raw material becomes the basic component of the compress, which is applied to sore spots with radiculitis, hemorrhoids, mastitis and mammary tumors.

    Tea and decoction

    These drinks have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Sabelnik counteracts any infections and is often used in the treatment of cold ailments:

    • plant promotes intensive sweat secretion and relieves inflammatory-infectious symptoms.

    Herbalists recommend brewing tea ( use and harm of green with mint) to prevent gastrointestinal disorders and to treat rheumatism.

    The dried leaves are lowered into boiling water, and after 15 minutes they drink tea, adding honey( if there is no allergy).

    Decoction of the saber soothes stomach pains:

    1. 15 g of raw material placed in a thermos bottle is poured with 250 ml of boiling water.
    2. Withstand two hours.
    3. Filter and drink four times a day, 1/3 cup( one hour before a meal).

    Want to increase immunity?

    Combine in equal parts( 15 g each) garlic and sabelnik.
    Add 0.5 liters of boiling water and do not remove from heat for 5 minutes.
    After filtering, drink 3 times a day.

    Pharmacy tincture

    If you have not found a plant, or you are too lazy to conjure over tincture, buy it in the pharmacy.

    You can be sure that the procurement and quality control of raw materials were done by professionals.

    The product is poured into bottles of 100, 50 and 25 ml. When buying it, make sure that only the rootlets( without leaves and flowers) are present in the bottle.

    Factory product, prepared without breaking the technology, has a reddish-brown color and a specific smell. At the bottom, sometimes, there is a sediment.

    Usage: teaspoonful of medication is diluted with water( 1/3 cup).
    Take 2 times a day before meals.
    The recommended course is 2 months.
    The reception of the tincture is repeated, after consultation with the attending physician.

    The preparation has strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. If the dose is exceeded, alcohol poisoning is possible.

    Useful advice

    To avoid harmful consequences for health, proceed to receive medicinal tinctures, both factory and home, only on the advice of medical professionals.

    It looks like when you collect roots and from what diseases the swampy swamp helps, it's Russian ginseng, you will learn while watching the video.