Problems with the cervical spine in children

Every day the children's spine experiences serious stress. Your child spends 6-8 hours at the desk, wears a heavy briefcase with textbooks on his back, and, returning home, sits over lessons or at a computer. All this negatively affects the condition of the spine.

If the child has congenital vertebrae pathologies, the risk of serious problems with the spine increases manyfold. Let's consider the basic diseases connected with a cervical department of a backbone at the child, and methods of their treatment.


  • 1Displacement of cervical vertebrae in children
  • 2Subluxation of the cervical vertebra
  • 3Instability of cervical vertebrae

Displacement of cervical vertebrae in children

Loads, heavy portfolios, uncomfortable poses - reasons for displacement of the cervical vertebrae along with injuries and falls

When the vertebra is displaced, the spinal cord and nerve roots are squeezed. As a result, the tissues of the spinal cord become irritated and give a lot of pain.


  • congenital pathology (fragility of bones, spondylolysis);
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  • injuries in physical culture, during games, when falling;
  • long stay in uncomfortable poses;
  • increased stress on the neck and spine as a whole;
  • transferred operations on the spine.

Displacement of vertebrae in newborns often occurs at birth. In the risk zone children wrapped in the umbilical cord in the womb or in an atypical position. In addition, passing through the birth canal, the newborn is exposed to mechanical influences, which is especially reflected in the most vulnerable place of the spine, the cervical section.

The result - almost all infants have this or that form of displacement of the vertebrae.

The vertebrae can shift in the infant and with a sudden tilt of the head. So you should be careful with the baby, who does not yet keep his head on his own.


  • Strong headache;
  • pain in the neck;
  • pain and weakness in the hands;
  • decrease in the sensitivity of the skin at the point of displacement.


  • for pain relief, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, nimesulide, celecoxib, diclofenac);
  • Novocain blockade;
  • wearing a special corset;
  • after the abating pain - therapeutic massage, physical exercises, manual therapy.
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It is only the doctor who can choose the right drugs for treatment and dosage.He will also teach exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, which will help maintain the correct position of the cervical vertebrae.

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra

The second name is a rotational subluxation. It is accompanied by a breach of the contacts between the cervical vertebrae (but not the complete breakage of the contacts, as in the case of a dislocation).

The subluxation of the cervical vertebra in children is much less common than in adults, since the joints, muscles and ligaments of the baby are softer and more elastic. But nevertheless this problem takes place, since the child moves more actively than the adult, often turns his head and makes more sharp movements.

Children's activity and frequent falls are the main cause of subluxation of the cervical vertebrae


  • birth injury;
  • light injuries in infancy;
  • at an older age - head blows during sports, games, running.
The most dangerous injuries that can cause a subluxation is a blow to the bottom of the head when diving, a fall on the rink or asphalt with a landing on the face or the back of the head, the unsuccessful execution of the somersaults and the counter on head.

It is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible and not to start a subluxation.


  • pain and swelling in the neck, headache;
  • partial or complete immobilization of the affected area;
  • the displaced vertebra is sometimes palpable;
  • pain, weakness and cramps in the hands;
  • noise and ringing in the ears;
  • sleep disturbance, dizziness.

Symptoms may vary depending on the vertebrae between which vertebrae have occurred.


  • as a first aid for subluxation, it is necessary to fix the neck with a tire or a special collar to immobilize the joint and reduce the load on it;
  • Further, the Richet-Güter method or the Glisson loop is assigned;
  • use of the collar of Shantz (wear not less than one month);
  • massage, thermal physical therapy;
  • a set of exercises selected by a doctor.
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Noticing the subluxation of the cervical vertebra in a child, in no case try to fix it yourself.It is necessary to fix (immobilize) the child's neck and call a doctor. You can do much harm by yourself.

With severe subluxation, a more active and prolonged treatment is used, the child has to wear a plaster for about a month and a collar of Shantz for about six months under the supervision of a trauma doctor.

Instability of cervical vertebrae

Instability is the opposite of one of the basic functions of the spine as a whole - stability. The second function is mobility.

Instability is pathological mobility in the spine. That is, there may appear uncharacteristic movements for the normal state of the cervical spine, the amplitude of movements can be increased.

This pathology occurs against the backdrop of the displacement of the cervical vertebrae in children. Moreover, the displacement itself can pass painlessly and be detected accidentally, while instability is always accompanied by severe pain.

Disturbances in the development of the spine in infancy can lead to its instability in the future

Types of instability:

  • Post-traumatic - occurs after trauma: dislocation, fracture.
  • degenerative - a consequence of diseases such as osteochondrosis;
  • postoperative complication after surgery on the spine;
  • dysplastic - appears as a result of violations of the development of the spine and its constituent parts (vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments).


  • injuries;
  • displacement of the cervical vertebrae;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • osteochondrosis.

Wearing special collars is very important, since it reduces the load on the joint


  • pain in the neck, headache;
  • increased amplitude of movements, uncharacteristic movements;
  • discomfort in the neck, limited movements.


  • wearing a collar (soft or hard, appoints a doctor);
  • use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • anesthetics (with severe pain syndrome), novocaine blockade;
  • massage, physiotherapy procedures, manual therapy;
  • in some cases, operative treatment is used.
Remember that the described symptoms can not be manifested in all cases, or the child can not properly describe them.

If you suspect any pathology, ultrasound or x-ray of the cervical spine in children is first of all prescribed.Correctly diagnose and appoint the necessary treatment can only specialist.

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Try to protect the child from injuries to the neck and spine, as far as possible, and if the trouble happens - immediately take him to the hospital or call a doctor. Correct and timely treatment will avoid deviations in the development of the spine.