Eye Ointment Hydrocortisone: indications, instructions for use
Hydrocortisone ophthalmic ointment is widely used in modern ophthalmology for the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases. It has a pronounced anti-allergic effect and effectively removes inflammation. Form release - ointment in tubes 3 or 5 g. Each tuba comes with detailed instructions for use. Note that the drug is used for the treatment of eye diseases only under the condition of intact corneal epithelium. Read more about the indications and contraindications to the use of the ointment further.
1Description of the preparation
2Pharmacological action and group
3Indications and contraindications for use
4Possible complications caused by the use of the drug
Description of the preparation
Hydrocortisone ophthalmic ointment is a medicament for the treatment of inflammation of the eyes of different etiologies.The main action is antihistaminic, anti-allergic.
Hydrocortisone ointment treats inflammatory diseases of the eye
With damaged corneal epithelium, ophthalmic ointment Hydrocortisone can not be used.
The form of release - ointment, the volume of tuba - 3 or 5 g.The main active substance of hydrocortisone acetate(pharmaceutical group of glucocorticosteroids). Auxiliary substances - methylparaben or nipagin, petroleum jelly.
Pharmacological action and group
Hydrocortisone is a natural glucocorticosteroid.Ointment reduces the content of inflammatory infiltrates in the cells, influences migration processes lymphocytes and leukocytes in the inflammation zone, stabilizes subcellular and cellular membranes, as well as membranes mast cells.The use of the drug helps to reduce the binding of immunoglobulins and receptors on the cell surface, inhibits the synthesis and release of cytokines.Other pharmacological action:
reduction in the release of arachidonic acid, inhibition of the synthesis of its metabolites;
reduction of exudative reaction;
decreased capillary permeability;
decrease in the degree of expression of the early immunological response;
catabolic action;
inhibition of the development of connective tissue, as well as scarring.Ointment Hydrocortisone helps to reduce the binding of immunoglobulins and receptors on the cell surface
Hydrocortisone does not penetrate into the intraocular fluid through the cornea.
Absorption in the systemic blood flow is negligible.Metabolization of the active substance occurs in the epidermis, the epithelium of the mucous membranes. Metabolites are excreted through the intestine and kidneys.
Indications and contraindications for use
Indications for the use of hydrocortisone ointment are the following conditions:
allergic eye diseases(blepharitis, conjunctivitis, dermatitis of the eyelids, keratoconjunctivitis);
inflammatory pathology of the anterior eye(blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis);
chemical and thermal burns(but strictly after epithelialization of corneal defects).
There are means of contraindication - this is:
purulent, viral, fungal, tubercular diseases of the eyes;
the period of vaccination;
violation of the integrity of the structure of the membranes of the eye;
children's age till 18 years.
Hydrocortisone ointment is not used in pediatric ophthalmology.
There are no precise data on the effect of the drug on the woman's body during pregnancy and lactation, but risks can not be ruled out.Pregnant and lactating mothers are prescribed only by a doctor if the benefits of their use exceed the possible harm.
Possible complications caused by the use of the drug
The most frequent complications arising from the treatment with hydrocortisone ointment are burning, injecting a sclera, allergic reactions, blurring of vision(short-term). If you use the drug for more than 10 days, the following symptoms may occur:
increased intraocular pressure(subsequently possible development of steroid glaucoma, damage to the optic nerve, changes in the visual fields);
formation of a subcapsular cataract of a back type;
slowing down the processes of wound healing;
fungal infection of the cornea.
Fungal corneal lesions most often develop with long-term treatment of glucocorticosteroids. The formation of non-healing ulcers indicates fungal invasion.
Overdose is rare.With the withdrawal of the ointment, the symptoms go away on their own. Please note that hydrocortisone lowers the effectiveness of insulin, oral hypoglycemic drugs type, antihypertensive drugs and anticoagulants, helps to reduce the concentration of salicylates in blood.
The risk of developing side effects of hydrocortisone increases when it is used together with androgens, estrogens, oral contraceptives, anabolic steroids, antipsychotic drugs, carbutamides, azathioprine, holinoblokatorami, antihistamines, diuretics.Simultaneous use of ointments with preparations of silver and lead causes mutual inactivation.
Ointment Hydrocortisone with other drugs should be used cautiously.
Wearing contact lenses during treatment is highly undesirable.The expiration date of tuba after its opening is 1 month. If the clearness of vision is reduced during treatment, it is not recommended to drive the car until it is fully restored.
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Hydrocortisone is a topical preparation used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eyelids. It can not be used for epithelial lesions of the cornea and under the age of 18 years. Cases of overdose occur rarely, the main side reactions are burning, injecting sclera, allergies, blurring of vision.