Cough in the morning in an adult

Causes of dry and wet cough in the morning in adults and children

With morning cough, both adults and children can wake up. In most cases, it is a normal phenomenon and you should not immediately panic about it. You have to watch your condition for a few days. It is possible at this time to abandon bad habits, sleep longer and not be nervous. But if this does not help, and the intensity of the cough will increase. Then it is worthwhile to consult a doctor and work with him to identify and eliminate the causes of the morning phenomenon. The main thing is not to delay the treatment, do not wait 2-3 months or more, so that it does not become acute.


Human respiratory organs are designed so that cough can arise from the slightest changes in the environment or due to various diseases of the body.


In a non-smoker, a cough with phlegm can result from a common cold or a chronic illness. At the outset, his symptoms are hoarseness and dry bouts of boozy. And then the wheezing becomes stronger, and together with the cough, thick mucus is released. We can assume that with such symptoms, the main culprit is bronchitis. It can be chronic and often accompanied by the release of pus.

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A wet cough may appear in ARVI. If particles of dust or paint were inhaled during the course of the leak, they became sputum enhancers. Often this phenomenon occurs in people suffering from chronic sinusitis or allergic reactions.

Cough with the release of mucus with blood veins can talk about the disease with pneumonia.At what here the important role will be played by color of a sputum, on it it is possible to define a kind of bacteria present.

How to cure adenoids in a child with folk remedies?

Feedback on the use of amoxicillin in the treatment of sore throat:

Here you can find instructions for the use of Aspiril cough syrup.


This kind of morning cough, possibly strong, can occur for several reasons:

  • Due to genetic disease - asthma. Even if it is intensified its treatment and attacks recede. The morning cough can drag on and it will not be easy to treat. Even the use of strong inhalers does not always work, most of them give a temporary effect.
  • Nasal congestion. But after cleansing, the cough can go away in a few minutes. And after a complete cure for rhinitis and completely go. It occurs when mucus is flowing to the posterior walls of the larynx. Excretion irritates their mucous membranes. At night they accumulate, and when the morning rise begins to flow into the nose and cause an attack of coughing.
  • Reflux Disease. The injection of acid contents of the stomach into the oral cavity always occurs suddenly. And as soon as this disease begins, there is a morning cough.
  • Buhykaniecan also cause medication, such as ACE inhibitors. Their side effect is precisely this symptom. It is possible to see a doctor so that he can change the remedy for hypertension to less strong or safe.
  • In obstructive pulmonary diseaseThe first sign is a cough in the morning, after sleep. Such a disease can be associated with emphysema and chronic bronchitis. At the latter, there is an increase in the glandular mucosa, which causes narrowing of the respiratory tract. Emphysema causes the destruction of lung tissue and reduces access to oxygen.
  • Dehydration. If a person drinks a little during a day, this too can cause a dry morning cough. If there is such a phenomenon, then monitor yourself during the following day and try to drink at least two liters of water. Also, do not interfere with the installation of a humidifier in a room for sleep.

With attacks of nausea

Do not immediately hit all the bells. This phenomenon speaks of a common cold. But you do not need to start his treatment so that a stronger disease does not develop against this background. Causes of this cough can be convulsive attacks, which are accompanied by a contraction of the diaphragm. And also it can cause congestion of mucous secretions in nasal passages. They do not have enough space, and they begin to drain, irritating it, and causing vomiting. A completely untreated or neglected cough can also turn into a frequent morning accompaniment. Sometimes a gag reflex can cause accidentally sputum during its release together with a cough. Such a cough can also cause some diseases not associated with a cold:

  • heart failure. When it occurs, there may be a shortage of air, and if it is involuntary, vomiting may occur;
  • lung cancer or tuberculosis- deadly diseases. But they can be distinguished not only by vomiting, but simply by frightening convulsive coughing attacks. At them there is a temperature, and in an emerging sputum blood is often present;
  • bronchial asthma. In this disease, vomiting is accompanied by suffocation;
  • allergy. It is accompanied by intense sneezing and runny nose, and with a contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm, a vomiting reflex can arise. Here the symptoms of an allergic cough in adults are described in detail.

If you do not pass a long time

The main cause of prolonged treatment may be asthma. Its frequent companions are dry rales, heartburn, nasal congestion, sputum discharge with blood, acidic eructations and unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx.

Another long-term cough treatment may be associated with a recent acute respiratory disease.After that, the organism can experience lethargic infectious processes at the final stage.And the appearance of morning cough is purely reflex.

The video tells about the causes of cough in the morning in an adult:


This phenomenon is widespread, and cough in the mornings, and sometimes evenings quickly turns into chronic. Over time, heavy smokers are accompanied by blood secretions.

Causes of morning cough in children

In children, including the baby, this kind of buhykaniya is divided into pathological and physiological. The latter occurs because of a night accumulation of mucus and sputum in the respiratory organs of the baby. In the morning, he is released from them with the help of a cough. The first of its kind can provoke gastric mucus. During sleep, the contents of the stomach flow into the baby's neck and lead to morning bouts. They are accompanied by regurgitations of white color. If the crumb has such symptoms, treatment should start with a visit to the gastroenterologist.

When you have a cough in the morning, you should observe the condition of the baby for a couple of days. And if it does not pass, but on the contrary become frequent, you should consult a pediatrician.

If buhykane infrequent and accompanied by the removal of sputum, it is quite possible that this is normal. Healthy children can cough up to a dozen times a day, thereby their body cleanses itself of the microbes that have entered. But with strong and frequent signs you need to visit a doctor.


The reasons for its occurrence can be:

  • acute manifestations of respiratory diseasescaused by viral or bacterial infections. These include: bronchiolitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, as well as pharyngitis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux. With it, the contents of the stomach suddenly enter the oral cavity. This phenomenon can provoke the appearance of pneumonia or bronchitis;
  • allergic diseases(bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis, here it is described how to treat the disease);
  • chronic pneumonia or its acute form. If the morning cough is accompanied by phlegm, then this indicates the onset of convalescence;
  • Diseases that are accompanied by moist discharge from the nasal passages. These include frontalitis, viral cold, sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. They are often accompanied by a reflex cough.

The link describes what to do if the child does not go through a wet cough for a long time.


This type occurs without sputum production. With it, there are strong attacks that cause pain. Dry cough occurs as a result of colds. Their first signs are dryness in the throat, provoking a cough.The main causes are: sharp odors, influenza virus, and possibly, heavy air in the child's bedroom.

Also, a dry morning cough may be accompanied by whooping cough, measles and laryngitis (read how the laryngitis manifests in children). Or in the body of the baby settled worms. To check this, you must pass the appropriate tests. Inflammatory processes, which have passed into chronic respiratory diseases, can also affect its appearance. The link describes the treatment of dry cough in a child of 3 years. Treatment of a dry cough in a baby is described here.

Opinion of Komarovsky

The origin of the morning cough doctor connects with the child or the place where he sleeps. If you change the room or the pose of the baby during the night rest, then it stops buhykat. In this case, the baby has a fairly common disease - a posterior rhinitis. This inflammation of the back of the nose, which is allergic, because the virus leak can not last long. On the back wall of the nose, the slime accumulating overnight flows into the pharynx and the baby swallows it.In another case, if the mucus is formed only at night, it is necessary to analyze what could provoke it.It could be a new furniture in the child's room, a recently purchased toy or a powder that was washed by his bed. To eliminate this cough, it is necessary to ventilate the room, remove the source and consult a doctor.

In the video - Dr. Komarovsky talks about a cough in the morning with a child, about what to do, how to treat:

To overcome the morning cough will help timely treatment and the correct determination of its cause. It is necessary to revise their living conditions, drink enough fluids, prevent chronic diseases and abandon bad habits. Then the frequency of diseases accompanied by a cough significantly decreased.

Cough in the morning: causes, symptoms, treatment

In the morning, it is quite often disturbed by a strong debilitating cough, it can be a symptom of various diseases of respiratory organs, lungs. Most such cough appears in smokers, especially when a person smokes often. If the respiratory tract is nicotine, resin, a destructive process begins in the epithelium of the bronchi. Microbes multiply rapidly. What causes a morning cough? How to get rid of it?

Causes of morning cough

As a rule, at night there is an accumulation of a large amount of sputum, so there is a strong cough. Also a symptom can be caused by a pulmonary cyst, tuberculosis, chronic diseases of respiratory organs. When a person coughs, his body is actively cleansed of viruses and bacteria.

If a child falls ill with whooping cough or has exacerbated chronic bronchitis, in the morning he begins to cough badly. An unpleasant symptom worries when the thymus gland is enlarged. In this case, urgent medical consultation is needed.

The main causes of morning cough include:

  • Viral or bacterial infection.
  • Severe heart disease.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Smoking. Most often, an unpleasant symptom worries former smokers who for a long time can not abandon the bad habit. In this case, to alleviate the symptoms, it is necessary to take mucolytic, expectorant drugs for about a week. The doctor appointed Mukaltin, ACTS, Lazolvan, Bromheksin.
  • Laryngotracheitis. Morning cough in this situation is exhausting, because there is an inflammatory process in the larynx. To relieve the condition, you need to take 100 cabbage juice mixed with two tablespoons of honey. The drug will relieve the hoarseness of the voice, facilitate the departure of phlegm. If you can not get rid of morning cough, take Tusuprex. Do this only in the morning, because the drug leads to increased sputum discharge. In the evening, drink tea with raspberries, linden. Dry cough can be cured with the help of a decoction with the root of the althaea, thyme.
  • Bronchial asthma,which is accompanied by a dry cough, in addition to the fact that sputum does not go away, severe dyspnea may be disturbing. Help ease the symptoms of honey. You can make yourself a drink with apple cider vinegar and honey. It is recommended to use a salad with honey and carrots. These funds will help get rid of morning coughing attacks.
  • Pneumonia,which ischaracterized by a dry morning cough. With her, as a rule, in the morning there is a dry cough.
  • Heart diseasesquite often cause a cough in the morning. Most often the symptom occurs with heart failure, when the blood stagnates in the lungs.
  • Lungs' cancercharacterized by a painful cough. To ease the condition, you can brew a mixture of warm milk and boiled onions. You need to grind the onion, boil it in a glass of milk. Insist for 6 hours.

Methods of treatment of morning cough

You should understand that the course of therapy will depend on the underlying cause of this unpleasant symptom. Symptoms can be alleviated with the help of such methods of treatment:

  • Refuse salty, spicy and fatty.
  • Include in the menu oatmeal with butter, as well as puree with milk, radish with vegetable oil.
  • Drink as much as possible of mors, tea, water, juice.
  • Do chest massage with a warming ointment, if you have a normal clean skin.
  • In the afternoon, inhale, use Ambroxol, Lazolvan for them. No less useful are inhalations with soda.
  • Quit smoking completely.

At the hospital, you need to undergo an x-ray of the respiratory organs. In addition, take the sputum analysis. Perhaps you need a bronchoscopy. Do not forget about strengthening the body, take immunomodulating medications. If there is a need to be treated with antibiotics, with their help you dilute and bring out phlegm. Excellent helps herbal decoction, physiotherapy procedures.

Physiological morning cough in a child

Many moms immediately begin to panic when their child coughed in the morning. Not worth it! If the child only coughed once, this is quite normal. Thus, the child's body is freed from the mucus that has accumulated overnight.

Physiological cough is absolutely safe for the child, because it is short-lived and does not threaten the baby. Special treatment in this case is not required, as a rule, the cough passes by itself. If an unpleasant symptom occurs periodically, you need to follow the child, perhaps he has ARVI, a cold or another infectious disease.

When morning coughing, the child is recommended to pay attention to such symptoms:

  • Body temperature.
  • Type of cough - with phlegm or too dry.
  • Duration of cough.
  • Other signs are sore throat, runny nose.

A wet morning cough in a child can be a symptom of clearing the bronchi from accumulated mucus. In children, such a cough occurs with an allergic reaction, a runny nose, a viral infection, bronchitis. It is very important that the mucus does not linger on the bronchi, cough it out, because everything will end in severe consequences. If you notice a turbid mucus, most likely, you have inflammation. Rusty mucus in a child speaks of an allergic reaction, and a green one about sinusitis.

The morning dry barking cough can be one of the symptoms of laryngitis, whooping cough, measles, flu. In this situation, you urgently need to call a child therapist at home.

So, many morning cough is a common occurrence, it is not at all dangerous. So a person is released from accumulated sputum for the night. It is necessary to worry if the cough begins to often disturb, especially if it is accompanied by high fever, sputum with blood. Cough with dyspnea and worsening of general condition is no less dangerous. If you have such a morning cough, immediately go to the doctor. You will be assigned a full examination to determine the cause of the troubling and unpleasant symptom.

Cough with phlegm: what and how to treat if there is no temperature

If adults have a persistent dry or wet cough, this condition indicates a loss of airway, which causes this or that disease.

Such a symptom is a kind of self-defense of the body and is caused when foreign particles appear in the respiratory organs, for example, it can be green sputum when coughing.

Often with catarrhal diseases, there is a cough with sputum, which coughs up. Sputum is a viscous thick liquid that is produced by the mucous membrane.

Its basis is water with glycoproteins, lipids and immunoglobulins. Depending on the composition, the foamy consistency can have a different color, which varies from pale yellow to green and brown. From coughing with obvious phlegm, expectoration occurs, and microbes and accumulated toxins are removed from the respiratory tract.

In most cases, dry cough is transformed into a wet cough with phlegm, which is expectorated. The most common reason that provokes it is smoking.

During smoking, a large amount of mucus accumulates in the airways, which leads to a strong cough with phlegm.

Also smoking paralyzes the thin hairs that are in the airways, because of which expectoration is greatly complicated.

Causes and types of phlegm on coughing

Cough without fever can cause a variety of diseases. One of the reasons for the appearance of symptoms is the development of asthma. At the initial stage of the disease, the patient feels slight hoarseness and a dry cough with hard-to-recover sputum. After a while the wheezing becomes strong and a strong cough with sputum appears. In this case, a thick foamy mucus may form in the form of precipitates.

In addition, it can be noted:

  1. Another cause may be chronic bronchitis. A similar disease with chronic blocking of the airways causes a dry cough that gradually passes into a cough without temperature. In this liquid consistency can contain salty purulent mucus brown.
  2. Cough with yellow sputum often occurs as a result of the appearance of a common cold. In this case, the color of sputum during a cough may change, as pus accumulates in it.
  3. Mucus in large quantities in the way of breathing accumulates if there is an inhalation of dust, smoke and other irritants that provoke a cough with phlegm.

Often, these symptoms are observed with an allergic reaction or chronic sinusitis. A green liquid consistency when coughing is observed if the disease has become chronic.

A severe cough and with phlegm can also report the presence of such a serious disease as lung cancer. Therefore, it is worthwhile to be alerted if bloody veins are found in the consistency. Also, mucus may contain purulent clusters.

If the dry cough has flowed smoothly into a cough with phlegm, this can be a signal of the development of pneumonia. Yellow or gray salted phlegm in turn changes color due to the activity of bacteria present in it.

Yellow sputum when coughing

The appearance of yellow sputum may indicate that the patient develops bronchitis, pneumonia or sinusitis. In the event that a cough with sheer yellow sputum appears unexpectedly and abruptly, you should immediately consult a doctor to begin treatment as soon as possible.

Especially dangerous if the mucus contains purulent or blood clots. The yellow color appears, as a rule, when the main consistency is mixed with pus.

To accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe the right treatment, the doctor prescribes sputum analysis, which is collected in a special jar. The procedure is performed in the morning on an empty stomach, before that the oral cavity is rinsed with a weak antiseptic solution.

Also purulent sputum can be yellow with frequent smoking. With bronchitis, the color of the liquid consistency can reveal the cause of the disease and the presence of bacteria in the body.

Treatment is prescribed only after careful examination and clarification of the exact diagnosis.

White sputum

White sputum curd consistency indicates the presence of respiratory tract fungus infection or tuberculosis. Fungi can affect the bronchi as a result of prolonged antibiotic treatment with reduced immunity. This leads to the appearance of a pathogenic microflora on the mucosa. In the case of tuberculosis, mucus is usually released in small amounts.

If white spots are found in the white sputum, the doctor can diagnose a pulmonary complication due to damage during the coughing of the laryngeal vessels. A white, watery consistency may be caused by external stimuli, a viral infection or diseases of the respiratory organs.

Transparent sputum indicates that the inflammatory process is absent. A thick and transparent consistency can indicate that lung inflammation, bronchitis, allergies, asthma or colds develop.

With a constant increase in the amount of mucus and sputum, the patient is poisoned, so it is important to start treatment on time to prevent congestion in the bronchi.

Cough and blood

Bloody splotches in the sputum when coughing report a respiratory disease. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help in order to identify the causes and start the necessary treatment.

When the reasons lie in the development of lung cancer, the blood in the sputum is in the form of veins. Including a cough with blood can be caused by bronchitis, in this case you can find small scarlet veins in a small amount.

If the causes are the development of pneumonia, fresh cords of blood will appear from the cough with sputum. From what caused the painful symptoms, it will depend on what treatment the doctor will prescribe.

A protracted cough

Prolonged is a cough that lasts more than four to eight weeks, with a positive dynamics to recovery is not observed. This condition is a very disturbing symptom that reports a serious illness.

Before the treatment begins, the doctor prescribes the X-ray of the lungs to exclude cancer. The reasons for this state of the patient can be reduced to the presence of inflammation, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis. A prolonged cough may also occur in heavy smokers with prolonged bronchitis. Such a disease is considered chronic and it is difficult to cure it.

A prolonged cough is observed in people who, in the nature of their activities, are associated with chemicals. In particular, with constant contact with asbestos, people often develop asbestosis disease.

To get rid of the disease, it is required to change the kind of activity, so as not to contract with the stimulus, there are no other ways to solve such a problem.

The appearance of cough in the morning

Quite often people cough in the morning, and there's nothing to worry about. Thus, they cough up phlegm, which accumulated overnight in the respiratory tract. However, it is important to understand that in healthy people mucus departs in small amounts. If a large amount of sputum is produced, there may be reasons for this.

Most often in the morning, heavy smokers and coughing up mucus inveterate smokers. As you know, a morning cough of a chronic nature signals about tobacco poisoning. If you do not start treatment on time, the symptoms will only increase.

Causes of severe cough in the morning can also be chronic lung disease, tuberculosis. The patient can cough intensely if mucus from the nasal sinuses is stuck in the throat.

Treatment of cough with phlegm

When cough and sputum is caused by acute respiratory viral infection or bronchitis, the accumulated consistency is difficult the physician prescribes treatment with the use of special mucolytics, which dilute sputum. Also, in the case of difficultly separated sputum, expectorants are prescribed.

Many people, worrying about their health, sometimes refuse to take medicine, giving preference to folk remedies. However, it must be borne in mind that such treatments may also have contraindications and cause side effects. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

It is also important to understand that mucolytic and antitussive drugs can not be taken at the same time, otherwise the patient's condition will only worsen.

Medicinal products that relieve cough are divided into three main groups:

  • Expectorants are prescribed if it is required to treat symptoms of a cold with sparse phlegm.
  • Anti-cough medicines are prescribed when it is necessary to treat an unproductive and dry cough.
  • Mucolytic drugs are used when it is required to treat symptoms with thick, viscous and difficult to separate sputum.

Coughs of expectorant action

Quickly and effectively cure moist cough Althea's preparations, including Mukaltin, Alteika syrup and Althea's Root, will help. Medicinal expectorant is prescribed if it is necessary to treat acute and chronic pathologies of the respiratory system in the form of bronchitis, emphysema of the lungs, tracheobronchitis. The drug is used for viscous hard to separate sputum.

The drug dilutes the consistency, relieves inflammation, stimulates the wave-like contractions of the walls of the bronchi, so that mucus is easily removed from the respiratory tract. However, to treat Althea with symptoms is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity, ulcer of the duodenum and stomach. Diabetics should also be cautious during treatment.

Preparations based on thermopsis help to cure cold symptoms by irritating the center of breathing, which contributes to expectoration of sputum. This includes pills for coughing Termopsol, Kodelak bronchus with thyme. The medicine has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect due to the content in the active elements.

Quickly cure a wet cough is helped by breastfeeding, which includes such medicinal herbs as oregano, mother-and-stepmother, plantain, licorice, sage, anise, marshmallow, pine buds from cough, chamomile, violet, ledum, calendula.

Also, many prefer to treat the symptoms of cold with the help of the Bronchophyte elixir, it contains a rosemary, plantain, anise, licorice, sage, violet, thyme.

Mucolytic drugs for coughing

Mucolytic drugs are prescribed to drink when you need to treat bronchitis. Such preparations dilute sputum, improve its excretion and, thus, break favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic organisms.

Drugs, the active ingredient of which is acetylcysteine, help get rid of severe symptoms in chronic bronchitis. They are also taken with laryngitis, otitis media, pneumonia. These drugs are contraindicated for pulmonary hemorrhage, bronchial asthma, adrenal pathology, hepatic and renal insufficiency.

Bromhexine and its preparations Solvin and Bronchosan are widely used in the conduct of inhalations. The effect of treatment can be seen after only 2 days. With increased viscosity, sputum is prescribed to drink drugs based on carbocisteine, among which medicines such as Fluidite, Fluviert, Bronhobos and Libexin Muno.

An interesting video in this article offers information on how to cure a cough.

Causes of dry cough without fever in adults

In our time it is difficult to find an adult or a child who would not cough at least once a day. Zagazovannost large cities and megacities, harmful emissions of industrial enterprises, a lot of different infections - living in a city about clean air can only dream of.

The human respiratory system is so arranged that when penetrating into the bronchi and lungs of infectious agents, allergens, dust, etc., due to irritation of the respiratory tract receptors, a cough occurs.

With its help, the tracheobronchial tree is cleansed of external and internal irritating agents, such as pus, mucus, sputum, blood or from foreign bodies - pollen, dust, food particles. The role of the cough is to prevent mechanical obstacles and cleanse the respiratory tract from sputum or other substances.

When a person has caught a cold and contracted a viral respiratory disease - the clinical picture is clear, the person rises high fever, runny nose, cough, tear, weakness and other symptoms of intoxication, characteristic of these diseases. In these cases, the cause of dry cough is clear. And how to understand why there is a cough without temperature in an adult or a child?

Many believe that cough is caused only by respiratory diseases, however, a prolonged dry cough may be a symptom of such serious diseases like heart failure, oncological diseases of the mediastinal organs, certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, sinusitis, sinusitis. The table below shows the symptoms and diagnosis of certain diseases that are characterized by a dry cough without fever or with a temperature of 37 ° C.

Cough and runny nose without fever

  • With colds

may cause catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, runny nose, cough without body temperature or 37-3,. With such types of Orvy, the throat may not bother, but a common cold, cough without fever is characteristic. If the cough does not go away within 3 weeks after the onset of SARS, you should consult a therapist.

  • Allergic reaction

on various flowering plants in an apartment or on the street, an allergy to dust is also accompanied by a dry non-productive cough, an allergy to pet hair, pet food or animal care products, a similar reaction is possible for perfumery and cosmetic products facilities.

Even in carpets and bedding there are a lot of allergens, which can be inadequate reaction of the body, which is expressed by dry cough and runny nose without temperature. Also, the massive use of various household chemicals, unsafe detergent powders with surfactants over 35% all this can affect the state of the respiratory system and manifest as a cough and runny nose without temperature.

  • Post-infection cough

after acute infectious or viral inflammation of the respiratory tract cough with perspiration, coughing, feeling tickling or agitation, can last up to 3 weeks, and just unpleasant sensations and a rare coughing is possible before, months.

Dry prolonged cough without fever

  • Stress

Stressful situations, nervous shocks, experiences can provoke a dry cough - this is called psychogenic cough, when a person worries, gets lost or embarrassed, he can cough up.

  • Also, for a long time in a room with dry, dusty air, irritation in the respiratory tract may appear.
  • Oncological diseases

If a prolonged severe dry cough without fever lasts more than a month, you should consult a therapist, pulmonologist, allergist, oncologist, phthisiatrist for the passage of a thorough diagnosis, since the diseases that cause incessant cough are very many - tuberculosis, lung cancer, bronchial cancer, trachea, throat.

  • Heart Disease

Cardiac cough should be distinguished, for example, from the cough of a smoker or a bronchial cough. Such a cough occurs after physical activity and there is no sputum, however, sometimes with acute cardiac disease, bloody discharge after a dry cough is possible. This is due to the malfunctioning of the left ventricle, when the lungs are stagnant blood and its secretion with a cough. The person besides the cough is disturbed also by palpitation, and a short wind, and pains in the field of heart and so forth.

  • Chronic diseases of ENT organs

often with chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, such as sinusitis, frontalitis, sinusitis due to the flow of mucus from the nose along the back wall of the throat, there may be a cough without temperature, it is concomitant and not associated with lower respiratory ways.

  • Tuberculosis

a prolonged dry cough, a temperature of 37-3, indicates a possible tuberculous process in the lungs or bronchi. To date, the situation of tuberculosis is very tense, even among people of high social status, the development of this formidable disease, persistent stressful situations, overfatigue, inadequate rest reduce the defenses of the body and since 90% of the population by the age of 30 is infected with a stick of Koch, provoking factors can lead to the activation of the mycobacterium in organism.

  • Thyroid gland diseases

with a nodular or diffuse increase in the thyroid gland, pressure on the trachea occurs, causing a dry cough without temperature in adults.

  • Some diseases of the digestive tract

can also cause a dry cough without fever, a reflex cough after eating in the case of an esophageal-tracheal fistula, reflux esophagitis, and esophageal diverticulum.

  • If foreign matter enters the respiratory tract.

Name of the disease Characteristics of cough and other symptoms Body temperature Diagnostics
Some types of ARVI Cough is first dry, then it becomes wet with sputum secretion The temperature may not be or may be low-grade 37-3, Examination of the therapist, pediatrician, general blood test
Chronic bronchitis, smoker's bronchitis Chronic coughing is usually deaf, especially attacks in the morning, in the cold, when inhaling gassed or smoky air. With prolonged chronic bronchitis, sputum may be purulent. With exacerbation or acute bronchitis, the temperature usually rises, especially with acute bronchitis in children, but with chronic temperature there is not or 37 with little. Radiography of the chest, examination of the therapist, a general blood test, bacterial sputum culture on the sensitivity to antibiotics in the case of purulent sputum.
Chronic frontitis, sinusitis, rhinitis For such diseases is characterized by frequent dry cough, especially at night. In acute sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, the temperature is high, but with a chronic process, a cough and a temperature of 37 or normal Examination with an otolaryngologist, an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses of the nose
Oncological diseases of the mediastinum With oncological diseases cough can be dry, debilitating Without temperature Examination at a pulmonologist, oncologist - X-ray, MRI of mediastinal organs, bronchoscopy, blood test, oncomarker, etc.
Tuberculosis Persistent cough with sputum or sparse phlegm, weakness, decreased appetite and performance, night sweats, chills. The temperature is normal in the morning, by evening usually low-grade 37-3, Chest x-ray, Computed tomography, tuberculin tests, phthisiatric consultation.
Professional cough Appears in people working in hazardous manufacturing plants, when in the air many different chemicals, dust, such a cough is dry, exhausting without sputum Without temperature Inspection of the therapist, pulmonologist, X-ray of the lungs to exclude other pathologies.
Allergic reactions, allergic bronchitis Cough is dry, without phlegm, in the form of perspiration, irritation, occurs after contact with the allergen - animals, dust, plant pollen, fluff, feather, wool, household chemicals, perfumes, washing powders. Without temperature Consultation of an allergist, immunologist
Heart failure, rhomboembolism of the pulmonary artery, heart defects, A dry, prolonged cough without fever occurs after physical exertion and is strengthened in the prone position, but after the adoption of the vertical position it weakens. It is accompanied by shortness of breath, palpitation, high blood pressure, sometimes there are attacks of suffocation. Without temperature First, consult a therapist, then a cardiologist.
Lungs' cancer In addition to dry coughing, people are concerned about chest pains. In the long-term process, dry cough can be accompanied by periodic sputum discharge with pus or blood. Dry cough, temperature 37-3, or it may not be Consultation of the oncologist-chest x-ray, bronchoscopy, general blood test, oncomarkers, etc.
Throat cancer Signs of throat cancer, larynx in this disease is characterized by dry cough without temperature, not amenable to treatment, as well as possible shortness of breath, as the laryngeal lumen narrows. Sputum can be with blood, also blood can be in saliva and mucus from the nose. Without temperature or 37-3, Consultation of an otolaryngologist, oncologist.
Use of certain medicines These drugs include: drugs for hypertension, ACE inhibitors, nitrofurans, beta-blockers, aspirin, amiodarone, Inhalation drugs-beclomethasone, ipratropium bromide, are able to cause a cough without temperature, chronic unproductive. Without temperature Tell the cardiologist about the drugs that you take and that they cause a cough.
Pneumonia in the elderly It is very rare, but there are cases when pneumonia occurs without a temperature or with a slight unobtrusive increase, usually it is typical for the elderly, while, in addition to coughing, chest pains, weakness, loss appetite. Pneumonia sometimes occurs without high fever with a strong cough, especially in weakened and elderly people. Address to the therapist, chest X-ray, a general blood test.

If a person is worried that he has a severe dry cough without fever and other symptoms of colds, he suffers from attacks of dry cough for a long time, do not delay the visit to therapist.

  • First of all, one should be alerted and analyze when most often there are coughing attacks - if this is related to the quality of the inhaled air, the presence of new furniture, fresh repair in the apartment or the appearance of an animal, woolen or fur clothing, other clothes of poor quality - it is most likely a defensive reaction of the broncho-pulmonary system to toxic substances in dyes, plastics, particle boards, mattresses, carpets, etc. household items or an allergic reaction to wool, fur, fluff, feather, etc.
  • If the cough is only at a certain time - only in the morning, most likely it is chronic bronchitis. If on the contrary, only at night or in a horizontal position - a heart cough, cough with diseases of ENT organs. If during a meal - it can be a cancer of the throat, larynx, gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pay attention to the color, amount and consistency of sputum, this must be reported to the doctor, what color is it, whether there are impurities of blood, pus (yellow-green).

How to treat a cough before vomiting in an adult?

Cough is a common symptom that indicates a pathological process. Often it causes a lot of inconvenience to people, as it comes to vomiting. Someone he strikes at night, and someone is tormented throughout the day. To get rid of it at first it is necessary to determine the reasons for its formation. Otherwise, you will be able to eliminate the cough, but not the ailment that caused it.

Contributing factors

Many people are frightened by a cough with vomiting, and they start to wind up themselves, coming up with various diseases. But, as practice shows, most often these symptoms indicate the presence of a cold. Now if you do not do it in time, then it will grow into a more serious pathology. If the cough torments you in the morning, then the causes of coughing in the morning are described in the adult.

To diagnose a vomiting cough can at convulsive attacks at the moment of aperture reduction. The next cause of coughing is the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the nasopharynx.The result of this process is its flow down the wall of the pharynx, which provokes a feeling of nausea, and then a vomitive reflex.

Vomiting may be caused by untreated, started cough, which is the reason for the formation of a serious pathological process.

Still there are situations when adult patients start to swallow sputum, allocated during an attack. The result of such an action becomes an uncontrolled urge to vomit. But this happens very rarely and does not cause any dangerous consequences.

The gag reflex is only a consequence of colds and respiratory ailments, which include ORVI and ARI, influenza, pneumonia, tracheitis and bronchitis. When diagnosed, the doctor can detect other diseases that cause such an unpleasant symptom:

  1. Inadequate functioning of the heart in acute phase. A similar symptom is characterized by a lack of air and an attempt to swallow it in large quantities.
  2. Allergy. During a convulsive contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm in an allergic reaction, it often provokes a vomitive reflex in a person. In addition, the pathology presented can be accompanied by rhinitis and sneezing. The link details allergic cough in adults.
  3. Tuberculosis and Lung Cancer- two dangerous and unpleasant diseases, for which not only vomiting, but also convulsive cough is peculiar. If the disease is at a neglected stage, then a certain amount of bleeding is released from the patient's mouth. In addition, he has a temperature rise.
  4. Bronchial asthma. For this pathology, characteristic only coughing attacks, but also vomiting. As a rule, these unpleasant symptoms occur at the initial stage of the disease. But there were cases when vomiting and coughing worried adults in chronic bronchial asthma.

The video describes the possible causes of coughing up before vomiting in an adult:


The color of sputum for various pathologies can be different.If there is bronchial asthma, then it acquires a bright yellow color.The reason for the large volume of eosinophils. The mucus of a rusty tone provokes pneumonia. If there is an active form of tuberculosis, the sputum has bloody veins.

Slime, which has arisen from colds, is colorless. Often it acquires a yellow and green color. Such sputum takes microorganisms and other harmful particles from the inhaled air. Here are the causes of sputum yellow color when coughing. The link describes the situation when the cough comes out green sputum.

If sputum accumulates in the respiratory tract due to colds, smoking or negative environmental influences. Such a sputum will greatly impede breathing. In this case, the body will try to remove it on its own, resulting in a wet cough with an emetic reflex.

Another cough with vomiting can occur in people who are addicted to tobacco smoking. As a result of frequent smoking they have sputum accumulation in the nasopharynx. Based on the presented reasons for the formation of a vomiting cough, it should be said that such a symptom, regardless of the disease, should be treated immediately. Only after visiting a doctor and handing out all the necessary tests will you be able to make effective and comprehensive treatment.

Find out what can wash the nose of a child with a cold.

Does warm milk help with cough oil?

Here you can see the photo how to put children mustard for coughing:

Therapeutic events

Before considering the scheme of effective treatment, it is worth noting that independent measures for elimination in this case is unacceptable. Each patient has his own therapy. It is appointed by the attending physician, proceeding from the individual characteristics of the person and the course of the ailment.

Medication Therapy

If you have a vomiting cough, the specialist will prescribe drugs that have the following effect:

  1. Suppress the cough reflex. Here you can include Codeine, Oxeladin, Glaicin.
  2. Affect the cough recipes of the mucosa of the respiratory tract. In the popularity rating are the following medicines: Neokodin, Linkas. On the photo - Linkas syrup from cough:

If you are tortured by a wet cough with vomiting, the doctor will prescribe medications based on the root of the althaea and licorice. The effect obtained from these medicines is saved for 3-4 hours, so they should be taken every 6 hours.

Folk treatment

In addition to medication, when a very strong (creepy) cough before vomiting in an adult, a doctor can prescribe some traditional medicine, because only he knows how to treat. They manage to suppress cough and unpleasant symptoms. But they are used in combination with the main treatment:

  1. Nursing fees- facilitate the patient's condition. You can buy these fees in any pharmacy at an affordable price. Use this medicine 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Rubbingbefore going on a night's rest. For rubbing use honey. After the procedure, wrap the processed part of the body with a woolen shawl. It is also common to rub off badger fat when coughing in children.
  3. Before going to bed, use a glass of warm milk with dissolved honey and butter.
  4. During the day, it is worth taking any warm liquid. Here you can include raspberry tea, rose hips, compote from dried fruits, breast pills with expectorant effect.

When an adult in childhood suffered from whooping cough, then the vomiting cough can act as a symptom of a very different ailment. Immunity, which was developed on whooping cough in childhood, persists throughout life.

Vomiting cough is a very dangerous symptom that indicates the presence of a certain disease.Most often it occurs because of untimely treatment of the common cold. If cough is accompanied by vomiting, then this is a clear signal for going to the hospital and passing the diagnosis.

Why there is a night cough in an adult: the main reasons

Cough itself is not a disease. It's just a symptom. His appearance can say that the body is fighting infection. It happens both during the day and at night. Sometimes a person during the day feels fine, and at night can not fall asleep because of severe attacks of coughing. It can provoke the beginning catarrhal diseases, and the person in a horizontal position can not completely clear his throat. At night, all processes slow down. Slime does not resolve, but accumulates and this causes buhikanie.

Destination in case of disease

It performs the protective function of the body, which appears as a result of a disease or the presence of a foreign body inside the person's airways. It manifests itself in the form of jerky exhalations, which contribute to the removal of infection or sputum. Buhykanie helps the bronchi to clear and protects the patient from suffocation.Sudden occurrence of a cough may indicate the ingress of an alien body into the body, and if it does not go out by itself, you should immediately consult a doctor.Prolonged seizures, lasting for two weeks, mean that the cough passes into acute form, and if there is a protracted option - more than two months, it means that he moved to chronic.

A night cough that does not recur during the day can indicate serious illness. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the diagnosis accurately, and according to it to conduct treatment. It may be that it is caused by an allergic reaction to bedding. For example, down in the pillow. And then when it is replaced, there will be a night phenomenon.

Cough begins when mucous respiratory organs are irritated. After removing the cause of their occurrence, there will be a buzzing. And in order to understand which of them caused it, we must first determine the type of cough. It can be unproductive and damp.

Why does a dry cough appear at night?

This kind of buxing itself is fraught with danger. At night, attacks of an unproductive cough can lead to apnea. And the process of coughing brings unpleasant sensations, accompanied by nausea, shortness of breath, and sometimes suffocating.

The reason for this can be:

  • obstructive bronchitis (here symptoms and treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults are described);

    In the picture - lungs with obstructive bronchitis

  • defeat pleura in tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • problems in the field of gastroenterology;
  • pneumonia;
  • respiratory chlamydia and mycoplasmosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • allergy.

Negative effects on the body of the latter can lead to a fit of coughing with suffocation, which is due to a lack of oxygen and often results in a loss of consciousness. This often occurs in people with asthma. Her pathogens can be all around: dust, fluff, plant pollen or insect bites.

Night cough with cardiac dysfunction is accompanied by shortness of breath, as well as an accelerated heartbeat. If it is associated with a malfunction in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, then his attacks will be caused by irritation nerve endings of the esophagus and airway membranes, in which there may be acid content stomach.

Also, the appearance of a cough may be affected by overdried air in a room where a person sleeps. Then you need to buy a special humidifier, so that it does not happen again.

If the cause is cardiovascular disease, then they can be accompanied by shortness of breath, with the nasolabial triangle becoming bluish.

The appearance of a night cough can also cause the localization of malignant neoplasms or pulmonary tuberculosis. Because of the ingress of foreign bodies in the form of coarsely dispersed dust or grains, which were deposited in the throat and began to affect its mucous membranes. It can be caused by aortic dilatation or enlarged lymph nodes.

The nature of dry buhikaniya can tell the cause of the disease. So, if you cough:

  • loud and similar to barking a dogTrachea or larynx;
  • frequent coughsIrritation of the pleura;
  • whooping coughwith a noise and the urge to vomit - whooping cough;
  • sharp boutsPleurisy or acute tracheobronchitis;
  • bitonal buzzing- inflammation of the lymph nodes (often occurs in smokers);
  • reflex attacks outside the respiratory system- Disease of the ears;
  • stubborn coughspeaks about the problems in the lungs (pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis, collagenosis and sarcoidosis);
  • whistlingoccurs with bronchial asthma;
  • stiffindicates a pathology in the region of the bronchi.

For the correct diagnosis of a cough, it is necessary to take into account the accompanying symptoms and the environment of the patient.

Find out if laryngitis is transmitted by airborne droplets.

What does dry cough mean in the morning?

Possible treatment of green sputum when coughing:

Causes of a damp cough in the middle of the night

With acute inflammation of the throat, there is a buildup of mucus and a person begins to reflexively get rid of it. This is causing a productive cough. It often appears as a continuation of the dry kind, and lasts much longer than the previous one. With a protracted phenomenon can go into a chronic form.

It can cause the following diseases:

  • focal pneumonia;
  • breakthrough abscess in the lung;
  • viral diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • stress;
  • ARVI;
  • rhinitis (here you can read about the treatment of chronic rhinitis at home);
  • pleuropneumonia;
  • breakthrough of the hepatic abscess;
  • genyantritis (the reference describes drops in the nose with sinusitis and sinusitis);
  • trachea or heart swelling;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • oncological diseases of the respiratory system;
  • sinusitis (read what antibiotics to drink with sinusitis).

The video tells about the causes of a night cough in an adult:

Depending on the type of sputum, you can determine which disease caused it.

So, if it is scant and viscous, then the cause is bronchitis, asthma or tracheitis.

Slime, accompanied by fetid odor, appears as a result of breakthrough of lung abscess. Her color can also tell you about the alleged disease. So, the yellow-orange color of mucus may indicate pleuropneumonia. And if it shows blood splittings and along with a cough there is chills and fever, then this indicates the course of tuberculosis or the presence of oncological pathology. In viral diseases, dizziness, vomiting and high fever can occur simultaneously with a wet cough. By reference, you can read more about the causes, if you cough up yellow sputum.

If a cough with mucus secretion is the only symptom that is not accompanied by anything, it indicates an inflammatory process in the lungs or the course of tuberculosis.

The acute form often appears on the background of acute respiratory disease. Prolonged may indicate pertussis, rhinitis, or sinusitis. A prolonged wet cough at night should be treated only as prescribed by the doctor, this is not the case when it can be delayed with his treatment.

Even knowing the cause of its occurrence, you do not need to put a definitive diagnosis yourself. It is better to provide doctors who, after observing the diagnostic algorithm: examinations, examinations, X-rays and endoscopic examinations will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment. If it is done on time, the consequences in the form of complications will be bypassed. Here you can read about the causes of a child's night cough.

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