Insomnia - a sleep disorder

Insomnia , it's the insomnia - a sleep disorder. It manifests itself as a violation of the act of falling asleep;intermittent, superficial, sleep, or early premature awakening. A person experiencing such sleep disorders is deprived of the opportunity to restore power overnight after a tiring day, feels broken and tired.

Sleep disorder

In the morning it is very difficult to tear your head from the pillow and get out of bed. Mood in a minus, working capacity is lowered, attention is absent-minded and in the afternoon there is a drowsiness - all time it would be desirable to sleep.

Sleep disorders are not uncommon phenomena in our lives, each of us, one way or another, ever experienced them, and even suffered them for a period of time. Insomnia is the so-called failure in the activity of our "biological clock".And they are responsible for alternating and changing the regime of sleep and wakefulness.

Normally, the work of a biological clock is stable. They prepare the body for sleep at the same time. There is a decrease in the rate of reactions, a decrease in the level of blood pressure and body temperature, the production of adrenalin-like hormones that are called to increase activity decreases;mental and physical performance is also reduced.

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But when a bug in the biorhythms appears, the above processes are not launched in the evening, but in the morning, when it's time for a person to get up.

One third of men and women suffer from insomnia. This problem is typical for small children and middle-aged and elderly people. And the older the person, the more often he is disturbed by insomnia.

Sleep and insomnia - interesting facts

  1. A man, normally, spends a third of his life in a dream.
  2. In the hypothalamus is a special center of the brain, which is responsible for sleep.
  3. During the period of sleep, the human brain does not rest, but activates its other areas: the hypothalamus, the thalamus, and the frontal lobes.
  4. The organism during the night produces a hormone melatonin, which helps to fall asleep.
  5. Normal healthy sleep in humans includes two phases. In the slow-motion phase of the eyes, we fall asleep( it is three-fourths of the total sleep period).In the phase of rapid eye movement, we see and remember dreams.
  6. In the second phase of sleep, the muscles of the body are "paralyzed" so that the person does not repeat the movements that he performs in a dream.
  7. During sleep, a person restores the body's mental and physical resources, neutralizes the accumulated "toxins" of fatigue.
  8. The more we spent the day, the more we need a healthy, strong, restoring sleep.
  9. Children develop deep growth hormone during deep sleep, so they actually grow in a dream and fly in dreams.

There are many kinds of insomnia. In some people, it appears after a heavy emotional day, others - chronic insomnia. At a young age, it is difficult for a person to fall asleep, and at the middle and older age a person can wake up at three in the morning, but can not fall asleep again. It also happens that people wake up several times during the night.

Insomnia is not uncommon in our life. It can appear in pregnancy, diseases, drinking-binges with alcoholism, etc. On the pages of this site, we will next consider the causes and treatment of insomnia at home using folk remedies and methods of official medicine.

Normal sleep duration

Sleep is individual, but the older a person becomes, the less sleep is required. Consider how many hours on average need to sleep people of different ages:

  • newborns( from a month to two) - from 10.5 to 18 hours;
  • infants( from three to 11 months) - from 10 to 14 hours;
  • small children( from one year to three years) - from 12 to 14 hours;
  • children of preschool age( from three to five years) - from 12 to 14 hours;
  • children( from five to 12 years old) - from 10 to 11 hours;
  • adolescents( from 12 to 18 years old) - from 8.5 to 9.5 hours;
  • adults( from 18 years to the end of life) - from 7.5 to 8.5 hours.