Healing belt of dog hair for the waist


  • 1A warming curative belt made of dog hair. What effect does it have?
    • 1.1At what diseases will the belt help?
    • 1.2Undeniable benefit of dog hair
    • 1.3Belt-corset from the dog's wool Doctor
    • 1.4Heat-saving corset belt function
    • 1.5Therapeutic effect of Doctor
    • 1.6Indications for use
    • 1.7Curative Belts of Dog Hair
    • 1.8Belt of dog hair "Taiga"
    • 1.9Wool or fluff?
  • 2Belt-corset of dog hair - what is the essence of the impact
    • 2.1Beneficial features
    • 2.2Indications for wearing
    • 2.3Benefits
    • 2.4Which to choose
    • 2.5Denial of responsibility
  • 3How correctly to use a medical belt from dog hair from osteochondrosis?
  • 4Belt of wool for the waist - than useful, how to make
    • 4.1Warming Belt of Lap Wool
    • 4.2Where to buy and how to make a belt
    • 4.3Advantages and disadvantages of the finished product
  • 5Features of the structure of wool belts for the waist, their application
    • 5.1Kinds of bandages
    • 5.2Sheep Meat Belt
    • 5.3Models of wool dogs
    • 5.4Bandages of camel hair
    • 5.5Badger fur products
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.6Belts made of yak fur
    • 5.7Product structure
    • 5.8When should I use the belt
    • 5.9Belt with your own hands
  • 6Belt of dog hair (for the waist): with your own hands
    • 6.1Product Description
    • 6.2Types and Distinctions
    • 6.3Belt of dog hair (video)
    • 6.4What is it used for?
    • 6.5Pros and cons of the application
    • 6.6Where can I buy and how much is it?
    • 6.7How to make a belt of dog hair with your own hands?
    • 6.8How to wear?

A warming curative belt made of dog hair. What effect does it have?

For a long time, everyone knows that dog hair is used by the people as an indispensable tool in the treatment of many diseases, as well as for their prevention. A belt of dog hair containing surface active substances, in contact with the skin, has a beneficial effect on the body.

A yarn made of canine fluff, spun by skilled needlewomen, very light, soft, warm, pleasant to the touch.

Fuzzy things, hand-woven from such a yarn, never roll down, there are no unfortunate lumps on the surface of the product that synthetics suffer.

The sock of such products delivers not only aesthetic pleasure, but also a significant medical benefit. Belt, warming the waist in severe frost, will save your health for a long time.

At what diseases will the belt help?

The most common product of dog hair is the belt. In which cases can it help? Let's consider the main indications:

  • various back pain: sciatica, osteochondrosis;
  • kidney disease, urolithiasis, kidney failure;
  • sexual weakness in men;
  • inflammatory processes in women;
  • pinched nerve endings in vertebral hernia and many other diseases.

Undeniable benefit of dog hair

The wool of dogs is hollow, it is special in its structure, not the same as in other animals. What properties does it have? We note its advantages:

  • Dog hair can retain heat for a very long time.
  • In its composition has surface-active substances, which, penetrating through the skin into the human body, can reduce pain, which has a beneficial effect on health.
  • The dog fur belt has a warming, anti-inflammatory and healing effect.
  • Dog's coat well neutralizes harmful electrical discharges that form on the body.
  • The spiny surface has an irritating effect on the human skin, and this is akin to acupuncture. The influx of blood rushes to the sore spot.
  • The effect of the micro massage accelerates the circulation of blood flow.
  • Muscular activity is activated, the nutrition of all tissues is improved.
  • Helps to relieve swelling.
  • An excellent preventive against colds.

Belt-corset from the dog's wool Doctor

The model of this belt has an excellent corset function, which contributes to a tight fit of the lumbar region of the back. The construction uses fixing ribs.

The model is successfully used for various disorders of posture - scoliosis, kyphosis in both adults and children, for the prevention of stoop, for the removal of general fatigue, as well as with a strong overstrain of the dorsal muscles.

Men in this belt-corset look sporty and fit, and women, in turn, can emphasize all the dignity of their figure and hide some of the shortcomings.

Heat-saving corset belt function

Belt corset of dog hair Doctor allows even in the coldest cold to maintain your own body temperature thanks to natural material.

Wool is an excellent thermal insulator that keeps heat for a long time. The structure of dog hair used in the belt is slightly harsh and therefore felt even through the laundry.


Light tingling causes reflex reactions, which increase blood circulation in the lumbar region. In turn, this improves metabolic processes occurring in the subcutaneous tissue, muscles, intervertebral ligaments and discs.


As a consequence, muscle relaxes, the existing pain disappears, the mobility of the spine is restored.

Therapeutic effect of Doctor

Corset belt of dog hair has unique features, as it differs in composition from other materials in many respects. Dog hair is stronger than sheep, two times lighter.

Biologically active substances in wool may differ in composition depending on the habitat of the animal. Wool batting, used in the belt, is an excellent heat insulator that warms sick organs.

Rigid tips, irritating the nerve endings on the skin, help the biologically active substances to penetrate into the body more quickly.

In addition, wool is an excellent neutralizer of negative charges, which allows you to remove overexertion, pain, and normalize as a whole tone.

Indications for use

The Doctor can be worn not only on clothes, but also on the naked body. The belt is made of natural materials, so it can be safely attributed to environmentally friendly clothing.

There is a belt of pure woolen cloth, cotton fabric and convenient to use Velcro. Wearing such a design does not cause allergic reactions and has no contraindications.

Belt from dog wool warming will be an indispensable helper to all those who work in the cold, drafts and with high humidity.


It is recommended to people who are engaged in sports and at the same time experience a big load on the muscles of the back.


Belt-corset will provide indispensable assistance to those who are going to go hiking, hunting, fishing, in the mountains, and, of course, those who are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Curative Belts of Dog Hair

Nowadays, from the dog's wool, medical belts are made in many regions. The most popular is the wool of dogs living in Siberia, as it has long been proven that this material has the most amazing properties.

The Siberian belt of dog hair is unique and has the following features:

  • has an increased warming effect;
  • made of natural material;
  • has in its composition special biologically active substances;
  • perfectly protects the waist from hypothermia;
  • elastic belt tape will help to easily adjust the size.

The wool of Siberian dogs is a time-tested remedy that allows you to completely get rid of back pain, to ease the condition with osteochondrosis, radiculitis, kidney diseases.

Caring for the product is easy enough. It can be washed with household soap, after which it must be thoroughly rinsed.

It is not necessary to squeeze out strongly, it is necessary only slightly to compress and spread on an equal surface.

The belt is not recommended to be ironed, nor should it be exposed to direct sunlight.

Belt of dog hair "Taiga"

Medical zone "Taiga" is used to protect the waist, as well as treatment of neuritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other diseases of the back. Belt "Taiga" is made by hand according to ancient technologies, which allows to completely save all the unique properties of wool.

In contact with the skin, the wool improves microcirculation of blood in the problem area, warms and keeps heat for a long time. This belt is an excellent assistant to those who need to protect themselves from hypothermia and permanently get rid of the pain in the lower back.

A belt made of canine wool, the warming effect of which has been proven for a long time, is also used to treat and prevent such diseases:

  • colds of internal organs and back;
  • osteochondrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism, neuritis;
  • prostatitis, pyelonephritis, nephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • problems with potency in men;
  • female inflammatory diseases;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • pinching of the spinal nerves;
  • violation of posture and slenderness of the figure.

Such wonderful features have a belt of dog hair.

Feedback from those who have already experienced the product "Taiga confirm that the best for our body is the use of natural materials.

100% dog wool in the belt "Taiga" helps to work miracles, protects from diseases and warms in the most terrible cold.

Wool or fluff?

For those who wish to spin yarn from dog hair themselves, we will uncover some nuances.

Let's define in terminology. The wool has a long hard coiled hair. Especially a lot of it on the back and the withers of an animal. It is this material that makes it possible to make a medical belt from dog hair.

Dog fluff is more intended for hand-woven yarn, comb it out of the undercoat. The yarn from the dog's down is very soft, warm, pleasant to the touch. To get fluff, the dog needs to be combed at the beginning of molting. Usually, when molting comes to an end, the coat begins to climb.


Excellent undercoat for spinning in northern long-haired dogs, which are grown in severe winter conditions.


Quite suitable for combing a variety of Laikas and Shepherds of the middle band. The undercoat is rich in Caucasian sheepdogs, chow-chow.

Long collapses can share collies, the best is Newfoundland in this matter.

To obtain a soft yarn, it is necessary to choose spin in the spinning process, then the associated products will be soft, soft, non-sticky. Wearing them will be convenient and comfortable.

Children's things, associated with canine fluff, will become indispensable helpers in the winter wardrobe.

Your children will not only be warmed with natural material, but they will always be protected from various diseases.

A source: http://.ru/article/175597/sogrevayuschiy-lechebnyiy-poyas-iz-sobachey-shersti-kakoy-ot-nego-effekt

Belt-corset of dog hair - what is the essence of the impact

For a long time people knew that animals can cure diseases. So, if the cat lay down on a sore spot - they believed that the pain would soon pass. Later, woolen mittens began to knit from the wool of "healing" animals, socks.

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Seeing how well they help, healers came up with shawls to relieve fatigue from the waist. A modern analogue of shawls is corsets made of dog hair.

What is so useful about their wearing? What is so amazing about dog hair?

Beneficial features

Everyone knows that dogs are very hardy animals. They can live in the far north and feel great in the face of unbearable heat. This is due to the magnificent arrangement of animal skins.

In cold weather, it retains heat, preventing the body from freezing, in hot weather, on the contrary, controls the temperature level, protecting it from overheating. Therefore, we can immediately understand what kind of medicinal properties are the belts from the dog's fur:

  • calmly copes with the cold, "holds" the heat;
  • is a proven anti-inflammatory drug, therefore it is widely used for various infectious diseases, for example, ARVI, influenza and other diseases;
  • a kind of massager for the back: the woolens tingle the part of the body that is subject to the waist, which improves the microcirculation of the spine in need thereof;
  • increase immunity, help cope with allergens;
  • remove the swelling of tissues;
  • lead muscles into tone and relieve them of pain, natural analgesics are found in the fatty layer of the animal, and they are delivered into our body by the rigid hair of the dog;
  • accelerate metabolism, which leads to rapid healing of the problem site;
  • does not conduct electricity, and will not cause inconvenience with small clicks of current, which sometimes appear in woolen products.

An interesting feature of wool: inside, they are hollow. This explains their excellent ability to control the thermal regime.

But that's not all: the skin is hygroscopic. Therefore, the belts absorb moisture, but they remain absolutely dry at the same time.

Indications for wearing

The doctor can recommend wearing a belt in the following cases:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • , which is difficult to treat;
  • frequent colds;
  • and;
  • diseases caused by viruses;
  • ;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • protrusion of the discs and;
  • other diseases of the spine, including rehabilitation after trauma;
  • joint and muscle pain.


There are many different corsets, for example, from camel and sheep's wool. But apart from the fact that they are heavier by several times the wool of dogs, they do not possess a number of unique properties.

A bandage made of dog hair removes muscle tension, spasms pass, and venous outflow comes to normal.

Thanks to this, an anesthetic and anti-edema action of the corset is provided.

Such a belt is a careful and caring support of the waist, and its protection from adverse external influences.

The undoubted advantage is the possibility of wearing on the naked body, because unlike the leather, the body under the canine belt "breathes". Environmentally friendly materials of the product will not give cause for concern when wearing a belt by the child.

But, if you decide to wear a corset on your underwear - do not worry, you will still feel the healing power of fur. The woolen cloths, like small needles, stimulate the nerve impulses in the back.

This is very important when restoring nervous conduction after trauma, with prolonged rehabilitation of the spine. This "acupuncture at home" can be very useful for restoring the sensitivity of the back.

If you or your child constantly gets cold, and it's helped only by mustard plasters - your problem with this is solved. After all, the belt can replace the healing properties and, and heat compresses.


All the unpleasant sensations and associations with wet compresses will be forgotten, treatment will begin to bring pleasure.


The belt can be worn not only as a medicinal product. It is also useful for prevention. People whose work is related to staying in the cold and drafts, worthy of this invention.

Athletes, sometimes so gone with their heads in training, overload the back, and they come to the aid of the warming-tingling action of the bandage fur.

Also, animals involuntarily help those who are forced to sit much. Blood stagnates and leads to pelvic disease. But this problem will also be eliminated if you wear a corset of undercoat on the lower back.

A corset can be given to a person who enjoys fishing, mountaineering, hunting or long trips. After all, the weather does not always favors our relatives.

To protect them from back pain and lengthy hospital visits in the hope of finding healing, one can make a useful and creative gift.

Since the bandage warms, it can be used for weight loss. Wearing it in winter under a free T-shirt, you can be sure that the corset will not only protect your back from the cold, but will also tighten your skin, making it smooth and young.

Belt is made entirely of environmentally friendly materials. In addition to canine fur, it includes cotton fabric, pure woolen cloth and convenient to use Velcro.

Which to choose

When ordering a belt on the Internet, you should choose the size you are interested in. First you need to measure your waist and see which of the proposed models suits you.

If you buy in shops in your city, and often such products are sold in the departments of medical equipment or orthopedic salons, then sellers should give you the opportunity to try on the product. So, you can check the landing, convenience and bow function.

Right now you need to think about your health. We strain our backs daily, do not hold our posture, we carry a lot of heavy bags. All this affects the condition of the muscles and ligaments of the spine.

Sooner or later it will make itself felt. Therefore, it is better to "lay straws" in advance and insure yourself with the beginning of prevention of back diseases. And a dog corset in this will definitely help.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.


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A source: http://osteohondrosy.net/poyas-korset-iz-sobachejj-shersti-v-chem-sut-vozdejjstviya.html

How correctly to use a medical belt from dog hair from osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis is an unpleasant spinal disease, which is inherent in almost every second patient already in adulthood. It is very difficult to cure it, so it is important to take care of prevention

In the period of relapse, the main task of treating osteochondrosis is to quash as soon as possible an intense pain syndrome in order to reduce the sufferings and sufferings of a particular patient.

During the period of remission, it is important to simply monitor your condition and wear a warm belt from osteochondrosis.

What is it for? This device provides a persistent warming effect, as a result of which the blood flow and metabolism increase, and the distracting effect allows you to forget about the pain for a long time. One way or another, it is a wonderful therapeutic and preventive remedy, which is relevant for various diseases of the back and waist.

But I'd like to talk in more detail about a different topic: what is a dog's hair belt, how to wear it correctly and for what purpose?

First of all, it is worth to clarify that this medical device is the result of manual work, which allows you to preserve all the unique and curative properties of dog hair.

Here it is important to note that it provides a licking effect on the skin, thereby accelerating the circulation of the affected area of ​​the spine.


In addition, it neutralizes negative electric charges on the body surface, and also reliably keeps the priceless heat, so necessary for therapeutic purposes.


Wear this device appoints a competent specialist strictly according to the indications, which, incidentally, in the instructions for use abound.

So, this appointment is appropriate not only for osteochondrosis, but also for radiculitis, neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, nephritis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, urolithiasis, as well as in case of exacerbation of pathologies of internal organs and back. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of hypothermia and colds, maintenance of sexual activity of representatives strong half of humanity, and a unique opportunity to maintain his figure in shape and correct the distorted posture.

Whatever the testimony was, the back belt heals the qualitative warmth of the lumbar-sacral area.

With direct contact of the affected area with the combed hair of the dog when walking, an arbitrary micromassage is performed, which, in a relatively short time, can enhance the microcirculation of the blood.

As practice shows, the therapeutic effect of this device demonstrates exclusively at an early stage of the diagnosed disease, later one socks of the belt for healing will not be enough.

But, nevertheless, doctors recommend it to all adult patients to buy, at least to protect the organs of the small pelvis from hypothermia.

It is also worth noting that the characteristic product has practically no contraindications, and from side effects only local and allergic reactions in places of direct contact with the skin are isolated.

The question arises as to how to correctly carry this device to avoid possible side effects and to feel a persistent therapeutic effect in a relatively short time? Here it is worth noting that wearing a belt on the naked body is allowed in the absence of an allergic reaction; otherwise, to avoid a small rash, you can put it on top of your underwear. Whichever method of socks has been chosen, this heating device needs regular washing, which is suitable for the soap solution exclusively by hand, while pressing products categorically is prohibited. Strangely enough, but it can be ironed, but do it exclusively through wet matter, otherwise the dog's coat may burn slightly and lose its healing properties.

It is necessary to understand that this medical device has its own dimensions, therefore, before purchasing It is important to try on several belts and determine exactly what feeling is comfort.


Over time, the product loses its appearance, and due to regular washing is stretched, not performing its original action. In such cases it is worth replacing it with a new one, the more a huge assortment of belts prevails today in almost every pharmacy in the city.


In general, this device is simply indispensable for many patients who manage to avoid exacerbations.

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A belt of dog hair is used today by many patients with a diseased back and kidneys, while leaving extremely positive feedback on numerous sites of the World Wide Web.

A source: http://provizor.org/node/26496

Belt of wool for the waist - than useful, how to make

We all know about the healing power of heat with radiculitis. It especially helps if the cause of radiculitis is muscle inflammation of the common cold.

Instinctively, I want to cover, to protect my back with something warm, soft and fluffy. And then comes to the rescuewaist beltmade from natural canine, sheep or camel hair.

The desired warming effect is guaranteed.

Warming Belt of Lap Wool

In a sense, the belt is a natural physiotherapy for the back.

Only if in the physiotherapy room requires an additional source of heat, then when wearing a woolen corset, this is our own body.

Closing it, the belt prevents heat transfer, and the accumulated heat begins to warm the back.

When warming, the muscle relaxes, which gives an analgesic effect. Such a relaxation of heat is used to treat all diseases in which the pain is caused by spasm, so the warming belt helps with:

  • lumbago and sciatica, during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis or an intervertebral hernia.
  • adnexitis
  • prostatitis
  • pyelonephritis
  • cystitis
  • kidney stones, etc.

A warming belt made of canine or sheep wool is also an excellent prevention of radiculitis in the cold season.

On fishing, hunting, picnics in the autumn and winter time - wherever there is a need for a uniform sitting posture, it is recommended to wear this protection from wool.

Why is it used specifically animal hair

Of course, theoretically the waist can be wrapped with any woolen scarf, and this will also help to keep your back from the cold. But it is the untreated hair of animals that gives the therapeutic effect, since

  • has water-repellent properties, which allows them to withstand a hard life in harsh climatic conditions
  • contains in its composition lanolin and wax, which have an anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect

Belts of canine, sheep, camel hair:

  1. Protect from moisture and cold
  2. They have increased hygienic properties: they do not have a greenhouse effect, they freely pass air
  3. Causes a rush of blood to the waist and improve blood circulation, which prevents stagnation, inflammation and colds
  4. Stimulating the nerve surface finish, produce a kind of light massage

When skin and hair contact, some people may experience slight irritation. To avoid this, you can sew the belt from inside with a cotton cloth, or you can put it on top of a natural underwear.

Where to buy and how to make a belt

Buy a belt you can

  • in the pharmacy
  • store medical equipment
  • On the market

To make a belt from dog or sheep's wool it is possible and independently, having addressed for a material to breeders of dogs or farmers-cattle breeders. However, the animals themselves, of course, do not suffer:

  • long-haired dogs comb out and collect wool
  • sheep corny cut, or roll
  • then yarn is made or wool is treated with felting

The easiest way to make a belt is with a simple corset:

  • pieces of canine or sheep's wool are spread evenly inside the folded cotton fabric
  • Stretch fabric together with wool with diagonal stitches
  • the obtained quilted lining is sewn from the inside to the corset

The disadvantage of such a design is that it is somewhat cumbersome, although if you are at home and are treated, and do not go somewhere to visit, then this is of no fundamental importance.

Knitted from a dog yarn, the belt looks much more beautiful. Work and time will really go for him more, but the result will please.

Advantages of handicrafts:

  1. By making the belt yourself, you will be sure that it is made of natural wool, and so the sense of it will be
  2. The self-made product will cost much less than the finished product

Advantages and disadvantages of the finished product

  • The ready warming woolen belt is thinner and fits better, and therefore almost invisible under clothes
  • It is sold, like any thing, in size - XS, S, M, L, XL, etc.
  • Has elastic inserts, due to which it is possible to ensure tight fit of the belt
  • It can be returned back or exchanged for another, if there are claims to the quality of the goods or the size did not fit

Therefore, buy a belt without skin on top of the coat, in which case, you can sew it at home on your own.

Thus, the advantages of warming wool corset for the waist are obvious:

  1. This is a convenient comfortable means for treating pain and inflammation in the back
  2. He will not cure a serious illness, such as a vertebral hernia, but will ease the condition of the patient
  3. He has no contraindications
  4. You can wear it yourself without consulting a doctor

: Spinning from dog hair

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A source: https://ZaSpiny.ru/tovary/sogrevayushiy-poyas.html

Features of the structure of wool belts for the waist, their application

In order to warm up your back and reduce the pain that occurs due to osteochondrosis, sciatica, rheumatism and other neuro-inflammatory ailments, experts recommend using a woolen belt for loins.

In addition, fur products are used to treat and prevent the diseases of internal organs (most often the kidneys).The advantage of bandages made of wool is the naturalness of materials, which allows them to be used at any age.

Bandage of fur does not cause sweating, warms the tissues and lets in air.

Kinds of bandages

An animal's fur (be it a sheep, a dog or a camel) has a positive effect on the body.

Choosing a belt of wool, you need to pay attention not only to the material from which it is made, but also to the model of the bandage. There are narrow, wide and universal bandages for the back.

In addition, it should be remembered that the models differ in size, for this reason it is required to take measurements so as not to be mistaken with the length of the product.

Belts from sheep's and dog's wool are most common, models are less popular, in which is used camel wool or yak fur, while the products made of fur badgers are generally considered exotic.

Sheep Meat Belt

Typically, unpainted sheep wool is used to make the model. The sheep wool belt has a curative effect thanks to the lanolin that is part of the material. In addition to the warming effect, the bandage has advantages:

  • less allergenic than other corsets made from other materials;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • perfectly cleaned.

The drawbacks of this type of bandage include weak warming characteristics (in comparison with other models).

Models of wool dogs

Due to the fact that the wool of dogs on the structure is rather rigid, in addition to warming the affected tissues, a product of such material provides a micro massage. In addition, the belt of dog hair has anti-inflammatory properties.

The shortcomings of such models include:

  • Unpleasant odor arising when using or wetting the product. This applies to belts that are produced by handicraft, in bandages manufactured in production, the smell is not felt due to the processing of raw materials.
  • Obstructive cleaning.
  • Not suitable for people suffering from allergy to animal fur.

Bandages of camel hair

Camel wool has warming characteristics and can retain heat for a long time. A belt of camel hair is suitable for people with sensitive skin. The healing effect is created by the warmth and fit of the bandage to the waist.

A product made of camel wool, as well as other belts from natural materials, can neutralize negative electrical charges on the surface of the skin, thereby improving the movement of liquids (in particular, lymph) in organism. Products are suitable for frequent use, because they have the ability to pass air. Also it should be noted that models of camel wool weigh less than belts made of sheep's wool.

Badger fur products

Badger fur in its composition is hard material, it is for this reason that badger fur products give a massage effect. Due to this, the blood flow in the affected tissues is normalized and pain disappears.

Unlike belts made of dog hair, badger bandages have weak warming characteristics. In addition, despite the exoticism, badger's fur products are badly cleaned.

And people with sensitive skin should be very cautious about using such a model.

Belts made of yak fur

Yak fur can for a long time not fall off and do not stray into lumps, delivering discomfort, so the bandage has a long period of operation.

As a rule, such models have excellent heat resistance. The main drawback is their massiveness: the belt of yak fur is visible under the clothes.

People with fur allergies should think about whether to wear such a belt.

Product structure

All models from natural raw materials are produced according to one scheme: the outer layer of dense fabric, the interlayer of fur, the inner layer is also made of dense tissue.

The outer and inner sides can be made from different fabrics. Sometimes raw materials are treated with antiseptics (as a rule, the substance is indicated in the instructions to the belt).


Velcro fasteners are used as fasteners, a little less often there are strings, even less often buttons and fasteners.


Belts that are made by handicraft method may not have a fabric. This is because the product is more closely attached to the body. But the lack of tissue reduces the time of using the bandage, because it quickly becomes soiled, and it is not recommended to erase models from natural materials.

When should I use the belt

Bandages made of fur are often used in the process of healing and prevention of diseases such as:

  • chronic diseases of the spine;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • hypothermia of the internal organs;
  • urolithic disease;
  • diseases of the reproductive system in men.

The use of products from natural materials is recommended during rehabilitation after a back injury, infringement of nerves and with a hernia. In the autumn and winter, the bandage can be worn even without a doctor's order. In addition, such models can be used in correcting posture and in the process of losing weight.

Belt with your own hands

Many dog ​​breeders make belts from dog hair themselves.

Most often they are produced by felting wool, but with the proper skills you can try to tie a corset.

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For the bandage, as a rule, the hair is taken, which accumulates on the comb after combing the dog. If necessary, the animal can be cut.

To tie a bandage, you need to master spinning at home.

For the welded model, the most commonly used method is wet felting, which involves processing raw materials with water and giving it the appropriate shape.

You can also make a model based on the corset. For this, dry fur is located between two layers of fabric and is quilted by hands or a sewing machine.

At factory and home-made products there will be both supporters, and opponents.

Regardless of how the band was made, it should be remembered: in the quality belt, the raw materials are distributed evenly on the whole area, for the upper and lower layers only natural fabrics are taken, the seams are carefully worked.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/ossa-musculi-ligamentorum/osobennosti-stroeniya-sherstyanyx-poyasov-dlya-poyasnicy-ix-primenenie.html

Belt of dog hair (for the waist): with your own hands

Belt (corset) of dog hair is used to treat a variety of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and in particular the spine. A classic canine belt is used to treat the lumbar spine, but there are bandages and cuffs for other areas of the back and body.

A huge advantage of the corset can be called a low cost. Moreover, the simplicity of the design allows you to make a curtain belt of dog hair with your own hands. Homemade corset though will yield in terms of therapeutic effectiveness, but not much.

Product Description

Belt of dog hair is a warming medical bandage, designed to treat (usually symptomatic) and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Synonyms of the goods (other trade names) are: the Siberian belt, the dog's belt.

In most cases, the product is used for the waist, it is on the heating of this area that most belts are designed. There are also cuffs and bandages for the hands, cervical and thoracic region, for warming up individual joints.

The principle of the belt from dog hair is very simple - the hair itself provides proper heating, as it accumulates thermal energy and does not allow it to dissipate from the surface of the skin. Also, the villi of the wool exert a massage effect, affecting the upper layer of the skin.

Men's belt of dog hair

Due to such a superficial massage, it is possible to achieve an improvement in trophism in the area of ​​fixation of the bandage, improvement of blood filling in this area, reduction of swelling and severity of inflammatory processes.
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Types and Distinctions

The classic belt of dog hair is created solely for warming up the lumbar region. Modified multi-component band models can also exert a heating effect due to chemicals (the bandage can be impregnated with pepper extract, for example).

For the treatment of individual joints, small woolen cuffs are used. They do not have the proper effect on the disease, and therefore can not cure it. For this reason, they must be used exclusively for symptomatic therapy or prevention of recurrences of chronic joint pathologies.

There are also dog hair corsets for the cervical and thoracic region of the back. Buy them is often problematic, since they are produced in a limited edition and are not available in pharmacies of traditional medicine.

Separately there are woolly corsets made of dog hair, which are designed to warm the entire back entirely. They have the greatest cost andvery rare on the shelves of pharmacies(including traditional medicine).
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Belt of dog hair (video)

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What is it used for?

The main purpose of bandages from dog hair is symptomatic treatment and prevention of various diseases of the spinal column (especially degenerative-dystrophic pathologies). As an independent way of treatment, they are not suitable, because they do not have the proper effect on the disease (whatever it may be).

Belts from dog hair are used for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  1. Degenerative and dystrophic pathology of the spine (spondylosis, osteochondrosis).
  2. Arthritis and arthrosis (including autoimmune).
  3. To alleviate the condition after suffering injuries or infectious lesions of the back.
  4. In inflammatory pathologies of the spine.
  5. Spondylolisthesis (prolapse of one or more vertebrae).
  6. Single and multiple intervertebral hernias.
  7. Rheumatic (autoimmune) diseases of bones and joints of the spine.
  8. Compression (compression) of the spinal and intervertebral nerve nodes.

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Pros and cons of the application

Virtually any medical product has both positive advantages and undoubted disadvantages. Exactly the same situation is observed with warming belts from dog hair.

Homemade dog fur belt

The advantages of using these corsets include:

  • comparative cheapness, and in the presence of basic skills - the possibility of independent production;
  • quickly rendered therapeutic effect (already an hour after fixing the bandage on the body);
  • safety in use (bandages can be prescribed even to adolescents, over 14 years of age);
  • minimum number of contraindications;

The disadvantages of using these corsets include:

  • prolonged wearing (without removal for several hours per day), it is possible to develop burns on skin integuments;
  • low availability (the belt from dog hair is very difficult to find in the stores, including in pharmacies of alternative medicine);
  • impossibility of application in the presence of the attachment of skin diseases and cuts;
  • have in most cases only a symptomatic effect, but not a therapeutic one.

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Where can I buy and how much is it?

Given the low availability of the product, it raises the question: where can I buy a belt of dog hair and how much does this product cost? We need to start with the simplest question of value. The price of a belt of dog hair directly depends on which model you want to purchase.

Belt of dog hair for the waist

The standard model (waist belt) is around 1200 rubles, corsets for other areas of the back - about 1100 rubles, bandages - on average 800 rubles, cuffs for limbs and joints - about 400 rubles (for one cuff).

With the purchase of a corset, everything is somewhat more complicated. The fact is that in pharmacies of traditional (official) medicine they are practically not sold. This is a little strange, since many doctors recommend such products to their patients.


Nevertheless, in these pharmacies they almost never occur. In pharmacies of alternative medicine, they are often, but either quickly sold out, or very rarely imported. Therefore, the best option is to purchase in online stores.


For the dimensions you do not have to worry about - the belt will suit you exactly, because it has a high-quality adjusting mechanism.
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How to make a belt of dog hair with your own hands?

With due skill, a belt of dog hair can be sewn by hand. But how to do it? The first thing you need to stock up on all the tools and materials you need to make. In this case, we need:

  • directly dog ​​hair (about 75 grams);
  • ordinary fabric;
  • soap solution;
  • a pair of rubber bands (6-7 centimeters);
  • one long elastic band (55-60 centimeters);
  • Velcro size 20-25 centimeters.

The design of the dog's fur belt

First put on the pre-prepared film wool. Now put the first row of wool from right to left (overlapping). The second row should be done somewhat differently - from left to right (overlap). The third row should be imposed the same way as the first, and the fourth - as the second.

As a result, you will get a lump measuring 35 by 80 centimeters (roughly). Now take a soapy solution and pour it into the atomizer, and then use it to moisten the previously prepared lump of wool - you need to make it "stukeh" in volume.

Now you need to "withered" a lump to wind on a long stick (a shovel from a shovel or a mop will approach) and begin to play it (roll). To lump a lump for twenty minutes, then unwind and fold in half.

After folding, you need to turn the lump and using the handle to continue winding and rolling it.

Then it remains to rinse the lump in hot water, then leave it to dry.

After that, it remains to cut off excess sections of the lump, bringing it into its proper form (that it resembles a large belt).
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How to wear?

It would seem that the problems with how to wear a belt of dog hair should not be. Like, put it on his back, tightly fixed and you can walk.

But in fact, everything is not so simple.

It is extremely important to understand how to properly wear similar products, and with how much to wear a belt of dog hair.

Suppose that you sorted out its design, laid it out, then put it on the body and secured it with Velcro or elastic (each model has its own way of fastening). Now you need to familiarize yourself with several rules for wearing a corset.

Dog Wool Bandage


First, you should not wear it for the night. At night, you can not control your body, and even receive signals from him in the form of discomfort. This means that if the bandage starts to burn your skin during sleep, you will not understand this.


Secondly, wear a corset for no more than six hours in a row, after which let the body rest for 4-8 hours (at your discretion). This is important because continuous prolonged wearing can cause burns or dermatitis.

Third, wear the belt in cases where there are cuts or dermatoses (dermatoses) of the skin in the attachment site. Sometimes you can ignore this rule, for example - if your doctor thinks it will be safe.

A source: http://osankino.ru/izdeliya/poyas-iz-sobachey-shersti.html