Cervical osteochondrosis occurs frequently, accompanied by pain in the head, neck, shoulder girdle, and cerebral circulation disorders. The peculiarity of the localization of the pathological process and the contradictory manifestations compel patients to seek help from specialists. Lack of timely treatment threatens disability.
Often cervical osteochondrosis affects young people( up to 40 years), contributes to the development of the wrong position of the body( prolonged sitting at the computer, the habit to hold the phone with the shoulder), vibration, incorrect posture, lack of exercise, uncomfortable bed, heredity.
- Possible causes
- Characteristic symptoms
- General recommendations
- How to treat folk remedies?
- What is not recommended?
- Prevention measures
Possible causes
The disease is accompanied by degenerative-dystrophic changes to which the intervertebral disc of the cervical spine is subjected. This is caused by impaired metabolism in the cervical region, as a result of which the structure of the intervertebral discs and their bodies is changing.
The main causes of the disease:
- high level of salts in the lymph and blood ( in people active constantly there is an exchange between bone and muscle tissue, with a static lifestyle, the blood flow rate slows down, less muscle salts enter, they accumulate in places notworking physically - joints, a backbone, kidneys, a liver);
- occurring in the cartilaginous tissue irreversible phenomena ( deposition of salts causes changes in damping properties in the vertebrae, the flexibility and elasticity of the cartilaginous tissue is lost);
- long-term presence in a position that causes overstrain of the neck muscles, backs ( working at a table with a curved neck and an inclined head), squeezes the vessels feeding the spine, leading to degeneration of intervertebral cartilages;
- with obesity the spine and intervertebral discs are deformed due to high load, the muscular back corset weakens;
- as a result of an incorrect metabolism , the balance of minerals in the bone tissue is disturbed.
Symptoms of
The main manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis:
painful sensations in the neck, neck, shoulder, arm, head movement difficulties, crunch when turning the head or tilting;
- pain of pulling character in the chest area to the left with irradiation in the left arm, burning sensation in the interblade area;
- intermittent headaches, fatigue, weakness, difficult turn of the head;
- pain in the neck goes over the shoulder and arm, numbness of the fingers;
- may be worsening of hearing and vision, numbness of the tongue and face, dizziness, dysfunction of the lungs and heart.
Conditionally the symptoms are divided into groups:
- I - neurological manifestations( unceasing pain in the neck, pain in the muscles, chest, joints);
- II - pathological effect on the spinal cord( weakness in the arms and legs, involuntary twitching, myelopathy);
- III - associated with the processes occurring in the brain( brain manifestations due to insufficient blood supply: visual disturbances, foreign body sensation in the throat, noise and ringing in the ears, hearing loss, dizziness, unstable walking, fainting states, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance, decreased ability to remember).Is the Norbekov gymnastics effective for the spine? Proper exercise.
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General recommendations
In the absence of indications for hospitalization, outpatient treatment is prescribed( the main time the patient is at home, on the specified days visiting a neurologist).Of the medicines used:
- NSVS ( Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac) course 7 - 14 days( daily 2 - 3 times);
- sedative drugs ( Novopassit, Valeriana) protect the nervous system from the effects of pain syndrome, course 1 - 3 weeks;
- diuretics ( Diacarb, Veroshpiron) to reduce swelling in the inflamed zone;
- vitamins of group B for improving metabolic processes occurring in the nervous tissue, normalization of musculoskeletal conduction;
- muscle relaxants ( Baclofen, Tizalud, Midokalm) to relieve muscle spasm;
- means to improve the structure and functions of cartilaginous tissue ( ATP, chondroprotectors);
- topically - creams, gels, ointments as a warming, analgesic or distracting remedy.
When strengthening pain recommended bed rest, physiological position( to relieve the load from the spine) for 1 to 2 days, after that the patient should start moving.
In the acute stage of , it is necessary to perform respiratory gymnastics and exercises to relieve spasm from the muscles( smooth head inclinations and turns, circular movements), gradually increasing the load. Do not make sudden movements.
For muscular spasm, massage is prescribed( you can perform self-massage of the neck).For preventive purposes, you should perform a massage twice a year. To unload the spine use a cervical collar or Glisson's loop( after a preliminary consultation with a doctor).
The should be regulated, eliminating products that enhance muscle tone( smoked and spicy, alcohol, coffee, tea).For cartilage tissue are useful:
- products with a high content of calcium( fermented milk, cottage cheese, mineral water, leafy vegetables of dark green color);
- unsaturated fatty acids( fish of fatty varieties, flaxseed, nuts);
- proteins( low-fat varieties of poultry, dairy products, eggs, nuts);
- products are high in fiber and antioxidants( legumes, cereals, fruits).
In the absence of exacerbation of it is recommended to drink enough water( 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight), to strengthen the spine and back muscles with the help of physical exercises. When working with prolonged sitting, you need to take a break every hour, relaxing with the back muscles exercises.
How to treat folk remedies?
For cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to take infusions or decoctions of herbs, rub ointment into problem areas.
Components Quantity How to use Needle pine 250 g Brew needles with a liter of boiling water, insist. Drink twice a day. Garlic
Ginger1: 1 Add the garlic, a little butter to the grated ginger. Rub rubbing the neck. Lemon
Garlic4 pieces.
5 pcs.Leaves lemons and garlic through a meat grinder, pour 2 liters of boiling water. Drink ½ cup every day twice. Fresh potatoes
Honey1: 1 Kashitza from grated potatoes mixed with honey, put on the neck. Horseradish sheet 1 pc. Lower the horseradish into boiling water for a few seconds and take it out. The liquid is cooled, used for compresses. Root of horseradish 2 tsp. Grated horseradish root put on a bandage, attach to the neck, top covered with a plastic wrap and wrap. Hold 1 - 1.5 minutes, then rinse with water. Honey 1 dessert spoon Preheat the neck, do self-massage with honey for 5 minutes. After that, wrap your neck. What is not recommended?
With cervical osteochondrosis it is impossible:
- lift weights( if necessary, perform actions with a straight back, without tilting the head forward);
- can not crunch vertebrae( these movements disrupt the integrity of the contact surfaces of the spine);
- sleep on a high pillow, soft bed( causes tension of the back muscles);
- to lead an inactive way of life( useful jogging, swimming, walking);
- independently diagnose and prescribe treatment.
How to cook a ginger tincture according to an ancient Tibetan recipe?
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What is the use of fish oil for women?http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / zhenskoe-zdorove / rybij-zhir.html
Prevention measures
To prevent cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended:
get rid of the hypodynamia ( move more, do Scandinavian walking, dancing, swimming);
- monitor the body weight of , not allowing excess weight( it leads to a violation of blood circulation, feeding the collar zone);
- follow the posture of ( with its violation, the load on the spine is distributed unevenly);
- not to allow microtrauma in the cervical part of ( correctly lift weights and wear them);
- treat foci of chronic infection ( ENT organs, etc.) that reduce the resistance of the body, lymph and blood circulation in the ligaments and tissues of the neck.
A good result in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis can be obtained with the use of complex treatment. Treatment at home will be effective only if all the prescriptions are carefully observed and applied daily.
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