When Solcoseryl ophthalmic ointment is used

In each house there is a first aid kit, which includes medicines, most often in demand exacerbations of the diseases existing in the owners, as well as the essentials for colds and injuries. However, with regard to eye diseases, these medicines are usually reserved for people who have already encountered similar problems. Meanwhile, for an urgent help with eye pathologies, there is an effective drug, and of natural origin - Solcoseryl.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications
    • 3.1Contraindications
    • 3.2In pregnancy
    • 3.3To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

The drug is produced by the Swiss company "Meda Pharmaceuticals" in aluminum tubes with a volume of 20 grams, complete with instructions and packed in cardboard boxes.The main active substance is deproteinized dialysate, obtained from the blood of dairy calves. Its concentration in the preparation is 7 mg per 1 g.

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The ointment is a white, homogeneous mass with a faint smell of meat broth. For the treatment of eye diseases, the gel for the eyes is Solcoseryl, released in tubes of 5 g and the content of the active substance, mg per 1 g of the preparation.

The required storage conditions for ointment are almost the same as standard: temperature is not higher than + 25 ° C, inaccessibility to direct sunlight and small children. In such conditions, the drug can retain its properties for 5 years from the date of manufacture. After dissection, it is not recommended to use the drug for more than 30 days.The use of an overdue facility is able not only to not help, but also to cause harm.

Pharmacological action and group

The drug is an effective tool from a group of biogenic stimulants and tonic drugs.Its main action is the acceleration of regeneration and restoration of the eye tissues for damages of various kinds.

The secondary medicinal properties of the active substance are:

  • Restoration of aerobic energy metabolism;
  • Increase oxygen uptake and stimulate glucose transport in damaged cells and tissues;
  • Prevention of secondary degeneration in damaged or deprived tissues;
  • Stimulation of recovery functions in reversibly damaged tissues, as well as improving the quality of these processes.

Since the main active substance is a purely natural product, its pharmacological properties can not be studied by conventional methods, since it consists of components that are already in the living organism.Therefore, all the data provided is the result of research on various cultures of cells and tissues, organs and organisms of animals.However, no clinical trials have been conducted to study the properties.

The drug has been produced since 1996, and it is successfully used in Russia and the former CIS countries, China, South Korea, and others.Doctors prescribe a drug for the treatment of various kinds of injuries and for preventive purposes, and the reviews indicate a high degree of effectiveness of the drug.

Indications and contraindications

The use of the drug is effective in the treatment and prevention of many eye pathologies. In most cases, it is prescribed to alleviate the condition of the patient with the following diseases:

  • Injuries to the conjunctiva or cornea, including erosion;
  • After carrying out operations for glaucoma, cataract, in case of corneal transplant;
  • For accelerated adaptation to contact lenses;
  • In the presence of burns of the cornea;
  • Ulcer or corneal dystrophy;
  • Keratitis - inflammation of various layers of the cornea, including infectious nature. In this case, the remedy is a complex treatment preparation;
  • Lapophthalmus - incomplete closure of the eyelids, as a result of which permanent eye protection is disrupted;
  • Increased dryness due to various causes, resulting in the development of keratoconjunctivitis.

The drug is successfully used for both medical and preventive purposes, in accordance with the dosages specified in the instructions. However, they can be changed in one direction or another on the recommendation of the attending physician, without which no medication should be used.


The main contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to deproteinized dialysate. Especially cautious should be people with a tendency to allergic reactions.Since allergic diseases are almost not amenable to treatment because of poor knowledge of the process, they are constantly progressing and have the ability to expand the list of provoking factors.Therefore, even with any other allergy, you should be prepared for an inadequate response to the drug.

Some instructions also include children under the age of 1 year and the pregnancy period, since there is no reliable clinical evidence of the effects of the drug on these groups.

In pregnancy

Systemic absorption in the use of the drug is negligible, as the drug is applied topically.However, its action is associated with the processes of metabolism and regeneration, which means a deep penetration into the tissues of the eye and adjacent areas.

Since the pharmacological properties of the drug were studied only in the laboratory, and the clinical data on the studies not only in period of pregnancy, but also in other conditions, there is no use of the Solcoseryl preparation when carrying the child categorically is prohibited.

The use of ointments during pregnancy and during lactation

To small children

For children older than 1 year, the use of Solcoseryl eye gel is permitted in particularly severe cases: when the expected benefit from the use of the drug significantly exceeds the risk of possible complications after treatment with a drug means.

The restriction in the use of the drug is also based on its insufficient study, which, however, does not prevent it from being a sufficiently effective medicine for treating eye injuries.

Before using the remedy, do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and, in case of a suitable age, explain to the child the essence of the procedure so that he is not afraid. Apply the drug to the baby better in the prone position, under the lower eyelid, from the inner corner to the outside.

Possible complications caused by the drug

When using the drug in the treatment there may be minor sensations of discomfort, slight tingling and burning, in rare cases - marked allergic reactions.However, such effects are not grounds for discontinuing treatment.


Eye ointments from eyelid inflammation

Bromfenac eye drops are described in this article.

Pain in the eyes with the movement of the eyeball http://eyesdocs.ru/simptomy/bol-v-glazax/prichiny-i-lechenie-pri-dvizhenii-glaznogo-yabloka.html


During the procedures it is recommended to remove contact lenses and wear them not earlier than one hour after the application of the drug. The most optimal option is to refuse to wear them for the period of treatment.

When using the drug in combination with other eye aids, it is recommended to observe a time interval of at least 15 minutes.Persons whose activity requires increased concentration of attention should take into account that at the time of the procedure, visual acuity is to some extent reduced.

When using other medicines (ophthalmic or systemic) during treatment should be notified to the doctor, as the drug may affect the effects of certain of them.



The eye preparation Solcoseryl is an effective remedy for tissue regeneration and regeneration and eye structures, stimulates and accelerates metabolic processes in traumas, burns and other damage.

Although the properties of the main active substance have not been fully studied, the drug has been successfully used in treatment for more than 20 years and is popular both in doctors and patients. However, its use, like any medicine, must be justified and approved by a qualified specialist.

Also, read about eye drops Azidrope, and how to treat barley medically with the eye.