Expectorant for cough for pregnant women

Expectorants in pregnancy

Due to the fact that a pregnant woman can not be isolated from society for 9 months, she is easily exposed colds, acute respiratory infections, which often lead to laryngitis, bronchitis and other diseases, the symptom of which is a strong cough. During pregnancy, the immune system is very weakened, so treating the disease is not so simply, the more many drugs are contraindicated, can affect the health of the future the kid. Therefore, you need to choose those funds that will have an expectorant effect and will not affect the fetus.

Danger of coughing during pregnancy

In no case should a woman fall ill at the beginning of pregnancy, this is bad for the child. In cases of severe coughing, due to muscle tension, especially if the fetus is low and the placenta previa is pregnant, bleeding will occur. Also, due to the fact that the pregnant woman has a weak immune system, she has a cough that does not expectorate, can go to pneumonia, acute bronchitis, and later asthma. Therefore, cough in no case can not be started, urgent treatment is needed.

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Inhalation as an expectorant during pregnancy

All colds are initially characterized by a dry cough. For its treatment, a nebulizer is suitable for a pregnant woman, if not, you can use a simple method when boiling the broth, tie the gas, cover your head with a towel, lower it and inhale the vapors.

Especially useful are inhalations based on garlic, onions, potatoes, various herbs. Pay attention to what kind of cough you have, because each plant is used in a certain way.

Dry cough can be cured with linden, chamomile, thyme, plantain, sage, althea, St. John's wort, so a large amount of sputum will begin to appear. With the help of a string, cranberry, eucalyptus leaves, also a string, mother-and-stepmother, plantain, you can heal a wet cough.

It is recommended, in addition to inhaling the vapors of plants, to prepare broths and ingest, but to some should be treated with extreme caution, they can lead to the termination of pregnancy or premature childbirth.

It is best to use herbs during pregnancy for inhalations. Pay attention to such effective recipes:

1. Eucalyptus must be crushed thoroughly, add needle extract, validol, a mixture of garlic in water that boils, and inhale with the mouth and nose.

2. In the boiling water put honey, but it must necessarily be natural. Slowly inhale the vapors.

3. Grind the herb of sage, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist to half an hour.

4. Bronchitis and bronchial asthma during pregnancy are recommended to treat with soda inhalation, it will help with spastic cough. This remedy is safe, because it does not cause allergic reactions.

5. In modern medicine, essential oils are popular, they are used for allergic reactions. They can be used, but very carefully, only if the woman is not allergic. You need to pour hot water into the glass, add the essential oil not more than two drops.

Cover the sheets and breathe fragrant oils for up to 5 minutes. Then immediately go to bed. Note that the vapor on the mucous membrane affects up to one hour, so it's best during this time not to eat, talk, or go to the cold.

Remember, if high fever accompanies cough, in no case can you perform steam inhalations. You can try the cold, for this small amount of oil to put on clothes and inhale. Note that often there may be different allergic reactions, also some oils are toxic, so you need to treat this method of treatment with extreme caution. As an expectorant during pregnancy use oil of cedar, lavender, cedar, rosemary, lime. You can smear with a star. But do not overdo it.

Rinse - expectorant in pregnancy

In the event that the mucous membrane of the throat is inflamed and the woman can not clear her throat, it is recommended as often as possible gargle, it is especially good to use this method if the cough is dry, so you can relieve the condition women. You need to do this after eating. The procedure should be conducted up to 8 times a day. You can use the collection of herbs, also helps a solution with soda and salt, you can add a little apple cider vinegar.

Abundant drink from sputum during pregnancy

This is the best expectorant, it must be prepared not with allergic components, so as not to affect the health of the future baby. It is advised to use tea with lemon, milk, mors, decoction based on herbs. A milkshake with Borjomi's addition helps a lot.

You can get rid of sputum with the help of warm milk, honey and butter, you can add a little soda. If a pregnant woman is disturbed by a severe cough, you need to drink juice from birch, add milk, starch, flour. Each woman comes up with her own individual remedy, you have to take into account your reaction to it.

The best expectorant is such a decoction to make it, you need to brew a dried fig in the glass of milk, boil it until the milk is brown. Must be used warmly.

You can also use this tool: peel onions, add honey, liter of water, sugar, boil all up to three hours. Cool and drink.

To sputter faster departed, you need to prepare a liquid puree to add butter, milk, an onion and a little garlic to it, with the help of it you can cure an acute and chronic cough.

Cough syrups during pregnancy

Care should be taken to different expectorant medications, they contain a large the number of chemical additives, and they can lead to complications, and most importantly negatively affect child. It is allowed to be treated by Dr. Mom, Mukultin, Plantain syrup, Gedelix.

Thus, during pregnancy, it is advised to use as little as possible expectorants in which contain chemical additives, flavors, it is best to pay attention to folk remedies treatment. It is also necessary to consult with the doctor in order not to harm the child.


Herbal Treatment During Pregnancy

Treatment with herbs during pregnancy is one option to preserve pregnancy, if a woman already has those or other pathologies of the cardiovascular, urinary, respiratory systems, as well as rheumatism, endocrine problems system. In such situations, synthetic drugs can not only give side reactions, but also negatively affect the health of the child, cause the abortion.

Treatment of herbs, taking into account the state of health of a pregnant woman, will help to avoid exacerbations of the disease during the entire cycle of pregnancy, which is a fairly common fact. In medicinal herbs contains no less useful elements than in fruits and vegetables. In addition, medicinal plants contribute to the removal of metabolic products from the body, stabilization of the metabolism, normalization of the level of cholesterol. Also, the nervous activity improves, the sleep normalizes, and the water-salt balance is restored.

Prescribe the treatment of herbs during pregnancy is entitled only to the attending physician. Many medicinal preparations have not only a direct effect, but can accumulate in the tissues of the body. Further assimilation of active substances at the cellular level can not be predicted. Therefore, you need to pay more attention to the method of preparation and dosage.

Herbs for coughing during pregnancy

Herbs from cough during pregnancy can be considered the most successful alternative to synthetic drugs. However, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of the herbal collection and select it strictly based on the type of cough.

The most acceptable and effective option is steam inhalations on decoction of herbs. Do not forget that inhalation can not be done at elevated temperature. After the procedure, it is better not to talk for a while and do not overcool. Infusions for inhalation can be done on the basis of the following herbs - sage, eucalyptus leaves, pine extract.

Laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, accompanied by dry nauseous cough can be alleviated by taking the herbs. But to completely replace the medical treatment of such complicated diseases is thus undesirable. Decoction based on plantain, dog rose, primrose and chamomile taken in equal proportions, you need to take the third part of the glass 4 times a day.

With a damp cough, expectorant charges will be relevant. You can prepare an infusion of two pieces of crushed rose hips, linden flowers, dried apples, a teaspoon of coltsfoot and chamomile flowers.

Complemented with portable inhalers, special herbal mixtures are sold, but their composition should be studied very carefully, as the composition may contain prohibited herbs during pregnancy.

Expectorant herbs during pregnancy

Expectorant herbs during pregnancy help to speed up the passage of secretions from the bronchi, which will help to avoid complications from the respiratory system. But not always herbs should be used as the main method of treatment. When pregnancy as an expectorant natural medicine can use:

  • Licorice root in syrup;
  • The rhizome of althea;
  • Mukaltin (herbal tablets for resorption);
  • Breast gathering (combined herbal tea).

In the first trimester of pregnancy when coughing, it is better to stop taking ambroxol, lazolvana, flavamed or take them under the supervision of a doctor and in strictly prescribed doses. In the second and third trimester with a damp cough, you can apply fluditik and fluviert. These drugs and can be taken in the absence of contraindications and individual tolerability of all components in the composition.

Also, with a wet cough, other combined doses help, but it is best to take them in small doses (a quarter of a cup three to four times a day). And use expectorant herbs during pregnancy only if the collection does not include herbs that are contraindicated during pregnancy at any time. To be completely sure that the chosen method of treatment is safe, before using it is better to consult with your doctor.

Herbs for colds during pregnancy

Herbs for colds during pregnancy should be used very carefully so that by their own ignorance do not harm the future child. To protect yourself from the common cold for the duration of your pregnancy is almost impossible, even if during the cold season you minimize contact with the outside world. The problem is also that during the pregnancy, the body's defenses decrease, because of this, the risk of catching the flu or ARI is very high.

When pregnancy with colds it is better to fight folk remedies, not using alcohol tinctures and synthetic drugs. You can not take such drugs that stimulate immunity, such as echinacea, lemongrass, zamanicha, levzeya, ginseng, rhodiola rosea. These drugs affect the tone of the uterine muscles and the heart rhythm of the fetus. The most effective and harmless way to combat colds is the reception of horseradish juice with sugar in a one to one ratio.

You can also fight with a cold in pregnancy without synthetic drugs. Nasal cavity is well washed with a warm, not strong saline solution or a decoction of chamomile at room temperature, and if this method is inconvenient, then drip into the nose of Aquamaris or Salin.

The main thing for colds is to fight with dehydration and maintain the body with the help of vitamin drinks. Good on the body are influenced by decoctions of dog rose, chamomile, black currant and raspberry branches. The berries of viburnum, added to tea will act as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic preparation.

Herbs for colds during pregnancy should be taken very carefully, strictly following the medical recommendations and proceeding to treatment should only be agreed with the doctor.

Cholagogue grass during pregnancy

Cholagogue grass during pregnancy is necessary, because many pregnant women have a place hypomotor dyskinesia - a violation of the gallbladder and ducts due to the action on them of progesterone. Progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the body, because of this the gallbladder is not completely emptied, which leads to stagnant phenomena in it dysfunction of the digestive process.

The first sign of dyskinesia is pain on the right under the ribs. The pain may be blunt and aching, or a feeling of heaviness may just appear. Concurrently, bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn, flatulence, belching with air.

The basic principle of treatment of hypomotor dyskinesia in pregnant women is diet therapy (diet number 5). The menu should include products that improve the outflow of bile, as well as mineral waters of Essentuki No. 4, No. 17. The most effective and useful way to improve the outflow of bile in a pregnant woman is to use cholagogue herbal decoctions. The main components are corn stigmas, peppermint, dill and its seeds, dog rose, barberry root. Broths should be drunk in quantities of not more than a third of the glass before each meal. Especially useful decoctions in the second half of pregnancy, because they have not only a choleretic effect, but also regulate the work of the urinary system.

If pain occurs in the right upper quadrant and the temperature rises, contact your doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause of bile stasis and, if necessary, adjust the treatment.

Herbs for the kidneys during pregnancy

Herbs for kidneys during pregnancy perfectly replace synthetic drugs. Women are much more likely than men to suffer from kidney inflammation, and during pregnancy this problem is more common, and a number of reasons precede it:

  1. During pregnancy, many chronic diseases worsen.
  2. The constant change in the hormonal background during pregnancy also has a negative effect on the kidneys.
  3. In later terms, because of the increase in the uterus, the outflow of urine is disturbed, which also provokes inflammation.
  4. Descending infection (with dental diseases, etc.)

With exacerbation of glomerulonephritis it is necessary to drink a herb collection, which includes motherwort, St. John's Wort, tri-colored violet, horsetail, dog rose. The broth should be drunk in small portions, 100 ml each. 3 times a day before meals with a course of 2 months.

In the acute period, for prevention purposes, you can drink a decoction of a mixture of dandelion root, birch buds, chamomile flowers, nettle leaves, cowberry leaves 100 ml each. three times a day. The course is also 2 months with a two-week break, after which the course of prevention should be repeated.

If the kidney disease still made itself felt, then the first thing you should not do is self-medication, and immediately seek medical attention from a therapist who will prescribe the main treatment, but under supervision gynecologist. Herbs for the kidney in this period should be taken to reduce inflammation, and already after recovery for prevention.

Diuretic Herbs During Pregnancy

Diuretic herbs during pregnancy are indispensable, especially in the second half, when control of diuresis is especially important for the life of the mother and fetus. Because of excessive swelling during pregnancy, one has to take diuretic herbs, which, unlike synthetic drugs, do not exert pressure on other body systems.

The most common natural remedy for edema is a decoction of cowberry leaves. Also expressed effect gives birch buds and birch leaves, field horsetail, bearberry leaf. Also diuretic decoctions based on viburnum, lime-colored, mint are useful, but the reception of these herbs should be coordinated with the doctor supervising the pregnancy.

Diuretic herbs during pregnancy should be taken after a preliminary consultation with a doctor also because some diuretics are inadmissible in pregnancy. Such herbs as the root of parsley, juniper fruits, strawberry berries can lead to a hypertonic smooth muscle and provoke miscarriage, premature birth. In addition to phytocomplex from diuretic herbs in pregnancy, a diet with a minimum salt content is prescribed (exclude fatty, spicy, smoked, fried, tomato juice). In general, such a complex of measures helps maintain the water-salt balance in the norm.

Herbs from cystitis in pregnancy

Herbs from cystitis during pregnancy are necessary throughout the waiting period for the child - drinking decoctions from such herbs is useful not only with the onset of inflammation, but also as prevention. During pregnancy, the body's defenses become weaker (so that the body does not reject the fruit), so the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases increases.

Cystitis in pregnancy is a fairly common disease, every second pregnant woman suffers from this ailment. The risk group consists of those women who before the pregnancy in the history already had a fixed fact of inflammation of the bladder.

When pregnancy is strictly contraindicated taking antibiotics, and treatment, ignorance, medicinal herbs can bring even greater harm to the health of the mother and child.

For example, with cystitis in pregnant women, taking a decoction of medicinal dues based on wintergreen, goose paw, cowberry leaves, and volostushki. Herbs in the collection have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic effect. Drink the broth for at least 4 weeks, until the symptoms disappear completely. Also, during pregnancy, you can drink one-component decoctions of dog rose, cowberry leaf, kidneys and birch leaves.

Herbs from cystitis during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor in a certain dosage, which can not be violated, otherwise it will harm the health of the mother and fetus.

Soothing herbs during pregnancy

Soothing herbs during pregnancy are necessary, because during this period in the body of a woman occurs a lot of changes, including changes in the hormonal background, which affects the emotional behavior. This can manifest as dissatisfaction with his appearance, hysterical seizures, fear without reason, nervousness, nervous exhaustion. To impede the development of such conditions should be discouraged in every possible way, it is best to surround the pregnant with care and patience at such moments.

Medications in this case are not always permissible, it is better to use proven folk remedies and medicinal plants. The most common sedatives based on plants are the motherwort and valerian pills. They are appointed, as a rule, for a certain period of time, by a course appointed by the attending physician. Herbs can simply be brewed in the form of tea, based on half a teaspoon of valerian or motherwort per cup. In its pure form, these herbs have not too pleasant taste, so it is best to brew them together with green or black tea. Copper or sugar can be added to taste. Also a soothing effect is possessed by chamomile and melissa, mint. They can also be drunk in a complex with black and green tea, as well as separately.

It is better not to abuse the infusion of soothing herbs during pregnancy, but try to fight the bad mood differently - more to walk on fresh air, to be engaged in creativity, to think and speak about good, not to forget about maintenance of physical form.

Herbs from swelling during pregnancy

Herbs from edema during pregnancy come to the rescue in those situations when pregnancy is contraindicated in taking any other synthetic drugs that regulate the balance of fluid in the body. Of course, herbal treatment during pregnancy is preferable to medical treatment, but phytopreparation should be strictly controlled by the attending physician or gynecologist, self-medication is simply ruled out.

Herbs from swelling quickly and without harm to the body remove excess fluid, without giving a strong load on the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys. However, not all herbs from swelling are safe during pregnancy, and even safe herbs dosage is prescribed only by a doctor. One of the most effective ways to combat swelling is a cowberry broth - it not only improves the excretion of liquid, but also has an antimicrobial effect. The broth from the leaves and buds of birch also has an equally pronounced effect - a decoction of them is prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system, which is aggravated with swelling. Also in the list of permissible herbs from edema include: bearberry, field horsetail, staminate orthosiphon. All these herbs, in addition to the diuretic effect, have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Having preliminary agreed with the gynecologist the possibility of receiving a decoction of viburnum, mint, lime, it is possible to conduct a course of treatment with these medicinal plants, but only under the supervision of a doctor.


Treatment of cough in pregnant women using syrup

Cough during pregnancy occurs often enough, especially if the period of bearing a child falls on the autumn-winter time. Given the fact that this symptom of a viral or catarrhal disease is not only cause of a woman's poor health, but also a threat to the embryo, it is necessary to conduct a correct treatment.

Cough is dangerous because it causes a contraction of the uterus, which is accompanied by severe pain and causes a deterioration in the blood supply of the fetus. It is in such cases that intrauterine hypoxia often develops.

Most often in the treatment of cough syrup for pregnant women, but it is important that such a drug was safe and effective.

How to choose a medicine?

When the first cough attacks occur, the pregnant woman should immediately consult a specialist, which will make it possible to avoid many dangerous complications. It is forbidden to choose a medicinal product on its own, it concerns syrups, which can contain dangerous substances, especially for the embryo.The most dangerous are all syrups, the active substance of which is such a substance as codeine.This is a potent remedy to eliminate all signs of the disease, but after such treatment, the following side effects often occur:
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • a strong sense of fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • difficulty breathing.

In addition, that the state of health of a woman worsens, there may be disturbances in the mental and physical development of the child, and after birth the baby shows signs of intoxication with opioid alkaloids.

Dry cough remedies

As a rule, pregnant women are given cough syrups during pregnancy based on medicinal plants that do not have harmful effects on the embryo. The most popular medicines produced in this dosage form are such syrups:
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Gedelix;
  • Eucabal;
  • Syrup of Althea.

Dr Mom Mom is prescribed to pregnant women and small children with dry cough caused by bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract with hard-to-remove viscous sputum. The composition of the drug includes only medicinal plants that do not have harmful effects on the embryo, so you should not doubt its safety and effectiveness. Dr. Mom has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator and mucolytic properties. Achieved high therapeutic effect due to such plants as:

  • elecampane;
  • ginger;
  • turmeric;
  • licorice;
  • basil;
  • aloe.

Penetrating the respiratory tract, they contribute to the production and separation of sputum, improving the state of health of a pregnant woman.

It is not contraindicated in pregnancy to use and extract of ivy, on the basis of which syrup Gedelix is ​​made. The drug has expectorant, spasmolytic and mucolytic effect.Using the medicine, sputum is slowly diluted and begins to clear, thus reducing chest pain, which often occurs with a dry cough. It also significantly improves breathing, which is very important for the health of the child, in addition, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is moistened.

Do not forget about this drug from cough in the form of syrup as Eucabal, which is often prescribed by pediatricians to children. It is made on the basis of extracts of plantain and thyme, however, it also includes ethanol, so treatment should be carried out with particular caution. Use the medicine only on the prescription of the doctor, not exceeding the duration of the course and the dosage of the drug.

Medicines for wet cough

In the treatment of wet cough should be prescribed other drugs, the effect of which is to make the phlegm more viscous and withdraw it from the respiratory tract. Often used is a syrup from a wet cough like Stodal. However, it should be used especially carefully, since it contains alcohol. This remedy for cough for pregnant women promotes the expansion of the bronchi, improves the separation of sputum and speeds up the recovery process.

Stodal - an effective homeopathic remedy for coughing

This drug can be prescribed for any form of cough - wet or dry. Proceeding from the fact that this is a homeopathic remedy, it practically never causes side effects. Experts say that only occasionally there may be allergic reactions in the form of itching of the skin, irritation of the nasal mucosa and throat.

Most women who took Stodal, said that the improvements were visible already on day 3 after treatment. Usually the syrup is taken on a tablespoon 3-5 times a day, the dosage depends on the severity of the disease, the gestation period, the individual characteristics of the organism of the pregnant woman.

When wet coughing can help to eliminate its symptoms Syrup of althea, which is an effective expectorant, anti-inflammatory and emollient. Usually, he is prescribed for such diseases, manifested by a wet cough:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tracheobronchitis.

Take the drug should be prescribed by the doctor, since in each case there may be a different dosage, but the duration of treatment, as a rule, is 15 days.A syrup is almost never prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy, because the effect of the drug on the embryo is not fully understood.Despite the safety of cough syrups intended for the treatment of pregnant women, the initial stage of the disease can be tried rinse the throat with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. Also, an abundant warm drink that allows curing a cough without a medicine is considered useful.



When a large amount of mucus accumulates inside the lungs, the body tries to release these organs from unnecessary contents, and does so with the help of a cough. Based on the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes expectorants. Many drugs in this series can greatly facilitate the life of the patient, because have the property of diluting viscous sputum, changing its chemical structure and making it more liquid. As a consequence, it is better to clear the throat and the disease passes faster.

Why should expectorants

Expectorants are taken to make the dry cough wet. On how well the sputum will depart from the walls of the bronchi or lungs, the speed of recovery of the patient depends. Together with the mucus, the lungs will get rid of the infection that damages the body, and coughing passes with it. If you do not affect the mucus with drugs, it will accumulate inside the lungs, which will lead to pneumonia.

Effects of thrombolytic agents

Expectorant drugs dilute mucus and promote its rapid exit from the bronchi and trachea, so further development of the disease is prevented. These drugs are of several types:

  1. For dry cough, drugs that dilute sputum are used.
  2. For moist cough should be used to help better mucus from the walls of the bronchi, lungs and trachea.
  3. Combined drugs combine liquefying, antimicrobial, antiviral properties.
  4. Lozenges for resorption from cough.

Preparations with an expectorant effect have the right to appoint only a doctor. Many people after a little relief (and it is already on the second day of treatment) stop taking medication, this is fundamentally not true. Expectorants for cough are prescribed for up to two weeks. If negligent attitude to this condition, then the disease can return in a complicated form.

Mucolytic drugs for adults

Drugs designed to dilute and increase sputum secretion in the lungs, bronchi or trachea are called mucolytic drugs. Before taking medications, a doctor should be examined by a doctor. The most popular tools:

  • "ACTS". It is used for the treatment of bronchitis, it helps the rapid excretion of sputum. It is used to relieve cough. Dosage according to the age and weight of the child. Adults prescribe 200 mg per day. Take it until the cough disappears completely. Contraindicated for the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Bromhexine. Assign for the treatment of pneumonia, emphysema, pharyngitis in adults (2 table. 4 times a day) and children from 4 years (by, 02 g per day). The course of admission is up to one month. There are contraindications for pregnant women.
  • Mukaltin. It is taken by patients with pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis. Dosage is 2 dragees 3 times a day for two weeks. Do not use for children under 12 years and with stomach problems.
  • "Lazolvan". It is available in the form of syrup (for children under 5 years) and tablets. It is prescribed for the treatment of pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis. Dosage is determined depending on the severity of the disease. The course of admission is up to 14 days. Contraindicated in pregnancy, during breastfeeding.
  • Ambroxol. Has an expectorant effect during bronchitis, sinusitis, adult bronchial asthma and in childhood from, year. It is accepted on 1 tab. 3 times a day. Contraindicated in pregnancy, during lactation.
  • "Cough medicine." It is designed to treat cough in children from, years, is aimed at eliminating purulent processes in the airway. The dosage is calculated by the doctor according to the age of the child. The course of admission is two weeks. Contraindicated for diabetics, pregnant.

For smokers

The smoker's cough is caused not only by the harmful substances coming in during smoking, but also by the harmful processes taking place in the human body. Dependence on cigarettes triggers increased release of viscous mucus, which is poorly expectorated. To dilute such sputum, there are medications:

  • Mukodin. It is prescribed for inflammation of the broncho-pulmonary organs, dilutes the mucus, helps to remove the infection from the body. It takes 1 capsule 3 times a day for two weeks. Contraindicated during lactation.
  • "Tonzillon". It is used to eliminate inflammation in the respiratory system. Appointed by 2 tablets or 25 drops, diluted in a large spoonful of water, several times a day with the course of admission to 28 days.
  • "Tablets for cough." They have a natural composition and are a safe medicine that dilutes viscous sputum. The drug is used not only in children from 12 years of age, but also in smokers 1 tablet up to several times a day for a week. Contraindicated during pregnancy.

Medications for children

For children, expectorants should be prescribed at a pediatrician's reception. The child's doctor, when listening to the chest, after hearing the presence of wheezing, makes a diagnosis. This may be tracheitis, bronchitis, in the worst case, pneumonia. Sometimes, for clarity of the clinical picture and clarifying the diagnosis, blood tests and x-rays are performed. The doctor calculates the dosage according to the age of the child.

For babies and up to a year

Spasms in newborns and infants are caused by the negative influence of the environment and excessive wrapping, immobilization of the baby. Dry air, combined with the high temperature in the room, contributes to the drying of the respiratory tract, making them vulnerable to infections. The main means of preventing cough infants is a reasonable temperature regime. To facilitate coughing of a young child, such medications are prescribed, before taking which it is necessary to examine the doctor:

  • Gedelix is ​​a natural preparation intended for the treatment of breast and year-old children with inflammation of the respiratory apparatus. It is prescribed for 5 drops in several doses per day until the cough disappears.
  • "Syrup Ambrobene" - a combined herbal anti-inflammatory drug, suitable for the treatment of dry cough in infants. Take according to the dosage calculated by the doctor, depending on the weight of the child. Contraindicated with allergies to the components of the drug.
  • "Pertussin" - is taken to treat a cough provoked by ARVI, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough. Dosage is prescribed by a pediatrician. Contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus.

1 to 3 years

Cough in children under 3 years old is treated with drugs prescribed by a pediatrician. These are expectorants from bronchitis, which gently clean the surface of these organs. Here are some of them:

  • "Fluimutsil" is a dry mixture for the preparation of a solution. It is used to dilute viscous mucus in an amount of 100 mg twice a day. Contraindication is a stomach ulcer (rarely found in children).
  • Carbocysteine. It is prescribed for the treatment of bronchial tubes, sinusitis and pneumonia, starting with the monthly age of the child. It is applied on 150 mg no more than two times a week. Contraindicated with antitussive drugs.
  • "Ascoril" is an antimicrobial, antiviral drug that cleanses the lungs and bronchi from thick, purulent sputum. It is prescribed for treatment of whooping cough, pneumonia, tuberculosis in the amount of 10 ml three times a day. Contraindicated for use with antitussive drugs.
  • "Sinekod" is a powerful remedy for dry cough for no apparent reason. Has an antimicrobial effect. Contraindicated if at the time of taking notice of allergy signs: rash, itching and redness of the skin.

From three years and older

Most children from three years begin to visit kindergarten, actively communicate with their peers. Often there are viral diseases, which are accompanied by a cough, runny nose. To facilitate the condition of the child and complete cure, it is necessary to take medications that only a pediatrician can prescribe:

  • "Carbocysteine" is a non-narcotic drug for the treatment of cough during bronchitis, pneumonia, which is accompanied by the presence of thick sputum. Contraindicated for children with a stomach ulcer. According to the instructions, the syrup is dosed at 200 mg twice a day for up to 2 weeks.
  • "Doctor MOM" - inexpensive expectorant for bronchitis, which includes extract from the leaves and roots of medicinal plants. It is prescribed for the treatment of productive cough, cleansing from mucus during bronchopneumonia, laryngitis, nasopharyngitis. The dosage should be calculated by the doctor. Syrup for children is contraindicated in children with kidney failure.
  • "Erespal" is an effective expectorant for children. The daily dosage is calculated based on the weight of the child (4 mg per 1 kg), the resulting amount of syrup is divided into three doses.
  • "Fljuditek" is a cough syrup with a caramel flavor. It is an expectorant aimed at diluting thick sputum. Assigned to 5 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 14 days.

In pregnancy and GW

In expectant mothers and women who are breast-fed, immunity is weakened and sensitive to all kinds of infections and viruses. When treating cough, doctors prefer phytopreparations intended for children: Doctor MOM, Erespal, Doctor Theiss, plantain syrup (homeopathic drug), etc. Drugs that do not penetrate the placenta and are not absorbed into the mother's milk are used. For treatment of a cough in a pregnant woman inexpensive folk methods are suitable:

  • Put in the thermos a crushed rosehip (5 pcs.), Dried apples (5 lobules), berries of a viburnum (10 pcs.), Chamomile flowers. Pour boiling water, persist for at least 3 hours, drain. This drink should be taken before meals. This collection will enrich the body with vitamins and help to cope quickly with a cough.
  • One medium-sized onion is cut into rings and placed in a deep bowl, add honey, leave for one hour. During this time, honey will dissolve and the onion will allocate juice, which is used for 1 tbsp. l. up to seven times a day.

Folk remedies

A safe, strong cough treatment method always includes folk remedies. All old recipes are based on plant ingredients and do not allow the use of chemicals, therefore suitable for the treatment of children, are good as a means for pregnant women and during lactation, people prone to allergies. Folk remedies come in several forms:

  • expectorant herbs;
  • tinctures on the roots and leaves of plants;
  • warming up with mustard plasters;
  • inhalation;
  • massage.


There are herbs that have a powerful expectorant effect, they are rich in essential oils, tannic and antimicrobial substances. Herbal decoctions should be prepared from the proportions of 2 tbsp. l. dry crushed raw materials for 250 ml of boiling water. Insist no more than 15 minutes. Drain and take warm. Here is a list of effective cheap expectorants that are easy to buy in pharmacies:

  • elecampane;
  • liquorice root;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • the nettle is deaf;
  • oregano (plain white);
  • thyme.

Home recipes

Many do not want to use the services of modern medicine, then home treatments will help. Their names are known:

  • Milk with honey. One of the most popular recipes that will help change the dry on expectorant cough. It liquefies phlegm and warms the throat. In warm milk (250 ml) add 1 tbsp. l. natural honey, 1 hour. l. butter, h. l. soda. Stir thoroughly and drink at night before going to bed and in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • A good expectorant is radish with honey, it also has an immunostimulating effect. To prepare, you need to thoroughly wash the radish and make it a small through hole in which to place 1 h. l. honey. Root put on a glass, after one hour, it will be allocated juice - a natural expectorant syrup. It should take children and adults for 1 hour. l. up to seven times a day.
  • Ginger has warming, immunostimulating properties. To treat a cough, grate the spine and add it to the hot tea. This drink is recommended in the evening before going to bed.
  • Due to inhalation, the nebulizer is well hydrated with the nasopharynx, pairs of essential oils penetrate the trachea, bronchi and lungs, clearing them of mucus.

Treatment of dry cough

Dry cough - a consequence of various diseases, such as asthma, pneumonia, etc. Sometimes it occurs against the background of unfavorable conditions: dry dusty air, an allergy to chemicals. In any case, do not self-medicate, and urgently go to the doctor to discover the cause and make the right diagnosis. The doctor will prescribe an expectorant, designed to help dry sputum easier to move away from the walls of the bronchopulmonary apparatus.

How to withdraw phlegm

During a productive cough, especially in children, gurgling sounds are often heard inside the sternum, the child can hardly clear his throat. This means that excess mucus has accumulated in the bronchi, but the pectoral muscles of young children are still so weak that they can not cough up phlegm. A good expectorant is a back and sternum massage, which is performed at home before going to bed, using any cosmetic oil.

Video about cures for sputum

To have more information on how to remove phlegm, watch a video about the proper treatment with expectorants. Dr. Komarovsky is available and with humor will tell you why cough does not clear his throat, if people's remedies for cough help. Professor Malysheva will reveal the secrets of cough treatment with the help of an inhaler. In the last video you will get acquainted with the causes of the appearance of bronchitis and the ways of its treatment.

Dr. Komarovsky on coughing

Errors in the treatment of cough

What to take with chronic bronchitis

Reviews about expectorants

Sofia, 25 years old

When my child comes from a kindergarten with a cough, I do not hurry to give him chemical medicines. My first help in the treatment of children - an air humidifier, wet room cleaning, copious drinking, long walks in the fresh air in all weathers. As vitamins, I give children to drink infusion of rose hips, I make raspberries, blueberries and other berries.

Lyudmila, 33 years old

When my daughter, she is 6 years old, got bronchitis, in my surprise the children's doctor prescribed a massage course, which was 10 sessions. We went to the polyclinic for this procedure on a daily basis, never missed. Already after the first day of such treatment, sputum began to disappear in large numbers, after a week the condition improved significantly. Everyone I want to advise massage for cough.


Means for coughing during pregnancy

Any cold is undesirable when carrying a baby, and problems with the bronchopulmonary system in particular. After all, this can be covered completely different reasons, and some of them negatively affect both the baby and the placenta. To get rid of the disease as soon as possible, you need to know what cough remedy you can use during pregnancy.

Allowed cough remedy for pregnancy in the first trimester

At a time when the fetus is forming internal organs, cough treatment can have a bad effect on this process. That's why it's so important to seek help from a doctor, refusing self-treatment.

An effective and safe cough remedy for pregnancy is honey, provided that the mother is not allergic. It can be used in a snack for tea, and with milk. It will be good to remember childhood and to prepare radish juice with honey.

In addition to internal use, it is possible to use this beekeeping product externally. For this honey and flour are cooked warm honey cakes and superimposed on the area of ​​the bronchi. Instead, before bedtime apply honey rubbing back and chest with subsequent wrapping.

To improve the passage of mucus from the bronchi it is recommended to drink warm milk with boiled in it a fig or banana. This proven tool helps to quickly get rid of annoying cough.

Of expectorants, at this time, few are allowed - Mukaltin, althea root, Dr. Mom, Gedelix, Herbion, Doctor Tays, Bronchipret, Bronchicum, and also the drug Malavit.

Means for cough for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

With the onset of the second trimester, the placenta has already been formed, which protects the baby from external influences. But this does not mean that you can start self-medication. At this time, the same medicines are recommended as in the first trimester, but only after a full-time doctor's consultation.

In addition, warm inhalations with fir, eucalyptus, soda and sage oil are good for coughing. In order for this method to work, it will be necessary to perform inhalation at least 5 times a day, alternating with rinsing of sage grass, chamomile and soda.

Cough for pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

It is believed that the third trimester is the safest for the baby. The fetus is no longer so coughing mother, but it must be treated. Untreated cough leads to the aging of the placenta and, as a consequence, the deterioration of the baby's nutrition.

At this time for pregnant women, we accept the use of a synthetic expectorant against coughing. Most often used Ambroxol, Stoptussin and Bromhexine. It is especially important to be treated before the birth, because after the appearance of the baby a sick mother may infect a newborn, and treatment will be needed for two.


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