Exercises for back with dumbbells


  • 1Complex of 6 exercises for back with dumbbells - training program for strengthening muscles for women and men
    • 1.1Complex of 6 exercises
    • 1.2General recommendations for the implementation of the complex
    • 1.3Features of performance for women and girls
    • 1.4Features of training for men
  • 2Development of back muscles with exercises with dumbbells
    • 2.1Shaggy with dumbbells
    • 2.2High traction with dumbbells
    • 2.3Dumbbell cultivation in slope
    • 2.4Draft of dumbbells in slope
    • 2.5Thrust dumbbells with one hand in slope
    • 2.6Cross pullover with dumbbell
  • 3Exercises for the back with dumbbells for men and women - a set of training at home with video
    • 3.1Exercises with dumbbells for the back muscles
    • 3.2Deadlift
    • 3.3Dumbbells with dumbbells
    • 3.4Thrust of dumbbells with one hand
    • 3.5Exercises with dumbbells for men
  • 4Strengthening the back muscles with exercises with dumbbells
    • 4.1General recommendations
    • 4.2How to choose a dumbbell?
    • 4.3Weight of dumbbells
    • 4.4Dumbbells View
    • 4.5Other criteria
    • 4.6Warm up complex
    • 4.7Complex exercises for the muscles of the back
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Beautiful posture hits the spot: how to strengthen your back with dumbbell exercises
    • 5.1What will help to achieve the result
    • 5.2Traction and inclination to the belt
    • 5.3Prorolling lying
    • 5.4Steps in place
    • 5.5Leading away hands
    • 5.6Classes for women
    • 5.7We swing the extra legs
    • 5.8Swing the wings
    • 5.9Assignments for the lower part
    • 5.10On the bench
    • 5.11Denial of responsibility
  • 6Basic exercises for back with dumbbells
    • 6.1Recommendations of specialists
    • 6.2Contraindications for training with dumbbells
    • 6.3Warm up and warm up the muscles
    • 6.4Rules for training
    • 6.5Complex of exercises with dumbbells
    • 6.6Bending backwards
    • 6.7Thrust dumbbells to the waistband
    • 6.8Thrust dumbbell to the waist in turn with both hands
    • 6.9Development of shoulder muscles
    • 6.10Using the fitball

Complex of 6 exercises for back with dumbbells - training program for strengthening muscles for women and men

If your back is strong, you will be able to avoid many injuries both in the gym and in everyday life. The health of the whole organism depends on how healthy your spine is.

Poor posture contributes to improper placement of internal organs, which leads to their improper functioning.

The diaphragm, which is squeezed with an incorrect posture, affects the fact that the body is poorly supplied with oxygen.

A person becomes fatigued faster, remembers information less, reduces daily activity.

To avoid this, specially selected back exercises with the use of dumbbells, which are suitable for both women and men, will help.

The muscle group of the back is represented by deep and superficial muscles:

  • Deep muscles - upper dentate, lower dentate, straightening spine.
  • Superficial muscles: Trapezius, widest or so-called "wings" of back, rhomboid, lower posterior cogged muscle, lumbar, thoracic. Surface muscles are smaller in volume and they are arranged in the form of two layers.

All these muscles are responsible for our posture, keep the spine straight. They have the greatest length and form a V-shaped back - just the one to which many athletes aspire.

Beforemake a training program, you need to determine which muscle groups need to be worked on. The load must necessarily be the target, that is, directed at a certain group of muscles, which needs it.

Therefore, "just exercises at home" most often do not work. It is necessary to connect those exercises that will contribute to the qualitative development of the target group of muscles. The spine and the muscle groups of the back are the main, one of the largest in terms of area and volume of body structures.

Complex of 6 exercises

The home complex of the exercises listed below ideally works out all the muscle groups of the back and gives it sculptural forms, helps get rid of fat in this area. You can choose among them those who will be more interested in you.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back can be performed in turn, and it is possible to use one or two of the listed complex in each workout.On average, it is recommended to practice two to three times a week.

Instructors strongly recommend using an individual approach in training.

What does this mean? That load, which is ideal for one person, can be quite unsuitable and even harmful for another.

This applies to the choice of weight dumbbells, and the number of approaches, and other important factors.

Important!It is necessary at first to rehearse all the stages of performing this type of exercise without dumbbells, or using the minimum weight.

1. Deadlift

It is suitable for both men and women, whose purpose is to work out and strengthen the muscles of the back. With the correct technique of performing, the exercise acts aimingly, without putting the load on other muscle groups.

About 3 different types of deadliftand the difference between them you will find out here.

Well works out the main muscles of the back, buttocks, the quadriceps muscle of the thigh. Gives excellent results in the formation of a slender figure and relief muscles. To keep the body in doing this exercise, all muscular groups are involved in varying degrees.

Caution!This is quite a traumatic exercise, if you are a beginner, then for back extensors, hyperextension is more appropriate.

  1. In the beginning - a warm-up, which can consist of active movements aimed at warming up the muscles.
  2. The legs are slightly apart, arms with dumbbells are lowered, the back is straight, but in the lower back we flex it a little.
  3. Lean forward, legs remain straight. If this is difficult -It is acceptable to slightly bend them at the knees. As a result, hands with dumbbells slide down and are located at your feet. Then we move the dumbbells up.

We make an average of about ten repetitions. See the video for more details:

Note!As you strengthen the muscles and improve stretching, you need to increase the number of approaches - from three to five.

2. Thrust in a slope

Exercise is aimed at working out the widest muscles of the back, which give it a relief. Also involved are muscles - back extensors, trapezoidal and rhomboid. This movement perfectly removes fat from the shoulder blades.

About other types of traction in slope and7 most common mistakes during its executionhere.

  • We stand straight, legs wider than shoulders.
  • The dumbbells lie on the floor, in front of the feet.
  • Squat and take dumbbells in the hands of a direct grip. You can not bend at this, so as not to hurt your lower back.
  • Slightly bend the legs in the knees and lift the dumbbells upwards so that they slide over lateral surface of the thigh from the knees to the hip joint, and then we try to pull them to the level belt.

An exercisecan be performed with the head restraintin the upper part of the gym bench, in order to partially relieve the load from the lumbar region of the back.

Repeat the required number of times: on average, ten to twelve, three approaches. The number of exercises for beginners is ten times using the minimum weights.

3. Lifting dumbbells on the back to the waistband

We influence the development of the widest muscles, biceps and deltoid.

  1. We hold the dumbbell in the right hand with a straight grip.
  2. We put the knee of the left foot on the bench. We bend the right leg in the knee, bend forward and rest against the edge of the bench with the left hand, back a little flex - so that its natural bend is preserved. The body is parallel to the bench.
  3. We completely straighten the arm with the dumbbell, we lower the shoulder a little. We raise the arm with the dumbbell as much as possible.Attention! Only hand works.
  4. With this arm movement, the widest muscles are perfectly developed. We repeat ten times.
  5. We continue the exercise, also giving the load to the left side.

4. Slanting in the slope

Working muscles are trapezoidal and deltoid. The next level of load gets the widest back and all the other muscle groups.For beginners more suitableoption with the head in the bench.

  • Lean in such a way that the hip joints form a right angle, and the body is parallel to the floor.
  • The arms are parallel to the legs. The palms are inward.
  • Arms bend at the elbow joint, dumbbells are reduced under the breast. Stringing the upper part of the back, we raise the dumbbells to the sides and return them, bringing them under the breast.
  • The back is strictly parallel to the floor. The loin retains a natural bend.

Repeat to start ten times. The number of approaches is increased gradually. This applies to the weights of dumbbells.

5. Lateral slopes

We study the trapezoidal, deltoid muscles and remove the fat from the sides.

  1. We hold the dumbbell in the right hand, the back is straight. Knees slightly bend.
  2. Lean, lowering the dumbbell to the left leg. The hand with the dumbbell slides from the hip joint to the foot and back.
  3. Repeat the exercise a predetermined number of times.
  4. We take the dumbbell in the left hand and train the opposite muscles of the body.

6. Rise to the chin

Trapezius and deltoid muscles work, and also biceps and shoulder muscles are included. High draft of dumbbellsdoes not fitwho have been in the pastshoulder injuriesor other problems with the shoulder joints.

  • We take dumbbells from the floor, the back is straight.
  • We raise hands with dumbbells to shoulder level. Elbows are located higher than the hands.
  • Hands slowly lowered and repeat the exercise a predetermined number of times. On average, ten are three approaches.

General recommendations for the implementation of the complex

There are a number of general recommendations that can be used to achieve in back exercises at home with dumbbells maximum effect:

  1. It must be remembered that all exercises with dumbbells for the back are a danger when ignoring the technique of their correct execution.There is a risk of a lumbar injury, since it first of all receives a strong load. Sometimes, with weakness of the muscles of the waist and uncomfortable with the loads, instructors recommend that the first time be worn on the belt.
  2. You can not neglect the workoutbefore doing exercises with dumbbells - the muscles need to be prepared for loads. Even experienced athletes can get injured without using a workout!
  3. It is not recommended to lift dumbbells from the floor, bending over them, especially if you use large weights. Bend your knees, keep your back straight. Take dumbbells and lift them by stretching the legs in your lap.
  4. It is necessary to pay more attention to mastering the technique of doing exercises with dumbbells, rather than trying to get results as soon as possible. Classes with dumbbells do not tolerate haste. It is necessary to be engaged in measurements, slowly, paying attention to each workout movement.
  5. Before proceeding to strength training, consult a sports doctor, especially if you have had back or joint injuries earlier.
  6. Do not start your first lessons with the use of large weights- this is fraught with trauma.
  7. The basis of correct breathing is the formula: muscle tension is always done on exhalation, and relax the muscles on inspiration.
  8. The deadlift with minimum weight dumbbells is a power exercise that can be recommended for men who start training, and who have not yet managed to adapt to heavy loads.
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Features of performance for women and girls

  • Girls can be engaged with dumbbells two or three times a week;
  • Start with minimum weights, gradually increasing them;
  • What kind of exercises should I start with? The deadlift with dumbbells is an excellent exercise for women, designed to strengthen the muscular corset and give it relief contours.
  • If you recently started doing strength training, do three sets of ten exercises;

The number of approaches for girls can be adjusted both upward and downward. Reduction is recommended in case if after training you feel a feeling of extreme fatigue and weakness. Classes should bring joy and pleasant fatigue in the muscles.

Features of training for men

  1. Men very often repeat the same mistake - they are trying to take big weights at once.This leads to various injuries, such as stretching and ligament rupture.
  2. If you do not follow the technique of doing dumbbell work from the first training session, it is possible to get an injury for this reason and lose interest in force exercises forever.
  3. To begin with, it is recommended to do three to four sets of ten exercises with minimal weights. Especially this applies to those who have not done physical exercises for a long time. When your muscles adapt to the load - the weight of the dumbbells can be gradually increased. The main principle of doing exercises in the beginning is not to harm.

If you are happy with power training and after training feel that you have worked hard - it means that you are doing everything right.

Note!If you have heaviness in the whole body and you are difficult to move - the number of approaches and the weight of dumbbells need to be adjusted downwards.

see also

Royal posture and a beautiful walk are pleasant results that you can get by doing exercises with dumbbells for your back. Well developed back muscles support the spine and are the prevention of its curvature and other problems.

A source: http://ProstoFitness.com/dlya-pohudeniya/uprazhneniya-v-domashnih-usloviyah/dlya-spiny/treniroa-sp-s-gantelyami.html

Development of back muscles with exercises with dumbbells

The athlete, who dreams to look harmonious, can not neglect the training of the muscles of the back. An athlete with an undeveloped dorsal musculature will strongly lose outwardly, even if it looks ideally from the front and from the side.

The cause of failure in back training is banal laziness. The muscles of the back are the largest after the legs, so it takes a lot of energy and effort to develop them.

The dorsal musculature consists of three muscle groups: lateral (usually they are called the broadest), trapezius and muscles involved in extension of the spine.

You can train your back with a barbell, with dumbbells and using blocks.

In this article, exercises for back with dumbbells recommended for male bodybuilders will be considered).

Shaggy with dumbbells

The goal of the exercise is to create a load on the trapezius muscles. Secondary load falls on the muscles of the wrist.

To accept the starting position, two dumbbells are taken from the floor, and the legs are placed approximately on the width of the shoulders.

The shoulders can move slightly forward and downward under the weight of the shells.

Furtherthe strength of the trapezius muscles of the shoulders should be maximally moved up and back, keeping in the extreme point the maximum voltage for a couple of seconds.

After a slow return to the original position, the described motion is repeated the required number of times. The movement is like shrugging.

If the weight of the projectile is quite significant, then a weightlifting belt can be worn for back insurance.

High traction with dumbbells

The second name of the exercise is the pull of the dumbbells to the chin. When performing the exercise, the main load falls on the trapezium. Also in motion are the middle and posterior heads of deltas, as well as biceps and shoulder muscles.

Two dumbbells are taken so that the palms are looking down.Slowly lifting dumbbells up to the level of the shoulders, it is necessary to control that the elbows are above the hands and forearms. After lowering to the starting point, the motion is repeated.

You can change the trajectory of lifting shells, giving a load of varying degrees on the muscles. This is especially important for pain in the shoulders: thanks to the ability to change the arc,it is possible to determine in practice the line, the movement along which causes the least discomfort.

Dumbbell cultivation in slope

In order to take the original position, you must bend so that the body is parallel to the floor. Hands should hang down from the shoulders palms to each other. Slightly bent elbows, dumbbells need to be reduced under the chest.

Using the strength of the muscles of the upper part of the back, hands are bred to the sides in a smooth arc, after which the position with dumbbells next to the chest is again taken.

It must be ensured that the back is straight and parallel to the floor for the duration of the run.

Draft of dumbbells in slope

This exercise is great for working out the widest muscles. The secondary load falls on all other muscles of the back.

Slightly bending his knees and taking dumbbells in his hands,take the position so that the back is parallel to the floor. The elbows are retracted, anddumbbells slowly extend up to the level of the belt. Also slowly the projectile needs to be lowered back.

Chin can rest on the back of the seat, thereby reducing the load on the lower back.

Thrust dumbbells with one hand in slope

Like most of the pulling exercises, while movingthe work includes lateral and trapezoid muscles, as well as the posterior head of deltas.

Having found a horizontal bench, it is necessary to put a left knee bent in the knee. The dumbbell is taken in the right hand, and the left one rests against the bench, which will help to control the parallel position of the trunk.

Drawing the elbow back, you need to slowly pull the projectile up. Shoulders should be moved up and back as much as possible.

After performing the required number of repetitions, the same movement is performed with the second hand: thus, naturally, it is necessary to change the supporting leg and arm.

Cross pullover with dumbbell

Moderately heavy dumbbell is placed on the end of a horizontal bench.

In the initial position lying across the bench, the upper part of the back and shoulders should contact the surface.

Legs should be placed in the sides, so that it is convenient to control the balance. The dumbbell needs to be lifted over the chest, taking it with the palms of both hands at one end.

With a simultaneous bending of hands, the dumbbell is retracted and down a smooth arc. You need to achieve maximum depth. On inhalation the shell drops, and on exhalation - returns back.

Exercise can be done and lying down along the bench, but in this case it will be much easier to perform, and the efficiency will decrease.

The above exercises should be constantly included in their training, aimed at training and development of the muscles of the back.

A source: http://gromila.net/uprazhneniya/spina/s-gantelyami.html

Exercises for the back with dumbbells for men and women - a set of training at home with video

One of the largest muscles of the human body is the back, which consists of various muscles: long, broadest (called "wings"), rhombic, trapezoid. How to pump your back with dumbbells? To get a strong muscular corset is not necessary to attend the gym, you can swing at home.

Exercises with dumbbells for the back muscles

With the help of shells, it is possible to strengthen the spinal musculature more efficiently than using a barbell. To develop thickness training is the pull of weighting agents - a kind of "core" for creating strong muscles and improving posture. There are different methods of strengthening muscle groups.

The health and condition of the spinal column depends on their strength. Strength training of the back with dumbbells strengthens the flabby muscular corset, eliminating the risk of osteochondrosis, gives a smart look.

Depending on the performance, these exercises are distinguished with dumbbells to strengthen the muscles of the back:

  • deadlift;
  • deadlift;
  • slopes;
  • draft sports equipment with one hand.

To get elastic back muscles you will be helped by daily simple trainings, the most common of which is considered a deadlift with dumbbells.

The convenient position of the brushes during execution allows you to shift the center of gravity, providing a reduced load on the extensor (deep muscles).

This fact is an advantage of the lesson, which can not boast of training with the neck of the bar. The technique of performing the exercise for the muscles of the back with dumbbells is shown in the photo:

  1. Take the weighting and stand straight, and put your feet on the width of your shoulders.
  2. When inhaling, you need to take the pelvis back, and torso tilt forward, while slowly lowering the weighting.
  3. With exhalation return to the starting position.


If you are already familiar with the technique of deadlift with a barbell, then mastering the same method with shells will not be difficult.

When carrying out the basic training "Static thrust with dumbbells" it is necessary to use wrist belts, called "straps".

Hold the two-handed barbell with a total weight of 50 kg lighter than individual shells of 25 kg: in this case, each hand holds the weight on its own. All movements should be carried out gradually, without sharp jerks. The lesson is:

  • Stand upright, in your hands hold sports equipment.
  • When inhaling, start tilting the body forward, slightly bending the legs.
  • Look in front of you.
  • On exhalation take the starting position.

Dumbbells with dumbbells

Slopes are the basic tasks of a regular workout. Taking a little weighting in your hands, you can strengthen the muscle corset. Slopes with dumbbells for the back are performed at home in an inclined position.

Effective training helps to gain muscle mass and eliminate excess weight. Losing weight is due to the fact that the body loses a lot of calories. In the latter case, it is better to do 4 approaches at 20-25 repetitions in each.

The number of sets when typing a mass is five, with twelve repetitions in each of them. How to paddle at home:

  1. Holding the projectile in one hand, stand up straight.
  2. Tilt the body forward, and weight the weight down to the opposite leg.
  3. In the final position, you have to stay for a couple of seconds.
  4. Return to the starting position.

Thrust of dumbbells with one hand

One of the best isolated exercises for the dorsal musculature is considered to be pulling dumbbells with one hand. This pumping is also a fundamental task if you want to pump the widest.

Doing exercises with the help of weighting with one hand, you can better concentrate on working out the target muscles. The powerful bottom of the broadest provides the athlete a muscular corset V-shaped.

No other training works so purposefully on the lower part of the latitudinal. The technique of performing the exercise for the widest back muscles with dumbbells:

  • For an emphasis take an even surface (it can be a stool or a bench).
  • Put the knee and one arm on the pedestal by tilting the body forward.
  • Take the sports equipment into the second, lowered, hand.
  • Raise the sports equipment with your back muscles.
  • When the required number of repeats is done, repeat with the other hand.

Improve the figure of women will help the right diet, fitness exercises, aerobics and exercises with dumbbells for the back for women. If the girl is a beginner athlete and did not train with weighting agents, then you should choose up to 2 kg.

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Exercises for the back with dumbbells have contraindications: heart disease, pregnancy. Try to perform them correctly and smoothly. Between repetitions, allow yourself a small rest. Before training, do a warming up of the spinal muscles - warm-up.

The correct method of carrying out the routing of hands (15 approaches):

  1. Bend your knees slightly and put your feet on the width of the pelvis.
  2. Body tilt slightly forward, try to connect the shoulder blades.
  3. Pull in the belly, head upwards.
  4. Pull your arms out in front of you.
  5. Slightly bending your elbows, relax your hands.
  6. Carry out the spreading of the hands to the sides: the palms should look down, and the elbows up.

Exercises with dumbbells for men

Training exercises with dumbbells for men differ depending on the type of load on certain muscle zones (biceps, triceps, shoulder area).

Compared with women, the weight of weighting in men reaches 10 kg in beginners, up to 25 kg in one hand - among professional athletes and those involved in bodybuilding. If the weight is too heavy, you need a weightlifting belt.

Quickly to pump up the dorsal musculature, except for the above described complex, such exercises for back with dumbbells will help:

  • Shrings with weighting (training of trapezius muscles).
  • French press or bench.
  • High traction of the sports equipment to the chin.
  • Cross pullovers (in the sitting position, bend the elbows bent in the elbows, connecting the shoulder blades).

A source: http://sovets.net/10336-uprajneniya-dlya-spinyi-s-gantelyami.html

Strengthening the back muscles with exercises with dumbbells

It would seem that the back of a person is an incredibly strong part of the body, but in fact - it is very vulnerable and easily susceptible to damage and various diseases.

The fact is that the backbone is a vertebral column, which is wrapped in muscles, one of the functions of which is to maintain the stability of the spine, since it has enormous loads.

If the muscles of the back are flabby and insufficiently developed, the spine becomes open to various negative influences, which will soon lead to its disease, for example, osteochondrosis.

In order to avoid such a fate, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles daily with a variety of exercises.

For example, exercises for back with dumbbells with the right and reasonable approach will help to acquire strong and elastic dorsal muscles, which, like bulletproof vests, will protect your spine from the negative influence and development pathology.

General recommendations

Before you start exercises for back muscles with dumbbells, you need to remember a few simple rules and guidelines for maximum efficiency and safety exercises.

The duration of one lesson should not exceed 40 minutes. Start with 15 minutes, gradually bringing the lesson to the specified time, but no more. Also not recommended daily.

After all, except for work, the muscles of the back should rest. Ideally there will be 3-4 lessons per week.

Another important point is that the complex of exercises with dumbbells must alternate with loads of a different kind, for example, with regular gymnastics for the back.

You can make yourself an individual exercise program that will alternate every other day with dumbbells to build muscle and gymnastics to strengthen it. Thus, the muscles of the back will rest from the force loads and is constantly in a healthy tone.

As for nutrition, when doing weight exercises with dumbbells it plays a very important role. To pump up your back, there are not enough loads, it is necessary that the body receives sufficient material to build muscle mass.

In the diet should include more protein food (this is the main structural element of muscle tissue), vitamins and microelements for the well-coordinated work of the body, complex carbohydrates (vegetable food) in order to maintain the necessary balance energy. And such substances as animal fats and simple carbohydrates (sugars) should be minimized.

Such a diet will not only strengthen the muscles of the back, but also get a beautiful relief figure, get rid of and prevent a number of diseases, especially the pathology of the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system and diabetes.

The diet during the exercise of power loads with dumbbells should consist of proteins, vitamins, microelements, vegetable fats and complex carbohydrates

At the stage of preparation for the beginning of exercises it is necessary to take into account contra-indications to trainings of this kind. Exercises for back using dumbbells are contraindicated:

  1. with uncontrolled arterial hypertension, stress during exercise can lead to a sharp increase in pressure and complications (stroke, heart attack, etc.);
  2. bronchial asthma, physical overexertion can trigger an asthmatic attack;
  3. pathology of the cardiovascular system (IHD, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure, etc.);
  4. premenstrual syndrome and critical days, but this does not apply to all women, but only to those who are painfully affected by menstruation;
  5. pregnancy;
  6. diseases of the spine, in which additional stresses on the back or exacerbation of the pathology of the spinal column are contraindicated with the development of pain syndrome;
  7. a hernia of the anterior abdominal wall;
  8. recent surgical interventions of any location (risk of opening a postoperative wound and development of bleeding).

How to choose a dumbbell?

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Exercises to strengthen the back

It seems that the difficult thing is to choose dumbbells for exercise. But, as soon as you come to the sports store for the purchase of this inventory, the seller's questions and the variety of these sports equipment can put you at a dead end.

There are several main criteria for choosing dumbbells:

  • weight of dumbbells;
  • type of dumbbells;
  • individual comfort in the hand (the nature of the projectile surface);
  • material from which dumbbells are made.

Weight of dumbbells

This is perhaps the most important parameter when choosing a sports product. Here everything is individual and depends on the purpose of the exercises - strengthening the muscular corset or building muscle mass.

If you are new to strength training, then you need to begin training with dumbbells no more than 1 kg, gradually their weight can be increased.

If after a workout you stop feeling any fatigue, then this is the signal to take dumbbells more heavily.

Dumbbells View

There are two main types of this sport equipment:

Solid-cast dumbbells are an indiscriminate inventory, the weight of which is constant. You can choose such dumbbells of any weight and immediately begin the exercises.

They are most suitable for fitness exercises as a weighting agent, for beginners, for people with diseases of the spine, for strengthening the muscles of the back.

The disadvantage is that you can not change their weight, and soon they are not needed (if you plan to build muscle).

Collapsible dumbbells are a design that consists of a neck (holder), disks (pancakes, weights) with different weights and locks for fastening weighting agents.

These dumbbells are suitable for all types of training, their weight can be changed depending on the wishes of the person and the purpose of the exercises. Ideal for both home workouts and classroom activities.

A disadvantage is the time spent on assembling and disassembling these dumbbells. When buying collapsible dumbbells, pay attention to the type and quality of locks for fixing pancakes.

Collapsible dumbbells will suit everyone, regardless of the fitness of the body and the purposes of using this sports equipment

Other criteria

Before buying dumbbells, check whether it is convenient for you to hold them in your hand, whether they slip out.

The neck of the projectile can be smooth, rough or rubberized. Rough handles will not slip, but they can rub your corns.

Ideal option is a rubberized handle - it does not slip and do not rub.

The material from which dumbbells are made, choose to your taste and depending on the possibilities (iron, chrome steel, cast iron).

Warm up complex

Any workouts and exercises begin with a warm-up. Such simple exercises for warming up and stretching the muscles play a very important role. They allow you to prepare the muscles for more serious stresses and prevent their trauma.

Before performing the complex with dumbbells for the back, in addition to the basic warm-up movements for all muscle groups, you need to warm up and stretch the dorsal muscles. Any gymnastic complexes for the back will do.

Complex exercises for the muscles of the back

An approximate set of exercises with dumbbells

To strengthen the back muscles, we offer you the following set of exercises with dumbbells:

  1. Lie down on the floor with your stomach down. Hands with dumbbells pull forward. Lift your arms up above the floor and wind them back (as if you were swimming). At this time, lift your legs slightly above the floor. This exercise trains straight muscles of the back. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Stand up straight, take up the dumbbells. Bend so that the body is parallel with the floor. Pull your arms to yourself and spread them to the sides. At this time, the muscles of the hands, shoulder blades and interblade area work. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Thrust dumbbell arms. To do this, you will need additional support, for example, a bench or chair. One hand and a knee lean against the support, in the other take a dumbbell. Hand bend and move up, the elbow at the same time taken back. Repeat 10 times for each hand.
  4. We stand directly, in the hands of dumbbells, hands hang down along the trunk. Slowly raise and lower the shoulders, while not straining our hands, we work only with the muscles of the neck and back. Repeat 10 times.

Performing the exercise "pulling dumbbells with your hands"

This is just an example of exercises for back using dumbbells. In fact, there are a lot of them. If you pick up a complex that is right for you, then do not doubt that after a few weeks of regular training your muscles will get stronger and become a reliable "protector" for the spine.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/profilaktika/ukreplyaem-myshcy-spiny-pri-pomoshchi-uprazhneniy-s-gantelyami

Beautiful posture hits the spot: how to strengthen your back with dumbbell exercises

Exercises for the back with dumbbells are aimed at developing muscle tissue, which will help to acquire a beautiful posture. This is important for both men and women. Tasks for posture supplement any training both in the gym and at home.

It is important

Without such a complex it is impossible to imagine any full-fledged training, but the key to success is the proper performance of tasks. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury.

The complex for strengthening the muscles of the back helps to maintain a good physical shape, health of the spine, even posture.

Posture is an important part of a person's image, so you need to give her special attention.

All of them are responsible for certain movements, support the health of the spine, are responsible for even posture.

Before you begin the training process, it is good to study a number of rules, especially if the training will take place at home:

  • During the execution of all tasks, the waist should be flat.
  • Every movement must be felt by all muscle groups, and it is impossible to allow a discharge. From such lessons there will be absolutely no effect, and the risk of injury will double.
  • Exercises with dumbbells for the back and shoulders should be performed no more than 3-4 times a week.
  • The duration of one lesson is 40 minutes.
  • It is good to alternate the buildup of muscle mass and the recovery process.
  • After working with the barbell and dumbbells, you need to stretch.
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These simple rules will help to prevent injury, overstrain, exhaustion of muscle tissue.

Do not immediately take on a heavy weight - it will only hurt the muscles, which will require a long recovery.

What will help to achieve the result

To achieve an unbeatable result, it takes a lot of effort. It is important to know which dumbbell exercises will help you achieve your goal. The answer to this question is hidden among the most popular programs for bodybuilders.

They can be taken as a basis, but it is better to approach training with individual characteristics and needs. Correct the load you need yourself, if it comes to home training.

Traction and inclination to the belt

Starting position standing, feet shoulder width apart. Hands are directed downwards, knees are bent, the case is equal - here the pledge of successful performance. Hold weighting by neutral grip.

When lifting hands, you must ensure that the maximum point of the elbow should be at the waist level, with the hands being wound back.

Prorolling lying

This exercise with dumbbells is performed lying on the back for pumping the thoracic spine. Lying need to put a slightly attached hands with weighting on the sternum. Further, the hands slowly fall behind the head and return back.

Steps in place

This task is quite simple. It is necessary to stand up straight, bend your arms in the elbows and take a few steps, choosing a convenient pace.

Leading away hands

The body is straight, the slopes are forward. During the tilt, the hands are turned back, while the sports projectile should be kept neutral grip.

Try to squeeze the weighting agents as tightly as possible to the body, this affects the quality of the task.

This set of exercises for the back with dumbbells is for the most part intended for men. During the execution of tasks, the main thing is to follow all the precautions. If the task involves the use of a bar, then you do not need to perform it without insurance.

Classes for women

Exercises for the muscles of the back and hands with dumbbells are very important to women, as they will help make the figure ideal. Beautiful posture is a pledge of a beautiful appearance.

Girls can perform tasks from the men's program, while taking less weight, but it is better to use a special women's program that will quickly achieve the desired results.

For girls a special set of exercises is developed, which can be easily performed at home. First, take a small weight of weighting - so it will be easier to get used to the loads.

Then you can periodically increase the mass of shells, but only after the muscle tissue is fully used to the previous weight.

All this will help to prevent a sharp overload of muscle tissue, will not lead to strong ruptures, as well as sprains.

We swing the extra legs

We need to put a knee and a hand on the step, take a weighting agent into the free one. Make sure that the body is parallel to the floor, otherwise, it will not be loaded with exercises with dumbbells on the back and legs.

Further perform lifting of the projectiles, while ensuring that the body remains stationary. Do not take a lot of weighting material.

Additionally, you can add stress to your legs, especially if the goal of the lesson is losing weight. The number of repetitions is better to choose individually, on average enough to do 3-5 times.

Swing the wings

From the standing position it is necessary to make a slope before the body is parallel to the floor, to lower hands with weighting agents.

Then perform lifting hands to the maximum. All movements should be worked with voltage, otherwise there will be no effect.

Exercises with dumbbells on the back and wings should be slow and neat to prevent stretching.

Before performing it is required to warm up. And after doing it is always good to pull your hands, this will help relax the muscles.

Assignments for the lower part

Prorolling of the lower back is important to begin with the rise of the body. This can be done in a standing position. You have to get up, put your feet to the width of your shoulders. The body is lowered parallel to the floor, arms bent at the elbows.

You can take the reception and lying down. In the supine position, lift the body to the maximum point. Hands at the same time are bent at the elbows, the weighting agents are good to hold with an arbitrary grip.

On the bench

Exercises for the back on the bench with dumbbells are simple. It is necessary to lie down on a bench with an inclination, to carry out the pull of weighting agents. Movements should be slow. It is necessary to feel every tight cell.

Note that the tasks are performed in strict accordance with the algorithm, which will help to reach a certain goal, but there can be several such.

So, if you need to lose weight, then you should do 3-4 repetitions, each includes 20-25 times. And if the goal is to pump, then you have to do 4-5 repetitions for 10-12 times, but use a larger weighting agent.

These exercises with dumbbells at home on the back are the most effective. They will quickly help make the posture excellent.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

A source: http://osteohondrosy.net/krasivaya-osanka-srazhaet-napoval-kak-ukrepit-spinu-zanyatiyami-s-gantelyami.html

Basic exercises for back with dumbbells

A person's back is the weakest and most vulnerable part of the body, the function of which is to maintain the stability of the spine.

If the back muscles are not sufficiently developed, this can lead to various diseases, including osteochondrosis.

In order to move some of the loads to the muscle corset, and to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to strengthen the muscles and regularly perform physical exercises for the back.

Recommendations of specialists

Before starting to perform a set of exercises for the back, you need to familiarize yourself with the simple rules and recommendations of specialists. This will reduce the risk of injury and achieve maximum effect from physical exertion.

The maximum duration of one workout is 40 minutes. Begin with 15 minutes a day, gradually prolonging the time of occupation to the specified maximum, but not exceeding it. It is not recommended to perform physical exertion every day, since muscles require rest.

The optimal frequency of classes is 3-4 times a week.When drawing up a training plan, you need to take into account that the best results from exercises can be achieved under the condition of performing complex physical activities.

Therefore, always combine exercises with dumbbells with regular gymnastics for the back.

Individual training scheme can be composed as follows:

  1. Day 1 - Strength exercises with dumbbells to build muscle;
  2. Day 2 - gymnastics for fixing the effect.

In this case, the broadest, trapezius and rhombic muscles of the back will rest from the force loads, while being in a tonus.

Contraindications for training with dumbbells

Effective exercises for the back using dumbbells are contraindicated in the following categories of people:

  • with increased arterial pressure - the risk of heart attack, stroke, other diseases;
  • suffering from bronchial asthma - physical exertion can trigger an asthmatic attack;
  • with pathologies of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, heart failure, IHD, myocardial infarction transferred);
  • women in premenstrual syndrome or painful critical days;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with diseases of the spine, in which the power loads for the muscles of the back are contraindicated;
  • with a hernia of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • in the postoperative period of any localization - overstrain can lead to the opening of a postoperative wound and the development of bleeding.

Warm up and warm up the muscles

Any basic exercises on the back with dumbbells start with a warm-up. The warming up of muscles and their stretching play a very important role. They prepare the body for further power loads and prevent injuries.

In addition to standard exercises for warming up all muscle groups, it is recommended to perform warm-up and stretching of the back muscles.These include the broadest, trapezoidal, rhombic, jagged and long muscles. For this, any basic exercises on the back are suitable.

Rules for training

For those wishing to reach a broad and strong back, a dumbbell weighing 2 kg, will fit. Gradually, the weight of the inventory is increased.

To study each exercise follows 15-20 times in one approach.

After one month, the number of approaches is doubled, and after two months of training, there should be three approaches.

Do not hold your breath during exercise.

In order to monitor the correctness of the exercises with dumbbells, it is advisable to study in front of the mirror.

After each exercise, you need to take a little breather. To do this for 40-60 seconds, walk around the room, trying to relax the muscles.

Complex of exercises with dumbbells

The following exercises with dumbbells for the back are performed at home.

Bending backwards

When performing the exercise, most groups of back muscles work:

  1. the starting position - lying on the stomach of the hand to pull forward with dumbbells;
  2. Raise your arms above the floor and spread them apart;
  3. To tear legs up from the floor;
  4. return to the starting position.

Thrust dumbbells to the waistband

The exercise is aimed at developing and strengthening the interscapular area:

  • the starting position is tilt the body forward by 90 degrees, hands with dumbbells slightly bend at the elbows and fix in this position;
  • we pull our arms up and spread them apart;
  • take the starting position.

Thrust dumbbell to the waist in turn with both hands

With the help of exercise, the widest, trapezius and rhombic muscles work, the shoulder girdle and biceps are involved:

  1. the starting position - on the bench to lean on the palm and knee of one side of the trunk;
  2. Take the dumbbell in the hand and turn the palm of the hand to the inside of the body;
  3. We lift the dumbbell as close as possible to the body, while the elbow should not deviate from the trunk;
  4. to lose the hand in the starting position.

Development of shoulder muscles

In addition to the shoulder girdle, the trapezius and the widest muscles of the upper back are worked:

  • the starting position - in a standing position, take dumbbells in your hands and lower them down;
  • gradually raise your shoulders up;
  • slowly lower your shoulders.

Using the fitball

The best and more effective classes are carried out with the help of fitball, since the latissimus, trapezius, rhomboid muscles of the back are involved, as well as the buttocks and the back of the thighs:

  1. the starting position - the ball is placed near the wall and lie on it with the belly;
  2. feet to rest against the wall;
  3. alternately raise and lower the body.

At the lower point, the muscles relax, and when the body is raised, they strain. Over time, to complicate the practice, the legs should be raised higher and fixed at the level of the ball.

Regular execution of basic exercises for the back not only helps keep the broadest, trapezius and rhombic muscles in tone, but is also the key to a healthy spine.

A source: http://etospina.ru/vosstanovlenie/uprazhneniya/uprazhneniya-s-gantelyami-protivopokazaniya.html