Exercises for the muscles of the back


  • 1Complex exercises for the muscles of the back
    • 1.1What muscles need to be trained?
    • 1.2Basic rules of training
    • 1.3Basic exercises for the back
    • 1.4Complex of isolating exercises
    • 1.5Classes on the ball for fitness
    • 1.6Exercise 1
    • 1.7Exercise 2
    • 1.8Exercise 3
    • 1.9Exercises for the back with a barbell
    • 1.10Simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back
    • 1.11Bridge hips
    • 1.12Plank on the side
    • 1.13Boat
  • 2Exercises for the muscles of the back
    • 2.11. Lifting or pulling the vertical block
    • 2.22. Thrust rod inclination or Dumbbell pull in slope
    • 2.33. Thrust of horizontal block
    • 2.44. Thrust of the T-neck
    • 2.55. Tilts with a bar forward (deadlift on straight legs)
    • 2.66. Hyperextension
    • 2.77. Pulling up the reverse grip or pulling the vertical block with a back grip
    • 2.88. Lifting by the neck or pulling the vertical block by the neck
    • 2.99. Traction of dumbbells in a tilt with one hand
  • 3Strengthening the back muscles in 10 minutes at home
    • 3.1Complex of exercises for strengthening the musculature of the back of the house
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.2Additional set of exercises for strengthening the spine (video)
    • 3.3Efficacy of back exercises for diseases of the spine
  • 4Fitness at home: 7 exercises to strengthen the back
    • 4.1Complex of exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back for women
    • 4.2Additional recommendations
  • 5What exercises need to be done to strengthen the muscles of the back?
    • 5.1Musculature of the back
    • 5.2Strengthening the basic muscles
    • 5.3The widest
    • 5.4Diamond-shaped
    • 5.5We are engaged at home and in the gym
    • 5.6Complex for home
    • 5.7Complex of exercises for the gym
    • 5.8Exercises for osteochondrosis
    • 5.9Exercises for scoliosis
    • 5.10Why should I strengthen my back?
    • 5.11Several visual exercises (video)

Complex exercises for the muscles of the back

The back of a person is a fairly vulnerable place. Many people after 30 years experience chronic pain associated with overload of the spine and the development of its degenerative-dystrophic diseases.

But regular exercises for the back and the development of a good muscular corset of the spine can warn the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as provide a reference for men and women V-shaped shape.

To date, there are many programs for training the muscles of the back. It is difficult to say which of them are the most effective.

Each person can choose a complex independently, but without fail after consultation with a doctor, to exclude any diseases of the spine.

You can work on special simulators, but you can and at home.

What muscles need to be trained?

All back muscles can be divided into three groups:

  • Superficial muscles of the upper back.
  • Superficial muscles of the lower back.
  • Deep muscles of the back.

All the efforts of fans of bodybuilding are directed mainly to the development of the superficial group of muscles, since they create the desired silhouette and relief of the back.

But the strengthening of a deep group of muscles is equally important, since it is they that form the muscular corset of the spine, protect it from damage, maintain the normal position of the spinal column and its bends, give stability to our body and participate in the movements of each individual vertebra.

Well developed muscular corset back will be a perfect protection and support for the spine

Basic rules of training

To exercise for the muscles of the back brought only benefit and did not hurt the general health, in the classroom you need to follow certain rules and recommendations:

  1. Any set of exercises for the shoulders and back should begin with a warm-up and stretching the muscles of the whole body. This will warm up the muscles, make them more elastic and prevent possible trauma during the main workout.
  2. Persons with a backache should start their classes only after consulting a specialist. You can not immediately begin to exercise loads, start better with the usual gymnastic exercises for strengthening the dorsal muscles, and after that you can perform strength training (but only with permission doctor).
  3. If during the training there is pain in the back, then you need to reduce the load or stop training. With exacerbation of the pathology of the spine, any physical exercises are prohibited. The patient needs rest before the pain subsides.
  4. It is not recommended to make sharp and jerky movements. All elements of the exercises should be performed smoothly and slowly.
  5. Exercises should be done regularly. Ideally, if every day, but fit and 2-3 workouts a week.
  6. Before the activity, it is forbidden to use any analgesics, since you can not feel pain and damage the spine because of this.

Exercises for the back in the pool with a special stick are an excellent addition to the basic training

Basic exercises for the back

Before committing to the studies themselves, it is necessary to deal with such concepts as basic and isolating exercises.

These terms are used in bodybuilding. So, the basic exercises are those in which several muscles and joints are simultaneously involved in the performance.

They form the basis of any training program.

Isolating exercises are those in which only one muscle is worked, for example, the straight back or the broadest.

As a rule, one training should consist of two to three basic and one isolating exercises. The next time we repeat two or three basic, and isolating exercises are performed already for another muscle.

Thus, each individual spinal muscle can be worked well.

Basic exercises:

  • pull-up;
  • rod rod with a torso inclination;
  • pulling dumbbell with right and left hand;
  • thrust block vertical type;
  • traction of the horizontal block to the belt;
  • traction of the upper block type to the pectoral muscles.

Pull-up is the basic basic exercise for the muscles of the back

It is important that you are taught by an experienced instructor to perform all the exercises described. He will show how to get the most out of the class and do not let injury happen.

Complex of isolating exercises

As already mentioned, the isolation exercises will allow each muscle to be worked out separately. One training should not include more than 1-2 such exercises. As a rule, this is the end of the training. Below are the exercises for the development of the basic spinal muscles.

The widest muscles:

  • rod rod in an inclined position;
  • pulling dumbbells with one hand while standing;
  • pull-up;
  • thrust by the head on a high block type;
  • The traction of the horizontal block to the belt in the sitting position.

Trapezius muscles:

  • shags with hand dumbbells.

This is how the dumbbells are performed for the development of the trapezius muscles of the back

Exercises for the lower back:

  • dead type of thrust;
  • slopes forward with a bar;
  • hyperextension.

To perform exercises for hyperextension, there are special simulators

Classes on the ball for fitness

Fitball is a special large inflatable ball for practicing fitness both in gymnasiums and at home.

This is a unique sports projectile, which allows you to work the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks and legs.

Also, exercises with fitball allow you to develop balance, improve coordination of movements, make the body flexible and get rid of extra pounds.

Exercises with fitbol very much, and everyone can make their own individual training complex. Consider a few exercises that are aimed at developing the spinal muscular corset.

Exercise 1

It is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the extensors of the spine (deep group). AND. P. - lying belly on fitbole, leaning on legs, bent at the knees, hands lowered, palms turned inward, head looking straight to the floor.

Slowly from this position, we raise our head and shoulders, we raise our arms to the sides to the level of the shoulders. We stay in this position for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

The number of repetitions is 5-10. After several workouts, you can increase the load by using dumbbells weighing 1 kg for each hand.

Exercise 2

It allows to work not only the muscles of the back, but also the press. AND. P. - lying belly on fitbole, hands rest on the floor and "step" hands forward until the ball is under the knees.

From this position, straining the muscles of the abdomen, back and legs, raise the pelvis up. Fitball then rolls to the level of lifting the foot. We stay in this position for 5 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 3

This exercise is for extention. Instead of complex simulators, we use fitball here. AND. P. - lying belly on the fitball, the feet rest against the wall, hands are stretched along the trunk.

Straining the muscles of the back and the press, tear off the upper part of the body from the ball, hands are bred to the sides. We stay in this position for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

Repeat 5 times.

Exercises for the back with a barbell

As already mentioned, rod pull in the slope is one of the basic basic exercises for the development of the muscles of the back. It is also considered one of the best for working out the widest dorsal muscles.

AND. P. - standing on slightly bent legs, the body is tilted forward at an angle of about 45º, the back is absolutely flat.

The bar of the bar holds the hold on top of the width of the shoulders with downed hands. After inhaling, hold your breath and tighten the bar of the bar to your chest.

Take a breath and, on exhalation, return the sports equipment to its original position.

Changing the type of grip (from above, from below), as well as the width and angle of torso, you can focus on certain areas of the back and better work out individual muscle groups.

Simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

The exercises described above should be carried out under the supervision of the instructor. For most of them, special simulators and sports equipment are needed. But there are also simpler complexes that are suitable for strengthening the muscular corset at home.

Bridge hips

We advise you to read:Strengthening of the muscular corset of the back

AND. P. - lying on the back, legs bent at the knees, feet at the width of the shoulders, arms stretched along the trunk.

We tighten the muscles of the buttocks, hips and back and pull the pelvis up, tearing off the floor. We stay in this position for 10 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

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Repeat 10-15 times.

Plank on the side

AND. P. - lying on his side, hand is closer to the floor bent at the elbow. Straining the muscles of the back and abdomen, tear the pelvis off the floor, leaning with his hand. We stay in this position for 10 seconds and return to the original position. Repeat 10-15 times.


AND. P. - lying down on the floor with your stomach. Hands and legs are stretched along the trunk. Slowly tear off the limbs from the floor and bend in the back. We linger in this position for 10 seconds, then we return to the original position.

Summing up, it should be emphasized that every person who wants to have a beautiful figure and a healthy spine should pay attention to exercises for the development and strengthening of the muscles of the back.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/bolezni/kompleks-uprazhneniy-myshc-spiny

Exercises for the muscles of the back

Good day, friends! Today we will discuss all important, in my opinion,exercises for the development of back muscles.So, let's go.

First, we list the main muscles of the back, the development of which is directed most of the exercises. We will not dwell on the anatomy of the back muscles in detail, because this is a separate topic for the article.

The widest muscles.

This is the main muscle group that gives the back a V-shape. Most exercises are aimed specifically at developing this muscle group.

Large and small round muscle. The development of these muscles leads to a peculiar peak in the upper part of the trunk, thereby expanding the upper section of the latissimus muscles of the back.

Trapezius muscle (lower and middle part). Gives the overall massiveness and thickness of the back.

The lumbar department. Predominantly consists of a chest-lumbar fascia - very strong tendons. However, there are deep (internal muscles), which can also be developed.

Now let's proceed to the exercises. Here the main, in my opinion, exercises for the back will be listed, however there are a great many of their varieties.

1. Lifting or pulling the vertical block

This exercise, I consider the main and most important in the development of the back, tk. such a biomechanical movement is most natural for the entire muscular corset of the back.

At all times, starting from the very beginnings of the development of mankind, people performed this movement, climbing trees, climbing mountains or climbing out of the cave.

There is an opinion that it is to this movement that the muscles of the back are best adapted and adapted.

The technique of the exercise is as follows.

First of all, when you hang on a horizontal bar or take a vertical block on extended arms, mentally strain your back muscles and try to keep the shoulder blades as tight as possible.

Keep your back muscles tight, pull them only, not your hands. Try to turn off your hands altogether from work. For this I suggest using straps or special hooks.

They will greatly help to concentrate and feel the work of the muscles of the back. Although personally I use the usual straps. Hooks - this is exotic, and they are expensive and at the same time wear out pretty quickly.

The main thing is correct in this exercise - constantly strained back muscles during the exercise. Do not relax them for a split second. Feel the peak contraction with the maximum reduction of the blades.

2. Thrust rod inclination or Dumbbell pull in slope

In this exercise, you should not chase the scales, as many do. Here the main thing is to feel the movement itself, to pull only with your back and turn off your hands from work.

If you take a lot of weight, and even from the side it will seem that you are doing the right technique, then still most of the load will inevitably take hands, no matter how hard you try to pull only the muscles of your back ...

Technique of execution: bend in the lower back, tighten it and keep in this state during the whole exercise. Take a barbell or dumbbells, keep the angle of inclination about 50-60 degrees.

Do not lean forward much, because at a strong inclination it will be more difficult to do an exercise in the correct technique and there will be an increased load on the lower back. The bar should go along the legs to the waist.

At this time, the elbows are pressed against the body.

3. Thrust of horizontal block

The technique of execution is similar to the rod rod in the slope. But here you can experiment more with the width of the grip, tk. in this exercise it is easier to concentrate on the muscles of the back and you do not need to keep balance with the barbell.

4. Thrust of the T-neck

By biomechanics, this exercise is similar to the previous two. Plus this exercise is that you do not need to keep balance like with a barbell, and it's easier to turn off your hands from work, because the movement always goes exactly in one direction.

5. Tilts with a bar forward (deadlift on straight legs)

This exercise, in my opinion, is better suited for bodybuilding than classical deadlift. First, the deadlift is more traumatic.

Secondly, the deadlift in most cases is needed for powerlifting competitions. In this case, either make approaches to the times, or to one maximum.

Doing it 8-10 times touching the floor (classically) does not make sense for bodybuilding, because muscles relax at the lowest point when touching the floor.

In this case, the slopes with the forward bar - this is a kind of deadlift, but without touching the floor, as well as it is less traumatic.

Technique of the following: you bend the lower back as hard as possible and keep it in this state throughout the exercise. Do the lifts very smoothly, without jerking! Do not bend forward more than 90 degrees, so that the deflection always remains in the lower back.

That's actually all the basic exercises for the back. The other options are, to some extent, the types of exercises already described. I'll list them, but I will not dwell on them in detail, because it makes no sense.

The main thing is to choose the exercise in which you feel your back muscles best. But I always advise you to begin training with pull-ups or traction of the vertical block.

6. Hyperextension

This exercise is very suitable as a warm-up before training.

7. Pulling up the reverse grip or pulling the vertical block with a back grip

With this exercise, you can both train your back and your biceps. Therefore, if you are training your back, you need to concentrate as much as possible on the muscles of your back.

8. Lifting by the neck or pulling the vertical block by the neck

With this exercise, you can better work out the upper back (middle and upper parts of the trapezius muscles)

9. Traction of dumbbells in a tilt with one hand

The principle is the same as with rod rod, but it is easier to concentrate on the muscles of the back.

A source: http://natural-body.ru/uprazhneniya/uprazhneniya-dlya-myishts-spinyi.html

Strengthening the back muscles in 10 minutes at home

Regularly train your back not only for weightlifters and bodybuilders. A good set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine will help to form a muscular corset.

This is important both for an even posture, and for the prevention of deformations of the spinal column. The latter often occur in adulthood, especially among the leading sedentary lifestyle of people.

Spending only half an hour a day, you can maintain the flexibility of the spine for many years and avoid many back problems.

Before the start of regular back muscles training, it is importantmake sure there are no contraindications.

If a history of illness or damage to the spine, you need a doctor's consultation.

Even if loads are allowed, a number of rules should be followed to avoid injuries to the musculoskeletal system:

  1. perform all elements smoothly, without sudden jerks;
  2. always listen to the sensationsin the problem area (discomfort - a signal to stop the session);
  3. increase the load gradually, mute increasing the number of repetitions as the musculature strengthens;
  4. need to practice regularly, improving discipline and consolidating the results achieved;
  5. beginners should not chase the numbermade repetitions and sets, and also set too fast a pace at the very beginning of the lesson.

Complex of exercises for strengthening the musculature of the back of the house

Four simple exercises for whichDo not need inventory and practical skills, with regular exercise will help create a reliable muscle support for the spinal column:

  • Bridge Hips. The element is made from the original lying position, the bent legs are resting with the feet on the floor, hands are located along the torso. Exhaling, raise the hips up to straighten the body in the hip joints, stay a little at the top point and gently lower the pelvis. Execute the exercise preferably at least 15 times. With the strengthening of muscles, you can increase the load, straightening one leg in the knee while lifting the hips.
  • "The bird and the dog"- an interesting and effective exercise for all groups of dorsal muscles. Standing on all fours (the dog's pose), you need to strain the press and straighten your back. The transition to the pose of the bird consists in the simultaneous raising of the right hand and the opposite (left) leg. The limbs are straightened, positioned strictly horizontally and fixed for a couple of seconds. After returning to the original position, the opposite arm and leg work (do at least 5 times for each side).
  • Side lathIt is especially useful for prolonged static loading on the spine (standing work). Lying on one side and leaning on the elbow of one hand, the second place on the waist. Then tear off the hips from the surface and straighten the body, fixing in this position for at least half a minute. Repeat the element for the other side. To complicate the task, you can raise the leg in the process of performing or lean on the palm of a straight hand.
  • The falls,intended to improve coordination, are committed from a standing position. Fixing his hands on the waist, you need to step forward rather broadly, bending your legs in the knee joints at a right angle. Make 10 repetitions for each leg. Increase the load can be using weights (keep dumbbells in their hands).

In addition to preventing deformities and diseases of the spine, this simple exercise set will provide excellent posture. A thin waist and graceful gait will be another nice bonus.

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Additional set of exercises for strengthening the spine (video)

Trainers in the gym allow you to diversify a set of standard elements for the formation of a muscular corset.

  • Stretches performed on hyperextension, perfectly strengthen the muscles of the rectifiers. From the initial position, you need to completely straighten the body, delaying for 30 seconds at the top point.
  • Deadlift- Another great element for pumping rectifiers. Exercise is designed to prevent violations and is contraindicated in case of pain. Perform slopes and straightening smoothly, holding the bar in your hands with a straight grip.
  • Element of "prayer"is the thrust of a vertical block performed on the knees. At the bottom point, when bending the trunk head should touch the floor.
  • HyperextensionYou can do on fitbole. The initial position - lying on your stomach with a shell with hands fixed on the back of the head and a lowered torso. When extending the body straighten and stay for half a minute in this position.
  • Stretching with the fitball- one of the simplest, but very useful for back exercises. You just need to lie on the shell with your stomach and maximally relax the muscles of the whole body. You can stay in this position for as long as you like.

The listed exercises are not onlyguarantee of a strong muscular corset, but also excellentremedy for back pain.

Supplementing them with a standard training program, you cando not be afraid of scoliosis and osteochondrosiseven with many hours of sitting in the office.

It is important at this every hour to get up from the workplace to a little stretch the muscles and activate blood circulation.

Efficacy of back exercises for diseases of the spine

Scoliosis and osteochondrosis- the most common pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The first diagnosis is made at any age, since the curvature of the posture can be earned as a child.

Whereinatrophy of the back musclesand keep the spine inwrong position.

Special stretching exercises and muscular strengthening - the best waycorrecting the situation.

Osteochondrosis is a more "age-related" disease, which is adegradation of cartilaginous tissueintervertebral discs.

It is accompanied by impaired mobility of the spinal column,periodic pain and deterioration of tissue nutrition.

In this case, you should be careful, but if the case is not very neglected, exercisewill help restore mobility and get rid of pain.

A source: https://ya-krasotka.com/1146988008837744781/ukreplenie-myshts-spiny-za-10-minut-v-domashnih-usloviyah/

Fitness at home: 7 exercises to strengthen the back

Strengthening the back muscles is necessary for everyone, regardless of gender and professional activity.

Lastingmuscular corset protects against injuriesand helps more efficiently perform physical work.

If the spine is subjected to prolonged static loads (in standing or sitting position), the trained back musculaturewill save from scoliosis, osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.

However, the methods of strengthening the back muscles for men and women vary significantly.

Catching updaily at home for 10-15 minutes, you can quickly pump muscle back and prevent various diseases of the spine.

Complex of exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back for women

The following items must be performedslowly, without jerks and sudden movements.

Beginners should repeateach movement not less than 15 times, listening to the sensations.

If the tension in the target group of muscles is felt during the execution, then you are doing everything right.

As musculature is strengthenedThe load needs to be increased by increasing the number of repetitionsof each element. If there is a sudden sharp pain, training should be stopped immediately.

Lying down on the floor face down,hands forward, and the socks slightly dilute in the sides. On inhalation, gently lift the torso as much as possiblehigher, not changing the position of the legs.

From the same initial positionlift up, without bending them. The upper part of the body remains stationary.

Still lying on my stomach,lift the torso and legs simultaneouslyNot bending limbs,pull as much as possiblethem up. Canalternate upstrunk and lower limbs.

Another exercise for the latissimus muscle of the back -ups of the opposite extremitiesfrom the position of lying down face down. At the same time, you need to raise your right arm and your left leg and, conversely, vice versa.

The starting position is the same,you need to raise your head and look forward. Armson inspirationdivertand back, bending at the elbows and feeling the tension in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. On exhalation - return to the original position. To increase the load, it is recommended to take your hands off without bending them.

Planck- effective exercises for all groups of back muscles. With emphasis on socks and elbows, straighten the body so that it is parallel to the floor. In this position, you needstay at least 30 seconds(for beginners). In the future, the time needs to be increased to several minutes, and also to rely on the palms of the hands.

Side lathis lying on its side with an emphasis on the knees and brush. The body needsstraighten and lockso no less than onhalf a minute.

Complete the complexfollows several exercisesback stretching.

One of the most effective is the so-called"cat". Standing on all fours, exhale and bend the spine, rounding the back.

Fixing in this position for a couple of seconds, smoothly straighten, simultaneously leaning back and sitting down on the heels.

The head is lowered, the arms are straightened.

Sitting on his knees and holding his back straight, to connect the lowered hands of the castle.

Then smoothlydraw outtheirin front of, while exhaling and maximally rounding the back.

Lie down on his back with straight legs, slowly bring his knees to his chest, lifting and upper body, on exhalation - again straighten up.

You can also do severalinclines forward from standing position.Do not bend your legs, but try to touch the floor with your hands.

Useful and the torso of the trunk in different directions. The arms are at the waist, legs are shoulder width apart. You need to bend smoothly and as low as possible.

Additional recommendations

These exercises are desirablegive 10-15 minutes each day.

This mode of training at home will constantly keep the muscles in tone and prevent the curvature of the spine.

In the process of training, you needto control breathing: each movement begins on inspiration, and on exhalation - to return to the original position.

If a set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles is usedfor treatment of osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia, safety must be given special attention. Perform the traffic you needmeasured and smooth, listening to your own feelings.

Professional activity associated with a prolonged static load - "sedentary work requiresadditional warm-up of muscles throughout the working day.

It is recommended from time to time to pause for a few simple exercises. IfSuch an opportunity is nott, then evennormal stretching will help relieve tensionand unload the stiff musculature.

When working at home, you need to increase the load as the muscle corset grows stronger.

You can do this asby increasing the number of repetitions, and adding new elements to the exercises(for example, making a bar on straight hands). After each session, you should feel slight muscle fatigue.

A set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles at home is an opportunity for women to maintain flexibility and royal posture for years to come.

A source: http://www.eshape.ru/fitnes-i-uprazhneniya/uprazhneniya-dlya-ukrepleniya-myshts-spiny-v-domashnih-usloviyah-dlya-zhenshhin/

What exercises need to be done to strengthen the muscles of the back?

To the back was healthy and did not hurt, you need to periodically do exercises and conduct warm-up. But many do not know what exercises to strengthen the back need to perform and what is their difference. This is what we will talk about next.

Musculature of the back

Distinguish the following groups of muscles of the back:

  1. the broadest;
  2. rhomboid;
  3. trapezoidal;
  4. large round;
  5. small round, etc.

Typically, during the training, the basic muscles of the back are kneaded, to which the latissimus and rhomboid muscles are included. This will be quite enough, because small muscles have a special role in maintaining the standing position of the body and getting rid of low back pain.

Strengthening the basic muscles

We will give a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, which must be performed for several minutes 4-5 times a week. As a result, after 2 weeks you will be able to notice changes in posture.

The widest

It is the strongest latissimus muscle of the back that is responsible for the correct posture, accordingly, it needs to be given the most attention. It covers the entire lower back from the waist up to the armpits and is one of the largest in the human body.

For this muscle will be effective such exercises:

  • We lay down on the stomach, raise first hand from one side and the opposite leg to the other. Should get a "diagonal". At the expense of "3" you need to stop at the extreme point with your arms and legs raised, at the expense of "4" - slowly lower. We lower the arm and leg, we change sides. The movements are carried out smoothly.
  • Lying on your stomach, straighten your arms and lower them in front of you. Then we rest our hands on the floor, raise our heads and bend back as far as possible. Having stopped for a couple of seconds, we again lay down on the floor. Deflection of the back should occur without sudden and rapid movements.


The muscle starts from the base of the neck, grasps the shoulders and gradually narrows to the waist. The shape resembles a diamond, for which it received its name. To train her, it is enough to use the upper back in the exercises:

  1. Laying on his back on a flat hard surface and straightening his hands over his head. Breathing in, gently stretching his arms in front of him. Exhaling, raise the upper part of the body. All this time we keep our hands straight. On inhalation, we delay for a couple of seconds, and exhale, returning to its original position. The hull is raised by the press. Should feel the tension of the muscles of the back.
  2. We lay down on the stomach and put our hands palms up on the sides. Maximize the upper part of the case. We stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Make sure that your legs and lower back are relaxed, and the main load is on the upper back.
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We are engaged at home and in the gym

Consider the simplest provisions for strengthening the back, some of which are easy to carry out at home, using the simplest devices - a gym mat, dumbbells. Other exercises are more expedient to carry out in a sports hall.

Complex for home

Among the exercises for strengthening the back, yoga elements are considered to be very effective. It is very useful and allows you to train your back at home.

Most positions are static and help each part of the back, stretching and increasing muscle tone.

The stress that appears on them, does not carry the risk of spinal injury, as in some exercises with a barbell or heavy dumbbells.

Exercises from yoga to strengthen the muscles of the back:

  • We rise in the bar, bend our arms in the elbows and rest on the floor with our toes. Then we bend our legs, lower our knees to the floor, raise our buttocks and rest our chin on the floor. We remain in this position for 2-3 seconds, then raise our knees from the floor and pull first one leg with an extended toe up, and then the other. We return to the position with bent knees.
  • We lay down on the belly with arms bent at the elbows and put our hands on the floor in the area of ​​the chest. We stretch our socks and, breathing in, raise our head as high as we can, and on exhalation we lower it to the floor. The movement must be repeated 10 times.
  • We get up straight and drop our hands on the floor, leaving the basin raised up. Your body must form an angle. You can not tear off the pegs from the floor, if it does not work out, slightly bend your knees in the knees. The back needs to be straightened, for this purpose try to lower a head further than hands. Wait 5-7 seconds and stand on your knees for a rest. Repeat 7-10 times.

Simple physical exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back:

  1. We stand next to the wall. Heels, buttocks and shoulder blades should be pressed against the wall. We stretch our arms outwards so that our thumbs look outward. Try to bring the shoulder blades, feel the tension in the muscles of the back and neck. Stand in this position for 20-30 seconds.
  2. We lay down on the floor, place the arms along the body and bend the legs in the lap. Raise and lower the buttocks to the floor.
  3. Reminds the previous exercise, but here we use a big ball for fitness. Lay your back on it and, resting your feet, roll the ball along the spine. Relax your back and lay all the weight on the ball - this is a great exercise to relieve tension from the vertebrae and relax the back.
  4. We lay down on the floor and stretch our arms out in front of us. At the expense of "1" raise your hands, on the score "2 connect the fingers on the back of the head, into the account "3 again straighten your arms and lift your legs, at the expense of" 4 "go back to the starting position.

Complex of exercises for the gym

  • Pulling in Gravitron. We set the weight on the simulator and choose an average or wide grip. The narrower the grip, the less the back muscles work. When pulling at the bottom of the movement, we bend in the lower back, and at the top - we move forward, towards the simulator. The legs should be crossed.
  • Thrust of upper block. We will pull the weight by the head with a wide grip. When pulling weight on yourself at the lowest point, do not remove the head and do not hunch. Forearms should form a right angle with the body.
  • Thrust of the lower block. When pulling weight on yourself at the extreme point, you must necessarily reduce the scapula and bend the lower back. When the movement goes in the opposite direction, you can let the weight pull you forward, and in the end even bend over. But as soon as you start pulling again, straighten your back to better work the latissimus muscle.
  • Hyperextension.Unprints feet in the supports and make sure that the whole body is a straight line. Put your hands on your waist, lean forward slowly. Keep your head straight, look in front of you, do not look down. Leaning to the formation of a right angle, slowly straighten back. Do not lift the body too high - it is necessary that the body again form a straight line from head to foot.
  • Draft of dumbbells to the belt. We take a suitable weight and rest against the knee bent in the knee in the bench, for greater stability we put the same hand next to it. We pull weight to the waist, trying to lead a hand in one plane. One of the classic in the gym. This exercise with dumbbells to strengthen the back allows you to tighten the muscles, and very effectively copes with the task of maintaining them in tone.

Exercises for osteochondrosis

A very unpleasant disease, quite common in people older than 40 years. Affects the cartilage, located between the discs of the spine, and is accompanied by pain in the back.

Intervertebral discs in the initial stages of the disease become less elastic and seem to dry out, as a result of which the supply of the spine with oxygen and valuable substances is disrupted. Violated the same distance between the vertebrae, the spinal column begins to bend and the load on its specific areas increases.

To reduce the pain syndrome, and even better to carry out prevention and not encounter a similar problem, it is desirable several times in a week to perform certain exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back with osteochondrosis, you can familiarize with which you can by drawing below.

We will describe additional exercises that can be performed even in the workplace, when you have to sit without getting up for several hours.

  1. Sit straight and start lifting your shoulders at the same time. Pull them to your ears, stay in this position for a second and then lower them down again. Repeat 15 times, then lift your shoulders one at a time. For each shoulder, the number of repetitions is also 15.
  2. Cross your fingers and lay them on the forehead, start tilting your head forward, and with your hands, resist movement. Count to three and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times. Then put your fingers on the back of the head and tilt your head back, also resisting the hands of this movement. After that, shift your hands first to one temple, and then to the other. Adjust each position 5 times.
  3. Sit with your back straight, lower your head slowly down, trying to reach your chin to your chest. Weave fingers on the back of the head and press on it, forcing the head to sink even lower. Return to the starting position.
  4. Fold the fingertips (without a large one) on the forehead against each other and press the skin with the entire palm. Begin smoothly to do stroking movements from the middle of a forehead to temples, a little press.
  5. Transfer fingers to the temples and massage the skin lengthwise and transversely, then go over your ears. Massage the ear carefully, especially the lobe. By this you restore the normal circulation of not only the head, but also the neck, which will allow the prevention of osteochondrosis, which often begins with the cervical region.

Exercises for scoliosis

Scoliosis can be congenital or acquired (with curvature of the spine and abnormal position of the vertebral discs).

At the initial stages, self-adjustment is entirely possible, for which special, fairly simple exercises are selected.

At a later date, self-medication is not recommended, and only the doctor can choose the exercises and the degree of exercise, based on the condition of his patient.

We will consider a small complex for the back muscles in scoliosis in the initial stage.

  • Sit on the floor, bend your knees and pull them to the right angle. Hands stretch out in front of you to maintain balance. Pull your legs to your chest and tilt slightly backward, holding your back muscles and press in a state of tension. Repeat the springy movements to pull the knees to your chest at a pace that suits you 10 times. Take a break and repeat 3 times.
  • Take an ordinary rolling pin or fill, a liter plastic bottle with warm water. Lie on your back and place a device under it. Lift the pelvis and slowly, rearranging the legs back and forth, roll the rolling pin or bottle along the back from the waist up to the neck several times. The process must be slow.
  • Sit on a bench or chair facing the back. Put your hands behind your head and turn all the way to one side first, and then to the other. Feel how strained and stretched back muscles. Do not hurry, make 10 turns in each direction.

Why should I strengthen my back?

Weak muscles affect the health of the entire body and, in the first place, of course, the spine. To keep our body in a vertical position, some of the load is distributed on the back muscles.

If they are not in a tonus, then the load rests on the intervertebral discs, and then the cartilages and ligaments between them rub more quickly.

This leads to pain in the neck and spine in the lumbar region.

Also in the vertebrae is the spinal cord, and the violation of a full ligament with nerve endings can lead to various diseases, ranging from headaches and ending with problems with gastrointestinal path.

Several visual exercises (video)

The video features 5 easy and effective exercises to strengthen the muscular corset back at home. The technique is shown, as well as recommendations for doing the exercises.

It is very important to keep your back healthy, because it takes a huge load during the day.

We hope that the above exercises will help you, and you will be able to choose the optimal lessons for yourself.

Remember that it is desirable to perform a set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles at least 4 times a week, and more often.

A source: http://luckyfamilyman.ru/uprazhneniya-nuzhno-delat-dlya-ukrepleniya-myshc-spiny.html

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