How to cure bronchitis in a child

How to treat a child's bronchitis

How to treat a child's bronchitis

Bronchitis is a severe inflammatory lesion of the bronchi that occurs as a result of a viral infection. As a rule, this disease occurs in a chronic or acute form and occurs mainly in children and the elderly. Treatment of pediatric bronchitis should be approached very responsibly, because this disease can cause pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

The diagnosis of bronchitis is made in accordance with the patient's complaints based on the clinical picture of the disease. Particular attention is paid to cough, which is characterized by a greenish hue separated by phlegm. When the disease with bronchitis in the child there is weakness, an increase in body temperature. There are painful sensations in the region of the chest and wheezing.

It should be noted that the diagnosis of this disease includes X-ray examination of the lungs, a blood test for the presence of inflammatory processes, pneumotachometry for determining the parameters of external respiration. In the case of a prolonged course of the disease, there is a need to examine the baby for the presence in his body of infections of mycoplasma and chlamydia.

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How to treat bronchitis

First of all, it is necessary to show the child as soon as possible to a specialist for the purpose of proper treatment. After all, only a doctor is able to write out all the necessary drugs that can cure this disease. As a rule, the treatment of a child suffering from bronchitis is carried out under the supervision of a doctor at home, but only if there is no danger of the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

If there is a high body temperature, the baby should immediately call an ambulance for further hospitalization. Acute bronchitis in uncomplicated form is treated with the use of antipyretic drugs, warm drink in large quantities (tea, mors, compote and water). It is also mandatory to comply with bed rest and maintain sufficient humidity.

After the body temperature returns to normal, you can use inhalation, mustard, rubbing the area of ​​the chest as a treatment. In some situations, a specialist appoints antibiotics, which treat a sick child, while strictly following the instructions for the use of a particular drug and the doctor's recommendations. Treatment of bronchitis is advisable to carry out in complex with physiotherapeutic procedures and antibacterial therapy. Timely and correct treatment of such a disease in children leads to a deviation of the disease in 2 weeks.

Traditional medicine in the fight against bronchitis

The methods of folk treatment of bronchitis, which significantly accelerate the process of recovery of small patients, are singled out. However, one must understand that the use of folk methods does not exclude the main therapy prescribed by a doctor. The most popular and effective methods of traditional medicine include: inhalations based on baking soda and herbal decoctions; A warm drink consisting of milk with the addition of honey and creamy oil; mustard plasters, which can be applied on the sternum to children over 3 years old, as well as infusions of decoctions of plantain and althea, which have a good expectorant effect.

If a child has bronchitis, what to treat?

The child has bronchitis, what to treat - this issue becomes relevant with the onset of cold weather, when the child begins to visit places with a large number of people. These factors, as a rule, are provoking for the spread of colds - ARI, ARVI. Bronchitis can occur both as a complication and as an independent disease. Indirect reasons for its development may be hypothermia and sudden temperature changes, which is characteristic of the beginning of autumn. The appearance of a child's cough requires that certain measures be taken by the parents to treat it.

Bronchitis in a child

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucosa of the upper bronchi accompanied by coughing and spitting.Against this background, quite often a high body temperature appears, which, in some cases, can rise above 38 ° C.

Depending on the pathogen, bronchitis is divided into: viral, bacterial and allergic or asthmatic, obstructive. In the first case, bronchitis can become a consequence of influenza and ARVI. The causative agent of bacterial bronchitis is streptococcus, staphylococcus, morocell, hemophilic rod, as well as mycoplasma and chlamydia. The last form of bronchitis is associated with exposure to irritating chemical or physical factors. Relapses of the disease are observed most often in the cold season.

Acute bronchitisAccording to the duration of the course, several forms of bronchitis are distinguished:
  1. Acute bronchitis occurs 10-21 days.
  2. Obstructive - bronchitis, accompanied by obstructive syndrome associated with bronchial obstruction. Factors affecting its development: narrow lumen of the bronchi, massive mucosal edema and poorly departing sputum, bronchospasm - an additional narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi. In this case, bronchitis is accompanied by wheezing, difficulty breathing. In the case of repeated cases of this form of bronchitis, it is recommended that they additionally refer to a pulmonologist or an allergist to exclude bronchial asthma.
  3. Recurrent - the child is ill from 3 times a year and more often.
  4. Chronic - prolonged bronchitis, lasting several months with repeated exacerbations at least once a year for 2 years

The main danger accompanying bronchitis and causing particular concern for doctors and parents is the development of complications in the form of pneumonia, which is often the case in children. The reasons for this can be both active development of a viral infection, and incorrect treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

Increased body temperature with bronchitisCommon symptoms of bronchitis include a protracted cough with sputum on the background of an increase in the body's overall temperature. Bronchitis is characterized by general malaise, drowsiness, lack of appetite, shallow and shallow breathing. Against the background of worsening airway patency and deterioration of lung ventilation, the body of the child suffers during this period from lack of oxygen.

It is worth noting that different forms of bronchitis can occur in different ways. With bacteriological bronchitis the patient's condition is more severe, cases of loss of consciousness are frequent, general intoxication is observed the organism, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, headaches, the absence of a cold on the background of extremely difficult breathing. However, bacterial bronchitis is a fairly rare form. Treatment of bacterial bronchitis, as a rule, is stationary.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis for suspected bronchitis includes the following set of measures:

  • Check with a pediatrician. The doctor needs to listen to the baby's lungs with a stethoscope. Further, the doctor prescribes the necessary procedures to determine the nature of the child's cough;
  • Delivery of blood for a general analysis - to identify a viral or bacterial infection;
  • Chest X-ray - helps distinguish pneumonia from bronchitis;
  • Sputum analysis and culture - with chronic and relapsing bronchitis is used to identify the pathogen and exclude its allergic etymology.

How to treat bronchitis?

A doctor's examination with bronchitisTreatment of bronchitis is not just about taking a medicine prescribed by a doctor. First of all, parents should take care of the conditions in which the sick child is. Namely - make sure that the air in the room is sufficiently moistened and ventilated. You can use the folk method in the form of wet sheets hung in the room, or use an automatic air humidifier.

It is also necessary to provide the child with an abundant drink. It should be given to the child to drink every 30-40 minutes. It can be warm tea, mors, a decoction of chamomile, linden, breastfeed, or just water. The use of liquid in sufficient quantity will facilitate and facilitate the excretion of phlegm.

Do not close the child in four walls. If you feel well, and if the acute phase is behind, then walks are not only possible, but also necessary. Fresh air will promote ventilation of the lungs, and provide the body with oxygen. It will be easier to treat bronchitis and remove its effects.

As a medicine, antibiotics are often prescribed. However, the need to receive them is extremely doubtful.

It should be remembered that in most cases, the cause of the occurrence of bronchitis becomes a viral infection, respectively, treatment with antibiotics in this case is useless.

In order to be convinced of the justification of taking antibiotics, it is necessary to make sure of the presence of bacteriological bronchitis.

Treatment with antibiotics for bronchitisDrugs for bronchitis may include both antibiotics and mucolytic agents. However, their appointment as a doctor is not always necessary, since the process of recovery with a favorable course in children proceeds independently. Children under one year of age are not in a hurry to prescribe them, and generally do not recommend the use of mucolytics, as this may prevent the sputum from escaping and provoke its congestion in the bronchi and lungs. A one-year-old has a poorly developed pectoral muscle and can not clear his throat. Therefore, it is necessary to intervene with caution.

Indications for the use of drugs are available in the following cases:

  • obstructive bronchitis - it is necessary to use drugs that dilate the lumen of the bronchi and relieve spasm;
  • presence of serious pulmonary pathologies;
  • severe course of the disease.

Medicines, namely mucolytics for children are prescribed, usually in the form of a syrup. This form will facilitate the use of the drug. The syrup is taken for a short time, since the mucolytics are given a short course.

When bronchitis should not be inhaled - because of the immaturity of the respiratory muscles, the child is difficult to cope with the sputum. Inhalations increase her withdrawal, which can worsen a child's condition if he does not clear his throat.

Bathing in the bathroom during the period of illness is not recommended, since hot water also creates an inhalation effect. If there is a temperature, do not use rubbing and warming ointments.

Prevention of bronchitis in children

Tempering of children for the prevention of bronchitisTo avoid the development of bronchitis, as well as reduce the number of relapses, one should remember about preventive measures.

These include, first of all, tempering the child. Fresh air, regular airing of the premises where the child is, clothes for the weather - these are the factors that are beneficial for the baby's health.

In addition, the child should be protected from the harm of secondhand smoke. Avoid places where people smoke, try, and refuse from this habit at least within the walls of the house.

It will not be superfluous to receive timely vaccinations in accordance with the national vaccination calendar. Especially important are vaccinations from such pneumococcus and hemophilic rod.

Parents need to be vigilant and watch their child after the course of treatment. If the child has a fever after bronchitis, if a cough appeared, and dyspnoea joined him, it became noticeable that the skin was drawn into the intercostal intervals, these signs may indicate the appearance of severe complications, for example, bronchiolitis or pneumonia, because of untreated bronchitis. In this case, you can not hesitate, do not wait for the arrival of the district doctor, it is important to urgently call an ambulance and take the child to the hospital.

Bronchitis in children: treatment at home. Inhalation of a child at home

A dangerous mistake is disregard for bronchitis. Do not consider it a non-serious disease. You think, the child has caught a cold! Coughs - and everything will pass. The illness is much more serious than it seems at first glance. If there were the first symptoms characterizing bronchitis in children, treatment at home should begin immediately. And the first thing to do is to call a doctor at home. Whichever proven folk remedies you use, pediatrician advice in any case is mandatory.

What you need to know about bronchitis

The ailment is common enough in young children. Such selectivity is associated with immature immunity. Although there are many causes. These include the presence of parasitic infection in the baby's body, and congenital malformations, etc.

bronchitis in children treatment at home

In form, bronchitis can be acute or chronic. Its course is simple or complicated obstruction. The doctor will help determine the form of the disease. Accordingly, only he is able to select an adequate treatment. Ignoring the disease can lead to bronchial asthma.

It should not be forgotten that the disease is infectious and allergic. Depending on what type of bronchitis in children, treatment at home will be somewhat different.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of infirmity in children are quite typical. This makes it possible to take measures immediately, as soon as the bronchitis begins in children. Treatment at home, taken immediately, is able to protect the baby from prolonged indisposition.

The first bells, indicating the impending bronchitis:

  • Dry cough, tormenting the baby all the time. Significantly intensified at night. Over time, a damp cough appears.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • The temperature can rise to 38 C0. The higher markings on the thermometer often do not cause the ailment.
  • Hard breath. Can be accompanied by wheezing, whistling. Sometimes there is shortness of breath.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the baby shows signs of developing bronchitis, be sure to seek help from a pediatrician. To diagnose an illness, a child may be assigned the following examinations:

  • blood test (from the finger);
  • X-ray (allows to diagnose either bronchitis or pneumonia);
  • sputum analysis, expectorated baby.
massage with bronchitis in children

Very rarely an ailment leads to serious complications. In most cases, it is easily amenable to therapy. And often it does not require taking any serious measures.

Disease in the baby

Bronchitis in children under one year is usually a complication of a bacterial or viral infection that gets into the airways. But sometimes the ailment occurs for no apparent reason. Suspected disease can be due to characteristic noise in the chest and wheezing. The cause of this symptomatology lies in the mucus that accumulates in the airways.

For the treatment of infants, pediatricians, as a rule, appoint:

  • anti-inflammatory, mucolytic drug - "Bromgeksin";
  • antipyretic medicine (if necessary) - "Paracetamol";
  • antibiotic (rarely) - "Cefuroxime".

The treatment started in time is characterized by a favorable prognosis. Very rarely, babies are experiencing any complications.

Features of treatment of younger children

Antibiotics are rarely prescribed. But if it concerns the smallest, that is, diagnosed bacterial bronchitis in a child 2 years of age or younger children, an antibiotic is mandatory. As a rule, drugs are administered orally or in the form of inhalations.

After the appointment, parents often ask why the baby was not prescribed a cough medicine. Especially often it is asked if the bronchitis is diagnosed in a child 2 years of age and younger. Do not attempt to independently give him drugs that fight with a cough. Small children are excellent at coping with the above symptom without medication.

It is worth remembering that before the age of 2 mucolytics can not be used. The weak muscles of the child's chest can not "cough up" mucus. This leads to the opposite effect. Mucus settles in the lungs, resulting in stagnant phenomena.

Acute bronchitis

This kind of ailment is a manifestation of almost any catarrhal disease. More children with weakened immunity are subjected to it. It is these babies that are at high risk of getting sick. Sometimes it is possible to observe frequent bronchitis in a child. This, as a rule, characterizes the mixed nature of the infection. Initially, the virus enters the body. Over time, a bacterial infection is connected to it.

treatment of acute bronchitis in children

Faced with an ailment, do not fight it with your own self. Remember, treatment of acute bronchitis in children should be prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician! Otherwise, a whole "bouquet" of consequences is possible. You can not exclude the possibility that cough is a symptom of a completely different ailment.

Thus, the treatment of acute bronchitis in children requires an attentive and responsible attitude. The methods of struggle must be comprehensive. The pediatrician will necessarily recommend all the necessary measures. As a rule, treatment is complex.

Antiviral drugs

Treatment includes the impact on the source of the disease - its pathogen. In most cases, the doctor appoints the agent "Interferon". This is an excellent antiviral drug. It is recommended to instill the baby into the nasal passages every two hours.

If the pathogen is a bacterium, not a virus, then the antibiotic is included in the prescription. Select a wide range of drugs. The following antibiotics are recommended in pediatrics:

  • "Augmentin".
  • "Amoxiclav".
  • "Cefotaxime."
  • "Ceftriaxone."


These drugs are prescribed depending on the phase of the disease. The first is characterized by a coughing. The doctor appoints, as a rule:

  • "Sinekod."
  • "Stoptussin."

Excellent expectorant drugs are:

  • Ambroxol.
  • "Pertusin".
  • "Lazolvan".
  • "Mukaltin."

Their action is aimed at diluting sputum, repairing the mucosa. Medicines contribute to the excretion of mucus.

bronchitis in a child 2 years old

There are pharmacological agents that can suppress cough. These drugs can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. The need to use such medicines can be judged only by the pediatrician.


This procedure is recommended as an auxiliary therapy. It is allowed to do massage with bronchitis in children only after reaching the age of 6 months.

The baby should be put on the tummy. The head of a small patient should almost be lower than the chest and pelvis. You can achieve this by placing a pillow or a folded blanket under the baby's body.

To begin massage at a bronchitis at children follows from gentle grinding an essential oil of a back. Carefully, with the pads of your fingers tap the back of the baby and his offshoot. After such a procedure, the child should be seated and allowed to cough. Massage is great for sputum production from the lungs.

Place the child immediately on one side. Do all the above procedures. Repeat the actions should be on the other side. Massage should last from 10 to 15 minutes. Pediatricians are advised to exercise no more than two procedures per day.

In this case, you should know that at an elevated temperature and a dry cough without sputum massage should not be done.

Diet and regimen

These are also important factors. Their observance can contribute to the healing process. Therefore, they should not be neglected. Baby food should be useful and balanced. It should consist of easily digestible products.

The drinking regime is also important. Fluids a sick child need 2 times more. You can offer the baby a cup of tea with raspberries, cranberry fruit drinks, dogrose drinks. Allergens are best excluded from the diet. Give up honey, chocolate, citrus.

Healing inhalations

The procedure is considered very effective. After all, there is a direct effect of the medicine on the bronchi. For inhalation of a child at home, it is good to use a nebulizer. But you should know that the device is suitable only for pharmaceuticals. You can use the device if you use mineral alkaline water.

bronchitis in children mosquito

If you plan to connect to cure bronchitis in a child, folk remedies, then inhalation is carried out over a saucepan. The baby is covered with a towel, and he inhales warm steam.

Remember, there is a restriction for such an effective procedure - it's a fever! Inhalation can not be performed with it.

So, if the choice has stopped on folk remedies, then several recipes will be useful to you (just do not forget to coordinate them with the pediatrician):

  • Add 7-8 drops of iodine to a liter of boiling water. In the solution, enter a spoonful of salt. To increase the effect of this inhalation, you can dilute the mixture with a small proportion of propolis.
  • An excellent result is the use of the so-called breast collection, supplemented with eucalyptus leaflets. This procedure has a fairly high healing effect.
  • An excellent result will be shown by inhalation, for which twigs of sea-buckthorn, raspberries and mint (dry) are used. All ingredients must be boiled in boiling water for 5 hours.

Doctor Komarovsky's advice

Recently, many parents began to listen with pleasure to the eminent physician. After all, he does not just recommend methods of fighting the disease. His advice allows you to cure diseases much quicker.

What kind of recommendations gives a miracle healer, if there is bronchitis in children? Komarowski emphasizes that coughing is a symptom of a disease that a doctor should diagnose. And the illness should be treated together, listening to the doctor's recommendations.

Cough promotes the excretion of mucus from a child's body. Therefore, it is important that the sputum does not dry out. After all, it affects the process of self-healing. For this, the baby needs fresh cool air and plenty of liquid.

Bronchitis in children Komarowski recommends treatment only in consultation with the treating pediatrician. To combat the main symptom - a cough - the doctor offers a list of effective and fairly harmless drugs:

  • "Mukaltin."
  • Potassium iodide.
  • Moist-anise drops.
  • Bromhexine.
  • "Lazolvan".
  • "Acetylcysteine."
children's bronchitis

The appointment of antibiotics for bronchitis is condemned by the doctor. He explicitly states that such a measure in most cases not only does not treat, but also leads to serious complications. Dr. Komarovsky highlights the main areas of the fight against the disease in children. Consider these:

  • the inclusion of antiviral drugs;
  • consumption of large amounts of liquid;
  • Humidification of air in the room in which the diseased baby is;
  • treatment of the nasal cavity.

The doctor singles out the use of massage procedures as a special item in his technique. Of course, at high temperatures this is taboo, this procedure is unacceptable! But in the stage when there is bronchitis without temperature in the child, massage makes it much easier and faster to get rid of mucus.

To the above method, you can add another amazing technique, recommended by the famous doctor.

Suggest that the baby take a deep breath. After this, the child will begin to cough. It is at this time that you need to squeeze the baby's chest with both hands.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that massage techniques for treating bronchitis are the most effective means to combat the disease.


The child's body is weakened by the onslaught of infections. And to mobilize forces to fight the disease is necessary in the shortest possible time. Therefore, it is important to help a small organism to overcome the infection. This greatly stimulates recovery. A sick child especially needs vitamins B1, B2, C, A. This measure is considered not only curative. This is also a great preventive method of fighting infections. Therefore, it is not recommended to stop taking vitamins immediately after recovery.

Preventive measures

What factors can protect a child's body from a formidable illness? The most important thing is to protect the child from tobacco smoke. The kid should not be a passive smoker. This has a very negative effect on children's bronchi.

It is equally important to accustom a child to hardening. Never try to eat your child. Be equal to yourself. If the weather you wear a thin knitted cap, then the child should wear such, and not fur.

bronchitis in children under one year of age

Be sure to carry out all the vaccinations that are prescribed by the district pediatrician.


Never do self-medication. Remember that only a pediatrician can diagnose bronchitis in children. Treatment at home will only benefit if it is agreed with the doctor. Let your child be healthy.

Bronchitis in infants, treatment and symptoms | How to cure bronchitis in children under one year old

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system associated with acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchi, hence the origin of the disease. Why do children fall ill with it? Bronchitis in infants, the treatment and symptoms of which we now consider, develops because children under one year are very weak, and penetration any infection in the upper respiratory tract, or the most common respiratory disease can lead to inflammation of the bronchi.

Therefore, young parents should know the symptoms of bronchitis in a child, and because of what it arises. Mom and dad of a child up to a year must be vigilant, extremely attentive and at the slightest deviation The condition of the baby should be referred to the treating doctor, because the bronchitis in the child can pass into pneumonia. It is very important to remind parents that in any case it is impossible to engage in self-medication of bronchitis. This is very dangerous for your child. How to cure bronchitis in children under one year, read further in the article.

Bronchitis in infants - symptoms of the disease

After giving birth, the baby, regardless of how you care about it, is resistant to infections. After a while, bacteria enter the body of the baby, as our world is not sterile. And strangely enough, but the first disease in the baby is bronchitis. The respiratory tract of the crumb is not fully developed, and every infection that penetrates the body quickly falls into the bronchi.

With inflammation of the bronchi, the amount of mucus produced increases several times, which makes breathing more difficult and interferes with lung function. Bronchitis in children under one year is manifested in two forms: chronic bronchitis and acute. Acute bronchitis in infants is a manifestation of acute respiratory and viral infection. This disease is often combined with laryngitis, tracheitis, and rhinopharyngitis, and occurs in children who have chronic tonsillitis.

Acute bronchitis also happens to be obstructive - when narrowing or blockage of the upper respiratory tract passes. Obstructive bronchitis affects children under 3 years old, one of the clinical forms - bronchiolitis, which is characterized by inflammation of bronchioles and small bronchi.

The main symptoms of bronchitis in children under one year: a severe cough and signs of a cold. The disease can also be determined by its behavior: the child becomes moody, does not eat well, does not play.

The bacterial form of bronchitis in infants is very rare, and is the result of "lowering" the flu infection down the respiratory tract. Symptoms of viral bronchitis: fever, weakness, severe cough, shortness of breath.

Diagnostic symptoms of bronchitis in children under one year of age

Symptoms of bronchitis in infants at an early age can identify a doctor, diagnose and prescribe the right treatment, based on clinical symptoms and analysis. Differential diagnosis is established on a par with pneumonia, and in the case of obstructive bronchitis with bronchial asthma.

In the early stages of bronchitis observed in the child:

1. temperature increase,

2. general malaise,

3. dry cough.

4. A hard breathing and dry wheezes are heard.

5. After a while, sputum begins to go away, the cough becomes wet, the well-being improves.

Quite small children do not cough up sputum, but mostly they swallow it. Cough worries a young child usually at night.

How to cure bronchitis in children before the year?

Treatment of bronchitis in children can take place at home. But if your child suffocates and has a high fever, there are symptoms of intoxication, urgent hospitalization is necessary. The most dangerous form of bronchitis is bronchiolitis. This is a serious illness that causes oxygen deficiency and requires immediate hospitalization.

For the treatment of bronchitis use antispasmodics or decongestants, for the rapid removal of spasms. Very often prescribe antibiotics, recommend placing mustard plasters or hovering your baby's legs, doing inhalations, doing a special massage for the baby, applying a compress with a wet cough.

With a mild form of bronchitis in children under one year, treatment lasts from 5 to 14 days, but parents should take preventive measures so that the disease does not recur. When the disease walls of the bronchi are depleted, and in the future can go into asthma, so with a minor cough to begin treatment, immediately.

When the symptoms of bronchitis in the baby are accompanied by sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, allergic diathesis, the treatment of bronchitis in children up to a year is prolonged for a long period. Long treatment is also observed with capillary bronchitis (bronchiolitis), when the lumen of small bronchi is blocked by purulent-mucous plugs. When bronchiolitis is observed high fever, general intoxication, dyspnea, emphysema. Quite often it does not differentiate from pneumonia.

In addition, bronchitis in infants can recur, with the disease can be repeated 3-4 times a year and passes without bronchospasm. Relapses of the disease are mainly connected with the centers of chronic inflammation (adenoids, sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis).

When you have bronchitis in a baby - you should not self-medicate! At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to show the baby to the specialist. Based on the form of bronchitis, the doctor will prescribe the treatment of bronchitis: antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, means for excretion from the body of expectoration, expectorant. It should be remembered to parents that the babies with symptoms of bronchitis primarily need fresh air, plenty of drink and proper healthy food, inclusion in the diet of vitamins, natural juices.

Bronchitis in children up to the year: why do children fall ill with it?

It is necessary to know that the infant's airways are not ready for various environmental factors. Cigarette smoke is one of the causes of bronchitis, so it is better to protect the child from this by stepping aside.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the inner shell of the bronchi. The disease can begin from getting into the bronchus of a babe of random bacteria from the throat, or be caused by a catarrhal virus. Infection, settling in the bronchi, irritates it and causes an inflammatory process. The reaction to this process can be called the active development of mucus by the body of a child, which provokes coughing attacks. Cough can be wet and dry.

Causes of bronchitis in children up to the year:

1. a transferred viral infection,

2. bacterial infection,

3. allergic reactions,

4. congenital defect of the respiratory system,

5. physical and chemical factors.

Bronchitis in children under one year, which occurs due to bacterial infection, is rare. If there is an infectious disease, then in this case the bacteria penetrate into the upper respiratory tract, and provoke the rapid development of bronchitis. One of the causes of the disease in children is the impact of not only chemical, but also physical factors. An example of such factors is the presence of vapors from paints or glue, with a strong supercooling of the child and another frequent cause can be called an allergic reaction.

How to cure bronchitis in a child? (2-5 years). Good medicine or folk prescription.


Anna Dmitrieva

Here are the recipes.
This prescription for the treatment of bronchitis and bronchial asthma was advised to me by a child's pulmonologist.
To be treated better during the transition period: spring, autumn. In parallel, engage in respiratory gymnastics in Strelnikova. Course - 4 months. Drink decoctions three times a day for 30min. before eating 1/3 cup.
1st month: mother-and-stepmother + birch buds. 1st. l. mixture to 250ml. water.
2 nd month: plantain + nettle. 2st. l. on 250ml. water.
3 rd month: plantain + mother-and-stepmother. 3st. l. on 250ml. water.
4th month: plantain + roots elecampane. 2st. l. on 250ml. water.
Break - summer and winter. And then all over again. Herbs are inexpensive, affordable, allergies do not. They help to soften the cough, and together with the departing sputum the allergens accumulated in the body leave. I know myself. \ HLS 1, 007., from. 33\
"When my 4-year-old daughter contracted bronchitis, I was advised to treat her with vegetable oil. I made her a compress. He took a piece of gauze, folded it in several layers, richly moistened with hot vegetable oil and put it on the baby's chest. Well wrapped up with a blanket. Hold the compress an hour and a half, while the oil was still warm. For 3-4 days passed the most severe cough, in this I was convinced. "
Balm for bronchitis
Take 500 g of crushed walnuts, 300 g of honey, 100 g of aloe juice and add to them 4 lemons juice. All mix well and take to children 1 teaspoon, and adults for 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals with cough, bronchitis, etc.З
We treat the started bronchitis.
This recipe was given to me by paramedics, already at an age and with experience working with medications.
Buy in the pharmacy such herbs: the color of linden, mother-and-stepmother and plantain.
Each herb take a pinch and throw in an empty pan, pour three liters of water (boiling water) and put on fire, let it boil for one minute. Then let it brew for 6 hours, covering the infusion with a large pillow. After filter and drink in a warm state for 3-4 days. Infusion of herbs to keep in the refrigerator or in a cold place. When you drink, then just warm up, and do not boil. Doing everything with great faith in this recipe, only then will help.
Buy all the herbs in the pharmacy - this is the key to success. Drink this infusion 3-4 times a day, on a cup (after eating). You can like tea, but not on an empty stomach. May God help you. L. A. Yakimenko, 14000, Chernigov Str. Gorky, 12, Apt. 17.

Maxim Letov

Маамоочкииии!!!! Do not want evil children, look for a good doctor!

Light Lana
look here, maybe there will help you

Gregory White

Badger fat with honey. Guaranteed cure

Alexander Zatsarinny

Ask the pharmacy for a pharmacy. But it is necessary that he drink a lot of liquid. Infusion of infusion


Warm cabbage leaf spread with honey and on the chest for the whole night (on top of cotton wool and something warm wrap up), you can compress from his urine (warm). And what would in the future not be sick to improve immunity in the morning on an emergency, give honey with lemon and garlic on the lint.
5 pieces of lemons to pass through a meat grinder
10 dent. garlic
500gr honey and mix everything, store in the refrigerator.


We were inhaled at the hospital. Great help.
And, in general, it's better not to joke-it's possible to bring up pneumonia.


Bronchitis. Distinguish between acute and chronic bronchitis.
Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. It is most common in young children and the elderly. It is usually associated with viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, but can be caused by bacteria as well as by allergic reactions. With acute bronchitis, the tissues along the walls of the passages swell and produce a large amount of mucus.
Symptoms: There is a dry, sharp cough that intensifies at night. Cough usually softens in a few days due to the release of mucus.
Traditional methods of treatment: showing bed rest, abundant warm drink, mustard. Appointed expectorant, bronchodilator drugs. Sometimes, antipyretic and analgesic agents are used.
In chronic bronchitis, mucus-producing cells that line the bronchial walls thicken and produce too much mucus. The mucous membrane of the bronchi swells. The occurrence of chronic bronchitis is associated with the exposure to the mucous membrane of the bronchi of harmful impurities contained in the air: tobacco smoke, automobile exhausts, etc.
Symptoms: A persistent cough in which very much mucus is released. As the disease progresses, breathing difficulties increase, especially in connection with physical exertion. Sometimes swelling and puffiness of the whole body are observed. Destructive complications include congestive heart failure, acute respiratory arrest, emphysema.
Traditional methods of treatment: Assign expectorants, antibiotics. In severe cases, patients may be hospitalized.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Clean 3 garlic heads and together with 5 lemons with a peel, pass in a meat grinder or grate on a fine grater, pour them 1L. boiled water and soak in a closed pot for 5 days. Strain, squeeze the remainder. Take as a sucking agent for bronchitis 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
2) Take 5-6 large cloves of garlic, grind into a gruel, mix with 100 grams. A butter and a bunch of finely chopped dill. In the morning, afternoon and evening, spread the mixture on bread. This oil also helps with pneumonia.
3) An excellent prescription for the treatment of bronchitis: 1kg. ripe tomatoes, 50gr. garlic and 300 gr. root horseradish grind in a meat grinder. Mix and salt to taste. To eat: to children 1 teaspoon before meal 3 times a day, To adults - 1 table spoon 3 times a day.
4) Mix in a ratio by weight of 1: 1: 2 grated on a fine grater onions, apples, honey. To treat bronchitis, accompanied by a cough, take at least 5-6 times a day.
5) Carrot juice, hot milk and honey in a ratio of 5: 5: 1 to insist 4-5 hours and drink in warm form for 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day.
6) Mix 300gr. honey and 1 sheet of finely chopped aloe, pour them , l. boiled water, put on fire, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 2 hours. Cool and mix. Store in a cool place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
7) To facilitate the separation of phlegm, drink cowberry juice with sugar syrup or honey. Take 1 tablespoon as often as possible.
8) Prepare fresh cabbage juice, add sugar (2 small spoons for 1 glass of juice). Take 2 times a day for 1 glass, as an expectorant.
9) Bronchitis with viscous sputum brew 0.5L. boiling water 4 tablespoons chopped plantain leaf and insist 4 hours. Drink 0.5 cup 4 times a day.
10) Brew in 0.5 liters. milk 2-3 sheets of mother-and-stepmother and add to the broth on the tip of the knife fresh lard. Drink before going to bed for 2 tablespoons.
11) Powdered althea root (sold in a pharmacy) diluted with warm boiled water, bringing to the consistency of thick sour cream. The resulting mixture is taken 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for chronic bronchitis.
12) Take 1 part of pine buds, 1 part of plantain leaves, 1 part of leaves of mother-and-stepmother. 4 teaspoons of the collection to insist 2 hours in a glass of cold water. Boil for 5 minutes and strain. Take 1 glass during the day.


Infusion of root elecampane (100g of root in 1l of red grape wine insist 8 days) to take 1st. l. 3 times a day before meals
Umka-lor drops
Bearish fat-rubbing for the night
Mesh of iodine
Candles Viferon-for strengthening immunity
Copious warm drink
Syringe root of althea
Syrup Lazolvan for children
Syrup Ascoril
And it is better to give Suprastinum on 1/3 2 times a day to avoid allergic reactions
It is not recommended to resort to antibiotic treatment and it is better not to leave the bronchitis that has not been cured, but can pass into chronic

Zhanna Levikova

Chizhevsky chandelier. Negatively charged anions have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

How to cure bronchitis in children

How to cure bronchitis in children

Inflammation of the trachea or bronchi causes acute or chronic bronchitis. Most often in babies, the process develops after suffering cold or viral infections. Self-treatment of bronchitis is unacceptable. Therapy should be prescribed by a pediatrician after a thorough medical examination.

You will need

  1. - nebulizer;
  2. - inhaler;
  3. - Mineral alkaline water;
  4. - saline solution;
  5. - chamomile;
  6. - Calendula;
  7. - eucalyptus oil;
  8. - alcohol;
  9. - Mustard plasters;
  10. - turpentine ointment.


  1. The first symptoms of bronchitis in a child are: a severe dry cough, lethargy, weakness. Body temperature can be increased or decreased. A baby may be disturbed by severe shortness of breath, even without a phonendoscope, dry wheezing sounds are heard.
  2. The first thing that parents should do is call the polyclinic and call the district pediatrician at the house. If the bronchitis began late at night, the body temperature of the baby is above 38 degrees, a very severe shortness of breath is disturbed, it is not necessary to wait until the morning. Immediately call an ambulance, the child is hospitalized.
  3. As the main therapy for the treatment of bronchitis, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and expectorant drugs are prescribed. That the doctor could appoint antibiotics, the child will make the analysis of a sputum for revealing the originators which have caused inflammatory process of bronchi or a trachea. Parents should remember that uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs creates a danger to the health of the baby.
  4. As an additional treatment you can use distracting compresses. For example, moisten the cotton cloth with alcohol, attach to the baby's breast, cover with cellophane and wrap with a woolen cloth. Also it is possible to put mustard plasters, to lubricate the breast with turpentine ointment. All compresses must be agreed with the attending physician. Their use is permissible only at normal body temperature.
  5. In case of severe shortness of breath with difficultly separated sputum, the doctor will prescribe inhalations, which can be done in a clinic or at home using an inhaler or a nebulizer. For inhalation, alkaline mineral water, weak saline solutions, infusion of camomile chamomile, calendula or eucalyptus oil diluted in water are used. An oily solution can be poured only in the inhaler. For a nebulizer this method of inhalation is not suitable.
  6. An untreated acute bronchitis can pass into a chronic form, which often leads to bronchial asthma or an asthmatic component, so parents are obliged to follow implicitly all pediatrician recommendations and make every effort to ensure that the child is completely cured.

How to cure bronchitis in a child of two years?



consult a pediatrician and that this is a child. In general, the treatment consists of antibacterial therapy mainly with ampicillin.. depends on the microbe that caused the disease. And yet you are sure that this bronchitis there are more than 25 diseases similar to symptoms of bronchitis

Anastasia Martynova

The main principles of therapeutic effect in bronchitis are the following:

infection control;
elimination of the edema of the respiratory tract;
release of the respiratory tract from sputum;
Ineffective dry, exhausting cough suppression.

To treat bronchitis in a child, even if it passes in a mild form, should a doctor. Only a doctor can decide how to treat bronchitis, hospitalize a child or carry out treatment bronchitis at home, what kinds of research should be done and other important issues.

When treating bronchitis, it is important to carry out the full course of treatment prescribed by a doctor, otherwise bronchitis can go into a chronic form. Chronic bronchitis in children is a serious problem, since all children who are diagnosed with chronic bronchitis need special examination and treatment in specialized institutions. Therapy with antibiotics for bronchitis is used mainly when the diagnosis is acute bronchitis or there is a threat of pneumonia.

Acute bronchitis in children is a frequent companion of the common cold or ARI. Incorrect or untimely initiated treatment can lead to the development of obstructive bronchitis.

Obstructive bronchitis in children differs from the usual in that pathological changes affect the entire thickness of the bronchi, which leads to constriction, severe edema and bronchial conduction disorders. As a result, sputum and mucus can not go outside, greatly hindering the respiratory processes.

Despite the fact that the main treatment should appoint a doctor, you can conduct a number of treatment activities at home. First of all, bed rest is required before the body temperature normalizes. It is desirable enriched with vitamins dairy and vegetable diet and abundant drink: tea, mors, broth of wild rose, alkaline mineral water, hot milk with Borjomi.


I at three years cured my daughter only radish. made a deepening in the radish, there a spoonful of honey and insist for several hours. with this juice three times a day. and you can make compresses from radishes. but in any case, show your doctor. you can not risk the baby. that helps one, can not help others

it does not matter

Bronchitis is treated by doctors!!!! But, together with the prescribed treatment, you should drink as much as possible. No self-treatment!

Ludmila Ustrugova

Compresses for the night from beets. (Beef juice)


On the appointment of a pediatrician, because the treatment depends on the cause of the disease.

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