Injections for back pain and lower back: names of medicines


  • 1Anesthetizing injections for pain in the back and lower back: a list of drugs and the name of the drugs, the benefits of injections
    • 1.1Causes of back pain
    • 1.2Injuries from back pain: benefits
    • 1.3Action on the body
    • 1.4Contraindications
    • 1.5List and characteristics of preparations
    • 1.6Injections of the NSAID group
    • 1.7Muscle relaxants
    • 1.8Glucocorticosteroids
    • 1.9Drugs for the activation of microcirculation in the lower back
    • 1.10Vitamins as an additional element of treatment
  • 2Common names for medicinal injections from severe pain in the lower back and back
    • 2.1Effect of pricks on sick areas
    • 2.2Anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs
    • 2.3Steroid drugs
    • 2.4Relaxing relaxants
    • 2.5Chondroprotectors for back treatment
    • 2.6Activation of blood microcirculation
    • 2.7Vitamin injections
    • 2.8Medicines of non-steroidal groups
    • 2.9Medicinal steroid preparations
    • 2.10Preparations from the group of muscle relaxants
    • 2.11Preparations of the group of chondroprotectors
    • 2.12Vitamin complex injections
  • instagram viewer
  • 3Injections and drugs for back pain
    • 3.1Effects of injections
    • 3.2Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 3.3Blockade of nerve roots
    • 3.4Vitamin Complexes
    • 3.5Miorelaxants and hondoprotectors
  • 4What are the injections for pain in the back and lower back?
    • 4.1Causes of pain and symptomatology
    • 4.2Types of injecting drugs
    • 4.3Specificity of application
    • 4.4NSAIDs
    • 4.5Therapy with vitamins B
    • 4.6Spasmolytics of myotropic action
    • 4.7Drugs based on steroid hormones
    • 4.8Features of blockades

Anesthetizing injections for pain in the back and lower back: a list of drugs and the name of the drugs, the benefits of injections

Severe pain in the lower back, cervical region, and chest area worsen the mobility of the spine, disrupt the habitual way of life, cause depression and irritation against a background of poor health. Not always pills and ointments eliminate acute pain syndrome.

Injections from back pain doctors prescribe in severe forms of diseases and exacerbation of chronic pathologies. Preparations should be selected by a health worker: many powerful analgesics negatively affect the body, have contraindications.

Causes of back pain

People of different age complain of discomfort.

Problems with the back often arise against the background of natural aging of the organism, after 40-50 years, but many diseases and negative conditions develop in young people.

Pathological changes in the spine, violation of muscle regulation are also found in children against congenital anomalies, birth trauma.

The main causes of pain:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • pinch of the nerve roots in the compression of the spinal canal;
  • injuries of bone and cartilage structures;
  • spinal tumors;
  • compression fractures;
  • pains against a background of frequent stresses and neurological disorders;
  • overload of the back muscles during hard work and sedentary work;
  • penetration of infection into the spine from the outbreak in another organ;
  • metastasis in oncopathology.

Probable diseases:

  1. sciatica;
  2. cervical, lumbar, chest-lumbar, lumbosacral osteochondrosis;
  3. lumbago;
  4. spondylolisthesis;
  5. sepsis;
  6. sciatica;
  7. protrusion and a heavier form of lesion of the disc - intervertebral hernia;
  8. inflammation of the joints and ligaments;
  9. curvature of the spine of 3 and 4 degrees;
  10. ischialgia;
  11. pinched nerves;
  12. tumors of various types: vascular, in nerve fibers, soft tissues, spinal cord, metastases in bone structures;
  13. gynecological, urological pathologies (pain in the kidneys, ovaries, bladder, prostate loins, coccyx);
  14. tuberculosis of the spine and bones;
  15. spondylarthrosis;
  16. rheumatoid arthritis;
  17. spondylosis;
  18. osteoporosis;
  19. bruises, sprains, microtraumas of cervical vertebrae.

Injuries from back pain: benefits

Injections are prescribed when taking tablets, applying painkillers for acute discomfort, does not bring relief. When choosing the optimal type of drug can get a good result in the development of pain syndrome.

Positive moments:

  • analgesic effect after the injection manifests itself quickly: after 10-15 minutes, half an hour;
  • During injection with blood flow, the drug penetrates faster to the center of pain;
  • with painful pain syndrome, some drugs can be injected into the vertebral structures, which significantly reduces the period from the injection before the drug starts;
  • pharmacies offer many names for intravenous, intramuscular and intra-articular use.

Action on the body

Injections with pain in the back positively affect the condition of the problem area and the whole organism:

  1. pain of any intensity disappears;
  2. reduces inflammation;
  3. the process of transmission of nerve impulses is normalized;
  4. reduces swelling and redness of the affected area;
  5. the muscle spasm disappears.

Important!The injections of analgesics do not solve the problem, against which the pain syndrome appeared. The drugs are used as part of complex therapy. Until the cause of discomfort is eliminated, the pathology will progress, the pain will return again.


Each anesthetic drug has its own limitations: the information is given in the instructions. The list of contraindications often depends on the drug group, for example, NSAIDs adversely affect the stomach and intestines, heart, nervous system, blood pressure indicators.

The "stronger" the drug, the more restrictions. Not by chancephysicians forbid independent selection of pain-numbing injectionswith radiculopathy, degenerative - dystrophic processes, inflammation of muscles and ligaments, fractures, other defeats of the spine and muscles.

The main limitations are:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • lactation period;
  • allergy to NSAID components;
  • acute renal insufficiency;
  • tuberculosis (open form);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • blood diseases.

List and characteristics of preparations

All drugs in the form of lyophilizate or injection for injection with an active analgesic effect of the physician are divided into several groups. There are enough compositions of "soft" action and powerful analgesics, analgesics and compounds of combined action.

The optimal name of the drug or a set of drugs is chosen by the doctor depending on the diagnosis, the form of the disease, the strength of the pain syndrome, the presence of limitations, age, tolerability of the components.Patients are forbidden to pick up pricks themselves from pain in the back area.

Injections of the NSAID group

The main type of combined action in the treatment of diseases that provoke back pain.

In addition to a powerful analgesic effect, drugs eliminate the inflammatory process, against which often there is pain syndrome.

Drugs have many contraindications, require strict adherence to one-time and daily norms, a preliminary study of the list of restrictions, including, by age.

Effective names:

  1. Diclofenac.A powerful analgesic for a low price. The course of therapy - no more than five days, for a day you need 1 injection. Many patients have a hard time tolerating Diclofenac injections, but the drug is on the list of drugs that stop even the most painful pain in the muscles and back.
  2. Ketonal.Pharmacies also offer other potent analgesics based on tromethamine ketorolac: Ketotifen, Ketanov, Ketoprofen. Fast and long-lasting analgesic effect, a wide range of indications. Suppressing the development of mediators of pain excludes the prerequisites for the development of acute discomfort. We must strictly adhere to the dosage, do injections of a powerful analgesic for 5 days, no more. Violation of the rule causes serious complications.
  3. Meloksikam.A strong remedy is allowed to apply for three days. The drug eliminates swelling, muscle inflammation, painful pain syndrome in the lower back, cervical region, thoracic region. A powerful remedy is most often used to treat severe patients in the hospital: a specialist needs to monitor the condition of the patient during the injection period.

Muscle relaxants

Often discomfort in the back arises against the background of muscle spasms. Without eliminating the negative sign it is impossible to get rid of the painful manifestations: muscle strain creates noticeable discomfort.

At sharp pains on a background of many neurologic and orthopedic diseases apply central muscle relaxants.

Injections and tablets are often prescribed to enhance the action of non-steroidal formulations with anti-inflammatory action. Some names eliminate dangerous neuronal inflammation.

Blocking of pain receptors and nerve endings, relaxation of spasmodic muscles relieves painful symptoms.

Central muscle relaxants with back pain:

  • Midsummer.
  • Dysipal.
  • Norflex.


Strongly active compounds quickly stop pain, but the effect is short. There are many restrictions for use, increased risk of adverse reactions. Steroid drugs are often prescribed in combination with Lidocaine or Novocaine for a medical blockade.

Glucocorticosteroids are often used for painful manifestations, despite the high risk of side effects: drugs can be injected directly into the focus of pain.

With rheumatic manifestations, sciatica, lumboschialgia, sciatica, painful lumbago in the back, powerfully giving in legs, buttocks, crotch, groin, it is the Novocain blockade in combination with corticosteroids removes painful pain.

A good effect gives a drip or jet intravenous use, intraarticular injections or a deep muscular injection. You must strictly adhere to the daily dosage, know the period of use: corticosteroids are allowed to enter short courses.

Steroid preparations in injections:

  1. Betamethasone.
  2. Prednisolone.
  3. Hydrocortisone.
  4. Flosteron.
  5. Diprospan.

Drugs for the activation of microcirculation in the lower back

The names of this group do not show direct analgesic effects, but without sufficient admission oxygen and nutrients it is impossible to completely restore the condition of bone structures, muscles and cartilage. Drugs are used in addition to analgesics. A good condition of the vessels prevents the development of many diseases of the spine.

Effective medicines:

Vitamins as an additional element of treatment

An additional element of treatment, affecting the nervous regulation, the general condition of the body.

Drugs in the form of injections have less analgesic effect, but the components of medicines nourish tissues, support the body, accelerate the process of recovery.

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Vitamins B1, B12, B6 in the form of injections with complex application eliminate discomfort in the back.

Effective means:

  • Trigamma.
  • Kombilipen.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Thiamine.
  • Pyridoxine.
  • Complymgam B.

It is important to know the causes of back pain in order to properly design a therapy regimen.When there is discomfort in the neck, waist, chest, excessive muscle tension, it is not necessary to take analgesics uncontrollably:the doctor is more difficult to put the correct diagnosis. In case of a painful syndrome it is necessary to be examined, to find out the cause of the deviations, to drink the medications prescribed by the doctor. With acute pain, a good effect is given by injections of NSAIDs, novocain blockades, steroid drugs, muscle relaxants. Supplement the treatment of vitamins and formulations that activate blood flow in the problem area.

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Common names for medicinal injections from severe pain in the lower back and back

The causes of severe pain in the back and waist can be different. To identify the disease you need to conduct a survey, then the doctor will prescribe an injection of pain in the back.

The names of the drugs are very diverse, many radically different from each other in the way they act on muscles, ligaments, cartilage tissue and the bone system.

The doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, the main component of which are injections related to high-speed drugs.

Modern medicine has new results of clinical studies that differ from the standard concepts of the past. Graduallythe arsenal of medicines is expanding, there is a division into groups according to the mode of action on the human body:

  1. anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents;
  2. steroid preparations;
  3. muscle relaxants;
  4. chondroprotectors;
  5. means that activate microcirculation in the lumbar region;
  6. complexes of vitamins.

Effect of pricks on sick areas

Anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs

Funds from this group produceanesthetic action, but when choosing drugs take into account the effect on the body.

Each medicine in the series has certain contraindications and side effects, it is used as a pain relief, but they do not eliminate the underlying cause and have no therapeutic effect.

The choice of drugs is based on efficiency and the smallest number of adverse reactions.

As a result of clinical trials, it was found that ibuprofen is the least adverse reaction, it is the least toxic.

Manufacturers of Celebrex Sokh-2 reported a reduced number of reactions from the body, but there was no evidence of this fact in the research process.

When choosing non-steroid drugs, it should be remembered that all of them have approximately the same pain relief, differ only in side manifestations and in price.Common contraindications are:

  • increased response to any component component;
  • heart disease and insufficiency;
  • pregnancy and feeding;
  • renal and hepatic impairment;
  • astatic manifestations;
  • diseases of the intestines and stomach, bleeding;
  • somatic diseases in severe form.

Steroid drugs

The injections of this series quickly relieve the pain symptoms, but the duration of their action is short. Steroids are very carefully used for treatment, since drugs have a large number of contraindications.

Their advantage is the possibility of using it in the hearth of the onset of pain, by direct injection into the lumbar region.

Applysolutions of novocaine and ice-cocaine together with corticosteroid, which is patiently tolerated by the patient.

Relaxing relaxants

The root cause of almost all pain sensations is a spasm of smooth muscles, which stretches the nervous ending and causes a secondary pain syndrome, therefore, for qualitative anesthesia are appointed muscle relaxants. Medications have a relaxing effect on muscle fibers, and pain relief in a specific area of ​​the back occurs faster. For a long time, muscle relaxants were referred to the group of anesthetics, but recently they have been used for anesthesia. They are used strictly under the supervision of doctors,with strict adherence to strict dosage. The most famous are:

If pain medication does not help, the doctor suggests a way of injecting and stretching. It lies in the fact that the patient is placed on the stomach and in the region of the dorsal muscles, the most painful points or densities are sought. After this, a perpendicular injection with novocaine is made.

Immediately after this, passive muscle stretching andapply a hot compress on this site. After the action of the compress for 1 hour, the patient makes the most of the aching muscle and makes movements.

The goal of the blockade is an analgesic effect on the nerve.

In this connection, it is implied that the points of the injections should be as close as possible to the nerve points.

Effects on the sciatic nerve are performed at the large femoral spit, intercostal neuralgia is treated by injection into the interval between the ribs, osteochondrosis is pierced outside the spinal extensor.

Chondroprotectors for back treatment

The injections of chondroprotectors are aimed at reducing inflammatory processes, the restoration of metabolic processes in painful sites of the back, increasing blood circulation, restoration and growth of cartilaginous tissue in the joints of the spine.

Drugs do not give rise to thrombosis of veins and arteries.

The action of the preparations is prolonged, therefore simultaneously with the restorative chondroprotectors the doctorwill prescribe an anesthetic coursemedicines for quick action:

  1. ketorol;
  2. flexene;
  3. arthrosan;
  4. Voltaren.

Activation of blood microcirculation

This series consists of drugs that, in their action, are not aimed at rapid relief of pain, but help the body overcome the disease by increasing the oxygenation of the blood.

But for the use of such drugs, there are contraindications that prohibit their useyoung children and elderly patients.

Also, they can not be treated by people who have blood system diseases or who have an oncology.

Vitamin injections

As saturation of the body with vitamins of group B, you can also recommend pills, but injections are much more effective.

For some time, official medicine has been using vitamin injections as a moderate means to relieve pain, since their action is classified as neurotropic.

It consists in the fact that the vitamins of group B lead to a norminnervation of muscle fibers, take part in the transmission of stimulating impulses, enhance the metabolism of mediators, restore the broken nerve endings.

A series of clinical trials showed that vitamins significantly reduce pain in acute inflammatory processes with complex therapy. The composition of complex vitamin injections includes an anesthetic of ice medicine for strengthening the local anesthetic effect.

The use of medicinal vitamin injections becomes actual with acute pain in the back, alcoholic polyneuritis, unpleasant sensations in the joints, myasthenia gravis for two weeks.

If it is a question of treatment of recurrent diseases of the back, the use of injections with Group B vitamins becomes ineffective.

Medicines of non-steroidal groups

Ketonal and all its derivatives (ketotifen, ketoprofen, ketanes, ketonal) contain ketorolac tromethamine in its composition, this allows using the drug as the main analgesic.

They need to be applied taking into account the exact dosage, especially to people after 50 years old and suffering from allergic reactions. Apply10-30 mg once dailyfor 5 days, the dose depends on individual factors and the degree of damage.

Do not prescribe to patients suffering from asthma, cholecystitis, kidney diseases.

Diclofenac can effectively remove joint and muscle pain, so it is an appropriate treatment option, but it should be used with caution for people with diseased kidney and liver. Assign intramuscular injections with a dosage of 3 to 5 mg.

Do not use for treatment in children's practice. Sometimes one injection is enough to ease the pain. If serious back problems, thentreatment prolonged to 5 days, making one injection per day.

Contraindicated in patients with gastritis and gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, kidney disease and pregnant women.

Meloksikam is a gentle preparation, has the least amount of side effects and does not destroy the walls of the stomach and intestines.

Very strong analgesic, relieves muscle inflammation, swelling, lowers the temperature and pain in the back and lower back.

It is not recommended for use with other non-steroid drugs, since there is a risk of serious complications. Assign to, mg one injection per day for 3 days.

Neurobion is particularly popular in patients with joint and spine diseases, such as: arthritis and destroying arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

To use the ampoule (2 mg)dissolve in novocaine, make an injection, after which the pain completely passes.

Not recommended for use in pregnant women.

Medicinal steroid preparations

Hydrocortisone is prescribed for rheumatism, intervertebral hernia and back pain. The injections are done intravenously, in a jet or drop method, from 150 to 350 ml in a ready solution.

Calculate the exact dose can only be an expert, you can not do this yourself. Contraindications are chronic kidney diseases, liver failure, sometimes individual intolerance interferes.

Since hydrocortisone retains water in the body, then after application, there will be swelling and irregularities in the work of the heart.

Prednisolone affects the body by suppressing the immune system, thus, reducing inflammation andback pain.

It is best to use hydrocortisone intravenously, by a slow drop method, an alternative is to inject the injection deep into the muscles.

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With intravenous administration, take 10 ampoules to fill the dropper, and intramuscularly inject the ampoule once a day.

Betamethasone belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids, which can reduce inflammation by suppressing the functions of leukocytes, the action takes place quickly.

It can be used intravenously, intramuscularly, to inject into the joint in the synovial region.

Contraindications are inflammatory processes in soft tissues, various viral skin diseases.

Flosteron is a prototype of betamethasone, differs from its analogue in a wider range of applications. Useintramuscularly, intraarticularly, the second option accelerates the action of the drug. Puncture 1 ampoule in a painful place on the back, the course is 3 pricks.

Preparations from the group of muscle relaxants

Midokalm relaxes the musculature of the muscles of the skeleton, puts the block on the nerve roots and pain receptors, gradually removing the patient from the excruciating state.

Apply in children's practice for 5-7 mg per kg of child weight, adults receive 100-140 mg twice a day.

If you need a quick effect, then the drug is administered intravenously by a drip method.

Norflex has a relaxing effect with painful muscular spasms and improves the action of neurons.

Used as intramuscular injections35-60 mg at a time, pricked once a day for three days, then injections are canceled and continue treatment with tablets.

Contraindications include pregnancy, individual intolerance, disorders of the nervous system, blood diseases.

Preparations of the group of chondroprotectors

Adelon is used to restore cartilaginous tissue in the joints and spine, the drug provokes regeneration fibrotic ring in the vertebrae, reduces inflammation in the back region, is effective in intervertebral hernias and destruction cartilage. Apply prick (2 mg) with complex therapy.

Alflutop not only restores the fibers of cartilaginous tissue, but also helps block pain receptors, in addition, it actively reduces inflammation.

Vitamin complex injections

For normal operation of the musculoskeletal system, it is especially importantcombination of magnesium, calcium and vitamin D. Together they strengthen the bones, help restore its integrity, nourish, help each other actively absorbed from the digestive tract.

Thiamine contains in its composition vitamin B1, which allows to increase the circulation of nutrients to the joints and spine, takes an active part in the formation of bone and cartilaginous tissue.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of soft tissues, thus reducing pain in the muscles, used in muscular neuralgia, polyneuritis, together with other complexes.

In the treatment of pain in the back and spine, many effective drugs are used, but they all havevarious application features. Therefore, with back pain, one should not engage in self-medication, you should consult a doctor to choose the optimal solution.

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Injections and drugs for back pain

The appearance of severe back pain significantly reduces the quality of life. To cope with this condition, it is very important to establish the reasons for its development. When pinching the sciatic nerve, lumbago or intervertebral hernia should be examined with a neurologist and an osteopath.

It may also be necessary to consult a urologist, a gastroenterologist or a gynecologist, since painful sensations are the result of pathologies of internal organs. After detailed diagnosis, a specialist can prescribe an injection of pain in the back.

Effects of injections

The most common cause of the onset of pain in the back is lumbosacral radiculitis, which develops as a result of osteochondrosis.

Dystrophic processes in the cartilaginous tissue of the spinal discs lead to pinching and inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves, which provokes the appearance of pain sensations.

To cope with unpleasant symptoms, use special medications - pills, ointments and injections. Thanks to the implementation of the injections, it is possible to solve such problems:

  • to stop pain syndrome;
  • cope with inflammation in the nerve roots;
  • restore cartilaginous tissue;
  • stimulate local blood supply;
  • strengthen the immune system.

That is why the drugs that are used for injections are grouped into several categories:

    • analgesics;
    • hormonal means;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;

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  • local anesthetics;
  • vitamins;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • immunomodulators.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Such drugs have only a symptomatic effect. They easily cope with pain, but do not eliminate the causes of their appearance. At the same time, half of the patients are faced with allergic reactions to these drugs.

The action of these drugs is based on blocking the inflammatory enzyme - cyclooxygenase. In the human body, it is present in different variations - COX-1 and COX-2. The first takes part in the development of biological substances responsible for the normal operation of internal organs.

The second is responsible for the synthesis of mediators of inflammation and pain in the area of ​​lesion. Most drugs that are used for back pain, equally block these substances, which allows you to get an analgesic effect.

With prolonged use, they provoke damage to the stomach and duodenum.

All non-steroid drugs are divided into two categories:

  1. Non-selective - responsible for blocking two types of enzymes. These include drugs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin. They are forbidden to apply to patients suffering from an ulcer, an erosive gastritis. Do not use them for children under 6 years old, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Selective - refer to a new generation of funds that are responsible for blocking COX-2. This category includes such means as meloxicam, nimesulide. These drugs can not be used by children and adolescents. They are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. It is not recommended to use them to people with ulcerative lesions of the digestive system in the acute stage.

To side effects after the use of such drugs include the following:

  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • hives;
  • general weakness;
  • pain in the abdomen.

The name of a specific drug can be told only by a doctor.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be drunk exclusively for the purpose of a specialist, clearly adhering to dosages.

The course of application of such drugs should not exceed a week. In addition, it is not recommended to take medicine on an empty stomach - it is better to do it right after eating.

Such funds are prescribed not only in the form of injections. Actively used tableted forms and local preparations - ointments, creams, gels.

Blockade of nerve roots

The blockade is based on the administration of the drug for local anesthesia in a zone adjacent to the impaired nerve. As a rule, lidocaine is used. After the prick, the pain disappears, a loss of sensitivity arises in the treated area. Such numbness is temporary and gradually disappears.

Blockade of nerve endings can be used not only for therapeutic purposes. Sometimes it is carried out to diagnose the disease. For this, the doctor performs a series of injections and asks which of them has an analgesic effect. This procedure allows you to determine the exact location of the compression of the nerve.

Vitamin Complexes

With the appearance of pain in the back, the introduction of B vitamins will help. They are allowed to drink in the form of tablets, but injections are considered more effective. Today there are several varieties of such tools:

  1. Kombilipen. This drug is contraindicated in cases of exacerbation of heart failure, during pregnancy and lactation, with increased sensitivity to vitamin B. Also it is not used for children.
  2. Milgamma. This remedy is part of a comprehensive treatment for neurological disorders and diseases of the nervous system. Has a pronounced analgesic effect in the pathology of the spine.
  3. Neurobion. The drug contributes to rapid relief of pain, but has certain side effects. These include increased sweating, tachycardia, allergies. With excessive use, there is nausea, vomiting, dizziness.

Miorelaxants and hondoprotectors

If back pain is a consequence of muscle spasm, muscle relaxants are used. High efficiency has tolperisol, which produces a peripheral effect on the affected area.

Such drugs as baclofen and tizanidine have an effect on the nervous system.
Chondroprotectors are used to restore the structure of the cartilaginous tissue.

The most common is alflutope, which is produced from marine fish concentrate.

Due to a unique set of amino acids and trace elements, the drug accelerates the regeneration processes, stops the destruction of tissues and stops the pain syndrome. The drug is administered intramuscularly for 20 days.

Injections from back pain help to quickly cope with uncomfortable sensations and slow the destructive processes in the spine. The main thing is to clearly follow the doctor's recommendations and not engage in self-medication.

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What are the injections for pain in the back and lower back?

Up to 70% of the population are daily experiencing pain localized in the back area.

In this case, the intensity and features of the manifestation of pain are different, since the symptomatology depends on the pathological processes that caused the pain syndrome.

To eliminate painful sensations, you need to determine the root cause. Only after the confirmed diagnosis can be used injection methods of drug administration.

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Often physicians are prescribed nyxes for pain in the back and lower back, since such forms of administration help the drug to get directly into the the source of the process of inflammation, so the patient experiences relief much faster than after using topical drugs or tablets.

What nyxes are used to eliminate pain in the dorsal region, how to apply them, we will tell in our article.

Causes of pain and symptomatology

Factors of manifestations of pain can be multiple pathologies and failures in the work of various organs:

In addition to back pain, these pathologies are accompanied by other symptoms, so it is not difficult to diagnose them.

A strong pain syndrome in the back area is often a signal of pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system. Their manifestations are associated with such diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Herniated intervertebral divisions;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Pathological changes and trauma of the spine;
  • Spinal stenosis;
  • Protrusion.

Often painful sensations appear after lifting of a gravity when the person has broken a back.

Stitching or cutting symptoms in these diseases is a consequence of the progression of inflammation of nerve endings and fibers, their infringement and squeezing.

The main manifestations of these pathologies are expressed as follows:

  • Pain in the back, chest and lumbar regions;
  • Feeling of burning or numbness in the place where the pain syndrome was localized;
  • Violation of motor functions.

Appearance of pain symptoms in the back can manifest in a chronic form (regularly) or acutely (in isolated cases, for example, with "torn" back).

If the pain syndrome is associated with abnormal changes in the musculoskeletal system, uncomfortable sensations appear at any physical exertion or during breathing.

To eliminate pain, use a complex effect: tablets, topical agents (ointments, creams), injections. The latter are considered to be the most effective and quick-acting means.

Types of injecting drugs

What are the injections with severe pain symptoms in the back?

Modern medicine uses a variety of complex options for the therapy of pathological changes in the field of bone and muscle tissue diseases. Despite the different names, all nyxes from back pain are divided into 6 groups, depending on the range of actions they perform.

At the present stage, back pain is increasingly used complex drugs that combine the effects of several groups of injections:

  1. Analgesics of myotropic action and anesthetics;
  2. Vitamins of group B and NSAIDs;
  3. Lidocaine-based steroids.

Specificity of application

Despite a large number of drug names, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the leaders for the treatment of this problem.

They can not only eliminate pain, but also effectively remove inflammation.

In addition, they are used with great efficiency for blockade from back pain.

These injections are done to eliminate the symptomatic and pathogenetic factors that caused the pain syndrome.

After injections, when a strong attack of pain symptoms is eliminated, proceed with complex therapy, which includes the following procedures:

  • Massage;
  • Complexes of therapeutic exercises;
  • Gentle physical activity.

Despite good results after using injectables for back pain, you should be aware of some features of the use of these drugs.

  1. All medicines of the same group contain components acting according to the same principle. Therefore, if the drug has not had the desired effect, the drug should be replaced from other injecting groups.
  2. All medications in injections have many contraindications, as well as a number of side effects, so before their Use should be consulted with the attending physician in order to correlate risks from possible negative consequences and benefit from treatment.
  3. Nonsteroid drugs not only take off inflammation, swelling and pain in the back, but also have a large number of contraindications. So, they are strictly forbidden to prick if the patient is diagnosed with an ulcer, liver or kidney pathology. In addition, the ability of NSAIDs to eliminate inflammatory processes significantly reduces their analgesic capabilities. That is, the strength of the analgesic effect of these drugs is sometimes reduced to the use of aspirin, but their adverse side effects are much higher.
  4. It is strictly prohibited to use NSAIDs for a long time.

Regardless of the reasons why the back hurts, it is better to entrust the choice of injections for symptomatic relief to the doctor.

He, taking into account the peculiarity of the disease, the individual characteristics of the organism and possible negative manifestations of medications, will prescribe an objective and appropriate therapy.

Consider the effect of the major groups of injectable drugs, as well as their impact on the source of pain.


Preparations of this kind are widely used in different branches of medicine:

  • Traumatology;
  • Orthopedics;
  • Therapies;
  • Rheumatology.

They are used in any pathology, which is accompanied by manifestations of inflammatory processes.

All NSAIDs are divided into 2 groups, depending on the characteristics of the impact on the depressed area:

  1. Selective;
  2. Non-selective (COX inhibitors).

The effect of COX inhibitors is aimed at eliminating prostaglandins (special inflammatory mediators), which results in the elimination of pain sensations. However, prostaglandins protect the gastric mucosa, therefore, with indiscriminate action of inhibitors, exacerbations of ulcerative disease occur.

Selective drugs have a less pronounced effect on the stomach tissue and are better perceived by the body, without destroying the articular tissue.

Among the NSAIDs should be noted "Meloksikam since this drug has a minimal amount of side effects. However, even with its use in case of prolonged use, peptic ulcer or bleeding of the digestive system may be exacerbated.

Preparations of NVS are often injected intramuscularly, but in some cases it is possible to administer the drug intravenously.

Numerous studies have not revealed a better tool for this group: they all operate with the same effectiveness, although all drugs have a different price category and side effects on organism. At the same time, the increase in dosage is not affected by the effectiveness of the NVP.

Therapy with vitamins B

With localized pain, spins are often prescribed complexes of B vitamins that can function in a complex manner.

Vitamins of this group are natural analgesics of moderate action, since they possess the following abilities:

  • Normal innervation of smooth muscles is normal;
  • They take part in the processes of excitation of nerve cells and metabolism of mediators;
  • Affect the metabolism;
  • Regulate the proper functioning of the nervous system;
  • They have the property of restoring damaged nerve channels and endings.

Clinical studies have proven effective in the complex treatment of the use of vitamins B1, B6, B12 at the time of elimination of the pain syndrome being in the process of exacerbation.

For successful therapy, both individual B vitamins and their complex are used. To enhance the analgesic effect of modern vitamin preparations contain lidocaine.

Spasmolytics of myotropic action

If the pain is spastic, use myotropic antispasmodics, which have a purposeful effect on the central nervous system.

Their goal is to regulate muscle tone, so they relieve muscular tension.

Often, muscle relaxants are used in conjunction with NSAID preparations, which can significantly reduce the dosage of the latter.

One of the most effective drugs of this group is "Midokalm which is used both intravenously and intramuscularly. The drug rarely causes side effects, but it is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, children under one year, and also with low muscle tone.

Drugs based on steroid hormones

When injecting with steroid drugs, a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect is observed. However, drugs have a lot of side effects.

Injection with steroid hormones is done in the following cases:

  • Severe pain syndrome;
  • Inflammatory processes caused by autoimmune and allergic lesions;
  • The need to provide a long analgesic effect.

The drugs are also available in tablets, but the pain is removed much more quickly.

Features of blockades

When drugs of any group do not have the proper effect on the pain syndrome, physicians use special blockades.

What is it and how to properly blockade it?

Injection-blockade - an injection, which is injected into the place where the pain was localized.

There are 2 types of blockades:

  • Paraventricular. When blockade the injection is injected into certain places of the spinal column (horn points).
  • Epidural. Drugs are injected into the epidural region of the back (special points located near the middle of the waist).

A stab in a blockade way, the pain syndrome is stopped quickly, and the effect of drugs lasts about 2 months. For such injections, novocaine (lidocaine) and steroid preparations are often combined.

Consider the algorithm for blockade.

  1. The patient is located on the abdomen;
  2. The medical worker finds on the back of the place, in which there are seals, and also the strongest pain syndrome is felt.
  3. Perpendicular to these places, the medication is administered.
  4. After the injection proceed to passive stretching of the muscle tissue.
  5. At the injection place a warm compress is applied.
  6. After the action of the compress is over, the patient must perform any movements to activate the aching muscle.

Almost immediately after blockade, the patient feels relief, because the purpose of this manipulation is to "cut off" the nerve endings.

What kind of nail to give preference for intensive pain syndromes, given the large number of contraindications and side effects, it is better to decide the doctor in charge. Correctly selected injections will help to eliminate back pain quickly and permanently, without leaving negative consequences for the body.

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