Antibiotics intramuscularly with bronchitis

How to cure bronchitis with antibiotics: a list of the best drugs

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the bronchi. There may be several types, each of which has a distinctive symptomatology and specific treatment that the doctor should appoint. Remember that self-medication of such a serious disease as bronchitis, at home is just dangerous!

Types and symptoms

The considered inflammatory process can proceed in the following forms:
  • purulent- The sputum, allocated at a cough, contains in itself an admixture of pus; For more information on how to treat purulent bronchitis in adults, read the article.
  • purulent-serous- characterized by the release of specific sputum, differing in gray and the presence of "fibers" / inclusions of pus;
  • fibrinous- phlegm in the patient is very viscous and dense, poorly separated, which provokes a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchus and, as a consequence, attacks of bronchospasm;
  • hemorrhagic- The inflammatory process affects the blood vessels, thinens their walls and the blood gets into the sputum;
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  • catarrhal- the most common form of bronchitis, characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the upper parts of the bronchi.
How is treatment with modern means of chronic obstructive bronchitis indicated in the article.

As the treatment of chronic bronchitis with antibiotics is worth reading for information in this article.

Whether it is possible to breathe over a potato at a bronchitis it is specified in clause here:

This disease can have a different course:

  • acute bronchitis- always begins suddenly, accompanied by pain in the chest (even with deep breathing), paroxysmal coughing and fever;
  • Chronical bronchitis- is a consequence of an untreated acute form, has all of the above main symptoms bronchitis, but in a less pronounced form, and hyperthermia (fever) can and does absent.

When examining the patient and carrying out the diagnosis, the doctor necessarily differentiates the bronchitis according to the functional sign:

  • non-obstructive- narrowing of bronchi, sudden bronchospasm and stifling is not observed;
  • obstructive- due to a large amount of viscous sputum or because of the anatomical features of the patient's body, there is a significant narrowing of the bronchial lumen. In this case, the patient complains of shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation, accompanied by a strained dry cough. And here's how to treat obstructive bronchitis in children, you can find out by reading this article.

Antibiotics for bronchitis

Only antibiotics contribute to the cure of bronchitis, the remaining funds only facilitate the patient's condition

Many, who noted the first symptoms of the disease in question, begin treatment of bronchitis propolis, soda, garlic and other folk remedies and usual tablets from a cough - it's in the bud wrong!Only antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) can relieve directly from inflammation and pathogenic microorganisms(bronchitis has an infectious etiology), and all other methods of treatment and remedies will only alleviate the condition of the patient. This does not mean that you need to immediately and unconditionally go through a course of antibiotic therapy - consultation a doctor will still be needed, but the antibiotic used most often for children with bronchitis is indicated in the article.

Important: with acute bronchitis antibiotics are not prescribed at all - this form of inflammation has viral etiology, and the drugs in question are absolutely useless in the fight for viruses.

Antibiotics can be prescribed in tablets and injections, but most often the tablet form is used medicines - it allows you to go through the entire course of treatment on an outpatient basis, without the need to find hospital. Doctors may prescribe injections with antibacterial drugs in the following cases:
  • the body temperature reaches the highest boundaries and keeps at this level for more than a day;
  • there is pus in the phlegm;
  • bronchospasm and severe dyspnea are observed.

In addition, antibiotics can also be used in inhalations with a nebulizer - this is generally considered to be the most effective method of treatment: the drug falls directly on the walls of the bronchi, affected by the inflammatory process and acts localized.

Antibiotics of the old generation

Augmentin - one of the popular means of the old generation

Most often in the treatment of bronchitis of different forms and types of doctors appointed penicillins - drugs of the old generation, but this did not become less effective. Recommended preparations:

  • Augmentin;
  • Panklav;
  • Amoxiclav.


Recommended dosage: 625 mg per treatment. Such receptions per day should be 3 (every 8 hours).Importantly: penicillins give a very good effect, but more often the resistance of pathogenic bacteria that provoked bronchitis to these drugs is revealed.Therefore, the patient is prescribed a medicine, followed by monitoring the dynamics of the disease for 3 days) and in the absence of positive "shifts" the antibiotic is replaced by another, more effective.


If the patient has an individual intolerance and / or hypersensitivity to antibiotics of the penicillin series, macrolides are assigned to him. To such it is possible to carry:

  • Clarithromycin;
  • Erythromycin.

They are produced most often in tablet form, so the dosage is calculated as follows: 1 tablet per reception, use should be done every 6-8 hours.

Modern antibiotics

In obstructive bronchitis, antibiotics of a new generation are appointed - cephalosporins, which are injected into the body only by injection - intramuscularly or intravenously (in especially severe cases). These include:
  • Levofloxacin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Cefuroxime.

Please note: the exact dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician - it will depend on the severity of the course of the disease, the general condition of the patient, the "neglect" of the inflammatory process.


If a patient has previously been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, then at the first signs of his exacerbation take fluoroquinolones - broad-spectrum antibiotics, identical to cephalosporins, but more soft / gentle. The most commonly prescribed are:

  • Moxifloxacin;
  • Lefofloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

It is recommended to treat with a short seven-day course, injecting any of the above medications intramuscularly twice a day.What amount of the drug is needed for one injection, only a doctor can determine - in this case, it is unreasonable to make a decision independently.

The chronic form of bronchitis is always and certainly treated with antibiotics - they will help "drive" the inflammatory process into the stage of long-term remission.

Antibiotics and nebulizer

Inhalation nebulizer is especially effective in bronchitis

To conduct inhalations with a nebulizer, antibiotics can also be used - the effect will be rendered almost immediately, because in this case the drug will act directed / localized and immediately after it hits the organism.Most often for this type of treatment is appointed Fluimucil - a drug that in its composition contains both antibacterial agent, and special for liquefaction of sputum.Produced antibiotic in the form of a powder - you need to take one package and dissolve in a small amount of sodium chloride (maximum 5 ml), and the resulting liquid is divided into two inhalations per day.

Inhalation Fluimutsilom most effective in purulent bronchitis, but can be prescribed for other types of inflammatory disease.

Indication / contraindications

Antibiotics are quite powerful medications that have categorical indications and contraindications.You can not thinklessly take antibacterial drugs - in most cases they are absolutely useless, but their negative effect on the work of the intestines, liver and kidneys can already have(the so-called side effects). For those who want to know in more detail how many days to drink antibiotics for bronchitis, you can learn from the article. Therefore, one should know clear indications for the appointment / use of antibiotics for the treatment of various forms / types of bronchitis:

  • borderline high body temperature, which can not be reduced by usual antipyretic;
  • purulent sputum content;
  • developing bronchospasm;
  • previously diagnosed chronic bronchitis.

It is strictly forbidden to prescribe to doctors or take antibiotics on their own:

  • diseases of urinary system of severe course - renal failure / nephropathy;
  • violations of the functionality of the liver - selectively, for example, with certain forms of hepatitis;
  • ulcerative disease of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach / duodenum).

Important: it is necessary to exclude an allergic reaction to antibiotics - it can develop rapidly, which leads to anaphylactic shock and edema Quincke.

And notice: if the patient has already undergone treatment shortly before the development of bronchitis antibacterial drugs of any group, then these funds will be absolutely useless in the treatment any type of bronchitis.

Possible complications

If you ignore the symptoms of bronchitis, self-treatment, the abandonment of antibacterial drugs can develop quite serious complications of bronchitis:

  • pneumonia and pneumothorax;
  • bronchial asthma - especially dangerous in this regard, obstructive bronchitis;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • emphysema of the lungs;
  • bronchiectatic disease.

Please note: acute bronchitis with properly conducted treatment is cured quickly enough, otherwise the form of the disease will certainly be replaced by a chronic one.


From this video you will learn about the proper treatment of chronic bronchitis:

Frequent recurrences of chronic bronchitis, prolonged obstructive, purulent and / or catarrhal appearance of the disease in question can lead to the development inflammation in other organs and body systems - as complications are considered otitis (acute / chronic), tonsillitis (compensated / decompensated).

Antibiotics for bronchitis

The thunderstorm of the autumn-spring period is bronchitis. Often it begins with a common cold and other respiratory diseases - sore throat or sinusitis. How to treat bronchitis correctly, only the doctor will say. Many people avoid using strong medicines and are treated with folk remedies. Often this is the reason for the transition of manifestations of bronchitis in the chronic course of the disease. Antibiotics for bronchitis should not be taken alone - be sure to contact your doctor.

Scheme of treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia with antibiotics

Treatment of inflammation of the respiratory tract is carried out in a hospital or outpatient. Light bronchitis is successfully eliminated at home, chronic or acute manifestations require hospitalization. Bronchitis and pneumonia are insidious diseases, so do not self-medicate. For adults and children, doctors prescribe different antibiotics and apply different healing procedures. Thus, antibiotics for bronchitis and the treatment regimen depend on:

  • age;
  • having a tendency to allergies;
  • the nature of the disease (acute, chronic);
  • type of pathogen;
  • parameters of the drugs used (speed and spectrum of action, toxicity).

Antibiotics powerfully affect the human body, and their thoughtless use can harm, not help. For example, the use of strong drugs in the prevention of bronchitis can have the opposite effect. The constant intake of antibiotics inhibits immunity, promotes the emergence of dysbiosis, adaptation of strains of the disease to the drugs used. Therefore, it can not be said that antibiotics are the best remedy for bronchitis. Treatment of obstructive bronchitis with antibiotics is prescribed in the case of:

  • if there is a high temperature (more than 38 degrees), which lasts longer than 3 days;
  • purulent sputum;
  • protracted nature of the disease - treatment for longer than a month does not bring recovery.
  • manifesting severe symptoms during exacerbation.
  • if the analysis of sputum revealed pathogens, bacterial or atypical nature.

In adults

What antibiotics to drink in adults with bronchitis? A specific treatment regimen is used based on the severity of the disease, its course and the age of the patient. With bronchitis of acute type, drugs of penicillin group are prescribed - Amoxicillin, Erythromycin. With chronic it is possible to use Amoxiclav, Augmentin. If this group of drugs does not help, they switch to the use of Rovamycin, Sumamed and others.

For the elderly, Flemoxin, Azithromycin, Suprax, Ceftriaxone are prescribed. If sputum analysis was not performed, then a wide range of antibiotics are preferred: Ampicillin, Streptocillin, Tetracycin, etc. After the analysis, the doctor prescribes directed drugs. The decision on what antibiotics to take when bronchitis in adults is taken by the attending physician. In any case, the following treatment principles should be adhered to:

  1. Drugs are taken strictly according to the instructions (dosage, schedule) at regular intervals.
  2. It is unacceptable to skip the reception of tablets.
  3. If the symptoms of bronchitis have disappeared - you can not arbitrarily stop treatment.


Unlike adults, the treatment of bronchitis in children with antibiotics is extremely undesirable and dangerous. It is allowed to use drugs only if there is a suspicion of an infectious type of disease. Children should take penicillin group drugs. For children with asthma, the use of azithromycin, erythromycin is allowed. In the rest the treatment scheme of the child is standard and is aimed at eliminating symptoms. Assign:

  • bed rest, child care;
  • drugs to reduce temperature;
  • means for eliminating cough and sore throat;
  • application of traditional medicine.

Groups of antibacterials of new generation

Penicillins (oxacillin, ampicillin, ticarcillin, piperacillin). The group of drugs includes such as "Amoxiclav "Augmentin "Panklav etc. They have a bactericidal effect, they affect the formation of the protein wall of a harmful bacterium, as a result of which it dies. Preparations with it are considered the safest. The only negative is the ability to excite allergic reactions. If the disease is started and the drugs with penicillin do not have the proper effect, then they switch to strong drugs.

Macrolides. An extensive group of drugs, which include erythromycin, oleandomycin, midecamycin, dirithromycin, telithromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin. The brightest representatives of macrolides on the pharmacological market are preparations "Erythromycin "Claricin "Sumamed". The mechanism of action is directed to the disturbance of the vital activity of the microbial cell. In terms of safety, macrolides are less harmful than tetracyclines, fluoroquinols, more dangerous than penicillins, but they are good for people who are allergic. In combination with penicillins reduce their effectiveness.

Fluoroquinolones (pefloxacin, lomefloxacin, sparfloxacin, hemifloxacin, moxifloxacin). On the market, the drugs are presented by "Afelox "Afenoxin and medications that are of the same name with the main active substance, for example, "Moxifloxacin". This group is used as a medicine for bronchitis. It is prescribed only if the previous two groups of antibiotics did not affect the causative agent of the disease.

Cephalosporins (active substances - cephalexin, cefaclor, cefoperazone, cefepime). According to the type of pathogen, the patient is prescribed "Cefalexin "Cefuroxime axetil "Cefotaxime". Limited to the effect on some pathogens. For example, such antibiotics absolutely do not affect pneumococci, chlamydia, microplasmas, listeria. Preparations of the first generation are practically not absorbed into the blood, and therefore are administered in the form of injections.

Which antibiotics are the most effective?

Amoxicillin. Form release - capsules and granules. Adults take 500 mg (1-2 capsules) 3 times a day, if the bronchitis in severe form is doubled to 1000 mg. The child is prescribed from 100 to 250 mg per day, depending on the age. To facilitate admission for children, a suspension is prepared - in half a glass of water, the antibiotic is diluted and shaken. The method of intake is only oral, by injection the drug is not administered.

Sumamed. It is used for bronchitis and pneumonia. It is not used by patients with liver and kidney dysfunction. Produced by tablets, capsules, powder for suspensions. Dosage for adults - 500 mg per day, course 3-5 days. Children dose determined by weight - 5-30 mg of medicine per 1 kg. More accurate and correct dosage will be told only by a specialist, do not neglect medical opinion.

Levofloxacin and Moxifloxacin. They are positioned as antibiotics for chronic bronchitis in adults (over 18 years of age). Highly effective in pneumonia, sinusitis, pyelonephritis, infections of various etiologies. The use of this antibiotic is accompanied by a plentiful drink. Avoid direct contact with ultraviolet light of any origin. The form of release - tablets. Dosage - 1-2 times a day for 500 mg.

Cefazolin. Produced by powder for the preparation of infusions and injections. Methods of administration - only intravenously and intramuscularly. For adults, 3-4 injections per day on, 5-1 g. Therapeutic course - 7-10 days. The child's dose is determined proportionally to the weight of the child - 25-50 mg per 1 kg. Stabbing - 3-4 times a day. If patients have renal dysfunction, dosage adjustment is performed.

Side effects

Antibiotics because of their nature have an extensive list of side effects. From the gastrointestinal tract - is diarrhea, vomiting, dysbiosis, constipation, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, flatulence, dry mouth. From the urogenital organs - itching, impotence, kidney failure, blood in the urine. On the part of the locomotor system - dizziness, arthritis, muscle weakness, numbness of the limbs, paralysis. Skin reactions are hives, itching, allergic reactions.

Antibiotics for bronchitis

Not all specialists are sure that the treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics is necessary. Doctors believe that it is possible to take drugs of this kind in order to get rid of tracheitis or bronchitis only in exceptional cases.

Why rarely use antibiotics?

The most common pathogens of acute bronchitis are viruses, against which antibiotics are ineffective.If you take these drugs yourself, without objective evidence, then they will only do harm instead of good. For example, antibiotics can cause allergies, as well as dysbiosis.

Pathogenic microorganisms are gradually getting used to the antibiotic that a sick person is taking, and stop responding to it. Because of this, doctors, if the patient again needs antibiotic therapy in the future, it will be difficult to find a suitable effective drug.

In the preventive use of antibiotics there is no sense, since they do not affect the process of recovery, but rather inhibit it, causing side effects. Scientists believe that many antibacterial drugs, including such ones known as tetracycline and Penicillin, have a non-core immunosuppressive effect on the human body, in other words, reduce immunity.

In order to correctly select an antibiotic, it is necessary to determine the causative agent of bronchitis, as well as to identify to which medications it is sensitive. For this, sputum is planted, but it takes a long time to perform such an investigation, but it is not always available. Therefore, in most cases, drugs are selected empirically, based on knowledge of which pathogens cause bronchitis in a particular age group.

In what cases is antibiotic therapy indicated?

In some cases, effective treatment of bronchitis without the use of antibiotics is simply impossible. For example, in children less than a year old, bronchitis can occur as an inflammation of the small bronchi. With this form of the disease, sputum is poorly transmitted, which increases the risk of developing pneumonia. Therefore, children, whose age is less than a year, most often in the first days of the disease are treated with antibiotics.

In children older than one year, as well as in adults, for the treatment of acute bronchitis, antibiotics are used when one or more of the following symptoms are present:

  • temperature above 38 degrees, which lasts more than three days;
  • marked intoxication;
  • shortness of breath in the absence of bronchial obstruction (in children aged 0 to 2 months - more than 60 respiratory movements per minute, in children from 3 to 12 months - from 50, and in children from 1 to 3 years - from 40);
  • wheezing breathing or pulling in of compliant places of the chest in the absence of bronchial obstruction;
  • if a laboratory blood test showed leukocytosis (more than 12 thousand. leukocytes in 1 μl), shift of the leukocyte formula to the left and ESR above 20 mm / h.

To treat acute bronchitis, antibiotics are rarely prescribed, only if there are changes hemograms, indicating the presence of inflammation, foci of bacterial infection, or the disease took a long flow. Most often use Azithromycin or any drugs from the group of macrolides.

If the patient suffers from obstructive bronchitis, then antibiotic treatment is given to him in the presence of such accompanying bacterial infections as acute otitis or pneumonia. The patient is prescribed Azithromycin or drugs belonging to the group of macrolides (for example, Rulid). Treatment with antibiotics is also carried out with exacerbation of chronic purulent bronchitis. The course of treatment can last from 7 to 14 days, depending on the severity of the patient's condition.

Modern antibiotics against bronchitis

Usually for treatment of both acute and chronic bronchitis antibacterial drugs of a wide spectrum of action are used. Of course, the action of the drug should be directed directly at the causative agent of the disease, but in order to detect it, sputum culture must be carried out. Bacteria grow on a nutrient medium from 5 days to 2 weeks, so doctors prescribe medicines without waiting for the results of this study.

Quite often penicillins are used, which consist not only of penicillin itself, but also of a special substance that enhances its effect. Since penicillin has long been used by physicians, bacteria have become accustomed to it and have learned to develop special enzymes to fight it. In this case, the substances that make up the drugs come into contact with destructive enzymes, while antibiotics destroy the pathogenic bacteria.

To treat tracheitis and other respiratory infections, amoxicillin-based clavunate preparations, such as Amoxiclav, Augmentin, and Panclav, are best suited. The scheme of taking these medicines is determined by the doctor, depending on the age of the patient and his condition. Usually, these drugs are recommended to take every eight hours for 625 mg. Penicillins often cause allergies, because of which they have to be canceled.

If the patient does not tolerate penicillins, macrolides, for example, Clarithromycin or Erythromycin, may be prescribed. In obstructive bronchitis, cephalosporins are used: levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, cefuroxime, ceftriaxone (administered intravenously or intramuscularly).

Treatment with fluoroquinolones is carried out if the patient has signs of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis:

  • increased shortness of breath;
  • an increase in the amount of sputum and the appearance of pus in it.

Fluoroquinolones should be taken from the first days of exacerbation. The most commonly prescribed moxifloxacin, levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin.

Treatment of bronchitis rarely involves the use of antibiotics, because if the virus became the cause of the disease, it will recede after a week. Timely and adequate therapy with the use of expectorants, inhalations and physiotherapy simply will not allow to join the bacterial infection. Therefore, in order to avoid treatment with antibiotics, it is necessary to consult a qualified doctor when the first symptoms appear.

What to use for bronchitis antibiotics?

With bronchitis, antibiotics should be taken necessarily if the cause of the disease is caused by pathogenic bacteria or viruses.Treatment with antibiotics will be most effective in the acute period of the disease.With chronic sluggish bronchitis, sputum-thinning preparations based on herbs are used.

Antibiotics in chronic form are taken only at the time of exacerbation of the disease, using pills or injections as a chance to recover.

Young people who do not have any history of allergic reactions and diseases associated with disruption in the endocrine system, can take strong antibiotics in chronic bronchitis. A doctor can pick up a new generation drug that will cope with the disease.

Bronchitis, which appeared due to prolonged irritation of the respiratory system by allergens, can not be treated with antibiotics. Such treatment is unjustified, because the mechanisms of the development of allergic bronchitis do not presume the presence of pathogenic bacteria.

When a doctor recommends antibacterial drugs

Decide whether antibiotics are necessary for bronchitis in adults or not, should the therapist. He can assign sputum analysis to identify the pathogen and determine its resistance to various antibacterial drugs. After receiving the result of the analysis, the doctor selects the most effective drug for treatment.

The doctor has the opportunity, assessing the general condition of the patient, appoint him a broad-spectrum antibiotic that can cure the patient without additional tests. At home, if medical advice is not available, antibiotics of broad action are used that can destroy the entire pathological microflora.

It should be remembered that these broad-acting drugs suppress the natural reaction of immunity. They cause the development of dysbacteriosis and Candida albicans, which increases its population against its background. Incorrect use of antibacterial drugs promotes the development of resistance to drugs by microorganisms.

Antibiotics from bronchitis of viral origin should be used if the disease is accompanied by high fever, weakness and dry cough. Such acute forms that developed after the flu severely depress the immune system and can chronic bronchitis if you do not start taking medicines that can effectively destroy pathogens disease.

If the inflammatory process in the bronchi passes in a mild form, then you can treat bronchitis with using home remedies, expectorating infusions, decoctions, using warming rubbing and mustard plaster. Honey compresses also help. In this case, antibiotics are not needed, because the body is able to cope with the disease on its own.

How correctly to take antibiotics in tablets

The following rules should be considered:
  1. That the appointed or nominated preparation has worked, it is necessary to familiarize with its instruction. There are produced potent drugs in tablets that need to be taken through certain intervals, so that the active substance constantly inhibits the pathogens that caused inflammation bronchi. Then they will not have the opportunity to survive and create strains resistant to the active substance used.
  2. Prescribe antibiotics for acute bronchitis of different effects. The very first, long-used drugs are taken three times a day, after 8 hours. Newer ones have a strong effect on the body. They are recommended to be taken 12 hours later. There are powerful antibiotics that require a single dose per day.
  3. It takes from three to fourteen days for all pathogens to die, so you can not cancel the drug immediately after the condition is improved. In difficult cases, you may need to purchase two packages of the drug to bring the treatment to completion.
  4. Do not reduce or increase the dosage at will. Therapeutic doses are calculated by experiment and are described in the instructions attached to the drug. The doses indicated in it should be strictly adhered to.
  5. Usually the effect after taking antibiotics comes on the second day. The third method of tablets contributes to the complete removal of painful symptoms. If the drug continues to be accompanied by a high fever, this means that the medicine is not selected correctly. The causative agent remains resistant to the antibiotic and continues its destructive work. In this case, the drug should be discarded and informed of this by the treating doctor.
  6. Treatment with antibiotics at home after improving to normal should continue for another 2-3 days. This ensures that all pathogenic bacteria completely die.

Co-trimaxosol and preparations based on it

At a bronchitis the antibiotic should get into secretory liquid and to struggle with an infection. For this, pharmacists recommend the use of sulfonamides and trimethoprim. These are two active active substances that combine to achieve a lasting effect. They complement each other's actions.

Another name for this active ingredient is co-trimoxazole. One of the first drugs on its basis - "Biseptol" - a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. It is active against streptococci, staphylococci and other bacteria that cause inflammation in the bronchi.

Drugs based on co-trimoxazole are represented by a large number of drugstores. It can be:

  • Berlocid;
  • Duoseptol;
  • Rankotrim;
  • Sinersul;
  • Trimusol.

These are drugs that have a wide range of action. They are able to suppress various kinds of strains of many pathogenic bacteria. The pathogenic microflora does not have time to develop resistance to this active substance, so the dosage forms effectively fight with the causative agents of bronchitis.

After treatment with preparations made on the basis of co-trimoxazole, chronic forms rarely develop. But these medicines have side effects, which make it necessary to cancel the drug and switch to a new antimicrobial drug.

Patients can detect:

  • skin rashes;
  • fungal eruptions in the oral cavity;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting.

Antibiotics of the new generation based on co-trimaxosol are Lidaprim, Septrin and Sumetrolim.

Lidaprim with the active substance sulafametrol and trimethoprim. This drug has significant antibacterial efficacy. He is able to actively influence most pathogens. He has the ability to penetrate into the secretion secreted by the bronchi and accumulate in it, destroying the pathogenic microflora.

This drug has a minimal amount of side effects. Therefore, he is assigned to babies, starting from a month and a half, and to the elderly.

Septrin is often used to treat bronchitis. It has a high degree of effectiveness and a minimum number of side effects. Take the drug after 12 hours.

Sumetrolim is used to treat complex cases of bronchitis. This is a very strong drug with a serious impact on the pathogenic microflora. It is quickly absorbed into the blood and spreads through it to all organs of the human body. With prolonged use leads to changes in blood characteristics. The drug can cause renal and hepatic insufficiency. Suitable for physically strong people.

Penicillin and medications containing it

Antibiotics of the penicillin series belong to semisynthetic drugs, which have a wide spectrum of action. This group of drugs that are active against most of the gram-positive and some gram-negative pathogens of infectious diseases. In tablets, pharmacists offer acid-fast drugs, such as ampicillin and amoxicillin.

They are active in staphylococcal infection, which is often the cause of acute bronchitis. Amoxicillin is a more common drug used in home treatment. He quickly begins to act and is well tolerated by both children and adults. May cause allergic rashes and cause dysbacteriosis. In the pharmacy you can find many drugs made based on amoxicillin. It's Amotide, Augmentin or Amoxiclav.

Contraindication to the use of these drugs is penicillin intolerance. When administered intramuscularly, they can cause an attack of cholelithiasis, vomiting and diarrhea. Then the drug is canceled.

Cephalosporins and macrolides in the treatment of bronchitis

For the treatment of bronchitis, you can choose a drug that starts with "cephalic". Pharmacists produced a huge group of antibiotics, represented by five generations of drugs with powerful characteristics. These antibiotics for obstructive bronchitis help to quickly cope with the inflammatory process. Together with them, you should definitely take medication-thinning medications that help clear bronchial lumens.

In a hospital setting, drugs of this group are injected with injections. At home, you can take tablets with the active substance cefotaksim. It can be Cefabol, Cefazolinum, Cefipim.

They are capable of destroying pathogens of both acute and chronic bronchitis without their clarification in the laboratory. These are very powerful medicines. After taking them, you should always take drugs that restore the intestinal microflora.

Macrolides are the safest group of antimicrobial agents. Despite their toxicity, they are easily tolerated by patients. Erythromycin - a macrolide, used to treat infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

It is recommended to drink to patients who do not tolerate other types of antibiotics, especially the penicillin group, or are weakened by chronic diseases. The use of powerful antibiotics for them will be disastrous, and macrolides will help people suffering from bronchitis cope with the disease.


Bronchitis and antibiotics are compatible concepts. Use antimicrobial drugs to treat this disease is necessary, but before the treatment should be clarified by the doctor's diagnosis and a drug that will help cure the disease to the end.

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