Tablets from sore throats - use

The appearance of uncomfortable and unpleasant symptoms in the throat almost always indicates colds related to hypothermia, the activity of a viral or bacterial infection. However, this does not always happen. In some cases, the pain syndrome can be associated with more serious pathologies, for example, thyroid disease, tumor development and some other body problems. In order to begin treatment, it is very important to diagnose the disease. Only in this case, the use of medicines will be effective and effective.

  • Types of drugs for sore throat
  • Overview of effective tools
  • Strepsils
  • Neo-Angin
  • Sebidine
  • Streptocide
  • Grammidine
  • Pharyngosept
  • Decatilene
  • Falimint
  • Effective drugs for children
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With colds, a specialist can prescribe pills for pain in the throat, which have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties. The use of such medicines allows not only to eliminate discomfort and pain, but also to cope with pathogens, which result in the activity of most unpleasant symptoms.

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Types of drugs for sore throat

To date, there are many tools that help cope with various infections and pain in the oral cavity. In medical practice, such drugs are usually divided into the following groups:

  1. Antiseptics. Used to eliminate infection on the human mucous membranes. Tablets with antiseptic are very effective in diseases of viral origin. They perfectly cope with the problem, softening the mucous membrane and eliminating the majority of pathogens.
  2. Antibiotics. They are used to eliminate the inflammatory process, provoked by many colds. They are prescribed strictly by a specialist, since they have a number of contraindications and can inflict not only good benefits on the body, but also significant harm.
  3. Immunomodulators. They are excellent tools for increasing both local and general immunity. The use of immunomodulators helps to increase the body's resistance to most types of infections.
  4. Antiallergic medicines. Most often used to avoid the laryngeal edema when a mucous infection is affected.
  5. Combined funds. They have several properties. It can be antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs. They are composed of several active substances that allow for complex action.

Important!If you have pain in your throat, you should see a doctor. Doing self-medication is extremely dangerous for your health.

Overview of effective tools

Often patients, faced with various diseases of a viral and catarrhal nature, are looking for inexpensive but effective medications. To date, pharmaceutical companies offer a very wide range of drugs for every taste. This is a variety of tablets for resorption and ingestion. So, further in the article we will consider the drugs that are the most popular for today.


It is a sucking tablet with a pronounced antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. The drug is indicated for various diseases of the throat to reduce pain and perspiration. Prescribe medication to adults and children older than 5 years. The tablet should be kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved. Take the drug every 3-4 hours. The daily dose is not more than 8 pieces.

Among the contraindications are the following:

  • age younger than 5 years;
  • ulcerous exacerbations;
  • presence of allergy to the components of the medicine;
  • Asthma, triggered by the administration of certain medications.

It is possible to treat with this drug during pregnancy, but only with the permission of the treating doctor.


Dilute tablets from sore throat, which are available in several forms. Dragee can be with sugar, without sugar, and also with a taste of cherries. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic properties. Indications for use are diseases such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, stomatitis and many others. They are used for treatment of adults and children over 6 years.


Effective tablets, which are available in a package of 20 pieces and have a pleasant taste. The active substance is ascorbic acid and chlorhexidine. The agent is used for various diseases of the throat and gums.

To get rid of pain and infection, adults and children over 6 years of age are recommended to dissolve 5-6 tablets a day at regular intervals. After resorption, one should not eat or drink for 20-30 minutes.


Streptocide in tablets is also often used to relieve pain, perspiration, swelling and redness in many diseases of the mucosa. This medicine has antibacterial, antiseptic, disinfecting action. The remedy is shown for such problems as, angina, stomatitis, laryngitis, periodontitis. The dose of the drug is determined depending on the age of the patient.

Important!Streptocide is a cheap pill, but their effect is little inferior to many expensive foreign drugs.


Effective pills for sore throats for children and adults - grammidine. This is a popular anti-inflammatory drug with an antibiotic in its composition. The drug is able to cope with most pathogens. These are wonderful painkillers. The agent is indicated in the following diseases:

  • stomatitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • parodontosis;
  • laryngitis;
  • gingivitis.

Contraindications are personal intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as a drug for pregnant women and children under 5 is not recommended.


The medicine in the form of pills from the throat of pharyngosept is used to treat and prevent various ailments of the oral cavity. In medical practice, the drug is used to treat stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis and other diseases. In ducks it is recommended to take no more than 5 dragees at regular intervals.

Contraindications read pregnancy, children under 3 years old, as well as individual intolerance of the components of the medication.


This drug is classified as an excellent antimicrobial anti-inflammatory drug. Applied pills for various infectious lesions of the nasopharynx, with pharyngitis, laryngitis, angina. In addition, often the drug is prescribed as a prophylaxis after surgical interventions in the oral cavity, including after removal of the teeth.

Decatalin has contraindications in the form of allergies to its components, it is also prohibited treatment with this drug in diabetes mellitus.

Important!With extreme caution should be used during pregnancy and lactation. The use of tablets is allowed only on the prescription of the attending physician.


A very effective drug in the form of tablets for resorption is falimint. The drug is available in the form of plates of 20 tablets. Indications for taking medication can be a variety of infections of the throat and respiratory tract. Also, the medication is often prescribed in the form of prevention of infection after dental operations and other interventions in the nasopharynx.

Contraindications include:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 5 years;
  • diabetes.

The dose of medicine for each patient is determined by the doctor. Children from 5 to 12 years are recommended to take 3 tablets a day in an equal amount of time, adults are shown taking the drug every 2-3 hours, but not more than 10 pieces per day.

Important!Despite the fact that most drugs are dispensed without a prescription, it is highly recommended that they be consulted before taking them.

Effective drugs for children

Further in the article we will consider the means allowed for the treatment of children. So, the best tablets for small patients can be:

  1. Septhotte.
  2. Strepsils.
  3. Carmolis.
  4. Lizak.
  5. Tantum Verde.

The peculiarity of these medicines is their safety and mainly the vegetative composition. The drugs practically do not cause complications and side effects, they have a pleasant taste and are excellent for treating small patients.

To date, there are a huge number of drugs that can cope with such unpleasant symptoms in the oral cavity, like pain, swelling, swelling, inflammation, itching. Proper use of medicines and compliance with all precautionary rules will help you cope with the disease and maintain your health.