Astigmatism: methods of correction and treatment at home

Astigmatism is one of the most common eye diseases. With this vision impairment, the refractive power of the eye changes and distortion of the back focus appears. If you do not correct eye astigmatism, it can lead to a sharp drop in vision and strabismus. Often astigmatism is combined with myopia or farsightedness.How to fix this violation?


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Correction methods
      • 5.1.1Glasses
      • 5.1.2Contact vision correction
      • 5.1.3Laser correction
    • 5.2Surgical intervention
    • 5.3Treatment with folk remedies
    • 5.4Therapeutic gymnastics for the eyes
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Astigmatism (in translation from the Latin. - the absence of a focal point) is an eye disease that is characterized by a change in the shape of the cornea and focus, which leads to a violation of visual acuity.With astigmatism, the angle of refraction of rays is violated, as a result of which a person sees the outlines of objects less clear, blurred.

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To get an idea of ​​astigmatism, it is enough to look at your distorted reflection in an oval teaspoon. The same distorted image is formed with this violation on the retina of the eye.

Distinguish between corneal and lens astigmatism.The effect of the first option on vision is greater than the second, since the cornea has a greater refractive power.

Ophthalmologists distinguish 3 degrees of astigmatism:

  • Weak degree - up to 3 D;
  • Average - from 3 to 6 D;
  • Astigmatism of a high degree is higher than 6 D.

By the nature of the occurrence, astigmatism is classified into congenital and acquired.


Congenital astigmatism (up to 0.5 D) occurs in most children and refers to the "functional that is, it does not affect the visual acuity and the development of its binocularity.However, if the degree of astigmatism exceeds 1 D or more, it significantly reduces vision and requires treatment in the form of spectacle correction.

The causes of acquired astigmatism are cicatricial changes in the cornea that could result from trauma, eye surgery, keratoconus, keratitis, and corneal opacity.


Symptoms of astigmatism are not specific.

In the early stages, the disorder can be manifested by a small defocus of the eye and is often confused with eye fatigue. Symptoms that should cause alertness:

  • Loss of clear vision;
  • Unevenness and deformation of visible objects;
  • Burning;
  • Pain and redness in the eyes;
  • Dividing the image with prolonged visual work;
  • Frequent headaches, which have a pulsating character.

Astigmatism often first makes itself known at the beginning of learning activity. The child confuses similar letters, changes them in places when reading, complains of the feeling of "sand" in the eyes, looks at objects, turning or tilting his head, screwing up his eyes. To such manifestations the child should be taken seriously. The ophthalmologist will help to identify the causes of the problems. It is possible that this is astigmatism.

Possible complications

Complications of astigmatism can be associated with the disease itself, as well as with the treatment. The disease can be complicated:

  • Amblyopia;
  • Strabismus;
  • Relapse after surgery.
Types of strabismus


The method of correction and the method of treatment of astigmatism is determined by its type and degree. For example, correct astigmatism is easily amenable to correction with the help of special contact lenses or glasses, while incorrect astigmatism often requires surgical intervention.

Correction methods

Without correction, astigmatism will progress and cause serious complications.There are several methods for correcting this violation, which are presented below.


This method of correction is the most common. With astigmatism, glasses are selected individually with a combination of spherical and cylindrical lenses.

With a high degree of astigmatism, wearing glasses can cause dizziness, visual discomfort. In this case, the use of contact lenses is recommended.

Contact vision correction

Contact optics - a more modern way to combat astigmatism.Special patients with toric lenses have been developed for patients with this disorder. They are very convenient to use, because they form a single optical system with the eye and do not cause distortion.

Both glasses and lenses can only correct vision defects, but they do not relieve astigmatism.

Laser correction

The laser technique of LASIK is indicated for astigmatism up to ± 3-4 D. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. The essence of it is that the surgeon first separates the upper thin layer of the cornea, and then pointwise evaporates the laser part of the cornea to a clearly verified depth.After completion of all manipulations, the separated layer of the cornea is returned to its place.

The LASIK methodology

The LASIK technique does not require suturing, as the epithelium in the damaged area is restored independently. Already after 1-2 hours after the end of the procedure, the patient notes an improvement in the quality of vision, and within a week there is complete rehabilitation.

Surgical intervention

If the correction of astigmatism by optical means is not possible, the operation - keratotomy - can be indicated. In the process of interfering with the scalpel, several radial incisions (like spokes in a wheel) are applied with the scalpel, which should weaken the strong meridian around the periphery.

Treatment with folk remedies

Astigmatism treatment is a complex of procedures, which necessarily includes the methods of traditional medicine, and as an additional - folk remedies.Even experienced specialists advise to use these or other folk recipes, which positively affect the state of the eyes.

First of all, you should reconsider your habitual diet. For the health of the eyes, fresh vegetables and herbs are useful: dill, parsley, spinach, celery, garlic, cucumbers, beets, carrots. It is recommended to regularly use them in the form of salads, seasoning with vegetable oil or sour cream, which promotes better assimilation of vitamin A.

It is also recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice or a mixture of several juices every day (but not more than 2 cups of drink, as overdosing often leads to allergic reactions).

Very useful for the eyes of blueberries, which can be used in almost any form: dried, fresh, canned, frozen, in the form of jam, etc.The maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients is found in fresh blueberries. But for the treatment of astigmatism and other visual impairments, blueberry leaves are also used to make infusion.For example, you can drink a glass of freshly prepared infusions daily (1 tbsp. a spoonful of leaves - a glass of boiling water) to preserve and restore eye health.

As an additional treatment for astigmatism, a glandular plant is used. To do this, take 50 g of dry grass, pour a liter of boiling water and press for 3-4 hours. Filtered infusion should take 1 glass three times a day.

Therapeutic gymnastics for the eyes

Gymnastics for the eyes relieves stress, activates the eye muscles and improves vision. At an early stage of astigmatism, the positive effect will not take long. With a long work at the computer and reading it is necessary to perform systematic simple exercises:

  1. Sit up straight, alternately fix the view to the right, left, top and bottom;
  2. Alternate the position of the eyes on the tip of the nose and the removed object;
  3. Massage your fingers with closed eyes, then blink intensively.

To get positive dynamics, perform gymnastics for the eyes every 2 hours. Also, this procedure can be used as a prevention of eye disease and visual impairment.


Prevention of astigmatism, as well as other visual impairments, is in a careful attitude to the health of their eyes and timely detection of primary symptoms of the disease.To keep the vision sharp and clear, it is important to rationally distribute the load, alternate with special gymnastics. Exercises for the eyes will help relieve tension and fatigue.

Do not allow injury to the cornea and promptly treat inflammatory eye diseases.

To detect congenital astigmatism, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations with an ophthalmologist.If the child is diagnosed with such a disease, he must necessarily be registered with the oculist.

To prevent secondary complications of astigmatism, it is necessary to make timely optical correction.


Amblyopia of high degree

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Astigmatism is a disease that can lead to serious consequences. Modern ophthalmology offers several ways to correct astigmatism. Which one to choose is decided only by an oculist. Home remedies can only complement the methods of traditional medicine; They are also used as a prophylaxis for the development of eye diseases.

Read also about what is strabismus and spasm of accommodation.