Balanitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Balanitis - is an inflammation of the glans penis, or rather of its skin. Balanitis is rarely found on its own. It is often possible to observe the inflammation of the skin of the glans penis together with the foreskin. Then apply the term-diagnosis: balanoposthitis .


Causes and symptoms

From the cause of the disease, balanitis is divided into infectious and non-infectiousny .The first develops against the backdrop of an inflammatory process caused by an agent - an infectious agent. Most often, it is herpes, gonorrhea, candidiasis, trichomoniasis or syphilis. Noninfectious

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balanoposthitis develops on the background of psoriasis, diabetes mellitus or other metabolic pathologies.

By itself balanitis can not develop. He needs predisposing factors. For example, a violation of personal hygiene of the genitals. The cause of balanitis may be a violation of the overall immune status of the body. For example, immunodeficiency states with infection are often the cause of balanitis. The head of the penis( penis) can become inflamed when allergic conditions occur. Even moisturizing lubricants during sexual intercourse or in condoms can cause allergies.

Symptoms of balanitis differ depending on the stage of the disease and its pathogen. At the initial stage - the stage of simple or catarrhal balanitis, you can observe redness, maceration( wetting) of the skin of the penis and its swelling. If the medical measures are not taken, then the scalp will cover with small erosions, which then merge with each other. If the process is not stopped, a secondary bacterial infection will join the erosions, and this will cause a purulent inflammation of the glans penis. In addition to visual symptoms, the patient is worried about minor pain, burning and itching.

The subsequent stage of balanitis is erosive, deep ulcers are formed, filled with white fibrin. Often at this stage, there is an increase and inflammation of the peripheral lymph nodes in the transition of the inguinal region to the thigh. This increase in lymph nodes indicates the onset of the spread of infection through the blood and lymphatic system.

In cases of non-medical treatment, balanitis passes into a generalized form. Against the background of a general increase in body temperature, the patient experiences malaise and weakness. At this time in the intimate area develops gangrenous balanitis. The penis is covered with necrotic deep ulcers, the areas of the dead skin of the penis are separated. If you do not start emergency treatment, then amputation of the penis may be the only solution to the problem.

If you notice a reddening of the glans penis, immediately run to the urologist. Timely treatment will stop the pathological process at an easy stage.

Treatment of balanitis: general recommendations of

Treatment and its diagnosis of balanitis, depend on its stage. At the initial stage, when there are no serious symptoms, appoint warm baths with antiseptics. The skin of the penis is tender, it is better to use antiseptics based on natural substances, for example chlorophyllite, it can be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription.


It is more difficult to treat balanitis in a purulent stage. Antibiotic therapy is necessary. Antibacterial drugs are determined based on the results of laboratory tests. If there is no possibility and time to identify the causative agent of balanitis, then antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed: cephalosporins - ceftriaxone or cefotaxime 1.0 grams 2 or even 3 times a day( usually in uncomplicated cases prescribed once a day).As a rule, such medicines can be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription, but get acquainted with the instructions for their use.

To prevent the inflammation from spreading beyond the margin of the glans penis, a special silicone ring is sometimes applied, which is worn on the penis at the edge of the head. It prevents the spread of the inflammatory process to the body of the penis and keeps the head open, which helps the rapid healing of the effects of inflammation.

In the advanced stages of purulent process, when it is not possible to get rid of the damaged areas, operative methods of surgical treatment are used.

Medical procedures

Flushing of the prepuce bag with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, rivanol solution( 1: 2000) or potassium permanganate( 1: 7000);warm baths with subsequent powdering.

Effective lubrication of the glans penis and inner surface of the foreskin with 1-2% solution of silver nitrate, followed by the leaving of gauze strips moistened with the same solution between the head and the foreskin.

Can also be lubricated with Dermatol or Xerophore.

In case of a rapid course of the disease, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and lymphadenitis, treatment with antibiotics is indicated.

Features of nutrition and lifestyle

In the diet is not necessary. But the way of life is a matter of personal hygiene of the external genital organs. Ordinary soul for every day and frequent change of underwear is enough.

Treatment of balanitis in folk ways at home

Most of the lotions used in folk medicine have antiseptic properties. In the complicated process of balanitis for treatment, antibiotics are needed, then the folk remedies should be postponed and used as auxiliary procedures.

Odo from Mena writes:

Fennel."The root, boiled in wine, forms a poultice, which a member heals a male that suffers, and this poultice acts in the same way, with the means of olive oil spread".

Sage."The uterus heals the itching, and also the male member, if you warm them with wine, in which sage boiled."

Dill."Ashes of the roots are said to be sharper, they flesh fleshy, growing in the wound, creeping creeping ulcers and dirty wounds heals;He mostly heals ulcers in a male member, as they say, if ashes are often poured on them. "

Complications of

In addition to suppurative complications, infringement of the prepuce( phimosis) can occur. He is treated, operatively cutting out the foreskin of the skin. When the gangrenous stage of balanitis is performed with complete amputation of the penis, removing the tube for urination.

Prevention of

If you follow the recommendations, you can avoid this disease. On the first place - observance of rules of personal hygiene. It is recommended to take a bath or a shower at least once a day, more often to change underwear.

Next, it is necessary to treat chronic diseases and sanation of primary foci of infection in the body. There is no direct connection between diabetes mellitus and balanitis.

If you have the first symptoms of balanitis, you need to take a bath, smear the skin of the glans penis cream on a vaseline basis and change the underwear.

Following the recommendations of the urologist Plotnikova A.N.

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