OSH: order, position - sample 2017 at the enterprise and in the organization

OSH - abbreviated abbreviation of such a notion in the field of labor protection, as " occupational safety management system ".

Its development and implementation at the enterprise, in the organization, establishment of any types and forms of ownership is mandatory in 2017 in connection with article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Model Provision on the Occupational Safety Management System approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of August 192016 No. 438n and other normative acts in the field of labor protection.


What is OSH?

The new OSH management system( hereinafter referred to as OSH) is part of a general management system that provides risk management in the field of health and safety related to the activities of an enterprise or organization.

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In any enterprise, the Regulation on OSH determines the order and structure of management of labor protection, serves as a legal and organizational and methodological basis for the formation of management structures, regulatory documents. The object of management is labor protection, as a system for preserving the life and health of employees in the process of labor activity, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic, therapeutic and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

This Regulation applies to the entire territory of the organization, in all its buildings and facilities. The requirements of the provisions of the OSH are mandatory in the implementation and compliance for all employees of the organization.

Here you can download a sample sample-an example of a new Provision on OSH and an order for its approval and alter it for the needs of your enterprise.

Order to approve the Regulations on OSH in the enterprise: sample 2017

State state( budgetary, autonomous) institution( organization, enterprise) of social service "Name Center for Social Services of Population"


January 19, 2017, Art. Name No. ___

On approval of the Regulation on the Occupational Safety Management System in the State Institution of Emergency Situations of the SB "Name of the SSN"

Guided by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2016 No. 438n "On Approval of the Model Regulations on the Occupational Safety Management System", fourth paragraphitem 3.3.Charter of the Institution( the latter may not be indicated),


  1. Approve the Regulation on the OSH management system in the SC "SDS Name"( attached).
  2. Surname IO, Deputy Director and Surname IO, Engineer for Technical Maintenance of Housing Fund, familiarize with this position of the employees of the Institution.
  3. This Order shall enter into force on January 19, 2017.
  4. I control the execution of this order.
Director IO Surname

Order received:

Download ready-made new SOHOT order sample in 2017

Regulations on OSH in the organization: sample 2017

Appendix to the order of the Director of the State Institution of Civil Aviation named after the "SSNS", dated January 19, 2017.No. 20.

Regulation on the Occupational Safety Management System in the Civil Code of the Republic of Soyuz "Name of the SSSON"

  1. General Provisions

1.1.This Regulation was developed in accordance with Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Model Provision on the Occupational Safety Management System approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2016 No. 438n and other normative acts in the field of labor protection.

Occupational safety and health management system( hereinafter referred to as OSH) is a part of the general management system that provides risk management in the field of health and safety related to the activities of the State Unitary Enterprise "The name of the Center"( hereinafter referred to as "Enterprise, Organization, Institution -select).

This Regulation determines the order and structure of OSH management at the Enterprise, serves as a legal and organizational and methodological basis for the formation of management structures, regulatory documents. The object of management is labor protection, as a system for preserving the life and health of employees in the process of labor activity, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic, therapeutic and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

1.2.The Regulations shall apply throughout the territory of the Organization, in all buildings and facilities of the Enterprise.

1.3.The requirements of the Regulations are mandatory for all employees of the Institution.

  1. Policy of the Company in the field of labor protection

2.1.The Company's Occupational Safety and Health Policy( hereinafter the Occupational Safety and Health Policy) is a public documented declaration of the Organization's intention and guaranteed performance of its duties to comply with state regulatory requirements for labor protection and voluntarily assumed obligations.

2.2.The OSH policy provides:

a) the priority of preserving the life and health of workers in the course of their work;B) the compliance of working conditions at workplaces with the requirements of labor protection;C) implementation of consistent and continuous measures( measures) to prevent accidents and incidents of deterioration in the health of workers, occupational injuries and occupational diseases, including through the management of occupational hazards;

d) consideration of individual characteristics of employees, including through the design of workplaces, the selection of equipment, tools, raw materials and materials, individual and collective protection equipment, construction of production and technological processes;E) continuous improvement and improvement of OSH effectiveness;

e) mandatory involvement of employees in the management of labor protection and the provision of working conditions that meet the requirements of labor protection, through the necessary resources and encouragement of such participation;G) personal interest in ensuring, to the extent possible, safe working conditions;H) performance of other duties in the field of labor protection based on the specifics of the activities of the Organization.

  1. Objectives of the Company in the field of occupational safety and health

3.1.The main objectives of OSH management in the Institution:

- implementation of the main lines of the organization's policy in the field of occupational safety and development of proposals for its improvement;

- development and implementation of programs to improve labor conditions and safety;

- creation of conditions ensuring the observance of labor protection legislation, including ensuring the safety of operation of the building and premises used in the labor process, equipment, devices and technical means of the labor process;

- formation of safe working conditions;

- control over observance of labor protection requirements;

- training and testing of knowledge on labor protection, including the creation and improvement of a continuous system of education in the field of labor protection;

- prevention of accidents with persons working in the Establishment;

- protection and strengthening of the health of personnel, persons performing labor activity in the Institution, organization of their treatment and preventive maintenance, creation of the optimal combination of working regimes, production process, organized rest.

  1. Distribution of duties in the field of labor protection among officials of the

4.1.Organizationally, the OSH management system in the Institution is two-level.

Management of labor protection at the first level in accordance with the existing powers is exercised by the Director of the Enterprise. Management of occupational safety and health at the second level in accordance with the existing authority is carried out by the occupational safety specialist.

4.2.The organization of work on labor protection in the Organization is determined by the Rules of the internal labor regulations, job descriptions and in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.

4.3.Director of the Enterprise in accordance with the procedure established by law:

- carries out general management of labor protection in the Organization;

- ensures observance of the current labor legislation, implementation of decisions and orders of higher authorities, regulatory( legal) documents on labor protection issues, regulations of state supervision and control bodies;

- organizes work on creating and providing working conditions in accordance with the current labor legislation, interbranch and departmental regulatory documents, local acts on labor protection of the Institution;

- provides safe operation of the building and premises, engineering and technical communications, equipment and takes measures to bring them in line with the current standards, rules and regulations on labor protection;

- timely organizes inspections and repairs of the building( premises) Institutions;

- approves the official duties for ensuring labor protection and instructions for labor protection for the employees of the Institution;

- provides development and implementation of action plans for labor protection, targeted programs for labor protection;

- takes measures to implement the proposals of the team aimed at further improvement and improvement of working conditions;

- issues for discussion of meetings and meetings of the labor collective the organization of work on labor protection;

- reports at the meetings of the labor collective about the state of labor protection, the implementation of measures to improve working conditions, as well as the measures taken to eliminate the identified shortcomings;

- provides funding for labor protection measures and monitors the effectiveness of their use, organizes the provision of employees with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the current model standards and instructions, as well as persons undergoing industrial practice;

- encourages employees of the Institution for active work to create and ensure healthy and safe working conditions;

- carries out bringing to disciplinary responsibility of persons guilty of violating labor legislation, rules and regulations on labor protection;

- conducts preventive work to prevent injuries and reduce the incidence of workers, persons undergoing industrial practice;

- controls the timely conduct of staff health check-ups;

- ensures the implementation of directive and regulatory documents on labor protection, regulations of government, state supervision and technical inspection of labor;

- reports a group, severe accident and fatal case to the state labor inspection, social insurance fund, prosecutor's office, district administration, Rostekhnadzor and other state and municipal authorities;

- takes all possible measures to eliminate the causes of the accident, provides the necessary conditions for a timely and objective investigation in accordance with the provisions in force;

- supervises the implementation of the annual agreements on labor protection;

- approves instructions on labor protection for employees, persons undergoing industrial practice.

4.4.Labor protection service.

The occupational safety service is created to organize the work on labor protection by the director of the enterprise.

The functions of the labor protection service in the Organization are entrusted to the occupational safety specialist who reports directly to the Director of the Enterprise.
The occupational safety specialist in his activity is guided by laws and other regulatory legal acts on protection, agreements( sectoral), agreement on labor protection, other local regulatory legal acts of the Institution.

The main tasks of the occupational safety specialist are:

- organization of work to ensure that employees comply with labor protection requirements;

- control over observance by employees of laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, labor protection agreements, other local normative legal acts Institutions;

- the organization of preventive work to prevent occupational injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors, as well as work to improve working conditions;

- equipping the Institution with the necessary manuals on labor protection, training facilities, etc.;

- development of new and revision of obsolete labor protection instructions;

- control in prescribed cases of conducting preliminary( when entering work) and periodic medical examinations of employees;

- control over the issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other necessary personal protective equipment to employees;

- control over the timely provision of workers with flushing agents in accordance with established standards;

- control over the timely conduct of a special assessment of working conditions, certification of the sanitary and technical condition of working conditions, development and implementation of measures to bring conditions and labor protection according to their results in accordance with regulatory requirements;

- the study and dissemination of best practices in occupational safety, the promotion of occupational safety and health.

To perform the tasks assigned to the occupational safety specialist, the following functions are assigned:

- accounting and analysis of the condition and causes of occupational injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors;

- assisting units in assessing the trauma safety of equipment and devices;

- organization, methodical guidance of a special assessment of working conditions, certification of work on labor protection and control over their conduct;

- carrying out inspections, inspections of the technical condition of the building and premises, personal protective equipment for workers, the condition of sanitary facilities, the operation of ventilation systems to meet labor protection requirements;

- development of programs to improve labor conditions and safety, prevent occupational injuries, occupational diseases, diseases caused by production factors;providing organizational and methodological assistance in the implementation of planned activities;

- participation in drawing up sections of the collective agreement concerning conditions and labor protection;

- assistance to the director of the Company in compiling lists of posts, according to which employees must undergo mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations;

- participation in the work of the commission for the investigation of accidents;

- registration and storage of documents related to labor protection requirements, in accordance with the established deadlines;

- participation in the preparation of documents for the assignment of insurance benefits in connection with accidents at work or occupational diseases;

- compilation of reporting on protection and working conditions according to the forms established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia;

- development of training programs on labor protection of employees of the Organization;

- conducting an introductory briefing on labor protection with all persons entering the work, seconded, passing production practice;

- control over the provision and proper use of personal and collective protection equipment;

- organization of timely training on labor protection for employees of the Company, including its director, and participation in the work of commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;

- provision of officials, structural subdivisions of the Organization with local normative legal acts of the Institution, visual aids and training materials on labor protection;

- organization of meetings on labor protection;

- bringing to the attention of employees of existing laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement, the agreement on labor protection in the Organization;

- control over the implementation of activities stipulated by the programs, plans for improving labor conditions and safety, labor protection agreement, as well as taking measures to eliminate the causes of the accident at work, compliance with the requirements of state supervision bodies and control over observance of labor protection requirements, other measures to create safe working conditions;

- control over the timely carrying out by the relevant specialists of the necessary tests and technical inspections of equipment, machines and mechanisms;

- control over the organization of storage, the issuance of special clothes, special footwear and other means of individual and collective protection;

- control over the proper use of funds allocated for the implementation of measures to improve labor conditions and safety;

- control over the employment of women and persons under the age of 18 in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

- consideration of letters, applications, complaints of employees concerning issues of conditions and labor protection, preparation of proposals to the Director of the Organization to eliminate identified shortcomings.

Occupational Safety Specialist:

- organizes an introductory briefing on occupational safety with newly recruited persons, briefing at the workplace with employees of the Company;

- plans in due course periodic training of employees of the Institution on the issues of labor protection in short courses and seminars;

- provides the workload for those who take into account their psychophysical capabilities, organizes optimal working and rest modes;

- prohibits work if there are hazardous conditions for the health of persons engaged in work;

- bears personal responsibility for providing healthy and safe working conditions in the Institution.

  1. Procedures aimed at achieving the Company's objectives in the field of occupational safety and health

5.1.With the purpose of organizing the procedure for the training of labor protection officers, the Director of the Organization, by his order, establishes:

a) requirements for the necessary professional competence for the protection of workers' labor, its verification, maintenance and development;B) list of occupations( positions) of workers who are trained in labor protection, indicating its duration for each profession( position);D) the list of occupations( positions) of workers who are trained in labor protection by the employer;E) the list of occupations( positions) of workers who are exempt from the initial instruction in the workplace;

e) employees responsible for conducting a briefing on labor protection in the workplace in structural units, for conducting an internship on labor protection;G) questions included in the training program on labor protection;K) the organization of training in the provision of first aid to victims of accidents and accidents at work;M) the procedure for organizing and holding a briefing on OSH;N) the procedure for organizing and conducting occupational safety measures;

( o) Organizational procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions in the workplace in terms of the activities of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions.

5.2.When considering various production hazards, the Director of the Company establishes the procedure for analyzing, evaluating and ordering all identified hazards, based on the priority of the need to exclude or reduce the level of professional risk created by them and taking into account not only the regular conditions of their activities, but also cases of deviations in work, includingrelated to possible accidents.

5.3.In order to organize the procedure for informing employees about the working conditions at their workplaces, occupational risk levels, as well as the guarantees that they provide, reimbursable payments, the Director of the Organization determines( determines) the forms of such information and the procedure for their implementation by his order.

Such information can be provided in the form:

a) inclusion of relevant provisions in the employee's employment contract;B) acquaint the employee with the results of a special assessment of working conditions at his workplace;

c) posting consolidated data on the results of a special assessment of working conditions in the workplace;D) holding meetings, round tables, seminars, conferences, stakeholder meetings, negotiations;

e) production and distribution of newsletters, posters, other printed matter, video and audio materials;

e) use of information resources in the information and telecommunication network "Internet";G) placing relevant information in public places.

  1. Planning of arrangements for organization of procedures

6.1.For the purpose of planning activities for the implementation of procedures, the Director of the Company, in accordance with the specifics of the Enterprise, establishes the procedure for preparing, reviewing and updating the plan of measures for the implementation of procedures( hereinafter - the Plan).

6.2.The Plan reflects:

a) the results of an analysis of labor conditions and occupational safety performed by a labor protection specialist;B) a general list of activities carried out during the implementation of procedures;C) Expected result for each event conducted during the implementation of procedures;D) the implementation time for each measure carried out during the implementation of the procedures;E) responsible persons for the implementation of activities carried out during the implementation of procedures, at each level of management;

e) a source of funding for activities carried out during the implementation of procedures.

  1. Controlling the functioning of OSH and monitoring the implementation of

procedures 7.1.In order to control the functioning of the OSH and monitor the implementation of procedures, the Director of the Institution determines( determines) the procedure for implementing the measures ensuring:

a) an assessment of the compliance of the condition of conditions and labor protection with labor protection requirements, labor protection agreement;B) obtaining information to determine the effectiveness and effectiveness of procedures;

c) obtaining data that form the basis for making decisions to improve OSH.

  1. Planning of improvement of

OS 8.1.With a view to planning the improvement of the operation of the OSH, the director of the enterprise annually approves, on the basis of the proposals of a specialist in the field of occupational safety and taking into account the results of supervisory and supervisory activities of the state authorities, the plan of improving the functioning of the OSH.

  1. Responding to accidents, accidents and occupational diseases

9.1.In order to ensure and maintain safe working conditions, prevent incidents of occupational injuries and occupational diseases, the Director of the Organization establishes the procedure for identifying potential accidents, the procedure for actions in case of their occurrence.

9.2.When establishing the order of actions in the event of an accident, the employer takes into account existing and developed plans for responding to accidents and eliminating their consequences, as well as the need to guarantee in the event of an accident:

a) protection of people in the work area in the event of an accident through the use of an internal communication and coordination systemactions to eliminate the consequences of the accident;

b) the possibility of workers to stop work and / or immediately leave the workplace and go to a safe place;C) non-renewal of work in the event of an accident;D) provision of information on the accident to the relevant competent authorities, services and units for the liquidation of emergency and emergency situations, reliable communication of the employer with them;E) first aid to victims of accidents and accidents at the workplace and, if necessary, calling for emergency medical care, carrying out fire prevention measures and evacuating all people in the work area;

f) training of employees for the implementation of measures for the prevention of accidents, preparedness for and response to them, including regular training in conditions close to real accidents.

9.3.With a view to timely identifying and understanding the causes of accidents, accidents and occupational diseases, the Director of the Company establishes the procedure for investigating accidents, accidents and occupational diseases, as well as the registration of accounting documents.

  1. Document management ASO

10.1.With a view to organizing the management of OSH documents, the Director of the Organization determines( determines) the forms and recommendations for the preparation of local regulations and other documents containing the structure of the system, duties and responsibilities in the field of labor protection for each structural unit of the employer and the specific contractor, the processes of ensuring labor protection and control, necessary links between the structural divisions of the employer, ensuring the operation of the OSH.

10.2.As a special type of OSH documents that are not subject to revision, updating, updating and modification, the control records of the OSH( records) are defined, including:

a) acts and other records of data resulting from the implementation of OSH;B) logbooks and records of data on accidents, accidents, occupational diseases;

c) recording data on the effects of harmful( hazardous) factors of the working environment and the work process on workers and monitoring the working conditions and the health of workers;D) the results of monitoring the functioning of the OSH.

  1. Final Provisions

11.1.If this law changes, this Regulation shall be revised.

11.2.In all other respects not provided for in this Regulation, the officials of the Institution are obliged to be guided by the current legislation in the field of labor protection and the Model Provision on the Occupational Safety Management System approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 438n of August 19, 2016.

11.3.All the employees of the Institution should be familiar with this Statute.

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