A sample model of the regulation on the OSH management system for 2017 and for 2018

In each institution, organization or enterprise the employer must develop and approve the Regulation on the Occupational Safety Management System (the OSH Regulations). Today we will talk about how the firm can solve this task given that the drafting of this normative legal document is not clearly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

After reading this article, you will find out why you need a provision on the OSH management system in the organization, which NRAs determine the requirements for the compilation and structure of the document, possible aspects of the development of this provision, and much more.

At the end of the publication, you will be able to download a sample sample of the OSH management system in the company that meets the requirements of the RF legislation for 2017 and 2018.

We also recommend you to get acquainted with the following page of the site in the field under consideration: Rainbow: New OSH, sample of order and regulations for 2017-2018. at the enterprise and in the organization.

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Regulations on the OSH management system at the enterprise: what is needed?

The need to make this provision is dictated by the requirements of GOST R 12.0.007-2009. Of course, that all Russian employers must comply with the GOST standards in the field of labor protection (art. 22 of the LC RF).

The Regulation on the OSH management system in the organization is included in the list of mandatory documentation regulating the procedure for the functioning of the system (para. 7.8.5 GOST R 12.0.007-2009, p. 4.3.4 GOST R 12.0.009-2009). At the same time, employees of the organization should have unhindered access to this provision.

Requirements for the composition and structure of the situation, which are the NAPs?

Regardless of the fact that the drafting of regulations has been raised at the federal level of the Russian Federation, it is still a duty to this day, regulatory regulations are not adopted, how the document should be finally formed and how it should look.

In Art. 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the competence of federal authorities is to approve a model provision on the OSH management system, which should be formed taking into account the opinion of bodies that regulate social and labor relations.

Nevertheless, such a standard provision as a normative document has not yet been made, but it is published in the form of a draft of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, which is being discussed by various departments today.

This normative document is developed taking into account the current standards of labor protection adopted in Russia and abroad, as well as the practical experience of leading employers. The draft model provision contains, inter alia:

  1. requirements for the structure of intracorporate provisions;
  2. provisions defining the policies and objectives of the employer in the field of labor protection;
  3. provisions establishing how the system of labor protection in the company should function;
  4. provisions defining how training of personnel in the field of occupational safety should be conducted;
  5. provisions governing the organization of workflow within the system of labor protection in the enterprise.

At a meeting of the Russian Tripartite Commission in early February 2016, it was decided that the current draft of the Model Regulations of the Ministry of Labor should be finalized. Experts noted that this document suggests the emergence of a number of unjustified risks for employers.

In the absence of the norms of the law that would regulate the drafting of a regulation on the OSH management system, Russian employers have to work independently on the formation of this source. How to solve this task?

Regulations on the OSH management system in the organization: the nuances of development?

This provision should be prepared by responsible specialists of the employer company. In accordance with par. 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 GOST 12.0.230-2007 when developing documentation within the OSH system, attention should be paid to the following aspects:

  1. should take into account the size of the organization, the types of activities that it performs, the specifics of the technological processes that characterize its production;
  2. the content should be set out in a form that will be understood by the employees;
  3. The documentation should be analyzed and corrected in a timely manner.

Thus, when developing the situation, it should be borne in mind that it is not accepted once and for all, but may require periodic changes.

Structure of the Model Provisions on the Occupational Safety and Health System

The structure of this provision can be represented by such sections and elements as:

  1. title page;
  2. section with general provisions;
  3. section on the functional responsibilities of the company's employees in the field of labor protection;
  4. section on the specialized structures of the enterprise responsible for occupational safety;
  5. section, regulating the passage of staff training on labor protection;
  6. section that regulates the procedure for testing employees' knowledge of labor protection;
  7. section, regulating the implementation of measures to monitor and improve the system of labor protection;
  8. Section regulating the actions of employees in case of accidents at work;
  9. section that establishes the responsibility of employees for non-compliance with the requirements of the OSH regulation;
  10. annexes to the document necessary to regulate the procedure for its use by employees (for example, the journal of registration of familiarization of employees with the situation).

Let us consider in detail what formulations can be contained in the indicated sections.

Title page

On the title page of the document there should be:

  1. a note stating that the regulation on the labor protection system has been approved by the CEO;
  2. F. AND. O., the post of the head, the name of the enterprise;
  3. name of the document: "Regulations on the OSH management system";
  4. notes on the legal framework adopted by the document;
  5. information on the date and place of the document.

General Provisions

This section of the document may include language that reflects:

  1. for what purpose does the organization approve the provision on the OSH system?
  2. what kind of norms are established by the document;
  3. that the provision is a local regulatory source, the norms of which are binding for all employees of the organization;
  4. that the provision is a fundamental document in the conduct of training activities within the framework of improving the system of labor protection;
  5. in accordance with what provisions of the NAP;
  6. how often the document can be revised.

Functional duties of employees

Here you can list the employees responsible for:

  1. control over the functioning of the labor protection system in the company;
  2. ensuring compliance of local regulatory acts of the company, adopted for the purposes of the OSH system, to the provisions of the federal, regional and local levels of the NAP;
  3. Monitoring the implementation of the provisions of local acts in the field of labor protection by employees;
  4. development of methods for improving the current mechanisms within which the system of labor protection functions;
  5. the organization of training of employees aimed at acquiring knowledge in the field of labor protection;
  6. practical implementation of the norms regulating the functioning of the occupational safety system at the enterprise, in terms of providing employees with protective equipment, instructions for their use, access to safety systems and other objects of the company's infrastructure that is involved in the process of labor protection;
  7. response to incidents at work, ensuring their investigation;
  8. implementation of measures for the social protection of employees against occupational accidents and occupational diseases;
  9. conducting a special evaluation of working conditions in accordance with the procedure provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  10. training of employees on labor protection programs with the involvement of freelance trainers from specialized organizations or departments;
  11. control over the correct conduct of documentation used in the system of labor protection in the enterprise.

OSH management bodies

The main of such bodies should be a labor protection service, which, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 217 TC RF should establish employers with a staff of more than 50 people.

If there are fewer employees in the company, management should appoint at least one person in charge of labor protection. In this case, the OSH management body in the firm will be single-handed. If this is not possible, then the head of the firm or the entrepreneur (if the business is maintained in this legal form) should take over the functions related to the operation of the labor protection system. Either it is necessary to involve a third-party specialist in the contract agreement and form an external body for the management of labor protection.

In the section under consideration, it is possible to fix formulations reflecting:

  1. which OSH management body is established in the firm: a service that is solely in the form of a responsible specialist or external in the form of a contractor;
  2. an indication that the labor protection service (or a specialist in charge of labor protection, or a contractor) performs its functions in accordance with Art. 217 of the LC RF;
  3. who exactly in the organization establishes a labor protection service or appoints a responsible specialist (most often this is a manager);
  4. the main tasks that are decided by the labor protection service, responsible specialist or contractor.

Training and instructing employees

In this section of the document, it is possible to include language that reflects:

  1. the fact that all employees of the firm employed should be trained in occupational safety programs, as well as the necessary briefings;
  2. the nature of the briefings held in the organization;
  3. how to conduct training and briefings;
  4. what are the rules of the enterprise, organizing the training of employees in the programs of labor protection, as well as in the conduct of briefings;
  5. who exactly approves the training and coaching programs, and also conducts relevant activities;
  6. an indication that, at the conclusion of each training program, or a briefing on labor protection, the knowledge received by employees is checked;
  7. an indication that training programs and briefings are conducted in accordance with local regulations of the company;
  8. periodicity of the revision of the company's training programs, briefings, as well as local regulations that govern their implementation.

Checking the knowledge of employees

In this section, it is possible to include language that reflects:

  1. the periodicity of the company employees passing through the testing of knowledge in the field of labor protection;
  2. criteria for conducting extraordinary inspections;
  3. a list of normative acts in accordance with which extraordinary inspections are conducted;
  4. who exactly needs to check the knowledge of employees in the field of labor protection.

Monitoring and optimization of the OSH system

In this section, there may be formulations reflecting:

  1. who exactly at the enterprise is responsible for monitoring the functioning of the OSH system, as well as its improvement;
  2. what criteria are used in assessing the quality of the operation of the relevant system;
  3. through what methods is the monitoring of the functioning of the OSH system, and also its optimization;
  4. who exactly at the enterprise supervises the work of employees responsible for monitoring and improving the system of labor protection.

The procedure for dealing with accidents at work

In this section of the provision, it is possible to include language that discloses:

  1. order, methods of investigation of accidents;
  2. the order of reaction of employees of the firm and its management to the occurrence of accidents;
  3. the procedure for the adoption of local regulatory acts, in accordance with which the investigation of accidents must be carried out;
  4. who is responsible for responding to incidents in the workplace;
  5. in what order is the interaction of employees of the company and external entities, in particular special services and government departments, in case of industrial incidents;
  6. the procedure for recording information on accidents in special documents, a list of relevant documents;
  7. who is responsible for entering information about incidents at work in special documents.

Responsibility of employees

The section on liability is a standard element of most local regulations, therefore it is also possible to include it in the structure of the regulations on the labor protection system. In this section, it is possible to fix language that reflects:

  1. in accordance with which NPA employees of the company are responsible for non-compliance with labor safety standards;
  2. an indication that responsibility for non-compliance with the provisions of the document is borne by all employees of the enterprise, as well as what disciplinary measures may be imposed on violators.

Another 1 possible element of the provision on the OSH system is its annexes. Let's consider in more detail

List of annexes

Regulations on the system of labor protection can be supplemented by various sources that regulate the operation of the document itself or the individual procedures that it regulates. All of them will have the status of applications.

So, to the sources fixing the legal power of the document itself, it is possible to refer a journal in which the employees of the organization certify by their signature the fact of acquaintance with the provision on the labor protection system (or obtaining a copy thereof).

The sources regulating individual procedures within the OSH management system include a journal that records the admission of employees to the company's security systems, as well as to the premises where training or instruction in labor protection programs is conducted.

The log of acquaintance with the situation, the access control register and other documents should receive the status of applications with a certain number, and their forms should preferably be brought to the position.

All such applications must be approved by an order of the director (this may be the same order that puts in place the very provision on the OSH system).

In each application there should be a note that it is made specifically for the provision on the system of labor protection. It is best to reflect this mark in the form of a reference to the number of the local normative act, through which the position is confirmed and which is indicated on the title page. In this case, the application can be printed separately from the position, for example, for employees of certain departments of the company.

A sample model of the OSH provision for 2017-2018: where to download?

You can download a sample of the document in question here, it will be much easier to adapt the document to the needs of your organization, institution or enterprise. See 2 options.

Sample regulations on the OSH system 2017-2018 download in doc format.

OSH: a sample sample for an enterprise, organization or institution download in doc format.

The third version of this document is at your discretion.

Regulation on the OSH management system: an approximate text of the document


1.1. This Regulation on the OSH management system has been developed in accordance with the following normative documents:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • interstate standard GOST 12.0.230-2007 "Occupational safety standards system. Occupational safety management systems. General requirements";
  • national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 12.0.007-2009 "Occupational safety standards system. Occupational safety management system in the organization. General requirements for the development, application, evaluation and improvement ";
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2016. No. 438n on approval of the Model Regulations on the Occupational Safety Management System;
  • other regulatory and legal acts on labor protection.

1.2. Occupational safety management system is an integral part of the management system of the economic activity of the Institution providing management of occupational risks associated with the production activities of employees.

1.3.Organas of management Institutions form the OSH management system.

1.4. This provision determines the order and structure of OSH management in the Institution, serves as a legal and organizational and methodological basis for the formation of management structures, regulatory documents.

1.5. The management object is labor protection, as a system for preserving the life and health of employees in the process of labor activity, including legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic, therapeutic and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.


2.1. The main principles of the OSH management system in the Institution are:

  • ensuring the priority of preserving the life and health of workers and persons in the course of their work and organized recreation;
  • guarantees of workers' rights to labor protection;
  • ; activities aimed at the prevention and prevention of occupational injuries and occupational diseases;
  • ensuring the fulfillment of labor protection requirements contained in the legislation of the Russian Federation, sectoral regulations on labor protection, as well as in safety rules, sanitary and building codes and regulations, state standards, organizational and methodological documents, labor safety instructions for creating healthy and safe working conditions
  • planning of labor protection measures;
  • strict implementation of labor protection requirements by the employer and employees, responsibility for their violation.

2.2. The main tasks of the Occupational Safety Management System in the Institution:

  • implementation of the main lines of the organization's policy in the field of occupational safety and development of proposals for its improvement;
  • development and implementation of programs to improve labor conditions and safety;
  • creation of conditions ensuring compliance with labor protection legislation, including ensuring the safety of operation of buildings and structures used in the labor process, equipment, instruments and technical means of the labor process;
  • formation of safe working conditions;
  • control over observance of labor protection requirements;
  • training and testing of knowledge on labor protection, including the creation and improvement of a continuous system of education in the field of labor protection;
  • prevention of accidents with persons who work in the Establishment;
  • protection and strengthening of the health of personnel, persons performing labor activity in the Establishment, organizing their medical and preventive services, creating an optimal combination of working regimes, the production process, organized recreation.


3.1. The employer's objectives in the field of labor protection are:

  • ensuring the lawful rights and interests of the employee on working conditions that meet regulatory requirements;
  • optimization of financial, material and social costs to ensure conditions and labor protection;
  • compliance of the services provided by the Institution with established security requirements.

3.2. The main objectives in the field of occupational safety are contained in the Occupational Safety and Health Policy and are achieved by implementing the procedures provided by section 5 of this Regulation by the employer:



4.1. The structure of the OSH management system

4.1.1. Organizationally, the OSH management system is a three-tier system.

4.1.2. Management of labor protection at the first level in accordance with the existing powers is carried out by the employer in the person of the head physician of the Institution.

4.1.3. Management of labor protection at the second level in accordance with the existing authority is carried out by a labor safety specialist.

4.1.4. The management of labor protection at the third level in accordance with the existing powers is exercised by the OSH commission.

4.1.5. The order of the organization of work on labor protection in the Establishment is determined by its Charter, the Rules of the internal labor schedule, job descriptions, instructions on labor protection and in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.

4.2.Functions of the Chief Physician Institutions in the implementation of OSH management

4.2.1. The Chief Physician of the Institution in the manner prescribed by law:

  • carries out general management of labor protection in the Institution;
  • ensures compliance with the current labor legislation, the implementation of decisions and orders of higher authorities, regulatory (legal) documents on labor protection issues, regulations of state supervision and control bodies, decisions of the labor collective, collective agreement on labor protection;
  • organizes work on creating and providing working conditions in accordance with the current labor legislation, interbranch and departmental regulatory documents and other local acts on labor protection and the Charter of the Institution;
  • provides safe operation of buildings and structures, engineering and technical communications, equipment and takes measures to bring them in line with the current standards, rules and regulations on labor protection. Timely organizes inspections and repairs of buildings (premises);
  • approves the official duties for ensuring labor protection and instructions on labor protection for the employees of the Institution;
  • provides development and implementation of action plans for labor protection, targeted programs for labor protection;
  • takes measures to implement the proposals of the team aimed at further improvement and improvement of working conditions;
  • issues for discussion of industrial meetings and meetings of the labor collective the organization of work on labor protection;
  • Reports at the meetings of the labor collective about the state of labor protection, the implementation of measures to improve working conditions, as well as the measures taken to eliminate the identified shortcomings;
  • provides funding for labor protection measures, organizes the provision of employees with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the current model standards and instructions, as well as persons undergoing industrial practice in carrying out socially useful and productive work, etc .;
  • encourages the employees of the Institution for active work to create and ensure healthy and safe working conditions;
  • implements the disciplinary responsibility of persons guilty of violating the labor legislation, rules and regulations on labor protection;
  • conducts preventive work to prevent injuries and reduce the incidence of workers, persons undergoing industrial practice;
  • supervises the timely conduct of staff health check-ups;
  • ensures compliance with the requirements of existing regulatory documents on labor protection, regulations of government, state supervision and technical labor inspection;
  • provides the necessary conditions for a timely and objective investigation of accidents at work in accordance with applicable law;
  • approves, on agreement with the trade union, instructions on labor protection;
  • organizes an introductory briefing on labor protection with newcomers, training and internship at the workplace for the employees of the Institution;
  • plans, in accordance with the established procedure, training on labor protection for employees of the Institution;
  • provides a load of workers taking into account their psychophysical capabilities, organizes optimal modes of work and rest;
  • stops production activities in the presence of a threat to the health of workers involved in it;
  • provides payment of sickness sickness sheets and additional payments to persons working in unfavorable working conditions;
  • is personally responsible for ensuring healthy and safe working conditions in the Institution.

4.3.Specialist for Labor Protection

4.3.1. The occupational safety officer reports directly to the head physician of the Institution.

4.3.2. The occupational safety specialist carries out its activities in cooperation with the OSH commission.

4.3.3.Specialist for labor protection in its activities are guided by laws and other regulatory legal acts on protection, agreements (sectoral), collective agreement, agreement on labor protection, other local regulatory legal acts of the Institution.

4.3.4. The main tasks of the occupational safety specialist are:

  • organization of work to ensure that employees comply with labor protection requirements;
  • control over the observance by employees of laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, the collective agreement, labor protection agreement, other local normative legal acts of the Institution;
  • organization of preventive work to prevent occupational injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors, as well as work to improve working conditions;
  • ensuring the work of the labor protection office, equipping it with the necessary benefits, teaching aids, etc .;
  • the development of new and revision of obsolete labor protection regulations;
  • control over the issuance of workers engaged in production with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work connected with pollution or performed in unfavorable temperature conditions, overalls, special footwear and other necessary personal protective equipment;
  • control over the timely provision of workers with flushing agents in accordance with established standards;
  • control over the timely conduct of a special assessment of working conditions, certification of the sanitary and technical condition of working conditions, development and implementation of measures to bring conditions and labor protection in line with regulatory requirements;
  • the study and dissemination of best practices on labor protection, the promotion of labor protection issues.

4.3.5. The following functions are assigned to the occupational safety specialist for the fulfillment of the assigned tasks:

  • the account and the analysis of a condition and the reasons of an industrial traumatism, occupational diseases and the diseases caused by production factors;
  • assisting units in the organization and conduct of measurements of parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors, in assessing the trauma safety of equipment and devices;
  • organization, methodical management of a special assessment of working conditions, certification of labor protection and monitoring of their implementation;
  • inspections, inspections of the technical condition of buildings, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms, devices, personal protective equipment for workers, the condition of sanitary facilities, the operation of ventilation systems to meet labor protection requirements;
  • development of programs to improve labor conditions and protection, prevent occupational injuries, occupational diseases, diseases caused by production factors; providing organizational and methodological assistance in the implementation of planned activities;
  • participation in drawing up sections of the collective agreement on labor conditions and safety;
  • participation in the work on compilation of lists of posts, according to which the employees must undergo mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations, as well as positions entitled to benefits and compensation for work in harmful or dangerous working conditions;
  • participation in the work of the commission for the investigation of accidents;
  • registration and storage of documents related to labor protection requirements, in accordance with the established deadlines;
  • participation in the preparation of documents for the purpose of making payments for insurance in connection with accidents at work or occupational diseases;
  • compilation of reports on protection and working conditions in accordance with the forms established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia;
  • the development of training programs on labor protection;
  • the introduction of an introductory briefing on labor protection with all persons entering the work, seconded, undergoing industrial practice;
  • control over the provision and proper application of individual and collective protection equipment;
  • organization of timely training on labor protection for employees of the Institution, including the chief physician, participation in the work of commissions for the verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • provision of officials, structural subdivisions of the Institution with local normative legal acts, visual aids and training materials on labor protection;
  • organization of meetings on labor protection;
  • bringing to the attention of employees of existing laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement, the agreement on labor protection in the Institution;
  • control over the implementation of activities provided by the programs, plans to improve labor conditions and safety, the section of the collective agreement on occupational safety issues, the OSH agreement, as well as taking measures to eliminate the causes of the accident at work, compliance with the requirements of state supervision bodies and monitoring compliance with labor protection requirements, other measures to create safe working conditions;
  • control over the timely performance by the relevant services of the necessary tests and technical inspections of equipment, machinery and mechanisms;
  • control over the organization of storage, issuance, washing, dry cleaning, drying, degreasing and repair of special clothing, special footwear and other personal and collective protection equipment;
  • control over the proper use of funds allocated for the implementation of measures to improve labor conditions and safety;
  • control over the employment of women and persons under the age of 18 in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • consideration of letters, applications, complaints of employees concerning issues of labor conditions and safety, preparation of proposals to the chief physician of the Institution for the elimination of identified shortcomings.

4.4.The Commission on Labor Protection

4.4.1. The Commission on Occupational Safety (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is an integral part of the OSH Management System of the Establishment.

4.4.2. The Commission's work is based on the principles of social partnership.

4.4.3. The Commission interacts with the state bodies for the management of labor protection, the bodies of the Federal Labor Inspectorate, and other state bodies of supervision and control.

4.4.4. The Commission in its activities is guided by the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement, other local regulatory legal acts of the Institution.

4.4.5. The tasks of the Commission are:

  • development, on the basis of proposals of the members of the Commission, of a joint action program between the chief physician of the Institution, the trade union for ensuring labor protection requirements, preventing occupational injuries, occupational diseases;
  • organization of inspections of the condition of labor conditions and safety at workplaces, preparation of relevant proposals to the employer for solving labor safety problems on the basis of an analysis of the conditions of labor protection and conditions, occupational injuries and occupational diseases;
  • informing employees on the condition of conditions and occupational safety at workplaces, the existing risk of damage to health and on compensations for workers relying on harmful and dangerous working conditions, personal protective equipment.

4.4.6. The functions of the Commission are:

  • Consideration of proposals of the employer, employees, trade union for the development of recommendations aimed at improving the conditions and safety of workers;
  • participation in the conduct of surveys of the state of conditions and labor protection in the Establishment, review of their results and the development of recommendations to the employer on the elimination of identified violations;
  • informing the employees of the Institution about the measures taken to improve the conditions and labor protection, the prevention of occupational injuries, occupational diseases;
  • bringing to the attention of the employees of the Institution the results of a special assessment of working conditions;
  • assistance in the organization of pre-employment admission and periodic medical examinations and compliance with medical recommendations for employment;
  • participation in the consideration of issues of financing measures for labor protection, compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases;
  • preparation and submission to the employer of proposals for the improvement of work on labor protection and preservation of workers' health;
  • consideration of drafts of local regulatory legal acts on labor protection and preparation of proposals for them to the employer, trade union elected body.

4.5.Organizatsiya work to ensure labor protection

The organization of work on labor protection provides for:

  • distribution of duties and responsibilities for labor protection between the management and staff of the Institution;
  • participation of employees and their representatives in the management of labor protection;
  • training and training of employees;
  • development of procedures for the formation of OSH management system documentation;
  • development of the process of collection and transmission of information on labor protection.

4.5.1. Distribution of duties and responsibilities for labor protection role of the chief physician of the Institution in the management of labor protection is aimed at the creation of an effective OSH management system. She allows him:

  • identify goals;
  • to allocate priority goals / objectives and necessary resources;
  • facilitate planning work;
  • Provide the employee with all necessary information about the dangers that he may encounter while working. If an employee at his workplace can come into contact with hazardous substances and materials, he should have information about all the hazardous properties of these substances and measures for the safe handling of them;
  • organize work to ensure labor protection;
  • increase staff motivation to fulfill common goals and objectives to ensure labor protection;
  • provide the necessary conditions and resources for persons responsible for ensuring labor protection, including members of the commission and the authorized person for labor protection of the trade union. Deputy Chief Physician for Economic Affairs:

  • organizes work on compliance with the norms and rules of labor protection in the production process;
  • provides control over the safety of equipment used in the production process, instruments, technical and visual means of the production process;
  • supervises the timely conduct of briefing of employees, persons undergoing industrial practice, its registration in the journal;
  • conducts jointly with the trade union administrative and public control over the safety of use, storage of equipment and other means involved in production activities. Timely takes measures to seize equipment, devices not provided for by the standard lists, including home-made, installed in the premises without a relevant act of authorization, suspends the production process in the premises of the Institution, if there are dangerous conditions for the health of employees, persons undergoing industrial practice;
  • reveals the circumstances of accidents that have occurred with employees, persons undergoing industrial practice.
  • ensures compliance with the requirements of labor protection in the operation of the main building and premises of the Institution, technological, power equipment, carries out their periodic inspection and organizes ongoing repairs;
  • provides safety when carrying heavy loads, loading and unloading operations, operating vehicles of the Institution;
  • controls compliance with fire safety requirements of buildings and facilities, monitors the serviceability of fire extinguishing means;
  • provides facilities with equipment and equipment that meet the requirements of labor safety regulations and standards, labor safety standards;
  • organizes periodic measurements of insulation resistance of electrical installations and electrical wiring, grounding devices, periodic testing and testing of hot water and steam boilers, pressure vessels, analysis of the air environment for the content of dust, gases and vapors of harmful substances, measuring the illumination of radiation, noise in the premises. Institutions in accordance with the rules and regulations for labor protection;
  • organizes training, conducts briefings at the workplace (primary, secondary, unscheduled and targeted) of technical and maintenance personnel;
  • acquires special clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment for the employees of the Institution and persons undergoing industrial practice;
  • provides registration, storage of fire fighting equipment, drying of laundry, repair and disinfection of overalls, special footwear of individual protective equipment.
  • ensures the introduction of new, more safe technological processes and equipment developed in the light of the latest scientific and technical achievements, advanced experience and standards of labor safety, as well as the implementation of inventions, rationalization proposals, research and development projects that increase the safety of work;
  • participates in consideration of projects of new technological processes, construction and reconstruction of objects of capital repairs of buildings and structures;
  • provides implementation of action plans for labor protection, targeted programs for labor protection. Head of the structural unit Institutions:

  • takes measures to increase the responsibility of the employees of the unit for compliance with the norms and rules of labor protection and labor discipline, for the timely implementation of the planned measures for labor protection, the orders of state supervision bodies;
  • carries out organizational and technical management in the division of work on labor protection in accordance with the current labor laws;
  • participates in drawing up a plan of measures for labor protection in the unit;
  • participates in meetings to review the health and safety issues in the unit;
  • supervises compliance with labor protection requirements of subordinate personnel;
  • provides implementation of action plans for labor protection, targeted programs for labor protection. Main Accountant:

  • monitors the target expenditure of funds allocated for labor protection;
  • carries out accounting of expenditure of means for performance of the actions stipulated by collective agreements, plans of measures for labor protection;
  • controls the correctness of providing compensation for labor conditions to employees;
  • carries out the account of expenses in connection with accidents, failures, professional diseases, payments of fines under the decision of the state bodies of supervision and control;
  • participates in drawing up a plan of measures for labor protection;
  • participates in meetings to review issues of the state of labor protection. Obligation of employees.

Employees of the Institution are required to:

  • use safe methods of work;
  • comply with the requirements of labor protection established by laws and other regulatory legal acts, this Regulation, correctly apply individual and collective protection equipment, perform other duties provided for by the current legislation;
  • to pass training in safe methods of work performance, training in labor protection, on-the-job training, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • to notify the immediate supervisor of a situation that threatens the life and health of people, of every accident that has occurred in the workplace, or of a deterioration in their health;
  • undergo mandatory medical examinations;
  • actively participate in the activities of the OSH.

4.5.2.Prepare and train personnel on labor protection. and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Training on labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements of all employees is carried out with the aim of providing preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases. Responsibility for the organization and timeliness of training on labor protection and verification of knowledge of the requirements for labor protection of employees is borne by the head physician of the Institution in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The training on labor protection provides for:

  • induction training;
  • briefing at the workplace: primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted;
  • training of workers in working professions;
  • training of managers and specialists, as well as training of other individual categories insured under the compulsory social insurance system. All persons employed, as well as employees sent to the Institution, undergo an induction instruction in accordance with the established procedure. The initial instruction on labor protection is carried out according to a program developed on the basis of legislative and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation taking into account the specifics of the activity of the Institution. Primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings at the workplace are carried out by an official who has undergone training in occupational safety and labor protection knowledge testing, appointed by the order of the chief doctor. The conduct of safety briefings includes the familiarization of workers with the existing hazardous or harmful production factors, the study of labor protection requirements contained in local regulatory acts of the Institution, instructions on labor protection, technical, operational documentation. The design of labor protection is completed by verifying verbally the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee in safe working methods by the person who conducted the instruction. The conduct of all types of briefings is recorded in the relevant journals for briefing, indicating the signatures instructed and instructed, as well as the date of the briefing. Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out before starting the independent work:

  • with all newly admitted employees;
  • with employees who have been transferred in accordance with the established procedure from another structural unit, or employees who are entrusted with the performance of a new work for them. Primary briefing at the workplace is conducted by the heads of structural units of the Program Office, developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, local regulations of the organization, instructions on labor protection, technical and operational documentation. Workers who are not involved in the operation, maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of an electrified or other instrument, storage and use of raw materials and materials may be exempt from primary instruction in the workplace. The list of professions and positions of employees who are exempt from primary instruction in the workplace, says the head physician of the Institution. Repeated briefing is conducted by all employees at least once every 6 months according to the programs designed for initial briefing at the workplace. briefing is conducted:

  • when new or amended legislative and other normative legal acts containing labor protection requirements are put into effect, as well as labor protection instructions;
  • at change of technological processes, replacement or modernization of the equipment, adaptations and other factors influencing safety of work;
  • if the workers violate the requirements of labor protection, if these violations created a real threat of serious consequences (accident, accident, etc.);
  • at the request of officials of the bodies of state supervision and control;
  • by decision of the Chief Physician of the Institution. briefing shall be carried out in case of one-time works, liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and works for which the work permit, permit or other special documents are issued, as well as during mass events.

4.5.3.Intraining at the workplace. Before the admission to independent work, all employees, except those discharged from the initial briefing at the workplace, undergo internship at the workplace. The duration of the internship is determined depending on the nature of the work (specialty, position) and can range from 2 to 14 shifts. The training is completed by testing the knowledge on labor protection and the acquired skills of safe working methods. The result of the internship is recorded in the log book of the briefing on occupational safety at work.

4.5.4. Training of managers and specialists. Leaders and specialists Institutions undergo special training in labor protection in the scope of their duties when entering the workplace during the first month, then - as necessary, but at least once every three years.

Newly appointed to the post of managers and specialists Institutions are allowed to independent activity after they have been introduced to official duties, including labor protection, with local regulatory acts in force in the Institution regulating the organization of work on labor protection. The training on labor protection in specialized educational organizations is:

  • Chief Physician of the Institution;
  • Deputy Chief Physician, responsible for conditions and labor protection in the Institution;
  • specialist in labor protection;
  • heads of all structural divisions;
  • specialists of the Institution, in accordance with the order of the director.

4.5.5. Testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. The verification of theoretical knowledge of the requirements of labor protection and practical skills for the safe work of workers in the work professions is carried out by the direct supervisors in the scope of knowledge of the requirements of rules and instructions on labor protection, and, if necessary, in the knowledge of additional special requirements for safety and labor protection. Leaders and specialists Institutions (specified in p. pass a regular inspection of knowledge of labor protection requirements at least once every three years. An immediate audit of the knowledge of the requirements for labor protection of personnel. The institutions, regardless of the term of the previous audit, conduct:

  • when introducing new or introducing changes and additions to existing legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements. At the same time, only the knowledge of these legislative and regulatory legal acts is verified;
  • when new equipment is put into operation and technological processes that require additional knowledge on labor protection for workers are changed. In this case, the knowledge of the health and safety requirements related to the relevant changes is checked;
  • when appointing or transferring workers to another job, if new duties require additional knowledge on labor protection;
  • at the request of officials of the Federal Labor Inspectorate, other bodies of state supervision and control, as well as federal executive bodies and regional executive authorities in the field of labor protection, as well as the chief doctor of the Institution in establishing violations of labor protection requirements and insufficient knowledge of safety and health requirements
  • ; after the occurred accidents and accidents, as well as in the detection of repeated violations by employees of the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection;
  • at a break in work in this position for more than one year.

The amount and order of the procedure for the extraordinary verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements is determined by the party initiating its implementation. In order to carry out a knowledge verification of the requirements for labor protection of workers, the commission appoints the chief physician of the Institution to verify the knowledge of occupational safety requirements, consisting of at least 3 people trained in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements in accordance with the established procedure. The composition of the Commission for the verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements includes: deputy chief physician, heads of structural units, occupational safety specialist, representatives of the trade union. The results of the examination of the knowledge of the requirements for the protection of workers' labor are documented in a protocol. An employee who has not passed the knowledge test for the requirements of labor protection during training is obliged after that to undergo a second test of knowledge in a period not later than one month.


5.1. To achieve the employer's goals in the field of labor protection, the Institution establishes (is put into effect):

  • requirements for the necessary professional competence in the protection of labor of workers, its verification, maintenance and development;
  • a list of occupations (positions) of workers who pass training on labor protection, indicating its duration for each profession (position);
  • list of occupations (positions) of workers who are trained in labor protection in training organizations admitted to providing services in the field of labor protection;
  • list of occupations (positions) of workers who are trained in labor protection from the employer;
  • a list of the professions (positions) of employees who are exempt from the initial instruction in the workplace;
  • employees responsible for conducting a briefing on labor protection in the workplace in the structural units of the employer, for conducting an internship on labor protection;
  • issues included in the training program on OSH;
  • the composition of the employer's commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • the regulations of the work of the employer's commission for verifying knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • a list of issues on labor protection, for which workers pass the knowledge test in the employer's commission;
  • the organization of training in the provision of first aid to victims of accidents and accidents at work;
  • the procedure for organizing and holding a briefing on labor protection;
  • the procedure for organizing and conducting internships at the workplace and training in labor protection.

5.2. During the organization of the procedure for the training of workers on labor protection, the need to train workers on the basis of the nature and content of the work performed by them, their skills and competence necessary for the safe performance of their duties, is taken into account.

5.3. With the purpose of organizing the procedure for organizing and conducting an assessment of working conditions, the following shall be established:

  • the procedure for the establishment and functioning of a commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, as well as the rights, duties and responsibilities of its members;
  • features of the functioning of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions if the employer has separate structural units;
  • the organizational procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions at the employer's workplaces as regards the activities of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions;
  • the procedure for the selection and conclusion of a civil law contract with an organization that conducts a special assessment of working conditions, taking into account the need to involve the employer who is most competent in relation to the type of activity;
  • the procedure for resolving disputes on the special assessment of working conditions;
  • the procedure for using the results of a special assessment of working conditions.

5.4.In order to organize the procedure for management of occupational risks, the Institution establishes (determines) the procedure for implementing the following measures for managing professional risks:

  • identification of hazards;
  • assessment of occupational risk levels;
  • reduction of occupational risk levels.

5.5. The methods for assessing the level of occupational risks are determined by the employer, taking into account the nature of their activities and the complexity of the operations performed. It is allowed to use different methods of assessing the level of occupational risks for different processes and operations.

5.6.When describing the procedure for management of occupational risks, the following is taken into account:

  • the management of professional risks is carried out taking into account the current, past and future activities of the employer;
  • The severity of the possible damage increases in proportion to the increase in the number of people at risk;
  • all estimated professional risks are subject to management;
  • procedures for identifying hazards and assessing the level of occupational risks must be constantly improved and maintained in order to ensure effective implementation of measures to reduce them;
  • The effectiveness of the developed measures for managing professional risks should be constantly evaluated.

5.7.The measures to exclude or reduce occupational risk levels include:

  • exclusion of hazardous work (procedure);
  • replacement of dangerous work (procedure) is less dangerous;
  • implementation of engineering (technical) methods of limiting the risk of exposure to hazards to workers;
  • implementation of administrative methods for limiting the time of exposure to hazards to workers;
  • use of personal protective equipment;
  • occupational risk insurance.

5.8. With the purpose of organizing the procedure for organizing and conducting monitoring of the health of workers in the Institution, it is established:

  • the procedure for implementing both mandatory (by virtue of the provisions of regulatory legal acts) and on a voluntary basis (including on the proposals of employees authorized by them representative bodies, labor protection committee or commission) medical examinations, psychiatric examinations, chemical-toxicological studies of workers
  • ; a list of occupations (positions) of employees that are subject to medical examinations, psychiatric examinations, and chemical-toxicological studies.

5.9.In order to organize the procedure for informing workers about working conditions at their workplaces, occupational risk levels, as well as on the guarantees that are provided to them, reimbursement in the Institution, the forms of such information and the procedure for their implementation are established. Information can be carried out in the form of:

  • the inclusion of relevant provisions in the employee's labor contract;
  • familiarize the employee with the results of a special assessment of working conditions at his workplace;
  • Placement of consolidated data on the results of a special assessment of working conditions in the workplace;
  • holding meetings, round tables, seminars, conferences, stakeholder meetings, negotiations;
  • production and distribution of information bulletins, posters, other printed products, video and audio materials;
  • use of information resources in the information and telecommunication network "Internet";
  • placing relevant information in public places.

5.10.In order to organize the procedure for ensuring the best working and resting conditions for employees, the Office determines measures to prevent the possibility of injury to workers, their morbidity due to overwork and the impact of psychophysiological factors. The measures to ensure the best working and leisure conditions for workers include:

  • ensuring the rational use of working time;
  • organization of a shift mode of work, including night work;
  • providing intra-shift breaks for employees' rest, including breaks for creating favorable micro-climatic conditions;
  • maintenance of high level of working capacity and prevention of fatigue of workers.

5.11.In order to organize the procedure for providing employees with personal protective equipment, washing and neutralizing agents, the Institution establishes:

  • the procedure for identifying the need to provide workers with personal protective equipment, flushing and neutralizing means;
  • the procedure for providing workers with personal protective equipment, flushing and neutralizing means, including the organization of accounting, storage, decontamination, dry cleaning, washing and repair of personal protective equipment;
  • list of occupations (positions) of employees and their personal protective equipment, washing and neutralizing means.

5.12. In order to identify the need to provide workers with personal protective equipment, the cleaning and neutralizing funds, the employer shall determine the name, requisites and contents of standard norms for the issuance of personal protective equipment, washing and neutralizing agents to workers, the use of which is mandatory.

5.13.Treatment to workers of personal protective equipment, washing and neutralizing means in excess of the established norms for their issuance or in cases not defined by the standard norms for their issuance, is carried out depending on the results of the procedures for assessing working conditions and occupational risk levels.

5.14.In order to organize procedures for providing workers with milk, other equivalent foods or therapeutic and prophylactic meals, the Institution approves a list of the professions (positions) of workers whose work entitles them to receive free milk, other equivalent foods or therapeutic and preventive food, the procedure for providing such products.

5.15.In order to organize the conduct of contract works or supply of safe products, the Institution establishes (determines) the procedure for ensuring the safe performance of contract works or the supply of safe products, the responsibility of the contractor and the control procedure on the part of the employer for the implementation of concerted actions to organize safe performance of contract work or supply safe products.

5.16.In order to ensure the safe performance of contract work or the supply of safe products, the following set of opportunities for contractors or suppliers to comply with the requirements of the employer, including labor protection requirements:

  • the provision of safe services and the provision of safe products of appropriate quality;
  • effective communication and coordination with the levels of the employer's management before starting work;
  • informing employees of the contractor or supplier about the working conditions of the employer, the hazards involved;
  • training on labor protection for workers of the contractor or supplier taking into account the specifics of the employer's activities;
  • control over the fulfillment by the contractor or supplier of the requirements of the employer in the field of labor protection.


6.1. With a view to planning activities for the implementation of procedures, the Institution establishes the procedure for preparing, reviewing and updating the plan of measures for the implementation of procedures (hereinafter - the Plan).

6.2. The Plan shall reflect:

  • results of the labor safety committee (committee) (if any) or the employer's analysis of the condition of labor conditions and safety at the employer;
  • a general list of activities carried out during the implementation of procedures;
  • Expected result for each event conducted during the implementation of procedures;
  • the terms of implementation for each event conducted during the implementation of procedures;
  • responsible persons for the implementation of activities carried out during the implementation of procedures, at each level of management;
  • the source of funding for activities carried out during the implementation of procedures.


7.1. The monitoring of the OSH management system functioning in the Institution is carried out in accordance with the procedure given below.

7.2. Continuous monitoring of the functioning of the labor protection system is one of the means to prevent occupational injuries, occupational diseases, poisoning, and is carried out by promptly detecting deviations from the requirements of labor safety rules and regulations with taking the necessary measures to eliminate them. The objects of control are:

  • monitoring the status of the workplace, the equipment, tools, raw materials used, the work performed by the employee within the framework of the ongoing technological processes, identification of occupational risks, as well as the implementation of other labor protection measures implemented continuously;
  • monitoring the implementation of processes that have a periodic nature of implementation: assessment of working conditions of employees, training in labor protection, medical examinations, psychiatric examinations, chemical-toxicological studies;
  • accounting and analysis of accidents, accidents, occupational diseases, as well as changes in labor protection requirements, labor protection agreements to be implemented, changes or introduction of new technological processes, equipment, tools, raw materials and materials;
  • control the effectiveness of the OSH in general.

7.3.Conducting regular inspections involves:

  • operational control;
  • targeted audits;
  • unscheduled inspections;
  • complex checks.

7.4.To improve the effectiveness of monitoring the functioning of the OSH and monitoring the indicators of the implementation of procedures at each level of management, a three-stage form of monitoring the functioning of the OSH is introduced:

  • I level of control - the head of the structural unit of the Institution;
  • II level of control - chief physician, deputy chief physician, occupational safety specialist;
  • III level of control - commission on labor protection.

7.5. Operative control is conducted daily by the head of the structural unit.

7.6. Target audits are conducted by the chief physician (his deputies) and the occupational safety specialist with the participation of the labor protection commissioner from the labor collective. The checks are carried out in accordance with the approved schedule. The results of the inspections are documented in the form of an act-instruction indicating the violations and inconsistencies identified, the terms of elimination and appointment of persons responsible for eliminating the violations identified.

7.7.Vneplanovye checks are carried out outside the schedule of targeted and comprehensive audits. The results of unscheduled inspections are formalized, if necessary, by appropriate acts.

7.8. In the event of revealing gross violations, the occupational safety expert prepares a draft order on the results of the inspection, determining the level of guilt of the offenders and developing activities for the identified observations, identifying those responsible for the implementation of the identified shortcomings within the established time limits.

7.9. In cases when during the monitoring of the operation of the OSH and monitoring of the implementation of procedures, the need to prevent the reasons for not meeting any requirements, and, as a consequence, the possible recurrence of accidents, accidents, occupational diseases, corrective actions are immediately carried out.

7.10. Management and personnel Institutions are obliged to pay attention to the conduct of work in accordance with the requirements of rules and regulations of labor protection.

7.11. All types of inspections and surveys should be conducted while providing practical assistance in organizing work to create safe working conditions.


8.1. In order to plan the improvement of the functioning of the OSH in the Establishment, the dependence of the improvement of the OSH function on the results of monitoring the functioning of the OSH and monitoring the implementation of procedures is established, as well as the obligation to take into account the results of investigations of accidents, accidents, occupational diseases, the results of control and supervisory activities of public authorities, proposals employees and (or) representative bodies authorized by them.

8.2. When planning to improve the functioning of OSH, an analysis is made of the effectiveness of the OSH, which provides for the evaluation of the following indicators:

  • degree of achievement of the employer's objectives in the field of labor protection;
  • the ability of the OSH to ensure the fulfillment of the employer's responsibilities as reflected in the Occupational Safety and Health Policy;
  • the effectiveness of actions identified by the employer at all levels of management based on the results of the previous analysis of the effectiveness of the OSH;
  • the need to change the OSH including the adjustment of labor protection objectives, the redistribution of the duties of the employer's officials in the field of labor protection, the redistribution of the employer's resources;
  • the need to ensure the timely training of those employees who are affected by decisions to change the OSH;
  • need to change the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the OSH.


9.1. The investigation of the occurrence and the root causes of incidents of accidents and occupational diseases at work are aimed at identifying any deficiencies in the OSH management system and should be documented.

9.2.The order of investigation of accidents at work is established art. 227-231 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on the Specifics of Investigating Accidents at Work in Certain Industries and Organizations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 24.10.2002. № 73.

9.3.The results of investigations are brought to the attention of the OSH Commission for the formulation of relevant recommendations.

9.4. The results of investigations and recommendations of the OSH commission are brought to the attention of the relevant persons with a view to implementing corrective actions, they are included in the analysis of the effectiveness of the OSH management system and are taken into account in the activity of continuous improvement.

9.5. The analysis of accidents is carried out with application of:

  • statistical methods, which provide for the grouping of accidents by various characteristics, estimating indicators and establishing dependencies;
  • topographic methods, in which the designation of a place where accidents have occurred for several years is displayed on the plan of the territory;
  • monographic studies of long analysis of individual accidents;
  • economic analysis of the assessment of the material consequences of injuries.


10.1.1.Documentation of the OSH management system in the Institution includes:

  • rules of internal labor regulations;
  • collective agreement;
  • orders of the chief physician on personnel and personal affairs of employees;
  • position on the organization of work on labor protection;
  • the order of the chief doctor to appoint persons responsible for carrying out works with increased danger, for organizing safe work;
  • the protocol of the meeting of the trade union for the election of authorized persons on labor protection;
  • the order of the chief physician to establish a commission for labor protection;
  • protocols of testing knowledge on labor protection of employees of the Institution;
  • materials for conducting a special assessment of working conditions;
  • protocols for checking the insulation resistance of the electrical network and equipment grounding;
  • agreement between the administration and the trade union on labor protection;
  • instructions on labor protection;
  • the register of instructions on labor protection;
  • the register of issuing instructions on labor protection;
  • an introductory training program on labor protection;
  • the program of initial briefings on labor protection in the workplace;
  • training programs on labor protection;
  • a register of introductory briefing on labor protection;
  • logbooks for the registration of a briefing on occupational safety in the workplace;
  • list of employees of the Institution subject to periodic medical examinations, indicating harmful work and harmful and dangerous production factors that affect workers;
  • list of occupations and positions of employees requiring the assignment of the 1st qualification group for electrical safety;
  • a journal of knowledge safety testing for personnel with the 1st group on electrical safety;
  • personal identity cards and the issuance of special clothing, footwear and personal protective equipment;
  • a register of accidents at work;
  • and other documents on labor protection.

10.1.2. Copies of documents are taken into account and located in places accessible to the employees of the Institution for familiarization with them. The canceled documents are withdrawn from circulation with the adoption of measures that preclude their unintentional use in the future.

10.1.3. Workers should have the right to access documents related to their production activities and health.

10.1.4.Transmission and exchange of information on labor protection. The provision of collection, processing of transmission, exchange, use of information on labor protection, as well as the timely introduction of the necessary changes allows for its analysis and decision to improve labor protection in the organization. Procedures for information support for labor protection contain the procedure:

  • Receiving and reviewing external and internal messages related to occupational safety, documenting them, as well as preparing and providing answers to them;
  • provision of internal transfer and exchange of information on labor protection between the relevant levels and functional structures of the Institution;
  • reception, guaranteed consideration and preparation of answers to inquiries, ideas and proposals of employees, as well as their representatives on labor protection.


11.1. Preventive and control measures.

11.1.1. Preventive and control measures should be implemented in the following order of priority:

  • elimination of risks and risks;
  • limiting the risks and risks in their source by using technical means of collective protection or organizational measures;
  • minimization of danger and risks through the use of safe production systems, as well as measures of administrative limitation of the total time of contact with harmful and dangerous production factors;
  • in the event that it is not possible to limit risks and risks by means of collective protection or organizational measures, the head physician of the Institution provides free of charge appropriate personal protective equipment, including special clothing, and takes measures to ensure their application and mandatory maintenance.

11.1.2. Establish procedures or measures to prevent and minimize hazards and risks that ensure:

  • hazard identification and risk assessment in the workplace;
  • regular analysis of the procedure for the prevention and minimization of hazards and risks and, if necessary, the modification of these procedures;
  • compliance with federal laws and other normative legal acts, popularization of best practices;
  • to take into account the current state of knowledge and best practices, including information or reports from the state labor inspection, labor protection services, if necessary, and other services.

11.1.3. To assess the actual values ​​of hazardous and harmful production factors in the workplace and determine the degree of their danger and harmfulness, at least once every 5 years, a special assessment of working conditions is carried out. The schedule for conducting a special assessment of working conditions in structural units is approved annually by the head physician of the Institution.

11.1.4. For the development of measures for the prevention of emergencies, readiness for them and for the elimination of their consequences, the possible nature of emergency situations is determined, and the risks associated with them are prevented or reduced. These activities are timely adjusted, if necessary, changes are made. Activities are developed in accordance with the type, nature and scope of the organization. They have to:

  • guarantee in the event of an emergency that the necessary information, internal communication systems and coordination of the liquidation of the consequences of an emergency ensure the protection of all people in the work area;
  • Provide information in the event of an emergency situation to the relevant competent authorities, territorial structures and emergency services, ensure reliable communication with them;
  • provide for the provision of first aid, fire prevention measures and the evacuation of all people in the work area;
  • provide relevant information to all employees of the Institution at all levels and the possibility of their training in the prevention of emergencies, preparedness for and response to them, including regular training in conditions close to real emergency situations.

Measures to prevent, prepare for and prepare for emergency situations must be coordinated with external emergency services and other competent authorities.

11.1.5. Ensuring the supply of safe products. The supplier of the necessary safe products by the supplier is provided with a choice on the basis of his ability to fulfill the requirements of the customer. The selection process for qualified suppliers shall include:

  • assessment of the supplier's ability to supply certified equipment and materials, measuring equipment, protective equipment, personal protective equipment;
  • an assessment of the completeness and reliability of the information provided on the hazardous properties of products and measures for the safe handling of it;
  • definition, evaluation and inclusion in the terms of the material and technical supply contract of the customer's requirements for the supply of certified equipment and materials, measuring equipment, protective equipment, work clothes and shoes;
  • the definition and assessment of the requirements of laws and other regulatory legal acts, as well as the requirements of the organization on labor protection prior to the purchase of products;
  • incoming security control of the delivered products;
  • fulfillment of the claims made before the use of the purchased products;
  • requirements for the timely introduction of changes in the documentation.

That seems to be all, at the end of the publication see useful videos on the problem in question.

Regulations on the OSH system at the enterprise are a document that all Russian employers must have in accordance with the GOST standards. Since at the moment its recommended form is not approved, the enterprise should develop this document independently. The structure of the labor safety system proposed by our experts is based on the practice of modern personnel management and reflects the basic requirements of the GOST regulatory standards.

Video: Model provision on OSH management system

Video channel "Institute of Labor Safety".

First part

Webinar, discussion of complex issues of the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 438n of August 18, 2016.

The second part

With the entry into force of the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 19.08.2016 N 438n "On Approval of the Model Provisions on the Occupational Safety Management System" (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 13, 2016 No. 44037), the problem of goals and forms of introduction of OSH has reached a practical level of implementation, which in one way or another is reduced to strengthening the employer's responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements contained in the new regulatory legal act (NAP).

Due to the fact that this document was put into effect precisely in the form of NAP, in no case should it be treated as a "collection of recommendations". All requirements of the Model Provisions on OSH are mandatory for full implementation in the organization. Failure to comply with each of the requirements threatens the application of sanctions by the State Labor Inspectorate. And to understand these requirements (to understand) is very, very difficult. Not to mention trying to implement them in your organization.

ANO "IBT" invites you to a free webinar "Model Regulations on OSH Management System" where during 2 hours you will be presented with an analysis of this situation from the point of view of the state OSH management system, the foundations of organizational management and taking into account the interests of the enterprise.

How to prepare a package of documents on labor protection for one day

Labor Protection with Daniel Vorobyov - an expert of labor law for entrepreneurs.

Source of publication:

  1. http://nalog-nalog.ru/ohrana_truda/polozhenie_o_sisteme_upravleniya_ohranoj_truda_obrazec/
  2. http://agitprosvet.ru/polozhenie-o-suot/

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