Venarus pills: user's guide and feedback

Venarus is one of the most effective venotonic drugs that are used in conservative treatment of venous insufficiency of the lower extremities.

It is also part of antihemorrhoid therapy. Due to its pharmacological properties it makes the walls of the vessels more elastic, prevents their stretching, which provokes stagnation of blood. With regular use of this drug, symptoms caused by venous insufficiency are significantly reduced.

On this page you will find all information about Venarus: the full application instruction for this medicine medium, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already applied Venarus. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group


Conditions of leave from pharmacies

It is released on prescription.

Price list

How much does Venarus cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of450 rubles.


Form of issue and composition

The medicine "Venarus the instruction for use informs about this, is issued in the form of convex oblong tablets with a pinkish-orange coloration. On the fracture, 2 layers can be observed. In the pharmacy network, the medication is presented in blisters - 10 or 15 pieces each in a cardboard package.

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The composition of 1 tablet by the manufacturer is indicated as follows:

  • diosmin - 0.45 g;
  • heparin-50 g;
  • auxiliary components.

This composition effectively affects the vascular structures.

Pharmacological effect

The impact of Venarus is aimed at arresting the key mechanism of the disease development. It should be understood that the main reason for the development of these diseases is a disruption in the work of venous valves, resulting in the blood flow becomes chaotic and there is an expansion of venous vessels and increased pressure on the vascular walls.

With the use of the drug, the extensibility of the veins decreases, the venous stasis decreases and the tone of the venous wall increases. Against the background of using Venarus, blood circulation in the capillaries is activated, their permeability and fragility are reduced. The action of the drug increases the resistance of small vessels to various negative effects and normalizes the process of lymph drainage. Venarus produces not only a venotonic, but also an angioprotective effect.

The drug eliminates clinical manifestations of the disease and prevents the flow of the disease in severe form. When using the drug, pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs are reduced, and swelling and convulsions go away. Regular application of Venarus allows preserving the tone of the veins and prevents the occurrence of trophic ulcers.

Indications for use

Indications for Venarus:

  • pain and swelling of the lower limbs;
  • trophic changes in subcutaneous tissue and skin;
  • venous trophic ulcers;
  • chronic diseases of veins (varicose veins);
  • frequent convulsions in the lower limbs;
  • feeling of heaviness and raspiraniya in the legs;
  • tired legs;
  • acute and chronic hemorrhoids.


Hypersensitivity to the active ingredients or excipients included in the preparation. It is not recommended to take the drug to women during breastfeeding.

Application in pregnancy and lactation

Venarus during pregnancy does not pass through the hematoplacental barrier, therefore, does not have a teratogenic effect, that is, does not provoke the development of congenital malformations in the fetus. You can start treatment only after consulting a specialist. Since taking the drug may cause bleeding, it should be stopped about a month before the birth.

Until the end it is not clear whether Venarus penetrates into breast milk, therefore, from its reception during the feeding of the baby should be abstained.

Instructions for use

In the instructions for use, it is indicated that Venarus pills are taken internally.

  1. The recommended dose for acute hemorrhoids is 6 tablets / day: 3 tablets. in the morning and 3 tab. in the evening for 4 days, then 4 tab. / day: 2 tab. in the morning and 2 tab. in the evening for the next 3 days.
  2. The recommended dose for chronic hemorrhoids is 2 tab. / Day during meals.
  3. The recommended dose for venous-lymphatic insufficiency is 2 tab. / Day (for 1 or 2 doses): morning, afternoon and / or evening, during meals. The course of treatment can be several months (up to 12 months).

In case of recurrence of symptoms, on the recommendation of a doctor, the course of treatment can be repeated.


Side effects

Side effects, as a rule, do not occur, but there are cases when the patient has a rash, itching, headache and indigestion, nausea. Usually, these symptoms are temporary, and go away immediately after discontinuation.


Cases of overdose, as a rule, do not arise, but in theory the following effects are possible: vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weakness and dizziness.

Treatment of this condition is symptomatic - gastric lavage and the absorption of adsorbing drugs.

special instructions

With exacerbation of hemorrhoids, this drug is not an absolute substitute for the treatment of other anal disorders. The duration of therapy can not exceed 3 months. If therapy is not effective, it is worthwhile to see a doctor for a review of the treatment regimen. The maximum effect in the case of violations of venous blood flow drug in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

The patient is recommended:

  • make more walks;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to the feet and sun;
  • reduce excess body weight;
  • wear special blood-improving compression stockings.

Treatment with the drug along with the use of alcohol will not bring harm. The problem is that alcohol will aggravate the course of the disease. Alcohol dilates the small vessels, delays the fluid, which significantly increases the burden on the pathologically altered and already congested veins. Taking alcohol on the background of treatment, the patient is wasting his means and time, because the result is reduced to zero.

Drug Interactions

Data on the interaction of Venarus and other drugs are absent.


We picked up some feedback from people about the Venarus drug:

  1. Cyrus. I was prescribed venenosic Venarus 1000 for hemorrhoids treatment together with ointment, and I want to say that it helps to clear away not only hemorrhoids, but also painful sensations. For a full week of treatment I had hemorrhoidal fizz, I had swelling, and I ceased to feel this terrible discomfort. The drug is qualitative and effective, I advise everyone to take it with local drugs, the effect comes faster.
  2. Anna. I understood for myself that without a venotonic I can not forgive myself for my stage of varicose veins. I chose Venarus - at a cost he is more advantageous than many of the drugs in this group and good for action. I accept already almost one and a half year. Now I finish the third year.
  3. Hope. As it turned out, Venus is not only effective in varicose veins of the lower limbs, but it is very effective in treating hemorrhoids. I had such a recent trouble, venarus had been drinking for a week, and I had put ointment on the knot. As the doctor said the hemorrhoid node - this is the vein, which weakened and came out, and not the intestine, as I thought)) Now it is necessary to drink venarus for prophylaxis, if the vein is weakened, then I will strengthen it periodically, venarus in this will help.
  4. Valentina. Venus is taking varicose courses, twice a year, naturally not alone with pills, but in complex treatment with ointments and compression stockings. The result of treatment is completely satisfactory. No symptoms of the disease do not bother. Until I visited the doctor, I thought only surgery would save me from such trouble as varicose veins. And with him it is still possible to live. The main thing is to undergo regular treatment and not give the disease progress. In this, Venus helps me, removes all the symptoms of the disease, strengthens the blood vessels and costs inexpensively, so I stopped treatment for them.
  5. Karina. My mother accepts him, she works as an accountant, the problem with veins and joints is hers professional, so when the ointments stopped helping, she went to the doctor - and now he has already prescribed a venus course to spend on drink. She praises him, because she began to walk at least normally, her feet began to climb into her shoes and her legs did not hurt, and her veins just started sticking out just before her eyes.

The doctors' comments about the tablets are positive. They are often prescribed for varicose veins, and circulatory disorders of the lower limbs. The drug is most effective in the early stages of the disease. Also, the drug is often prescribed for the prevention of relapse in the postoperative period. Among the side effects the most common heartburn and other abnormalities on the part of ZHTK.


The complete analogue of Venarus is Detralex. These two drugs have the same composition, but Detralex's price is almost twice as high. This is explained both by its large evidence base and by its French origin.

Venozol is cheaper than Venarus, but the active substance contains less - only 270 mg of diosmine and 30 mg of hesperidin. In addition, it includes an extract of horse chestnut and hazel, which are not in Venarus. Price 36 tablets - from 300 p. Unlike the preparation of Venarus, analogues cheaper may not bring the desired effect.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

This drug belongs to the list B. Recommended storage in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. The storage location must be hard to reach for children.

The shelf life at which the action of the drug persists is 2 years.

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