Exercises from stoop for the muscles of the back


  • 1Top 5 exercises from stoop for any age
    • 1.1Check the condition of the spine
    • 1.2Why does stoop generally occur and what to do about it?
    • 1.3In childhood
    • 1.4In adolescence
    • 1.5In adults
    • 1.6Top 5 exercises for any age
    • 1.7Bends forward
    • 1.8From the prone position
    • 1.9Sitting on his knees
    • 1.10Standing on all fours
    • 1.11With a stick
  • 2What are the effective exercises from the stoop of the back?
    • 2.1Can I get rid of stoop?
    • 2.2Prevention of stoop
  • 3How to perform exercises from stoop: a complex of gymnastics and exercise therapy for the treatment and prevention of posture disorders
    • 3.1The causes of stoop
    • 3.2Clinical picture
    • 3.3Classification
    • 3.4Diagnostics
    • 3.5The rules of therapy with the help of exercises
    • 3.6Complex of gymnastics and exercise therapy
    • 3.7Prevention of stoop
  • 4Means and exercises from the stoop of the back
    • 4.1Basic exercises from stoop
  • 5How to fix stoop in an adult at home using a controlled
    • 5.1How to remove stoop back in the home and why is it needed?
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.21. Stretching
    • 5.3Hands in the castle behind the back
    • 5.4Exercise for stretching the thigh extensor
    • 5.5Try this simple exercise that you can perform anywhere:
    • 5.6Exercise for stretching quadriceps
    • 5.7Exercise for stretching the muscles of the hamstrings
    • 5.82. Exercises for the back
    • 5.9Push-ups for blades
    • 5.10Wall-mounted vane lifts
    • 5.11Retracting the blades back using an elastic band
    • 5.123. Yoga
    • 5.13Cobra posture
    • 5.14Pose "dog face down"
    • 5.15Dog face up
    • 5.164. Exercises aimed at the muscles of the cortex
    • 5.17Planck
    • 5.18Exercises with a medical ball
    • 5.195. Exercises with a massage roller
    • 5.20Exercises for the upper back
    • 5.21Exercise for pectoral muscles
    • 5.22Defeat the war against stoop

Top 5 exercises from stoop for any age

Saddle - it's ugly: the shoulders are rounded, the growth becomes visually less, the girls seem saggy in the breasts, bulging their tummy.

And like nothing, this is only a matter of appearance, but the wrong posture also harms health, deforming the internal organs, worsening the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The reasons for this disease are many: congenital, acquired, physical and psychological. But do not worry, in most cases everything can be corrected by exercises from stoop, and even at home.

Check the condition of the spine

The simplest test is to stand near the wall. If there is a skirting under the wall - stand at the door or find another option. Press against a vertical surface so that it touches it with heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head.

  • If it turns out, and you can fix it for at least a minute, then everything is not too critical, and to correct the posture will only need to do special gymnastics, and learn to control yourself.
  • If you can not touch any part of the body, or it causes obvious pain, better consult a doctor, it is possible - to make an x-ray and to select a special treatment for straightening of the spine.

Why does stoop generally occur and what to do about it?

In this paragraph we will not touch on innate causes: if a person has different lengths of legs, the structure is broken intervertebral discs, abnormal development of muscles - exercises can not be corrected, or they are too are specific. Let's talk about the acquired disease.

In childhood

In children, stoop usually occurs after 6-7 years, when the thoracic spine is finally formed. The reason is long hours spent with a tablet or phone in hands when the child leans toward the screen, or wearing a heavy backpack on one shoulder.

However, sometimes the reasons are psychological. It's useless to shout "Do not slouch!" If the reason is in fear, uncertainty, emotional squeeze. In this case, to remove stoop, it is better to do gymnastics together, or to understand the reasons for internal constriction.

In adolescence

The young organism begins to grow rapidly, and sometimes the bones develop faster than the muscles. That's why a teenager should be given to sail or join to some sport, this will help make the figure harmonious.

Sometimes children are embarrassed by their high growth, and can not stop hunching, as if trying to be smaller. This is solved psychologically. The body is still growing, and if taken on time, everything is fixable.

In adults

Here the problem is, most often, in a sedentary lifestyle or work, where it is necessary to bend over a table, machine, devices, etc. How can I fix my stooped back? Charge, special exercises from stoop, and constant monitoring.

  1. For a manit is often more comfortable to practice in the gym, where he pumps muscles so that they hold the spine smoothly.
  2. To the girl, most likely, fit home gym. Women by their nature are more flexible, they go for yoga with pleasure, they try to keep their posture, so that their tummy does not stick out, and their breasts seem more attractive.
  3. In the elderlyproblems with posture often arise against the backdrop of other diseases of the spine or internal organs, and most often, general treatment is required. But gentle warm-up, stretching and simple exercises without tearing can relieve pain and allow you to straighten.

Top 5 exercises for any age

In fact, almost all movements that are aimed at strengthening the spinal muscles and deflecting the spine will be effective. You can compose your own complex to eliminate the stoop of the back, or perform the proposed daily by us.

Bends forward

This is a simple exercise for warm-up, it is great even for the elderly.

The point is to put your arms around, step back and slowly bend forward.

Start doing this from the wall, then you can do with a chair, leaning on the back. Drag, opening the shoulder blades. Make 8-10 approaches.

From the prone position

So we correct not only problems with posture, but also with intervertebral discs and clamps. Lay down on the rug on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, stretch your legs and make a "Boat" (Superman), caving in the lower back and lifting your hands and feet.

Those who are over 50, it can be difficult to raise your legs, in this case it is worth trying to do a deflection with a chair.

Place a chair in front of you, lie on your stomach so that your hands are on both sides, roughly in the middle of the seat. Bending over, raise your hands, put them on a chair and stretch.

Fix the body for a few seconds, and return to the starting position.

Sitting on his knees

The most effective exercises from stooping are sometimes very simple. Sit on the floor on your knees, grip your hands and try to stretch, starting from the shoulders. Take off the shoulder blades, bend, lower your hands below. You can go back to the starting position, or just wiggle, sitting like that.

Standing on all fours

One option is the "Cat" exercise. Arise, as if you are trying to creep under a low obstacle. We start forward, we bend the thoracic area, then we move the body slightly forward and bend already in the lower back, lifting the chest. Now the same thing - back.

The second version of gymnastics against stoop - in the same pose, raise your straight leg and tilt your head, stretch. We change the leg. 6-8 times to start enough, then increase the repetition.

With a stick

Gymnastic sticks are not at all, but it does not matter. Suitable, for example, a handle from a mop, a vacuum cleaner pipe, a piece of a water pipe or something like that. Lay it behind your back and keep your elbows bent, make turns from side to side.

By the way, one of the reasons why a person stoops, is simple forgetfulness to keep your back straight.

Do not know how to stop stooping - sit with this stick in front of the TV or even at the computer, and as soon as you try to bend, it will push on the spine.

Print is not very convenient, but watch serials or manage with a mouse - completely. This will result in habituation to the correct posture.

Finally, let's talk about one more way to learn how to walk straight, without slouching: put on your head an old notebook (or a book, if you do not mind), and walk around the house. Drop it - then, without noticing it, stoop. Try to hold the correct position.

Try to check what will happen if you make this set of exercises your daily charge. Many people note that in a couple of weeks they became much less hunchback, and a month later the back became much stronger.

Watch the video to do the exercises correctly, start small, and control the sensations. Soon you will become much more flexible, and keeping your back straight will become easier. Correct stoop can and should be at any age!

Exercise "crocodile" for the spine: technique of performing

A source: https://fitnessi.ru/top-5-uprazhnenij-ot-sutulosti-dlya-lyubogo-vozrasta/

What are the effective exercises from the stoop of the back?

Description: Exercises from the stoop of the back are different: you can practice a certain complex, and you can go swimming, dancing, martial arts or cycling. After all, the correct posture is the result of the developed muscles of the thoracic department, and you can train them in different ways.

The problem of stoop is very relevant for both men and women.However, because of stooping back people lose not only their external appeal, but their own health.Saddle hinders the work of internal organs.

It provokes the ailments of the spine, causes displacement of the abdominal organs, as a result of which the load on muscles, fibers of the nerves, ribs increases. Often incorrect posture is formed in childhood and, as a rule, stoop - the result of problems in the musculoskeletal system.

That is why it is so important to pay attention to such deviations in time.

Can I get rid of stoop?

It should be noted that the notion of stoop implies the presence of such problems:

  • excessive bending of the spine in the upper part of the trunk;
  • insufficient deflection of the spine in its lower parts.

The latter is a pathology of the development of the spine, which is not easy to affect, but if we talk about the upper part vertebral column, then for her the deep back muscles are responsible, which are located under the trapezium, developing in the process extension of the back. Specialsexercises for the back -an excellent tool for their training. After all, stoop, in fact, disfigures a person's figure.

Exercises against stoopcontribute to the development of proper posture.

How incredible it sounds, but the usualan exercisecan help get rid of stoop, helps to form an even back, a correct posture.

Having worked properly on your posture, you can make it a "visiting card" of your image, besides, it will significantly add health, beauty, self-confidence.

Anycomplex of exercises with stoopis aimed at strengthening the upper back. If you start applying thesethe physicalexercises, in a few days it will be possible to evaluate the first results.

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Exercise 1

Beginningoccupationfrom the starting position - hands to the sides, feet to the width of the shoulders. Next, you should start moving around in circles: first, forward, and then back. It is necessary to repeatan exerciseabout 8 times in each variant of its implementation.

Exercise 2

The starting position is a stable posture with legs on the width of the shoulders. In the first case, the arms are placed on the waist. After that, you should sharply lift your shoulders, then slowly lower them.

In another variation of this exercise, the upper limbs should be lowered along the body. Next, they start alternately raising the right, then the left shoulder.

Each variant of the exercise is repeated 6-8 times.

Exercise 3

Begin it with a pose, when the lower extremities are at a distance of the width of the shoulders, and the hands are closed in the lock behind the back.

Next, you should slowly reach forward, at the maximum bending your back, while pulling your hands back. After a short pause, you need to return to the original position.

Execution of the exercise involves 6 to 8 of its repetitions.

Exercise 4

Begin it with the position of the foot on the width of the shoulders, hands along the body. Next, raise the right hand, and the left is taken back.

After the arm, they bend at the elbows and try to clasp them behind their backs. After that, they return to the starting position and change their hands.

On the left and right hand should have 6-8 repetitions.

However, in ordertrainingwas effective, it should be completed with a stance against the wall: 15 minutes spent near it will help to consolidate the result.

But what is so special about this rack? Through this exercise, a person as if demonstrates the position to the body that he aspires to achieve.

Over time, with systematic repetitions, the body remembers the correct position, that is, in this way form a useful habit.

To perform this exercise, you need to find a wall without a skirting board so that the heels do not rest on it or you can stop at the option of an ordinary flat door. Next, you need to approach the selected flat surface, pressing against it with your back so that the body touches it:

  1. the back of the head;
  2. blades;
  3. buttocks;
  4. calves;
  5. heels.

However, certain common mistakes must be avoided. Often, trying to touch the back of the head to the wall, because of stooping, they take their heads too far, instead of bending more strongly in the chest area.

You should still keep your head straight and unbend, straightening the thoracic spine. Another mistake - do not touch the wall with the shoulder blades completely, only partially. Ideally, you should try to practically close them, unfolding parallel to the wall, and cuddle up to them completely.

To do this, you first need to lower your shoulders, and then make them move back.

After the body was given the right position, it is required to hold it for at least two minutes. At first it will not be easy, because the body is unaccustomed to such a pose.

However, if you gradually increase the time (20-30 seconds per day), over time, people can easily stay in this position for 15-20 minutes.

It is worth noting that this stance and the above exercises help not only to correct the posture, but also with their help it is also possibleget rid of fat on your backand manifestationschondrosis of the back.

Prevention of stoop

As already mentioned, stoop is fraught with both loss of attractiveness and serious health problems in the future. That is why, in order not to ask a question in the future,how to get rid of stoop, it is better to prevent its appearance.

That's why most parents tend to record children in different sports sections, not without reason, believing this to be the best means of prevention. But not all sports contribute to proper posture.

Avoid sports that are dominated by asymmetric loads (for example, tennis or badminton).

However, such sports as basketball, football, volleyball, contribute to the even development of all the muscles of the body.

So, the child learns to lead, catch, transmitbasketballtwo hands, and in football, he also takes, and passes the pass with both the right and left foot in equal measure.

This helps the development of coordination of the whole body, as a result of which the posture disorders are prevented. Moreover, such loads contribute to the correction of pre-existing postural disorders.

Also an excellent option for prevention will be swimming. It helps to harmoniously, evenly develop muscles, forms an ideal posture, promotes strong immunity, health.

Therefore, the earlier the baby starts to swim, the better.

But also for adults swimming is irreplaceable: it helps to keep weight within the limits of the norm, strengthens the spine, lungs, and also develops endurance.

Dancing, gymnastics, and aerobics will also be used as preventive measures, which in addition sharpen the coordination of movements, promote not only the correct posture, but also a beautiful gait.

These sports develop a sense of rhythm, as well as flexibility, flexibility of the body.

Martial arts have similar properties, however, in the process of familiarizing with them, a person is still learning and defending himself.

Do not underestimate cycling. He not only cares about a person's posture, but also calms him, increasing his stress resistance. This sport teaches you to maintain balance by training all the muscles, especially the legs, back.

When practicing cycling, the respiratory, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system is trained, which improves metabolism.

Such a variety of classes will help to choose the optimal variant for each person, which will contribute both to prevention and correction of an already existing problem.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/pozvonochnik/bolezni/kakie-sushhestvuyut-effektivnye-uprazhneniya-ot-sutulosti-spiny.html

How to perform exercises from stoop: a complex of gymnastics and exercise therapy for the treatment and prevention of posture disorders

The stoop of the back is a pathology in which the chest section is too bent backward. This violation of posture is not only a cosmetic defect, the problem leads to various complications that threaten the patient's health.

In our time, stoop is observed in people of different ages and sex.

Pathology can be congenital or acquired, so it is very important to pay attention to prevention, timely therapy.

Carefully study the following material, follow the recommendations of physicians, if necessary, start performing special gymnastics for the treatment and prevention of posture disorders.

The causes of stoop

Saddle is a sign of curvature of the spine, in this situation, the person's shoulders are lowered forward, the absence of therapy leads to the formation of a hump.

The appearance of stooping back affects a lot of negative factors.

In children and adults, all negative factors are similar, since a negative effect on the body is observed from an early age.

A "turning point" in a person's life begins with a trip to school. It is during this period that posture is actively formed, children do not often follow their position during their stay at the desk.

The main reasons for the appearance of stoop:

  • office and school life.This group includes schoolchildren, students, office workers. All these people are united by a long stay in a sitting position. Absence of physical activity, incorrect position of the spine for a long time period of time leads to dramatically negative consequences, the formation of kyphosis, scoliosis, other diseases;
  • underdeveloped back muscles.The peak of growth is 11-17 years, if the muscle fibers do not train, then they do not have time to grow after the spine, just stretching along it. Against the background of this, the child is difficult to keep his back flat, the lack of therapy exacerbates the situation. In adulthood, a sedentary lifestyle leads to muscle atrophy, a similar result;
  • psychological factors.This situation is typical for adolescents. Emotional stress causes a person to experience, he tries to "hide" through a constant stoop. Even after improving the mood, the habit of stooping remains, escalating into a serious problem;
  • high growth.This problem often causes stoop. Spinal muscles are difficult to hold a long spine, so people are slouching, trying to minimize stress;
  • Reflex tension of the muscles of the chest.This situation is observed if in the gym a person pays much attention to the muscles of the chest, forgetting about the muscles of the back, which leads to an imbalance. Avoid the problem will help the ratio of exercises: (pectoral muscles: dorsal muscles);
  • weak muscles and ligaments from birth.Increased flexibility of the joints and back leads not only to stoop, but also to other more serious pathologies. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment is necessary for all children with this problem.

The formation of slouching is also influenced by certain diseases, for example, rickets, traumatic spinal injuries, postoperative kyphosis, complications after radiation therapy in childhood. Such reasons for the appearance of stoop are rare, but there is a place to be. Before treatment, it is important to establish a negative factor and eliminate it, otherwise a relapse can not be avoided.

Clinical picture

The first symptom of stooping is the intensity and constant muscle fatigue in this zone.

Children are more prone to this pathology, therefore, it is very difficult to detect the beginning of stooping (caprices and fatigue are written off for overwork after school).

Although it is really hard for a child to sit and walk with an even back.

As the stoop progresses, other signs of pathology begin to appear:

  1. uncontrolled protrusion of the abdomen;
  2. always bent knees;
  3. tilt head forward;
  4. narrowed thorax;
  5. noticeable rounding of the back against the background of the lowered shoulders forward.

With the passage of time, the symptomatology intensifies, even prolonged rest does not bring due relief. It is important to consult a doctor before irreversible changes in the spinal column begin to appear.


Stoop, depending on the cause of its appearance, physicians are divided into several types:

  • congenital;
  • senile;
  • hereditary;
  • physiological;
  • rachitic;
  • youthful;
  • mobile;
  • total;
  • tubercular.

Some kinds of kyphosis can be corrected with the help of gymnastics, but the pathologies provoked by serious diseases (rickets, tuberculosis) can not be cured in this way (specific medication, a special course of exercise therapy and physiotherapy).


The stoop of the back is, in fact, an intensified kyphosis. Strengthening of thoracic kyphosis always leads to a smoothing or increase in lumbar or cervical lordosis. Pathological changes are visible to the unaided eye, but physicians prescribe x-rays in several projections to confirm the diagnosis.

Reference!Normal kyphosis in the thoracic region is a natural bending of the spine back, which ensures an even distribution of the load. Normally kyphosis has a certain angle, any deviations from this mark are considered pathology.

The rules of therapy with the help of exercises

The stoop of the back is the initial stage of curvature of the spine and in most cases a fairly regular exercise of special exercises to completely get rid of the violation of posture. Specific exercises prescribed by the doctor, given the degree of change, the patient's condition.

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Before starting therapy, learn the rules that must be observed when performing exercises against stoop:

  1. one lesson should last at least half an hour;
  2. each exercise should be repeated at least five times, with each new workout, increase the number of approaches;
  3. making a complex of therapeutic exercises, pay great attention to the muscles of the middle of the back (they are responsible for the correct posture);
  4. take into account that all the departments of the spine are connected, the stoop has a negative effect on the cervical and lumbar zone, so include exercises in the training of the buttocks and neck muscles;
  5. during training, do not swing the muscles of the chest, they are much stronger than the muscle fibers of the back and will minimize the positive effect of training;
  6. during the treatment of stoop it is forbidden to use bars, dumbbells are heavier than five kilograms for men and one kilogram for women. Do not forget that you are being treated, not preparing for sports competitions;
  7. All manipulations should not be accompanied by severe pain or discomfort. Remember, exercise therapy with stoop should bring relief, not discomfort.

Complex of gymnastics and exercise therapy

How to fix stoop with gymnastics? Having dealt with the technique and preparation for treatment, start performing exercises to improve posture.

Effective exercises:

  • use a belt or a long towel that is twisted. In standing position, take the selected product for both ends, keep your arms slightly wider than your shoulders. During the inspiration, start crouching, level your arms slightly behind your head, keep your shoulders down. On exhalation, return to the initial position. Perform these manipulations at least ten times;
  • Lie down on your stomach, fasten your hands in the lock, lead behind your back. Make sure that the pelvis is firmly pressed to the floor, legs are brought together. Turn your head, lie on the right side, slowly lift the upper back up, not opening your hands. In this position, hold for five seconds, then repeat the manipulations, changing the turn of the head;
  • take a deep breath, pull your hands back parallel to the floor. On exhalation, bring your hands into the lock or cross between them, if possible, hold for ten seconds. Perform at least five times;
  • stand straight, straighten your chest, imagining that there is a wall in front of you. Hands take aside, parallel to the floor. Slide with your right hand on the right hip, hold your left hand behind your head, look down. Repeat the same procedure in the opposite direction;
  • Lie down on your stomach, pick up a dumbbell for 1 kg, tear your legs off the floor, lift the upper part of the trunk. Start putting your hands back with dumbbells, imitating "rowing". Execute twenty times the exercise, you can make several approaches;
  • stand on all fours, knees should be under the pelvic bones, brushes - under the shoulders. On inspiration, arched back up, lowering your head down, on the exhalation, bend over your chest, throwing your head back a little;
  • Lie on your back, hands should be pressed into the body. During inspiration, tear the pelvis upward, without disturbing the position of the rest of the body. Then slowly return to the starting position. Exercise up to ten times;
  • Put your feet on the width of the shoulders, put a gymnastic stick behind your head, fix it with your hands. On inspiration, bend forward, not changing the position of the stick in relation to the body, while retaining the natural deflection in the lower back, but it is impossible to sag strongly. On exhalation slowly return to the initial position. It is important to perform a minimum of ten repetitions to obtain the desired result.

Prevention of stoop

To prevent the development of violation of posture is difficult enough, you must constantly monitor yourself, observe certain rules:

  1. correctly organize a workplace for yourself and your child;
  2. choose orthopedic mattresses and pillows for sleeping;
  3. buy a schoolboy only satchels with an orthopedic back, bags on one shoulder contribute to the uneven distribution of the load, the appearance of scoliosis, kyphosis, other troubles;
  4. saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, providing power to the intervertebral discs;
  5. regularly train the muscles of the back, initially all the manipulations talk to the trainer. Independent training can lead to injuries, serious health problems.

Saddle - the problem of modern society. Protect your posture, follow preventive recommendations. If necessary, consult a doctor, do daily exercise therapy, following the instructions of a specialist.

In the next video you can see effective therapeutic exercises for strengthening posture and eliminating stoop:

A source: http://vse-o-spine.com/iskrivleniya/osanka/uprazhneniya-ot-sutulosti.html

Means and exercises from the stoop of the back

"I was fortunate in my time to study under the guidance of the founder of the Soviet system physician control in the physical culture and sports of Professor V.V. Gorinevsky tells KF. Nikitin.

- I still found the period when the proportionality of the athlete's body was valued, perhaps, no less than his results in competitions.

Professor Gorinevsky, for example, was primarily interested in the athlete's composition, then his health, and only then - with the results.

Now this approach is probably unacceptable, but still you need to know that for so many men the acquisition of beautiful body shapes is one of the main incentives for exercising.

This especially applies to men of the "golden age" who managed to lose the harmony of their posture and the relief of their musculature, but overgrown with fat. "

On the relief of musculature and excessive fatty deposits, we will talk later, but now we will talk about posture.

It is known that, having corrected the posture, the man becomes taller by 3-5 centimeters. Saddle stole from us these centimeters. It is due primarily to the weakness of the back muscles. There are many exercises that strengthen these muscles and, therefore, help get rid of stoop.

Of the exercises that are available to everyone, you should first of all call pull-up on the crossbar.

Especially tightening with a wide grip of the hands, at which you should strive to touch the crossbar with the back of your head.

Those who learn to perform this difficult exercise, will achieve excellent development of the muscles of the back and shoulders, which will help very easily solve the problem of stoop.

Well, and most importantly - is to constantly monitor their posture. Experienced methodologists advise to get to the wall so that the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels touch it surface, and then as long as possible to maintain this posture, several times a day repeating this an exercise.

I recall the "heroic measure" used in pre-revolutionary cadet schools. Stooping teenagers were tied to the back of an ordinary board.

In itself, this measure had no orthopedic effect, as it did not train the muscles of the back, but the psychological influence was quite palpable.

One hour of such execution was enough to constantly fix attention on the correct posture.

Especially great was the effect of this exercise when the adolescents were given a task at the same time do all sorts of exercises for balance (walk on a narrow board, a log, a bar), constantly monitoring posture. At the same time, not only the psychological factor, but also the physiological factor acted, the muscles that held the body in the right position were strengthened.

Basic exercises from stoop

The following exercises will help to correct or compensate (depending on the age) stoop, if it has not acquired a pathological character.

1.Hand over behind the fingers of both hands to squeeze into the "lock" and extremely close to the shoulder blades. With strength, leaning his hands on the back, take his elbows and shoulders back, while throwing his head back.

2.Lie on your back, hands in the sides. Try as much as possible to raise your back above the floor, resting on the floor with the back of the head and buttocks.

3.Standing on his knees and grasping his heels with his hands, lean forward forward, throwing his head back.

4.Lie on your stomach, palms on the back of your head, put your feet under a cupboard or other object. Raise the trunk and head up and back as high as possible while simultaneously raising and raising the elbows.

5.Sitting on a chair (palms on the back of the head), lean forward, and head back.

6.Lying on his back and leaning his hands (near the head) and feet on the floor, make a "bridge".

7.Standing with your back to the wall, lean your head back so that you can touch the wall with your forehead.

Daily (2-3 times a day) should be done 3-4 exercises, repeating each 12-15 times.

The above exercises will not correct the stoop in itself. Strengthening the muscles of the back and neck, they will help to find a correct posture only for those who seek to constantly monitor it.

The main thing is a systematic control over your posture, the so-called "volitional correction".

A man, even having a slightly twisted spine, must make himself walk with his head lifted and his shoulders wide.

Very soon, this posture will become familiar and will not require additional attention from him.

In the Polish magazine "Sport" I found the following lines:

"A man who walks beautiful, looks slimmer and taller.

Each step should begin not with the shin, but with the hips, the waist - forward, the stomach is selected, the back is straight, the head is raised.

Psychologists believe that the lowered head and hunched back testify to passivity, lack of self-confidence, lack of self-confidence.

Men! Straighten, unfold your shoulders! In life you have to go with your head held high! "

A source: http://www.pravilnoe-pokhudenie.ru/zdorovye/muzhchiny/sutulost.shtml

How to fix stoop in an adult at home using a controlled

Tables, chairs and computers are waging war against our bodies.

Every day they attack our muscles and tendons.

How do they do it?

It's all about the lifestyle of modern man. Conducting endless hours at the computer, it is impossible not to hump, when the shoulders, neck and head strive to go ahead.

The good news is that stoop, in most cases, you can fix yourself, regularly performing a simple set of exercises.

How to remove stoop back in the home and why is it needed?

Enough of hunching! Smooth posture in 2 minutes - video.

the problem of stoop and wrong posture is that all this comes unnoticed. First you slouch at the desk, and a year later you notice that you are rounding the spine and at home, at the dinner table.

How does this happen?

The main cause of stoop in adults and children is poor posture. As a rule, the main reason is too much time at the computer. Many of us can, without interruption, stay so all day at work. Hence the imbalance of muscles.

When we stoop, the shoulders, and behind them the neck, go forward, disrupting the posture. This pose reduces the pectoral muscles and weakens the back muscles (the upper part), creating all the conditions for the appearance of the hump.

Getting rid of such disproportions brings with it a number of advantages. Studies have shown that, in addition to the obvious influence on appearance, proper posture affects our mood, self-confidence and even helps to overcome the feeling of fear.

But is it possible to correct the posture if you are not at that age when the body is actively growing and easily amenable to corrective measures? Yes.

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Regularly doing exercises against stoop, you can eliminate the problem, no matter how old you are.

Next, we have selected for you a fairly simple workout, which can be done at home or in the office.

1. Stretching

Exercises for stretching are the main exercises for correcting stoop in any person. Stretching helps to eliminate tension in the chest, hip flexors, hamstrings, quadriceps, allowing the spine to assume an upright position, without taking the body forward, hunched back.

Try to perform each exercise for 20-30 seconds several times a day. If the situation is not as terrible as it seems, then only a couple of exercises will be enough, so as not to slouch.

Hands in the castle behind the back

This is one of the simplest exercises that allows you to open the pectoral muscles and stretch the shoulders. Concentrate on pulling the shoulders back and down, while keeping your neck straight, do not take it forward.

Stand up straight, arms relaxed on the sides of the body. Hook your hands in the lock behind your back. Carefully lift your shoulders back until you feel the maximum opening of the chest and tension in the front of your shoulders.

Exercise for stretching the thigh extensor

Just like the spasm in the muscles of the chest and shoulders, spasm of the extensor femurs can lead to the fact that the body will go even further forward. Relaxation of this group of muscles will help to keep the posture and to resist the stress from a long stay in a sitting position.

Try this simple exercise that you can perform anywhere:

Start with the position of the classic lunge: the back is straight, the right leg is bent at the knee in front, the left is stretched back.

Slowly lower the left knee to the ground, until you feel a tension in the back of the thigh. For greater effectiveness of the exercise, strain the calves on the left leg.

Hold in this position for 20-30 seconds, then do the same with the right foot.

Exercise for stretching quadriceps

It would seem that we are talking about stoop. How to fix stoop, paying attention to the lower body? Everything is very simple. Our body is a single organism.

Since the quadriceps are in the front of the body, with a poor posture, these muscles, as well as the muscles of the chest, are compressed.

If you spend most of your time at the computer, then doing quadriceps stretching exercises is doubly important to you.

Stand up straight, one leg bend at the knee and clasp your foot with your hand. Gently pull your foot towards the buttocks until you feel a slight tension in the front of the thigh.

Exercise for stretching the muscles of the hamstrings

Long sitting at the computer can lead to stagnation in the muscles of the back of the thigh. This stagnation can lead to stoop, since these muscles are connected to the pelvic spine.

To perform the exercise, sit on the floor, pull your right leg in front of you, bend the left leg in the knee and rest your foot on the knee of the right leg. Lean forward to touch the hips with your chest, stretch your arms towards the right foot.

Hold in this position for 20-30 seconds, then repeat for the other leg.

2. Exercisesforbacks

As mentioned earlier, stoop may be the result of the weak muscles of the upper back, the muscles of the cortex, pectoral muscles, hamstrings and hip flexors.

Exercises for the back - another way how to get rid of stoop in the adult state.

Do these exercises several times a week, in addition to stretching exercises.

Push-ups for blades

This type of push-ups is aimed at working out the muscles of the upper back, which are responsible for the correct position of the shoulders.

Start with the standard push-up position. Make sure that the shoulders are not tense, and the body is a straight line from the top to the heels.

Now move the blades together and return to the starting position. The amplitude of movement in this exercise, in comparison with classical push-ups, is small enough. Nevertheless, this is a fairly effective exercise for stooping back.

Do 5-10 repetitions.

Wall-mounted vane lifts

The upsurge of the shoulder blades with the support on the wall is directed to the muscles of the upper back, and also helps to return the shoulders to their normal position.

Pull your back against the wall. The coccyx, lower back, upper back and head are pressed to the wall, and your legs are slightly led forward. Keep your chin straight, bend your arms at 90 degrees and press against the wall, as shown in the picture above.

Hold in this position for 30-60 seconds. For more involvement of the muscles of the upper back, you can slightly move your hands up and down.

Retracting the blades back using an elastic band

For many, this exercise at first seems difficult. Therefore, if you are a beginner, choose elastic bands with minimal resistance.

Wrap the elastic band around a stable object (such as a column or pillar) at the waist level. Bend your arms in the elbows at a right angle, pull the tape toward you, while keeping the blades together.

Return to the starting position. Do 8-12 repetitions.

3. Yoga

In 30 years, not all exercises from stoop are easy. For example, yoga poses require a unique combination of strength and flexibility.

If you, in spite of the previously mentioned exercises, are still wondering "how to fix in domestic conditions, a bad posture, "then specially for you we picked up a few simple, but effective postures from yoga.

Cobra posture

The position of the cobra not only allows you to maximally open the chest, but also work out the muscles of the back. This exercise fits perfectly from the stoop, helping to straighten the spine and take your shoulders back.

Lie down on your stomach for this exercise. Tighten the muscles of the waist and push your hands away from the hearth.

Focus on how to maximally pull back your shoulders, slightly tilting your head back. Hold in this position for 20-30 seconds.

Pose "dog face down"

This pose not only opens the chest, but also strengthens the front of the shoulders and lengthens the spine.

Stand on your knees, hands rest on the floor, so that your hands are exactly under your shoulders, keep your back straight. Gradually straighten your legs, lifting your hips up.

Lock the position for 20-30 seconds.

Dog face up

The pose "dog face up" is similar to the cobra posture, except that in this case the thighs break away from the ground, and the arms are completely straightened. This position helps strengthen the muscles of the chest and the press, as well as the waist and shoulders.

Lie down on the floor face down. Stiffen your lower back, tear the body off the floor and, leaning on your hands, stretch your head up.

The hips should be slightly torn from the floor.

Hold in this position for 20-30 seconds. This pose can also be combined with the pose "dog face up".

4. Exercises aimed at the muscles of the cortex

Sometimes stoop may be the result of a weak body - the muscles of the cortex.

The muscles of the bark are not only a press, it is a muscular corset that holds the whole body.

The first task of this corset is fixation of the spine in the correct position. Weak muscle cortex leads to a violation of posture.

Strengthen the muscles of the bark - another way how to fix stoop in an adult.


When it comes to involving the muscles of the bark, the bar is the absolute champion among all exercises.

Get up in the starting position of push-ups, the brushes rest on the floor under the shoulders, the body is straight from the top to the heels.

If you are a beginner, you can perform a simplified version with support on the forearm. The main thing is to make sure that your back is always straight, and your waist does not bend.

Stand in the bar for 30-60 seconds.

Exercises with a medical ball

This exercise at stoop will require some additional equipment, which is in most fitness clubs.

Lie down on the floor, legs and arms lift up, holding between them a medical ball weighing 2-3 kg (if there is no ball, you can use a dumbbell). Straining the muscles of the bark, lower your right hand to the floor.

Then pull the left leg forward, hold it in this position for a few seconds, then change your arm and leg.

Do 8-10 repetitions on each leg.

5. Exercises with a massage roller

If you think that massage skaters are only for athletes with injured muscles, think again! First of all, massage rollers help to relieve tension in muscles

In addition, training with a massage roller improves blood circulation.

Try to perform exercises with a massage roller 2-3 times a week, and the result will not be long in coming.

Exercises for the upper back

Lie on your back, put a massage roller under your waist. Cross your arms over your chest and slowly move downward so that the roller moves toward the upper back. In places of extreme stress, take a short pause from 20 to 30 seconds, or until the voltage drops.

Exercise for pectoral muscles

Lie down on the floor face down, massage roller roll under your armpit. Move your hand up and down.

When the roller is in the area where the muscles are particularly stressed, stop for 20-30 seconds, or until the voltage disappears completely.

Then repeat on the other side.

Defeat the war against stoop

Now you know how not to slouch and what to do if the posture does begin to deteriorate. But remember, stoop does not appear in one day and also it can not be corrected in one day.

Be patient, exercise regularly at stoop and if possible take breaks, do not sit at the computer all day.

A source: https://FitZdrav.com/zdorove/kak-ispravit-sutulost.html

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